Woke Presbyterian (PCA) Subverts the Gospel

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All right, well, let's get started. Today, it is time to visit the intersection of woke and cringe in the
Evangelical Church. We've got a woke preacher clip's exclusive. This is a clip from Zachary Bradley.
He is a Presbyterian minister in Atlanta, Georgia, and he's got some thoughts about white fragility,
I think, that's what the clip says. It says it's about white fragility. So let's dive right in and hear what this guy has to say, although I will admit that every time
I see a white guy talk about this stuff, I always hesitate to even consider it because as a minority myself,
I don't think I should be listening to white people on this. I've got better takes than this guy automatically because of my skin color.
So clearly, oh, just got a message from my publisher about how to order my book.
So if you're waiting for my book, you pre -ordered it from me on the campaign. Hopefully, it'll be coming soon.
I'll read that email in just a second. But let's jump into the video today. Let's listen to Zachary Bradley.
I know he's white, but maybe he's got something good to say. Maybe he's got a little minority in him. Who knows?
Let's find out. If in discussions of race or riots or whether they were these of this past week or those of last year, whatever, if you have any sort of inclination or see people post something along the lines of we cannot make,
I'm not gonna make any sort of statement here on anything that has happened. What we just need is more revival or something like that.
The solution to the unrest in our country is revival. Amen. What I wanna suggest to you is that that is coming from a place of Christian perfectionism.
And by the way, you know, not to cast. Hmm. Let's hear him out.
That's too many aspersions on. If you say we need revival in this land, you might be a heretic.
I can't even do this, man. Listen, listen, you can't give the
Holy Ghost that much credit. He's incapable of this one. Like, I remember there was this great, there was a great song, you know, when
I was a young kid, I don't believe that I was a believer. Cause even like when I was a kid, you know,
I, as soon as I got a choice whether or not to go to youth group, I didn't go. Like as soon as I, like, I just didn't do anything.
I went through the motions for my parents, but I don't think like I was even almost a believer.
Maybe I was, it's hard to say. But anyway, there was a great song that my parents used to listen to and I listened to it as well.
And I still like it. It's a Carmen song called Revival in the Land. And it starts off with a skit between like Satan and his demons.
And like Satan's talking to the demons about all the good work that they're doing. And then like, there's people praying for revival and it like destroys hell.
It kicks down the gates of hell and stuff like that. It's a cool song and it's a cool music video too. It's actually really corny, the music video.
But check it out, called Revival in the Land. It's good. Anyway. Revival is coming in our land.
The Holy Ghost is moving like a hurricane. Anyway. But yeah, don't give the
Holy Ghost too much credit because that's heresy. If you think that like you see turmoil and you see sin and you say,
Lord Jesus, please send revival. We need revival in our land. You actually might be a heretic.
That's what, let's just listen to it. Christian traditions. So I say this without malice, but just as a, you know, to kind of -
I have no malice here. I just want you to know that you're giving God too much credit. Like he can't do it.
It's not, but revival ain't going to do nothing. This guy's a minister.
For you in terms of thinking, the idea of perfectionism comes largely from kind of Pentecostal Christian tradition.
That's interesting because, because Carmen was a Pentecostal, I'm not mistaken. Revival is coming through our soul.
The Holy Ghost is moving in the spirit of the Lord. Listen, like Carmen was, Carmen was ahead of his time.
He used to do a bunch of stuff with black people. Like even before it was cool to like hang out with black people as an evangelical, because now everybody's doing it.
Everyone's like, well, you know, I'm very diverse. Back in the day, people were already doing that, which is actually a funny thing because, you know, if you talk to a typical evangelical, like that's woke, they think that they're the first ones to ever hang out with black people.
And they're like, they're, you know, looking, trying to look all cool and stuff. But this has been going on for decades, obviously.
Christians haven't been racist for literally decades. But anyway, but yeah, you know, black people love talking about revival.
I don't know about you, listen, I've been to a black church and they talk about revival. And I talk about revival because I want revival in this land.
I want the Holy Ghost to move and I want the Holy Ghost to influence tons of people.
And I want those people to be training and being raising their children in the feared admonition of the
Lord. I want them to be taught to obey everything that Christ commands, like that's what
I want. And I don't believe in sinless perfectionism. Revival is coming to our land, the
Holy Ghost is moving. And, you know, non -denominational traditions kind of can feed into that in some ways.
I love it, this guy's about to, this guy thinks he's woke. He's about to rip Pentecostals, which there's a lot of black
Pentecostals out there. And listen, I'm not a Pentecostal. Listen, I understand the problems, but I love this.
He's so woke, he's ripping probably the majority opinion of a lot of black people. Too funny, man.
Largely from kind of Pentecostal Christian traditions and, you know, non -denominational traditions kind of can feed into that in some ways.
