Matt Slick Live: December 19, 2024



Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 12-19-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Radio Questions—How much Grace for Family?/ Is Matt A Fundamentalist?/ A Caller Recounts His Experience as a Conservative Christian in our Modern Culture/ Why would God Need Angels?/ December 19, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, buddy. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. I hope you're listening to Matt Slick Live. Today's date is 12 -19 -2024.
I hope you're all going to have a good time listening, and it just depends, you know, because tonight, or I should say this show, and then tomorrow's show will be live.
And after that, that's it. Nothing until January 2nd live, that is. So I'm just letting you know about that.
And we don't have any callers waiting right now. Yesterday, I spoke on the gospel for quite a while, and I enjoyed doing that, you know.
And it's a real pleasure to be able to do that. And if you want to comment about that, great. If not, no big deal. But if you have a question or a comment that you would like to address, to get to know, whatever it is, all you have to do is give me a call at 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me, and that's easy. Just send an email to info at CARM .org,
info at CARM .org. And what you can do is put the subject line, radio comment or radio question, and we can get to it.
And also, just letting you guys know, I just fixed the date on the upcoming debates.
I'm going to debate tonight in about three hours on Mary's intercessory role in heaven.
I'll be debating a Catholic, and is Mary up in heaven interceding for us?
Is that her prayer? And so you can pray to her, you can address her, and stuff like that. And I say, absolutely not.
And so my opponent says, oh, yeah, you can pray to Mary. Yeah, sure, you can pray to Mary, yeah.
And we'll just see how that goes and stuff. So let's see, nobody's waiting.
And we've got, we're sending this show out in Rumble, so if you want to watch, it's not a big deal.
I'm just sitting here. But you can watch me on camera if you want. But what's really good is that the people in the
Rumble chat room, they talk, they chat. A lot of good people there, mostly.
They're really good people. Sometimes some obstreperous individuals come in who are recalcitrant and ungodly, let's just say.
And then we have to deal with them. So that's part of what happens. And if you want to be a part of the dialogue and the chat, you can do that.
And also, like I said, you can give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
And the email, of course, info at karm .org. We don't have any calls coming in right now.
And it's often the case, this time of the year, it's kind of stretching to get through the show when nobody calls, because they're out busy.
They're out doing shopping. They're out doing stuff like that. And I'm fine with that, of course. So I just trust the
Lord and hope the calls come in. And then if they don't, I do Q &A on the emails, which is what
I'm going to do now. I'm going to go right to the emails and just see how it's shaking here.
All right. So radio questions, here we go. I'm scanning through this.
Let's see. This is a little bit old, about Thanksgiving, how to behave towards a family member.
He has a mental illness, recently caught doing some bad stuff, drugs and stuff, had a brain injury.
Okay. Brother isn't in a... Okay. So his family member has been caught doing other stuff. Okay. As Christians, how much grace should we show to family members who have a mental illness but commit serious sins, especially when they do not seem to be repentant?
Well, that's a tough one to answer because it's like saying, how much grace? Grace is the unmerited favor.
So if you're saying how much grace, you're saying how much should I continue to show him based on how he behaves, but that's not what grace is.
Grace is just continued unmerited favor towards a person.
It's not based on who they are, what they've done. So the better word would be mercy. How much mercy do we show or how long do we put up with this kind of behavior?
When do we start saying we shouldn't do this or shouldn't do that? And that's just something that I can't answer out of a single sentence, but has to be determined by,
I would say, the elders of the church, family members, learning, going through what you can about that individual.
And I would say generally speaking, you want to be as gracious as possible. And it's hard, particularly with people with mental illness.
How do they, what level of culpability do they have? What should you do? What should you not do?
And so it's a tough one. And for some people, they have more patience than others.
And that's just how it works. So I can't really tell you how much. It's just pray and be as long -suffering as possible and yet still disapprove of all sin and pray that such an individual would be able to repent and understand the truth.
OK. All right. Hey, let's get to Janet from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Janet, welcome. You're on the air. Thanks, Matt. I wanted to be sure
I called you before the holiday started. I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.
So I really hope that you'll have a, you know, a really good year next year as well.
So. Yeah, that'd be a change.
That'd be nice. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So I'm hoping I'm hoping it'll be a good year for you.
So, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. So we'll see. We'll see what it brings. And then I did have a question to just a small question.
I want to ask you, do you consider yourself a fundamentalist? We had to define what fundamentalist is before we'd say that.
Well, in fact, I'm thinking it's like the extreme belief that the Bible is inherent and inerrant and all that.
