F4F | Jennifer LeClaire Warns About Water Spirits


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. I hope you're sitting down.
If you remember, it wasn't that long ago, I think it was last year, that Jennifer LeClaire informed us all that, well, that there's sneaky squid spirits out there roaming the earth and trying to use their squiggly tentacles to impact your mind in some bizarre ways.
Well, now she's doubling down. Jennifer LeClaire is doubling down. She has a book coming out, if it's not already out, about water spirits, like mermen and things like that.
I wish I was making that up. Here is Jennifer LeClaire, let me go ahead and throw this up here.
Jennifer LeClaire explaining a prophetic warning dream that she had about water spirits.
Yeah, here we go. Hello, Jennifer LeClaire here, senior leader of the Awakening House of Prayer, founder of the
Ignite Prophetic Network. I want to welcome you to what
I feel is a very pivotal broadcast for very, very many people.
This is pivotal, man. This is groundbreaking YouTubage. I'm just saying, oh man, if you were totally unaware of water spirits and stuff, yeah, your theology was all wet.
We're going to fix that right here. So much anticipation leading up to this broadcast.
I had so much warfare, quite honestly, just getting on this broadcast.
Yeah, I mean, she had to pull out an AR -15 and stuff, you know, there was warfare. Computer shut down, would not start.
It tells me it's going to be 45 minutes before it will reboot itself. Sounds like you're running Windows to me.
That's not a demonic attack, that's just Windows. Give me a break, amen.
I don't know how the enemy comes and meddles with equipment just at the right time.
So are you saying that Microsoft actually is of the devil? I mean, I'm curious. But somehow he does.
The Bible calls Satan the prince of the power of the air. We know there are hindering spirits.
We know there are spirits of sabotage. We know there are harassing spirits. We know there are all manner of...
Spirits of sabotage. Are those mentioned in the Bible? ...that comes against the will of God.
And I believe today that this broadcast will open your eyes to some things in the spirit realm that you may have never seen or at least have not seriously contemplated.
And so I really want to dive in here. But let me give you just a little bit of background. You know, I travel all over the world.
And as I have been traveling, especially this year, the Lord has highlighted to me representation statues of water spheres.
Now, I was in... Okay, so you've been traveling the world and you've seen statues of water spirits.
Okay. Sweden. I was in Gothenburg and the Lord took me to a place where there was a statue of Apollo.
And he had a fish. I believe it was Apollo. Anyways, there was a water spirit element.
Then I went to England and there was a Buckingham Palace. And if you go to the fountain outside Buckingham Palace, there are water spirits depicted on these monuments.
And so... Oh, no. Yeah. The Golden Merman of Buckingham. I... Oh, man.
I never... Oh, we are so much under demonic attack. I mean, have you called the
Illuminati? These are all over. I'm about to go to Nigeria, where it's no joke.
Now, many in the American church... Many in the American church have not heard of water spirits.
I assure you, my friends, it is in the Bible. We're going to get into some of that in the broadcast.
But I'm about to go to Nigeria. Now, in Africa, it's no joke. They're very familiar with water spirits.
Water spirits are also called marine demons. Why? Because they're in the water. Why are they called water spirits?
Because they primarily operate in the water. Oh, so why exactly would demon prefer to operate in the water when he lives on land?
I'm curious. I want to share with you in just a moment a vivid dream I had while I was in Europe that exposes these spirits and some of the agenda in this season.
I want you to stay tuned to the end. All right. So she's going to share with us her dream.
Now, I'm going to fast forward through her little infomercial where she wants people to learn the code so they can save money on her new book.
And let's see if we can figure out what this dream was all about. Amen. So what is a water spirit?
I mentioned a spirit that largely operates in water. Now, crocodiles is an exception.
We consider that a water spirit. It's really Leviathan. You consider crocodiles a water spirit?
I'm pretty sure they're like, you know, part of the animal kingdom.
But it operates in the water, but it has to come up out of the water. We'll get into that in a moment. A water spirit is a spirit that largely operates in the water.
It could be swamps, it could be oceans, it could be rivers, wherever there is water.
Now, I believe very strongly when I was a child, there were so many assignments against me when
I was a child. Protect your children. And maybe you were targeted. She was targeted by the demonic water spirits when she was a child.
She's going to regale us with a story, you know, of a harrowing encounter with a water spirit when she was just a little tyke.
All kinds of terrible things happened when I was a child. I was in a body cast two different times. I had to completely learn how to walk again.
They said my leg would never grow out. And I had all these kind of curses from well -meaning doctors come to get me.
That was a trial. But when I was even younger than that, I want to say maybe two and a half, three years old,
I almost drowned. I almost drowned. And water spirits, one of the things they'll do is try to drown you.
