Tuesday Guy - Testimony for my Mormon Friends

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Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Well, welcome everyone to the Tuesday Guy on Saturday show, a feature of No Compromise Ministries, nocompromiseradio .com.
My name is Steve Cooley, and I, as many of you know who've listened to the show,
I used to be a Mormon, and so I am somewhat fascinated by all things Mormon. I grew up in the church and everything like that, and one of the facets of Mormonism is every, the first Sunday of every month is what is called
Fast and Testimony meeting. You're supposed to not eat breakfast, not eat lunch, to give that money to the church, and so what happens is, instead of going to a regular meeting where somebody will get up and give a talk, they don't give sermons, or there'll be multiple talks, but no sermon, individuals from the congregation will get up and they will give their testimony, and I was online the other day and just looking for things about testimonies, and here's what they typically would say.
Here's a quote I found. We were often instructed to give a pure testimony, that's in quotes, pure testimony, only as in,
I know the church is true, I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, I know the Book of Mormon is true.
Now, you can throw in a mention that Heavenly Father lives and loves us, and every once in a while, someone would mention my elder brother,
Jesus, which this author notes is grammatically incorrect. It should be older brother, not elder brother, but anyway,
I wanted to get to the point here. Time, or person after person after person, on the
Sunday morning meeting, we'd get up and say, essentially, I know this church is true, or I know this is the only true church,
I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, I'm thankful we have a prophet today, I'm thankful for whatever, and on their testimony would go.
Now, sometimes, I saw online where people would say there were embarrassing revelations made during these testimonies, but that's the gist of it.
And you could be anywhere from 90 to four and get up there.
Parents used to carry their kids up there, I know this church is true, what?
And so the parent would be whispering in the child's ear, I don't normally do voices, maybe I should, though.
But the parent would be whispering in the child's ear, telling them what to say, and that passes as a testimony.
Now, what I'd like to do today is to give my testimony, in a manner of speaking, and it's going to be,
I think it's going to stand in contrast to what you would hear on a Sunday morning at the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints during their, the first Sunday of every month, during their fast and testimony meeting.
Now, instead of saying things like, I know this is the only true church, I know Jeff Smith was a true prophet,
I'm thankful we have a living prophet who receives revelation today, I'm thankful my Heavenly Father lives and He loves us, all those kind of things, here's what
I'm going to say to you today. Some things that are not subjective, because Mormonism at its base is a subjective religion.
What do I mean by that? It's feeling -oriented. For example, how do you know that the
Book of Mormon allegedly is the Word of God? Well, you're to read it and to pray about it, and if you get a burning in your bosom, then you know it's true.
I saw a cartoon online that just, it made me laugh. I mean, it's sad, but it made me laugh because, you know, that's just kind of how
I am. But it showed different people from different religions talking about how
God told them this and therefore they knew it was right. And that's the nature of Mormonism.
God is basically affirming, supposedly, the Book of Mormon by giving you a burning, an interior burning,
I'll just turn it that way. And that is supposed to be confirmation.
Well, what is that? Supposing you get this burning in your bosom and it's completely wrong.
Supposing you're reading the Quran and you get a burning in your bosom, or you're reading Ellen G. White's writings, or you're reading
Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard. You know, the fact that you have a burning in your bosom, does that mean it's true?
Is that an infallible mark of truth? And obviously the answer to that is no.
And, you know, just basically, Mormonism falls under Galatians 1 .8,
when Paul writes to the Church of Galatia and says, if anyone comes to you, even an angel of light, anyone appears to you and says, or gives you a different gospel than the one that you've already received from me, let him be accursed.
That's just my own rough, off the cuff quotation of it.
But the idea that Mormonism is very much, it falls under Galatians 1 .8,
because the whole basis of it is entirely subjective. You have to swallow the Joseph Smith story, hook, line, and sinker.
And if you don't, then you'll never agree to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints. Anyway, getting back to this, getting back to my testimony. Here's my testimony.
My testimony is, I know there is one church which
Jesus Christ himself promised would not fail. And I know that because the
Bible says it. It's not my opinion. It's Jesus himself saying what?
He tells Peter, I tell you, you are
Peter, and upon this rock or on this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell or Hades or death shall not prevail against it.
I know that. I know that that's true. He's going to build his church.
And one of the issues, and I think I mentioned this before on one of my previous shows was, there's no doubt that he's going to build his church.
