SFE Logos Training Lesson 2 | Striving for Eternity | Andrew Rappaport


Striving for Eternity will help new and experienced Logos Bible Software users to learn how to use the software to expand their Bible study for the kingdom of God. If you do not Logos and want it you get it here: http:bitly.com/sfelogos If you would like to support us monthly or with a one-time gift http://www.patreon.com/StrivingForEternity Give us your feedback, email us mailto: [email protected] Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/StrivingForEternity Join the conversation in our Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/326999827369497 Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/StrivingForEternity Support us financially at http://StrivingForEternity.org/donate Get the book What Do They Believe at http://WhatDoTheyBelieve.com Get the book What Do We Believe at http://WhatDoWeBelieveBook.com


to the computer and okay I think we're recording. So welcome to well okay
I should say welcome to the second Lagos training from Striving for Eternity. I laugh at that because well
I did do the first one I think it's labeled Lagos training one and that was oh about a year and three or four months ago.
So okay we'll try to do these a little bit more often than that. So sorry
I know many people want Lagos training and some of you are really happy to get it well free.
So because of that you like me. I'll try to do them more but what we're trying to do with this one is
I posted a thing for some questions and tried to get folks to give me some questions so we could maybe solve some things that you would want.
And what I will say actually for those who are here in the room and I see
Rafe you've already done it you found the the chat. So if you find the chat you guys could let me know stuff in there as well if I if you know if you want and you guys can also raise your hand if you click on the participants you can raise your hand if you have a question
I can look at that. So I got to keep my so if I'm looking at the camera I look over that way that's because I'm looking at the people who are actually in here live which is not you if you're watching this on a replay just just saying no not judging too much um no
I mean you should have been here live then you could ask your questions but uh we'll try to do more of them anyway uh so so I should introduce myself my name is
Andrew Rappaport I'm with Striving for Eternity Ministries. We are a discipling teaching ministry and this is just one of the many ways we seek to further teaching the scriptures and helping people in their understanding of God's Word.
The real big thing for me is harmoneutics. I want people to rightly know how to interpret God's Word and Lagos has been a really big help in that for me and so I figure let others learn as well.
Now why am I teaching this? Well actually Lagos has the Lagos camp and I cannot strongly recommend that enough.
I actually I think Lagos and just so you understand I am a developer by trade and I do software development.
I think Lagos is probably the best package software package I've ever seen whether Christian or secular.
I think it's one of the best I've ever seen. Does it cost a lot? Yeah but it's worth it.
So I think that it's one of the best packages. I think that I also think that the
Lagos camp with Morris Proctor. Morris is probably the best instructor
I've seen in anything whether Christian or secular with training just does a phenomenal job.
I cannot recommend that enough okay. If you can I think it's mpseminars .com
or just do a search for Morris Proctor or Lagos camp and find out when they're in your area or contact them and have them come to your area.
I'm still trying to get them to come to my church but we just haven't been able to work it out yet. I got to do another appeal to them but I do recommend that strongly.
So but why am I teaching it? I use Lagos. I've been a Lagos user since 1994.
Use it heavily and I'm gonna have to mute Stan because he types very loudly.
Sorry Stan. So he's giving me a thumbs up.
Those watching heard that. So Stan if you want to unmute at any time feel free.
But I'm a big user of Lagos. I've learned a lot of tricks and tips and things like that.
I've been working. We were talking before we went live. I was mentioning that I have been working on my
Lagos library for a long time since 1994. So I have probably about 50 ,000 volumes in my
Lagos library. That's a lot but it's over a long period of time and well I'm Jewish.
I want great deals so I wait for them to put big packages together. Yes I have a bunch of books I don't need but so that's the introduction.
I should I really should also recommend if you want to go to strivingforeternity .org
and there you'd be able to find out more about our ministry. Let me tell you one also one other link to go to.
It is our partner page and so I got a shorter link so it's easier to do but it's bitly .com
bit .ly .com slash SFE that stands for striving for eternity
SFE Lagos. So SFE Lagos that will get you to our partner page and we that gets you if you get the packages there you get
I think it's 20 % off and if you're just buying Lagos for the first time we have a bunch of books that you can get free that we have worked out with Lagos to offer you know so we can offer it to you.
You get them free with the 20 % off so if you're thinking about Lagos and you want to get it or you've been using it on your phone or using the you got it free and want to get one of the packages
I would suggest doing that. So that being said let me share my screen because no one wants to look at this ugly mug
I understand. You will get over the nightmares I'm sure of seeing this face but now you can see something better it's
Lagos. All right so as we look at the Lagos screen and now I got to figure out where my panel window went so that I can have that up and my chat window so hold on while I'm trying to make sure
I still can communicate with the guys here as they tell me that they would go okay
Rafe says you'd go to the the Lagos camp if it didn't but it was for the money.
So it is mpseminars .com and I would say to you know it's like I think $250.
It is worth it just so you know not trying to pressure you or anything but go go so but no pressure no pressure.
So all right what I have open what you can see on the screen is where you most people start is the home page.
I personally I said this probably in the last class the last training I did.
I personally like this home page because well it was my idea. When I was in the
Lagos camp Morris Proctor was commenting about the this page and saying how much he liked it and appreciated it and basically he's like I don't know where they got the idea to do this and afterwards
I walked up to Morris and said I know me. Many years ago when they were doing
Lagos well I guess became Lebronics but Lagos 3 they contacted a bunch of pastors and said hey we want to know how you study and they actually wanted to design
Lagos around the way pastors study for sermons and so one of the things
I had said and actually in after Lagos I think one or two I actually gave Bob Pritchett I think 125 feature enhancements that I wanted to see in Lagos and by Lagos 4 every one of them was included and this was one of them and I mentioned it again when they asked how we we study and one of the things my pastor did was train in me to just randomly go to Bible encyclopedias and and just open to random pages and read.
One of the things a lot of people comment about me when I preach in my sermons is the fact that I bring up a lot of details from the culture from the time period things that really help people to understand the text.
Where did I get that from? Well that comes from 30 years of randomly opening
Bible encyclopedias when I sit there and sip my coffee and just read articles.
