Rick Warren vs The SBC on Women Pastors / How Liberals Take Over Churches & Denominations

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Episode # 8 Rick Warren who has worked hand in hand with the government turning his church into a Corona vax site (he has also been invited to speak at the World Economic Forum) has been kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention over the ordination of women. He challenged the ruling which has brought national attention to the issue. UPDATE! Warren and the liberals lost but %11 of the Denomination now supports female pastors.


Hello. In this video, I'm going to lay out why I believe that the Southern Baptist Convention wants to see the ordination of women pastors and why the expulsion of Rick Warren and Saddleback Church and his subsequent challenge of the ruling is all staged.
So back in 2021, right before Rick Warren retired, he ordained three female pastors at Saddleback Church in open defiance of the
Southern Baptist Convention rules. More importantly, of course, Rick Warren did this in defiance of Scripture.
Since the Apostle Paul and the pastoral epistle of 1 Timothy, which lays out how the local church is to be run,
Paul says in chapter 3 of 1 Timothy that the office of bishop, or we call them pastors today, but he said that a bishop must be a man.
And then back in chapter 2, verse 12, Paul says that he does not permit a woman to teach nor to have authority over a man.
And clearly the office of bishop is the authoritative office.
So pastor is the authoritative office in the New Testament church. Paul says, I do not permit this for a woman.
So Rick Warren, right before his retirement, which tells you something, he switched positions and now he affirms female pastors.
He ordained three women and as the result, he and Saddleback Church were disfellowshipped from the
Southern Baptist Convention. Now what's really happening? Well, before I get into that, let me read this article from the
Christian Post from March of this year, 2023. It says, former
Saddleback Church pastor and founder, Rick Warren, recently laid out three passages from the
Bible that led him to conclude that it is actually acceptable for women to serve in the office of pastor.
Saddleback Church, the California -based megachurch founded by Warren in 1980, was recently expelled from the
SBC for having a woman fill the office of teaching pastor. The church plans to appeal the decision later this year.
Since Warren's retirement last year, the church has been led by Andy and Stacey Wood.
Okay, so not only did Rick Warren ordain three women, the new teaching pastor of the church is a woman named
Stacey Wood and her husband, Andy, they are very inclusive.
Not only are they okay women pastors, women preaching to men, not only are they okay with that, they are very inclusive of LGBT, which is a whole other story for a different day.
But I'm going to argue in this video that one logically leads to the other.
If a church ordains women for the office of pastor, they eventually will cave into the next thing.
I'll make that argument in a moment. So, Rick Warren and Saddleback Church were kicked out of the
Southern Baptist Convention. Well, that's a good thing, right? If they're breaking the rules, that's good that they were disfellowshipped.
Well, here's the thing. In reality, there are already hundreds of women in the
Southern Baptist Convention who have been given that title of pastor. And the convention knows all of this and they don't do anything about it.
In fact, the convention's former president, J .D. Greer, has openly defended females preaching to a mixed audience of men and women.
And I don't think he has any issue with women holding the title of pastor at all.
So, how can the denomination and its leaders do this, knowing that there's all these women pastors?
It's technically a violation of SBC rules. How can they allow that?
And yet they kick out Rick Warren, who is the denomination's biggest superstar.
This makes no sense, right? Well, it makes no sense until you realize that this whole thing is staged.
That's what I believe is happening here. And this is why. First of all, how many of you are familiar with the
Scopes Monkey Trial? This was a legal case back in the 1920s that was staged in order to bring attention to an issue and a law that liberals wanted to see changed.
At that point, back in the 1920s, it was illegal to teach evolution in the public schools.
So, this trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to this small town in Tennessee where it was held.
The man named Scopes, who supposedly taught evolution in the public school, he actually admitted that, you know,
I don't think I ever taught evolution, but he incriminated himself anyway.
He did it on purpose. In other words, it was staged so that the case could have a defendant.
And you have to understand, this is how liberals operate. They're very cunning. And it's the same strategy they use today.
And they've used it over and over again. Why? Because it works. So today, if they want something done, they will often stage an event.
Something will take place. They'll get media coverage. Maybe there will be a quote unquote anonymous leak where it's really just somebody making something up.
Or even paid protesters will show up with their signs. The media will know about it in advance.
They'll cover it. They'll create a big scene. Maybe if it's a national issue with a law, they'll start repeating.
The politicians will start repeating the same talking points. All of this, of course, in the
SBC, it's the different pastors and leaders repeating the same talking points. But what they're doing is they're building up pressure.
They're getting the spotlight on this issue. They're building up pressure intentionally to get someone to cave so that in the end, they get what they want.
That's how they do it. So I believe that's what's happening here in the Southern Baptist Convention.
There are many Southern Baptist churches already that have female pastors.
And what does the convention do? They ignore all of that. And instead, they kick out the most high profile church,
Saddleback, for what purpose? So that everyone will pay attention. So that Rick Warren will oppose the ruling.
He's the most famous pastor in the country, probably. He'll come out with his opposition, his argument from the
Bible, why women should be pastors too, even though he supposedly didn't believe that his entire life until five minutes ago.
But he'll have his biblical argument, which is really just him twisting the word of God, taking verses out of context.
But all of this, it creates a spectacle. It builds pressure.
Finally, there will be a verdict, which will either give the liberals in the convention what they want, an official ruling in favor of female pastors, or at the very least, even if they don't get that, they will have shined a spotlight on the issue.
It will then be an issue going forward and they'll keep chipping away at it until they finally get their desired outcome.