You just really know. Yeah, I was inerrant, inspired. It comes from God. Jesus is the only way.
Those are the fundamentals of the Christian faith. But fundamentalism is often associated with a kind of legalism where you have to do certain things, right?
Accept it. And I don't I don't I'm not into that. No, I don't do that. I'm a lot more gracious than legalistic, that's for sure.
OK, I was just wondering if that was a negative word or not. You know,
I guess it can be. It can be. If someone were to say to me, you're just a fundamentalist and they say it in that tone,
I'd say, well, what do you mean by that? What do you think that is? I do this a lot of people say, you're a bigot. Can you define that for me so I know what it is, exactly what you think it means?
And they don't know what it means. Well, you should know, you know, because you don't know what it is.
All right. So what's a fundamentalist when people say that, you know, you're a fundamentalist. OK, well, depends.
Define it for me. So, OK, OK, that's fundamental. Sometimes they also reject science.
You know, you can't have science and you just trust the Bible. No science. And they're not opposed. But, you know,
I love science. I love science. I really do. I watch science shows and stuff like that.
And I don't watch any sports. So, you know, I like that. In fact, I wanted to be a scientist when
I was younger. Oceanography. I love the ocean. I love all that stuff. And so there's that.
So there's generally speaking, a lot of fundamentalists in a pejorative sense are hyper legalistic and anti science and remain isolated from the world and not be involved with it.
And, you know, just get away, get away, get away. And stuff like that. And I'm not like that. I'm like, hey, let's go.
Let's go talk. You know, this guy in the world. OK, I go to the where the unbelievers are. So I'm a fundamentalist in some areas in theology, but I'm not in the other areas in the pejorative context of negativity and ugliness that sometimes is associated with it.
Oh, great. Well, thanks for sharing that, because I I'm going to a church that's considered a fundamentalist type of church, but I want to know if that was a negative word or not.
So I just kind of explained it. You know, it depends if they have women pastors there. No, good women, elders.
No, no. Do they teach you can lose your salvation? I don't think they teach that.
You know, I haven't gotten into that quite yet, but I don't think so. I mean, they're pretty funny. They just. Yeah. Well, yeah, well, it takes time to get all those questions answered.
I was like, oh, man, you know, I'm going to the church. I'm trying to find out information. Yeah, they do.
Well, what's the website? I'll look it up, right? Yeah, we got nobody waiting. This is this time of the year is really slow. So let's talk a little bit.
That's no big deal. What's the website? So the name of the church is
Vintage. Vintage. Is it old or young? Vintage. Where's it located?
Vintage Church. It's downtown. They got several locations, but the one I'm going to is downtown
Raleigh. Raleigh. We talked about Raleigh North.
Yeah, we have Carolina. Yeah, I remember. I remember talking about this. And it's it looked pretty good, actually.
Yeah, I remember. Right, right. Oh, really? Downtown. There's a there's
Person Street, right? Yeah, that's it. OK. Yeah.
So downtown Raleigh. Let's see. I'm looking because it's something to do right now.
OK. And so look at that nice building.
Oh, it's a it's kind of like a old historic church. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. It's older. And church. OK, well, let me see. Let me see.
Let me see. What I could do is go to pastors and staff. That's the first thing
I do. And Pastor Tyler, he seems OK. Oh, isn't it?
John, you and I talked about this. It's a white church. And getting getting used to it. Oh, I remember that.
Right. See, right. See, you want to you're going to watch it. I want to go to a black church because I want more excitement.
I want more. I do. I do. I like it. I like the I do.
I'm serious. I love the the pastor gets up and people are standing. They're going, yes, I praise God.
I love that interaction. You know, I do. You know, I think we need a balance. I think we need a little bit of both.
That's what I would like. A little bit of both. Well, you know, I mean, yeah, I'm going to probably step on toes.
But the white churches, they're good and godly people. Really a lot of good people there. But I get a little bored.
I just can't help it. I get a little bored because, you know, they just it's a little just boring stuff sometimes.
I want to get some excitement, you know, when when they say, come on, come on, give me an amen.
I want to hear this. I'm like, yeah, OK, I'm not paying attention. And so stuff like that.
I like that. Yeah, that's funny. You want you just the opposite of me. I'm like, oh,
I mean, I like those things, too. But I just wish I could get incorporate the best of the white church and the best of the black.
There you go. And also, we have something. Yeah. Praise music.
And I remember I get told you before. I love Earth's memory. When I was in seminary, went to a black church in San Diego.
And oh, man, I still remember it with just fondness. The music was awesome and it was exciting.
