What The Bible Teaches About Mary vs The False Doctrine of Rome


More info of what Rome teaches about the virgin Mary - https://catholicexchange.com/understa...


And it says he did not know her which is a euphemism for knowing her carnally it says he did not know her until now what does that tell you he did not know her until yeah it tells you that they did eventually right which tells you they were a normal married couple they had physical relations
I mean that's partly what marriage is about if there's none of that then you're more like friends right and I the only reason
I point this out is because of the teachings of the Catholic Church that say that Mary was a perpetual virgin that she was not just the
Virgin Mary when she gave birth to Jesus which we agree with but they say she was a virgin her entire life matter of fact they teach that she was a virgin while giving birth that Jesus sort of just beamed out of her that he didn't actually come out the normal way
I know you think I'm kidding but that's that's a teaching within because Mary is so exalted she can't be corrupted in any way not that that's corruption because God's the one who came up with the idea but so he did not know her until so Mary was a virgin while she gave birth to Jesus but not afterwards and in Matthew all
I should I shouldn't have had you turn there so quick but Matthew also said that she brought forth her firstborn son what does that tell you that there were other sons
Jesus is just the firstborn and then in Matthew 13 55 and 56 the people say about Jesus is this not the carpenter son is not
Mary his mother and his brothers James Joseph Simon and Judas and his sisters are they not all with us so according to Matthew chapter 13
Jesus has four brothers and at least two sisters so this whole idea that Mary is the perpetual virgin it's not biblical the
Bible teaches the exact opposite you know sort of like remember on Wednesday nights we went through the faith matters column and just week after week after week they were teaching the exact opposite of what the
Bible says just consistently so why did Rome do that well basically they tried to make
Mary out to be like some sort of goddess figure going as far as to call her the queen of heaven where people bow and and pray to her more recently just a couple more comments
I think it's good that you know this because you know I've been preaching on last week
I preached on Mary to a large degree she found favor with God and then my
Christmas sermon is also on Mary and sometimes Protestants and evangelicals don't like that too much when you talk about Mary to me she she does hold it in a very important place so I want to make sure everybody knows
I'm not buying into all the the hype but in more recent history the
Catholic Church in 1854 declared that Mary was sinless in 1950 it was made a dogma that instead of dying and being buried
Mary was taken up and you see what they're trying to do all the things that Jesus did
Jesus was sinless while she sinless to Jesus ascended into heaven while she cheated to Jesus was born of a virgin they say
Mary was immaculately conceived did you know the immaculate conception most people think that refers to Jesus being born of a virgin know the immaculate conception is in reference to Mary's birth that she was born perfect and without sin so and then there are current discussions right now in the
Catholic Church to declare Mary as co -redeemer if all of that wasn't bad enough they want many people within the