Atheist Cults Once Took Over France! (with Guest Troy Frasier)
On this episode of YourCalvinist Podcast with Keith Foskey, we welcome Troy Frasier, Missionary and history teacher to discuss an interesting event in the history of France where the nation fell under the control of several atheistic cults. What happens when a nation abandons God? It is never good!
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- 00:00
- Did you know that at one time France was actually run by an atheistic cult?
- 00:05
- Well, we're going to have our friend Troy Frazier from Revive Thoughts tell us a little bit about that in just a little bit.
- 00:34
- I mix a manly drink, pepsi and shoe polish And I hit the YouTube link, don't say hit, that sounds violent
- 00:40
- And I feel my troubles all melt away Oh, it's your
- 00:48
- Calvinist podcast with Keith Borosky Beards and bow ties, laughs till sunrise
- 01:02
- It's your Calvinist podcast with Keith Borosky He's not like most
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- Calvinists, he's nice Your Calvinist podcast is filmed before a live studio audience
- 01:21
- And welcome back to Your Calvinist podcast, my name is Keith Foskey and I am your
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- Calvinist I'm glad to have you with me today and I'm going to be bringing my guest in in just a few moments
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- And we're going to be talking about an interesting historical fact But before we do that, I have a few things
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- I would like to share with you One, Your Calvinist podcast is a ministry of Sovereign Grace Family Church And if you're in the
- 01:45
- Jacksville area, come visit us at sgfcjacks .org We're also a member of the
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- Truth and Love Network And if you want to get a hold of us, you can get a hold of us through our website Which was put together by Fellowship Studios and our website is keithfoskey .com
- 02:00
- If you're interested in some of the shirts and things that we have available Like the one I'm wearing here that says I hope it was a blast for them
- 02:06
- Because it was certainly a blast for me You can get that at our spring store and you can find that at keithfoskey .com
- 02:12
- Always remember, also, if you're enjoying the show, hit the thumbs up button And if you're not enjoying the show, hit the thumbs down button twice
- 02:19
- All right, guys, well, thanks again for being with us And I'm going to bring in my friend now, Troy And he's going to introduce himself
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- So come on in, Troy How you doing, my friend? Hey, it is really good, Keith I feel like hearing and talking to you right now is just such a blast
- 02:35
- I was on your show a couple years back, but it's been a while I do want to apologize for the lighting We don't normally use this studio for camera
- 02:42
- We're still in production on the video side of things And so I hope that my words can be the light where the darkness is currently covering me up So if you're listening to this, you're probably having no problems
- 02:52
- But if you're on YouTube, I don't normally look this pale and weird So that's just I want to get that out there right now
- 03:00
- Now, that's cool And yes, you have been on here before You came on to talk about your missions work
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- And also about your work with Revive Thoughts And since then,
- 03:11
- I wanted to let you know Your wife does her podcast as well And my wife has listened to that Are you guys still doing that?
- 03:18
- Is that still going on? Yeah, everything is still going strong We still have Revive Thoughts, which is a podcast dedicated to bringing back sermons of the past You know,
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- I don't know when this episode will come out But I was listening to your interview Which was the last one you did with Honest Youth Pastor Who's on Instagram He's always been very nice to us
- 03:35
- Over there, great guy And you were mentioning how you like to look at old sermons of the past Sometimes after you've studied the word, you've really been diving in deep
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- And that's what we do Is we just take those old sermons by Charles Spurgeon, R .C. Sproul Not R .C.
- 03:50
- Sproul, his are on audio You can go listen to them But if they've been dead before the recording of microphones We will take their old sermons and bring them back
- 03:57
- And at this point, we've been doing it for over five years So we have sermons from, I mean, almost every century
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- And almost every walk It is a massive catalog at this point From the big names you would expect
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- Like Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards People like that To, I guarantee you, some people you've never heard of But when you go and listen and find out
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- You're gonna go, wow, that is an amazing preacher Who lived an amazing life And where have they been missing all my life?
- 04:24
- So I love what we get to do And honestly, at this point, I do it because I grow so much from doing this
- 04:31
- It's just a pleasure to be able to do it And then you're right, my wife runs a podcast as well Martyrs and Missionaries Also telling church history stories
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- Of the stories of great martyrs and or missionaries The called and the brave is the tagline
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- And she has amazing episode series on people like Hudson Taylor People like Adoniram Judson, Gladys Aylward Just, she does a really good job of getting like the original diaries and biographies
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- And comparing them with notes And she'll, I'll be talking to her sometimes Or she'll be doing research on an episode
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- And I'm like, girl, nobody ever researches Like the cartography of maps at that time
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- And like the sailing wind patterns And some of the stuff she gets into She loves it And then she brings that in and does an amazing job
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- And teaches me, I learned all kinds of stuff from her We were almost going to, on our show Revive Thoughts We almost had an episode that was going to come out by Count Zinzendorf That I think a friend of your program,
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- Jake Korn Was going to read for us And it was my wife's episode of Martyrs and Missionaries On the
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- Moravians And she put it out there And when that went out and I listened to it I said, oh my goodness I cannot have Count Zinzendorf on my show
- 05:37
- After hearing about what he got involved with So that's your hook That's your tease If you've heard of the Moravians You're going, well, what's wrong with those guys?
- 05:44
- Go check out her episode on Martyrs and Missionaries I promise you, you will never look at that group of people the same way again
- 05:50
- There's no other way to say it Wow, yeah, no, that's very interesting
- 05:55
- And like I said, my wife has listened, has really enjoyed it Has told me how much she enjoys it And that's great
- 06:02
- And I'm just thankful for you and your friendship And again, I know we don't get to talk to each other much But seeing you online
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- And seeing the things that God is doing through you guys I'm very blessed to call you my friend Even though we've never been in the same room
- 06:14
- We've had these conversations And I can still call you my friend Even though it's a digital friendship at this point
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- We'll meet one day If not here in eternity We will And I appreciate you,
- 06:26
- Keith I remember years ago When it was just the early days Getting to have you on my show You read a sermon for us
- 06:32
- I think two different sermons for us, actually And we were making memes and having fun way back when
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- In different Christian groups on Facebook And I was like, this guy's a really genuinely good guy And it's been really awesome to see how you have grown so much
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- To making denominational Your parody on denominational On the supernatural one that you did was absolutely hilarious
- 06:55
- The Hanukkosmos But the scary Hanukkah Anyway, you're doing stuff like that You're reaching so many people
- 07:00
- But what I love about you, Keith Is that I don't feel like you've changed And let the, you know, the quote -unquote fame get to you
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- Or you've become like a hot takes kind of guy You've kept a calm hand You're still just focused on loving the
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- Lord And being fair to everybody that comes on I can happily promote and say
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- People, listen to Keith He's a great guy And not have to worry and hedge my bets And be like, oh, but you know Be careful on this subject
- 07:24
- I never feel that way Oh, well, that's super encouraging And thank you for saying that very much
- 07:32
- And I promise I'll have your check in the mail soon It takes a little longer to get here
- 07:43
- Yeah, so the topic we're going to talk about today I teased it at the very beginning Talking about the subject of what happened in France And I want to say from the outset
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- I'm going to be the student today Because I'm not going to be able to contribute a lot
- 07:59
- This is something that you know a lot about And that's why I'm asking you to come on And I had asked you about different historical subjects
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- Because I know you're a historian And a student of history And a teacher of history And that gets me excited
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- Because I love history And I love to talk about it and learn about it And you gave me a few topics And when you said, you know,
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- France had been taken over by an atheist occult I was like, that's the one That's the one I want to hear That's the story
- 08:24
- Because everything going on right now, you know We have in America There's a huge conversation going on About Christian nationalism
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- And the question of what are the dangers of having You know, a secular state versus a state
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- That recognizes Christ as Lord And that's something that really causes
- 08:46
- A lot of people to divide And just what you're talking about hot takes A lot of hot takes come as a result of people saying
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- You know, even the phrase, Jesus is Lord Just a few weeks ago, that was trending Because it was being used even by unbelievers
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- To sort of use it in a negative way And so I'm very interested to talk about How governments have dealt with the subject of Atheism versus theism, you know
