The Charge to Guard the Gospel Part 3


Morning Service of Faith Bible Church, Sacramento, CA Message - Interim Pastor - John Kane


Well, good morning and welcome to Faith Bible Church, we have some visitors today and we're blessed that you're here to be able to fellowship and worship with us.
As we gather around the word, this is where it begins and ends, it's right here.
There's nothing more, nothing less. I want to, we've got a few announcements, we'll cut a few this morning.
Tomorrow is, I guess, we observe Memorial Day tomorrow and I was just informed that today is actually
Memorial Day, so let's not forget the sacrifice of those that have gone before us to allow us to gather like this, to have the liberties that we have.
It's not a perfect country but we have a perfect God that we serve and that's what we hold on to, so let's remember them as well.
Our coming pastor, Iljin Cho and his wife Lauren, they're going to be coming, moving out on the 18th, so that means they're going to be joining us that weekend to worship with us on the 20th.
His first sermon is going to be the following week on the 27th of June and right after the service, we're going to gather at our house at the
Huffums to have a kind of a welcome fellowship afternoon, so be sure and try to make plans for that and yeah, we're serving lunch as well.
If you would like to contribute to the Cho's moving expenses, please feel free to do so at, you know, anytime between now and then, you can just put it on your check reference or on the offering envelope, so that would be a blessing to them.
And next week, Ellie Drusinga is going to be probably joining us, so she's one of our missionaries, so if you haven't met her before, she's such a blessing and a real warrior for the gospel and to spread the word and it's in Brazil.
On a little bit more of a somber, serious note, Dennis Snell, who went home to be with the
Lord after a really long battle of lung cancer, they are going to be having a memorial service at the
Good Shepherd Church and that's over on Morse Avenue near Watt. That's going to be on June 12th, that's a
Saturday at 1 o 'clock, June 12th, 1 o 'clock and get with Debbie if you need more information about that, she can fill in some of the blanks with that, so that's
Dennis Snell's memorial service on the 12th, so I think that's it for announcements.
You know, the Bible tells us that we're to be a holy people, that we're to be set apart, separated from the world, as difficult as that is, we can do it with the power of the
Holy Spirit and we need, and one of the ways we do that is to hold fast to the confession of our faith and I want to read from Hebrews 10, 19, therefore brethren, having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which he consecrated for us, through the veil that is his flesh, and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water, let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful, and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good deeds, not forsaking the assembly of others together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching.
So let's remember that as we prepare our hearts for worship this morning, please join with me in prayer.
Lord God, we do thank you that we can gather this morning, that we might consecrate our hearts,
Father, that we might acknowledge your holiness, because in order to come before you, Lord, we must confess our sins, we must accept your son
Jesus as Lord and Savior, and may we honor you, Lord, by the offerings of our heart and of our mind, and Lord, even the actions of our service today,
Father, that might bring you glory, that you would be honored in all of it, and that we would be encouraged,
Father, as followers of you. So Lord, guide us now this morning, and may we commit our time to your care.
May we set aside things that are distracting to us, Father, and that we can just find joy and rest and peace in worshiping you corporately this morning.
So, Father, we pray that you would commit Pastor John to the word that you placed upon his heart, that our voices and the songs that are lifted to you,
Father, would be pleasing to you, Father, with a sweet aroma of Christ. So Lord, bless our morning, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Brother David. Good morning. What a great day that the
Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let's stand and sing. For this morning is 2
Peter 3, verses 1 -13. 2
Peter 3, verses 1 -13. Dear 2nd
Episcopal Beloved, I now write unto you, in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the covenant of us, the apostles of the
Lord and Savior, knowing this first, that those shall be coming in the last days, scoffers, walking out their own lusts, and saying,
Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were for the beginning of the creation.
For this they readily are ignorant of that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in water, whereby the world that then was being filled with water perished.
But the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
But believe it be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the
Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promises of unkind slackness, but is longsuffering towards the word, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
But the day of the Lord will come as the thief of the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.
The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons are they to be in all holy conversation and goodness?
Looking for and hastening unto the coming of the Lord on the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.
Nevertheless, we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness.
The Lord has mercy to me in this word. Let's stand and sing the solid rock.
And my faith has found a resting place. Thank you for singing.
Please be seated. John. Thank you,
David, and thank you, Jim, for your reading. So if you have your Bibles, let's go to first, was it first Timothy?
Second Timothy. That was a joke. I know where we are.
