The Evening Sacrifice


Sunday school from July 5th, 2020


But let's pray help us to grow in the knowledge of your dear son our Lord Jesus Christ and to remain firm in the
Confession of his blessed word give us the love to be of one mind and to serve one another in Christ Then we will not be afraid of that which is disagreeable nor the rage of the arsonist
Satan whose torch is almost extinguished fear Dear father guard us so that his craftiness may not take the place of our pure faith
Grant that our cross and suffering may lead to a blessed and sure hope of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ For whom we wait daily.
Amen Okay, so let's see here is
Looking to see where Heather is in the list Hang on one second here She doesn't have her video on but I did know that when she was attending her children were all
Everybody was dressed in pajamas. Okay. There's Heather. Hi Heather Okay, so here's my object lesson.
Okay, there's there's a United States dollar bill All right And and really the design hasn't changed since I was a kid now years and years and years ago
When I was a lot skinnier and younger and didn't have any gray hair and a gut back in the day
I worked for a start -up bank. Okay and working for a start -up
That was my first time working for an entrepreneurial business where you know The survival of the business was not
Guaranteed and so as a result of that, I even though I was hired on as a teller
They didn't have a big bureaucratic hierarchy within the bank the name of the bank, by the way was
Pacific Northwest Bank and Our offices were at 1111 3rd
Avenue in in Seattle, Washington That was that's where we were located, you know, we had a you know bottom floor
Thing and so what ended up happening is is that although I was a teller having been there for a few months my
My boss her name was Lorna Lorna said to me Chris The day we need somebody to go to the meeting regarding counterfeiting and I said
What? Who's putting that on and and they said it's it's the
FBI They're gonna be talking about, you know, all the different who's scamming out there But they're also gonna be doing some training on on how to spot counterfeit bills.
I Said, okay Now I had some training on how to spot counterfeit bills
But never had been trained by people who were giving official stuff like that via the
FBI I mean they give you some training on it as a teller. So they give you the basics. So in this meeting
I went to it and Let's just say that it was fascinating It was fascinating to hear who they were looking for and certain scams that were going on and then you know and then receiving a
This was not a refresher course a course on how to how to spot a counterfeit and I remember the fellow getting
Kind of emphatic about this he says there are so many different ways to counterfeit currency that we cannot keep up anymore and So the only way that you're going to be able to become skilled at spotting counterfeits is becoming
So familiar with the real thing that counterfeit will not be able to Pass you by is the best way of putting it and so as part of this training
This was the most tedious bit of all because I was thinking that you know You show up for counterfeit bill training and what they're gonna do is they're gonna they're gonna have you
Examine all these different counterfeit bills. No, what we ended up having to do was spend in an ordinate
It just seemed like an eternity and Accounting brand new bills
Okay. Now, I don't know if you've ever worked in with US currency but brand new bills regardless of the amount they are
Ridiculously no fun to work with. Okay, and so, you know, we were working with completely brand new bills
We were counting them. We were we were looking at the different features I don't know if you guys know this but the paper that is used for US currency is cotton
It's it's it. This is not paper. This is cotton and if you look super duper close at it
You can actually see that in this cotton that they use to make bills. They specifically put blue and red
Pieces of lint that get pressed with it and then the press needed to make this cotton into a paper
The pressure that's necessary is it's hard to actually find the machinery To be able to do this
It's it it the the pressure necessary to take cotton and turn it into a paper like this So one of the things you could look for as you look for the blue and red threads and then certain
Certain features there are things that to the naked eye look like dots But if you look closer they're stars and the ability to you know
To print at that detail is really hard to counterfeit and so you start learning these things and so, you know,
I spent It seems like forever counting these new bills and learning about these new bills
Focusing on these new bills scanning these new bills and all this kind of stuff and it got to the point where you know after a particular amount of time you
You know, it was like, okay. I get it already. Okay, and and Ever since that time
I've been able to spot counterfeit bills very easily in fact by the touch
And so two times since quitting that job, you know in you know Which I quit that job 30 years ago two times since quitting that job
I've been out at a grocery store at Walmart and Lady counted back money to me and I've handed back a bill and said that's a counterfeit and she says how do you know?
I said I just know and and and I said take your pen and mark it and she took her pen and marked it and Wouldn't you know it was a counterfeit?
So the the that's the long answer to your question and in when it comes to how do we protect our children?
the answer is that we for lack of a better way of putting it do not think for a second that your kids are on their own going to Learn what is necessary to go in depth in the scriptures so that they can spot the counterfeit
There's too many ways to create heresies and heresies are breeding Like bunny rabbits and they're interbreeding where we're getting these hybrid heresies now so the the the solution is to be so well acquainted with the truth of Scripture and And most fundamentally
I would say law and gospel is your big indicator because here's the thing is
That there are really only two religions in the whole world. There's the religion of works and the religion of grace and The religion of works takes on so many different forms
Okay from Islam to I would argue Roman Catholicism to you know
To whatever the latest cult is and things like this, you know, the the religion of works is is just rampant okay, so where a person is
Driven back onto themselves their works. They're praying their piety and everything hinges on them with that You know the and there is no assurance of salvation and the gospel seems to be mysteriously missing
You're dealing with a counterfeit You're dealing with a counterfeit. All right, just that's all there is to it
And and so and then always and again, I find it that heretics and false teachers never really
Prioritize rightly handling God's Word. It's just not high on their radar They are skilled at manipulating it and you can always spot it
This is why I come back to my three rules context context context the three rules for sound biblical exegesis our context and here's the thing 90 -95 percent of the people who
I can demonstrate are not rightly handling God's Word It's gonna come back to context just put that passage back in its context and just ask yourself.
