"Church of Christ" EXILE conversation with: Adam Carmichael @ThinkingTheologyYa


Christ Rescued Me! ....from the "CoC" Campbellism: Its history and heresies https://amzn.to/3vUt1pC https://amzn.to/3GzsuLC =============================== Church of Christ Exiles https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558657601255622 This is a Facebook Group meant for people coming out of the Restoration Movement that are seeking community and help with receiving the Gospel of Grace. =============================== https://theapologeticdog.com/


If you're new to the channel, I just wanna ask you to please hit the like button and get ready for this very special episode.
Before we dive in, I have a new guest, by the way, but I want you to know that I have a debate coming up November 3rd, which is just a handful of weeks away from the time of this recording.
I will be debating Caleb Robertson in Virginia on November 3rd.
So this will be a televised event and we will be getting into the doctrine of total depravity.
Is it true? Does the Bible teach such things? Your boy is going to be going to the word showing, yes, we are not good.
There is none good, no, not one, and we need a perfect savior. So be on the lookout for that.
I will also share the phone number where people can, it'll be a live call in to an audience to be able to ask questions live.
So be on the lookout for that. I'll share that information, but that is just around the corner. And then I also have another debate coming up in February.
This is a little bit ways off, but I will be debating my good friend, Lucas Curcio, and we're going to be talking about if a believer can actually lose their salvation.
And so this will be at the Open Air Theology Conference. The theme of the conference is war, the flesh versus the spirit.
And so this debate will fit in nicely with that as well. So be on the lookout for that.
With that being said, I want to bring in my guest, Adam Carmichael.
How are you, sir? I'm doing very well. Also known as the Tatted Theologian. The Tatted Theologian, that's right.
Well, I wanted to have you on because there is a special segment that me and the Fishbone, Trey Fisher, for those that don't know who
I'm talking about, where we interview church or Christ exiles. And so that's why you're on here today.
And so before we dive into how God saved you by his amazing grace, especially out of that context, tell us a little bit more about yourself where people can find your content.
Well, me and a friend of mine, we put together this channel called Thinking Theology. So you can put hashtag to Thinking Theology in your
YouTube search bar, and you'll pull up, it's like a green circle right there.
Thinking Theology, a good friend of ours, Claude Ramsey is actually the one designed that for us.
Thank you, Claude, for putting that together for us. We got good content. We're kind of slow getting started, but I'll be kind of pushing forward for the next couple of weeks, trying to iron things out, just trying to get content out there that people can review, critique, reject, dislike.
I welcome it all. We're just trying to get started. Yeah, well, y 'all got a few episodes. I want to definitely encourage people to go check out
Thinking Theology, and I'll post the link to your channel in the show notes below so people can easily find that.
I have another question for you. Tell us a little bit about the shirt you're wearing. It's our new 12 .5
shirt. We're Reformed Baptists. So we used to have, it's kind of just a circular shirt.
It's got 12 .5, we, though many, are one body of Christ, and that's what
Reformed Baptist is. We're trying to look to what Christ says, what the word of God says.
So it's nothing new. We're just getting back to the core doctrines, reforming that, shaping that, so that we can honor
Christ and God with our lives. I like that hat, too. That's a 12 .5, right? Oh, yeah, yeah.
A good friend, I believe it's Justin Cohart, made these hats. It's amazing, and it's also 12 .5,
but we got to represent God's church. Well, for people that don't know, Adam and I both attend 12 .5
Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and so we just want to invite you, if you're in the Northeast Arkansas area, please come check out our fellowship.
We'd love to meet you in person, and to Adam's point, 12 .5 comes from a
Bible verse, Romans 12, verse five. Even though the saints, we are one in the body of Christ, even though we are many living out
God's grace in our lives, and so Adam, I just want to start out by saying, your presence at 12 .5
has been so encouraging, getting to know you and your lovely bride and the rest of your family, but you have a little bit of journey that brought you to 12 .5.
Would you like to tell us any about that? Yeah, now don't hold me to timestamps because sometimes the times may fluctuate because how
I remember things in time are different, but I used to be a drug addict for 19 years.
When I come back from Iraq, I was taken away by methamphetamines.
So for 12 years after I come back from Iraq, I was just engulfed by that. So I got three drug charges back to back.
So I'm a veteran, so there's a program here in Crockett County called
Veterans Court Program, and I was enrolled in that, and well, that wasn't enough to deter me.
I failed drug tests for eight months in the program, and they were sending me to prison. I wasn't worried about it because I didn't have a purpose.
But in my program, in the Drug Court Program, basically for veterans, part of the program was to do some sort of outreach program or anything like that to where we're getting accountability.
So I started going to Celebrate Recovery because it was part of the thing that I can just be involved in to try to get back on track.
Well, I went to Celebrate Recovery for about four weeks, and this is kind of weird. The program had these ladies come through.
I didn't like women at the time because I was very mad about things from childhood and all the drugs and stuff that went on with that, but there's one girl that stuck out when
I went to Celebrate Recovery, and I spoke with her. She didn't want nothing to do with me, but she gave me her number, and so we talked, and she was gonna try to teach me a lesson.
So she was gonna tell me about Jesus. And yeah. Yeah, so - It backfired on her, didn't it?
Backfired, yeah, because tell me more. Tell me more about this Jesus that you're talking about.
So for about three weeks, she was telling me that there couldn't be nothing else.
