A New View of Women Preaching
Andrew and Drew will address an new argument of 1 Timothy 2:12-14 that teaches that a women cannot teach or have authority over a man. Will this new argument change the long held doctrine that the church has believed for over 2,000 years? This is different and we will exam it in detail.
- 00:23
- Hey folks, we're live, Apologetics Live. We're going to do a much, much, much, much shorter show tonight.
- 00:30
- Drew could not make it, and quite frankly, I'm absolutely exhausted.
- 00:38
- So what I want to do is just go over, give you guys what we were going to cover tonight. We'll cover it on another night, give you some what's going on, what we're going to be having in the next couple episodes.
- 00:52
- And just do a much shorter show so that I could crash. All right, so what we were going to do is there's a podcast called
- 01:06
- The Alabaster Jar. It seems like it's two women from Seminary Now, never heard of it.
- 01:15
- I'll check that out, I'm sure, before we do the show on them, didn't have time.
- 01:20
- But they have a brand new view on 1 Timothy 2 .12
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- -14 on what it means, whether a woman can teach and preach or not, and quite interesting.
- 01:37
- That's that's all I'll say for now. Drew and I are going to cover it. Essentially, they do take a very novel view, which should be concerning to most people.
- 01:49
- But it's interesting because the episode tries to, they're answering myths of the
- 01:55
- Bible and myths that people have been about women and how they use the
- 02:00
- Bible to beat women up type of thing. And, you know, it basically is like, hey, let me impress you with my knowledge of Greek and say things that are completely made up.
- 02:13
- Yeah, that's basically. So it is one that the reason we're covering it was
- 02:20
- I have been doing a series, if you're not familiar with my other podcast called
- 02:25
- Andrew Rapaport's Rap Report. Just search for Rapaport, rap with two P's and you'll find it. I'm doing a series on what is a pastor.
- 02:33
- And so in that series, we started off by what a pastor is not. And we covered that a pastor is not a woman, pastor is not a street preacher.
- 02:42
- We talked about the function of the pastor, the, you know, qualifications of a pastor.
- 02:50
- So we've covered a lot. A lot of people have been blessed by it. We've gotten a lot of feedback on it. And one of the things was, is someone based on that, those episodes asked me to review this podcast from the
- 03:02
- Alabaster Jar. So we looked at it and I said that this would be better to do on Apologetics Live where we have more time to dissect it.
- 03:10
- Drew and I could both interact with it. So, so what I see someone,
- 03:16
- I'm not sure who, Facebook user saying pastor, a pastor is a man of one wife.
- 03:23
- Actually, in an episode, I do cover that in some detail. What that means. Does that mean someone can't be divorced or is it dealing with someone can't have multiple, you know, can't have multiple wives, you know, things.
- 03:37
- What about a widower? Yeah, we we address that. So that's covered in the series. So. Basically, I wanted to take this episode from this podcast and spend a little bit more time with it.
- 03:50
- So that's what we're going to look to do. But not tonight, if that's OK with y 'all.
- 03:57
- I know I never like to cancel if I don't have to, but Drew couldn't be in last minute and I just am utterly exhausted.
- 04:08
- I was I've been up since three, three thirty this morning. So next week we have
- 04:14
- Dr. Carl Warner on. He's a. He is a
- 04:20
- Christian scientist doing some neat things with the and we'll end up talking to him a lot about creation.
- 04:28
- So I encourage you, if you have questions on that good episode, especially if you believe the earth is more than if you believe the earth is millions of years old, then
- 04:38
- I really want to encourage you to come check that one out. On the 11th,
- 04:44
- April 11th, we're going to cover full preterism. Now, if you don't know what full preterism is, it's the idea that all of the prophecies have been completed.
- 04:56
- They're done as of 70 A .D. And so there's no more future prophecies to be fulfilled.
- 05:03
- And so many see that as heresy. And then the episode that we plan for today, that one we're planning to do on the 18th.
- 05:16
- And so that'll be when we do that. And I hope that that'll be something you look forward to and that you're there for now.