Is this verse Saying the same thing that this fellow is saying That's that's that's as simple as it gets
Okay, this is as simple as it gets and if the guy is deviating Differently and the main point that he's making cannot be exegetically
Justified from the context or the greater context of scripture and you're gonna note then that we recognize that within context context context
Other passages come to bear. So for instance scripture interprets scripture. So like in today's sermon, how do
I know that? That that having a withered hand You know created a scenario by which this fellow was probably bullied by the
Pharisees answer from the Gospel of John All right It's for in the Gospel of John It's clear that the
Pharisees teach that if you are born with a defect that you are born in sin And so you can connect different parts of scripture where where you're dealing with the same bits
Where you're dealing with the same doctrine in the same themes and so let the other parts of scripture Create more light within the context of a passage that that's completely valid But when you know when you say things like the
Lord wants you to be healthy wealthy and healthy Well, how do you know? Well, this says in Jeremiah 29 11
I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans for you to prosper you and give you a hope in a future
And you sit there. Wow, that makes me feel great about myself, man But the thing is you go back into Jeremiah 29 11 and put it back into context
That's not a general promise to people that God's gonna make them healthy wealthy and wise and of course if I'm supposed to be healthy
Wealthy and wise why is it that I get more gray hair every day when I wake up, you know? Why is my condition my is my bodily condition worse today than it was 10 years ago and 20 years ago?
We you see I'm saying so. Yeah. Yeah, so there's so many different ways to twist but the thing is the more you understand the scriptures rightly in their context and See how all the scriptures work together
Then then what you're doing is you're protecting yourself and your children. And so the idea here is that as parents too many parents
I would say have put the training of their kids in the scriptures
Solely on the pastor, but the Pat I only have so much Exposure to people's children only so much.
All right, I can talk to him during a sermon I can talk to them during a catechism class I can talk to them during you know a
Sunday school and after that I don't have much interaction with the children But the reality is is that everything
I do I have to do in partnership with the parents I have to do it and if the parents are not pulling their weight
Then and then it does create a scenario by which a child may become easy pickings for a false teacher.
So One of the things I did and I do not recommend this is is that I exposed my kids to false doctrine
On purpose and then said let's talk about what's going wrong with this, you know, so I'm not saying that you should do that.
But you know, that's one of the things I did All right. Now all that being said, I guess Heather McDonald is the one who's gonna pick everything we're talking about today.
Yeah Yeah, no, I'm not blaming you. That was a great question yesterday so I'll frame it this way in scripture
There are several passages that I think clearly teach that prophecy and vision
Have ceased now if you ever talk with if you ever talk to charismatics
Charismatics will sit there and say where are the passages that say that the that that the gifts are gonna cease
All right. This is how they talk, right? And and so what has happened is as I think that we've kind of lost
The ability to exegetically defend the the what scripture clearly teaches now
I'm gonna be relying on some of the work that has been done by a fellow by the name of Doug Judish and this is a year.