She actually, she went to a church cross. Where she went to, it was embedded into a church cross.
It's called John 317. It's a well -known rehabilitation program. I personally cannot say that I would recommend it because if you don't have the right
God, it doesn't matter what kind of recovery you're still deemed for the same place.
But she invited me there. I was actually baptized there on October 22nd, 2017 by one of the,
I don't know if he was an elder or not, Jim Waddell. We had many conversations.
He didn't like me, but he baptized me. And then months went on.
She stopped coming. And I kept coming because I didn't know what the church cross taught.
I was wanting to know more because I was a new believer because I got baptized.
I was, I got baptized there. And I professed faith that I celebrate recovery two nights before at Middleton Baptist Church here in Jonesboro, Arkansas.
So it all lined up. So I was going there to learn about who God was. And that was the only place
I had. So as time went on, Tori saw that I was still coming, that it must have not have been just her that I come there for.
So she come back and then we started talking more. And it was about a week after we started talking again.
I'm pretty quick on a draw. So I asked her to marry me within the first three weeks. Yeah, so three weeks and she said, yeah.
So six months later, we were married. And it's weird because a guy named
David Bowman, my wife loved that man. The whole place, church cross loved like the world loves.
So I'm making that distinction, a love that only the world knows because they're taking you as you are.
They don't care if you repent, they just walk with you and make you feel emotionally secure.
Well, so my wife was pulled and drawn to that whole place. And so I had a little animosity towards them because they are
James three. Anybody that teaches will be held to higher standards where they're teaching this demonized doctrine of works righteousness.
And so my wife was swayed by that man, especially because he was making them feel like he loved them.
And he made in his own understanding feel that way, but it's wrong.
It's not what scripture teaches. So as time went on, I think it was somewhere around 2021,
I stopped going. I just couldn't take it anymore. Me and my wife were arguing. And she said, my wife would read me better than any book.
She could read my face. She's like, stop looking like that. I was like, they're talking garbage from the pulpit.
I can't keep sitting through it. So I stopped going. I started attending different churches, like Walnut Street Baptist.
I've tried that place for about a month. You know, good place to go, but it just wasn't a fit for me.
It wasn't ground and pound scripture. It was something different, great place.
Got invited to a couple Pentecostal church. I didn't know they were Pentecostal. You know, somebody invited me, so I went.
It was very crazy to say the least, but I won't hold that against them either, as long as they hold the
Trinitarian doctrine of what scripture reveals of God's essence, and that's triune.
So as that went on, I'm watching hours and hours of apologetics from 1
Peter 3 .15, because that was one of the great things I could say about Rimmel there in Newport.
There's a sign going into the kitchen, 1 Peter 3 .15, Revere Christ is Lord in your heart. Be prepared to give a defense for the hope that you have in you.
I wanted to hear others' arguments, and you can do that by watching apologetics.
I'm not saying that that's the only way, but that was a great way for me to see how others tried to argue for you having to do something when
Christ says it is finished on the cross. I couldn't reconcile. You can't reconcile that. The finished work of the perfect Savior necessitates that it is finished.
There's no more for us to do, and so I finally hear on a debate.
I can't remember if it was a Mormon or a Roman Catholic. A guy named Jeremiah Nortier, the very channel
I'm on right now, he was killing it, but he was doing it in gentleness and meekness.
He was reflecting Christ -like characters, and I'm like, man, I love the Word of God. He loves the
Word of God, and I want to be able to live my life like that and stand on sound doctrine while reflecting the very character of Christ.
Well, I saw one of your bios, and it said you were from Jonesboro. I'm from Jonesboro, man, you know.
So I'm like, I'm trying to figure this out, and I'm not trying to give this guy a shout -out, but I went to a men's group,
Trey, can't remember what his last name is, but he kind of told me about where the place was at.
Couldn't find it. GPS is really ambiguous of how it brought people there. Especially where we used to be located in Nathan's backyard.
Yeah, it was in backwoods, so it was scary trying to, but as I started to leave and wasn't gonna come,
I was like, man, you ain't got nowhere else to go. Nobody is standing on scripture.
Nobody wants to call out false teachings. They don't want to, because they're looking at man and saying, well, we don't want to offend him.
I'm like, man, I don't want to offend God, so I want to try to find a place, and so I went up that little one driveway in that old spot over there, and the first person
I met was Christy Wilkes. She was the first person I got to meet at 12 .5. Amazing woman.
She loves the body there at 12 .5, and I'm very grateful for her, and she kind of ushered me inside, and the next person
I met was Jeremiah. He was walking up saying, hey, what's going on? He's kind of doing the cordial thing, and I was like, yeah,
I was looking for you, and the look on your face kind of explained a lot of it, because you're like, and here's this dude walking in and saying,
I'm looking for you. But yeah, you're a cool dude. I want to chime in real quick, because I remember that day, and guests were far and few in between.
I think you came around maybe a year and a half of our church plant at 12 .5 Church, and so a lot of people maybe know, but Pastor Nathan Hargrave and myself were a part of 12 .5's
early inception, the church plant, and so we just completed four years, and so you came on pretty early, and I'm gonna whet people's appetite.
We'll get into this, but you were 12 .5's first baptism, which is pretty incredible. Actually, I do want to get into that.
I got some questions surrounding that, but I did want to take a moment, because you brought up an important scripture verse that this is important for apologetics.