And also to a certain extent in Catholicism, the idea that, you know, I can kind of get to a place where my sin is so minimal that I don't really have to deal with it on a daily or even, you know, kind of minute by minute basis.
I'm pretty sure that that's not what people are saying when they say they want revival. They want
God to bring revival to our land. I'm pretty sure they're not saying, well, if that happens, then nobody's going to sin.
I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean. They typically, what they mean is something like reformation, right?
A lot of people, when they talk about revival, they mean something like reformation. They want justice to be according to God's principles.
They want people to act according to God's principles. They want punishments to be according to God's principles, discipline according to God's principles.
Like, it's basically saying, Lord, your kingdom come, your will be done. When people are praying for revival, that's what they're praying for.
Your kingdom come, your will be done. That's a biblical concept. But of course, Zachary here knows what they're really saying is sinless perfectionism.
How does he know that? Let's find out. That's where this generates in many ways from. But if you've seen anybody kind of suggest, okay, the problem here is not a race problem.
It's just a sin problem, and what we need is more people to come to Jesus. I want to suggest to you, you probably see, now that I'm pointing this out, that's rooted not in identifying sin in my own heart and then repenting for it.
That's rooted in Christian perfectionism. The idea that as long as I just become.
Yeah, I still don't see it. You've pointed it out, and I still don't see it. You've said it. I understand the words that are coming out of your mouth, but I don't understand what you're talking about.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. But Christian, everything else will be okay.
So for instance, if you've ever said or heard somebody say, we don't have a race problem in the country.
We have a sin problem. Well, that's like, I mean, those are clearly not mutually exclusive.
They're not mutually exclusive, but usually when people are saying that is that they're recognizing the obvious fact that racism is much less of a problem today than it used to be.
The obvious fact that most people aren't racist anymore. In fact, racism is so unacceptable that companies will bend over backwards just to give the pinch of incense to Black Lives Matter.
It is obvious to anyone with a brain that racism is such a low, there's such a low view of people who are racist in our country that even the whiff that you're a racist will get the scarlet letter on you like there's no tomorrow.
It's one of the most unacceptable sins in our culture, and that's obvious to everyone with a brain.
And for, listen, you gotta take my word for it, Zach, unless you're racist,
Zachary, I hope you're not, but I've been minority all my life, minority all my life, and I've experienced such little racism in my life that it's just not even something
I consider ever day -to -day. Only when I'm doing these videos do I ever consider it. Like, I just don't live in fear.
I don't think about it. It's just so uncommon, so unusual that it's like stubbing my toe somewhere, like I don't walk around in fear that I'm gonna stub my toe because it just happens so rarely.
When it happens, it hurts, you know what I mean? I'm not gonna say it's pleasant, but there's actually more racism towards white people is completely acceptable and very common.
There's more racism towards white people than there are towards minorities in our culture, and that's just a fact, okay, that's just a fact.
And so it's not that they're saying that they're mutually exclusive, Zachary. What they're saying is that clearly we don't really have a problem with racism against blacks in our country.
The numbers don't suggest it. Reality, just living day -to -day anecdotally doesn't suggest it, so that's not a problem.
But we definitely have a sin problem here because there's lots of covetousness, there's lots of jealousy, there's lots of, not jealousy, covetousness is really what
I mean. There's lots of covetousness, there's lots of stealing, there's lots of murder, there's lots of strife, there's lots of lying, there's lots of all kinds of stuff.
All that is sin, and so we need to address the sin issue.
Also what they're saying is engineering anti -racist policies and stuff like that isn't going to actually help the root of the issue.
The root of the issue actually is sin. And so they're speaking correctly, Zachary. I don't know what your problem with that is, as a
Christian minister, to not recognize that the original sin of Adam and the fall of mankind is actually the real problem, and the only way it can be addressed is actually with the gospel of Jesus Christ, is actually revival in the land.
I don't know why you're kicking against the goads of that, Zachary, but it's very bizarre for a Christian minister to be doing that.
I don't get that at all. Nobody would deny that racism is a sin, but what we're denying is that it's a rampant issue that you seem to think that it is.
That's what we're denying. So where we see it, of course, we will call it a sin, and we say that needs to be addressed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You need to repent of that sin of racism. Nobody's denying that, but what we are denying is that it's as big of a deal as you say it is in our country, there's lots of other sins that are way more common in our opinion.
So this is what I always say to people like Zachary. It's like, when you find a racist pastor, point him out, and I will join you in rebuking him and calling him to repentance.
I've got a racist pastor. Maybe you'd be willing to join me, Zachary, in calling out to repentance.
Eric Mason's a racist pastor. He's a racist pastor, and I call him out because I think racism is unacceptable for a
Christian. I find it abhorrent, and so I call him out. You do the same with all these gaggle of white racist pastors that supposedly exist, and I'll be right there with you.