Well this is that same concept. Now they've included things like some of their their training videos which are good so I keep those up and you can just click on that and that'll play.
They have their excuse me their faith life today but you see random articles this is an excerpt on women's role according to Paul okay from Matthew Henry's concise commentary just randomly opened that that I wouldn't have picked up on doing just encyclopedias because that's not going to be an encyclopedia that's in a commentary it pulls it up here's here's another excerpt living as a child of the light okay this is out of Ephesians and so I could just scroll down and you can see a bunch of different articles that are out there that you know here's here you see some more architectural pictures and images so some some of those will be helpful because because there are things that you end up getting into where that's going to matter understanding the the the geography things like that here's some on Justin martyr on baptism that's something
I probably wouldn't have read unless I was reading that book and so just doing that randomly you can just click on one of these articles okay and what you're going to do you can hover over it and read the article if there's more but you can just click on it and opens up the article and you can just read that one article and when you're done you can just close it and then go back to your home page and you're right back to where you were you could read another article you know and the nice thing about doing this is if you just invest a little bit of time over many many years you start picking up little details and some of the details what you're going to pick up is stuff that you may use much later in your study because you might go hey wait
I I read something about that years ago I know this because I do it often I got
I read something about Justin Martyr and baptism and that said struck me and maybe
I go back to it so that is one of the reasons I recommend as a thing is to do that also what you could do on here is you have a prayer list and here you see my prayer list how
I pray each day and yes so as you can see I actually pray each day
I have 31 attributes of God that's how I start my prayer then I get into thanksgivings and things like that for and so I do say that I some of the things with the logos is
I have to to do them in order you see I had to number them oh one and then give it a category um so they're they're just a different way of of doing prayers and I had to make it work the way um for me uh you can have reading plans in here um
I have you can see I'm very far behind on all my reading plans um 2016 so you could tell
I really don't use the reading plans uh so much um
I should but I don't use it as as much um some of the courses that I had have with with them so really what this becomes is kind of a one -stop shop for just come in the morning if you use the reading plans
I mean this is reading through Augustus but here's a reading plan that was set up for reading through Jonah um but you can have whatever reading plan you design you can put a reading plan in here and just start with your reading plan take a course maybe do your prayer have a random article and it's all right here so this is a good way to start the day um now
I got to be careful because my pastor just entered the room so I have to be very careful now yeah but uh so um so yeah so I I do recommend it as a great tip for folks is just start with the home page um starting with the home page if you set up the reading plans you set up if you have any courses you have your prayer list and you just have these random articles you'll get uh just getting into that habit becomes something really good to do so so let me go through some some things that we had questions on um basically
I came up with a blank uh hey Joe he's getting his camera set up all right so um one of the questions that I that we had was basically more going to be for pastors um and the question was that someone wants to put um they want to know how it's possible take sermon notes um and get them straight into Lagos so if you were starting a sermon one of the things you could do is go to the guides and do this sermon starter guide okay that's one way that's if you don't have like you're not sure what type of sermon you want to do this sermon starter guide lets you do
I guess the last one I looked at as an example was judgment but if I wanted to do something on judgment
I can click that and this is going to go through stuff to try to gather to help you start a sermon okay that's for starting a sermon but if you're working on a sermon what you want to do is go to documents and right here they have a thing for sermons and that's what you'd click so I'm gonna
I'm gonna open one that I started just um which one was this that I started for here
I think this was the one that I grabbed all right I just tried putting some some things in women's role in the church uh on 1st
Timothy 2 8 to 15 so I just put some as an example if you want to end up using this um so I put my title in here and the author and the audience so all this stuff you can fill out the occasion this is really good if you happen to be preaching at multiple churches or and you don't you know you don't want to preach the same thing at the same church or if you're this is really going to be helpful if you have someone that preaches more topically
I think and they might go through the same sermon at the same church so that's where this would come in I don't have a lot in here
I don't I just have the sermon text and some things in here but what you can do in here is you can include you can create um things that are handouts and questions so you have things that are just text um so if I just want to look at the text
I could look at slides now if you look at the slide you see that I created the text and have it as a slide um you can create handouts and you can have a question sheet and so I leave this on all and so what you what you could do is you can um add a slide from selected text which is this first icon here or you can add it from references okay that's so it's going to depend on what you're looking to to add there um you can end up having um
I think it's the view that I want you can end up having different views with this so what you end up wanting to do is if you have something that you want to you want to add something in and you can uh let's see fill in the blanks you could do that if you want to have something that's like a question and by the way
I should note this for some folks if you see it tells you how many words are are here and how long they think you can get through this this sermon would not take me very long to preach according to them it'd be one minute
I'd read the text and be done um I just want to float this panel just to get it so I can make it a little bigger um so if you're if you have this set up and you want to take this to your powerpoint okay you'd click on this here and you can say export and they give you a couple of choices when you do that you can send to Faithlife Proclaim now if you're a church and you're using something to do songs and stuff like that Faithlife which is actually the company name for Logos some folks don't know they changed names a few years ago they're no longer
Logos Bible Software they're Faithlife because they're more than just the Bible software and Proclaim is one of their other things that they have and what that is is their uh it's basically their software for worship services it allows the worship leaders to put the music in that they want it allows the pastor to just click this and his sermon goes right in and that way they can organize it and and the the slide decks are everyone's working together on um so that's really good to have you they also have their
