Critical Theory, Stripper Culture and Multi-Ethnic Churches

AD Robles iconAD Robles


We talk about the half-time show and the #wokechurch


Well, all right. Well, happy Monday. I hope that you had a good weekend. I know
I sure did I seen a lot of chatter about the the Super Bowl halftime show Well, I'll tell you what
I was watching the the Puppy Bowl with my son. Yeah, the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet It was adorable good clean wholesome fun, and I don't know which team won
But when I left the scores 14 -14 and his puppies were they meant business
But anyway before I begin today, I wanted to just ask you if you if you don't already please consider
Supporting this YouTube channel on patreon. I've got a number of supporters that support me for $5 $1 a month any amount is
Extremely helpful and it means a lot to me and my family. I put a lot of time into these videos
Almost every single day and I love doing it. I enjoy it But at the same time you always talk about the opportunity cost of doing this instead of what
I do for a living and so the support is super helpful and allows me to pour more time and Justify the time
I put into this YouTube channel So thank you if you already support me, and if you don't please consider supporting me what
I'm gonna do this I think it's gonna be next week. We're gonna do a Google hangout live where we're gonna talk about that critical theory in the
PCA video that I Started sending out on my Twitter page last week some wild stuff
There's no question about it, and I'm looking forward to chatting with you about it live So if you're interested in joining or even if you just want to support me
Please consider supporting even as much as a dollar helps a lot. Now. The first thing I want to cover today is
Extremely interesting. Here's I don't know how common this is But in some of the circle some of the people
I follow I've I've learned a new play is being run which I find to be absolutely an amazing the audacity of this play is just unbelievable and This play kind of goes like this look
There is nobody no major leader in the Southern Baptist Convention is promoting critical theory and and and this idea that people are
Putting forward ideals ideals from critical race theory, and it's a big problem in the
SBC That's crazy talk you guys are crazy. You know what I mean. That's the idea which
Okay, I can accept I can understand and accept someone who might believe that but the funny part is simultaneously the people that are saying
That there is no critical race theory in the Southern Baptist Convention are also supporters of Resolution 9
Which is like okay? So let's just say I believed you in your fantasy upside -down world for a second that there was no
Leader that put forward any ideas that were influenced in any way by critical theory if that's the case what in the world was the point of Resolution 9 there would be no point in having a resolution
Dedicated to critical theory if critical theory was not a problem for good or for ill in one way or the other
It's it if it was a non -issue there would be no Resolution because there are lots of things that are a non -issue in Southern Baptist life life and obviously you don't have a resolution about them for example
There has never been a resolution about Adam Daniel Robles That's me 80
Robles in case you didn't know there's never been a resolution about my youtube channel You know why because there is no problem with my youtube channel.
I'm not in the Southern Baptist Convention So why would they have a resolution about my youtube channel?
They wouldn't because it makes no sense to do something to have a resolution have everyone vote to take all their time all the messengers
Time to take all their valuable time and effort and debate knowing that it would be controversial obviously knowing it would be controversial if There was no
Southern Baptist Convention issue with critical race theory in fact It would be the most idiotic thing ever because instead it actually would end up creating a controversy where there was no controversy
So this idea like I don't know what the angle is here to say well There is no critical theory in the
Southern Baptist Convention and then at the same time be pushing this resolution as if it's a good thing
You're playing yourself. It doesn't make any sense at all. You're revealing your hand a little bit I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but it's whatever it is.
It's really naive and really stupid That being said let's move on to the next thing.
I I told you I watched the Puppy Bowl yesterday at halftime and The reason why
I watched the Puppy Bowl is number one I thought my kid might like the Puppy Bowl But number two, I knew for a fact that the that the the halftime show was gonna be trashy
I knew it was gonna be very, you know Disgusting debauched all that kind of stuff and I I expected that everyone
I mean, I saw it coming everyone should have seen that coming now I clicked back to the
Super Bowl to see if the halftime show was over because I was watching the Puppy Bowl It was like 1414 There's this adorable
This adorable like kind of half husky I think half Pomeranian that had just scored a touchdown or maybe it was cafecito
I don't know, but someone had just scored times I switched back and it was at the moment I switched back someone was on the pole
There was some one of the two 50 year old women was on the pole So I clicked it real back quick back real quick and all that So I saw a little bit about what it was and as soon as I saw that clip last night
I knew that there would be woke people talking about how it's a form of whiteness and it's a it's it's a form of Maybe even patriarchy that we would dare say that there was something wrong with this striptease that Jennifer Lopez and Shakira did at halftime and I knew the way the angle that they would use is they would say well
This is just part of their culture This is just part of their culture and who are you to judge the culture and and it got me thinking because I knew that Would be the take and of course sure enough this morning that the the woke were saying this
How could you how could you judge that part of Latin culture is to shake your butt and this and that and and I'm thinking to Myself, okay
Okay, I'm Puerto Rican And so now I'm being told that women acting like prostitutes on a stripper pole is part of my culture now number one
I don't believe that that's actually actually accurate Okay, number one. I don't believe that it's actually accurate.