And not that you go there for feelings, but it was like, yes. And, you know, they were clapping and kind of moving.
And I'm a I'm a white boy with rhythm. I love to move during a good song. I can't help it, but I did. I used to go to the nightclubs a lot after I blew my ears out.
And so I'm there and I'm like, yeah, this is good. I'm rocking just a little, just a little, you know, just moving and enjoying it.
And then the pastor comes out and and they're clapping for the pastor, which I found out was he's the bringer of the word.
I'm like, yes. And, you know, it was fun. And yeah.
Mm hmm. Yeah, it is good stuff. It is really good stuff. And praise music is really good in the black church.
I love that, too. They can really sing some soulful songs. Oh, yeah. And makes you want to just cry.
Just, you know, worship, you know. Mm hmm. We see I was. Yeah, I call it.
I call being ruined when I did nine years of prison ministry and I go in there and in prison ministry, there's everybody and they were excited about the preaching.
And that's where I learned. Yes, I want that. Hey, I don't know if you want to keep on, but we hold on. We got a break,
OK? You can hang up for a minute. OK. Hey, folks, be right back after these messages, please.
Stay tuned if it's exciting enough. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on with Janet from Raleigh.
OK, go ahead. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, I think the church is pretty legit, you know, in terms of the doctrine and all that.
Well, during the break, I went through it. I went to a statement of faith, what they believe, and it looks pretty, pretty, really, really good.
Seriously. OK, OK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's pretty solid. The only problem I'm having now is
I joined the community group, which is the Bible study group. And I like that better than the worst on Sunday worship.
I'm like, oh, man, this is terrible. But they're just so friendly and so nice and good people.
I'm like, I can't not have a hard time going to church on Sunday. I'm like, I want to go to the community group during the week.
I'm like, man, this is nice. It's good. Well, I guess that's good. See, that's a really healthy church, you know, that people in there are good and nice.
You go there and you want to go. That's good. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The people that I like, the small group, because then people get to know who
I am. It's not just this big thing on Sunday where you don't know everybody there. So I think I like that feel to it, too.
But the community groups is working out really well. The only thing I would say is probably not as good is we're not that real strong on scripture.
I mean, we study it, but we don't we're scared of it. We're kind of like, you know, we don't interpret it or we don't think too much.
We're like, OK, let's go to the next one. Well, I tell you what, you know, whatever you can call me on the on the phone during the group and put me on the speaker phone.
And then that'll excite everything up and people will be talking about it. And the pastors have plenty of work cleaning up the mess.
It'll be good. A lot of entertainment. OK, I know that's a thought.
That's a thought. Really? We should call you. But that's the only thing I'm like, OK, well, it's more of a social group.
It's like Christian social group. Is that good? OK. Yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Now, we're not super spiritual, you know, I'm sorry. But that's OK, because most people are not very well trained in theology.
Bible stuff like pastors and elders generally are. So you go to these groups and they're just Bible study leaders kind of type.
They're not knocking them. It's just, you know, they don't have a whole bunch of depth a lot of times.
And that's OK. And so what they do is they go through the Bible and they and laws are not preaching heresy.
That's fine. And you can have a good time and you can actually be blessed. Absolutely. OK, OK.
I was wondering about that. So I'm like, well, we're not super spiritual, but we, you know, we kind of get through it.
Yeah, but I can't go to any of those groups. I can't go because. Yeah, you got too much knowledge.
I have too much out my mouth and it comes out and then they don't want to talk anymore. They want to just ask me questions or they might know who
I am. I don't turn to brag or anything. And then it just ruins it. And it's like, I just want to go and fellowship, you know, and that's all this in the corner, you know, eat cookies.
You know, that's fine with me. I don't even know how you go to a regular church because even the pastor wouldn't have as much information as you have.
Well, you know. Well, you know, here's the attitude in some areas.
They have a lot more and some not as much. And and that's OK. And so when I go, I just go,
OK, Lord, just teach me. You know, I don't go with the attitude. I know more than all of them. I don't do that. I just know more in some areas and they know more than others.
And God's called them in that position. I just go in there and say, OK, I want to be taught. And I always learn something.
You know, I get blessed. And that's OK. You can't go in there with an attitude of, hey, excuse me, but I'm here.
You can talk now. You know, forget that stuff. Doesn't work like that. Yeah, that's true. That's true.
I'm glad to hear you say that. That's true. Oh, yeah. Good point. Well, good. Well, good man. I'm sorry.