This is a book from years ago Do not buy this off of Amazon because everyone's trying to get a hold of it It's driven up the prices of the used copies back in 1978
Baker Bookhouse published this book an evaluation of the claims to the charismatic gifts and I consider this to be one of the most devastating exegetical works against the modern charismatics and Pentecostals out there also in tandem with that is another great book worth getting is
Walter Chantry's and the name of this is called the signs of the Apostles signs of the
Apostles and these two really create a Good sound biblical exegetical way to defend the idea that You know to how should
I put it to defend what the church has historically understood? And what is the church historically understood that the sign gifts of the
Apostles prophecy the gift of tongues and things like that Those things ceased with the death of the
Apostles they stopped all right and The first one
Tony is called an evaluation to the claims to the charismatic gifts and By the way, if you want to get a copy of this then you need to contact
Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana They have the reprint rights for this and they sell it
In like they have like a photocopied version of it that they sell for like five or six bucks us so Concordia Fort Wayne You know, that's that's that's call their bookstore and tell me you want judicious book and you can get it
And but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lay out exegetically How this works now real quick in the book of Daniel and I want to read this in context because it always gives me the ability to talk about good prayer and And the
Lord and the mercy of the Lord in the book of Daniel you have in Daniel 9 924 a prophecy given by Gabriel this same angel who spoke to Mary and Joseph the exact same angel who spoke to Mary and Joseph and it's called the prophecy of the 70 weeks
Now a little bit of a note here when you read X when you read apologetic works regarding the 70 weeks especially as it relates to apologetics in trying to reach people who are
Who are Orthodox Jews or people who are Culturally Jewish and things like that then when you read apologetic works on this
There is a strong argument that is made that exegetically we can say
That the 70 weeks have all of the details have already been fulfilled all of that being said here is
Historically the way the church has understood the 70 weeks and I'll refer back to this when we
When we get to this in the in the text itself that that this is a time prophecy
That basically begins with the decree of Cyrus and by the way, Donald Trump is not
Cyrus I just I just got to say that the people who say that Trump is
Cyrus is just like nuts Anyway, the 70 week begins with the decree of Cyrus to release the
Jews send them back from Babylon and then Jerusalem is rebuilt you got Nehemiah here in 445 and then you've got the you've got the 62 weeks from the finishing of the temple to the birth of Christ and then there's a one week and you'll note it's a it's
These are not you know, these are not weeks that are literal These are figurative weeks meaning a piece of time that then that you have the one week from Jesus's life birth death crucifixion
You know ascension and then the destruction of the temple and then the final destruction of the
Jews in in Israel with Hadrian conquering Jerusalem in 135 AD and the
Romans For real scraping the Jews out of Judea altogether and And then you'll note that early in the 2nd century after the
Jews are expelled completely that what ends up happening is is that Rome changes the name of Israel to Syria, Palestinia, that's the name that they give for the region and and this is just archaeologically a fact and so Historically, the church has understood that the 70 weeks have all been fulfilled and apologists argue
Then based upon Daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks if Jesus isn't the
Messiah then ain't nobody the Messiah and the reason why ain't nobody the
Messiah is because The Messiah has to appear during this period of time from Cyrus's decree to the complete destruction of Israel at the hands of the
Romans. That's the ending of the of the 70 weeks And so let's put this in context so we can tell a little bit of the story.
We're all familiar with Daniel, but in Daniel chapter 9, there's a fascinating thing that happens
And again, I love it because of even Daniel understood the mercy of God, right?
so here's what it says in Daniel 9 1 in the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus by descent
Amid who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans Apparently there was a you know high turnover rate of whoever was in charge of Babylon, right?
so in the first year of his reign I Daniel perceived in the books the
Number of years that according to the word of Yahweh to Jeremiah the prophet must pass before the end of desolations of Jerusalem namely 70 years and so I will point this out that in the time of Daniel Jeremiah's book
The the book of Jeremiah that is the freshest book of the
Bible at the time remember the Bible is at this point still being written and The most recent book up to the time of Daniel's book was
Jeremiah All right so that's so it's it's the it's the latest book in the
Bible hot off the press if you would and And this is brilliant in in this sense.
So so Daniel perceives and recognizes Jeremiah as a true prophet of God and there was a true prophecy that he had given that there were 70 years that were appointed for the for the
Babylonian exile so as a result of this then Daniel now is going to pray and this is just a just a model prayer for us by the way this is what a penitential prayer sounds like and looks like and his trust his
Confidence in the mercy of God is staggering. It's beautiful So it says then I turn my face
To the Lord God seeking him by prayer and pleased for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes
I prayed to Yahweh my God and made confession saying Oh Lord The great and awesome
God who keeps covenant and steadfast love to those who love him and keep his commandments
We have sinned and we have done wrong. We've acted wickedly and rebelled turned aside from your commandments and your rules
We have not listened to your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our kings our
Princes and our fathers and to all the people of the land to you
Oh Lord belong righteousness but to us open shame as at this day to the men of Judah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to all of Israel those who are near and those who are
Far away and all the lands to which you have driven them because of the treachery that they have committed against you to us
Oh Yahweh belongs open shame to our kings and our princes and to our fathers because we've sinned against you to to the
Lord our God belong mercy and Forgiveness for we have rebelled against him love this.
I mean Daniel Like us is banking on the mercy and the forgiveness of God Right him believing in the one who was to come we believing in the one who has come and so I have not obeyed
So he says and I and have not obeyed the voice of Yahweh our God by walking in his laws Which set before us by his servants the prophets all
Israel has transgressed your law and turned aside refusing to obey your voice and The curse and the oath that are written in the law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out upon us
Because we have sinned against him. He has confirmed his words which he spoke out against us and against our rulers who ruled us by Bringing upon us a great calamity for under the whole heaven there has not been done anything like what has been done
Against Jerusalem as it is written in the law of Moses all this calamity has come upon us yet We have not entreated the favor of the
Lord our God turning from our iniquities and gaining insight by your truth
Therefore the Lord Yahweh has kept ready the calamity and has brought it upon us For the
Lord our God is righteous in all the works that he has done and we have not obeyed his voice and now
O Lord our God who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and have made a name for Yourself as at this day.
