Have a PC Christmas



Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, ministry. My name's
Mike Abendroth and today I'm actually taping the show that I think I'll play today. Today is
December 29th, 2010 and I think today we'll all send the show on in digitally into WVNE and we'll be good to go.
I taped about six shows in the last two weeks and for some reason,
I think maybe there was some kind of demon in my recorder, my Marantz recorder, and they got sent in and they were blanks.
So my Todd Friel interview, blank. And actually Todd has things to say, so some guests
I've interviewed, I wish they would have been blank. Todd actually said some really good things. So he's written back and said he'll be glad to do the show again.
And he said he's never lost a recording in all the years of his ministry. I actually got an email from Todd and he said you're a loser.
So, but then he said he'd lost a show too. So that's not too bad. And so I had taped a show a couple weeks ago about my view of politically correct
Christmases, politically correct happy holidays, politically correct blessings to you during this secular paganism time where you cut trees down and worship them in your living room,
I don't know. So my daughters go to a public school. They go to the public school in Lancaster, Massachusetts.
And it's fascinating that one goes to the elementary school and that elementary school is called
Mary Rollinson, Lancaster, Massachusetts, Lancaster, Mary Rollinson.
And Mary Rollinson was the wife of a pastor, a Calvinistic pastor,
Bible teaching pastor in Lancaster, Massachusetts. And she was kidnapped by the Indians in the 1600s.
And then some of her children killed. I can't remember if her husband was killed or not. And then she was released here at a spot that you can even go to today called
Redemption Rock. And if you're a listener today and you have not read about Mary Rollinson the journals that she has kept, you ought to because it has a high view of God.
It has a high view of biblical suffering. It has a Christian worldview, that is to say
God is on the throne and whatever he does is good. And Mary Rollinson was quite a godly lady.
And everyone in the United States and even outside of the United States needs to read that book. Just type it up on Amazon, some kind of account of Mary Rollinson.
Don't get the abridged account because lots of secular people love to abridge her, especially her
Calvinism, her view of the sovereignty of God over everything, including the death of her child or the kidnap of herself by the
Indians. And so get the unabridged version. It's not that long. And you will be very, very blessed and you'll be encouraged.
Well, the name of the public school in town is Mary Rollinson after the wife of a
Calvinistic pastor. And actually Mary Rollinson was Calvinist too. She believed in the sovereignty of God.
She believed that God was great and he was the king and he does whatever he pleases as often as he pleases, always as he pleases.
And there's no outside consult from him. There's no pressure. There's no equal.
Satan's not some equal. God is king. Aren't you glad for that? Jesus Christ is king of kings.
And so I went to one of the Christmas concerts. And of course, you're not able to call them
Christmas concerts because there are other people there that don't believe in Christmas, maybe two people, three people.
Most people in the area, this is not a Muslim neighborhood. This is not a Hindu neighborhood. There are probably some
Muslims and some Hindus. The majority of the people that live in the area are Roman Catholics, at least that's what they would say if they got checked at the hospital.
I got checked in the hospital or just for some tests the other day, not overnight or anything. And they said, you know, what is your religious, do you have a religious preference?
Not even what is it? Because that means I probably have one, but do you have a religious preference?
And I said, Baptist pastor. I'm not really Baptist to stick in everything, but that's for the public,
I'm a Baptist. That means I believe the Bible and I breathe fire and brimstone, and inhale brimstone.
So back to the story here, Marriott Rollinson School had a concert and then the next door school, which is the middle school,
Luther Burbank, they had their concerts as well. And so I think they promote them. I have the thing here,
Luther Burbank Middle School Winter Concert. And so the good news is with the school, they have not cut the music program.
And so my two daughters, one is learning saxophone at the school, one is learning trombone at the school, one is in the singing chorale or whatever, maybe both of them are.
And the teachers actually are really great. And both the music teachers there at the middle school and at the elementary school have a lot of respect for and a lot of thanks for them because they do a good job with the kids.
My main beef though is probably with the principals because they could tell them, you know what, it's okay to sing a song at Christmas time when 99 % of the people here are not going to be offended if we say
Jesus or Christmas or if we sing a song, even if it's away in the manger. You know,
Hark the Herald Angels Sing is my favorite because it talks about God and sinners reconciled.
The movie that came out a year ago, the Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey doing all the voices, they sang
Joy to the World, not every stanza but enough to talk about Jesus. They sang Hark the
Herald Angels Sing, not every stanza but enough to talk about God and sinners reconciled.
I was very impressed. And so if you want to have a Christmas concert during Christmas time and we're not living in Saudi Arabia, I think you're able to, but I think the teachers, the instructors, the music instructors feel the pressure that they can't do it.