Oh, it's OK. Yeah, I think
I'm on the right track, man. I mean, I've been talking to you a long time about this, you know, and really trying. It's been about maybe almost three months now,
I guess, that I've been going here. So, you know, I'm learning a lot. What's good is that you're taking this very seriously and you are examining them, you're checking them out, you're going in slowly.
And that's good. That's really good. So when you move to Idaho here, you can be my neighbor. I like you already.
It works. OK, and then I go to the churches you go to, because I think that's a pretty good church if you go in there.
Actually, it is a good church. I go to the Treasure Valley Community Church. It's got four words in it.
Takes 20 minutes for me to get there. And they're reformed. And the pastor believes in pedo -baptism like I do. And he is a continuationist like I am.
I'm like, I can't believe this. And he does a good job. And, you know, the church is what
I've noticed about church. I want to say this to people. You know, I go in there and I just sit and people are cordial, but they don't really engage in any conversation with me.
No one ever really comes up and says, oh, hey, I haven't seen you here before. Who are you? What's your name?
What do you do? And it doesn't happen. And I've never been invited out to lunch with anybody or any groups or anything.
Now, a lot of times people just have families and they do their stuff. But I've been going there off and on for about a year, mostly getting on more and more.
And it's not even happened once. Do they know who you are? Some do.
Do they know who you are? Yes, some do. Some do. A pastor does. An elder does. And a couple, three people in the church know.
But I don't make a thing of it. I don't. That's not why I'm there. And so, you know,
I've had people they know and and I just keep to myself. And, you know, that's all. It's not a big deal.
But they're good people. There's a lot of good churches. There are a lot of good churches out there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This one seems to be good. Yeah, it doesn't seem too bad. I still a couple of things
I want to, you know, work through. But so far so good. And I'm just just thankful I have a place to go and to worship and to have fellowship.
So I feel good about that. Well, I'd recommend you go to my website, look up things to look for in a church.
I did that, actually. Good. Yeah, I did that back when
I first talked to you about the church. So I looked up some of those things and I was like, OK, so I got I got the information that I think
I didn't print it out or did I? I think I might have printed it out, too. So you're supposed to memorize it, memorize everything.
That's beyond what I'm able to do. Oh, OK. That that won't happen because my memory is not that great.
See, that's when people say the memory is not that great. How would they know if their memory is not that good? You see, it's kind of a catch.
You don't have it that way. How would you know your memories? I just know it. Yeah, my memory is good enough to know it's not good enough.
What? So anyway, I give people a hard time. Yeah. Well, Matt, this was good.
I'm glad I'm like I said, I keep brushing up with you in terms of the church situation. And I'm kind of pleased with that. And I thank you for your help and, you know, help me to think through it.
I appreciate that. And yeah, it's been a good. It's been a good year in that sense. And hopefully more will come in the new year.
Mm hmm. Well, it's a good church, a good church, good people. And just, you know, keep going and let me know how it goes every now and then.
OK. Yeah, it's kind of interesting that, you know, I kind of forgot that I'm black. You know,
I was kind of evil. It's not a good thing. I had all those issues in the beginning, you know, about me being the only one, all that kind of stuff.
But, you know, now it just doesn't seem to be that much of a deal. You know, they're just good people.
So, yeah, they're just they don't care. Yeah. People don't care. They care what kind of person you are. That's how it should be. Yeah. Mm hmm.
So it works out really well. Yeah. Well, thanks so much, man. Like I said, have a great holiday season and, you know, praying that you have a really good year next year.
Well, thanks, because I need it. OK. It's coming.
It's coming. I can feel it. Good. Oh, we need a lot of it. That's right. All right.
Sounds good. Well, God bless, Janet. OK, man. I'll be talking with you. Yep. All right. Take care. Bye bye.
OK, bye. You know, I enjoy talking to her. She's fun.
And it's a kick. I get a kick out of that, you know. But oh, hey, there's the music, which means it's break time.
And then we'll get back after the break. Talk to Carl on his ostracized for being pro -life, a pro -life black guy that voted for Trump.
Whoa. That's going to be good. So. All right. I'm already liking this guy.
We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live.
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Do you want to give me a call? The number is 877 -207 -2276.
Also, I just want to let you know that this is matching funds drive month.
If you like what you hear and you want to continue, you want to support the ministry. Well, all you have to do is go to CARM .org,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. And you can go to forward slash donate.
I got a little distracted there. CARM .org forward slash donate. And all the information that you need is right there.
And it's easy. And we appreciate that because, well, it's how we stay on the air and it's how we are able to continue to do what we're doing, writing articles and supporting the missionaries in Nigeria, Malawi, Colombia and Brazil.