- 05:26
- After that, I will be gone for three weeks in the
- 05:32
- Philippines doing ministry there. And so I think Aaron Brewster and Drew will be here and come up with some things for those three weeks.
- 05:44
- So that's what we have coming up. Hope that that excites you, gives you something to look forward to.
- 05:51
- I do want to also let you guys know of some where I'll be where well,
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- Aaron and I, in this case, if you're in upstate New York by Watertown, New York, or not far from there, on April 12th to the 14th,
- 06:07
- Aaron Brewster and I will be doing a conference. And it is called
- 06:13
- Your Responsibility in This World. We're going to be dealing with your responsibility to God.
- 06:20
- And that's going to be put on by Aaron. The reason you're here,
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- I'm going to do your responsibility of scripture, ask the question why people want more than just the
- 06:33
- Bible. They feel the Bible's not enough. Aaron's going to do one on Saturday morning on your responsibility to others.
- 06:41
- I will do one on your responsibility to unbelievers, basically how to overcome your fear and evangelism.
- 06:48
- After lunch on Saturday, Aaron will do one on your responsibility to the church.
- 06:53
- And I will do one on your responsibility to culture. Basically, let's talk social justice.
- 07:00
- So that is something that if you are in the Watertown area, this will be at River of Life Church.
- 07:10
- And so if you can make it there, that would be wonderful.
- 07:15
- River of Life Church, they're April 12th to the 14th.
- 07:24
- So you could check them out there. Like I said, I'll be in the Philippines from April 22nd until May 9th.
- 07:33
- We just booked Utah Research Center. So this will be
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- June 19th to the 23rd. So the plan is
- 07:45
- I'll be at the Utah Christian Research Center, which is in Darpa, Utah.
- 07:52
- You can go check out if you need more information. That's with Mormon Research Ministries does that.
- 07:58
- And so if you checked out mrm .org, great ministry on Mormonism. I will be, so it looks like my topics are on Thursday, June 20th.
- 08:09
- I will be talking about can you trust the Bible and then Judaism and then the uniqueness of Christianity on Friday, June 21st.
- 08:19
- We'll cover Roman Catholicism, how to defend the faith, the deity of Christ.
- 08:24
- And then on Saturday, we'll cover the topics of the dangers of social justice and ambassador evangelism.
- 08:31
- And then on Sunday, the 23rd, I will be at Grace Bible Church in Hebron City, Utah.
- 08:42
- So if you're in Utah, please check that out. I really would love to see you come out for that so that I can meet you if you're in that area.
- 08:50
- It's always great to meet you guys that follow the podcast. When I get to go to these different places and meet you in person, it thrills me when you guys come up and tell me that you listen.
- 09:03
- So Mr. Tracy is saying here, why is
- 09:10
- New York the only state with an upstate? It's not. It's just that when people say
- 09:16
- New York, they usually think New York City. And that's about where I'll be is about five hours from there.
- 09:25
- So let's see. David O says, hey, Brother Andrew, we appreciate you going live despite how you're feeling.
- 09:33
- Take care of yourself. That's why I'm going to do a shorter show. Now, one conference
- 09:40
- I do want to promote, and I actually have a banner for it. I'm going to put this up because the best part of putting this banner up is you're not looking at me.
- 09:50
- But this is a conference. I really, really, if any of you are in Vail, Arizona area, check this out.
- 09:58
- This is a church that is doing a conference for the first time. We're helping them out.
- 10:04
- So you can scan that QR code, and that'll get you to the
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- Eventbrite page where you can sign up and register. But this is August 8th to the 10th.
- 10:19
- All right. This is in Vail, Arizona. Christian responsibility in an unchristian world.
- 10:25
- I am really looking forward to this conference. If you take a look at it, you're going to say, hey,
- 10:31
- I don't know most of those speakers. That's fine because every one of these speakers are an outstanding speaker.
- 10:39
- Myself, Kevin Hay, John Sampson, Aaron Brewster. Some of you here know
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- Aaron from Striving Fraternity. He's been on here. Dan Craft is the seven -foot apologist, really good speaker.