And I hope you know where you are and you have your phone on stun. It's Memorial Day, I know the calls are going to be coming in.
I'm like, I read quite a few books as God gives me the opportunity and schedules, but I feel like if you've ever read books about these horrible, horrific prisons during the
Inquisition, you know, when they go into the cell and there's marks on the wall and the guy's been counting off.
So that's what I've been doing. I've been counting off the 16 days before my family comes back.
My one daughter, she is so precious. My oldest daughter. All over the house for the first three days,
I found little post -it sticky notes. I love you, Dad. So when
I went for my shaving cream on the shaving cream can, I love you, Dad. When I poured, made the first pot of coffee on the coffee thing.
I love you, Dad. So I have those up next to my marks. So this morning, part three of this series of messages on the charge to guard the gospel that we get here in Second Timothy, Chapter one, verse 13, where the
Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, hold fast the pattern of sound words, which you have heard from me in faith and love, which are in Christ Jesus, that good thing which was committed to you, keep by the
Holy Spirit who dwells in us. And we've seen how the early church was living in difficult days.
And we've all agreed many, many Sundays ago that we're living in difficult days and it keeps getting weirder.
And he says in verse 13, Paul charges
Timothy to hold fast the pattern of sound words, which he had heard from Paul.
And second, in verse 14, he charges him to keep or guard the good thing that was committed to Timothy.
So hold fast or guard the gospel. That was the good thing that was committed to him.
And how was he to do this? Remember the big thing that we're dealing with. How do we stand firm in difficult days, right?
When things get weirder and weirder and you don't want to have
Twitter, because if you have Twitter, you're going to know how weird things are. Hold fast.
And I think what I want to emphasize over and over is verse 14.
How was Timothy to do this? By the Holy Spirit, right?
We cannot do it apart from faith. So this morning we want to continue to understand this aspect of standing firm in difficult days that involves guarding the gospel because the answer for our country and the world is not in a politician.
It's in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen? Can we agree to that? That is the hope. That is the only hope.
That is the only thing that will turn our lives around, our neighbor's lives around, and this country around, and the world around is the gospel.
So this solemn, vital, sober charge to guard the gospel. Let's pray.
Father God, I am so thankful. God, I am so full of joy this morning in so many ways for so many reasons.
I was rejoicing in you. How firm a foundation, the church's one foundation, is
Jesus Christ, our Lord. We behold him. We behold Christ this morning.
I pray, God, that I would not be a distraction, that, God, you would be glorified, that your people here today and those watching by video each week,
God, would be so encouraged, Lord, not by me, but by your word.
And, Lord, that cannot happen apart from faith. That cannot happen apart from the work of the Holy Spirit.
So we ask, Father, humbly, God, bowing our knee before the throne of grace,
God, that you might indeed be pleased to, Father God, cause your word to go out, get planted in our heart, and bear fruit for the glory of God and the exaltation of Christ.
In Jesus' name, amen. So, let's go to Matthew.
Was that an explosion or a sound thing? Okay. It's like, everybody get down.
We need to have our practice our emergency drill or something, right? If you hear the bell go off, everybody hit the deck.
Matthew chapter 1. What is the question we've been answering the past couple of weeks, right?
How was Paul charging Timothy to hold fast this pattern of sound words that Timothy had heard from him and to keep or to guard that good treasure, which was the priceless gospel?
And how are we today, Christians today, to follow in Timothy's footsteps and respond to this charge to guard the gospel?
What are the handholds, some specific things that we can look at to execute and obey this charge?
Number one, by comprehending the urgent need to guard the gospel. We spent,
I think, almost a Sunday on that, right? Understand that, effectively, guarding the gospel starts at the beginning.
And the beginning of it is understanding the urgent need to do that. And I gave us some examples of why it is so important.
And secondly, by understanding the importance of having a biblical
Christology, right? As I've said the last two Sundays, and I so much want to say it again today many times over, is no biblical
Jesus, no biblical gospel. The gospel is not founded on just any rock or just any
Jesus, right? Like the Muslim imam that I had the opportunity to witness to, right?
His Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible. Mormon's Jesus is not the
Jesus of the Bible. The gospel is founded on the rock of Jesus Christ that is taught for us in God's holy and inspired and inerrant
Word. And I gave us two reasons why believing and being convinced of what the
Bible teaches about Jesus Christ is so critical when it comes to guarding the gospel. Two reasons why.
Number one, because Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, right, from which the Church is built, right?
Reason number two, how firm a foundation. Because what the Bible reveals and teaches about Jesus Christ is very precise.
