Woke Church - Get Over Yourself! (More KB and Neil Shenvi)

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Alright, well quick video today because I got a little bit of a late start I went fishing this morning and I got a got a largemouth the first largemouth at the local reservoir pond thing
That me and my kids have been going to so that's exciting. But but I wanted to let everybody know
I finally I Had to have the talk That's right my six -year -old he last night before bed, you know, we
I did my Reform Jellicle show with Matt Williams and My son
AJ was was up in a cold sweat and he was reading his book and Was very disturbed by what he read and and we had to have
The talk I wasn't expecting to have this talk this young in his life but man,
I Understand I understand now how this goes, but he had read in He had read and I can't even say keep a straight face, but in his book he's reading about the
Sun and the solar system in that kind of stuff and His book told him that the
Sun was gonna die in you know, five billion years or something like that And so we had to have the talk the talk about the word allegedly
That's Right, the Sun is as a big ball of gas that is eventually gonna burn out allegedly
We had to have the talk about the things that scientists think they know But they actually don't know the
Word of God is very clear that as long as the earth is here That's the
Sun's gonna be there too. It's gonna be given its light It's gonna be there for four seasons and times and things of that nature and that's essentially how it is
And then in the new heavens and new earth, we don't even need the Sun because the Lord is so bright
He lights up everything and all of that kind of thing. So yeah, I guess allegedly according to The science we had to have the talk that not everything you read in a book from a man in a lab coat is real
There's a lot of stories that they tell and this is one of them that the Sun will die and burn out
So never fear my son never fear Don't worry about the five billion years that you know, we won't have the
Sun anymore and all that kind of thing That's all alleged Allegedly, that's an important word allegedly
Anyway, but I wanted to also talk about this real quick. This is this I thought was so interesting
Dave sent this to me a tax slave Dave is what he goes by on on gab and these are two big
Eva tweets and It's they're they're they're strikingly similar this is what
Russell Moore said Previous a batch of breakthrough kovat has hit our house
Maria feeling okay, the older vaccinated boys were fine all along I feel like I've been run over by a bulldozer still nothing compared to what others are experiencing around the world
Grateful, and so he writes this tweet and then John Rowland here much lower level wizard
Lower level Evangelical wizard here. I'm using a lot of Big Bear terms today.
I don't know. I'm in a Big Bear mood today John Rowland says essentially the same thing a batch of breakthrough kovat has hit our house
It's the same sentence to open this tweet and then he talks about his wife my wife and I have been
Pfizer vaccinated and Then he goes like this. I don't really know what that's supposed to mean, but feel beat
It is nothing compared to what others are experiencing without vaccination Grateful, please get vaccinated.
It's it's it's remarkable because the wording is Almost identical and the the structure of the tweet
So maybe I mean John did it second So maybe he saw Russell Moore's tweet and thought to himself
Wow, that was such a great tweet and look how good it made Russell Moore look, you know
Maybe I'll say the same tweet and I'll get the same engagement and you know Russell Moore got a thousand likes a hundred comments and John Rowland here.
I mean, it's only an hour. It's two hours later, but he only has one comment It's it's it's identical though.
And so it's like who who is writing these tweets like did they just get an email?
Okay, here's the new message this is what we're gonna send you got the brat the breakthrough kovat and your wife and then talk about yourself and then say get
Vaccinated because even though it doesn't work Even though the vaccine doesn't work you might stay out of the hospital
But you know even before the vaccine you're probably gonna stay out of the hospital, too So it doesn't work
The vaccine doesn't work, but these guys are on message. This is remarkable
How it's an identical tweet so either plagiarized the tweet or they got their marching orders and said, okay
Here's how you compose the tweet and here's what you say. And this is what this is just so gross man is gross
But anyway, let's continue this I got a lot of mixed feedback on this one and that's kind of what
I expected because I felt like it was kind of Boring some of you agreed with me that these these two are kind of boring at least this conversation.