However, I do think that certain kinds of promiscuous types of dancing Does have you know ethnic and cultural, you know roots and some cultures have certain types of dancing
That's a little more provocative than others and things like that. I Totally understand that I think that that's completely legitimate
But this is why it's so important to have a biblical worldview because the Bible Tells you what your culture is doing, right and what your culture is doing wrong
The Bible stands in authority over your culture So if you if part of your culture and again,
I'm not granting this for a second but if part of your culture is for your women to dress half naked when they're 50 in front of millions of people and shake
Their their butts on stage and on camera and climb a stripper pole and stuff like that's part of your culture then that needs to change that part of your culture is
Inferior to the culture that the Bible puts forward and this is what's so important about maintaining a biblical worldview and not a critical theory
Nonsense worldview that where all of a sudden modesty and and gentle quiet spirits become part of the white you know whiteness structures and You can't say nothing to people who are dancing promiscuously because you're not in that culture and that's that's that's bigotry
That's that that's that's offensive Like if that's where we're at right now Then then we've we've lost all hope for any kind of multi -ethnic
Church at all Because here's the thing guys if a white person can't apply the
Bible to a non -white culture So let's say a nice German or Dutch or or you know,
I don't know Swedish pastor Swedish pastor Scandinavian pastor or something like that Let's say he's pastoring a church and and he comes to find out that there are some
Latinos Latinos coming to his church and they spend their their days getting on poles and dancing for thousands and thousands of men
That Scandinavian pastor needs to be able to apply that Bible to those Latinos as well And and if you're saying that he can't then that's the end of your multi -ethnic
Church experiment that's the end of it now, of course a Christian shouldn't believe any of this nonsense a
Christian shouldn't believe any of this nonsense where Pastors it's inappropriate for a pastor to say, you know what
Jennifer Lopez and Shakira should probably be a little bit more modest You know, then that's that's unbecoming of a woman to do what they did at the halftime show
They like like most pastors know that they can do that But if we're gonna embrace this wokeness thing and all of a sudden say well
How who are you to say that one culture is better than the other that that kind of thing? Well, there's just no hope anymore. I mean, this is why it's an anti It's an anti -christian ideology in the first place
This is this is why you cannot accept any part of critical theory. You just can't we don't need it And it goes against our stated goals
I mean if you want to have a multi -ethnic Church and you want to have a diverse Church Then critical theory is the absolute worst thing that you could possibly do.
It's the worst thing that you could possibly do. I Just can't even I feel like sometimes you live in the upside down Yeah, the upside down they
I started watching stranger things the other day I hadn't seen it and I watched the two seasons already like in three weeks or two and a half weeks
And it's like the it's like everything's topsy -turvy where we're all of a sudden We're being told that that you know, we don't we want to have diversity.
But but yeah, don't tell me nothing if you white All of a sudden modesty becomes part of whiteness instead of instead of something that every culture needs to adopt every single culture
No matter how much smut is in your culture You need to you need to get rid of it that part of you.
You have to I don't know I mean, maybe it's just me. I don't know but but but let me say this
Every part about Puerto Rican culture or Latino culture or whatever you want to whatever you want to call it, you know,
I know Shakira is not Puerto Rican but but JLo is any part of their culture that goes against what the scripture says a woman should be
Get rid of it because it's from Satan But there it is, it's just that simple any part of black culture that allows
You know, you know women to not in you know Cultivate that that gentle quiet spirit because this is what
I've seen, you know people say well You know, you can't you can't say that to blacks and Latinos because we loud, you know, we loud
I mean, that's okay. Maybe you are and I and I know that Puerto Rican women can be loud Look, I know they're in my family.
I know these people right they can be loud. They can be a little bit a little bit
How do I put this? aggressive But you see the
Bible speaks to Latinos as well the Bible doesn't play these partial games You know It has things to say to the
Europeans that existed in Europe before this gospel came to Europe and you know What what the Europeans had to do they needed to either change those things or perish in the way that was their option
So you so when when you get confronted with scriptural truth, right with a biblical culture the
Christian culture when you're confronted with that Whether you're white black Latino Asian God doesn't play partial games
Even if you play partial games and so those parts of your culture has to change if you say well, you know I'm a loud
Latina woman. Mm -hmm. Well, guess what? The Bible says that you need to become more modest You need to start keeping your mouth shut.
Sometimes you need to have more you need to cultivate that gentle quiet spirit And that's not whiteness
That's the scripture and so the scripture if you if you got yourself in this situation Where the scripture already agrees with everything in your culture.
It has nothing to say you don't have to change anything in your culture No, no, no that in fact if a white person says me tells me to change something
Michael. That's a bigot. That's xenophobic That's that that's that's that's anathema if that's you then you're in a sit
You're in quite a predicament because you've set your culture into a point where the Bible can't say nothing to you
Or maybe it can as long as the passage of certain color and that you know That makes you partial that makes you a racist that makes you prejudice and that's anathema in God's economy
And so if a white person's applying the Bible to you and your culture and you don't like it. Well, guess what?