In fact, this is where we get the word, but 1 Peter 3 .15, but in your hearts, so I'm already thinking a heart of faith, right?
Honor Christ, sanctify him as Lord. He is the apex of what we're looking to in our life, whether it's apologetics, whether it's preaching from the pulpit, whether it's interacting with fellow believers.
He's at the forefront of our hearts. We are living to glorify him. So this verse says, in your hearts, honor
Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense, an apologetic, right?
To those who ask for you a reason for the hope that is in you, and you do this with gentleness and respect.
And so what's neat is because that has always been my prayer, like with my apologetics ministry, that I'd meet people with love and grace.
And so it's incredible, Adam. It's all glory to God and his providence that you saw one of the debates
I was having, I think it was with the Roman Catholic, and I think I was debating on one of the Marian dogmas.
So that's what led you to 12 .5. Yeah, just seeing how you handled the word and seeing somebody that loves the word, like I feel that the
Lord put on me to love the word because that's how we know what he says.
That's how we know what his precepts are, his commands. It's not ambiguous. Scripture is perspicuous.
It's clear for the believer that - That's where we get truth, right? Yes, sir.
That word is truth. So I'm with you on that has to be the final court of appeal. God's word is axiomatic, it's self -attesting.
It's truth, therefore it shines a unique light and contextualizes our experience.
So me and you, we're cut from the same cloth when we start talking about scripture alone. We have to be grounded in the word.
So continue, you came to 12 .5 for the first time and you're like, wow, we're meeting on some guys like backyard, and you said that was kind of weird at first but then you started meeting
Christy and then you bumped into me and eventually you got to meet Pastor Nathan. Nathan, amen,
Nathan was, I don't want my other elders to feel any kind of way. I drifted to Nathan.
Nathan just hit home with me. I still, he's the first one I call. There's something, he can relate in so many areas specifically to what
I'm going through, even with my wife, how they've counseled, him and Erica has counseled me and my wife.
Him and Erica are vital to the lives of the body there at 12 .5, just like you and Allie and Keith and Karen, just specifically the walk that I was going through and Nathan was, bam, right there.
And he is a vital part. He is the mouthpiece for Christ because he kept, I only got one answer, that's
Christ. The best answer ever. Yeah. It's been incredible, like you said,
Nathan is gifted in a very unique way that benefits the body. So does Adam, so does Tari.
It's Christ's church, right, that he's building. So when we're talking about the church of Christ, you started attending 12 .5
solo, right? Because your better half was not necessarily there from the get -go.
Yeah, hey, this is why, even coming on here, my wife's like, you need to make sure
Jeremiah knows we didn't hold to that position. I was like, he knows, I was like, but we attended the church of Christ nonetheless.
I said, my wife never heard them verbalize that you had to be baptized.
So she was kind of, I guess God was, I don't know, protecting her or whatever. I don't know how
I would articulate that, but for nine months, almost 10 months, I was coming to 12 .5
and she was in, oh, there was problems in our marriage. We was going, she was going to church of Christ and I was coming to 12 .5.
And it got to the point where me and you had conversation about looking at texts of scripture because I think
I was the first person that being baptized with 12 .5
had to kind of look at all of scripture and how, why are we being baptized people?
Why is it important? Why is it necessary to be baptized again when you, somebody like me, were baptized into a church of Christ setting?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to camp on this for a moment because I did want to talk about this. We're about to get into a little bit dicey waters, pun intended.
But when you were pursuing membership at 12 .5, we go pretty in depth. Like church membership is really weighty.
You sign a membership covenant. You're coventing with being in fellowship, joint participation with the body.
And so a question that you, me, you, and Nathan spent some time talking about is if you were baptized and in your heart, you were trusting in Christ alone, by faith alone, but you were being baptized in a context where that's not the gospel being proclaimed.
In fact, the one that's doing the baptism says, hey, your past sins are getting remitted in these waters.
We had to continue to talk about that, didn't we? Oh yeah. And do you want to speak to that a little bit, maybe the struggle of that and realizing that baptism is more than just being individualistic between you and God?
Oh yeah. Yeah, the thing about it is, because I went off of my past understanding of,
I think it was Tertullian. It wouldn't matter if you got baptized by Satan. Baptism plays no part in the justifying work of God.
And I get that, but there's so much more to being baptized communally where other believers in the faith, they're in the local body, actually get to see you professing your faith in baptism.
So I wrestled with that for a little while and it wasn't that difficult for me to look at what the text of scripture prescribes, even in Acts where we see the baptizer understood that faith in Christ alone was what justified you before God.
Well, the baptizee had that same understanding because he had a regenerate heart and that the Holy Spirit had wrought that new work in him that he has faith in Christ.
So that was fundamental to being biblically baptized.
So at that point there, I was saying I was being rebaptized, but then I wasn't being rebaptized.
I was being biblically baptized. So I don't want anybody that watches this video to be offended by it in any way.
Every instance of somebody being baptized, it was under the right understanding of, it is
Christ alone that justifies you by his finished work on the cross. So your baptism symbolizes the inward work of the
Holy Spirit. It's just the outward work. So trying to filter that out as I got baptized biblically, my wife was, oh, she was infuriated because she was like, there's nothing wrong with your baptism.
I'm like, I know the baptism, we're not talking about salvation here. And I think it's what people misunderstand.