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- Exalting Christ versus rejecting Christ And what we have seen And so that was the one that really stuck out to me
- 09:19
- Even though the list you gave me Could have made eight different podcasts That went on eugenics I'm very interested in And there's all kinds of other stuff
- 09:26
- So maybe if you would, we'll do another one soon And maybe talk about some other subjects
- 09:33
- But before we go into everything Yeah, I would love you to I have a little thing
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- I want to post right here Right in the middle This is just something to remind people About something very important And that is the most important message is all over here
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- We're going to hear this and then come back And we're going to let you start the story How about that? Hey guys
- 09:52
- I just want to quickly say Thank you for watching this episode And if you're enjoying it Please hit the thumbs up button
- 09:57
- If you're not enjoying it Hit the thumbs down button twice Also, if you haven't already
- 10:02
- Please subscribe to the channel It really helps us out And some of you've asked about How to support the channel If you'd like to support us
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- You can go to buymeacoffee .com Slash your Calvinist And leave a donation Most importantly
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- We want to make sure that Everybody who hears this podcast Hears the gospel The word gospel means good news
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- And that good news has to be preceded by some bad news And the bad news is this That we are all sinners
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- Sin is breaking God's law So we stand guilty before the Lord of the universe But the good news is
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- God sent his son into the world To pay the penalty for everyone Who would believe in him Jesus came into the world
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- Lived a perfect life And he died a substitutionary death For everyone who will believe And he calls us all to repent of our sin
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- To turn from our unbelief And trust in him as Lord and Savior And if you've never done that I encourage you to do so today
- 10:53
- Now back to the show All right, my friend
- 10:58
- And now I'm going to turn it over to you Tell us what happened in France When it happened and what it's all about All right, so just a couple clarifiers
- 11:06
- Yeah, I teach history in Indonesia And when
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- I say the word history There's going to be a part of you That if some of you are listening right now And you're going to go, oh awesome I'm going to learn some interesting things from the past I can't wait
- 11:18
- And then there's a group of you That are going to hear the word history And you're already looking for that close button Let me tell you, hold yourself
- 11:23
- Hold yourself, don't do it Because there is so much we can learn From those who have come before us
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- It's amazing And that the lives that they have lived We like to think that we are special And that what we are going through right now
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- Is very unique And of course it is But there are amazing brothers and sisters in Christ Who have gone through things
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- Very similar to what we are going through currently And we can learn from them And there are also, quite frankly, the opposite There are devils
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- Not to say devils per se But you know, there are bad people Who've done bad things And we can learn from them as well
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- In the case of the atheist cult taking over France This is a situation where the bad guys are doing stuff
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- But we can see so many similarities A couple weeks ago, I put this episode out It was about an hour, maybe a little less
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- On this subject And I cannot tell you The number one response I've gotten from people Is from our
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- Patreons To just random listeners Who clicked in for the first time in a while Or found us for the first time And they all sent me the same message
- 12:17
- I see parallels to where we are at today And this sounds like a very similar thing
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- That could happen in the world today And that's funny Because I did not paint those
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- I did not try to I really try When we do history We try not to paint an image so you can see it We just tell the story as it is
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- And we'll let you do the thinking But the thing is It just happens to be This story really does sound like ours
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- Now, it takes place during a time called The French Revolution And whenever you hear the words
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- French Revolution As an American My brain just starts to turn off Because I don't care what they did in France A couple hundred years ago
- 12:52
- I barely understand what's happening in France right now, right? America and France are not always best buddies on this thing
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- And if you remember French Revolution from history class It's this almost boring subject
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- Until Napoleon gets there Because neither side is good The king seems bad But the other
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- The communists basically also seem bad They're not communists I know the communists don't come until later
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- But they're kind of like the early communists And they don't seem like good guys either And so this is one of those situations
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- Where there's no good guys But let me explain I think one of the big reasons we don't appreciate
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- And don't understand this issue Is because we do not have the context of God involved
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- Once we understand the religious nature Of what's happening in the French Revolution It suddenly becomes much more clear
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- For about 100 years in France at that point The Catholic Church is the official state religion
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- It had been the state religion for a lot longer than 100 years But in this past century The French religious clergymen had been persecuting
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- The Protestant Christians, the Huguenots And they had been taking money through tithes and through power
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- And they were one of the most powerful forces in France at that time And this built up in a massive amount of resentment
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- Especially among the elites The wealthy, the educated people during that time Oftentimes you'll hear people say
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- The American Revolution was caused by the Enlightenment And yes, the Enlightenment did have some influence
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- But not nearly as much influence as the Great Awakening did And there's a reason why
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- George Washington When he was talking with Thomas Paine Thomas Paine said, hey, we need to support the French Revolution He was sitting in a room with Thomas Jefferson and George Washington Both of them were his friends
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- And they had done the American Revolution together And he said, we need to send people to France To interfere with the
- 14:40
- French Revolution To help the cause of freedom And George Washington said, no America will not send soldiers to France And Thomas, if you go there, you are on your own
- 14:50
- Thomas Paine and George Washington were never in a room again together And in fact, on George Washington's birthday a few years later
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- Thomas Paine basically wrote him a letter saying You're a sellout, you're a traitor, you're a coward Why didn't you come help the
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- French? But the thing that George Washington knew Was that the French Revolution was not of the same character
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- As the American Revolution The American Revolution was built off of Much more off of the Great Awakening Whereas the
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- French Revolution was built off the Enlightenment Off of atheism Twelve years before the
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- French Revolution got started A man named Voltaire, one of the most famous atheists Of all human history, showed up in Paris for the first time in decades
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- He had been a person from Paris living in France But he'd been living abroad And he finally got to return to that city
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- And they threw a parade for him They loved him People were selling shirts with his quotes on it
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- They had Voltaire merchandise Even the Catholic Church came up to him and said Hey, if you just promise to kind of say
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- I didn't mean that stuff about the church I said, we'll let you in on some high honorifics and stuff
- 15:51
- And he said, the problem is I mean every word of it You see, Voltaire had made himself famous for years Calling out the church
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- And you couldn't directly call out the church You would get censored And so what he would do is he was very clever
- 16:03
- He would say, I've heard some rumors that some people say And then he'd put all these negatives about the church and God And then he would end it and say
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- Thank goodness the church protects us from ideas like that And he would be able to publish all these things using that technique
- 16:15
- Because he couldn't censor him, right? He wasn't saying those were his views He was a very clever man If you've ever heard people say the idea that Jesus wasn't really
- 16:24
- God It was something that centuries over time That the church created this idea at the Council of Nicaea Voltaire, I'm not sure if he's the first guy to create that idea
- 16:32
- But he was definitely one of the major propagators The reason we're using You hear atheists using that argument today
- 16:38
- You can thank Voltaire for that Tons of other things like that too Voltaire was wildly anti -Christianity
- 16:45
- However, I don't know if he was an atheist or not He would say man needs God However, was that him just saying that to keep himself secure?