That's the way it goes. And unfortunately, my personal opinion, I hope
I'm wrong, but I believe that the liberals in the convention, men like Rick Warren and J .D.
Greer, Ed Litton and others, in the end, they will probably win because nearly all the large denominations have already gone in this direction.
The United Methodists, the Episcopalians, the Lutherans, just last week, the
Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination voted to approve female pastors.
Let's face it, it takes effort. It's hard to swim against the tide.
Liberals always creep in and they try to shift denominations in a progressive direction.
And the Southern Baptist Convention, this matters because they are the largest Protestant evangelical denomination.
So it may be the SBC is sort of the last domino to fall because once a church or a denomination caves in to female pastors, now the door is open to compromising on the next thing, which usually is the ordination of homosexuals.
So once they get female pastors, then after 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, they move to ordaining homosexuals.
Once they get that, this is the thing right now, who's going to be the first to ordain the first trans bishop, quote unquote.
I think that's actually already happened, but that's the way it goes. One thing leads to another.
Why? Because if you're not following the Bible in one area, why would you follow it in another area?
You're just going to cave to pressure. People say, oh, that could never happen.
Well, that's what people said 30 years ago. But take a look around. Here in New England, where I am, churches or institutions that call themselves churches, they have a high percentage in this area.
There's a very high percentage of the pastors who are openly gay. And their argument for that, when you bring up what the
Bible says, they usually say something like, well, the Bible, you know, back then, yes, that's what it says, but that was just the culture back then.
People were not tolerant of these ideas back then, but things have changed.
So the church needs to keep up with the times. And this is the argument that they often use for female pastors, that yes, the apostle
Paul did say that, but it was just cultural. That's just the way it was back then.
Or his statements to the Corinthian church, that was just something that was happening in the city of Corinth.
It's not relevant to us today. But once you accept that logic, that yes, the
Bible says this, but it's just cultural. Once you accept that logic, you open the door to doing things contrary to scripture.
So if you're going to go along with one thing the world wants, you'll go along logically with the next thing the world wants.
So if female pastors was just cultural than being against LGBT 2 ,000 years ago, that was just cultural too.
Okay, that's how they operate. And this has liberalized, this way of thinking has liberalized nearly all the mainline denominations where they started with the ordination of women.
Then after 20 years, they moved on to ordaining homosexuals, on and on it goes.
So will this happen to the SBC? Well, it's starting to look that way. Since consider a couple of years ago, the convention's president,
J .D. Greer, in a sermon from Romans chapter one, he concluded that Christians should actually be the biggest supporters of LGBT rights.
Romans one, think about that. He concluded that from Romans chapter one. Of course, his statements are the exact opposite of Romans one, what
Paul teaches in Romans, but it just shows you the underlying problems. This is not really about women or anything else for that matter.
The bottom line, the real issue is they are attacking the authority of scripture.
God bless all the women who serve the Lord. Amen. Even homosexuals, I mean, we want them to be saved.
Amen. All have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. Everyone needs the grace of God.
The scripture says that God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
So it's not about singling anybody out, something like that. No, it's about what does the scripture teach?
Are we going to follow what God says or are we just going to go along with whatever the world is doing?
But as for this issue with Rick Warren and the Southern Baptist Convention, and I want to point out there are some good people in the convention who are fighting this, but those who hold power and the other denominations who all have already caved to this agenda, the
United Methodist, the UCC, it all started when they compromised on what the
Bible says. So in conclusion, what about this issue of women pastors? Whatever ends up happening in the
Southern Baptist Convention, and I'm recording this June 10th, 2023, whatever happens, let's just ask, does the
Bible allow for women pastors? Let's look at a passage and then we'll close.
Was this just cultural that the apostle Paul, as some people say, was just a chauvinist and we need to move beyond that?
No, Paul says that these things that he tells the Corinthians, just like he wrote in 1
Timothy, Paul says that these things are the commandments of God. This is the word of God.
And Paul, in quoting this, this passage, 1 Corinthians 14, 34 through 37,
Paul says this doesn't just apply for the Old Testament. Paul quotes this as though it applies to the
New Testament church as well. He writes, let your women keep silent in the churches for they are not permitted to speak, but they are to be submissive as the law also says, that is the law of God.
Verse 35, and if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home for it is shameful for women to speak in church.
And he isn't saying that they can't talk in the church building. That's not the point. The context is prophesying.
The context is preaching. And that's obviously what a pastor does in the church service. He is the one preaching the message.
Paul, in verse 36, he does not appeal to the culture. Notice that. Paul does not make any appeal to the culture.
Rather, he appeals to the word of God. He says, or did the word of God come originally from you?
Speaking to the people who are going against the word of God. So I think there's some sarcasm. Verse 37, he says, if anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which
I write to you are the commandments of the Lord. If I can put it bluntly,
Rick Warren and all those who are supporting this liberal agenda, they are openly standing in defiance of God and his commandments.
So in conclusion, as time goes on, this battle, if it hasn't come to you and to your church yet, it will.
Many churches have already caved. And once a church accepts female pastors, and it's not that that is the biggest issue.
But remember the real underlying question is, are you going to follow the word of God?
So once a church makes a decision that they are no longer going to follow the Bible, if the mainline denominations are any indicator, it's all downhill from there.
So stand firm. Hopefully you're in a good local Bible believing church that isn't bending to compromise.
Keep on reading the Bible, believing the Bible, and most importantly, these days, keep on applying the
Bible. Don't just be a hearer of God's word, be a doer. Fight the good fight.