- 10:51
- Dominic Grimaldi, if you're part of Christian Podcast Community, you may know that name. He is a pastor.
- 10:59
- He was in prison, got saved in prison, is now a pastor in Arizona, and he has
- 11:05
- Street Talk Theology podcast. And Pastor Jay Miller is with the church that is hosting it. And so let me give you the topics for this one, get you excited if you're in Arizona.
- 11:14
- This is one I would encourage you if you want to travel for. This will be really neat.
- 11:19
- So Pastor Jay Miller is going to start off the conference with talking about the Watchmen on the Wall, looking at Ezekiel 3.
- 11:27
- Dan Craft is going to do a talk on apologetics is not what you think.
- 11:34
- And then John Sampson will do the Gospel of Hope of the Nations. Aaron Brewster is going to do one on true worship.
- 11:43
- I will give a warning on social justice. Pastor Dominic Grimaldi will do one on spiritual adultery from Hosea.
- 11:52
- Then we're going to have a Q &A that first night. And then the next day we're going to talk about Aaron will start us off with my responsibility in your worship, looking at first and second kings in high places.
- 12:06
- Dan Craft will then address the issue of abortion. Kevin Hay is going to do a message out of Romans 6, 15 to 23.
- 12:16
- You are a slave. I will wrap that up with messages from first Peter on getting ready for persecution.
- 12:24
- And then we will have another Q &A. So this is one I really want to encourage you to check out, share this with folks.
- 12:35
- I'm going to start promoting this one heavily. And so if you can grab that QR code, we'll have a link to have an easy link for that as well.
- 12:52
- But you can go to strivingforeturning .org. It is up there in one of the banners that scroll across the top right there.
- 12:58
- So you would be able to get that from there. So that's really what
- 13:04
- I wanted to cover with you guys. I know this is short. I'm sorry about that.
- 13:11
- You know, just life can be very busy. I'll ask you guys if you would pray for me, not just for what's going on right now being exhausted, but I got a lot of messages coming up in those preaching sessions, some that I have to prepare new.
- 13:29
- So it's going to be a lot for me, and I don't have a lot of time to get those messages done.
- 13:34
- So be praying. And so with that, I'm just going to end it there. And thank you guys.
- 13:40
- I just didn't want to put a message out on Facebook, and then people find out, oh, wait, you know, then you don't know that people are wondering where's the show.
- 13:51
- So rather get on here and just give you a heads up and at least interact with you a little bit.
- 13:59
- So, oh, I just saw this. Frank is asking, is there a link to the particular podcast?
- 14:08
- So he's referring to the Alabaster Jar podcast.
- 14:15
- And so there is a link going to be kind of hard to share here.
- 14:21
- So maybe what I'll do is I'll probably have to share the link in the, when we do air it on the 18th.
- 14:29
- But if you search for the Alabaster Jar, I'll tell you, it was a while ago. So let me see if I could look up.
- 14:36
- You'd have to scroll through their episodes for a while. It's there. It's called
- 14:43
- The Woman of 1 Timothy 2, Women of the Bible Series, and it's
- 14:48
- AJ 72. And so I think this was over a year ago.
- 14:53
- So you got to go back a ways. But if you just look for their AJ, which stands for Alabaster Jar 72, that was episode 72, you'll get it there.
- 15:03
- And so, yeah, if you want to listen to it ahead of time. Yeah, maybe it's going to hurt.
- 15:09
- No, actually, you know, it'll hurt if you understand some of the Greek and things that she's claiming about Gnosticism and things like that.
- 15:18
- But it wouldn't be bad to listen to the whole thing and be prepared for it.
- 15:24
- So I guess do your homework for that one. Yeah, there we go. All right. Well, I appreciate it, guys.
- 15:30
- I hope that, you know, you have a good week. It is Resurrection Sunday this week.
- 15:37
- So it is the day that we go and celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead, which vindicates the fact that he not only died in raising, it vindicates that he forgives us.
- 15:56
- So let that be on your minds this weekend. And I'll see you next week.