I'll say But but some people said I should really I should I should finish this so let's give it another shot
Let's see if it gets any more interesting. I heard it does so, you know, we'll see what happens But let's just give that you know, give it we'll give it a little bit of time
You know won't do a lot today, but but Southside rabbi they're gonna give us some Some some knowledge
I guess. Oh and also I've heard that this big Fauci shirt is an anti Fauci shirt
Which I'm not sure if it is but either way though, this is Ridiculous I think about it again as a young man from Southside st.
Petersburg what it meant for me to be in kindergarten and before I was aware of Anything called reporting journalism and before I knew it anything about the what was happening in anybody's ivory tower.
Okay, I Went to my predominantly white school, okay.
Okay. Oh no and I Came home probably about three months into my time being there's my first experience
Really with the dominant culture or what we would call majority culture rather white people I came home and I pulled my mother aside and I said, hey,
I don't want to be black anymore. I Want to be white same thing
Shilin son said to him Are you familiar with Shilin for Gospel Coalition talking about how his son said the same thing to him in 2020.
This is 2020 So this this was years ago, right? Cuz I'm 30 32 now.
I was six at the time. I my mother and her and her boyfriend at the time who later became her husband
Tried to sit me down and explain to me here Here are all the things you should be proud about of being black.
Hold on a second This is a I want to comment on this story, but but what is this
Is this a plastic thing to prevent kovat I Just can't believe this is that what this is a
Plastic thing to prevent kovat. I have to be mistaken. This can't be a plastic thing to prevent kovat
It just can't Guys I don't know if I can continue this.
I just don't know how They compose myself
So The kovat particles they go and Then they're just like When they fall to the ground, they can't really believe this works, right?
I mean, maybe it's not a plastic thing to prevent kovat. But if this is a plastic thing to prevent kovat It has to be an empty virtue
They can't believe that this they actually can't believe that this actually would work Like the kovat particles can't go up here and they can't go down here and they can't go around it because I can't imagine this
It's too long. This can't be this can't be real guys. I can't African -american here are all the things that that that you can look to and find courage and in strength
You shouldn't think this way. You're not less than and All they're talking meant nothing to me because that's not what
I was experiencing at school at school For the black kids were always in trouble.
I was talking to my wife probably about four or five years ago She was taking to the airport and I was explaining to her about what it was like growing up in Kindergarten in particular where the black kids didn't get to go in the treasure box and as a grown man
I started crying in the car You know I'm saying I literally just left the gym the day before I got punched in the face by somebody as hard as they could
I box okay and not a tear in sight but uh for but this struck such a chord for me because what it felt like it was this reinforced thing that my very
Neutral approach I'm a six -year -old. There's no bias here. There's no real gender here. Just going to school
No, no one called me the n -word that there wasn't any overt like, you know I didn't see any kkk none of that stuff, but I could sense from what
I was feeling Anything like what is he talking? So we're talking about critical race theory, right?
So but he's giving you this emotional plea and look I'm sorry that this is how you grew up hating your own skin, right?
But the thing is that's you can't just say okay now This is the black experience like that's not the case because plenty of black kids grow up and they don't cry as adults
They don't wish that they didn't have black skin and all of that kind of thing And so the reality is that okay, you obviously have a problem here
KB. You obviously have an issue I'm not denying that and I'm not downplaying it.
But the thing is that's your issue That's your issue. And that's the issue of wherever you grew up and all of that kind of thing
What does this have to do with critical theory? So so so okay racism exists
Everybody agrees with you. Are you trying to convince us that racism is a thing? Everybody knows racism is a thing
I experience racism KB. This is the thing that that that that boggles my mind
It's like I've experienced it as well when I was young I don't remember if I was six or what my age was but it was
I was pretty young and I remember I was in elementary school at least I know that I experienced teasing and this and that and and and and and and and and and and racism just racism that's all
I'll say right and Somehow I didn't grow up hating my skin color
I didn't grow up hating the fact that I was Puerto Rican I never had that talk with my father where he said here's the
Puerto Ricans that you need to celebrate and this is why he's I Never had that right? So so so this is the reality we need to figure out what the difference is right because I Experienced things in school and I figured it out right and I didn't end up crying as an adult because of those things
I think about those things and I think you know, man, I wonder I wonder this is why I wonder to myself, too
I wonder if my kids will experience that because my kids are half Puerto Rican half white, but they're clearly
Puerto Rican You know all that kind of thing. I wonder what kinds of things they'll experience and and how do I? Be like my father to to never ever give them that excuse of being this poor victim and this and that and and all
I Wonder that because it's a reality of my life But the thing is like like let's let's understand this like you need to own that KB That's your issue and we need to figure that out.