- 16:54
- Oh, I like God I just don't like your God Was that what he was doing? Or was he actually doing that Because he genuinely believed that there was a
- 17:01
- God out there It just wasn't the Christian God We don't know Regardless though He was a major anti -Christian proponent
- 17:07
- And the French philosophy at the time Now there was I don't remember the lady's quote I do apologize
- 17:12
- But she said basically the most famous celebrity in all of Europe Is Voltaire at the end of his life
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- And Voltaire's biggest place of fame was Paris This is only 12 years out from when the
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- French Revolution starts We have other people at the time living at the French Revolution Diderot who says basically
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- The last king of France should be strangled with the intestines of the last priest And so these people have a deep -seated hatred of God That we skip over when we hear about this part in history
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- When you're sitting in history class And they're talking about all the stuff that happens in the French Revolution They leave out this massive part of what they're doing
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- And what they're doing is they're overthrowing the church And they're overthrowing God So that when the
- 17:53
- French Revolution kicks off And officially starts to happen in 1789 By the year 1790 They started to pass laws that say the church has to give their money up To the new
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- French government The church priests now need to start swearing oaths to the French government
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- And they begin to very quickly start rewriting what the French priests do First they make all of the priests that will swear an oath to France Well look this is
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- Catholicism I'm not a Catholic But the Catholics are like Hey we're supposed to swear our allegiance to the Pope and all that stuff
- 18:22
- Again that's what they do Well the French government says absolutely not If you don't swear to us now
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- If you don't work for the king now You're out Many of them swear that oath But even that's not enough
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- Soon they say no you have to give up your salaries to us We'll pay you Actually you don't get paid anymore You're not allowed to collect tithes anymore
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- In fact we want you to wear caps of liberty instead of French priestly robes And we want you to don yourselves in our new cloak
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- And we want you to lead parades of liberty now Not leading processions to Catholicism and to God anymore
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- And within just a couple years If you were a French priest that wasn't dedicated to what the
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- French government was doing You were under suspicion And you could be beheaded almost overnight for just being caught
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- And if you even hid a French priest If you had one living in your house And they found out your whole family was up for being beheaded
- 19:14
- That was how quickly within the matter of just three or four years The entire French Catholic system was done away
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- And by the end of the French Revolution 30 ,000 priests will have left France Another 6 ,000 to 9 ,000 will have gotten married and apostatized
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- Several more thousand were killed When this is all said and done France, Napoleon will reinstate the
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- Catholic Church But there's almost nothing left to reinstate Like the system itself has been so hollowed out and destroyed
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- It's gone And there may be people listening right now and going Okay but that's Catholics Look I understand I'm a
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- Protestant too I hear you And I know that it can be hard But what we need to What we can take away from this is
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- How quickly when the church isn't doing its job And I think we can all agree The Catholic Church of France wasn't doing its job
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- How quickly the mob can use that to turn everyone against it And absolutely rip it out like a cancer
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- And what they try to put back in its place Is where this atheist cult comes in They very quickly go
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- Hey look we need to do something with these churches We need to do something with the people They want to worship something
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- But we don't want to worship God anymore And I really think if there's any group of people That could have made the case
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- That they hated Christianity and didn't want it And there's some You know I don't think there's justification for Hating God and hating
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- Christ But they had some justification on a human level That if any group could have pulled off doing this
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- If you're experimenting with people And there was one group of people that could have pulled off Replacing Christianity with atheism like overnight
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- This group of people might have been the one Like these could have been the people They really deeply resented
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- Christ And his church because of what has happened there This seemed like the perfect group to do it
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- They do it and they absolutely fail First they put in what is called the cult of reason And this is literally
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- They turn their churches They in the middle of these churches They built these dirt mounds And they pillared it with Greek pillars all around it
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- They had these women dress in all white And do these provocative dances on stage
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- And when they were asked like is that idolatry They said no it's not idolatry Because they're not statues These are women dancing
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- But then they would basically bow down And do these weird worship religious
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- Ceremonies to these women dancing and doing this stuff And say that is the goddess of liberty That is the goddess of reason
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- We're going to worship her And we're going to acknowledge her They carried this one woman through the entire town of Paris Had people kind of bowing as she went
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- They said bow to the goddess of reason Bow to this woman And they took all of the churches Not all of them but all the big churches
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- Especially Notre Dame And they turned them into these places The cult of reason And people were supposed to worship the idea of reason
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- You were also allowed to worship the idea of victory Of liberty and a brotherhood And if you're asking how do you do that I personally don't know
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- They don't have They basically be a good person There's no such thing as God If you're a good person That's how you worship the goddess of reason
- 22:08
- And that will become the state religion for not quite a year But almost a year in France During the middle of the
- 22:15
- French Revolution And it's so funny to me Because it's called an atheistic cult Yet they do have a goddess But they're clearly mocking the idea of God at the same time
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- And yet they still have what seems to be a goddess And so it's such a bizarre thing
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- Because on the one hand They're saying there is no God But on the other hand They're saying please bow to this woman
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- That we're pretending is God And all these elite intellectual rich people
- 22:39
- Were forcing this on the people Like it was a great idea Yeah let me jump in just for a second
- 22:45
- Because this is all so much information And it's great And I'm riveted listening to it
- 22:52
- But the question that I have And this is just sort of following up Is sort of a timeline
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- So you said this lasted for a year This worship of the idols
- 23:06
- The reason and liberty and those things But how long did it take
- 23:11
- And you may not know the exact answer But I guess from the time of Voltaire Leading up to this
- 23:17
- What is the timeline? Because I'm thinking about like our world I'm thinking about like Not that I want to make a one -to -one comparison
- 23:25
- But I mean I think about my life And how things have changed in 44 years
- 23:32
- And I'm 44 years old I was born in 1980 I was you know I grew up during the huge youth group movement of the 90s
- 23:39
- You know where everybody was in youth groups And that was like when it really exploded In fact I'm going to be doing a show
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- Later this week actually With the guys from Watch Well Media Who watch Christian movies
- 23:51
- Or watch movies and talk about them From a Christian perspective We're watching a movie called Saved Which is with Macaulay Culkin and Mandy Moore And it really captures the youth group atmosphere of the 90s
- 24:03
- I don't know if you ever saw it You're a little younger than me I haven't seen it I did go to youth group But it was in the mid -2000s
- 24:09
- So I'm a little bit you know I've seen the Left Behind movies And you know honestly
- 24:14
- I didn't see a lot of the Christian movies that came out My family was not exactly a Christian family
- 24:20
- So I feel like I got kind of I missed some of those classic moments of the youth group era
- 24:26
- But I am aware of VeggieTales and some of that Well back in the 90s
- 24:33
- There was this sort of explosion of the youth ministry model
- 24:39
- And a lot of those youth ministries Actually became churches later
- 24:44
- They would go from when those youth grew up They wanted that same atmosphere in their adult church, right So now we have a lot of churches
- 24:50
- That are really just grown -up youth ministries They still behave like youth ministries But they're just for adults And what
- 24:56
- I'm saying is As far as from a religious social standpoint Christianity for many people became almost like It's like something
- 25:05
- It's a game You know you do this sometimes You go and you enjoy this sort of This uplifting talk from this guy
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- But it's not serious It doesn't really affect your life, right It's just something you do
- 25:17
- You know it's something you have fun with And then comes 9 -11 And then there's this huge idea of Okay now we got to get serious
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- And start figuring out what's going on in our lives And you know I'm talking about from my own life 9 -11 was a huge moment
- 25:30
- I was 21 years old You know and then you know Before 9 -11 nobody knew what a
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- Muslim, Suri, Sufi, all that stuff You know Sunni and Sufi and all You know nobody cared And then it became like the most important thing
- 25:43
- Like people had to study these things And I'm only saying As you're telling this story
- 25:48
- I'm looking back at my life I'm looking back at how the changes When I was a kid It didn't
- 25:54
- The religious argument wasn't a big part People just went into church and had fun And then they came home and they did their thing
- 26:01
- And you know But now it's like a battlefield And it almost feels like that's what you're saying
- 26:07
- It's like it became a battlefield And I guess I'm just saying what was the timeline And I didn't mean to interrupt you
- 26:12
- But I just These are the thoughts that are going on in my mind I'm glad I would really I prefer an interrupt
- 26:18
- I can monologue all day But I'd much rather that So 12 years from Voltaire's death
- 26:23
- To the French Revolution starting How quickly did I mean King Louis XIV was the sun god
- 26:29
- Was running everything The church was firmly in power In the early to mid 1700s
- 26:34
- I would say it happened a lot faster Than you probably expect The French Revolution really starts in 1789
- 26:41
- By 1793 and 1794 The Cult of Reason is now running France Now it is important to note
- 26:47
- That this cult was running Paris very strongly When they got out to the countryside Some of these priests
- 26:53
- That had been sworn into the Cult of Reason Would get up to give their services Now in the Cult of Reason And in a couple of the churches
- 26:59
- The crowd was so angry They forced him Like by We will kill you and rip you apart
- 27:05
- If you do not give us actual communion Like we're not interested in this So it didn't mean that everywhere Everyone all at once jumped on board
- 27:12
- In fact there was one part of France That put up a straight up a resistance They said they were more isolated
- 27:18
- More rural More countryside And the sad part is They said no to it all They pushed back on it all
- 27:24
- And Paris sent soldiers down To straighten them out And in fact 180 ,000 of them
- 27:30
- Between starvation and between being killed Will be just massacred Some people Some historians said it should be considered
- 27:36
- The first true genocide Because it was the first time A group of people were sent Not to kill enemy combatants
- 27:42
- But just to basically raze the area In fact even their own friends When they were coming up to some of these soldiers
- 27:48
- People who were on the Paris people's side Were like hey we're a part of this We love what you're doing They would kill them
- 27:53
- And they said they were really on our side They wouldn't have still been here And I'm like that's That's a massively wild betrayal kind of thing
- 28:00
- And that's the kind of situation That was being dealt with So it's not everybody in France There were people resisting
- 28:06
- There was a really sad quote actually If I can find it real fast I have it here in my notes Where one person said to the effect of Oh where is it?