There's no doubt that if the Mormon church is true, then Jesus himself was wrong when he said that he would build his church and nothing would prevail against it because the
Mormon church teaches that within a very short period of time, the entire church was plunged into apostasy.
The truth was gone. Many false things were subsequently taught.
The Bible was edited. Many of them believe, much like some kind of fictional book, that the
Bible was edited by men at the Council of Nicaea. And this is the basis of their religion.
And so, when you call them on that, they don't really understand. The Mormons by and large, and I will confess that when
I was a Mormon, this is true of me, are biblically illiterate. They don't know that much about the
Bible. Just to give you a little bit of an idea of what it was like to grow up in a
Mormon household and to really kind of be faithful. My mom used to have this thing where, in high school, she was a single mom and I was on my own a lot.
And she would graveyard shift, so I would be responsible for getting myself up every morning, which you go, well, what's the big deal there?
Well, I don't remember what time I had to wake up, but I think it was like 4 .30 in the morning because here's what
I would do. I would get up, I would have breakfast, I would take a shower. And the first year, anyway, that I was in seminary,
I actually had to ride my bike in. It was dark outside. I could hear, it was so quiet.
I lived in the city. It was so quiet that I could hear the water rushing through the sewers.
That's how quiet it was. As I was riding my three -speed with my headlight and my backpack on and all that, and riding a few miles into the church.
Anyway, it was okay with my mom if I stayed home from school as long as I went to seminary.
So my seminary attendance was 100%. It didn't matter what illness I had,
I went to seminary. When I had mononucleosis, I went to seminary. I didn't have to go to school, but I went to seminary every single day.
And so we would do that and we would, in seminary class, it's a class that would go for an hour in the morning before you went to church.
And then you went to high school. And we spent a year on church history, I think a year in the Book of Mormon, year in the
Old Testament, year in the New Testament. But basically what you would teach is just snippets. We would learn snippets from scripture.
One of the big things we would do is something called scripture chase, where the teacher would give you like a clue.
Think of it as like Jeopardy. They would give you the clue, and then you had to figure out what scripture it was and look it up real quick.
And I actually was so excited about this, I used to take a crayon and I would color my scriptures with crayons so that the pages would then kind of slip right open to those.
I mean, try it sometime. You may not want to try it, but if you do that, because there's so much wax in the crayon, and so it would just kind of slide right open to the right pages.
And I used to be really, really good at that. And I enjoyed that a lot. But you don't really study things in context.
So, you know, something like Matthew 16, 18 would not have been clear to us. Something like Galatians 1, 8,
I don't even know if we ever would have even read that, let alone studied the book of Galatians to see what
Paul was writing about and how he was preaching against salvation by works, because the whole thrust of Mormonism is
Jesus made it possible for you to save yourself. Think about that.
You know, how could that be a Christian religion? Jesus made it possible for you to cinch up your belt and, you know, climb the stairway to heaven, hoist yourself up the rope, or however you want to phrase it.
I mean, he put it on you. He basically handed the baton off to you, and now you're responsible to carry yourself across the finish line.
That is just crazy. But there is one church, it is a universal church. Catholic, small
C. We're all members of one body, the Bible tells us. We are baptized into one body, and that isn't a wet baptism, that is a dry baptism.
It means from the moment you are saved, you belong to the body of Christ. It's his church.
Now, you may be a Baptist, you may be a Presbyterian, you may be whatever denomination that you may happen to be.
If you believe in salvation by faith alone and Christ alone, then you're a
Christian. So there is one true church, but it didn't disappear for 1 ,700 years to be resuscitated, as it were, by Joseph Smith.
My second part of my testimony would be this. I know that Joseph Smith was a fraud, and that by Old Testament standards, he would have been put to death.
It is, you know, as I said, I have maybe a morbid fascination now with Mormonism because it's what
I grew up in. But, you know, just reading about it now and learning that Joseph Smith actually got the, supposedly got the revelation about plural marriage, polygamy, after, after he'd taken his second wife.
Now, that's pretty interesting. You know, you would think that if God was speaking to you and God knows all things, or God has some kind of plan, that he would let you know ahead of your taking your second wife that that's what you were supposed to do.
And, you know, looking back on it now, it seems like what happened was Joseph Smith, by virtue of the fact that he was a man and a powerful man, and probably a little bit arrogant by the fact that he had so many people following him, decided that one wife, namely
Emma, was not enough. So he determined he would marry a second wife. Well, then he had to make
Emma feel better about it. Well, how do you do that? You invoke
God. You say, God told me. And so that's what he did. And, you know, a number of false prophecies.