How about that? All right. Let's get to Carl from Ohio. Hey, Carl, welcome.
You're on the air. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. I can. And what do you got?
OK, Matt, I'm trying to I'm trying to get lynched by my own people, OK? OK, just the culture is so different today.
There was a time when I was growing up, you could vote for whomever you want to vote for. And we just had liberties here. And it's
OK. But the culture is like they want to know now who you voted for, if you are for or against abortion.
And how do you feel about same sex marriage? And if you're contrary to what someone thinks about that, you will get canceled even from family members.
It's just most fascinating. I'm a black guy. I voted for Donald Trump. You know,
I'm not for same sex marriage. I don't hate homosexuals. I have homosexual friends. They know who I am.
I am against abortion. I have friends who are just so very much for abortion. And a lot of them tolerate me because I guess they love me.
It's like a damn line between love and hate. They love me, I guess.
But man, they really hate what I stand for. And I don't give a rib about race.
I listen to what comes out of your mouth. And I judge people by their own individual character. You know, so I just want to know, what do you think of this culture today?
It's just most fascinating to me. It's pagan and it's humanist philosophy.
And so when people talk to me about stuff like that and they don't do it very often because they don't want to get into dialogue with me, if they say they're pro abortion or they'll say they're pro choice.
And I say pro choice that include the baby in the womb. Does that baby have a choice?
And they know right away, don't talk to this guy. He's one of those kind of guys. And I just ask them, you know, well, what do you think of that?
I mean, I want to know what your position is. And they don't want to talk about homosexuality, you know. And I'll say, well, the problem with that is the slippery slope thing.
It's redefining marriage. And pretty soon it's going to redefine gender. Oh, wait a minute. It is doing that. And so where's it going to stop?
And then I say, did you know that that the the pedophiles are now using the same arguments the homosexuals used 30, 40, 50 years in order to minor, minor attracted persons?
And I say, Matt, where's it at? That's the acronym, Matt. Yes. Yep. Minor attracted persons.
Uh -huh. It's coming. So it's going to be hate speech to say I am a pedophile.
No, I'm not a pedophile. I'm saying sex attracted. I was born that way. And it's that same thing.
It's the same thing. Yeah. And to play off what you just said, you can ask him, can you before we get talking, just can you tell me what hate speech is?
And they might say all the kind of stuff and you say so, you know, and I've had people tell me, oh,
I hate speech is saying, you know, intolerance of homosexuality and women's rights. It's like you're just listening to MSNBC and CNN just repeating their garbage, you know, you're not thinking.
And so you say, OK, so hate speech. So if I if I if I'm against murderers, is that hate speech?
I think that they should be caught and abducted. And I mean, they should be apprehended,
I should say, and and punished for their crimes. Would you agree? Yeah. Is that hate speech? No. Why? Because it's it's the good thing.
OK. So should we then have people coming into kindergarten and first grade and teaching the children about sexuality from a homosexual position?
Is that OK? And you say no. Are you say are you guilty of hate speech?
And if you say yes, are you saying then that the parents don't have the right to do that if they're on their own home?
That that's a subject of parents. Is that what you're saying? Are you against this parents? Are you you hating the parents now?
And they quickly do not want to talk to me. But, you know,
I think a lot of people really know this stuff is wrong, but they're so afraid of the culture. Like I posed a question to a friend of mine.
She she she's a good friend of mine. And I asked her, I said, OK, and we just we get on all sorts of topics and we can still stay civil because, you know, because I kind of had to explain to her what the word tolerance meant.
She thought if you didn't agree with her, you're being intolerant. I said, no, you're being intolerant. I said, tolerance is you have your views.
I have mine and we can agree to disagree. That's being tolerant. But they've changed the definition of tolerance.
So anyway, I asked her a question. I said, OK, so what if what if a 40 year old man had his way with a 12 year old boy, is that right or wrong?
And I just heard crickets. She was scared to say it was wrong. Now she knows it's wrong in her heart, but she was scared to say
I heard crickets, nothing. So we just move the conversation right along. And this culture today is people are so scared to be canceled and they know a lot of this stuff is wrong, but they're so scared of this culture today and they just kind of go along and they go along to get along.
Yeah. Yeah. And that's I've never been able to understand that. And the reason is, is because I moved 26 times before I was 12 years old within 12 different elementary schools.
And my parents, my dad was in the military. That's why. And my mom's IQ was just genius.
She really was. She's a lot smarter than I am. She's passed away since. And we were taught as as my two younger brothers, we were taught you don't follow the crowd because the crowds very often.