So we've swung so far away. You've got a school named Mary Rollinson and you can't sing one song about Christmas.
It's amazing to me. I don't have the sheet for the elementary school, but I do have the middle school,
Luther Burbank, and it says Tuesday, December 14th, Winter Warlock Solstice Concert.
No, no, sorry, Winter Concert. And you probably are listening today and you're saying, well, why don't you homeschool your kids?
That's probably another show. I have homeschooled, I have private schooled, I have public schooled.
Right now I have one in homeschool and three in public school. And we can talk about that another time.
And if you're a fanatic homeschool person and you want to tell me about the perils of public school, you can.
If this was no compromise radio ministry, I'd probably say mind your own business. But since I'm so sweet now and nice and I've got turned over a new leaf,
I would never say anything like that. As far as I'm concerned, homeschool, private school, public school is one of the top three reasons why churches split and people are so concerned that everybody else do what they do.
They get in other people's business too much. They get in a business too much. And so whether it's birth control, or how many kids you have, or where you send your kids to school, or do you like classical music, or do you like,
I don't know, New Order, that's pretty much your own life to live. And I'll try to influence you in theological issues and you can try to influence me in theological issues.
But at the end of the day, these are preferences. And if you've got a preference to send your kids to public school, then
God bless you, you have your own set of problems. Homeschool, God bless you, you've got your own set of problems.
Private school, God bless you, you've got your own set of problems. Actually, wouldn't it be great to have a no -compromise
Christian school? How about that? I could pick all the teachers, I could pick the curriculum.
For that matter, I could pick the kids who would be able to attend. I could set the tuition rates.
Now that's, see, now we're talking. If you just tuned in, this is Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio Ministry.
We're going to talk about political correctness today, gone haywire. I went to the concert the other day at my daughter's middle school.
And again, kudos to the teacher, the professor, the music instructor, because I really like him.
And I really like the elementary school teacher as well. But these are the songs.
And they have chorus, sixth grade band, seventh grade band, jazz band. And so the chorus, they sang
December's Keep. They sang that very wonderful Christmas song that, of course, it's catching on as a
Christmas favorite. Sugar, sugar. Well, I guess a lot of kids get sugar.
Actually, today's day three for me back on the no sugar thing. Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah, by the way.
Fine, I don't care if they sing a Hanukkah song. One of my favorite songs this holiday season is by Mattis Yahu, called
Miracle. It's a song about Hanukkah. And a song about, you know, putting the trust in God.
Sadly, Mattis Yahu is not a Messianic Jew, but I just, in my mind, translate what he says about God into the
Christian version, the only version of God. And so I don't care if you sing a Hanukkah song.
It's no big deal, but my point is we're so afraid to sing a song about Christmas. And by the way, rightly so, because this
Christ baby has demands on people. This Christ demands that he alone is worshiped, that he is the creator, the sustainer, the only savior.
Every other religion, according to Jesus, is false. Every other religion is not true.
Every other religion is paganistic idolatry that has its origins in the heart of men, in the heart of women.
And there's only one God and only one way of salvation. And so when you start talking about that kind of God in modern society, in a public school, who have gone so far away from what people originally meant when they said separation of church and state, who have no clue about that, then we have this kind of concert during the wintertime.
Here's a good one, Earth and Sky. So it's quite easy for us to discard anything about Jesus, Christ, Savior, sin, redemption.
So now let's sing Annie Dinnerman songs about Earth and Sky. I guess if you sang
Earth, Wind and Fire songs, I might not think it was bad. But Earth and Sky, let's see.
Sixth Grade Band, they did a bunch of songs. They did Christmas Chimes, so it's amazing that they actually had the word
Christmas in the song, although there was nothing said. Yuletide Spirit, they did, the band there.
They did Big Blues Band. I don't know what that has to do with Christmas at all, probably nothing. Armed Forces March, that's for all those who are proud of our armed forces.
I am, I'm thankful. You know, I guess if you're on the radio, you have to say thank you for your service, and I actually mean it.
But my point here again is we're so afraid to say Jesus Christ, and rightly so.
Somebody asks you what's your religion, why don't you say instead of I'm a Baptist, I'm a
Lutheran, I'm a charismatic, why don't you say by the grace of God, I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and he is the only way of salvation.
He's the only God, therefore I'm privileged to worship him. Why don't you say something like that? That would be a good conversation starter.
Seventh and eighth grade band, they did Nutcracker Suite, and props to them because that's very Christmassy, isn't it?
You think of, you know, I'm almost trying to sing it, but you can't sing a song, can you? I'm an instrumental,
I know I can't. The Nutcracker Suite, Looking Past the Shadows. I forgot the lyrics, but probably the shadows of the past.