- 28:16
- Hold on just a second I can't find it right off the top of my head here
- 28:22
- It's a really sad quote Where he says basically something to the effect of We've already given them everything
- 28:27
- We've already given them our food They've already killed our king They've already taken everything from us
- 28:32
- And now they will take our sons for a war They must not have our bodies too Or something like that So there is resistance
- 28:39
- There are people pushing back But the thing is it's happening very quickly And if you want to make that comparison to today
- 28:45
- Look it started with ideas It started with intellectuals It started with people like Voltaire These French philosophers
- 28:54
- Blasphemously saying these things against God And it started in those elite circles And what started in those elite circles
- 29:00
- Eventually makes its way out to the people And we like to think that that doesn't happen
- 29:06
- That the weird stuff at universities And the weird stuff among our elites Doesn't affect you and me at home, right?
- 29:12
- I grew up with the idea kind of like Oh the farmers They'll be able to right the ship When the crazy elitists go off, right?
- 29:18
- But as somebody who has lived in China And I've lived in Cambodia And I've lived overseas in a couple different places
- 29:23
- The elites oftentimes will eventually Get a hold of the people And the people will do some very dark
- 29:30
- Very scary things Once their ideas spread out And don't think that those weird things
- 29:36
- That are happening at your university campus Are going to stay there I remember when I started going
- 29:41
- You know you're talking about what age you were When I started going to college I was 2009 At that point, you know
- 29:47
- Gender and sexuality I remember in one of my classes They were like How can we get homosexual marriage, you know
- 29:53
- Into the mainstay And what are ways to promote that And all that kind of I went to a public university And now look at where we're actually
- 30:01
- The university there in Jacksonville University of North Florida But now look at where we're at, you know We look at where we've landed now
- 30:07
- That it seems like such a quaint thing To once stand up to the idea of same -sex marriage That is such in the rear view mirror
- 30:13
- Of where the culture has gone But it started in those colleges and those campuses I have to jump in One, you graduated from UNF?
- 30:22
- I did not graduate So I went there for two years And then I transferred to a small bible college In the middle of nowhere,
- 30:28
- Kansas City But I was a University of North Florida Osprey for two years Oh, okay
- 30:33
- I just, we, that's cool Again, we grew up in the same place So it's fun sometimes just thinking about that Yeah, but what you just said
- 30:42
- And if you saw me writing I pulled out a piece of paper Because I want to remember this point in the show When you said elites
- 30:49
- When they get a hold of the people That's what the people don't realize How much change can be made
- 30:54
- And I mean, I'm not quoting you exactly You were talking about how powerful it is
- 30:59
- That when ideas get out And the elites start promoting these ideas Just how it can trickle down And I have seen this so much
- 31:07
- Even in the children in my life Not just my own children But seeing this in the lives of other people's children
- 31:13
- As they will repeat and parrot things Especially those who have been exposed to public school
- 31:20
- Or maybe even college and university They will begin to parrot things And not even realizing
- 31:26
- Because they'll say Well, the person who taught me They were sensible and reasonable And why would they lie
- 31:32
- Or why would they promote something that's incorrect And they're not dogmatic Like you, you're the Christian You're the one who's blinded
- 31:39
- By your commitment to dogma And commitment to a 2 ,000 -year -old book
- 31:44
- That's filled with errors I mean, these are things you're saying You're committed to a book
- 31:50
- That was written by Middle Eastern ignorant people I mean, these are things that are said
- 31:56
- Not things that are true But they're stated And they're often couched in the ugliest of terms You know, why would
- 32:04
- I believe anything About a Jewish carpenter 2 ,000 years ago Who was nailed to a cross?
- 32:11
- Why does he matter? That's the attitude And it really does come across as How ignorant are you?
- 32:17
- How foolish are you? And we know better We have this elite mindset So yeah
- 32:23
- No, I agree completely I mean, I went to public school in Jacksonville, St. John's I went to Bartram Trail High School, Home of the
- 32:30
- Bears That's just for you, Keith Just so you know where I was And I also, well, I guess I went to public university
- 32:35
- I didn't, I thought I knew a lot about the Bible When I went to Bible college God really humbled me to realize I did not know hardly anything about the
- 32:42
- Bible I mean, I only had youth groups I did, I thought, I learned about this Bible stuff It's fine And I realized I didn't have a drop of the ocean
- 32:48
- Of what I needed to know about the Bible And the same thing happened to me When I went to seminary And the same thing happened to me
- 32:53
- When I started studying church history I took church history class in Bible college I'll be fine No, I didn't know a drop of the ocean
- 32:59
- God has deeply humbled me in just how much I had to learn But the thing is, in these schools
- 33:04
- We don't realize just how much the elite dogma The elite ideology
- 33:10
- You think that you're safe from Princeton Because you're far away from Princeton Or you think you're safe from Yale Because you're far away from Yale But that ideology, those ideas move lightning fast
- 33:19
- Through the education system You wouldn't believe As someone, I am a teacher as well And as somebody who's even within the
- 33:26
- Christian schools Even within places that you think would be safe Ideas like restorative justice
- 33:32
- And some of these DEI components And things like that have moved into places And you see it happen You watch it go down You go, wow
- 33:38
- And most of the time, the people who are doing it They don't realize that that's what they're
- 33:43
- There are some people who do But many of them don't do it out of malevolence Thinking, I will, I will
- 33:48
- You know, they just, I don't want to be behind the times I don't want to be backwards I don't want to be out of date Let me keep up with Goetia Oh, I've heard this is a good way to do things
- 33:56
- And they adopt these principles to try and stay and keep up And before you know it, they've been adopting the ways of the world
- 34:01
- And we see that all over And we see that throughout And that is what happened in France, I think, too People just kept moving and moving and moving
- 34:08
- And before you know it, the elites had taken them right off a cliff And suddenly, the famous Notre Dame is a giant cult of reason
- 34:15
- And we got these weird women in white, you know, dancing around And as crazy as that may sound, like, hopefully you hear that And you go, that's weird
- 34:22
- Hopefully you don't go that And go, that makes sense to me I expect to show up to a Catholic church and see that But I imagine if we went 200 years back in time
- 34:29
- And tried to show them some of the weird stuff going on You know, we tried to show them the drag story hour and stuff like that They would go, nah, nobody's actually doing that in the future, right?