We have sinned we have done wickedly Oh Lord, according to all your righteous acts
Let your anger and your wrath turn away from your city Jerusalem your holy hill
Because of our sins and for the iniquities of our fathers Jerusalem and your people have become a byword among all who are around us now
Therefore O our God listen to the prayer of your servant and is pleased for mercy and for your own sake
Make your face to shine upon your sanctuary, which is desolate Oh my
God incline your ear and hear open your eyes and see our Desolations and the city that is called by your name for we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness
But because of your great mercy. Oh, oh Lord here. Oh Lord forgive
Oh Lord pay attention and act do not delay for your own sake
Oh my god, because your city and your people are called by your name That is what
I call a great Penitential prayer and you'll note one of the recurring phrases is for your own sake
If you ever hear prayers that are written in in in in such a way that they say cry
Father have mercy on us for the sake of Christ Okay, that's kind of the same thing have mercy on us for the sake of Jesus for Christ's sake
Pardon for Christ's sake forgive. Okay, you'll you'll note that David says for your own namesake
Here, but we pray that for the sake of Christ and this is this is just a model penitential prayer
So if you yeah, this this is one that we might want to put upon our own lips and and modify
Regarding our own iniquities, right? All right. So note then what happens next is
Stunning It's just brilliant. Okay, because God God's response is gonna tell us a few things here
It says while I was speaking and praying Confessing my sin and the sin of my people
Israel presenting my plea before Yahweh my
God for the Holy Hill of my God while I was speaking in prayer The man
Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the first came to me in swift flight I don't know any men that fly.
So what are we talking about here? Angel the angel Gabriel the angel Gabriel from heaven came
Right, this is the same guy. This is the same angel that spoke to Mary. This is the same angel that spoke to Zechariah right, this is the same angel that spoke to Joseph right so note here.
We've got a direct connection to our New Testament here same angel and this is the guy who's going to be bringing a really cool
Prophecy and promise regarding the Messiah. All right, I Say the guy, you know the angel
Gabriel. All right, so he came in swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice Oh, you got to pay attention to that bit too.
What was his arrival time three in the afternoon? Why is that important?
Well the evening sacrifice, you know, there were two sacrifices required Required according to the Mosaic Covenant on a daily basis nine in the morning three in the afternoon
So he comes at the time of the evening sacrifice. What exactly was the clock striking when
Jesus died on the cross answer? Three in the afternoon Okay, so these are not throwaway details.
This guy shows up at the time of the evening sacrifice Foreshadowing the death of Jesus by the way, right so he made me understand speaking with me and saying
Oh Daniel I have now come out to give you insight and understanding at the beginning of your pleas for mercy
He's still praying at the beginning of his pleas God is immediately responding even before all of his prayer is out
Gabriel is dispatched at the beginning of your pleas for mercy a
Word went out and I've come to tell it to you for you are greatly loved
Yeah Note here Gabriel gives a tacit
Absolution you're forgiven. You're greatly loved by God. He has mercy on you. Therefore consider the word and Understand the vision.
So here's the word that went out. This is a prophecy directly given from God to Gabriel Gabriel now delivers it and here's what
God has said 70 weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city to finish transgression to put an end to sin to atone for iniquity to bring in Everlasting righteousness and here's the bit we're gonna focus on for the purpose of the study to seal both vision and profit within the 70 weeks
Prophecy and vision will be sealed To anoint a most holy place or you can say a holy one or a holy thing and to an end know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build
Jerusalem to The coming of an anointed one a prince so that come talking about a prince there shall be seven weeks
Then for 62 weeks it shall be built again
With squares and a moat. This is not talking about a water -filled moat more like ramparts
So there's you know, you know rebuilding of the wall and the defenses of the city but in but in a troubled time and after the 62 weeks
Messiah Mashiach one shall be cut off and shall have nothing
Hmm I seem to know a guy I there was a fellow who was a Messiah the the Messiah who was cut off and had
Nothing, you know, I'm talking about right and the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
Oh, I seem to recall yet 70a .d. The the city was destroyed and the temple was torn down and its end shall come with a flood you this is like a flood of destruction and To the end there shall be war
Desolations are decreed and he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week and for half of the week
He shall put an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abomination shall come one who makes desolate
Until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator. So here's the deal.