Faithlife sermons you can post it there but the other choice you have is to to export to powerpoint and so you have the choice here of doing fully rendered or editable editable so you can you can choose that and then i'm going to close that out but that would be how you get your sermon if you have your sermon notes using the the document sermons that's how you can get that right into um into powerpoint so that was pastor justin pierce's question uh pastor jim osmond had a more fun one for us to do um so so i'm trying to so rafe said you said uh the window that shows the send options are not showing you may need to share the oh okay so you weren't showing seeing that okay i guess because i will do that again thank you so let me pull that up again oh i didn't want to do a new one okay if you do that by the way let me if you accidentally do that what sometimes it'll do is create a untitled uh document so let me show it again if you go right up to here now you see this icon here there's a little arrow right there and if you click on that okay it has your drop down and you can print from here or export and what we want to do is export and so here's the faith life proclaim here's the faith life sermons and then here is the excel and so you can do fully rendered or editable text you could say next which you know would then bring this up and i can then you you can see you probably can't see because it probably isn't showing since i'm not sharing the whole desktop which i guess i should have uh let me let me just do that just so we don't have well i'll try not to bring anything up in separate windows so so so for pastor justin that's how you do that um and let me just and if you guys who are here i'll just uh for you if if you guys look at the bottom of your screen uh there's a thing that says participants and under the participants there is a thing to raise your hand so if you raise your hand i i keep looking over at to see if anyone has their hand raised so that i can answer any of your questions who are here live and so joe is raising his hand over and over and over he's he's raising his hand unraising it raising and lowering and raising and lowering it he's clearly abusing the i should put the video on so you could see what he was just doing he was raising his hands literally in the camera and putting them down all right so pastor jim osmond from idaho by the way just did a podcast with him um on the rap report if you've not subscribed to the rap report i recommend you to listen it's a two minute daily podcast so you can get through it pretty quick but every week we do a weekly one that's an hour long and we have some interviews coming up over the next couple and pastor jim osmond has written some books on spiritual warfare and things like that and selling the stairway to heaven things like that so it was good interview but not one that was very serious because he and i like to joke around but he had a serious serious question he wanted he asked can you please demonstrate how to tell how many times a certain greek word is used in the original text how many times any form of the greek word is used in the original text how to find the same word in the spituogen that's the greek translation of the old testament for those who don't know and then how to generate a list of those occurrences and the references uh per the spituogen versus new testament in a word form so i have a bible let me open up my my bible here and that probably didn't need to be the whole screen let me just let me just close it and do this okay so here's my and i don't know why i just prefer my bible on the left but so here is um now i'm going to point something out just because some may see it and we'll get back to this later but you've heard of the red letter bible the red letter uh translations where they put the words of christ in red and some of you may be looking at this and go wait a minute what's with the purple and the blue we'll get to that later but that's really cool but i'll tell you right now if you look at my bible uh here anything that's in purple is going to be um an imperative and anything in blue is a uh is going to be a uh um oh i'm drawing a blank on the word well i'll tell you how i can find out i'll just show you real quick um if i go to this is what's called a visual filter and that is oh and i mislabeled these because they're not longer they're not the imperatives anymore um let me just uh they are my why am i drawing a blank on the word uh i don't even see it here okay i'm gonna get back to that because i forget what um oh that's why because i did the wrong letter right no okay well let me let me show that what this is since i brought it up and then we'll get back to his so i have what's called a visual filter and let me bring the hebrew one up because they're a little different and we'll get back to these later but what i have here is this looks really crazy doesn't it this is at sign a what you do to get this um so definitive article that's what it is um i'm sorry about that but um so i'm gonna change this because this is more than just the imperatives that's how i started it i was playing with this but what this allows you to do is visually color code or or you can do other things i can change that blue to a to a red highlight and when i do that and come back everything becomes red highlighted um and so you could do some different things i'm going to show you later how this becomes really really important um for some things that you want to do but i started this really because i really wanted to i actually had the imperatives every imperative whether in greek or hebrew i had is red which then made a problem when i got to a red letter bible and realized that that was probably a poor choice of color but if i see anything in purple i immediately know in the greek it's a command so that was one of the things so the way i did that here in the greek um is to start this you do the at sign and you have a choice now if you just hover over something it's going to tell you this is an adverb and what an adverb is it'll tell you what an article is and and so on what a noun is okay but i wanted verbs so i click on verb and you'll see that it put a v up here and then i have a choice of different types of verbs okay so i can do each of these different uh verbs that i would want well i wanted the imperative so i clicked on imperative but i can choose you know if i wanted a future imperative or maybe a present imperative i could choose multiples of these okay so i can go like that and it's going to select you know each of those so you can choose between those and then what you do is once you have your choice you can then choose how you want that to visually show in all caps and so you see there's a lot of different choices that you have um i'm going to choose this one just because i have no idea what that'll look like um and just to see okay there we go so there it just puts a big arrow pointer in my in the margin where where that is um i can put it on fire and so somewhere on this line we should get yeah so there we have some words on fire um and and do note that this one was this imperative and and this one even though this is present imperative uh picks up different stuff this is no longer purple because the second one file comes after it so these go in order this word take because on this one we had chose a present imperative with this one must not be a present imperative in fact it's an heiress imperative and so this one's going to stay purple just sun to be aware of and then you can get rid of them by clicking on this little delete and that'll be gone i'm going to come back to this later because this was a trick that i used to verify something that a lot of people say when it comes to the book of genesis and the word yom the the day the weather of the day literally means a 24 hour day so stay tuned for that i want to first answer pastor jim's question so we come in here and we want to look up a greek word and so um i will close these out so we don't get distracted i'm going to look up the word pursue and i have not done this beforehand i what i did was i right clicked on the word pursue and i want to go to this one with the rings on it okay this is called the lemma for folks who may not know or didn't watch the previous class that we did a lemma is going to be like a dictionary lookup you have the word loved and you go to look it up in the bio in a dictionary well you don't look up in a dictionary you don't look up loved in the dictionary um and what i'm going to do actually i want to share my desktop just so that um just in case you're not seeing the pop -up screens i want to make sure so um yeah i gotta bring my chat up so rafe if you could when i pull my chat back up uh just let me know come on all right let me just let me know if um i'm gonna pull up a a side screen just let me know that do you do you guys see here the pull up menu there okay all right so and uh uh rafe just so you know um and for everyone that are that's using zoom and new to it um the one trick with this is if you go to the bottom and you're um move that um if you go to the bottom and you'll see a thing for participants that's where you can raise your hand to ask a question um and there's also a uh thing for chat and so but once you send someone privately then you get it defaults to just a private conversation so uh so you know so you may want to um uh if you send some and you want to go to everyone just so you know so okay so i click out on pursuit i want to go to this these rings here and this is going to be your dictionary lookup so like with the word loved you're going to actually in a dictionary look up the word love not loved and it's it's