I mean, the whole thing is a hoax. If you actually study Joseph Smith, and probably many of you have, you know that he was really kind of a carny, you know, a carnival performer.
He was somebody who did things now that would get you laughed out of a carnival in terms of, you know, pretending to know things from the world beyond, that kind of thing.
So Joseph Smith was a fraud. And, you know, really all the prophets, so -called prophets after him have been frauds.
I remember one of the things that first really bothered me was I read a book called
The Mormon Murders, which talked about a number of false documents that the
Mormon Church bought. And my biggest shock was Gordon B. Hinckley denying, knowing this man who had perpetrated these crimes, even murder, denied knowing him when a press conference was held.
And you just think what kind of prophet, because Gordon B. Hinckley became the prophet. And at that point, he was a spokesman for the first presidency of the church.
And you just think what sort of prophet would lie, would just flat out lie to people about what he had done and the way he had conducted himself.
And by the way, what sort of prophet would buy documents that anyone who really believed in the first vision story of Joseph Smith would know was a fraud?
Because, for example, there was a so -called salamander letter where Joseph Smith was allegedly led to the golden plates by a white salamander.
Well, that doesn't comport with Joseph Smith's original or with his story that it was an angel that led him to those plates.
And so you just, you think, well, if somebody offered you something like that, why would you buy it? Why would you try to suppress something like that?
Wouldn't you know, you quote, unquote, know that it's a fraud? Well, that tells you something about the actual level of their faith.
I think there are many Mormons who are sincere in their belief, but I think the more you know about it, the more you're just kind of hoping that it's true and it's a sad state.
So I would say, so far, I'd say there is, I know there's one church and the
Mormon church is not it. I would say, I know that Joseph Smith was a fraud, not a prophet. And then
I would say, I'm thankful that we have a sovereign and omnipotent God who is able in spite of the efforts of men to preserve and protect his word.
His word, his word is something that he says, you know, not one jot or tittle shall pass.
Everything will come to pass. Everything he has said will happen.
You know, you just go through the Bible and again and again, it testifies to itself when it says that it's inspired, that it is the very word of God.
We read those things and then we think about what the Mormon church teaches, which is that men, as I said, corrupted it, that men edited it, as one of the early prophets of the church said, that many plain and precious parts, that's a quote you'll hear over and over again, many plain and precious parts were taken out.
Well, when you start studying Mormon doctrine, you realize it wasn't just many plain and precious parts that were taken out.
It was like the whole Bible had to be almost thrown away in order to come away with Christianity compared to Mormonism.
There really are very few similarities. Now, a
Mormon can call himself a Christian all day long. It doesn't make it so. If he wants to say, or she wants to say they're a follower of Christ, well, certainly not a follower of Christ as he is presented in the
Bible. But back to my point there, we have a sovereign and omnipotent
God who is able to preserve and to protect his word. The whole idea that somehow men, whoever they were, were able to attack, assault, edit, however you want to phrase it, take away from the word of God and that he was not able to stop them, it's just mind boggling.
And now we're seeing more and more, I mean, of course we would, it doesn't really matter that we get these things, but they're comforting to us.
I was reading the other day that there's a fragment, I think from the gospel of Mark, that they won't identify it yet, but that they're going to talk about being from the first century
AD. So really within a few decades of the gospel being written, we have a fragment of it still in existence today.
It is saying, I mean, whether it's the Dead Sea Scrolls, whatever it is, over and over again, archeology, the findings that come out of that area are consistent with the
Bible. They're inconsistent with Mormon theology, let alone some massive coverup.
And you would think that if men were busily editing the Bible, just cutting things out and understanding what we know about the
Bible today, you would think that there would be massive inconsistencies. I mean, it's not like they were sitting around in computer rooms in 325
AD at the Council of Nicaea comparing manuscripts and going, well, wait a minute, if we take this out, that's going to make it conflict with this part.
It's just all rubbish. This whole idea that somehow many plain and precious parts, those guys at the
Council of Nicaea would have had to have been the smartest men ever to have existed.
They would have had to have had virtual computers for brains and just massive memories that no one has ever even, it's just mind boggling to think that anybody could be that smart.
And yet that's what we're supposed to believe. But again, that is not what the
Bible says about itself. So I would say that, in fact, you know, it might be great.