Alright, so there's your prophecy and Coming back to this This is the historic understanding of this prophecy
Cyrus gives the decree to rebuild the city To rebuild
Jerusalem Seven weeks from that point Jerusalem is rebuilt You know
Nehemiah is during this time he's you know, and then there are 62 weeks after the rebuilding of the temple until the arrival of the anointed one the
Messiah and He's cut off he has nothing he establishes everlasting righteousness and then in 70 ad
Titus of the Roman army destroys the temple in 70 ad and And then you know, there's still turmoil and things during this time and then the final conquest by Hadrian Results in the end of the
Jews in Jerusalem in total That's the historic understanding of this Heather says when did
Rome reintroduce these things? So I would say this is that you see within Rome never an adopting of the prophecy
As as a full -blown thing, but always sneaky ways of reintroducing Something that is masquerading as prophecy, you know, for instance the mystics believe that they can have these ecstatic experiences
And then you have Rome beginning to Embrace these
Mary these Mary visions right these visions of Mary and stuff like that, but they still wouldn't call it quite a prophecy, but the thing is that they have collected up a bunch of these things and And and do consider them
Interesting things that may or may not be prophecies but have to be held on to but here's the thing is that Rome is apostate so their present views are
Let's just say all over the map But the historic interpretation when you look at how the church has understood these passages historically
They believe that the 70 weeks have already been fulfilled and I would argue
Exegetically, you got a pretty airtight case All right So coming back to this then this is one of the reasons why today's modern apologists who do
Apologetics to those who are in Judaism come back to the 70 weeks and they argue if Jesus isn't the
Messiah Then nobody is but even more importantly is that he is the only
Messiah figure who lives during the 70 weeks who can fulfill what is prophesied in the 70 weeks
So not only is it if it's not Jesus It's nobody because nobody can can live today claim to be the
Messiah and fit this and fit into the 70 weeks Because the Jews were kicked out of Israel.
They were kicked out Right, so, you know, there's there's you get the idea, but again in this time frame
Hang on. Let me pull this back out in this time frame then
You have a specific statement to seal both vision and profit and I would note that when you look at the charismatic movement and the people who started the
Pentecostals Okay, they always claimed that they were the the result of God restoring the gifts restoring prophets
Restoring Apostles and so then historically when you trace it back to the church fathers When did when did this stuff really stop?
All right, and Judas does a good job of Demonstrating how this all works in the earlier chapters of his book he notes that when we deal with the signs of the
Apostles the Apostles had signs and One of their signs was that anybody that they laid their hands on would receive gifts
You know the charismatis there's certain charismata for the purpose of building up and edifying the church and so what what
Judas argues is that If in order for somebody to be a legitimate
New Testament prophet today They would have have to either be an apostle or have to have had an apostle a true apostle
Lay hands on them. So for instance if you consider the fellow by the name of polycarp
I don't know if you're familiar with this guy Polycarp is as a fellow who was martyred for the Christian faith in his 80s all right, so he was an octogenarian when he's when he's martyred and he had he had the
Apostle John lay hands on him and as part of then what happened with him is that he received a prophetic gift that he operated in from time to time throughout the rest of his life and when you read about polycarp polycarp a couple of weeks before he was arrested had a prophetic vision that he was going to Die be martyred by being burned at the stake
He actually saw that in a prophetic vision the church notes this and so he was kind of like one of the last fellows to be able to functionally operate in that particular type of gift and funny enough hit the end of his life and the and the the ceasing of the of the sealing of of prophecy and vision is
Really quite concurrent with the death of the people who came who were who had their hands laid on by the
Apostles you see a dying out of the charismatic gifts and then you you see an attempt at resurging them with the
Montanists and then and they were they were ultimately declared to be a heresy the Montanist heresy, but but For real,
I mean the the church fathers talk about how these things really have gone by the wayside
They've utterly disappeared. And so you you can't bring them about anyway
So you get the idea? So Heather says good grief the more the reality of these things having ended sinks in the more demonic charismatic theology seems right
Exactly there's nothing sound in the charismatic movement. No, I mean nothing Yeah at the best way
I can put it is is that the early the early generations of the Pentecostals They were kind of like a cut flower, you know they still had a lot of The previous generations of Bible teaching that they were that they were hanging on to which kind of kept them alive for a little bit but the the present generation of charismatic say they know nothing about the
About how to be instructed and catechized and rightly taught God's Word. They and they're just going on.
They're so far off the rails It's ridiculous again. I point to June 12th of this year the you know,
Shea on and Bill Johnson and Ed Silvoso You know wielding a
Gandalf staff, you know Which is you know witchcraft banging it on the ground three times and declaring the end of racism
I mean, this is nonsense and that's the cream of the crop within the charismatic movement. Okay now all of that being said though So here we have a text that says that during the 70 weeks vision and profit are going to be sealed
That's the expectation next text that that Lutheran exegetes like to go to with frequency then is in first Corinthians 13 and And we'll talk about that.
So what like if you were to attend a Luther a good confessional Lutheran seminary you're going to spend time in first Corinthians 13 as it relates to the charismatic gifts and In working through the the exegesis of it and I would note that the
Reformed fellow Walter Chantry he he he exegetes this passage the same way that confessional
Lutheran seminaries teach their their their future pastors to work through this text, so Let's say cessationist
Reformed and Confessional Lutheran's are in agreement regarding the exegesis of this text.
So let's take a look at it and in its relation here so first Corinthians 13 Will read it in context if I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not loved
I'm a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal and If I have prophetic powers and understand all the mysteries all knowledge
And if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have not loved I'm nothing if I give away all that I have if I deliver it by body to be burned, but have not loved
I gain nothing Love is patient. Love is kind Love does not envy or boast.