going to give you the definition for love and then talk about loved so that's what that is now um we're going to click on if you slide over to the right here and i just spilled my water which is not good um if you if you go look at the right from there i can find what happened to my mouse that i just spilled water on okay there's a thing that says bible word study and this is going to be the one place that pastor jim osmond needs to go for everything he asked so you click on that and you're going to see it brings up and and by the way uh another tip is let me close these you see these all popped up and they opened up if i close them these are all searches that get done if i close these and then i close that word study and i do that same thing again it is going to remember where at what however i had it last so now all those are going to come up and they're going to be closed that is helpful if you want to look things up quick it's good to sometimes always leave things like this so that you don't have that um showing up and having to wait for for things um who's ever playing please stop people are drawing on the screen playing with the tools whoops sorry i should have known it was john wilkinson uh by the way i should john did a great job at editing the last rap report he just should have put the the you got to listen to the end you just got to listen to the end because he put the uh phone message that we laughed about with pastor jim at the end of that but anyway so um so here what we're going to look at is that lemma that's that dictionary definition um this one this top one is just for you to put some descriptions and stuff that you want to put in there here's going to be the lemma it's going to tell you from here you can click on more and it's going to go through all of your um you know whatever tools you have if you have the package and you want to hear how it sounds you can click this dioko and you can now know that that's pronounced yoko um you can with one click if you need to click on any of these just click on it and it brings you right to that word in those volumes i obviously have too many language works what you can also do in here though if you are familiar with the morphology charts you can click on those and what this does it gives you all of them in how this word how many times this word is used in the different forms this is one of the questions he wanted to know so just one click you can bring up this morphology chart and you can see in this case we have this verb and you can see the meaning here um you can quickly gather just from this all the places that it ends up getting used in in the different ways so um so that's going to be one of the questions that was his second question um he wanted to know how many times this word appears well what i could do is first i'm going go to the translation mine is the esv and if i look right over here okay i can see that this greek lemma is used 45 times i can see how it's translated if i want to see the words that times that it's translated just persecute i can click on that but that's not the case for ours ours it was translated pursue so i click on this one and i can quickly see it's eight out of 45 here's all those verses that's translated that this way if i want to get all of them i can just click on this word itself and that's going to give me i clicked on twice sorry i click on it and that gives me here's persecute is 30 out of 45 here's pursue seek press now if i want to as he had wanted to know he wanted to generate a list from here um what i can do is uh up here in settings by the way i can change which translation in case you want to do that i closed that sorry about that um what i can do is if i go to this top bar and i right click i can say save as passage list and i click on that and that brings up all of those words in the greek how they were by the way that they were translated you know that grouping and i have them all here now the nice thing is if i'm going through this and using this for some reason i can actually do some things in this i can say well you know i read this verse and that's that's not one that i want in my list i could just delete that i don't want this one i delete it i don't want this one i delete it i want to give it a different heading well i i can go and do that i can just click on this little pencil icon and i can change whatever i want maybe i just want to delete those i can maybe on this one i want to give it a new heading well if i want to give it a new heading i right click on uh let's see nope not there i right click on here and you see it'll say insert heading and now it gives me a heading and i can click on my pencil and i can just say new heading now by the way if you look up top here i have 42 passages but if i delete one of them oh that's not good uh what happened to logos i just shut down all logos okay that was good okay we'll stop sharing till that comes back up that that makes for great uh a great logos demonstration yeah why don't you tell people about your new uh uh equipped ohio while it's loading while it's loading yeah uh i'd have to get the date uh what was that was the first weekend in june is equip ohio um so let me go back to sharing the desktop um that'll be up in uh we'll probably get some information on it but it's a replacement to what was ohio fire um and uh that you know we we have a definitely professional setup here we're you know all right i'll uh yeah yeah well hey that was you know look logos probably is saying hey we weren't prepared to uh to work with um you know to be working through uh you know video chats like this all right so let me let me go back so i'll use this opportunity i bring my my bible back up but i'm going to bring my documents i'm going to go to documents and now what i could do is i can look under and i have this organized by type so i could find it quick but my passage list and what i would be able to find is right here you see it was edited today is the word bible study that i was just working on and i can click that and i guess we didn't get our our heading changed we'll change that again to new heading and you see that this says 42 passages well if i go and delete some you see it's 41 and 40 so if you ever have to see how many passages you have they're right up there let's go back to our word study though because the other question that pastor jim had asked was he wanted to know about the spittuogen so now this time you notice how my lemma comes up and my translation comes up but nothing else but i have this one right here that is my spittuogen so i can click on that and this is going to be this word in the spittuogen in the greek translation of the old testament and now instead of english translations you have hebrew so this word 45 times in the greek 77 times in the old testament and again if i want to create a passage guide from there i can just click right click on the top and then hit save passage list and that will take this list and it creates my passage list from there now one thing to note the last time what i did is i clicked on this word and it gave me all the verses i didn't do that this time and if you notice here's where there's no equivalent here's where each of the words and all of the the uses but maybe i only want you know those three well i can i can click that and let's see what happens if i do that i only get those so if you are interested just in one of these slivers then you can do that and you'll only get that as your passage guide but if you want all of them you can either click this or i could put that sliver back in and then make a passage guide and would give me the whole thing by the way notice the naming on this okay where this one was the the word study with the greek this one is specifically the spittuogen translation but this is number two why because number one is this one here okay so if i go to my documents i'm going to see three new documents now all of these are the three new ones that we just created all right so that would be a way of finding out um where the lemma and the spittuogen is used you can do you could do the same thing if you want with you looking at the root words okay um i can also if i right click on there i have a couple things you notice here this is the manuscript word this is the lemma we were talking about and this is the root word so what i could do is look at the manuscript word now if you notice with the manuscript because this is not a dictionary definition i don't have how many times this specific uh word is there because like let's use the english example uh this is the word pursue or pursued well we would look up pursue in the dictionary but if we want to look specifically at the pursued well we would have to go here and maybe i could do a