I'd like to go to a fast and testimony meeting and just kind of walk up to the front. Of course, I'd wear a white shirt.
I was watching this woman's testimony the other day and just reminded how important it is for Mormons to wear a white shirt.
I think it might be okay to wear a light blue one, but boy, you don't want to wear anything else. You know, that would be pretty shocking.
You're not really a faithful Mormon if you're wearing a lot of different colors. I mean, did you ever notice that?
The elders, the young men, the missionaries are always wearing white shirts. Anyway, my next point would be this.
I'm thankful that the Bible is sufficient and contains all that we need to live a godly life.
Again, right out of the Bible, it gives us everything that we need pertaining to life and godliness.
What do we have or what do we not have that we need?
Second Peter 1 .3 says, talking about God's divine power, has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.
The Mormons would have you believe, again, that the Bible's deficient, that it doesn't speak to a lot of things that we need to know.
Well, the Bible never says that about itself. It says it is sufficient. God breathed.
It gives us everything that we need. And again, we have an all -powerful
God who has preserved his word, who cares about his word, and has given it to us that we might know how to please him.
I would also say that I'm thankful that God has always existed, that his power is inexhaustible, and I'm amazed that he would set his affection upon someone like me.
Well, let's just take those individual parts for a moment. The Mormons would have you believe that not only did
Jesus Christ have a beginning and an end, but that God the Father, whom they see as a separate...
We believe that they're different persons, but they would have you believe that God is not one, that God is a multitude of ones.
They would say he's one in purpose, but they would say that there are multiple, if you could push them far enough, that they would say there's multiple gods.
For example, they would say God the Father was named Elohim, and that he comes from another planet where he was a man and passed the test and did all the things he needed to do, including getting married in the temple, so that he went on and had a multitude of spiritual wives who had a multitude of spiritual children.
I mean, this is the bizarre nature of Mormonism. That's what they teach.
Now, people go, well, how can you go there week in and week out and hear these things and not think this is weird?
Because this isn't what they do. If you went to one of their church services, and I don't really recommend it, but if you even listen to their conference, conferences, their general conferences in April and October, what you're going to hear is instruction on how to live a more legal, a more legally pleasing life, a more structured life, how just different aspects about living what they perceive as a godly life, and nothing really, no expository preaching, no teaching like that, and nothing about the
Bible per se, and nothing about the nature of God.
I mean, not by and large. You're not going to hear about His holiness, or which would not just mean sinlessness, which they would affirm, but His otherliness, because they believe that they can be like Him, that the whole purpose of coming here,
A, was to be happy, and B, is to be like Him to achieve godhood, which is just, again, strange to our ears and strange to Scripture.
It's foreign. We just wouldn't think like that. But the
God of the Bible always existed, and one of my favorite places to go to just talk about His power is the book of Isaiah and chapter 40, and in context,
He's really talking. This is talking to Israel about a future time where they would be in captivity, and it's really meant to give them hope, but when you get to the end of chapter 40, you really get a sense of the power of God when
He says, the Lord is the everlasting
God, which means there's no diminishing of His power.
Listen, this is the end of verse 28. He does not faint or grow weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
In fact, not only does He not grow faint, verse 29 tells us He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might,
He increases strength. There is no way to exhaust the power of God.
It is everlasting. It never changes. It's never diminished, but they would have you believe that He grew into this, and again, there's nothing in Scripture.
Their best argument for this is really when Jesus said, have
I not said that ye are gods, where He's quoting
Psalm 82, but it's just a misunderstanding of what
Jesus says. He never says that they're actually gods in training, that they're going to be gods.
What He's really saying is He's hearkening back to that, where in Psalm 82, it says, nevertheless, ye will what?
Or you will die like men. In other words, this was about judges who were unrighteously exercising power.
This has nothing to do with the idea of Jesus actually saying that these were like embryonic gods, that if they just did the right thing, that they would eventually turn into gods.
So His power is inexhaustible. He's always existed, and here's a crazy thing.
You know, again, if you listen to Mormonism, they teach not that God for no reason set
His affection upon you. It's not like He chose the base things, you know, or the lesser things, like in 1
Corinthians, but that He chose the good things because we were actually good in the preexistence which they teach and they believe in, where we were allegedly all spirit beings.
They teach that we came here and that we earned places here by virtue of our goodness, our performance in the previous life.