It's not arrogant. It's not rude. It does not insist on its own way It is not irritable or resentful
It does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears all things
Believes all things hopes all things now a little bit of a note before we go any farther first Corinthians the latest date
For it's being written is 52 AD earliest 50
There are some biblical scholars who will argue. This is one of the first books written in the
New Testament Some have argued it is the first book written in the New Testament Okay, this is an important bit so when we talk about the charismatic gifts that are listed in first Corinthians 15, we have to address a
We must address The fact that the charismatic gifts served a function within the church.
So the Apostle Paul he goes out he plants a church and and then he appoints elders and deacons and They have to get up and week after week and teach and preach and without a finished
New Testament What are they to preach on just the old? That doesn't make sense because the old is the type and shadow now that Christ has come they're gonna need
New Testament theology Well, if they don't have a New Testament to work with to preach from how are they going to do it answer?
This is why God appointed Charismatic gifts of prophecy within the visible church during the during the time that the
New Testament is being written because that way they could get New Testament theology from somebody who had who was operating in a
Legitimate gift of God and the gift of prophecy was for the purpose of building up and edifying the church and teaching
So that's the idea. All right, so then with the finish of the
New Testament Do you need people with that gift anymore? No, you don't
Because now you have a finished canon now you have a finished word and now watch how the exegesis works on this
So we've got we've heard that love is patient. Love is kind. Here's what Paul then says love never ends as for prophecies
They will pass away Now the question is when Daniel 9 says they will pass away during the 70 weeks.
That's when they will be sealed up Paul here says they will pass away. Now. The question is when because he does say when by the way as for tongues they will cease note that the modern -day
Pentecostals say that that the the Azusa Street revival is the restoration of the gift of tongues
But they have what they have is gibberish, by the way, they will pass away as for tongues They will cease as for knowledge.
It'll pass away. This isn't talking about knowledge like this. It's talking about prophetic words of knowledge they will pass away and Watch what he says for we know presently in part and we prophesy presently in part
But when the now I'm gonna leave this word untranslated for a minute. So our
Greek word here It's lexical form is teleos here. It's a key. It's appearing in the in the
Let's see here neuter singular nominative Okay. Yeah, so here it's a appearing in the neuter and And we'll just we'll just translate it using its lexical form
Teleos, we're not gonna translate it when the teleos comes The partial will pass away.
So here's when when the teleos comes the partial will pass away
So today's modern charismatics and Pentecostals will say ah Teleos must be translated perfect.
And when the perfect comes that's talking about the return of Christ And so Michael Brown says prophecies must continue until Jesus returns
Well, okay, will you please list for me who were the great New Testament prophets of the 13th century?
Who were the great New Testament prophets of the 15th century of The 8th of the 6th
You'll note that those are books that have not been written or will ever be written Okay, so keep that in mind
So historically we had we got a really good argument. So the question is how do we understand then teleos?
What's the right way to translate this? Okay. Well, let's take a look at the context here
But when the teleos comes the partial will pass away and watch where Paul goes
When I was a child, I spoke like a child. I thought like a child. I reasoned like a child
When I became a man, I grew I gave up childish ways. All right.
What are we talking about here? We're talking about the process of maturing you go from being childish to being a man to giving up childish ways and Maturing that's that's your this is this is the thing that follows the word teleos
All right, so it just so happens and let's see if I could pull this up over here teleos, all right
So talking about pertaining to meeting the highest standard That's one potential meaning of things that are perfect It also could be well another legitimate and there's a lot of different things that you can point to on here
But it also can talk about maturity Of Persons who are fully up to standard in a certain respect not not regarding a halfway measure, but are complete
Okay, so you'll note here to be being mature fully grown or adult now based on the context
I Don't think that the ESV has it right in translating. This is perfect based on the context
I think teleos should be better understood as the mature or the complete
Okay, you know or when the finished standard has arrived and and so so that being the case
Could I give any further exegetical proof for that? The answer is yes, and it's actually still within the immediate context
So let me show it to you in first Corinthians 14 and let me see if I go
Yeah, here we go. First Corinthians 14 the word teleos appears again. So for real like like one chapter over The word appears again using the same
Imagery, so here's what says first Corinthians 14 of 20 brothers. Do not be children in your thinking the infants and evil but in your thinking be teleos
Mature so note here same word here it is
It this is that's it over there. Tell it's telly. Oi. This is your plural nominative in this particular case telly oi
So here we got the same word and it's translated as mature. So coming back then to first Corinthians 13
All right. Let's see what this does if we change out the word perfect With mature or complete
Okay Love never ends as for prophecies. They will pass away as for tongues
They will cease as for knowledge. It will pass away, but we know in part We prophesy in part
But when the complete or the mature comes the partial will pass away
Well, what's the mature? What's the complete? The book that Paul's writing as he's writing this the
New Testament so when the New Testament is finished the partial passes away
I Don't need a prophet today. I have the I have the complete the teleos the mature scriptures and Paul links the ceasing of prophecy with that Okay, so when
I was a child I spoke like a child I thought like a child I reasoned like a child this is talking About maturity and completeness when
I became a man, I grew up and gave up childish ways now we see in a mirror dimly But then we shall see face to face and this isn't talking about seeing the face of Christ now
I know in part then I shall know fully even as I have been fully known Mm -hmm.