search either inline or resource and so maybe i want to search this resource which would be my uh my bible here and it's going to come up with that specific word only appears twice in our passage here and second timothy 2 22 and so what you end up seeing here is this specific um you know tense and and mood only shows up that way so if you're looking for that specific word you'd have to do that that's a little bit of a difference so that would be how we do something like that let me take this moment to ask if there's anyone here in the room that has any questions um while you're thinking about that i should scroll down so i could see i got one real okay do it do a word search of the word free will is it in there i don't i don't know are you trying to create theological problems all right okay i'll be quiet i'm sorry let's let's do let's do your search right so here's i want because i'll show this little tip this is a helpful one that i do sometimes i'm in my bible i want to do a search of everywhere where word appears so free well we're going to want to say in quotes free will we want that and uh well i'm sorry john but free and will isn't in there i'm sorry according to latent flowers though it's it's it is so yeah so but if i do free will without quotes we see will and free and now i did that because i do want to show this there is a difference in how you do those searches if will and free are near each other and they are 58 times um where they're in the same verse that's going to show up okay so i'm going to come back to this because when i show a tip i'm going to show you how that becomes really helpful um as a tip so we created a bunch of documents by the way that i really don't want one thing i like to do because i like to keep this clean and tidy um i right click on that study that we did and i just delete um and so that is on you know when i go and i do some things like that i i like to do that just to clean it up so let me show you something that i had done um maybe some of you have heard this before the if you go to genesis one i'll just go there and what one of the things that people say is there's discussion on the word day if i look right here i see this word day i can see at the bottom it when i hover over the word i can't i can't use my mouse to do it but if you look at the bottom it it has a little bit of a when i hover it tells me um yom in hebrew it tells me it's a noun common singular absolute gives me a strong hebrew numbering um but if i right click on this word yom and i go to the lemma i can do a word study and so the question here is does yom always mean a 24 -hour day sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't um so i have my study up i close the root because i don't use that as much but what i do like is the sense this is on logos gives you where their scholars have told you that they think the word yom could have these different meanings these different senses so day meaning sunset day meaning a time period an event you see all these different ways the different senses of it and here you can see each one of those how often so overwhelmingly it's meaning sunset and uh time period and so you can see the the numbers there and you have your nice little graphs here these graphs by the way the first number is how many times it has in this sense the second number is the total all right here's the thing though um what you end up seeing over here is showing you in judges there's 36 uses of that word and the the taller this graph is it's going to mean how many of the times it's appearing in that book so you can quickly see certain books have it proportionally compared to the size of the book more than others okay even though genesis has it 78 times uh if you compare it to a book which one of these is big like joshua joshua is 48 and yet it has a bigger band here and that's because joshua is a smaller book so uh just so you can read that little chart so um and also i i could mention back for pastor jim there's if if you want to get into the class frames and you know things like that you can look at examples and you see this is doing searches it's going out to my library and grabbing all that so you can you can use some of these things um you know if you want um so i do recommend you going through and checking all this um you could do you know searching for the lemmas in the passage or textual if you want to do that um so i would recommend if you're not familiar with some of these to just poke through and and just look at what information you get so i want to look up yom that's this one up here and i would like to see if yom is always meaning a 24 -hour day so what i want to do is i want to copy that so i take this i can highlight it like i did and i can copy or i could take this i could right click on it and i can say copy and now what i do um here is i go to my inline search and i want to say hebrew colon and paste my word i don't think it copied then i copy it i paste my word over here okay and i hit return okay and and it'll start trying to give you your lemma right there oh i should not have done that though sorry that was so i put hebrew colon and i give the lemma what i the what when i click the lemma what i could have done is just paste that in there it'll search on it and i can then click this and it would do a search for for that lemma okay so it's a way of another way of doing it but i'm gonna do it my way because this is the way i taught myself so um just prefer this way because it's going to give me just the hebrew for that uh and so here's what i got notice here this is going to be everywhere where that word day is showing up now the argument goes that it's morning or evening day or when it's a number before the day that it always means a 24 -hour day well is that true well if i look over here i have 14 000 verses now if you notice this went from genesis 1 5 to genesis 1 8 to genesis 1 13 to 14 to 16 18 19 to 23 31 2 2 2 3 but then what happens is i i can keep going i jumps from genesis 4 14 to 5 1 and then it's going to make some bigger jumps later and um where you're going to see if i get out of genesis it'll jump books and what this is is this is just sorted my entire bible um to uh to the fact that i'm only getting verses that have the hebrew word yom there okay so i could jump trying to get out of genesis just to show you a big jump okay here we go so we can go from um uh genesis jumps right to exodus right so you can go through and now do you got the time to go through all of this um well this is a lot right you're not going to have that kind of time well i i got i i happen to want to do that search all right well there's other ways to do it so this was going to limit my bible to that let me show you another thing you could do i can go in here into the search click this here and i get my search of a bible now you can do searches like claws by morph and things like that um i i can do a search for this hebrew lemma if i want just put the hebrew there click on that and i will get my search and that's very nice how did you put hebrew i copied i pasted it from where i copied before oh okay okay okay i thought there was like a letter that you can put in as well there is a way to get the hebrew um uh in your keyboard but i cheat and i just highlight that and i copy it um and yet someone's mentioning here if you want the shortcut you could put h colon yeah okay that's what i was referring to right i thought you put an h colon for hebrew and then g colon for um yeah okay so um you can well actually i think you could do that in here here i guess in this one it's not showing that upright so um but let me put that back in for a sec because i'm going to want that so i'll do my search there and i'll hit go okay so as we go back on this side now so this this now is filtered well that uh that didn't give me what i wanted i want the actual hebrew that becomes important because it's just giving me it's not giving me everything uh did i miss oh i misspelled it that's why all right so when we look on this side all right um i want to do that same search and i'm going to misspell it the same way twice really and i paste it all right so here's here's all those uh verses that we have in the same list over here that's kind of hard well how do we want to do it well what we could do is and i i'm going to cheat right now and show you that i've already done this and i saved it as a passage list so what i did is i did my search and i'm gonna now cheat a little because i want to just keep that search so i'm going to copy that that's the search that i had done when i was doing this and i'm just going to put this in like that so what are these words well this is going to be the words for morning near day or evening near day okay so i want to find