It is a desk clearing day on NoCo. Pastor Mike brings up an article from dealing with the validity of ADHD and the fact that the father of ADHD (Dr. Eisenberg) stated that ADHD is a "prime example of a fictitious disease." How should you think biblically about this topic?--Is it ADHD or sin? Other topics include: Questionable books given away by Christianity Today, Rob Bell, Pastor's salaries, and Seventh-Day Adventists.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth, and today
I have a variety of things that need to get off of my desk. And of course, you know, I like to clean my desk on regular occasions.
And if it wasn't for the fictitious disease that I have called ADHD, I could do better.
I was even on Snopes this week. Snopes is the site that it checks to see if things were really real or not.
I'm trying to think, urban legend, true or false, Snopes is a good site for that. And there's the story that's floating around that says
Dr. Leon Eisenberg, who died a few years ago,
Der Spiegel reported that he said, quote, ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.
And so Snopes is investigating that and has a picture of him there. And some are saying that he was the inventor of this diagnosis.
And he died at 87, said a lot of it's made up. Well, that's interesting because this is in light of why
French kids don't have ADHD that we talked about with the CFTMEA, which is similar to the
DSM -IV. So I just thought that was interesting going to Snopes. And a
British medical journal, according to Snopes, said that Eisenberg transformed child psychiatry by advocating research into developmental problems.
Okay, so, so far, so good. I think what Leon brought to the field was a different way of thinking, thinking out of the box.
That's different than outside the box, jack in the box. When was the last time you ate at jack in the box? I don't think
I could do it. Maybe if they had a cherub cheese salad or something.
We'll get to cherubs in just a minute. That's why I've got cherubs on my mind. You were always on my mind, said the cherub.
Okay, Boston Medical School, David Damaso said that of Eisenberg.
All right, now some people are saying that he was the inventor or father of this. Snopes says it might be kind of an exaggeration, but then it says the claim that Dr.
Eisenberg asserted ADHD is a fictitious disease is reproduced on countless websites as something he said seven months before his death in an interview around 2009, published in German weekly
Der Spiegel on February 2nd, 2012. Here's what
Snopes says. We found that the German language version of Der Spiegel ran an article in 2012 that skeptically examined the large increase in diagnosis of mental disorders in recent years and quoted
Eisenberg on the subject. So Der Spiegel is in my mind, they see the problem.
Now, whether you think mental illness is really a mental illness, do you think it's a sin?
Do you think it's a result of sin? Do you think it's something you're born with and you're not accountable for any of your actions because of this?
Do you think it's an excuse for behavior? Do you think you medicate the behavior? Do you think you go to the regular
MD for your physical problems and you go to the shrink for your psychological problems and then your emotional problems and then you go to church to worship
God for your spiritual problems? Wherever you fall, there's over -diagnosis and there's an over -prescribing for these problems.
I think everybody's starting to realize that and when the French, I love that article why
French kids don't have ADHD, when the French think that and the Germans think that, we're not coming at this from a, they're not at least, from a
Bible perspective, sufficiency of scripture, wonderful counselor, we have everything we need pertaining to life and godliness in scripture, behavior, action, restoration, repentance and I could go through all that stuff but too many people are on these drugs and so it says here, on a related note, 2012
Der Spiegel, Dr. Jerome Kagan, Harvard psychologist, quoted as being critical of fuzzy diagnostic practices and the over -prescription of drugs such as Ritalin for behavior and problems and as referring to ADHD as an invention.
Kagan, that's true but it is primarily due to fuzzy diagnostic practices. Here's the full quote. Let's go back 50 years.
We have a seven -year -old child who is bored in school and disrupts classes. Back then he was called lazy.
Today he is said to suffer ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
That's why the numbers have soared. Spiegel, experts speak of 5 .4 million
American children who display the symptoms typical of ADHD. Are you saying that this mental disorder is just an invention?
Kagan, that's correct, it is an invention. Every child who's not doing well in school is sent to see a pediatrician and the pediatrician says it's
ADHD, here's Ritalin. In fact, 90 % of these 5 .4 million children don't have an abnormal dopamine metabolism.
The problem is if a drug is available to doctors, they'll make the corresponding diagnosis.
Updated May 17th, 2013. Did you get that? They don't have abnormal dopamine metabolism so why would we try to cook the books with medical chemicals?
The problem is if the drug's available, they'll make the corresponding diagnosis. And we followed the money and we now know the scoop.
So anyway, I do believe, and I'm gonna try to remind you of this on a regular basis, that self -control is a spiritual issue.
And if your children don't have any self -control, can you teach pagan children self -control?
I think the answer is yes. It's different than the fruit of the spirit, self -control in Galatians chapter five, because they don't have the spirit if they're not a
Christian. If they are a Christian, then why would we want to give them drugs for an
ADHD issue? I also want to tell you that parenting takes a lot of work and it would be an easy default into laziness of the parent.