Yes. And if they don't like you. Yeah. I was. Yeah. So there are a lot of kinds of people that, you know, get canceled.
Oh, wow. I'm going to lose sleep over that. I think it's because of social media today. You know, when the Internet came, you know.
Yeah. Yeah. But but they really just freaked out when they found out that I didn't vote for Obama.
Here's what I was when he was running. I'm listening to him because I was listening to what comes out of your mouth. I don't care what color you are.
You can be Latino, Asian. I don't care. And when I heard him say and I'm and I'm quoting him and I want to say,
I'm quoting him. He said the topic of abortion came up and he was talking about it.
And he said, I would not want my daughter punished with a baby. I said, I can't vote for him. I cannot vote for him.
He actually made that baby. So he said he would not want his daughter punished with a baby.
I guess a pregnancy is you can Google it. Google it. Oh, yeah. Google it. And you see him say it. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
So that's why I couldn't vote for him. And then he gives Iran like what, a billion, two billion, whatever dollars, money they use to make weapons against us.
And I'm like, I can't vote for this man. He's the only thing I liked about him getting in. As you can tell, little black boys and girls, they could be president.
That's good. But as far as his policies, his agendas, I could not vote for that man being in Christ and being who
I am. You know, I always tell people that I am in Christ first. I am black second.
You know, if my race, if the people of my race comes against Christ, I'm sorry.
I got to side with Christ. I do. I do. Well, that's a good attitude. Some people don't understand, but when I make that statement, you know.
But think about this. How many races does the Bible say there is? It just says there's one.
It's just a human race with just different shapes and colors and sizes. And that's it.
That's how it should be. Because I know it was going to be. That's right. Yeah. I mean, people there in the kingdom of every nation, tribe.
Yep. Language. Yeah. And I always tell people that I can be more related to Angola or Latino or Asian if they have a spirit of Christ living in them.
I'm more related to them than I am to a black person without the spirit, because I've never seen them. Never. So they don't repent and come to Christ.
And it's about this connection. Think about this, too. When blacks say you got to vote for a black guy, is that racist?
Because he's black. That's why you got to vote for him. That's racism. But it's like only white people can be racist a lot of times.
Just black people can't be. And that's racist, too, because they're black. They can't. And they don't see the underlying problem. I have black friends who are as racist as clients.
And they hate they hate whites because they are white. And I and I and I have a lot of white friends. I love black friends.
And I tell them I just judge people by their own personal individual character. I said,
I know some crazy white people. I know some crazy black people. I'm sure some crazy Asians out there and Latinos.
I mean, people are just kind of people. I mean, we all have cultural differences. We may do things different. We may talk a little bit different.
But overall, you know, we're all the same, you know. So that's right. That's exactly how it is.
That's exactly how it is. That's how I look at it. And I just want to kind of person you are. That's all I care about. So, yeah, yeah.
I mean, my daughter, she's black. She's a white guy. My sister's married to a white guy. I love him. And, you know,
I mean, you love who you love, you know. So whatever. Now, I personally have never dated outside my race.
It just never has happened. But if it happened, if she's in Christ, I don't care if she's Latino, Asian, black, we get along in the spirit of Christ dwells within her.
You know what? We can make it happen. So that's right. Yeah. If he's a godly man who loves the
Lord Jesus, that's what's the number one. That is it. And that's what you got to be in Christ.
Yeah. If you're in Christ, you're in my family. If you're not in Christ, I love you. I pray for you that you will come into the family of Christ.
But if you're not there, I mean, I mean, I mean, to me, to me, there's only two people. If you're in Christ, you're not in Christ, period.
Amen. Hey, brother, there's a break. We've got to go. OK, I appreciate it. All right, brother.
All right. OK, God bless, Carl. All right. Hey, folks, you want to call me? Be right back after this message.
I'll give it up for them. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. Last segment of the hour, we have a caller.
There it is. And I just want to let you know that this is matching funds drive. If for this month, if you like what you hear and you want it to stay on the air, you want to support us, please consider just going to CARM .org
and just forward slash donate. Get distracted again.
CARM .org forward slash donate and everything you need right there. And you can donate to us whatever you do, whether one time or recurring.
Recurring will be added up and the total recurring for next year will be just summarized as part of that.
It'll be doubled. So it's up to you. And we do need that. And we are asking for the body of Christ to join in with us to be able to hopefully do
God's work and further his gospel. A few people answers the questions.
That's what you want to do. All right. Let's get to Jamal from Winston -Salem, North Carolina. Jamal, welcome.
You're on the air. Excuse me, Brother Matt Slick.