those mornings and those evenings and i want to find it where it's in the same word as day so you see evening morning day evening morning day evening morning day so now i've got a much smaller list now instead of this list here oops sorry this list here are 14 000 well now i've limited just to ones that say morning evening and day and now this is a little bit more manageable of a list it's only 73 verses this i can go through and check each one which i did um and find that there are some places where morning evening morning or evening with near the word day don't always mean a literal 24 -hour day i had lunch with dr jason lyle was talking to him about this today and he said he words as when morning and evening are in uh historical narratives why because in some of the places where morning or evening are used in poetic senses with yom they are not a 24 -hour day they're used in a figurative way and so then it's not always literal but again that's hermeneutics right you know that it's not supposed to be it's not meant to be taken literally so when you are you bragging who you've been hanging out with no no i mean bragging and making you feel bad would be like letting you know you know that you know we hung out you know at my house and he joined my bible study and you know we had dinner at my house and that's all over that that would be bragging but just telling you i had lunch with him that's not bragging no because there were other people there for lunch now now it would be it would it would be bad to to say that he was at the bible study because stan is here and stan's usually part of that bible study but couldn't make it and so if stan it would it'd be making him feel bad that he missed bible study and kind of guilting him in the fact that he could have had a private bible study with you know the great dr jason lyle i mean that i wouldn't want to make stan feel bad i mean just because he walked away from his camera when he watches this on rerun then have like i can't believe you all right so um so you know what you can get through these 73 results and actually there's only 27 verses okay um now what i had done is i took these and i saved it as a list why because i wanted to uh as you see here i have here where i listed the the the verses that i had and then i noticed something strange i started classifying these morning is not used as a literal day uh is not used as a literal but neither is day so you see in isaiah 28 19 morning is not literal but neither is day so now you know what the fact that i took this passage and i copied it in here and there's some that i didn't need at all because the word day was translated uh one of these a couple of these the word is translated right here as cow you know so here here it's like okay um that's really or morning i mean is is translated as cow i don't know why um it is that way it's sound about the word but i do i got rid of that one so i wanted just the ones where it's translated as a day and i noticed here day is not specifically a 24 -hour day but evening is an illustration and not a literal here not a 24 -hour day but it's as an illustration so what i was able to do is quickly in my passage list here is i could sit here and now say okay all these out of the 19 passages that have morning evening and day these all use it as a literal 24 -hour day but i because of my header headings that i put here let me scroll up a little because of my headings i can quickly look and see these three different classifications where isaiah 28 19 jeremiah 6 4 amos 5 8 and zachariah 14 7 uh all do not use day literally as a 24 -hour day but notice in each one of them there it's also noted i noticed that they're not literal there either um and by the way just so john doesn't get on my case um i did this several months ago so you can't say that i got this from from jason oh look stan's back he doesn't know what you were saying about him all right so stan all i'll have to say is you're gonna have to go and watch the rerun um you know but you know i may forget the hebrew over time actually now i'm thinking about it so maybe what i want to do is change this to say i still want to keep this in case i want to do that search but maybe i want to say uh whoop i should go all the way over here oh i guess i have to say in esv so okay morning and evening near day all right so i do that that's going to help me with my english but i want but this is good to keep because you may want to do that search again like i just did here and i just have to copy and paste so it's good to keep that okay now this doesn't solve one other problem and the real problem how can i figure out the number because i can't search for everywhere we're first second third fourth one two three four five right that's kind of hard well let's go to our trick so here i have everywhere where the hebrew word yom is and i'm gonna go up to my to the top here all right let's just go to okay so now i would like everywhere where day appears okay now by the way because i have this search in this window that's why this is showing up as blue and green in this window because it's blue and green in here if i want that to go away i could close this and that'll disappear but i want to get i want to get this where i can see these numbers and the morning and evening well this is where that visual feature the visual um uh filter that i was showing you earlier comes in so if i go to my visual filter and we're in hebrew so i'll bring up the hebrew one i'm going to put it over here just so it's easier to work with and i would like to know where a number shows up well again i go here and i hit my at sign i get my list and look at this in the hebrew it has a numeral and i click on that oh and i have a difference i have one for cardinal a cardinal number so let's do that this is what i actually did i went in here and i put the cardinal numbers wake up and i'm gonna do the cardinals as a let's see i got blue and i got green i'll do that as a orange well the orange is used for day i'll do that i know what i'll do let's make it stand out i'll do that as a i could do underline what do we want to do this is a darker green we'll do the dark green okay and then i come in here and i do at sign and i do my numeral and this time i'm going to say ordinal and i'm going to make that one uh make that one purple and now i come back over here to my bible and look what just happened all of my cardinal numbers are green all my ordinal numbers are purple and now i could do what you previously would have been very difficult to do you would have had to go through all of those 14 000 references and look for where there's a number and then day but now i can quickly find them i can just look at these quickly and go through them and just look for green or purple next today by the way do you notice this one's cardinal but here's all the you know this one's marked as a cardinal and then these are all marked as an ordinal here's the thing that i ended up finding when i did this you it is not enough to say that you can say morning evening day is always a 24 -hour day because it is not when morning or evening are used in a literal sense then the word day is a literal day the other thing i noticed is that it is not enough to say that where the day is a number and then the word day because there are when i went through this not in genesis 1 but in elsewhere i found where there were cardinal numbers the ones in green next to day and it wasn't a 24 -hour day here's the important thing though everywhere where it's an ordinal number followed by day it is always a 24 -hour day i was able to find that using this color coding to sort through this so that as i skim through these i don't have to care about this red one with day or any of these others i only cared for the green or the purple and i just went through looking for green and purple so here like here you see all this page i pretty much don't care about most of them there's a purple one that's the only one i'm interested in and so what i did that and i was able to go through all these so i can say definitively by looking by using my logos that everywhere that the word yom is used in the hebrew old testament and it's preceded by an ordinal number it is always a 24 -hour day everywhere where you have morning and evening in the same passage with day and morning and evening are literal so is the day and so now what we do is we look at the first day the first week of genesis in genesis here genesis one and what we end up seeing is you have more evening and morning use literally an ordinal number and day and you see that for each of these verses and so with that it's we can say yes now we have the the formula for when a day is a 24 -hour day in the old testament now you also can go and look