But but but what I hate about this kind of a presentation It's like KB says this
Amin says this Shailen says that it was like this Therefore that's this experience and therefore it's everybody else's problem to figure out that's actually not the case
That's actually not the case and so Again, but what does this have to do with critical theory, right?
So racism exists and critical theory exists Racism exists and the fake critical race theory kind of racism exists as well
So what Neal's talking about is the phony baloney fake? Ridiculous nonsense white supremacy white, you know, you know, right privilege all that kind of fake stuff.
That's what Neal's talking about He's not talking about the actual racism that everybody agrees
Exists, but what always happens in these conversations is they want to equivocate So what do you think racism ended?
No, I'm not saying racism ended. So what do you think racism doesn't exist? No, I'm not saying that either What I'm saying is that so many people have a fake phony baloney definition of racism.
That is anti gospel That's anti law. That's anti Christ. That's what we're saying. So let's stay focused on the issue
Now it's hard to stay focused on the issue because people will start emoting like this.
I'm sure he did cry I don't think he's making this up. I'm sure he was an adult just got punished a big tough guy
He just got punched in the face in boxing class and then was weeping about something that happened to him when he was six years Old I'm sure that's true.
I'm sure that's true. But that's not the issue here, though We're talking about critical race theory not real racism.
I'm not gonna deny your experience. Sure. I'm sure you experienced racism Maybe it wasn't overt. Maybe it was subvert.
Who knows who knows? I experienced an overt racism and some of the subvert subversive kind as well, by the way, and Somehow I I don't spend too much time, you know worrying about it
Listen, I don't really know exactly why that is but it is and there's plenty of black people that have
Experienced over and subversive racism and all that kind of stuff that also likewise don't spend any time
You know weeping about it as adults I'm not saying that makes you lesser. But what it doesn't make you is the arbiter of what the black experience is
That's what it doesn't make you Seeing on television who all the superheroes were
I looked at all my toys all the toys that were being mass -produced were a particular race and culture man
The horror the travesty I my toys my GI Joe's man when I had
GI Joe's as a kid There was only like one black guy and then there was one Latino I'm pretty sure he was Mexican.
There was no Puerto Rican GI Joe's in it and the trauma Is that what we're talking about here?
I mean, is that really what we're talking about here? It's just it just boggles the mind that this is what we're talking about this.
There's no black soup. Yes, there were But there wasn't enough There wasn't enough black superheroes.
I was just talking to my kids just the other day I was just laughing to myself on the inside. I didn't I didn't tell my kids about this, but we were showing the kids
Old school commercials like that that game crossfire I was showing that commercial and then what came up was the intro to family matters, right?
And they thought it was so weird. Like what a weird show, right? Like why would you have a show with just a bunch of people it doesn't make any that it makes no sense to them
Cuz they're you know, they watch shows like I don't know Bluey, you know about two dogs, you know and so but I remember thinking myself like like wow like like they back in the 90s when we were supposedly like the most racist we've ever been
I mean there was a show about this lovely black family and you know, all this kind of stuff and it's like But if you talk to people today, although it's horrible man
There's just no no one to look up to no heroes. No family to present like what are you talking about?
There were But but even if there weren't like is this what we're talking about.
It just boggles the mind doesn't not man You know according to this
Puerto Rican should be the the most oppressed people ever because we don't even have like we there's no
Puerto Rican Pride Month like there is Black History Month, you know, there's no Puerto Rican heroes It's either black or white.
Everyone's talking about black and white. Nobody talks about Puerto Rico's. I remember there was a video I did What about Brown? There was a guy who said what about Brown?