There's not a lot of room for error in what the Bible teaches about Jesus Christ. And now how should
Christians today respond to this charge? Thirdly, where we left off last week by understanding some of the key and fundamental doctrinal elements of what the
Bible teaches us about Jesus Christ. And we last week began unpacking just the four that I'm going to cover.
I'm tempted to spend three weeks, right up until the Sunday that Ilgen is here. But I've got a couple of other real important points that I want to hit.
So we're just going to look at four very, very important doctrinal truths about Jesus Christ that are taught for us in the
Bible. And you might remember what they are. First of all, the virgin birth, right, the virgin birth.
Secondly, the deity of Christ. Thirdly, listen carefully to this one. This is where we will spend most of our time today.
The lordship of Jesus Christ. See, Jesus Christ is the
Savior. He's the King of kings. But he's also what, church?
The Lord of lords, right? So the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, the lordship of Christ, and then we'll deal with the resurrection of Christ.
So last week, where we left off, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. And as I mentioned last week, next to the resurrection, next to the resurrection, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ is really the single, those two are the most attacked of any doctrine of Jesus Christ.
And of course, you can go and argue with me and say, well, wait a minute, the humanity of Christ is attacked.
Yes, everything about Jesus Christ is attacked. I mean all you have to do to understand that is go to Genesis chapter three, when the serpent came to Eve, did
God say, did God really say that Jesus is a man? Did God really say that Jesus was born of a virgin, right?
So it doesn't matter. They're all going to be attacked. But the two that are most prominent are the virgin birth and the resurrection, right?
And we were cut off last week looking at some of the references to the virgin birth.
And here's one of them in Matthew chapter one, verse 22. Understanding the virgin birth is absolutely necessary to Christian theology because without it there is no gospel.
Matthew chapter one, verse 22, this was all done that it might be fulfilled.
And going back, actually I just need to do this. Verse 18,
I have time. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows. After His mother
Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, meaning the physical union of marriage.
Before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph, her husband, being a just man and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly.
And maybe you at Christmas have heard sermons on this. It's an amazing background to what's going on here because he easily could have broken off the engagement under the way the
Jewish of that day practiced betrothment and marriage.
You basically were married when you were engaged in a sense under the law of the
Pharisees of that day. But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the
Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you,
Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Oh, and she will bring forth a son, and you shall call his name
Jesus, for he will save the people from their sins. Now all of that happened, verse 22, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the
Lord through the prophet, saying, Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name
Emmanuel, which is translated God with us. Now Matthew is quoting
Isaiah 7 .14. So what we need to understand here right off the bat is in a word, no virgin birth, no end of verse 23,
God with us. If this isn't true, why believe anything else in the
Bible? See the virgin birth is fundamental to a Biblical Christology. It is a central doctrine of Christ.
Therefore it's fundamental to the Biblical Gospel. And as I mentioned last week the virgin birth demonstrates that salvation ultimately must come from God.
You see, this thing parses out. The virgin birth of Christ serves as an unmistakable reminder that salvation can never come through human effort, but it must be completely and totally a work of God Himself.
You see, a virgin cannot conceive apart from a miracle. What is a miracle?
It is the disruption of natural laws. The Red Sea was a miracle. Why? Because these waters shouldn't divide otherwise.
Understand? Lazarus being raised from the dead, dead people that had been in a tomb for four days don't rise again.
A miracle happened. The natural laws of nature were disrupted and changed.
So just as a virgin cannot conceive apart from a miracle, so salvation cannot happen apart from the miracle of what?
The new birth. That's why Jesus told Nicodemus, you must be what? Born again.
And then he's all confused. What are you talking about? I've got to go back into my mother, right? And you're missing the whole point,
Nicodemus. Our salvation only comes through the supernatural work of God.
Galatians 4, Galatians 4, this is evident from the very beginning,
Galatians 4 verse 4 of Jesus' life. Man, I'm telling you, literally,
I have about an hour and a half of preaching that I've got to do in 35 minutes.
Okay? So I'm not going to go down every single rabbit trail. I'm going to leave that up to you. But take a look at this.
This is so wonderful. Galatians 4 verse 4. But when the fullness of the time had come,
God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive the adoption as sons.
See, the virgin birth made possible the uniting of full deity and full humanity in one person.
Remember that? Two weeks, Jesus is fully God, and Jesus is fully man. They're online if you didn't hear them.