at some of the other writings um you know in in jewish literature and start comparing that as well to see if that stays if that holds true all right so i'm going to get rid of these there's just those two formattings but one of the things i did i like i said one of the things that you end up seeing with these visual um filters is that here's my old testament um now i still have these things highlighted but soon as i close my search window okay those will go away um i still have my word yom there so if i close that from the word study guide those highlights go away now because i i'm saying here my definitive articles i wanted to put in blue now i admit this was me playing so i don't know that they'll stay in blue i don't know there's a definitive purpose that for that but i just put that because i want to show really some contrast here um for this now you see here here we have a command be fruitful that's an imperative multiply that's an imperative fill that's an imperative subdue that's an imperative dominion that's an imperative each of those are greek sorry hebrew verbs that are imperatives things you must do now in this case should we do it well no that's adam that must do those things but it does help um if you're looking for things that are imperatives um let's go back to that that what i was studying and i think that was um so here what you end up seeing is this one's in red and what i have in i probably have one of the other filters set up see if it's in no it's not from the greek um oh oh i see yeah that's in quotes because that's a quote from christ um i'm assuming and so this one's not my filter but they have their built -in filters if you don't want the red lettering you can click on here and this is their visual filters and if you scroll down i think i passed it um there is a way to shut off the red lettering if you don't like it it's one of these and by the way you can shut off your own visual filters right here um due to oh here we go so you i think it's under here now i will say ravi was right about that yeah it's and it's not it's under settings under here under settings or you mean under your um yeah the uh preferences yeah okay so so it's going to be under here somewhere right in case you need to simplify versus traditional font for chinese i'm sure you have it okay here it is so you can just turn that off there and you can see yep that's exactly what that was because that went back to that so i just keep it on by default so but i do like this i like having my imperatives showing up so that i can see them um and so that's some things now let me go to this passage that i was studying and show you some other things um and i don't know if if you guys here have any questions uh yet let's see see if i have any other okay i i created just because of the way my brain works um sorry it's under tools and highlighting i don't know i may have shown this before um here's the default ones that come with your logos and so you have different ones i have two that i created one called inductive study and one called lists so i first want to show you my list now what's this here i can just click one two three through zero and it will put a little red one two three four five six seven eight and all i have to do to do that is to highlight and if that was one i'd hit the letter nine and a nine would show up just before that i like lists so this helps me in my study so that i can quickly look at this and i have my lists and i can count off and see them i have my notes here that i put in there okay i have notes throughout this i can have highlighting in here now this can get distracting but i can go here to my visual filters and at the bottom i can shut all of my filters off i could have passage lists if i want to show them but i can shut all my notes off and the text is much cleaner you see so you can easily toggle these if you want now if you want them all gone i would say clicking this one and just always keeping these checked now that one's not checked for good reason i'll get to that in a moment all right can i also chime in and say um if you have a faith life uh account and you connect your logos with the faith life account you actually get to see all the comments and notes of other people from all around the world who have added their their thoughts or their uh uh references and such um and it's a really handy tool to have um i don't know if you've ever um done that before or or not but i i actually have notes or um i've learned a lot from other people's uh input yeah so let me go and i should mention again because here's my special offer page uh if you go to bitly .com
bitly .com slash sfe stands for striving fraternity logos sfe logos all lowercase you get to this special offer page and that's the partner page that we at striving fraternity have with logos and what you get there is 20 off um and you use this coupon code that's right here they're saying 10 off i think it's 20 i forget i thought it was 20 but use this coupon code maybe they changed it on me actually um and you get well you get 10 off a base package plus five books and so you could choose now i'm logged in so i already own these books but you could choose any of these first five books as a free book when you get one of their base packages and so they're all they're all right here so that's something you could get if you want to upgrade your packages save some money and get some free books and well i'm jewish i love free um so in faith life and i'm having a different reason why i'm going here um is to go to the striving for eternity um and this is our group at striving fraternity and so what you see here and we don't use it a whole lot but we've we've kind of been playing with it and trying to trying to use it more so here you see someone that put in you know a reading plan and um you can have different notes in here uh so it's a good way to get a hold of me because i do if you'll put stuff in there but here's a note that i put as i was preparing a sermon text on first corinthians 15 10.
so if i go there you see this green one this is what john's talking about this is a community note and i can click on that and it pulls up a side window of the community notes okay and where is that note well it's showing me all the places okay so there's yeah starting fraternity scroll down there it is there it is okay so here's the one that we just looked at i can click on that um and and see different you know different ones that are in here where's huh see this this part is oh that's for adding a note i think is it right clicking on that uh i thought it just showed up i don't know why it's not i thought it just hovers like this no yeah it just says show community notes and so you just click on it and then it opens up a window yeah so why is it not i mean i put that note in there yeah um i don't know why it's not uh because well here's the note right and it's it's linked to that so you can put um so i wonder if you see the visual cues so in verse 23 there is um uh another community note click on that and see if that pops open also and that's someone else's community note oh yeah i see where you're talking okay so you see yeah that one right there so community notes now you can see that person's community note right there yeah that was someone that was doing a note someone that was looking to do the note because they're part of the seminar so i'm i'm wondering why that's not showing up that's yeah it's kind of strange flash it it did just pop up and then disappeared it's a glitch maybe on your browser or either that uh yeah i'm not sure i see oh i definitely don't want to do that whatever that just did okay so i don't play with the i i was playing with adding a community note so john what you should do is go to first john 1510 and see if you if it shows up on yours it's weird that it doesn't show up on mine i but when i typed it in in logos it pops it in here and this is what i had said about that regarding shame the blessing that shame could be um and so this is a little bit of a lengthier thing i'm kind of because i really would have liked to have that pop up um in my logos i should i would have done it as a note otherwise like i might be flooding somewhere there's probably a way of doing that yeah it's probably and and see this one's green filled in where that other one that we saw was wherever it was was a green outline so that must be the difference where's 23 yeah right there i see it yeah yeah it's right there so i don't know if that has something to do with it but here you have community notes that you can click on and click off okay so um we and we were trying to do like a bible study in um uh i'm just clicking back and forward because i'm trying to get to my passage here i want to be at 6 11 okay