A holiday swing -along, that's good for all those who believe in the made -up Kwanzaa.
You need to look that up. Just type in Wikipedia Kwanzaa, and you'll see this holiday that's just a made -up nothing.
It's December 26th that it starts, and you've got all kinds of faux things that go along with it, and here's basically a rebellion against the white,
Republican, Anglo -Saxon Christmas. Only problem with that is, and certainly there's probably been a lot of, there has been a lot of white oppression in this country.
I read a lot of Civil War books. But the thing is, Jesus wasn't white, unless Jesus was odd for his
Semitic skin and everything else. He didn't have blue eyes. We don't know what color eyes he had, but most likely they were the same color as his mother's, since he didn't have any of Joseph's DNA.
And so he looked just like his mother, and his mother was a Jewish woman from the Middle East 2 ,000 years ago, so he was probably shorter in stature.
People weren't as tall back then, and he had olive skin, and maybe he had a certain kind of nose, certain kind of eyebrows, certain kind of facial features.
We don't know exactly. We're not supposed to know. God does not want us to know. But why start a new religion that goes against the white
Christmas? Well, I don't have any idea. Jesus wasn't white.
There's nothing about, there's nothing Western about Jesus. There's nothing white about Jesus, except that his blood was shed on behalf of all kinds of people, including whites and including blacks and including everybody else, all those who'd ever believe.
There's only one race in this world, and that race is the human race. Well, I digress all the time, don't
I? Well, here we go. Seventh and eighth grade band, Hogan's Heroes March. Now, we all love
Hogan's Heroes. I actually was just overseas in Greece, and I was with some Germans, and they were watching
Hogan's Heroes in their room on Hulu or whatever. That is just wild.
But what does Hogan's Heroes have to do with a holiday concert? I guess it's a fun thing to sing.
That was my favorite song of the night. Or we could move up to jazz band. My daughter was in jazz band. She did a great job on the saxophone, by the way.
They sang tequila, and I thought, you know what? Might as well get in the holiday spirit.
And I shouted out tequila. Da -da -da -da -da -da -da -da. Ha -ha -ha.
The jazz band did Day -O, and then the jazz band did the Edgar Winter, Edgar Vinter classic,
Frankenstein. So there you have it, and that was our concert.
And so I just have to say to the teachers there Mary Rawlinson and Luther Burbank.
Thank you. I have to say to the administration, I don't know what you're so afraid of. By your own admission, by your own lack of Christmas song,
I think you highlight it. There's an elephant in the room and his name's Jesus. And so I talked to the principal last year at the elementary school and had a conversation and that didn't go so far.
I'm not after the school to proselytize people, but I am after the school to say, you know, you don't live up to your namesake, at least
Mary Rawlinson. I was looking on an internet article on our Un -PC
Merry Christmas by Russell Madden, and he has some good things to say about cultural diversity and how, you know, it is, he didn't say this, but I'll say it.
It is the nature of sin to drive people to say every human is good and every way that humans have conceived of to please
God, to get to God, to be godly, to go to heaven, to have sins forgiven is also good. It's good.
Friends, if you're a believer in the Bible and if you've been born again by Jesus Christ, other religions aren't good.
Now, that doesn't mean you have to hate the people who follow these false gods. You have to, you need to be kind to them and love them.
You don't affirm them. You don't celebrate them, but you certainly love them.
There's a difference between celebration and affirmation. There's a difference between tolerance and applause.
But when you're around these kind of people, you should be sad that Satan has so enslaved their minds and they are bound to do
Satan's will, 2 Timothy 2, verse 24 and following, that they are worshiping another
God, a God that is carving away the glory that is due the real
God, the original God, the only God. And so these false religions, whether it's
Islam, Hindu, whether it's the Masons, whether it's Seventh -day
Adventists, you just name the group, they're carving glory away from the real
God, the God of the Bible. For instance, the Roman Catholics, they carve away the greatness of Christ's redemption because it wasn't once for all like Hebrews 10 says.
I defy any Catholic to read Hebrews chapter 10 and say, you know, we need to kind of redo this sacrifice every day, every week, every time we get together for the
Mass. It is once and done, one sacrifice for the remission of sins. The Levitical system showed us in Hebrews chapter 10, one to four, that there was a deficiency built in to this sacrificial system.
Yom Kippur had to happen every year, and anything that has to be repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again shows its inadequacy.
And so there's one Savior who dies on behalf of sinners. And you have this view now, even in Christian assemblies and in churches, that no, you know, there's other religions and we all get there, you know,
Mormons get there, Jehovah's Witnesses get there, it's just through different vehicles. No, God of the Father said that there's one way to honor me, and that honor is through Jesus Christ alone.