That's insanity. And it really does turn the Bible upside down. And again, you have to wonder how much editing did those guys in the
Council of Nicaea do to just leave out the whole preexistence, to leave out the fact that, well, wait a minute, instead of God choosing the things that are not to debunk the things that are, again, the wording not exactly precise because I'm not reading it, but that He chose the good things, the best, and then
He brought them into the world hoping that they would make themselves even better. Well, we don't read anything like that.
That's not Ephesians 1 talk. Paul doesn't burst out in praise because before the foundation of the world,
God saw that we were good and brought us to this world so that we would be even better. That's not Ephesians 1.
Why would he praise God for recognizing what we already know, that we were really good?
That would not be praiseworthy. For God to just give us justice, that would not be right.
And there's no reason, therefore, for Mormons to be amazed that God would set
His affection. They might say they're amazed by Christ's death on their behalf, but they're not amazed that God would set
His affections upon them. I'm amazed at that. I know me, and I wouldn't choose to love me.
I wouldn't choose to save me. I wouldn't send my son to die for me. That's amazing.
And that's why if you go to a Mormon church, you won't hear them singing
Amazing Grace because they don't see anything amazing about it. Grace is provided to those who are smart enough to take it.
They take Arminianism a whole other leap. I mean, they really are beyond Arminianism.
But I would also testify to this, that Jesus is only my older brother in the sense that He was the firstborn of many brethren, that He was raised from the dead as a firstfruits, as it were.
But I would not say that He is my older brother in the way that Mormons do.
My spirit brother who was born before me, the one that we all kind of look up to because He's just more mature and He's smarter and He was the firstborn of Elohim.
That's just not right. I would testify that we did not exist prior to coming to the earth.
There's nothing in the Bible that would say that, nothing. There's no idea of this.
It's just a basic misunderstanding. I would also testify that there's nothing sacred or special about today's temples.
They've built these temples. They have more and more of them. I remember when I was growing up, you could put a picture of all the temples.
I still have it at home, my Book of Remembrance, and you could put a picture of all the temples. There were little imprints of them on the cover of this
Book of Remembrance, which is like a scrapbook. And I think there were 11, 12, 13 temples, something like that at that time.
Well, now they've just, they've shrunk the size of them. I mean, the first ones were really massive buildings, and now they've shrunk the size of them so they could put them in more places.
But there's nothing sacred or special about them. And I mean, when you look at what was done in the temple in the
Old Testament era, there was an outward court, there was an inward court, and then there was the
Holy of Holies, where only the priest could go, and that was just to make an offering.
And they would actually, the high priest, they would actually tie a rope around his foot in case he were struck dead because of his sin when he went in to make offerings on behalf of the people.
They don't, you know, it's interesting, because you go into the Mormon temple, they don't kill anything in those temples because they believe that Jesus died for their sins.
Well, that's fine, but where do they get all this other stuff? Where do they get all the baptism for the dead?
Now, you can misconstrue 1 Corinthians 15, 29, you know, all you want, but where do you come about saying that there were baptisms in the temple?
There's no record of that. There's no record of baptisms for the dead, the way they do things.
There's no, I was watching this little video clip the other day, the ceremony that they perform in there where a woman has to say certain things.
This is when she's going to get married. I'm not really a perfect expert on all the temple ceremonies.
I've never really cared all that much since I left the Mormon church to learn all about it. But it is bizarre.
You have to learn secret handshakes, passwords. I saw this one woman say during her testimony, she was now an ex -Mormon, but saying that she was really concerned when her husband fell away from the church of Jesus Christ the
Latter -day Saint. She was really concerned because now there was gonna be nobody to call her name and to raise her up out of the grave.
It's craziness. That is just nowhere in the Bible. Where would you get that? Where would you learn that even in the
Old Testament? Where did the Jews believe anything like that? Where did they have more than one temple?
None of these things are in the Bible. They have added and added and added. There were no ceilings in the temple.
There were no weddings in the temple. None of these things were true.
But you know what I would like to say if I were giving my testimony on a
Sunday morning at a fast and testimony meeting, I would wanna say all those things and then
I would wanna say, listen, let me tell you what is better than having a subjective feeling that you believe is true.
Here's what's better, is knowing the truth, right? John wrote his gospel, why?
That we could know that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the chosen one.
And that we could know that by believing in him, we'd have what? Eternal life.