We're not talking about the justifying work. I want to stand before God, 1
Peter 3, with a clear conscience. If I have my thoughts that, man,
I got baptized by this heathen that has a false gospel and a false cross, because, and I can say that because the gospel is the finished work of Christ.
So, and they don't affirm that. So they have a different cross. If I want to stand before Christ at the judgment seat and say, yeah,
I put my faith and trust in you when I got biblically baptized by my pastor Jeremiah.
And now I can stand without a charge against me because I stand with a clear conscience for having done that with my heart saying, yeah, you needed to do that.
So I moved on. We kind of had discussions with my wife. She was opposed to it.
Pastor Nathan talked with her and she was like, can I just, you know, get baptized because I want to be a part of the body.
I want to add something to back what you said earlier. It was what, eight, nine months before your beautiful bride,
Tara, eventually started coming to 12 .5 and be like, oh, these people are awesome. They're not as scary as I thought.
I'm just kidding. That's the thing, before she came, she said that you and Nathan had me brainwashed that I needed to stop going to 12 .5
because I couldn't hear all of her objections. She was affirming because she didn't know church of Christ taught all that.
She was like, come on back. She was like, we can, there's no way I can ever go back to a place like that.
I'm trying to lead our home. Well, she prayed and prayed for a long time because she wanted to be in obedience to God first but walk alongside of her husband.
Well, what brought her to 12 .5 was
I asked her just about every other time I came. And this time she was kind of juxtaposed.
She was like, I could tell the way my wife talked. So she was like, yeah, I'll go with you this time. So I knew she was up to something.
Well, when she gets there, Nathan preaches a sermon that was directed straight towards my wife.
And my wife is a praying woman. And she said that, because I'll tell you more about that later, but she prays and God has to reveal things to her.
So God revealed through Nathan's sermon that Sunday. And she said, okay,
God, I hear you. And she latched on to me and she said,
I will never leave my husband's side again. So couldn't find out
Pastor Nathan balled up his whole sermon this Saturday before wrote it all new.
Well, that's telling me that God specifically went through Nathan and preached a sermon through Nathan to call my wife to obedience to him because wives are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, not in one thing or something, but in all things as unto the
Lord. So God spoke to her through that sermon. And she's been with me at 12 -5 ever since.
Now, is our lives perfect? No, we look to the perfect one, the finished work of Christ.
So we're being conformed more to his image. But now this is even more amazing.
She, after she starts 12 -5 and we baptize her, that's because she's gave a beautiful speech.
Why? She actually thought it was communal. It was something that she knew that God placed on her heart before she even come up there and said, where I got baptized before, they said there's salvation in the waters.
And she says, that's not what scripture teaches. That is not what Jesus accomplished on the cross.
When he said it is finished, he meant it was finished. That means anybody that puts their faith in that finished work, they are justified by that faith in him.
And so I was very pleased to see that God works. Even when
I'm pushing back and I'm trying to do it myself, I'm trying to drag her along, saying, come, you gotta come. She was rebellious.
She's like, she didn't wanna listen to her husband. And I had to let God mold her because as I'm praying, you're praying,
Pastor Nathan, we're all praying for God to work. And we get to actually see this in real time.
God brought her through the shaping and transforming of her way of thinking, looking at scripture, looking at her husband and him supposed to lead the home.
So he done all this and he was shaping me too. I'm a better husband and a better leader of the home now.
I'm not perfect. He's still molding and shaping me, but she is at 12 -5 with me.
And within about a year, me and two other guys,
Brian A .G. and Justin Stazny, we got brought before the elders to be deacon nominees.
And I was very taken back because I love the word of God. I wanna be able to help serve in any capacity that I can.
And Justin and Brian are the examples of what it means to be a deacon.
They serve without questioning. They serve without groaning, moaning.
Sometimes I do because that's just residuals of my old past. Just, I used to be a complainer, gruff about everything, but I'm getting better to where I just wanna serve the body there at 12 -5 in any way that I can.
Mm, well, praise God. We have wonderful deacons. And what's funny at 12, a lot of people think deacons are a board of directors and are calling the shots.
And I think it was Justin Stazny, someone was like, so you're a deacon? He's like, yeah, I'm serving the church.
He's like, don't get that twist. So anyway, y 'all are incredible. Y 'all do a fantastic job.
And you have a few ministries within the church and just helping set up and tear down.
And so, hey, our efforts for the Lord are never in vain. So I thank you so much for that, brother.
I did wanna maybe switch gears, and I love, I call you up all the time when
I'm finding deeper insights. You know, I'm thinking very apologetically, even when I'm getting ready to preach and teach.
And we had a wonderful time last night, right? We got to talk a little bit about compatibilism with the church and the doctrine of unconditional election.
So shifting back to the church of Christ, in your opinion, what are some of the dangers that people are in the church of Christ world?
And maybe they're not convinced of the doctrine. So this kind of goes back to what you and Tari experienced.
So maybe some people say, okay, I don't really believe that baptism justifies me and literally washes away past sins.
But what are some dangers of being in a place that professes to be a church, but they're actually not?
Oh, wow. There's so much there that going to a,
I can't help but to think of John 10. I think it's about verse five, where he says that, after you, my sheep will hear my voice, but they will not hear the voice of a stranger.
And that is what they're doing. If you have been justified by faith in the finished work of Christ, and you're still in a church of Christ or any place like that that teaches that you have to do these things to be right with God, it's problematic.