- 34:36
- That's crazy And so it really is a matter of, well, who's crazier in this situation? Because both of these sides are going to sound pretty weird
- 34:46
- Yeah, that's absolutely true And I mean, none of us could imagine that, you know, like right now
- 34:52
- If the local Catholic church had mounds surrounded by, you know, these
- 34:59
- Gods and the women dancing None of us, we can't imagine that But like you said, it happened It's history
- 35:06
- And the people that were doing it, they were convinced This is in accord with reason
- 35:13
- This is in accord with rationality And the same, and I like what you just said
- 35:18
- The same type of mindset is the kind of mindset that would say
- 35:23
- Yeah, we can have a man dressed as a woman Parade in front of little kids and dance and be provocative
- 35:30
- And that's fine because this is reason This is rationality This is normal You know when you've really reached the level of crazy that we've reached
- 35:42
- Is when somebody like Bill Maher And Bill Maher, you know, is a huge liberal thinker I don't know if you know who he is
- 35:48
- I do, I do know Bill Maher But to have him actually come out and say
- 35:54
- We don't need drag queen story hour, that's wrong And be like, okay, when
- 35:59
- Bill Maher is speaking rational things You know you've reached a precipice of crazy, right?
- 36:05
- Like you are standing on the edge of the abyss When Bill Maher is saying, okay guys, we've gone too far
- 36:11
- It's like Babylon Bee had a thing where the devil The devil, yes, I saw that It's a great video
- 36:17
- Where the devil said, okay, you're being a little too evil Guys, can we tone it down?
- 36:25
- You know, I don't like being so open about it Well, and it's interesting too Because you know, this cult of reason and what we see today
- 36:31
- It always goes the same path Where these people who know so much more than the rest of us Then create something that's horrifying to natural instinct
- 36:38
- But for some reason, we always kind of assume Okay, everyone's going to stand up to this and say no
- 36:44
- And it really doesn't end up happening Where the average person, the moral man Does not tend to be, at least in the
- 36:50
- French Revolution And the cultural revolution in China And in today, we don't actually see that happening Where it's common sense that's putting an end to these things
- 36:58
- Instead, it just continues to go and go And in France's case, that was just the first cult that took over France Afterwards, there's another cult that takes over This one is run by Robespierre And Robespierre looked at the other cult and said
- 37:13
- Look, we need people to believe in God Otherwise, they won't listen to us So he created a new cult He created a giant parade
- 37:20
- He had everyone come to the main... I've never been to Paris But like the main area, the central park of Paris Whatever that would be
- 37:27
- I'm sure some of your listeners have been there Champs de something, I think is what it's called And he built this gigantic mountain
- 37:33
- Where like he stood on top of this hill And on top of the hill was a tree that they planted on it They had a pillar with a statue of a woman
- 37:41
- And he gets up in front of everybody And he has apparently half a million people come to this show This is Robespierre, the guy who ends up executing a bunch of people
- 37:48
- In the reign of terror And he gets in front of everybody He goes, look, what we've been doing is wrong He says, you know, we've been worshipping nothing
- 37:54
- And we can't keep doing this And he puts out this cardboard statue He says, see how ugly this cardboard statue is?
- 38:00
- That's what you've been doing And he set it on fire in front of the crowd The cardboard statue melts And underneath is a beautiful statue
- 38:07
- And he goes, we need to worship wisdom, the goddess And we need to worship an actual God He said, it's not the
- 38:12
- Christian God, of course But we have a new God now And we're going to worship God You know what God wants you to do? God wants you to be a good
- 38:18
- French citizen If you're a good French citizen, he'll think you're a good person He'll bless you And the whole crowd loved it And then they went and watched basically the
- 38:25
- French version of the Olympics at the time To celebrate their new religion And people said, Robespierre said it was the happiest day of his life
- 38:31
- And two days later, he starts the reign of terror Where he begins executing everyone in his way And this becomes called the cult of the supreme being
- 38:39
- You're worshiping the idea of a deity That replaces the cult of reason And it lasts about six weeks until the nobles overthrow
- 38:47
- Robespierre And when they overthrow Robespierre Go ahead It lasted six weeks
- 38:57
- It's like it lasted less time than one of our academy classes It's like For real
- 39:03
- It's amazing how short it really was That's fast No, yeah, I mean, I have never started a cult But I like to think if I did,
- 39:10
- I could make it past six weeks I don't want to brag But I think I could beat Robespierre if I had to But six weeks later, he ends up getting beheaded
- 39:18
- And when he gets beheaded by the nobles The nobles were so scared of Robespierre beheading everybody
- 39:24
- And by the way, they were beheading people during the event Where he announces the new religion The cult of the supreme being on the mountain in the middle of Paris But he moved the guillotines outside of Paris So the sound of the guillotine dropping and cutting people's head off Wouldn't distract people from the greatness of the day
- 39:40
- And they didn't stop beheading people That would be crazy, right? But they just moved it outside of town So you'd have to hear the cthunk cthunk of the guillotine
- 39:46
- During the celebratory day Which I think that's just really nice of them I would like to know if I'm being beheaded I'm not ruining someone else's day
- 39:53
- And six weeks later, he gets beheaded under the guillotine And once that happens Nobody wants to keep doing the cult of supreme being
- 40:00
- Because the guy who started it is dead And you don't really want to associate yourself with that So France is in kind of without a cult for a little while And so they start up a final, a fourth cult
- 40:09
- I'm skipping actually over one There was one Now when they redid France You got to understand,
- 40:15
- Keith They threw everything out Like you and I, we have a seven -day week France saw seven -day weeks as a sign of the church
- 40:22
- So they changed their weeks to ten -day weeks You worked nine days, the tenth day you celebrated They would call a week then a decade
- 40:29
- Every month had three decades And then on certain times of the year You would have celebrations They renamed the months of the year
- 40:36
- I can't remember what they were But if you look it up They have really weird names like Thuramides and stuff For the months of the year
- 40:42
- And then they also rechanged the calendar There's no more A .D. and B .C. It's now R .E. Revolution Era Like or something like that I mean, that's not my
- 40:49
- Maybe not what it was But I think it was something like that Where the day of the revolution 1789 Is the new calendar moving forward
- 40:55
- So they really rewrote everything This is also when they adopt the metric system For all of our overseas friends
- 41:01
- So I'm not saying that the pound makes any sense Or the mile
- 41:07
- But it wasn't created in a cult So just keep it in mind, guys And as they adopt everything by these ten
- 41:14
- Okay, okay This may be the most controversial thing Of the whole episode
- 41:20
- But I'm going to say it The imperial system is better than the metric system I don't like the metric system
- 41:25
- But that's just me I don't like the metric system either No, I live in a country That uses the metric system And I haven't the slightest clue
