Highlight: New Age Relativism


This is a highlight of one our premiere shows Cultish. In this highlight Jeremiah talks to Angela Ucci about Relativism and the New Age. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en Check out our online store here: https://shop.apologiastudios.com/


We're gonna play these two clips back -to -back This is the old Angela and we're gonna play these clips and then we're gonna we're gonna jump into it and have a good time
Here we go two truths can exist at once and That's a really big message of this full moon.
Is that more than one truth can exist at a time? so It's not only black or white.
It's black and white and it's every shade in between The ninth house, you know personal growth coming back to that with like religion and philosophies and Ideologies, right?
Think about your ideologies. Have you been to pride in your bill or too proud in your beliefs? Lately, have you been pushing people away because of your belief system?
Think about that think about what's going on in the world right now Have you been to in your beliefs that you can't make room for other people's that's something to consider
That's the shadow aspect of Leo energy being way too proud, you know
Like I said multiple truths can exist at once So have you not been holding space for other truths have you been so into this one?
truth that you have blinders on and you can't even make room for the other ones for what other possibilities and Truths exist at the same time as your own that's super important to consider right because multiple truths can exist at once and To be human is to catch the falling person, right?
So we have to remember that we have to remember that our brothers and sisters in their truth in their ideologies in their ninth house of personal growth are
Just as valid as you are in yours and there is plenty of room on the stage
Okay, there's plenty of room on the stage. Okay. I think people can kind of get the idea of Where you're at where you're at now and what you're saying so you were there
You're the one who said those words and you're the one who made those claims and you made some notes kind of give us your thoughts
Now, how do you respond to your old self? So it's nonsense
I Clearly I'm obsessed with relativism, but I didn't even know what that meant at the time and just hearing myself say those words
It's an entirely self -defeating position the words that I'm saying completely collapse in on themselves because Although it's satisfying to hear it completely just excuses objective reality and it creates a subjective life experience in which we can do
No wrong Unless we decide for ourselves that it is so so like it essentially absolves the self of sin, which of course
I would have never used that word or Understood even what that necessarily meant at the time, but it reminds me of first John 1 1 -8 where it says if we claim to be without sin
We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us So that word truth because the thing is
I was deceiving myself at the time and the truth was not in me So I was obsessed with this idea of multiple truths
I was obsessed with my truth and the idea of kind of like truth fluidity
But the thing is by definition right by definition of truth truth is accordance with fact or reality it's actuality truth is always valid regardless of parameters or context and it's
Unwavering truth is unwavering and truth is complete. There is no fluidity in truth or else it wouldn't be true and You know, there's only one truth and I know that now that that truth is
Jesus John 14 6 I am the way the truth in the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. So When I hear that now
Saying that multiple truths can exist at once or all roads lead to God, you know another kind of famous New Age slogan
That does not benefit anybody and it was not benefiting anybody despite me thinking that it was
I'm harming my audience with that message by creating this false and counterproductive narrative.
The truth is not consistent and that it is It's not in that truth is not an unavoidable reality in which we must contend with I'm again creating this idea of Fluid truth and I was
I was lying to my audience and I've repented for that so many times But just as another public apology because I can't say sorry enough
I am sorry for that and I always say father forgive me for I knew not what I did
You know, but the thing is it was harmful and it was a lie because I left them with nothing consistent
I left my audience with nothing consistent or reliable on which to rely only
Themselves which as we all know is really not a great barometer of reason or of anything because The heart is deceitful above all things as gospel tells us
I was leaving my audience with nothing but quote -unquote their truth and honoring their truth
And I was just ultimately with that message in that mantra and that mindset. I was setting people up for failure and Worse as I was setting them up for eternal suffering in hell
Because I was encouraging them to reject the truth Essentially without even realizing what
I was doing John 8 32 then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and Of course again, that truth is
Jesus. So that whole concept of Multiple truths can exist at once that was actually bondage that whole mindset that ideology
It was bondage to deception and sin and that other Clip that you played from that same episode where I'm talking about how your way is not the only way
Actually your way is not the way at all is the thing. None of our ways are the way at all.
Jesus is the way and We talked about this in the last episode that expression holding space how
I haven't used that term in like seven months when I used to say it all the time and that's a really kind of like fluff term in the
New Age community because It sounds cozy and it sounds sweet to the ears because it's all about like being non -offensive and being tolerant and being not judgmental and not trying to impose my truth on anyone else, but the thing is
That I've said a lot since coming to Christ as I become, you know more and more persecuted for speaking the truth is that love tells the truth and Scripture calls us.
Yes to be humble and to be gentle and to be patient in Ephesians 4 to but and all throughout scripture But it is clear right
Proverbs 1715 he who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord So for me to sit there and say you have to hold space for everyone That's actually an abomination to the
Lord because it's justifying the wicked It's it's justifying the things in the world that are wrong and that are of sin it's not loving
It's not loving to let people deceive themselves or to continue to let yourself be deceived.
It's it's actually unloving and Love tells the truth.
That's something I always say when people want to come at me and say you're being judgmental You're being intolerant.
It's not about any of that It's about telling truth because it is the loving thing to do Holding space justifies the wicked because there is only one truth and I will just say that over and over that there is only
One truth and people will say, you know, you know Matthew 7 1 well judge not lest you thou be judged, right?
people in the New Age, especially really love to kind of Counter that and it's always interesting because it's people that don't care about the gospel that are saying
Well, your gospel says this so you can't judge me But the thing is it doesn't mean not to judge it actually just shows us how to judge
John 7 14 says judge with right judgment and that's Jesus saying that and of course if you read on not just Matthew 7 1 where it says judge not lest ye be judged if you actually read on into the verses from 3 to 5 it
Reveals that it's all a matter of hypocrisy It kind of like if you're not living a life that is yielded to God Then you are not spiritually in a place to lead someone to holiness if your own sin remains undealt with You're not in the position to point out the sin of another so that's what it means.
It doesn't mean not to judge people It just means how we can How we can judge them and you know where what makes us qualified to judge them and it's not about Thinking you know, you're better than anyone else or that Or that they are
Necessarily bad. It's just here's the truth and I'm telling that to you because I love you
So it's not on it's not on Christ like is because this is something I get a lot It's not on Christ like to call out spiritual deception or counterfeit godliness or any of this
New Age jargon because God's Word is true Psalms 119 160 says
I Hasten and do not delay to keep your commandments and that's really what I'm trying to live by is
I do not hasten to keep Your commandments and to abide in your word and God's Word tells us to expose darkness
Ephesians 511 take no part in unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them and They will be sanctified by the truth
John 17 7 now that now they know that everything you have given for me is from you
So it's from God So it was like a roundabout way of coming back to what
I was saying in those clips No, old Angela There's not plenty of room on the stage because Jesus belongs on the stage