You're looking at man. You have, one, a false understanding of the Anthropos of man.
There's so much there, we ain't got time to go in, but I beg you to turn and look to the perfect savior because logically you can reason from him that if he's the perfect savior and he gave his life on the cross, and now you think that you can add to that anyway.
And I think there's a saying, like you can take a Van Gogh painting, and the second you put your finger across it, it's no longer a
Van Gogh. You corrupted the painting. That's the same way with the finished work of Christ, the perfect savior, the son of God, who is
God himself, that when he finished everything that it was for his father to accomplish on the cross, well, that means it's finished.
And so if you're in the church of Christ, and it may sound very similar, but words mean different things to them.
When they say, go ahead. I was gonna say one word I've noticed in the church of Christ is the word obey.
You must obey. It's all over scripture. Hebrews 5 -9, all throughout the book of Romans.
And so you must obey, Adam. But you know what words that I notice rarely get defined with talking with the church of Christ?
It's the doctrine of justification and sanctification. So yeah, continue to talk about how, when you're a part of a place that's preaching the false gospel, it's therefore a false church.
That can have a devastating impact on your life, and you are missing out on being in a actual church.
And then we talk about being in a healthy church. How has being in a healthy church changed your walk with the
Lord? Being in a healthy church has changed it detrimentally because I went from not wanting to even attend or go to the place like church of Christ because there's no doctrine.
You know how many times I had to hear there's power in the water by pastors that come through there at Rimmel and said that there's power in the water.
There's no power in the water. If there's power in the water, you logically have a false gospel because Christ is the power of salvation.
He is the gospel. And so to be a part of the healthy church, well, we love scripture.
We love the word of God. So we wanna try to walk through the text and lovingly help mold people because not everybody stands on the doctrines of grace.
And that's okay. But if you know that Christ is the one that saved you and when you put your faith in him, well, that's what a healthy church is gonna try to teach you and walk through biblical doctrine.
And that's foundational to being a Christian because was it Matthew 4 .4, man shall not live off of bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of the living
God. And that's scripture. Well, that's the great thing about Reformed Baptist. We wanna,
I wanna know about scripture. I wanna know what God said. I love Pastor Nathan. I love Jeremiah. I wanna know what they say.
You tell me what God said. So that's foundational to being in a healthy church because they're not gonna tell you stories.
They're not gonna kind of tickle your fancy or tickle your ear. They're gonna give you truth and we are sanctified.
The word is truth. So I want that. And I want that for everybody else that professes faith in Christ.
Something unique that we do at 12 Five Church because it is all about the word. It's all about truth. It's always looking back to Jesus Christ.
After the sermon is preached, then we have a time of koinonia, feast, love feast, fellowship meal, which is awesome.
By the way, I look forward to that every week. And then after that time of fellowship, we get to do sermon discussion because everyone just has heard the word preached and then eating a meal with one another where relationships, lifelong relationships just build all around you, right?
But people are talking about the sermon a lot of times. I walk around and I love just jumping in Adam's conversation with somebody or going over here and just getting to fellowship with everybody.
Then afterwards, we have a time of discussion that's led by whoever preached the sermon, usually me,
Pastor Nathan and Pastor Keith. And once again, it gives opportunity to hold one another accountable to the scripture.
And I loved how you appealed to John chapter 10 earlier about God's sheep hear the good shepherd's voice.
And so we just, we can't get enough of it. Truth exhorts the heart. It sanctifies us. It's what binds us together.
That's why even though we are one of another, we are one together in the spirit, we are one body of Christ.
And so now we did talk about a healthy church. So that assumes having the right gospel.
And there's so many verses that kind of capture the gospel in a verse or two. Now, I did wanna bring up the scripture in Romans chapter four.
This is where I would submit to people, this is where church or Christ get this wrong.
And so we talk about how Abraham was justified by faith.
Now, Abraham is the case example. How are you made right before God? How do you have all of your sins forgiven, not just your past sins, but all of your sins forgiven?
Well, the apostle Paul makes his appeal with Abraham. He even makes his appeal to Psalm 32 with David.
And then Paul continues to talk about how he is justified with believers of how everybody is.
And it's the same way that Abraham is. So I'd like to read some of these verses and get your thought.
If we were to start in verse three, for what does scripture say? Abraham believed
God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. Now, this is a quotation of Genesis 15, verse six.
And I wanna say, we are saved, Paul, Christians today, we are saved the same way as all
Old Testament saints are, Hebrews chapter 11, especially with Abraham.
What is true of Abraham is true of us today. Now, the Church of Christ already don't like that terminology because they weren't commanded to be baptized in water yet.
That is unique to John the Baptist, and that's unique to Christian baptisms. Now, there are ceremonial principles that we see with high priests, being fully bathed and so forth, but guess what?
Not even those ceremonies washed away their sin. And so we are not justified by faith plus our ceremonies and our works and our participation, no.
How is Abraham justified? Well, it was by believing in the promises of God, not just assenting to the facts, knowing that they're real, but trusting.
And so Paul continues in verse four, now to the one, whichever singular person in general you wanna point to, and remember, the case example is
Abraham, now to the one who works his participation in ceremony, somebody that says, hey,
I'm gonna get up and do X, Y, and Z and receive something in exchange. Paul says to the one who works, he has a wage coming his way.