What about us? It's like yeah I mean like if you go by these people's standards like we're the most oppressed people ever like nobody's representing us
Sure, we have Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York, but that's just New York Man, I don't know if I can continue.
Let's just let's just let's just see if Neal gets another chance to speak Matters and that just raises the culture dynamic as well
That was different from what I was in and it became clear to me that it was better to not be yeah
It became clear to you, but that's your problem Because there are tons and tons of black people who that did not become clear to there are tons of other minorities because again
We're not, you know, just talking about blacks here. There's a lot of other minorities here as well there's a ton of other minorities that that was not clear to and so it's like Okay, I believe you
What does this have to do with everybody else though? This is I mean everyone has their own issues. I've got my own issues, right?
right, so as I'm thinking about that and then linking it with stories of African Americans all around the country and then not just the country
But there's also the global aspect of this conversation as well You find similar similar concepts in in Korea and in Malaysia in South America with the
Moreno's When I engage with all of that, I am often struck by how
Critical race theory will come in and explain why some of that is happening and I would agree exactly with the explanation like to a
T and When they propose solutions, which is a separate thing.
That's when my sort of Christian worldview kind of goes off But it's not a separate thing.
So so this is this is one of the newer plays by the way So in the last couple years, we've been talking about this thing
There's a there's a movement to sort of make okay, the diagnosis is okay, and it's the it's the solutions that are offensive
It's both that are Antichrist because the diagnosis comes from a misunderstanding
Of the data a misinterpretation of the data, right? The diagnosis is also all jacked up.
They're both jacked up now This doesn't mean that every single prediction that or or or thing that they notice is actually false so like in other words, if there's if there's a
Something that they say is an example of racism. It actually might be an example of racism Maybe right but the reason why they say it's his example of racism is typically pretty jacked up And the reason why they get that wrong is because they want to start applying it to everything else
Right. So so if a black guy gets lynched by a white guy It could be an example of racism and a critical race theorist might say well, there's an example of racism
Okay, fine fine, but but the thing is every single time But this is what the critical race theorist wants to do every single time a white and a black get in an altercation
It's a racist altercation and that's actually not correct, right? So some of them might be
But some of them might not be they might just be a regular altercation Two people getting mad at each other and fighting right like but so that's the thing
So the diagnosis is actually all jacked up as well. So The keep that in mind as you're talking to these
Obvious critical race theorists like let's just get this straight. I'm not a I'm not woke.
I'm not a yes. You are. Yes, you are Keep that in mind though, because they'll often try to say well the diagnosis and the the explanations are good
But the solutions are no the solutions are terrible. Don't get me wrong, but the diagnoses are actually also
Antichrist. They're wrong as well They might accidentally fall into some accurate statements, but it's on accident
It's on accident that they fall into some accurate statements This which is a lot of what we're seeing happening in the culture today
Actually aligns with a lot of what folks have been experiencing for a long time and been talking about for a long time yet No one cared
Probably for the same reason why they're talking about it because they are kind of outside of power. So the question was the original question was
When you say it's exploded Critical race theory is exploded Give us some more
Context of what you mean by that Well, you know this kind of stuff, you know,
I appreciate Neil because he's he's a very focused guy way more than I am I get distracted way too easily But this is just a this is a game tell us what you mean
You know exactly what I mean people are talking about critical race theory that never heard of it a year ago
People are teaching in the schools critical race theory Overtly that they never knew what they were doing
But now they know like this is in the like it's it's such a freaking scam to be like What do you mean by that?
You know full well what we mean by that. Come on, man And say what you just described is like I keep
I always say this when I do reviews not everything critical race theory says is Wrong. I'm reading right right now through the corpus the works of Robin D 'Angelo
The most prominent critical race theory right in the United States right now Yeah, best -selling author charges a lot of money to give seminars on racial sensitivity training
But I'm in the middle of her book. I'm gonna finish her book What does it mean to be white and she's talking right now about the problem of?