Now, this was a physical. So we not only have to worry about crocodiles, alligators, and sharks, oh my, but we also need to worry about water spirits who will attempt to drown you.
Which biblical text says that? Manifestation, I believe because of the call of God on my life. But water spirits will, from a spiritual perspective, try to drown you.
It's witchcraft. Try to overwhelm you. Make you feel like you're drowning in warfare, drowning in worry.
Now, what kind of drowning are you talking about? Like literal drowning or figurative drowning? Because you're kind of waffling between the two types of drowning here.
Drowning in fear, just grasping and gasping for air. They choke the life out of you.
That way or the other way. They wring you. And it just goes so, so, so deep. But those are some of the things.
When I was like two and a half, three years old, my parents took us on vacation into Daytona Beach.
And I was in the kiddie pool, mind you. The kiddie pool. And I remember being plunged under.
I ran. I jumped in. And I remember being just taken under. And I couldn't get out. Mind you, it's only this deep.
So how far under could I be? But I just could not get up. So like the trash compactor scene from Star Wars, A New Hope.
Yeah. On the
Death Star. So that thing, that little thing that popped its head up, that was a water spirit.
I get back up out of the water. And so thankfully, someone pulled me up out of the water. They called it kind of a freak sort of thing because it was only this deep.
And I was like probably three years old. So I believe that now, looking back, as I've been praying and studying and writing about water spirits,
I believe that was a water spirit trying to kill me from a very young age.
And I could tell you other things that have happened to me through my life that where the enemy had marked me for destruction. But thank
God. Do you ever get the feeling that like Jennifer LeClaire needs to undergo a psyche valve?
I'm just saying. His blood is sufficient. His grace is sufficient. Even when we don't know him, we have angels that protect us, especially children.
God, I don't like to call them guardian angels. The Bible does talk about angels protecting us and ministering spirits.
Yes, that part's true. We do believe what the Bible says regarding the angelic realm or the existence of angels and their assignments.
That is actually clearly taught in the Bible. But this idea that there's water spirits that want to drown you in things.
We have angels. We have angels that protect us. You can call them guardian angels if you want. I'm not against it.
I just call them angels or personal angels. They guard us. That angel had me.
I believe that if someone hadn't pulled me up out of the water. As a matter of fact, I don't even remember who pulled me up out of the water. For all I can remember, it may have been an angel.
I just remember being thrust up out of the water and I saw my mother running, crying. Honestly, it could have been an angel.
But I digress. Let's press into this. Memories from the time you were like two or three.
We've been on the fuzzy side for any of us. So where is this in scripture? I've been talking about water spirits and people are saying to me.
I'm going to note something here. Just simply giving us citations where the
Bible might talk about Leviathan or something like that does not somehow prove that this whole class of water spirits, which she's already saying what their assignments are to drown us and stuff like that.
And then she knows all this other stuff about apparently these water spirits. Nowhere found in scripture that somehow the
Bible's teaching what this woman's teaching. It doesn't. That's the thing. Is that in the
Bible? Can you show me? And so, yes, it is in the Bible. We find loads of scripture about water spirits in the
Bible. Loads. Loads of water spirit scriptures. Called water spirits. Yeah, they're not called.
We're giving this realm a class. We're calling it like a class of demons.
You would call angels a certain species, right? And there's different kinds of angels, right?
There's protection angels and warrior angels and messenger angels. Well, in the same way, there's different kinds of demons.
Different kinds of demons. But you see here in the Bible, we just don't notice them.
But the Bible speaks of these categories of what you might call sea monsters on many occasions. Ancient religions also made gods of sea creatures.
So, titan, you know, these different ones. What the ancient
Greeks did has no bearing on what the Bible teaches here?
All these, you know, different mythologies. Some of them were actually sea creatures. And I go into that a lot more in detail in another teaching.
A few of the scriptures that mention water spirits. You can go look at these. These are not all of them because I don't have time to go through all of them.
But Ezekiel 29 verses 3 and 4. All right, let's take a look. Ezekiel 29 verses 3 and 4.
Let me pull this up and see what it teaches regarding water spirits.
Ezekiel 29 verses... Okay. Okay, here we go.
So, thus says the Lord God, behold, I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lies in the midst of his streams.
That says, my Nile is my own. I made it for myself. I will put hooks in your jaws and make the fish of your streams stick to your scales.
Yeah, this is God talking to Pharaoh. You know, great dragon that lies in the midst of streams.
It says, my Nile is my own. Yeah, the offender in question here is
Pharaoh and God likening him to a dragon and, you know, relating him back to the
Nile. Has everything to do with, you know, maybe like the geography of Egypt.
You know, just saying. So, okay, what's the next one, Jennifer? Revelation chapter 17 verses 1 and 2.
All right, Revelation 17. Let's take a look at that. 1 and 2.