His wages are no longer grace, no longer a gift, but it's what's owed him.
And so when we start adding our works, our participation, whether that be to a ceremony or accomplishing some set of tasks, implicitly, if we say that that is what justifies us and declares us right before God, we are trying to put
God in a debt. And you said it earlier, Jesus's works are the only works that save us.
And towards the end of Romans four here, it is Jesus's finished work that grounds our justification.
The instrumentation of how we are to be justified is our faith.
And that faith is not a condition of work that we participate in. As we see in Ephesians chapter two, the promise of the new covenant in Ezekiel 36, faith is a gracious gift from above.
And so verse five, and to the one who does not work, right, I believe this is an emphatic negation or at least coming up in the context, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith, not the system of faith,
Adam Carmichael out there, but that person's personal trust, not just mental ascent, but trust from the heart, a heart of faith.
Upon that basis, he is counted as righteous. So what do you think about that far as a place to kind of show people the gospel of how they can have their sins forgiven?
This is a perfect place to go to. And it troubles me that I've been in comment sections and try to get church across to see this.
I've been told by several of them that Abraham wasn't even a Christian. So how am I bringing up Abraham?
Well, this is their illogical rationale. Anything that scripture says, they try to re -translate or change it around to mean something because they have to have obedience.
Obedience flows to faith, not faith flows into obedience. And that's problematic for anybody that truly from the heart wants to live for Christ, because I've heard it said so many times that Calvinists don't believe in obeying.
I'm here to tell you, I'm a Calvinist, and I believe that you have to obey. But the thing about it is you cannot obey until God acts first, until God justifies you.
He is the just and the justifier. Until He justifies you, you will never obey the commands of God.
And even now, I do it imperfectly, but He grants me repentance. He grants me faith so that I may grow in the likeness of His Son.
But obedience flows from a faith that is the gift of God. Adam, maybe you haven't read
Romans 6 here, but clearly you were just trying to avoid the term obey and obedient because verse 17 in Romans chapter 6 says, but thanks be to God that you who were once in the past slaves to sin have become obedient.
I'm gonna have to finish the rest of the context, Adam. So you have to obey, right? You used to be slaves to unrighteousness, choosing however you want apart from any external forces that exist in the world, but you must obey.
Have you ever heard people say that? Oh yeah, yeah. Everybody that has a false understanding of the anthropology of man, when they believe in the
Pelagian view of man, yeah, that's a good view to have, and it's the wrong view to have, but yeah.
So Adam, this is what I tell people here in this verse is okay, fair, let's talk about the word obey.
You can obey in your works, and that's usually the context of obey when we see it, especially in the book of Hebrews, is sure, you must obey.
But I always talk about the just shall live by faith. Typically, obedience speaks to the sanctified life of a justified believer.
But fine, we wanna talk about Romans 6. Obey just means to give ear to and to submit to instruction.
And the call that Jesus gave to us is to repent and believe the gospel. First John talks about that we must obey the command to believe in Jesus Christ.
And so when we talk about being obedient from the heart, okay, well, this is talking about a heart of faith that trusts in Christ alone, by faith alone, apart from any of our works, because Paul already made that case in Romans 4.
And this is interesting. To that standard of teaching to which you were committed. Well, Romans 6 talking about baptism.
Well, absolutely, baptism is being talked about earlier here in chapter six. But once again, baptism is a part of the sanctification of a justified believer by faith alone in Christ alone.
And so the standard of teaching that has been committed from faith for faith, which is
Romans chapter one, the standard of teaching is the revealed gospel that has always been communicated from all time, even
Abel trusted in God and demonstrated his faith. And we see with Abraham, he believed
God and his promises. And upon that revealed teaching, the revealed gospel, he could have his sins forgiven.
So my point is, context, obedient from the heart, that is faith.
And Paul already talked about it's faith apart from our works to law, like the Mosaic law that says that you must do all these ceremonies.
And by the way, all those ceremonies insufficient to making you right before God. And so Paul's not going to change in Romans 6 to say, oh, hey, here's a new ceremony that does better things than old ceremonies.
No, this is talking about a wonderful ceremony when someone has been immersed into Christ, united to him by faith alone, and has been united with him in a likeness into his death, and now is raised to walk in newness of life.
This ceremony is a likeness. It declares the gospel for everyone to see.
And so we've also talked about this, this word obey. This is, and I wanna bring this up with just our audience of people that are maybe struggling with these concepts, but in Romans chapter 10, you know what
I'm talking about. I think it's around verse 16, where we see the word obey, but it's not in terms of your works.
This is a quotation from, I believe it's Isaiah 53. How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news.
That's in the book of Isaiah. I don't know exactly which chapter, right? So Paul has the gospel of grace that's been revealed in the
Old Testament, but they have not all obeyed the gospel,
Adam. Now, this is so interesting, because we are talking about an Old Testament passage who preach the good news.
So there's not two methods of salvation, not two different set of commands of obedient faith.
There's one gospel, which has always been received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
And here's the thing, Adam, if someone says, no, faith alone is a dead faith, and you must obey to a list of commands,
I wanna say it is that person who has not obeyed the gospel, okay? Because we can use the word obey also.
To obey the gospel is to put your faith alone in Christ alone. So yeah, that's a little bit of the chicanery, if you will, the redefining of the word obedience, is that is the way they bring in their works to the already finished work of Jesus Christ.