Go to Isaiah 7 .10. If you're not familiar and say, oh, I can't find it, middle of the Bible, just right smack dab in the middle,
Isaiah 7. Jesus was fully
God, and at the same time He was fully man. And the virgin birth made it possible for the uniting of full deity and full humanity in one person.
Isaiah 10, I'm sorry, Isaiah 7 verse 10, moreover the
Lord spoke again to Ahaz, he's the king of Israel at the time, actually Judah, ask a sign for yourself from the
Lord your God. Ask it either in the depth or in the height above. Now, this is the prophet, right? And he's telling
Ahaz, listen, I'm speaking on behalf of God, and God is telling you right now, ask for a sign.
Look at Ahaz's response. But Ahaz said,
I will not ask, nor will I test the Lord. Why would he do that? Boy, doesn't that sound noble?
I'm not going to test the Lord. Wait a minute, the Lord just told you to do it. It's not noble, it's disobedience.
It's spiritual pride. Verse 13, okay, have it your way.
Hey, that's a song. No, it's a commercial. Have it your way.
So, the prophet said, and this is so strong in the original Hebrew here, I'm tempted to kind of be firm, but I'll just be me.
Hear now, O house of David. This is a rebuke.
Is it a small thing for you to weary men? But will you weary my
God also? Therefore, because of this, the
Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name
Immanuel, which translated means God with us. Now, just so you know, you might hear some
Christmas, some scholar with lots of PhD's after his name, Dr.
Immanuel Robinstein, PhD in Theology.
And you might hear him say, just so you know, that the word virgin there in verse 14 does not mean virgin like we understand it today.
It means a young woman, so she didn't have to be a virgin. Well, guess what? That's not what it means. The Hebrew here is very specific.
It is a woman who has not had physical union with a man. And what do we call that in our culture?
A virgin. Okay? Now, go to Isaiah 9, verse 6.
It's Christmas, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
You see it? Isaiah foretold the union of deity and humanity in Christ.
A child would be born. That's humanity. And his character would be such that he would be designated or referred to as Mighty God, Wonderful, Everlasting Father.
See, beloved, if Jesus wasn't born fully man then Hebrews 4, verse 15 would not be true.
We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
See, central to biblical Christology is the virgin birth. It was the means by which
God used to send His Son into the world as a man.
God in His wisdom ordained a combination of human and divine influence in the birth of Christ so that His full humanity would be evident to us from the fact of His ordinary human birth from a human mother, and His full deity would be evident from the fact of His conception in Mary's womb by the powerful work of the
Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the virgin birth ultimately proves that salvation has to come from God, just like a virgin giving birth.
Also, the virgin birth makes it possible that in Christ's true humanity
He had no inherited sin. See, something so important of the Gospel and the doctrine of Christ is understanding that all human beings, all, did you hear what
I said? All. That's me. That's you. All. All human beings have inherited legal guilt, and a corrupt moral nature from their first father,
Adam. And sometimes it's called inherited sin or original sin. Ask any parent.
Please, don't take my word for it. Hey, did you spend some time teaching your child to lie?
I never taught my kids to lie. But you know what they did by nature? Lie. I never taught them to be disobedient.
I mean when Johanna was growing up, and she could first stand up by the coffee table. Sorry, I can't move too far out of this.
I mean, we were teaching her what no means, right? And so there's cookies on the coffee table, and she's standing there, you know, little thing, and she's got her hands on the coffee table, and she's reaching.
We said, no, don't touch. We had a beautiful porcelain flower arrangement on the coffee table.
She loved that thing. Don't touch. As soon as we go back over here, she looks, right?
She's not going to disobey because we teach her to disobey. We sin because we're what?
Born that way. We have inherited guilt, and we have an inherited sin nature.
But the fact, listen, that Jesus did not have a human father means
He wasn't born with the inherited sin nature. He could be tempted like Adam and Eve were tempted, but He was always what?
Without sin. Jesus did not descend from Adam in exactly the same way in which every other human being descended from Adam.
And this helps us understand why the legal guilt and moral corruption that belongs to all other human beings did not belong to Christ.
Jesus could be the perfect spotless Lamb that would take away the sins of the world.
Amen? See, if He wasn't born sinless, He couldn't have died for our sins because of God's requirement of that sacrifice, which goes all the way back to what?
Exodus. Listen, if you've never read through the Old Testament, you must.
You must. You must. Because to understand the New Testament, you've got to have the
Old Testament, not maybe a thorough understanding. But it is all fulfilled, promises made, promises kept, right?