And any honor that goes to someone besides Jesus is dishonoring to the Father.
And so all religions are not equally valid in God's eyes. They might be equally valid in society's eyes, in the government's eyes.
I want people to be able to worship anybody they want to worship. But in terms of equally valid in God's eyes, there is one religion and then every other religion is not really a religion.
It's a system of blasphemy and a system of robbing God glory.
I did find 10 politically correct Christmas, excuse me, holiday songs on the internet, chestnuts roasting on an environmentally friendly fuel source,
Rudolph the Endangered and Exploited Species, We Three Politically Oppressive Patriarchs.
Well, that's a good one. Rocking Around the Recycled Flame Retardant Artificial Holiday Tree.
Yikes. All I Want for Christmas is a Dental Plan. I can't believe they even said Christmas there.
All I Want for Winter Warlock Solstice Concert is a Dental Plan. Frosty the
Snowperson. I saw a great snowman the other day on the internet and it was a person designed with snow in their front yard,
Jabba the Hutt, replete with green skin. It was fascinating. I saw Mommy suing
Santa Claus for sexual harassment. I'm dreaming of a racially diverse Christmas. I'll be home for Kwanzaa and we wish you a non -sectarian holiday.
Twas the night before solstice and all through the co -op, says James Finn Garner, not a creature was messing the calm status quo up.
The children were all nestled, all snug in their beds, dreaming of lentils and warm whole grain breads. We'd welcome the winter that day after school by dancing and drumming and burning the yule.
A more meaningful gesture to honor the planet than buying more trinkets for Mom or Aunt Janet.
Or choosing a tree just to murder and stump it. Wes James said that one's for you.
Cut down a tree, you're murdering it, and deck it all out like a seasonal strumpet. My life mate and I, see you have to have a life mate, you can't have a spouse, you can't be married, man and woman.
My life mate and I, having turned down the heat, slipped under the covers for some well -deserved sleep.
I saw there below through the murk of the light, a sleighing eight reindeer, challenged of height. At the reins of that sleigh sat a mean -hearted knave who treated each deer like some personal slave.
Now Donner, now Blitzen, and other such Eliases, showing his true
Eurocentrical biases. Easy for me to say. So anyway, we are just in advance, 361 days or so in advance, trying to help you for next
Christmas. So I don't want you to get a Christmas tree next year, I want you to get it and call it a friendship tree.
Maybe you could call it a unity tree, because that's how other people call it.
I want you to make sure that you don't say Christmas, because you know some words are hate words, and some words have the impact of guns, bullets, and the ammo.
They're like hollow point bullets that you slay other people with them. And if you use foul language like Christmas, you could actually hurt their fragile self -esteem.
This is Mike Ebendroth, and if you don't think this is crazy, how about Europe? Woolworth added
Mother Christmas outfits to their inventory in 800 European stores, because it would be sexist to focus solely on Father Christmas, one internet report account reports.
And so what do you do? Owner Bruce Robinson complied with the directive, because you want to just have, not just Santa Claus, but like Mother Claus.
And so here's what happens when you interview a woman for Mother Christmas. Quote Bruce Robinson, the person is female, should therefore have a deep voice.
Now that is scary. Whiskers, a big belly, and no readily discernible figure.
I changed the word. Basically, you want them to look manly, and you would like their figure to have no curves, basically.
I'll just rephrase that. My only concern, Bruce Parker said, Bruce Parker, that's my friend
Bruce Robinson, is that if our choice is limited to such a candidate, I fear for our children who will doubtlessly be terrified.
So when you've got Santa Claus, who's really a woman, you know, when I first watched
Peter Pan movie when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s and found out that Peter Pan was a woman, I could not believe it.
Who wants to be Peter Pan then? This is going to scare kids. Women who have deep voices, whiskers, big bellies, and no readily discerning figure.
Forget Christmas, let's call it Winterville. It's an interval between the seasons. And maybe you can go to Manitoba, Canada, where Premier Gary Doerr buckled to PC pressures and dared to call the big green wood tree the friendship tree.
So there you have it. We're No Compromise Radio Ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth. You can write us at info at NoCompromiseRadio .com.
And if you'd like to write WVNE, you can go to WVNE .net. And if it's a message that you say we're glad Mike's on the radio, you send it.
And if it's not, you go to WNVE .net. Let me close with these words about the greatness of Jesus.
Being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross.
For this reason also God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow.
Those who are in heaven and those on earth are under the earth, that every tongue will confess
Jesus Christ is Lord. That's what he wants you to do during Christmas. God bless you. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.