What they are saying, it's faith plus your obedience to a ceremony.
Do you wanna add anything to that? Well, only that for people to be aware.
When we look at Romans three, we know that nobody seeks after God. But if you are one of those people that truly have a love for Christ, and you have people jeopardizing the work of Christ, call them to question.
Don't be idle. Don't just take what somebody says. Don't just be, go with the flow.
I wasn't that person. I will never go with the flow. I wanna push back and ask questions, because when it comes to who
Christ is, it determines where your soul is going. So if you don't care enough about your soul to question what somebody is saying to you about the perfect savior, and now you have to add something to what he's done and help him out, if that doesn't sound like the dumbest thing you've ever heard in your life, then it's probably a good chance you might not have been justified yet.
Maybe you need to talk with somebody. Go ahead.
You make a good point, because something I hear from the testimonies of the Church of Christ exiles is they were never allowed to question the elders.
Now, what they mean is the elders in the Church of Christ will say, you can ask us questions.
But listen to our answers, and basically don't question us any further, not allowing for that inquisitive mind.
And at 12 .5, we wanna cultivate a place where we love questions, we love dialogue.
Adam, you and I don't agree on everything, and we know that's okay because of theological triage.
We die together, arms locked together on the gospel of grace. We die on the hill. We die on the hill of you must believe in the right
Jesus that is the second person of the triune God. That's first tier. You can't get those things wrong.
And then you get into second and third tier issues that are still important, they're still doctrine, but we're able to sharpen one another and continue that discussion.
And it made me think about Acts 17 about the Jews at, not Thessalonica, they were a bad example.
Then you had the noble Jews of Berea. And I wanna read this passage real quick and get your thoughts.
Now, the Jews were more noble, scripture says, so they were fair -minded. They had their thinking caps on, right?
They were not just going with the flow. They were noble -minded. More so than those at Thessalonica, they received the word with all eagerness, right?
So we stand on God's word here, examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
Now, what's beautiful about this context is it was the Apostle Paul preaching to them, proving to them that Jesus had to first die, firstly die, and then resurrect the third day.
And they loved the word of God, they loved the Hebrew scriptures, but they tested these things to see if they were true.
They were doing this daily. And that's something else I wanna encourage people, echoing what you said, within the
Church of Christ is hold your leaders accountable. Notice their demeanor. Do they look down upon you if there's disagreement?
Are they constantly saying, like, we know better? Because there's a difference in just reading scripture versus a consistent interpretation of the context and how it applies in our life.
So do you wanna add anything to that? Yeah, even when I was out there, it's hard for them to handle because if I say something and they say something, they tend to call me a
Pharisee because they say that they have the Holy Spirit too. Well, when you push back on them, if we both have the
Holy Spirit and you have an interpretation and I have an interpretation, who is right?
Well, they can't answer that question. So that's why we need to look at the grammatical historical hermeneutic because syntax is the name of the game.
That's how God speaks. That's how we know what he says. So if you've got a elder from the
Church of Christ that doesn't wanna dig into the context, when context is problematic for them, then you're in a place where you don't need to be.
You need to hit the tail and run because that's where I was at. You bring up baptism and you start a fire, but I didn't care.
I loved being, and this is the name of the church, Wendell Church of Christ in Newport, Arkansas.
I debated with them folks left and right because they were wrong and they didn't care because they thought that that's what you had to obey.
You had to do all these things to be right with God. I just, there's no way around it. Scripture does not teach that.
Scripture, you can have a wrong understanding and might come to that conclusion like the Church of Christ has, but God didn't send his one and only son, monogamous theos, him, into the world so that fallen man could help him out.
I wanted to reference another scripture because what you're talking about is so important because the saints, we are called to be in the unity of the faith.
And so sanctification has to happen. Adam Carmichael and I don't agree on everything, but we're seeking unity.
We're seeking unity with our Presbyterian brothers and we continue to have those conversations of differing opinions on the covenant of grace.
So we're seeking to attain unity and we do that through theological trios, recognizing what's first tier and necessary and we down the hill.
And then these other doctrines that are just, that are so important, but we talk about these things in love as this passage continues to talk about.
We seek the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, and this is where our sanctification comes in, to mature in manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Now this is also what I wanted to highlight. So that we no longer be children tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.
Truth matters and yes, we grow in the knowledge of our
Lord and Savior, but we grow. Like we don't just take someone's word for it only because they're older than us.
No, we test these things by the word of God. Now, when you were talking about debating people, there's a lot at stake, right?
Now, our heart is that we would be speaking the truth in love.
So a lot of times when people hear, maybe me and you use the word debate, I usually say,
I'm not talking about the Donald Trump debates with Hillary Clinton and the
Harris lady. Those turn into dumpster fires pretty quick. When we look at the book of Acts, Paul and Barnabas were debating with the
Judaizers over the gospel. They were disputing with them. And when you've tasted and seen that the
Lord is good and that he's transformed you by his grace, well, these things matter, right? And we're called to lovingly speak these truths with one another.
And there are verses that talk about we expose the darkness, right? But we contend for the truth, the faith.
So that's our aim, isn't that right, Adam? Amen, yes. Well, any other final thoughts as we maybe begin to wind down over the next number of minutes?
You've been so encouraging to me and supporting me in the ministry of the Apologetic Dog, and I'm so glad to see that you have your own ministry.