All this is pointing to fulfillment in Christ and the appreciation for Christ just only riches and deepens as you begin to see what
God is trying to tell Israel all the way through the Old Testament for our edification. So what do
I say? No virgin birth. No biblical, historic Orthodox Christianity.
Now, second, and I'm again, sorry, I'll have notes for you next week.
We already covered this, so I'm just going to skim over this. And that is the humanity and the deity of Christ.
Jesus was and always will be God. And the Bible also reveals and teaches that Jesus Christ was 100 % fully man, meaning flesh and blood.
You could pitch Him. You could cut Him. He got hungry. He got tired. And on one hand, these two truths united together in Jesus Christ are so easy to see in Scripture.
Sometimes it can be confusing. Sometimes it can seem like a mystery, right? But friends, we are not going to be able to fully understand
God while we're here. I mean, I can't even,
I mean, the best preacher in the history of the human race can't fully explain all the things about God and Christ, okay?
I was listening to an interview the other day. Let's go to 1 Timothy. I was listening to the interview of a popular, very well -known, respected pastor, infinitely more intelligent than I am.
And the guy asked him a question about passages of Scripture. Have you ever come back to a passage and realized you were wrong?
And the guy said, well, no. I wouldn't say I came back to a passage of Scripture and found out
I was wrong. What I did find out many, many times, too many to count, is that the fuller, richer meaning of the passage, and what the original, what the author, right, because what we're looking for is what the intent of the author is in communication, right, in Scripture.
And he says, I have begun to a more full understanding. And that's why I emphasize reading through the
Bible every year. And I know it takes discipline. My word, it takes about 74 -77 hours to read through the whole
Bible. Can we do that together? Come on. Please.
God's Word never returns void. Trust me. The Bible says, the
Bible promises you. You ready for this? You're going to love this promise. It doesn't promise you riches pressed down, you know when you speak to your wallet, be full.
What it does promise you, listen, what it does promise you is this, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the
Word of God. And friends, as we read the Word of God, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
The church is full of anemic Christians, because they're not feeding on the
Word. And therefore, they don't have a burden to share the Gospel with their neighbor, with their coworkers.
Slow down. Real quick, 1 Timothy 3 .16. Remember I mentioned in that quick series one
Sunday Christ was fully man, the other Sunday Christ was fully God. And I mentioned that term, and Jimmy talked to me later and said, will you stop with these big words?
Hypostatic union. There's no test, okay. I'm not going to test you.
There's not going to be a quiz. We're talking about this union, the unity of Jesus Christ in a person that has two natures, one divine, one human.
This is the great mystery of godliness. God manifested in the flesh, 1
Timothy 3 .16. And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness.
Meaning what? It's a mystery. We can't fully understand it.
Let me show you something. Hold your finger there, just so you don't think I'm a nutcase.
1 Corinthians 13. 1 Corinthians 13. And then we'll go right back to 1
Timothy. I want you to understand this. I'm telling you,
I sat in the church as a young Christian and I didn't get all this stuff. I slowly but surely over time began to get it.
It's like the light with a dimmer switch. You know how it's dark and you kind of go like that, slowly but surely, and then you go, ah,
I can see! Look at this. 1 Corinthians 13.
Now we see in a mirror dimly. But what? Then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then in the future when I'm in heaven, I shall know just as I also am known.
So friends, back to 1 Timothy 3 .16. I can't fully understand it, but as I wipe that mirror, as I polish that mirror, most likely referring to a brass mirror because they wouldn't have had reflective glass at that time.
Look at this. Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness.
God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the
Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory. And again, if you miss those, they're online.
I won't spend any more time. Christology, right? Knowing the biblical
Jesus. Friends, a very respected scholar recently said that based upon his understanding of Scripture he has never in his 84 years seen the second coming of Christ so close.
Did you hear what I said? Are you ready? You know,
I want to look every one of you in the eye because I love you. And I know that if I do that, you know, it's kind of confrontive.
Are you ready for the return of Christ? Will you be ashamed at His coming?
Or will you welcome it? You see, we have to know the biblical
Jesus because when the Antichrist shows up, a lot of Christians are going to be alive. And the
Bible, remember my message on the Antichrist? Many, many believers will be deceived by that Antichrist.
Many believers now, so -called believers now, I have a neighbor, she's a
Mormon. She grew up in a Baptist home. And she said to me, it was the last time we ever talked,
I mean, I didn't get mad at her or anything, but she just knew exactly what she was saying. You know, they're all the same, aren't they?