- 41:32
- When I buy a liter of something What I've just bought Is that a lot? Is that a little? It doesn't look like a lot
- 41:37
- I mean, give me a gallon, man Help me out here, okay When I get on the scale And it says like, you know
- 41:42
- You're 90 something kilograms I don't know if that's good or bad It seems like it's very hard to tell, you know
- 41:49
- And if somebody tells me You've gained two kilograms Nobody has any clue Whether that's a lot or not All right Put it in pounds
- 41:54
- Like the British imperial system told us to Okay, that's the way it was meant to be I don't have any other further thoughts on that I know that the
- 42:01
- Europeans right now That are listening are upset I know that my We have some friends here that are in Indonesia They're from the
- 42:06
- Netherlands And they cannot for the life of them Understand why we haven't moved over to kilometers And stuff And I go
- 42:12
- Well, let me explain the French Revolution to you Whenever that happens You know, that's my starting point It was started by a cult
- 42:19
- Tell them it was started by a cult There you go Now, by the way If you are a big fan of mayonnaise Mayonnaise also comes from the
- 42:25
- French Revolution People got so hungry That they needed to eat their horses And mayonnaise was a paste That made horses more edible
- 42:32
- So if you're a big fan of that You can thank the French Revolution for that Personally, not a big fan of mayonnaise
- 42:37
- So that one didn't really make me want to eat it more But maybe somebody out there Really, really heard that and thought
- 42:42
- How does it taste on a horse? Well, shout out to my favorite mayonnaise
- 42:47
- Which is Duke's I've actually had a fun back and forth With the Duke's Twitter guy Because I said something about how great
- 42:53
- Duke's was And he came on And we had a fun So I actually I'm not only just a mayonnaise lover
- 42:58
- But I love a specific type of mayonnaise So I guess I can be thankful for that Yeah, I personally have never been able to get it
- 43:06
- In fact, one of the reasons I am very firmly In the Chick -fil -A camp Is that I'm pretty sure the Popeye's chicken sandwich
- 43:12
- Comes with mayonnaise And I've never wanted that I don't need that I need the Chick -fil -A sauce on it And you can keep your chicken sandwich there, guys
- 43:19
- Okay? Thank you very much Well, that answer is one of my top five I have these questions
- 43:25
- I ask at the end of the show One of them is Would you rather go to Popeye's or Chick -fil -A? So I guess I know I will say
- 43:32
- Raising canes might beat Chick -fil -A Especially for price these days But if I had to choose between Chick -fil -A and Popeye's Give me that Chick -fil -A chicken sandwich
- 43:40
- Okay, see, I live in Indonesia So we don't get that kind of food So I better not talk about Chick -fil -A too much Otherwise, I'm going to get hungry And I've got another year before I'm going to eat one
- 43:47
- So I'm going to have to focus Okay, let me tell you about the last cult that takes over France This is the group called the
- 43:52
- Theo Philanthropists This actually was started by Thomas Paine When he came to France, eventually he gets out of jail
- 43:59
- He actually goes to jail by the French Revolution And he has some friends in his jail cell While the guard walks by and puts a piece of chalk on his door
- 44:06
- And keeps walking He doesn't know what that means But his door was open When he shuts the door, the chalk goes missing
- 44:12
- He doesn't know He can't see the outside Everyone who had a piece of chalk on that door The next day got executed But when the guards walked by his door
- 44:18
- Because of the way it was open Because the chalk was on the inside that was covered He got to live
- 44:23
- Which tells you how close Thomas Paine was to getting executed While he's in that French jail
- 44:29
- He writes on scraps of paper A book that will eventually be called The Age of Reason Which is absolutely one of the most anti -God books you can ever read
- 44:37
- I have read it When I was younger, I wanted to make sure Like do I actually love Jesus on my own Or was
- 44:42
- I just, you know Was I just raised I wasn't raised Christian But would I just read enough books to convince myself And one of those
- 44:48
- I challenged myself to read all the great books of history I read The Communist Manifesto Read some books by Buddha, Confucius I tried to read everything
- 44:56
- And one of them I read was The Age of Reason And my goodness gracious Is it an anti -God screed
- 45:01
- I mean it is absolutely one of the most And I don't want to say it would have been better if he had died
- 45:06
- But I will say it's an awful book And he, when he gets out of jail Starts a new cult called the
- 45:13
- Theo Philanthropist And these guys kind of believe in God And their moral philosophy is If it's good and helps other people
- 45:20
- Then do it And if it's bad and it harms people Don't do it Their cult actually is the most successful at reaching the average person
- 45:28
- They don't build a mountain They don't put themselves on a hill They don't do any weird dancing
- 45:33
- They say hey come to our church services Again all of them are doing this in the Catholic churches That they've taken over with state power
- 45:40
- And they basically say hey come to our service We'll give a moral speech about how you should be a good person
- 45:45
- And then every morning we want you to give a vow to God God I promise to be a good person And at the end of the day before you go to bed
- 45:52
- Just ask yourself God was I a good person or not And they don't mean God as in Jesus They just mean God the deity
- 45:59
- And then reflect on your day Was it good or not And then just as you go through And then when you come to church
- 46:04
- Bring something to put on the altar It doesn't have to be big But a piece of food Just something to sacrifice
- 46:09
- And say I'm letting go of part of what I want to something And the reason this I think did so very well
- 46:15
- Is it is so small It's so gentle It's so easy Compared to the flashy mountain things they were doing before But also it's so close to Christianity isn't it
- 46:24
- It almost sounds like it's mimicking Christianity without Jesus Christ And I think this false religion
- 46:30
- Because of how close it was And how the people of France had only ever known Catholic you know Catholic Christianity It sounded like something good
- 46:38
- So it's not obtrusive It's unoffensive It's small It's delicate And it was very successful However when
- 46:44
- Napoleon came back into power At this point France had at one point Taken over Rome And kidnapped the Pope They had just been doing nonsense all over Europe And Napoleon Oh yeah they kidnapped the
- 46:54
- Pope They took him to France And then he died in exile Waiting to return to Rome Which did not make people happy And eventually
- 47:00
- Napoleon just kind of was like To make friends Catholicism is back on the table We're sorry about all these weird cults
- 47:06
- We're getting rid of our 10 -day calendar We're going back to like normal years And our bad Let's get back on pace
- 47:12
- Also I'm going to try to take over Europe But you know that they kind of get things back on It worked out for America We got you know the
- 47:19
- Louisiana Purchase out of all that But everything else was kind of wild And those are your stories of the cults that took over France So none of them lasted all that long
- 47:27
- But it's just to me what's really fascinating Is just how these really smart people Thought they could get rid of God And make everything happy again
- 47:35
- And what they end up creating was far worse Or at least stupider than what they had before What's also interesting to me
- 47:42
- About the whole story and situation too Is just how much this sounds like something We could see happening today doesn't it?
