How Many Sexes or Genders did God Create?
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- 00:03
- Genesis 127 says, So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him.
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- Male and female he created them. There are only two genders, or sexes if you will, male and female.
- 00:18
- That's it. Science affirms what the Bible says. A male is born with XY chromosomes and a female with XX chromosomes.
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- On a very rare occasion someone may be born with say XXY chromosomes, but a person is considered immutably male if the
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- Y chromosome is present. This is basic biology, but people suppress the truth with unrighteousness.
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- Do you know what we used to call a man who called himself a woman? A pervert. Insane. Out of his mind.
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- Anything but a woman. Yet our depraved culture is now punishing people who agree with the laws of nature.
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- In Matthew 19 .4 Jesus said, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?
- 01:01
- Jesus is God who himself became flesh and dwelt among us, and he came as a man, born of woman, born under the law to redeem those who are under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons or heirs of his heavenly kingdom.
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- God will judge those who have broken his law. Only those who believe in the Son and His Word will be saved.
- 01:23
- If you had a dollar for every gender you would have two dollars. Everything else is counterfeit when we understand the text.