And I just, I mean, you can't say anything to somebody like, right? Second time you're talking to them, they're sweet people.
Just remember, Jesus was both fully God and fully man. Know the biblical Jesus, right?
He was born of a virgin miraculously. It was in fulfillment of prophecy. He is both fully God and fully man.
He does not have the same sin nature we do. And now next, Acts chapter 2.
Third, remember I said four points? The virgin birth, fully
God, fully man. Now the third one, Acts chapter 2, the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
The Lordship of Jesus Christ. And this is huge. This is three weeks of preaching, four weeks of preaching, and I'm going to do it in 16 minutes.
This is so relevant to guarding the gospel. And there's more than one conservative author, you can find them online, that suggests there's a major disconnect in American Christianity when it comes to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ as it's taught and lived out in American Christianity.
See, Jesus Christ is not just the Son. He is not just the Savior. He isn't just the
King of Kings, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, and the End. He isn't just our High Priest. He isn't just the
Messiah. God the Father says that He, God the Father has made
Him, Jesus Christ, both Lord and Christ, Acts 2 .36.
At the end of Peter's sermon, the first sermon preached in the
New Testament church, therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this
Jesus, whom you crucified, both
Lord and Christ. What was their reaction? When they heard this they were cut to the heart.
And they said to Peter and the rest, what must we do? Verse 38, repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. Romans 14 .9 says that Jesus is Lord of all. Philippians 2 .11
puts Christ's Lordship this way, every tongue will confess, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God the Father. Jesus Christ is
Lord. Whether someone believes in God or not, God is God, right? Would you agree with that?
And in the same way, whether someone wants to submit to this truth or not, recognize this truth in their day, in their living and priorities, the scripture tells us, wait a minute,
I've got to get to work. Well, I'm saying get up 30 minutes earlier to worship the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords. He is not just the Son of God. He is not just the
Messiah. He is not just the King of Kings. He is not just a believer's high priest. Jesus Christ is
Lord. Now, we can go through scripture, go over to Acts 10 .36,
because this Lordship is defined and explained so many different ways.
He's Lord over judgment. He's Lord over the Sabbath. He's Lord over all things.
Look at Acts 10 .36, the word which
God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ.
He is what? Yeah, Lord of some things.
No, Lord of John the pastor, the interim pastor. No, Lord of the, no, no, Lord of all.
Lord over the President of the United States and the Vice President. You understand? He is King of Kings and He is
Lord of Lords. And guess what? In the New Testament Greek, kurios, the Greek word that is translated
Lord, over 740 times. In the book of Acts, he's referred as to Lord 92 times.
We better not miss it. Wouldn't you say that? So in the early churches preaching, the
Lordship of Christ was at the heart of the gospel that they preached. And I've got to quickly just go through a couple of things about the
Lordship of Christ very quick. First of all, when it comes to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, remember that Jesus was, listen, this is a mouthful.
I tried to figure out different ways to say this. When it comes to understanding the
Lordship of Jesus Christ, Jesus was, is, and always will be
God, which means He's sovereign. Jesus was, is, and always will be
God. And this means that as God and as Lord, He's sovereign.
When we talk about God being sovereign, there's whole books on it. But basically what we're talking about is
He is all powerful. We would all agree right now God's omnipotent because He spoke this world into being, right?
He raises the dead. He's all powerful, right? He divided the Red Sea. I mean, come on, what more proof do you want?
So what we mean is He's all powerful. We also mean He has total control over anything and everything at the same time, even down to the number of hairs on my head, or lack thereof.
Jesus is sovereign Lord. And by the very definition of what the
Lord meant in Jesus' day, the word Lord, kurios, in New Testament times referred to this idea of having dominion.
The Lord would look over His Kingdom. You servants, sit up straight.
You may not leave. It's dominion. It's control. It's power. It's authority over.
Understand? That's what the word means. It means
He has the right to govern. Go to John 5.
John 5, just back a couple of pages to John 5, 17. As God, as fully
God, Jesus is sovereign Lord. Matthew 12, 8 says He is the Lord of the
Sabbath, meaning His authority. Listen, when we say that Jesus is Lord of the
Sabbath, it means His authority as a lawgiver, right? So God gave the
Ten Commandments, right? And He established the Sabbath in those Ten Commandments, right? He actually established the
Sabbath on day one of, I'm sorry, day seven of creation, right? The Lord rested, all pointing to Jesus being the
Sabbath. That's just so much fun to chase down. You just love that stuff. Go to Hebrews. It's fun. What do you mean
He's the Sabbath? He's the Sabbath. He's the rest that we have, right? Look at John 5, 17, where Jesus defends
His right to violate the Pharisees' man -made Sabbath laws.