And the whole book of 1 John, what is it? You know, people call it the book of assurance. Well, it is a book of assurance, but how do you get assurance?
Well, you look through the, basically the tests of faith that are given there and you say, well, wait a minute, this is true of my life.
I must be a child of God. That's the whole point of 1 John is you can know that you are a child of God.
For example, here's a test out of 1 John 1.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Well, think about Mormonism now for a moment.
What do they teach? That you can get to a state of sinless perfection.
That's the state that you need to achieve in this life in order to become God in the next life. Well, the
Bible says, if you say this, you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you. Listen to 1
John 1 .9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in us. Listen, these are actual tests that you can look at and go, this is my life.
Now, maybe not perfectly, but the point is when I sin now,
I look at him and I agree with God for what it is. That's confession. I regret it,
I repent of it, I turn away from it. And that's the point of 1
John, even as you go through. I mean, we could talk about love of the world, all these kinds of things. And it's again, as my old pastor used to say, it's not the perfection of your life, it's the direction of your life.
But what you can have here is objective evidence based on the Bible. You don't have to guess, you don't have to go into a forest, you don't have to twist
James 1 .5 and say, let any of it or anyone who lacks, if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask him of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given to him.
You know, the King James version of James 1 .5, you don't have to do any of those things. There is objective truth that can be known.
And to my Mormon friends, I would just say, and you are my friends.
I mean, I can't even tell you, when I think about the kids that I grew up with, you know, the people that I went to high school with,
I mean, those were my friends. Those are the ones I wanted to spend my Friday and Saturday nights with. Those are the people
I would hang out when I was just bummed or whatever. I mean, some of the best times of my life, Colorado River trips, trips out to Death Valley, which it is more fun than it sounds like probably, but you just think about it.
All the experiences you had growing up, you just think, I love those people.
I don't hate Mormons. I'm not a Mormon basher. All I'm saying is your whole faith, everything that you believe is based on a subjective experience, is based on belief in one man, and that man is
Joseph Smith. And I'll tell you what, if you look at what he did, if you look at the historical record, if you look at what a swindler he was, why he was actually quote unquote martyred, even though he shot back at the people who killed him, he was gonna be tried for treason.
Why? Because he had an army so big, it scared the local people, they thought, and probably with good reason that he was gonna try to set up some kind of independent kingdom.
This was a man who wanted to be President of the United States. He had a lust for power. And it's just shocking to me that when people learn, this was not, we're not talking about Moses or Jeremiah or Isaiah or any of the
Old Testament prophets and what their lives were like. Joseph Smith was a whole different creature.
And if you just study his biography, you will not want to invest your eternal security on his life.
My friends, I would urge you to turn from it, to study the Bible and to believe that the
God who keeps everything, upholds everything by the word of his power, is powerful enough to preserve the
Bible for us? He's powerful enough to save you? And my friends, here's what
I would say, that you need to stop thinking that you can make yourself right.
Stop thinking that you can make yourself good enough to be God. Christianity is not about being good enough.
It's not about being smart enough. It's not about doing enough.
It's about trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. His perfect life, never sinning.
You can't do that. It's impossible for you to stop sinning. He did it because you can't.
He died in the place of sinners, was raised on the third day, and those who believe in him, who trust in him, will be saved.
Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. And to call upon his name means to call upon all that he is, to stop trying to save yourself.
NoCompromiseRadio .com. My email is Tuesdayguyatnocompromiseradio .com and I can finally get emails.
So if you want to write me an email, you want to bash me, tell me how wrong I am, tell me how I don't understand the
Mormon church. Just one last thing and then I'll close. I remember after I got out of the army,
I went to, I drove with a friend. We went through Las Vegas and we went to Salt Lake City and went to the general conference sessions there and it really got me kind of reinvigorated to get back involved in the
Mormon church. But I'll tell you what, over the long haul, trying to perfect myself, trying to stop myself from sinning, trying to, you know, basically trying to earn merit with God, wearying.
And it didn't work. Not only did it not work, but when I started studying the
Bible and I just saw this isn't how it's supposed to be. It's not up to me to save myself.
Jesus Christ did it all and I need to believe. I'm so thankful to have a
God who would save sinners like me. I'm not better than anyone.
In fact, I could say with the Apostle Paul, I am the chief of sinners. And that doesn't make me anything but grateful to a
God who would save someone like me. Again, Tuesday guy at NoCompromiseRadio .com.
Repent, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. God bless you.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.