representation in media of black and brown people and talking about how our media representations of Blacks and brown people in movies on the news in on TVs it produces these ideas these stereotypes that reinforce are often very negative and And even if they don't intentionally reinforce negative stereotypes
They're just they do reinforce what's called the racialization of society. So you notice race, you know
You don't categorize people by like, you know people some people have attached earlobes, you know Sure, right
Don't look at my talk describe some person like oh you a mean has is detached. He's a detachment
Right, right, right, but you wouldn't even you'd be like, oh it means the black guy. Oh see, but that's that's the salient feature
I noticed I'm going to describe someone and and more than that D 'Angelo points out how you don't Usually describe people as the white guy
I mean, maybe if they're in the NBA you're like, oh, yeah, the white guy the Mavericks, right, but others usually totally false, by the way
That's completely false. I Often describe people as white guys. I think this is a matter of Which group you're in if you're black?
Oh that white boy, you know what I mean? And Puerto Ricans do the same thing Oh, it's that white dude Like that happens all the time.
That's false that statement Is that wrong like it means that black dude like is that wrong he's black
Really you talk about the Asian woman or the Hispanic the old Hispanic guy So race is a important category socially and even six -year -olds notice that they're not they're not reading
D 'Angelo They're not reading, you know, Kimberly Crenshaw. They notice that and they pick up on these subtle cues
Who's on TV? Who are the superheroes? What would they look like? So everything you described
I'd say yeah, that's true And in fact, let's put this in a Christian context I was talking about for Christian, of course people notice like like that's that's not the point
I noticed when I was a kid, but the point is I didn't grow up with a chip on my shoulder about it
Like it wasn't a big deal That's what needs to be explored. What is it about certain people that makes it a huge deal versus others?
You know like we had family matters and we had full house But we didn't have boricuas that that had a house where they like We didn't have any of that on TV and you know what?
It didn't match my experience because when I used to go to my grandparents house, I'll never forget this We used to sleep in the basement downstairs and we stayed over my grandparents house in the
Bronx and every night They would stay up all hours of the night playing dominoes and being loud and listening to me you know
Latino music that I didn't understand and None of that. I never saw that on TV and somehow
I grew up just fine That's what needs to be explored not this nonsense about well, you know
We need to have a certain representation on TV and this and like that's nonsense People say well, why should
I care about the church? Can we leave all that behind? Because we're Christians. We're going to church. Let's forget about all that worldly secular stuff
It's now wait a minute here don't be naive because all of us have a culture and one of the critical race theorist points is
What you think is neutral culture the default culture this this normal culture is actually often white culture.
Mm -hmm. So people will say like well What's the point of critical race theory? Well, they have to say it's good
I say what kind of music do you play at church and they say, you know normal music Normal music tell me about your normal music.
And then we play like Chris Tomlin and Matt Redmond and Matt Okay, hold up.
That's actually a particular kind of music Not everyone will appreciate now
Right and who cares What's the point?
Okay. So yeah, everybody has a culture. That's the inside of critical race theory
Who cares? If you want to have a church that plays black music or Asian music or Latino music
Then make a church like that. What this is the this is the issue like who cares?
That's what what is your point that's the big inside of critical race theory my goodness
Maybe all people in your church like it But you realize that you actually have a culture you kind of get over yourself like guys this
I'm gonna stop this right here Cuz I'm I'm super bored I'm bored You got to get over yourself that that's this is the response to critical race theorists get over yourself
Look, I go to a church right now That plays music
I do not prefer Okay, whether you want to call that white music whether you want to call that, you know,
European music Whatever it is, right, whatever you want to call it. I currently go to a church that plays music.
I don't prefer You got to get over yourself guys.
It's not racism if they don't play the music that you prefer It's not racism if someone doesn't realize that that's not necessarily normal music
But it's a particular style of music if someone hasn't really thought about that's not racism and there's nothing wrong with that Like maybe am
I off base guys like like like let me know in the comments if you think I'm off base like this is nonsense Get over yourself if the potluck we have potlucks at my church, right and the food at the potluck is not food that I prefer
Okay It's just that simple That's nothing. That's not a press.
You gotta get over yourself But now what we got to do is we got to insist on our own way and in the process tear our churches apart
That's what you got to do. I Hope you found this video helpful.