Boy, I've got to read. Okay, look at verse 9. Immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.
So Jesus heals a lame man here, right? Notice when He does it. When does
He do it? He does it on the Sabbath. You see that? Then the Jews get all mad, right? Who are you to say, you forgive his sins, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They're getting ready. Verse 15, the man departed and told Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well. For this reason the
Jews persecuted Jesus and sought to kill Him, because He had done these things, when? On the
Sabbath. Verse 17, watch this. Jesus answered them, you don't get it.
My Father has been working until now. In other words, He's not sitting on the porch sipping iced tea, guys.
And I have been working. You missed the whole point of the
Sabbath. Jesus claimed equal authority with God. Do you see it? Do you see it?
God's not taken a day off. Has been working until now.
And I've been working right alongside of Him. And the Jewish leaders were so incensed that they tried to kill
Him. Verse 18, therefore the Jews sought all the more. Look at verse 16, they sought to kill
Him. And their anger only increased. Because He not only broke the
Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal to God.
And see, when Jesus encounters opposition like this, He doesn't engage in dialogue.
He doesn't argue theology. He simply appeals again to His own inherent authority as God.
Verse 19, Jesus said, most assuredly I say to you, the Son of Man can do nothing
Himself, but what He sees the Father do, for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.
For the Father loves His Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does. And He will show Him greater works than these that you may marvel.
For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom
He will. Only God, who is Lord and sovereign, can make these kinds of claims.
And this line of reasoning goes on through verse 47 all the way into John 10.
Look at John 10, 17. This lordship of Jesus Christ.
John 10, 17. Therefore my
Father loves me because I lay down my life that I may take it again.
He's Lord. He's sovereign. He's also, John 5, 22. He's Lord over judgment.
Look at this. John 5, 22. John 5, 22.
For the Father judges no one but has committed all judgment to the
Son. Now why did God commit all judgment to the
Son? That all should honor the Son just as they honor the
Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent
Him. Church, I don't know. I know the kind of man
Ilgen is. And I know, I have spent enough time with him to know how much he loves the Lord, and how much he loves the authority of this book.
But I'm going to tell you something. When we gather together, whether it's for a small group, which we'll be starting again.
The only reason we don't have a men's group, and we have a, when's the ladies Bible study? Third Saturday of every month.
So you're going to lay that on me. You should know by John. Third Saturday of every month, John. Sorry about that.
My point is, whether it's the ladies Bible study, whether it's a home fellowship, whether it's our welcome with Ilgen, we should honor the
Son. Right? He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father. That has to apply to our music.
That has to apply to our fellowship. That has to apply to everything. Are we focused on honoring the
Son? Exalting Christ? Philippians 2 .11.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. So Jesus' Lordship and sovereignty is limited.
Jesus Christ is Almighty God. He is the Creator, and friends, He has the right and power to demand compliance and submission to His imperial sovereign authority.
All Christians are under authority for every area of life. No Christian is
Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus' Lordship is evidenced in the fact that He's fully
God. Also, it's evident in the fact that He's sovereign. It's also seen in the fact that He is both
Lord and Savior. See, not only does the Lordship of Jesus Christ affirm the truth that as God He's sovereign,
He's also Savior. Oh, wow. Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be
God. He was, is, and always will be Lord. And I just, next
Sunday I want to deal with two more aspects of His Lordship, okay? God willing next Sunday. Listen, Jesus could not be
Savior if He was not Lord. Furthermore, if He were not
Lord, He could not be the King, or the Messiah, or our great
High Priest, or anything else. We need to understand that apart from Christ's Lordship, every aspect of His saving work is impossible.
He has to have that authority. You understand? Every aspect of His saving work apart from His Lordship is impossible.
An apple tree can have roots. It can have a trunk. But if it doesn't have branches, it won't produce apples.
Amen? So you see, it all fits together. If Jesus wasn't
God, if He wasn't fully human, if He wasn't Sovereign Lord, He couldn't have done what
He did on our behalf. Guarding the Gospel means knowing and understanding that apart from the
Lordship of Jesus Christ, every aspect of His saving work is impossible. The Gospel according to Jesus and the
Apostles in the New Testament represents Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and demands that those who receive
Him would take Him just as He is. See, a
Gospel that does not present God as holy, a
Gospel that does not present man as a sinner, and a
Gospel that does not present that salvation is in Jesus Christ by grace through faith alone, and a
Gospel that does not present the changed life that must happen because the person is born again is not what?