I think you've taken my call. I was going to talk to you, sir. Amen. Thanks. Appreciate it. What do you got, brother?
First of all, I wanted to hope he's still listening. I wanted to thank and support Carl in calling up and giving his,
I guess, a little bit of his backstory, a little bit of his testimony. I also second that. And a good way to determine who to vote for is as what
Carl was doing, what you all were talking about. Go with the Bible. That way, you can weed out any kind of silliness, any kind of,
I guess, wayward thinking. You can test any party, any politician with the
Bible. Abortion. God said, I knew you before you were formed in the womb.
The issue with welfare, a man who doesn't work, doesn't eat. The whole gender fluidity thing.
I shall not tell a lie. I mean, that sounds like kind of George Washington. But, you know, the same thing.
You are who you were created to be. DNA says the same thing. So I'm not going to say you are something that you're not.
You're forcing me to be a part of delusion. And I'm not going to do that.
Also, as JK Rowling is finding out and others are finding out, if you don't step on a percent with what they say, you're going to be ostracized.
You're going to be attacked and sometimes violently attacked. So I'm not going to be a part of that kind of local mob to where I got to walk lockstep with them.
And they want to call other people Nazis. Don't they sound like the more fascist people by saying, if you don't do what they say, as we say and do, you're not a good person.
You're not somebody that's that's, you know, should be followed. That sounds like control and and and gang mentality to me.
Because I can't back any party like that. So, no. And there's there's several reasons not to vote for Democratic Party.
I used to people waking up, as a matter of fact, and I'll say this and I'll have a plan plan after this.
As I just heard, the Bible sales went up this year. Other book sales, they they did not go up as much.
So people are looking, they're they're searching. So so that's a good thing. But it's like Carl, other people like Carl keep it up.
Also know how to defend your faith, which is good. There's plenty of videos. Matt Slick is a good source.
Help him out as a matching challenge. I'm going to help him out as well. I'm going to also go with the monthly thing. So we need them.
There's other sources out there. Lee Strobel, Frank Turrick. Now they take away from that, but he's good. All right. Land on the plane. Go to my question now.
Sorry about that. OK, it's OK. Thank you, sir.
We talked about the angels that were in the word. Shout out to the word group areas.
We talked about angels and the validity of angels. And they hit on some topics, but I want to get your take.
Why would God need angels? I'm sorry. What was that last question?
I would listen, but didn't quite get it. So it's all right. Why would God need angels?
He doesn't need them. The question is, why does he create them? He has no need because he's sufficient in all things in all ways.
And so that's a good question, though. Why would he create them if he could do anything on his own? It could be that there is something later on for the elect that the angels will help facilitate for the elect's benefit.
That that's a possibility. I don't see that in scripture being explicitly taught.
I'm just saying maybe that's what it is. The angels are the ones who so to speak mediated in a sense, but they made it in the law that the law came through the mediation of the angels.
And that means that the angels were there with God and brought it to people. And so they assist people and they do the will of God.
And it could be that angels are just another form of living being that glorify
God as well as people. And then with angels, though, I believe because there's elect angels.
I think it's Timothy 521, I believe it is the chosen angels.
I believe those were the ones chosen by God not to fall. And if the rest of them fell, the third in Revelation talks about that.
And so that's just my opinion. And so they were not the
Redeemer. So God had to make sure that some of them wouldn't fall. And they're the ones who minister to us.
So God has. But if you really think about it, we're special. Now, when
I say that as people, I'm not trying to pat ourselves in the back. You know, we moonwalk. Look how great we are.
No, we're special because God has chosen us. God has chosen to become one of us. God has died for us.
He didn't do it for angels. So there's something going on there. And the glory which he has for us is beyond our comprehension in this world.
And I think that I suspect that angels are going to be part of the the means by which
God works with us and through us or the angels will be to help us.
It's a possibility. I don't know. I'm just saying it's a possibility. OK. Well, that's a whole lot for something you don't know about.
And, you know, very thorough answer. I haven't heard that before, or at least not explained in that way.
That's that's very good. What was the what are the scriptures you quoted? Was that second Timothy? So you get to the five twenty one.
Let me go to it. Second Timothy five twenty one. I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead and the praying.
I was just like I get the wrong verse. Take a look at 517. I hit the wrong thing.
And so I read First Timothy, First Timothy, First Timothy, 517.
Come on. There you go. Let's go. I'm scrolling. I'm scrolling. And that's not it.
So where is it? I got it wrong. Now I'll find it, though. You know, I do that.