I know something we can talk about. So there's a ton of verses about baptism. Are there any in particular that changed over time once you started understanding that justification, that moment where you're legally declared right before God and all your sins are forgiven, not because of how great you are, but because we have a great
Savior, and all of your sin has been nailed to Calvary, and in exchange, we receive his perfect righteousness.
And so that perfect righteousness isn't contingent on your ongoing works of obedience, but it's covered in full.
And so when those doctrines started to set in, how did that cause you to begin to examining the context of certain verses on baptism?
It helped a lot. I'm glad you pointed this out, because I wasn't born a
Calvinist. I wasn't immediately a Calvinist in the doctrines of grace, because I wrestled with it.
I had this stupid view, and I call it stupid, because it is that God gives a provision. He sent his son as a provision, and I was like, oh, that sounds like what
God did. But trying to wrestle through scripture, it just didn't fall into place.
But then watching all the debates and seeing that baptism, it means something.
So I wanna push back to the Church of Christ. We as Reformed Baptists, it's not an empty, whatever you do of being baptized, it is very meaningful, because it's in a proper context.
Romans 6, it is a sanctifying work that we get to partake of, the graciousness of God, that when we step into the waters, it is part of our sanctification.
We are professing Christ as our Lord and Savior to the believers here, and God's seeing us being obedient.
And baptism is not a mere sign. It is much more. And I may get a little pushback, but the symbol of the new covenant is the regenerate heart.
The sign is baptism. So it is, in that sense, it's an outward work, but we don't hold it just to be a mere sign.
So any Church of Christ that wanna continue to use that straw, man, it's come up with something better.
Well, I'm glad you kind of brought this out too, because I get a little pushback from our
Lutheran friends. Y 'all just believe in an empty sign and seal. And I say, well, if baptism is sanctifying, and it's therefore efficacious, and it assures our heart that God's promises are true, then the
Spirit has to be present in baptism, because it's the Holy Spirit that is carrying us along in sanctification, guaranteeing that we will one day reach glory.
But it's the Holy Spirit that spurs us onto, uh -oh, obedience. And so when you have a baptizer who is professing the gospel of grace and has the
Holy Spirit, oh, well, there's the Holy Spirit present. And then you have a baptizee that's regenerate and possesses the seal of the
Holy Spirit, the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the new covenant. Uh -oh, well, the
Holy Spirit's there too. And so baptism can't be an empty sign and seal, because the
Holy Spirit is ever -present with the people of God. And here's how you know that we're right,
Adam, is because we know baptism declares the gospel.
Okay? I wanna tell people, it is not the gospel, just like I'm not the gospel.
Adam Carmichael is not the gospel. But we can, in our life of sanctification and walking with Christ, be obedient to the
Great Commission to declare the gospel. And that's what baptism does.
The moment that you think baptism justifies you or regenerates you, well, now you have conflated law and gospel.
But if baptism is for the believer who is justified and demonstrating a life of repentance, well, this beautifully pictures the gospel and is a testimony to the watching world that the just shall live by faith.
What do you think about that? That's beautiful. I don't get no better of the pictures than that.
Well, thank you so much for coming on, The Apologetic Dog. Just wanna remind people, go checking out
Thinking Theology. How many videos you got over there? I think we got 10 or 12 videos.
We got 12 of them. Well, maybe one day you'll have me on there. I would love to make a guest appearance.
Hopefully we can get some cross for it. But the thing about it is I've got a lot of, I wanna kind of push back on one is theology because it's very problematic in our community as well.
Yeah, and I want people to hear us. You can't mess with the true biblical
Jesus. Jesus said, unless you believe that ego I me, I am the eternally existing one, the creator of all things, then you will die in your sins.
So you have to believe in the right Jesus and you have to receive the right Jesus the way that he prescribed, which was by faith apart from works.
And so that's a very important thing is you gotta believe in the right Jesus. And it's not that everyone has to have a deep, robust, theological, systematic theology and pass all the tests to be saved.
No, but truth matters at the end of the day. And so this is what I'm getting at is you can't reject the biblical
Jesus with a fully informed conscience. And so for the oneness Pentecostals, they stamp their flag and say, we reject the triune
God. Charter Christ, reject justification by faith alone. And so that's where we say, all right, we gotta contend for truth in the gospel.
Amen. Thank you for having me on. Absolutely, brother. We'll have to have you again on sometime.
Thank you so much. And I will see you probably very soon. Absolutely.
Let it pass. All right, love you, brother. Bye -bye. Love you too, bro. Well, thank you so much for tuning in to the
Apologetic Dog. If you have benefited from our content in any way, well, I just would like to invite you to please like if you haven't done that and please subscribe to this channel.
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God has in store. And you can go to the Apologetic Dog website and you can see some other things and other ways that you can support the ministry if that is what you are feeling led to do.
But with that being said, check out some Grey Monster. So again, one body, which is the body, his body, which is his church, the
Church of Christ. I mean, man, if you just had some little bit of common sense, you'd think he drove by these denominations where it says
Grandma's Church, Baptist Church, Methodist Church, La Church. I mean, he drove an hour and 20 minutes here and they act like they give
God the glory in Jesus. I mean, Grandma's Church, Baptist Church, Presbyterian Church, Church of Christ.
Same thing, again, they deny redemption. Man, if you just had some little bit of common sense.