Revelation 17. One of the seven angels who had the seven bulls came and said to me, come,
I'll show you the judgment of the great prostitute who's seated on many waters.
With whom the kings of the earth have committed. Yeah, do you get the sense here that Patricia, not
Patricia, Jennifer LeClaire is like, you know, proof texting or something? The prostitute who's seated on many waters.
Yeah, this is describing the global scale of the deception going on in the last days leading up to the return of Christ.
So we have prostituting water spirits now. Revelation 12 and 12.
All right, let's take a look at that one here. Revelation 12 and 12.
All right, so there's Revelation 12. Let's take a look. Therefore rejoice,
O heavens, and you who dwell in the boat. Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.
Yeah, woe to you, O earth and sea just basically means like the whole planet
Earth. You know what I'm saying? Not saying that the devil's a water spirit.
I think there's a reason why Jennifer LeClaire didn't read these passages out. Also in the book of Job speaks directly of Leviathan.
It does talk about Leviathan in Job, but already we've shown that you're just proof texting.
You're trying to make it appear like somehow the Bible is teaching these doctrines that you're teaching here regarding water spirits when it clearly doesn't.
First Samuel 5 and 3, Acts 6 specifically mentions the Python spirit, a spirit of divination, which comes from the
Greek word pythos, which was actually a god. It was Puthona, and that particular spirit is associated with the
Oracle Adelphi. They served back then, and still in Africa, places serve this
Python spirit today. It's very real. In America, we're so sheltered from this stuff, but that doesn't mean it's not operating in America, because beloved...
Do pythons normally dwell in water? Yeah, I just got to know.
I didn't realize that they were sea serpents. Let me tell you something. It is.
These spirits are alive and well in America. I live in South Florida, and the marine demons down here are fierce.
Marine demons in South Florida. Again, Psychevelle may be in order at this point.
She literally is paranoid of marine spirits, and they're very fierce down in Florida and stuff.
Surrounded on all sides by water, and so it's especially pronounced, and the
Python spirit in particular is one that runs rampant in Florida. We have the Everglades just not too far from me, just where I could drive over there right now, and there's such an overrun of pythons.
They've actually got now python killers. Those are the actual physical reptiles, these snakes here.
Um, what does that have to do with spirits? The Everglades, they're like bounty hunters.
They get paid professional python killers because these pythons are eating everything else.
They're eating raccoons. They're eating all the other wildlife, and so to bring... Yeah, fierce marine water spirits there.
Yeah, those pythons. Yeah, Psychevelle, those are the words for the day.
Psychevelle, Jennifer, you need help. The ecosystem, they're sinning in Python.
Now, that's prophetic to the prophetic, amen? That's prophetic to the prophetic. Python overrunning the
Everglades. I'm in Florida. It's Python spirit trying to overrun Florida. We're pressing it back in Jesus' name.
Yeah, thank God for those python killers because, you know, with every python that's killed in the
Everglades in Florida, the kingdom of Jesus is able to advance more and more.
Isaiah 27 mentions Leviathan, but perhaps the best example is
Revelation 12. I don't want to read you that scripture. Yeah, please do. I'll have something to drink, too.
The Bible says, for this reason, rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them.
Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he only has a short time.
Woe to the earth and to the sea. Now, 1 Peter 5— Yeah, it doesn't say anything about water spirits or marine spirits or what you're saying.
It says that the enemy roams around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. And so we focus—
Are there water lions now? In the realm of the earth. But I'm here to tell you today that there's these sea monsters, these sea demons, these marine spirits that are roaming about in the ocean like a—see, it's in the spirit realm.
So it's just, you're like, well, I just want to go in the water. I'm saying, no, it doesn't work that way. They're roaming around in the sea, but they're releasing witchcraft.
They're like principalities. Some of them, principalities that rule over territories. They're territorial demons, especially
Leviathan. Now, Scripture clearly connects the devil to the oceanic realm.
You might just say that he's active in both these realms, in the heavens, so above the earth, on the earth, and in the sea.
Of course, we know below the earth where he will stay for eternity. Now, again, let's get into this dream.
Again, stay tuned, because at the end of this broadcast, I'm going to offer you some very special codes that will expire over here in the—
Yeah, so she's going to go—basically, she's going to go on and wax eloquent regarding a dream that she had, and she's giving away special codes so that you can get discount pricing on her latest book that just happens to be about water spirits, and how fierce marine spirits and demons can be, and stuff like that, like the sneaky squid.
All I can say is pray for Jennifer LeClaire.
She clearly has gone to cuckoo banana town, and this has nothing to do at all with what
Scripture says, and she's not discipling anybody in actual biblical doctrine and theology.
These are the ravings of a woman who clearly is out of her mind in one way or another, and in a paranoid fashion believes that she's being pursued and harassed by aquatic spiritual life, and things like that.
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Until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.