And so here's the idea this I really think you can exegetically and historically Make the case that this then connects perfectly with Daniel 9
Daniel 9 during the 70 weeks prophecy and vision will be sealed
Paul says that when the teleos arrives Prophecies going to fade away and historically the church recognizes that with the death of the
Apostles and those whom they laid their hands on the gifts of Tongues the gifts of prophecy
These all just disappeared. There are no Apostles and prophets in the church from the death of the
Apostles and the generation that they discipled Until today and the people who've shown up today
These are not I could tell you the one thing. They're not they're not apart. They're not prophets No, they are not prophets and they are not
Apostles Okay, and and no they you know Prophet Kenneth Copeland did not end the kovat 19 and you'll note that the south wind finally did blow and it came up here
And it's really warm right now. And as kovat 19 disappeared into the background. No It's having a nice warm weather resurgence
Okay, and then you can even throw into this, you know another text one that a lot of people, you know
Don't pay too much attention to but worth noting here Hebrews 1 long ago at many times and in many ways
God spoke and this is a Heiress yeah, so an heiress active part of it.
God was speaking had spoken Yeah, he spoke past tense to our fathers by the prophets
But in these last days he's spoken to us by his son whom he appointed this is talking about prophecy in the past tense
Right. Okay, and here's the thing if I have the completed mature Word of God Why do
I need a prophet? Okay, and you'll know that all the prophets today They think they claim their justification for their existence because they take a passage from the
Old Testament out of context God does nothing unless he first reveals it to us of his prophets.
All right, who are the prophets saw kovat 19 coming? None of them they all they all even recognize that you know
Yeah I would recommend watching the video on Patricia King's channel where her and Daniel Kalinda are talking about how none of the prophets saw kovat 19 coming none of them
How many of them said the prophesied the race riots and the and all that kind of stuff zero?
Not one of them Right, they claim. Oh God does nothing unless he reveals to his prophets
They're the people who are out there prophesying are actually fulfilling a prophecy the prophecy of Jesus That in the days before his immediate return there would be false prophets
It's like oh, yeah, okay, so you get the idea here now, by the way, there is a there is a less strong Text but one that I think that is worth bringing into the mix
It's Zechariah 13 and Judas uses this and he recognizes that this is not an overt clear text
But one that is a little less clear and you you would have to do the pre -work on it before you get into it
But in Zechariah 13 in this portion of Zechariah he is prophesying the time after the
Messiah during the Messianic Age and it's an interesting prophecy and So and you would need to read
Judas on this I think it's the weaker of the arguments but taken in with the rest like Hebrews 1
With Daniel 9 also with 1st Corinthians 13 take
Zechariah 13 into consideration into the mix It's it's less clear has to be governed by the clear, but this is an interesting prophecy
This is clearly talking about the time after the Messiah So during the Messianic Age on that day there shall be a fountain open for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem To cleanse them from sin and uncleanness.
This is your governing passage, you know So Who's the fountain to cleanse us from our uncleanness?
Well from the house of David. Oh, this is talking about the days. We're in now, you know Right. Okay, by the way
If you didn't figure it out your cleanness your forgiveness of sins came from the house of David today from Jesus the son of David Right.
Okay. So this is this is this is talking about the period that we're in now and watch this So on that day during that era, this is how you kind of have to take this prophecy declares
Yahweh Sabaoth the God of armies I will cut off the names of the idols from the land so that they shall be remembered no more and by the way
You can sit there and go man. Whatever happened to Zeus and Athena and Mars and Hermes No one's no one's talking about those guys anymore.
Their their temples are in ruins Artemis, by the way I didn't tell you this but the temple of Artemis that great one of the great seven wonders of the ancient world do you know the only thing that exists today of the temple of Artemis is one column and it's in a swamp and Every year there's a stork that makes a nest at the top of it
Good to know right? Okay So the idols will come they will be and I will remove from the land the prophets the spirits of uncleanness
And if anyone again prophesies his father and mother who bore him will say you shall not live for you speak lies in the name
Of the Lord so note here during the messianic age. The prophecy is that anybody?
Once we're once we're past You know the 70 weeks once we're into the messianic age anyone who prophesies after that the you are automatically a false prophet
Automatically, okay You should not live for you speak lies in the name of Lord his father and mother who bore him shall pierce him through when?
He prophesies on that day. Every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies
Okay, so what's gonna happen to Patricia King she's gonna be ashamed of her her visions, you know, that's coming
He will not put on a hairy cloak in order to deceive but he will say I'm not a prophet I'm not a worker of soil a man that sold me in my youth and if anyone asked him
What are these wounds on your back? Here's a wonderful allusion to Christ. He will say the wounds I received in the house of my friends
So, all right, so there's kind of your argument if you wanted to know Exegetically, how does one defend?