so um i so you know here you see my my my thing with the um with my lists and one of the things that um i also have is this inductive study so i don't know if i showed this in the last one but here's something to do i didn't go to matthew 4 so i'm studying this i want to study this but when you do an inductive study you want to ask who what when where why okay these are the the the questions you want to ask well as i go through i want to highlight them the reason i don't have that as my visual filter checked on by default is because when i put that one in and then go back oh does it make a mess i have this set to say the the who the what the where each one of those and it populates them so i can quickly figure out in this what all of those are and i can go and look at my inductive bible study document which i would have um let's see if i do it this way i could find it quicker inductive bible study notes okay and if i bring that up i end up seeing here's my who here's my what here's a who here's a where and it's it's all listed for me now so that's really helpful when you're doing inductive bible study um but i don't encourage you leaving that on because it makes a mess of your bible and it's too hard to read so that's good for doing your study if you do an inductive bible study so those are some of the tips that i had for us um let me look at the chat here to see if there were any things that i missed or you guys could just tell me if i missed any because i was looking i was just peeking at it throughout um i will remind you guys again the bitly .com
sfe logos and you'll get the discount there um that we offer at striving fraternity in our partnership with logos so um yeah so it's a note that uh was mentioned that when i was doing the uh when i was doing the um some of the stuff with the the uh spittuogen you may need to get the lexem analytical lexicon um so you may want to get pick up some of those different tools that you need for some of that so i was going to ask you i was like you can't really do some of that stuff without having you know the library that you have i mean if you downloaded the free version of logos 7 um you're limited with with a lot you can do but you do have to invest a lot of your um uh your your money basically here the starter kit for 200 but if you're doing that john what you have to do is come over to here to the striving fraternity uh special offer page and you you need to actually purchase one of these but yeah i mean it would be good to do that uh just to have it but yeah you may have to purchase some more books to be able to get some of these uh tricks that like that i showed you with the languages to work i think you need at least gold to get the language works so um so you know open we've been going for you know almost an hour and a half do you guys have any any things you want to see done for those who are still here i don't see any hands raised in there okay so um so i'll end that and i i mean i hope this was helpful for you guys i hope that uh there's some things you got out of it and and and learned and you could use um they you know i'm gonna try to do these more than once every year and a half or whatever it was year and a quarter um but it is on i'll try to do more of i i think that they're helpful for folks and um i mean that's that's why we're doing it we want to be uh you know we want it to be helpful to you so you know if you find this helpful let us know i will be putting this uh for those here i'll get this up on uh youtube at the striving fraternity channel um on youtube so you'll be able to find it there um so that may be a you know some things i should recommend you go to striving fraternity dot org check out some of the discipling tools that we have you can pick up my book what do they believe which is a systematic theology the major western religions you can pick up what do we believe which is a systematic theology of christianity and you can also um go there and look under podcasts and you could subscribe to the rap report and get a daily two -minute teaching there and uh and see what um see what other stuff we have on the weekly one so uh rafe you got your hand up so sure so i've been having a problem and i wanted to ask you if you've been ever had the same problem so when it comes to the bible study word guide for about probably six months now what'll happen is when i go to look at my septuagint uh section ring uh the i have an iMac so it's not a space of screen problem uh the words uh overlap they can join together and some other people have had that problem and they said that they've taken care of the windows uh problem uh but the mac for some reason hasn't been taken care of but you didn't look you had the problem tonight so i was wondering if you've ever experienced that problem so you you go to your word study guide yep let me share the screen again so that we can get a okay so when you you're saying where is it that you had overlap sure so on the septuagint uh translation ring what'll happen many times is the words those lines overlap and the words overlap and it just look all ugly and terrible here terrible yeah yes i used to have that uh -huh okay so let's so here might be the thing let's go back to home and this is another trick that might be helpful to folks uh because i purposely left these up if you look up at the top you see i have one resource updated what was the resource well if i click on this it was my jesus followers in the roman empire that was updated okay that's good thank you but i also had a new release i have 7 .14
sr1 i can click on here and bring up release notes and that will bring up my browser uh and so let's see uh they fixed a crash in the atlas tool uh fix a bug uh in the indexing to never complete successfully on computers with four gig of ram uh home page sidebar so maybe it wasn't that one but i might be able to go to a previous release notes and if i go through these i probably could find where maybe that was fixed i did have i did used to have that problem okay uh and you're right it's it's um if i just click on home again uh i'm not having that problem anymore i did notice that in the past but i didn't even notice that they fixed it they just they stopped showing these ones over here is what they're doing i haven't looked in maybe a few weeks so maybe they did fix it you know yeah or or maybe you need to update i i yeah i i keep it online so it's always a whenever an update comes out it's always able to get an update yeah so all right well those are some tips and tricks for logos for today hope that they were helpful um especially for those of you who are trying to defend genesis chapter one i hope that that was helpful and maybe correct some people who were saying things that actually weren't true biblically and so i'm doing a bible study through genesis one that we started a few weeks ago and so i had to go through before i got to day one to be able to verify that and so i showed you what took me well actually it took me months and months and months to try to figure a way to do it when i finally figured out the visual filtering i was like wow i know how to use this because i knew exactly what i wanted to do with it so uh that was really cool to me what did i do i went and got a friend of mine and quickly called him and said check this out and shared my screen with him and said look what i discovered and he was like cool so we went through the passages so um i hope that's helpful um you know subscribe to the wrap report go to strivingforattorney .org
to check out what we have to offer for you for uh discipling we have an online course or courses i should say at striving for attorney academy you just go to striving for attorney academy .org
or you can go to striving for attorney click on the academy button we have four classes out there now more to come and uh so be looking for those and those courses actually you can watch on youtube for free the syllabus costs $25 and we we do encourage you to get a syllabus because that's actually how we we fund those classes we try to offer everything like this for free we don't get paid for it uh we yet we do work on donations and we do need to support these sort of things uh you know yes my time for some might be free but things like the the setup that we have with the the zoom meetings and stuff like that there's monthly costs so um we do need that but uh you can help us out if you choose to and the snazzy t -shirt you got there that's right yeah my snazzy i was out i should i'll have to stand up now to see move this so it says god exists and he has spoken and a big belly no um but uh yeah those are uh and they come hold on one second they they match the gospel tracks that we hand out and you can get these at gracealonewa .com