- 47:48
- Like I when I when we when I again I got so many emails from people When we put this episode out And they just said I feel like we're five minutes away from that happening
- 47:55
- In the United States of America Or in the United Kingdom Like we're that close to seeing this kind of silly nonsense
- 48:00
- Just going on all over again No absolutely
- 48:05
- And and that's what I'm thinking this whole time Is this is this seems like you know
- 48:12
- Like like when I read 1984 I say this isn't this this is a prophecy Like this is the that we're seeing it play out in real time
- 48:20
- And what you're what you're talking about You know they say If you want to predict the future
- 48:26
- Learn the past Because everything sort of comes in cycles And it seems like we're at that point
- 48:31
- Where all it would take would be for somebody To offer people something else to believe in You know offer them some some other golden idol
- 48:40
- To to look toward And many people would just simply worship that thing Whether it's science
- 48:45
- And and and and I see this in that realm Like like science is the new reason right Like that's this is how
- 48:52
- And and and you know back during the pandemic And all the it was don't question the science Don't question the elite
- 48:58
- Don't question those who are smarter than you Because you don't know anything And and and that's the the danger right
- 49:04
- As we get to this point Where we're we're we're told Not only what to think But we're told how to think
- 49:10
- This is how you have to think about this And if you think any differently Then you're out of your mind And yeah it's it's funny
- 49:17
- Or you're gonna lose your head It's funny you say science Because there is a quote If I can find it real fast
- 49:23
- Oh man here you go Lord Bertrand Russell Have you ever heard of Lord Bertrand Russell? I had not heard of this guy
- 49:29
- But yeah but he's a famous kind of name And he wrote a book called The Impact of Science and Society He made this prediction in the 1950s
- 49:36
- And by the way he's a fan Of what I'm about to describe to you So I hear this and it makes my blood go cold I go oh my gosh
- 49:42
- That's scary I don't want this to happen He's making a prediction about the future Of what science will do in the future
- 49:48
- And he's a fan of this He's saying this will be what science can do someday If I can read you these two quotes of his
- 49:53
- He said the first one Or actually this one quote of his The subject will make great strides When it is taken up by scientists
- 49:59
- Under a scientific dictatorship The social psychologists of the future Will have a number of classes of school children
- 50:04
- On whom they will try different methods Of producing an unshakable conviction The conviction that snow is black
- 50:11
- Various results will soon be arrived at First that the influence of the home can stop it Second not much can be done
- 50:17
- Unless the indoctrination starts at before the age of 10 Thirdly that if you set verses to music
- 50:22
- And repeatedly play it It's very effective And fourth that the opinion snow is white Must be held as very morbid
- 50:28
- And it's eccentric to believe that But I anticipate it is for future scientists To make these truths precise
- 50:34
- And discover exactly how much it costs per head To make children believe that snow is black
- 50:39
- And even more how much less it would cost To convince them that snow is gray And I mean it's amazing isn't it
- 50:46
- How in the 50s they were writing this stuff down And saying scientists will be able to know How to basically get you to not believe in truth
- 50:53
- And not only how to do it But how much it costs to do it That's how effective they will be
- 50:58
- And I mean if you could take that person 75 years in the future and show them Look at you know you mentioned
- 51:03
- COVID Look at this Healthy people are going to sit in a room together Wearing a mask because they're afraid That someone might be sick and not know it somehow
- 51:10
- I mean you say these things And we all live through it We all accepted it But it sounds completely illogical and unscientific
- 51:17
- If you could bring a person from 2015 to the future To show them that's what we did They would go what were you guys doing
- 51:23
- But we were able to be convinced by science That snow is black That a child in the womb kicking against their mother's belly
- 51:30
- Is not a child but a fetus right That all these things that we know are just not true
- 51:36
- Yet somehow they are by science tells us loud enough We will believe that the that that soup of of atoms
- 51:42
- Somehow created life That life evolved until we got to a human Except some of the horses swam too much
- 51:49
- And they developed flippers and became dolphins And we just have to accept that Because that's what science tells us
- 51:54
- Even though on the face of it It just doesn't make any sense Absolutely and and we believe ridiculous things
- 52:04
- Because that is the the the result of not believing in God I don't remember who said it
- 52:11
- But there was a great quote and it was this When a man gives up his belief in God He'll believe in anything
- 52:18
- And that that I remember a movie years ago It was with Tim Robbins It was about it was about a expedition to Mars It might even been caused
- 52:30
- It might have been called expedition Mars But I don't think that was the name of It was a blockbuster movie Tim Robbins played in it
- 52:36
- And the whole idea was they go to Mars They're they're they're they're they're trekking Mars We have walking through driving their little car and all
- 52:43
- And they come upon this this mountain that looks like a face There's a there's a thing on Mars that looks like a face
- 52:49
- We'll come to find out it is a face And come to find out there were Martians there at one time And come to find out those Martians seeded
- 52:54
- Earth And that's where Earth came from That's where our human beings came from That they were seeded from Earth Or seeded from Mars And we are actually
- 53:02
- Martians And we're from Mars And and and I remember watching that movie And I remember thinking one
- 53:08
- It was an interesting movie I mean it was fun you know as as just popcorn movie It was fun to watch But I remember thinking this is the type of mindset
- 53:17
- That's going to influence people into thinking that there is no God And then it was just a few years later
- 53:23
- That Richard Dawkins was being interviewed by Ben Stein On the on the movie Expelled I don't know if you've ever seen that movie
- 53:28
- I've actually seen I've seen that one Yep yep At the end of it
- 53:34
- Richard Dawkins was asked by Ben Stein Well do you think that we evolved And he said yes
- 53:39
- He says well where did where did the original seed come from The thing that caused you know Where did the original atom or original cell come from That caused this evolution
- 53:47
- And he says well it could have came by aliens And I remember thinking back to the movie with Tim Robbins I was like I was like here here
- 53:53
- The movie that Tim Robbins had created is now being promoted by The same idea is being promoted by the the atheistic
- 54:04
- The the leading atheistic biologists in the world And so it's just this idea of We're being as it were sort of engineered to think a certain way
- 54:14
- By media by culture by art everything You know we're being told here's a beautiful painting
- 54:19
- And we look at it we say that's ugly No it's beautiful it's pretty You're supposed to say it's pretty Look at the look at look at the painting of King Charles III It looks like it looks like a child did it with a magic marker
- 54:32
- You know it's so that is not fair My daughter could color between the lines better than that What what even is that supposed to be
- 54:39
- I mean it is awful Yeah somebody said it looks like he's in hell
- 54:45
- Yeah it really does I feel like we're all closer to hell for having seen it I mean it's just a horrible uh massacre looking kind of a pain
- 54:52
- And let me say something too I just think it's interesting I don't this is something I've noticed just through history and through life Is that it when you know when
- 54:59
- Christianity came to the Greeks and to the Romans It came to us the Gentiles We were these foolish people that were worshiping the stars going
- 55:07
- Look there's Zeus and Poseidon We the gods are up there and we don't know how we got here
- 55:12
- But somehow the gods up in the heavens up in Olympus brought life down to us And now we are here through the series of events
- 55:19
- And it's just so interesting to me that as Christianity leaves its foothold on the west
- 55:24
- That we are now looking back up into the stars and going Life came from up there somewhere I don't know where it came from But it came from up there somewhere
- 55:31
- And that's how we got here And there's a smarter group of us out there somewhere that will someday save us
- 55:36
- And I'm like we just have returned back to the default settings As Christ leaves us we go back into the same pit we were in before Christ was here
- 55:45
- And it's so fascinating to me that we may have put it in scientific language But it's the exact same mythology beliefs really
- 55:51
- Of just something up there brought us to life We don't know where it is And now we're back to the same place Where we're just something out there it's there
- 55:57
- And it's brought us life I don't know where it is But it's there somewhere Yeah it's worshiping the created thing rather than the creator
- 56:07
- We're Romans 1 cycling through again Yep exactly Well brother
- 56:14
- I've super enjoyed our talk And I hope that we do this again soon one day
- 56:19
- Because I mean I could just pick your brain about a thousand things But this has been just one interesting but also terrifying
- 56:28
- I'm not gonna lie This is to hear what happened And to know that people were dying and having their heads cut off during all this
- 56:37
- And this is one of the things I hear people say sometimes is Well it's religion that causes people to be monsters