I make my mistake. Let's see. Let's see. Here we go. And for some reason,
I have trouble. You must have got a lot of them. Well, I got a lot in my head, a lot of them. But sometimes I just forget which verses are which.
And it's I know it's in Timothy. So it talks about chosen angels.
Let me do this. I'm going to do it this way. I know it's there. I'm going to memorize it. OK, chosen angels.
It's First Timothy five twenty one right there. I guess I messed up even reading it. I solemnly charge in the presence of God and Christ Jesus and his chosen angels to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in the spirit of partiality.
So I was right the first time I just misread it. So chosen angels. Now, here's a question,
OK? Why are they chosen so they wouldn't fall? I have a theory.
The here's I have a theory. Now, maybe it's wrong, but here we go. I suspect that all sentient beings, sentient means self -aware, can make moral decisions, be rational.
All of them will fall. All of them will fail. All of them will, given their natural propensity, natural ability, because holiness is a property that belongs to God alone.
First Peter one sixteen be holy, for I am holy. I think I suspect that holiness is a property that belongs to God, cannot be given to anyone else, and that angels don't possess it because they're not divine.
And so they will fall. So God chose them not to fall. It doesn't say what happened or how it was done, but it called the chosen angels.
And that's the word from collect us. And it means to choose to elect. That's what it means. That's how it's used in the
Bible. So we noticed that that the there are angels that fell.
We get that. And that I just read that today, as a matter of fact, the revelation. I forgot which verse, but a third of the angels.
I think it's Revelation 12. I don't remember. Or 16. And so we have the elect individuals who have fallen but will be redeemed.
We have the chosen angels who did not fall because they can't be redeemed because there's no redeeming sacrifice for them.
So that's why they're chosen. So it's my theory that all sentient beings will fall unless in the case of angels, they're acted upon by God and or with us that we're redeemed.
Well, it means we fall. So this is a thought. I don't know if it's right or not. No, that's a good thought.
I actually want to unpack that a little bit. I know the show's about to go over. Can I shout out to Bible studies real quick?
Sure. Go for it, man. Yeah. All right. Cool. First of all, Ronnie, we love you, brother.
Stay strong. He's part of the Center Grove Bible study out in Clemens Church.
I shouted out within the word. That's a Bible study. I meet that every day or year, North Carolina. Free breakfast is provided.
Go out there. But you're good, but you're good, guys. And shout out to one of my favorite Bible sources,
Netflix. Again, support them. We need them. Love you, brother. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Amen. I appreciate that, brother.
I do. It's awesome. And I appreciate the plugs. We certainly need it. We do. I like that.
Thanks. Oh, yeah. Take care. God bless. All right, man. God bless. All right.
That was Jamal from Winston -Salem, North Carolina. I want to get out there, you know, because a lot of the radio stations are out there and I've got some friends out there now.
And I like to just get out there sometime. And maybe if a church wants to have me out there and speak, guest speak, because I might get out there, that'd be great.
But if not, that's OK. I'm thinking about going out there and just kind of, you know, going to get a hotel over here and visit some people.
Go over there, you know, just because I think it'd be fun. And just something I'm thinking about doing.
If that sounds inviting to you, you'd like to to do a meet up or something like that someplace.
It'd be good. And one of the main reasons I do want to do that is because I want to go to the radio station, the main place where they do all of that.
And and just, you know, do that. That's what we do. So, Lord, just bless that thought, that effort if we do that.
But hey, look, we're going to be out of out of about one minute left in the show. I just want to let you know that I will be on tomorrow live unless something comes up.
But after that, no more live radio until January 2nd. So I'll be recorded, pre -recorded stuff for the rest of the year after tomorrow.
And if you want to call me, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
And you can also email us at info at CARM .org info at C -A -R -M dot
O -R -G. And you can do that and just put the subject line radio comment or radio question. And as I was saying today or this month, is matching funds drive for the month of December.
Whatever you whatever you put in, whatever you donate will be doubled automatically.
And just want to let you know about that. So if that sounds good and you like what you hear, you want it to stay on the air and you want to support this ministry, which reaches out to other people in other countries.
And that's for sure in Africa and South America. So that sounds good. Well, then please consider supporting us at CARM .org
forward slash donate. May the Lord bless you and may he keep you and may you just have a good evening.
Oh, and by the way, one last thing. I'll be in a debate in about two hours. And on the intercession of Mary, if you want to check out the debate, you can go to CARM .org
forward slash debates and it will put the information. You'll see the link and stuff like that.
It's already in place. All right, everybody. God bless. And by his grace, we'll be back on here tomorrow. And we'll talk to you then.