The Biblical Gospel. Understand? It's not just God has a wonderful plan for your life.
Preach that Gospel in North Korea or in Somalia.
I've baptized two men from Iran. They cannot go back to Iran.
You know why? Because if they go back they will be jailed, arrested at the airport, and executed for changing their faith.
I have time to read a writer from the 1500's. The Gospel offer of Christ includes all
His offices, right? Prophet, priest, king, Lord. And Gospel faith just so receives
Him to submit to Him as well as to be redeemed by Him, to imitate Him in the holiness of His life, as well as to reap the purchases and fruits of His death.
It must be an entire receiving of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That goes back to the Shema in Deuteronomy 6. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your what?
Strength. Can I tell you something? I fall short every day. Anybody join me?
Come on. I get lazy. I'm a sinner just like you.
What do I do? John, what do I do? Call out to Christ. How's Timothy supposed to guard the
Gospel? Do you remember? How? By the Holy Spirit. How can we make these changes? Faith comes by hearing.
Hearing by the Word of God. Let God do it in your life. One more quote and then we'll close. A .W.
Tozer. Remember, it's not me. If you get mad, get mad at Tozer.
He's dead. He's in glory. Listen.
To urge men and women to believe in a divided Christ is bad teaching. For no one can receive half of Christ or a third of Christ or a quarter of the person of Christ.
We are not saved by believing in an office nor in a work. He is Lord. And those who refuse
Him as Lord cannot use Him as Savior. Everyone who receives Him must surrender to His authority.
For to say we receive Christ when in fact we reject His right to reign over us is utter absurdity.
It is a futile attempt to hold on to sin with one hand and take
Jesus with the other. What kind of salvation is it if we are left in bondage to sin?
Tozer finishes, the Bible plainly teaches that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Savior. That He is
Lord before He is Savior. And that if He is not Lord, He is not
Savior. Amen? Now I want to give you a moment to pray before David and Barb come to lead us in our clothing hymn.
I really would like you to take a moment. You have some passages of scriptures we read.
You have this whole Biblical truth about Jesus being Lord. And use this time.
Maybe the Lord pricked your heart like He did mine last night. I barely slept last night.
I'm running on full adrenaline right now. I was convicted in so many ways.
I have so many rabbit trails I can go down this morning that Harold and Victor would tie me down and lock me in a room.
I mean I have stories all week from things that happened to my family that all relate to this message right here.
I have things that happened in school. You all have the same stories. I'm not unique.
Even if you retired waiting for the bowling alley to open. Okay? Listen. Either He's Lord or He's not.
He's Lord, but we have to choose to let Him be Lord. Is He Lord of your life?
Take a few moments to pray before Dave and Barb come. Maybe you need to confess that you've missed this part of the
Gospel. And God stands ready to forgive you if you're sincere.
I encourage you to pray. Pray to the Lord. I'll give you a couple of minutes and then
I'll invite Dave to come up with Barb. Father God, at times like this we're reminded when
Isaiah saw you and he screamed from the bottom of his heart woe unto me, a sinner.
When we see Jesus, Ezekiel fell on his face. John in Revelation 1 fell on his face as a dead man.
God, we know from Scripture we cannot set the day or the hour. Only God the
Father knows. But we know, Father, from what's going on in this world there is no possible explanation except that you're coming soon.
And God, I pray for myself. You know what a sinner I am, God. You know,
Father, how all of us fall short of loving you with all of our heart. I mean, let's just be honest before you,
God. We fall short. All of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, all of our strength,
God, we're confronted every single day with text messages, emails, news alerts.
We're so busy with those things, God. We have houses to take care of, cars to wash, jobs, careers, and yet we can find hardly any time for you.
So I pray, Father, that as we begin to fully understand Jesus Christ as he is taught in your
Word, that he is Lord of lords, that every knee will bow.
We may not bow it now, but one day we will. Every tongue confess.
God, that as we leave church today that we might be seriously considering the ramifications of this truth, whether we acknowledge it or not, whether we know it or not, you're
Lord. And may we live in light of that truth, Father, as we leave this place today.
We pray in Jesus' name. Amen? David? Praise the
Lord for the great truths in his Word. And let's stand for our closing song,
My Hope is in the Lord. May we shine as lights in the world for Christ, and we are all dismissed.