Spiritual transition to the gospel from Cilanatro rice

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. The Spiritual Transition Game is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This game is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from, and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Well, welcome to the spiritual transition game. This is a time where we Do a transition from something that those who watch the striving for eternity
Academy live they give me something they think I just can't possibly transition to the gospel and I usually take whatever it is.
They give me and Do my best Hopefully I do a pretty good job. Most times.
I don't know We'll have to see how I do with this one because I'm told the person who's gonna give it to me doesn't know.
So So I am being asked to transition from rice with cilantro and lime a
What is that a some some kind of rice, okay, I can't
I'm not even gonna try to pronounce it but Cilantro is that would that be you don't know?
Okay cilantro rice. Can I transition from cilantro rice to the gospel? Well, I've never actually that I know of had cilantro rice
Maybe it's good. I'm assuming someone out there probably likes it It has from what
I'm told line, which is kind of a bitter thing and cilantro isn't isn't cilantro bitter
It's cilantro a bitter thing So cilantro is spicy.
I think it's like isn't that like a paisley? It's like a paisley, right? So But here's how
I would go if you know The reality is even though I may have never had this kind of rice. I'm not really a big rice fan
I like pasta just saying but You end up seeing that When we look at that just the rice
Do you realize we could and there's some people in the world that? Rice may be the only thing that they ever get a chance to eat.
They eat the same thing day in and day out For many of us we live and we don't take We take for granted the fact that we can enjoy different flavors and textures and tastes and You know just different different variety of our food and we could just have bland rice, which would be pretty boring
But you know if that's all you've ever had We wouldn't know the difference but just adding some spices in there's people who add spices in and and I I know that the more spices people put in it seems that the more they have to put in I Remember a friend of mine that used to love
Jalapeno peppers to a point where he used to carry them in his shirt pocket So he could just chew on them because he kind of killed his taste buds and just had to keep trying to get a hotter
And hotter and hotter type of thing and and when we add some spices it can add flavor
But sometimes it's like we could just never get enough You know in that same kind of way there's a thing that we all suffer with as well, which is called sin and we it's in gives a sensation to the flesh that is desirable and we can never seem to get enough and Yet it never satisfies and the reality is even though we can look at things like The fact that God Almighty came to earth and died for us.
We take that for granted we turn away from the things we can look at for for giving us a something that has flavor and We can look at and say it's not enough
It's not enough and instead of going to the gospel many people turn From the gospel of Jesus Christ what
God himself did on that cross as a payment of sin for us They turn to trying to desire more in sin and for many people they think sin will give the satisfaction
That it will never give and they never turn to the true satisfaction That's found only through Jesus Christ when he died was buried and rose from the dead
To vindicate that he actually was a payment of sin My challenge to you would be to turn from trusting yourself or your good works turn and trust
Jesus Christ and be Forgiven today. That's how I would transition from rice with cilantro and lime to the gospel