- 56:44
- Atheism causes people to be wholesome and good This is a proof if you will that that's not always the case
- 56:53
- Atheism doesn't produce virtue There's no proof of that And in fact the proof is in the opposite Yeah atheism has been tried in North Korea In the
- 57:06
- Soviet Union In China In Cambodia In the French Revolution It has been tried and found wanting
- 57:12
- Now technically Cambodia is Buddhist now But we have done the Marxist atheism dance We have seen even okay well if we take out
- 57:19
- Marxism Because it's basically its own religion What if we try a quiet chill atheism What we've seen in places like the
- 57:25
- United Kingdom Where they will let a child die Or they will encourage in Canada the elderly to die
- 57:32
- Atheism does not create a safe place for life to live And even places like Japan where you could say
- 57:39
- Well there's no one being killed there Look at how they're being worked to death Look at how the people of Japan do not want to have children
- 57:46
- Because they feel no hope They feel despair I mean that if anywhere should look like a society Where atheism has flourished
- 57:52
- On the outside no one's being killed But the people themselves are screaming out You can tell they're struggling
- 57:57
- This is not where you want to be But I wanted to throw a caution to the group too It's easy to listen to a story like this and go
- 58:04
- Aha see the atheists are wrong And that's the story But it's also important to look at the other lesson
- 58:10
- How did they get to this place Part of it was because the church had failed
- 58:15
- To show Christ The church had become this state religion That was calcified into the people's lives
- 58:22
- That had power over the people's lives But was not sharing the gospel And became an object of ire
- 58:28
- And we can't That does not give an excuse to what happened And sure the enemies of the church will always attack the church
- 58:34
- But I also have to say Had the church of France behaved differently And the Catholics Look again
- 58:39
- Huguenots are being kicked out It's not their fault But Protestant churches We are not always guiltless too And I'm not saying that to make us feel bad
- 58:45
- I'm saying we need to make sure we are lights for the gospel That we are showing the love of Christ to those around us
- 58:50
- That we are blessing those who persecute us And not cursing them We need to do our part Because the thing is
- 58:56
- As much as it may be unfair They're going to persecute us Christ didn't say bless them
- 59:01
- Unless they persecute you in this way It's bless those who persecute you We must bless them That is what
- 59:07
- Christ has commanded us to do We leave justice to him And so Our role in this is not to scoff and laugh purely
- 59:14
- And go you dumb idiots That's what you do when you reject God Our role in this is to also go But let me make sure
- 59:20
- That a hundred years from now When they're talking about the American church That our church isn't looking like a problem to the world
- 59:27
- And that we did not make some of those same mistakes Because I promise you we all have blinders And that's one of the reasons
- 59:33
- I love church history I can learn so much And then I look at my day and I go Oh here's some of my blinders
- 59:38
- I was able to look at some of these different cultures and perspectives And see hey this is an area we're all missing We only read that stuff that comes out today
- 59:45
- Everyone's saying the same thing Because they're on the same page You need some of that You need some of that stuff from the past To help give you that extra perspective
- 59:52
- To see wait a minute This would be a blind spot of ours That maybe we would miss if no one You know no one's calling it out today
- 59:57
- But it's been seen in the past That's extremely helpful
- 01:00:03
- And it goes right along with Kind of what we started talking about at the beginning And maybe would be a good place to draw to a close
- 01:00:10
- And that is you know a lot of the people who are crying You know talking about Christian nationalism On one side or the other
- 01:00:16
- And we're not you know necessarily trying to To have that debate or argument You know which is better which is worse
- 01:00:22
- But if we are not promoting Christ If we are just promoting the power
- 01:00:28
- Or something like that Or if we're promoting something that's opposite of the gospel
- 01:00:34
- Then we should take a step back and say You know we need to go a different direction with this
- 01:00:39
- We need to rethink this If this is not promoting what Christ would promote Then we're not promoting
- 01:00:45
- Christ And so and again I know people are going to read that People are going to hear me say that And think I'm on one side or the other
- 01:00:51
- Again I'm not here today to argue my position On theonomy or not theonomy
- 01:01:00
- Christian nationalism But we can see as you said when the church fails
- 01:01:05
- And it becomes the enemy And the rise up out of that is so easy
- 01:01:12
- Because people say look where the church failed And here's where we're going to save you And out of that comes these cults of reason
- 01:01:18
- That are dangerous and deadly And unfortunately cyclical
- 01:01:26
- Because they come back And they continue to come back Well Troy I want to thank you again for being on the show
- 01:01:33
- If you have any final thoughts Or as we close I would like to ask you for your final thoughts But also remind people how they can get a hold of you
- 01:01:41
- How they can listen to you How they can support your ministry Particularly you know if people are able to give
- 01:01:47
- And want to give how they can do that And then we'll draw everything to a close Yeah sure so if you want to learn more about church history
- 01:01:55
- If you find these kind of stories interesting Go to Revive Thoughts We do sermons of the past We tell you the backstories of all the pastors
- 01:02:02
- There are so many wonderful amazing men of God Who have done just incredible things
- 01:02:08
- That when I learn their stories I have so much courage and strength for the day I can't even explain how much these mentors of the past Have really transformed and worked on my heart
- 01:02:17
- And helped me to grow closer to Him And if you're a pastor or someone too And you're wanting to grow You've got to listen to sermons of the past You've got to read sermons of the past Because they will make you better preachers
- 01:02:27
- I promise you You will be able to speak more confidently And better about God If you're reading some of those great things From the past If you want to be good at a game
- 01:02:35
- You've got to do practice And you've got to study stuff from the back You've got to study strategies Listen and read some of the greats
- 01:02:41
- It will help you grow So you can go to Revive Thoughts My wife's podcast Martyrs and Missionaries as well
- 01:02:47
- Great church history content And then if you'd like to follow our ministry We are in Indonesia serving
- 01:02:53
- God over here I get to work at a Christian school And I get to have an impact On a lot of different students in different ways
- 01:03:00
- Please go to our We have a Facebook group called Following the Fraziers If you don't follow Facebook And you'd like to contact us or something
- 01:03:06
- You can also go to any of our emails ReviveThoughts at gmail .com Or find us wherever you are on social media
- 01:03:14
- I'm on Twitter too much So that's somewhere I'm sorry, X too much And you can just find us over there
- 01:03:20
- But you can contact us We love church history We love chatting I like throwing questions out on X And finding out what will
- 01:03:27
- Accidentally set people off What will get everybody a bunch of friends And we'll get a bunch of people happy And you never know what the day is going to be
- 01:03:34
- Sometimes you're like oops I really stepped in it And then sometimes you're like Hey this was fun Everyone's happy But just find us
- 01:03:40
- We love serving God Where we are here in Indonesia It's a real blessing that we get to do what we do And sharing the gospel with our students
- 01:03:47
- And yeah, we just feel very blessed where we are And we love getting to share church history I love being able to talk with people about it
- 01:03:54
- I find that, I don't know For me it has been Just so many people are hungry to grow in God And showing them what
- 01:04:01
- God has done in the past And the great people of God Who have stood up through hard times I have found has been so incredibly rewarding for my faith
- 01:04:08
- And it has been very impactful on other people's as well It almost feels like a cheat code
- 01:04:14
- Like you want to grow closer to God What do I do? It's right there in the open if you do it You will find that you will start
- 01:04:20
- It just seems to me You'll just start growing in your walk with God And understanding the scriptures better And just having a lot more faith for the day
- 01:04:30
- Well, that's awesome brother And I'm glad to be your friend And glad to be able to promote your ministry
- 01:04:35
- And I do hope people will come And not only listen to your podcast But also reach out to you with support So may
- 01:04:40
- God continue to bless you And your wife and your family As you guys continue to spread the gospel abroad
- 01:04:46
- Thank you very much, Keith Thank you for having me on too Appreciate it Absolutely I want to thank you guys for being a part of the show today
- 01:04:53
- Again, remember if you have questions, comments Or ideas for upcoming shows And you'd like to reach out to me
- 01:04:59
- You can do so at KeithFoskey .com Again, my name is Keith Foskey And I have been your
- 01:05:05
- Calvinist May God bless you It's your
- 01:05:36
- Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey Beards and bow ties
- 01:05:46
- Laughs till sunrise It's your
- 01:05:51
- Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey He's not like most
- 01:05:59
- Calvinists He's nice Your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey Striving for superior theology and denominational unity