I'm pretty sure you're not gonna join me in calling out Eric Mason's racism, and I'm also pretty sure you will never point anyone out to me that needs to be called out for their racism, but that's just the way this goes,
Zachary. That's the way it goes. You're lying about people here, Zachary. I'm gonna call you out for lying about people because this isn't what's going down.
Nobody's talking about sinless perfectionism. What they're saying is they're rightly addressing the right problem.
The right problem is sin, and the right solution is the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can have a race problem and a sin problem, and those two things be deeply, deeply connected.
Of course, but you have to prove it. Almost like saying, you know, we don't have a, murder itself is not a problem, it's sin.
Well, murder is a sin. There's problem, those are not kind of mutually exclusive things.
You know, there's some people that I wonder, like, are they stupid or are they lying? And that example right there with the murder,
I think Zachary just doesn't understand this. I just don't think he's that intelligent because obviously, the people that say we don't have a race problem, we have a sin problem, aren't saying that racism isn't a sin, but that example made it seem like that is what they're saying.
Like, they're saying murder isn't a sin. Like, let's say that murder, the murder rate was like non -existent, right?
Like, it just was non -existent, but there were people running around saying that the worst problem that we have in our society is the murder rate is too high.
Well, obviously, we ideally have zero murders, but let's say that there was another glaring problem that was way more important, but someone was saying, no, no, that's not the big deal.
It's just murder, murder, murder. Like, I could see someone saying, no, no, we don't really have a murder problem in this country.
We have a stealing problem or whatever it is, just based on the numbers. Obviously, they're not saying murder is okay.
They're just saying that we don't have a big murder wave in our country. That's what they're saying. And I think that most people understand that, but Zachary seems to not understand that.
I think he might just be not intelligent to be nice about it.
And so the idea to say all we need is revival, as if to say once people are Christians, now all of our other problems will go away, is to kind of subvert and fail to identify what are the specific sins that are going on that need to be addressed, and that's kind of Christian perfection.
So he's a legalist, is what it is, because what he's suggesting is that the problem isn't that you have a sinful, wicked, evil heart, and then your sins outflow from your heart.
The things that you say, the things that you do, they come from your heart, and so your heart needs to change, and then all that stuff can go away.
By the way, that's basic Christian theology, okay? That's basic Christian theology.
It's that what's on the inside that defiles you. This stuff comes right from the mouth of Christ, right?
It's what's on the inside that defiles you, and then you do all kinds of wicked things.
In fact, when you covet things, right, that's a sin in and of itself, and then that covetousness works itself out in a variety of ways, in stealing, in killing, in adultery, and stuff like that.
And so Christ rightly identifies, and this is, I'm not saying that Christ is right because I think he's right.
It's because whatever Christ says is right. So Christ says, it's what comes from the inside that defiles a man.
That's almost a direct quote, okay? That's Christian theology, and so what we need to do is we need to address that issue, and there's only one way to address that issue.
It's through essentially revival. The Holy Spirit has to change your heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, and then when your heart is changed from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, now all of a sudden, it becomes alive, okay?
So now you're alive. You're raised to the newness of life, and you start the work of sanctification, and the
Holy Spirit working in you all of a sudden is sanctifying you, making you holy, and your behavior will start to change.
I mean, this is what we talk about when we talk about growing in grace and all of this kind of stuff, and being conformed, excuse me, sorry.
Being conformed to the image of Christ and all that kind of stuff. Like, that's what we're talking about.
This is basic Christian theology, and here's a Presbyterian minister saying no, no, no, no, no. The way that you, if you do that, you're not addressing the real issues, the real sin issues.
He's, what it sounds like he's suggesting, and I'm gonna try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this is just how it sounds because what he's suggesting certainly sounds like legalism.
So in other words, you change the outside in order to solve the problems, like the outside in, and that's the opposite of how it goes.
It's inside out and how you fix this. Now, you have to punish external crimes. In other words, if you're a government and somebody murders, and they're a
Christian, right, you can't say, well, he's a Christian, so God's working on him from the inside out, therefore
I'm not gonna punish the murder. No, no, you still have to punish the outside sins as well.
So if you murder, you need to be tried and punished for that murder. If you steal, you need to be tried and punished for that stealing.
Like, that doesn't disregard that, but to suggest that people who say we need revival in this land are somehow wrong because you need to address the outside certainly seems to be getting it upside down, in my opinion.
In the context of this discussion, it certainly seems like he's talking about legalism here, and that's a big problem for a guy like me because I don't believe in that stuff.
I'm not interested in joining your cult, Zachary, so that's not gonna work for me. Anyway, I'm gonna take a sip of a cup, and yeah,
I think that's pretty much all we're gonna do today. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. God bless.