Cessationism Exegetically, those are your texts Daniel 9 1st
Corinthians 13 Hebrews 1 Zechariah 13 and those that's the foundation work and and I would note that Judah spends a lot more time in in his book and So does
Chantry, but yeah, that's that's the idea. There's other ways to exegetically defend it
But I think a strong case can be made Yeah, there's a reason why there's no book entitled the great prophets of the 13th century
There's a reason because God told us in Daniel and 1st Corinthians 13 that prophecies and we're all gonna cease that's
Everything was gonna get sealed up Now God speaks to us in his word
Okay, they complete the mature word of God. So, all right, let's check questions real quick And then
I've got to get down the road Okay, verse 27 who confirmed a covenant and what that covenant for a week?
When did this happen? So this is talking about the kind of that interim period and I would point you to Daniel Steinman's commentary the
Concordia commentary on the book of Daniel to talk give you more of the details on this This is where I got this part.
So you basically with the destruction of the temple the status of the
Jews they were kind of in limbo many of them were kicked out after after the final destruction at Masada and Then things kind of came to a boil again.
And then there was the final conquest of Jerusalem. So Historically people have understood. It is kind of the in -between time from 70 80 to 135 you know that Jews were still somewhat tolerated during that time and finally that enough was enough and they kept causing trouble
Zealots continued to be an issue and they were just eventually scraped out of Judea altogether so Earless says concerning prophecies and timing
Do you have an explanation for Matthew 24 truly say to you? This generation will not pass away until these things take place also similar in mark
Yes, so that's a that's a great question, by the way, and the answer is actually found in the context.
I'll explain it Matthew 24, this is the Olivet discourse and in here you have a prophecy regarding the end of the world interleaved kind of braided together with prophecies regarding the the destruction of the temple and So the text you are talking about Let me see it let me make sure 24 34 is
In so here we go So truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place heaven and earth will pass away so here's the idea is that That the the end of the world bit of it that once you see the signs regarding the end of the world
That generation will not pass away until these things are fulfilled okay, so the question and so the idea here is is that that when you see the actual signs of the end and not the
Not the signs that are the harbingers leading up to the end Once the real signs of the end of the age
Come up watch what it's talking about immediately after the tribulation of those days The Sun's dark and the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from heaven.
The powers of the heavens are shaken Okay, has that happened yet? No Okay, I would note that people might be talking about the end of the world when that happens
And then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man and all the tribes of the earth will mourn Okay, so note here that this is this is what this is talking about when these the signs of the end really start showing up The the and there's no mistaking it where we were past the speculation part and we're now into the oh
Oh, this is the end Bart, okay that generation will not pass away until all those signs have been fulfilled.
That's what it's referring to So, you know that that's that's this exegetically just the easiest way to deal with it
So he was not saying that the people living in 70 AD would see the end of the world
That's how people like to twist it and that's not what was taking place. So, all right
So as an ex charismatic charismatic Elizabeth says not all believe that the 70 weeks is all fulfilled
I agree that not all believe that but I do believe that exegetically the people who deny that all of the 70 weeks have been fulfilled exegetically they have a
More difficult bit of explaining to do historically the church has understood all 70 weeks to already be fulfilled.
Okay? Yeah, and eschatology. Oh don't even want to get I I get the feeling
I'm gonna end up having to do an extensive teaching on exegetology Especially in light of the Prashians, you know
It's it's it's coming it's coming it's Okay, so Hebrews 5 514 supports the same word for mature but solid food is for the mature exactly
Okay Now no That's not the only word way you can translate it But I would argue first Corinthians 13 because when
I was a child I felt like a child I reasoned like a child That comes immediately after the teleos. Okay, I Don't think it's referring to the perfect.
I'm talking. I think it's referring to the mature and the complete and And exegetically that's how you have to go
And you know, I am I think that the ESV has done us a disservice by translating it as perfect Okay, so Tony so perusing some
Roman Catholic online sites which opposed for some good reason the current Roman Catholic Hierarchy and the secularization of the
Roman Roman Catholicism. Yes There is a stream in Rome that does that I've noticed that they are increasingly appealing to evangelical patterns of prophetic writings extra -biblical predictions.
Oh, yeah Don't even get me Who just take a look at the prophecies regarding the last
Pope the black Pope the yeah, just yeah That'll take you off into you know, bizarro land
If you don't know what I'm talking about, just watch the YouTube channel for William Tapley Okay, the guy has made himself drunk on this stuff.
Okay Yeah, okay, of course special revelation rears its ugly head again, and of course there's nothing new under the
Sun Yeah, so Carl says good study. We missed y 'all. Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.
God bless America May he D indeed continue to bless us in Christ. Peace be with us all. Amen. All right, brothers and sisters
It wasn't really short. It was an hour But it was it was one that I think is worth pointing people to in the future
So exegetically how that works, so it was great to see you all those of you who turned your camera on Thank you for making it me making me feel like we're all together rather than me doing a radio show because I Don't do a lot of those anymore.