If the parent just says, I've got a problem with behavior of my child and I go to the doctor and he'll give the child some drugs.
And so I want to encourage parents that you see in Proverbs, take heed, listen, pay attention.
And you're gonna see those themes when you look at Solomon as he teaches his sons. And so if you're telling your child to sit still and obey and they disobey, there's something else you give them besides some medicine.
Now their medicine might come in a different form without chemicals, but this
ADHD thing, I'm just very sad. We here at the church have a DSM -IV, which is the diagnostic manual.
And when you have problems with your blood sugar level, they can measure that objectively and say, this is what you need to try to get this right.
But here what we do is we say, all right, ADHD, I don't have the thing in front of me anymore. I could go upstairs and get it, but do you have four out of these eight?
And if you do, if you have six out of these nine, whatever the numbers are, it's very, very subjective.
So if you wanna put your kids on drugs, that's your prerogative. I think you should ask this question.
How many studies do they have published for long -term use of this drug in children six to nine years old?
And you're gonna be very, very surprised. I think you also should ask your doctor saying, now, if this doesn't work, what are our options?
Change drugs, they'll say, or increase what? Dosage. Those are the options. So I'm not saying stop all the drugs.
You can talk to your doctor about trying to stop drugs. But why is it that when you do go and say, my kid is doing much better now, can
I wean him off of these drugs? Why the hesitancy? Maybe some aren't hesitant, but why are they hesitant?
I think your pediatrician will be happy, but I think if you go to a psychologist or psychiatric person, they're not going to be because if you get better, this is like philosophy.
Once you find the meaning of life, then school's over because class is dismissed. That is the goal that can never be reached because it's just fun to talk about stuff.
Anyway, my name's Mike Ebendroth, No Compromise Radio. And we have a pharmaceutical industry.
And until you think of that, combine that with the human heart that likes to blame.
Until you put those two together, I think you're going to be very, very naive.
What does the book of James say? James says, each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
And so it is our own sinful hearts that make us do things. And so I guess if they have a pill for sin, that would be fine, but they don't have a pill for sin.
The cure for sin is the cross. The cure for sin is repentance and confession and forsaking,
Proverbs 28, 13. So when you put the pharmaceutical industry slash money and lazy parents with kids who can't sit still, by the way, you know what?
Kids can't sit still. If you look at kids, this is a attention deficit. I don't think it's that.
I think it's selective. You can put a kid, here's like a little fake experiment.
This isn't for real. But if you let your kid become hungry, I don't mean starve the kid, but just let them become hungry.
So it's 11, 49 and a half in the morning. They had breakfast at 8 a .m., little snack at 10, snacks.
And so you wait for breakfast to be over. And then you also realize your kid hasn't gone to the bathroom in the last couple hours.
Again, we're not talking torture. Sit down a child in front of the Xbox and Nintendo, a movie, give them a game in the form of an iPad, iPod, iTouch, whatever it is.
And they will sit there and pay attention to that for hours. They're hungry, they have to go to the bathroom and they still can sit.
So it's a selective issue, isn't it? And if you're a child that can't sit still, there are ways to get children to sit still.
Believe me. All right, what else do we have here? No Compromise Radio. So we have, pastors should know how much money the church members give.
I think I talked about that later. There are some benefits to knowing, I guess, because then you realize the spiritual condition of your people.
But so far, I don't look. And the good news with No Compromise Radio, since we don't get money, I never have to not look for no money.
That's not true. Some people do send in some money, we're thankful for that. I don't know who you are, but I'm sure the checks come rolling in.
I think I have to put them in a special processor that rips the envelopes off without a person actually touching them.
Crazy. There is the new updated revised Crazy Love book,
Overwhelmed by a Relentless God. Five years since Crazy Love is out. And Francis Chan is a superstar
Christian now. Two million copies sold. And now David C.
Cook is trying to repackage this thing and get it to sell some more. Isn't that fascinating? It's not my cup of tea.
How about that? You can, though, in Christianity Today, get a free book if you'd like. The time was at hand.
How can I make it up? The time was at hand. The book of Revelation begins and ends saying the time is at hand.
So the contents must relate mainly to the time when it was written, 66 A .D. That's the cover of the book.
Robert Finley, free book offer. This book is so important. Free copies offered to pastors, missionaries, teachers of the adult
Bible classes, to students, to friends, to relatives, to congregants, send name, position, and occupation.
1899, wherever books are sold. See, here's what I didn't know. These are some highlights in this book that's being advertised in Christianity Today.
Here is a highlight. The Antichrist. I don't know if you know who the Antichrist is according to Robert Finley.
But this is, when things are this kooky, then you have to give things away for free now, don't you?
Kind of like No Compromise Radio. See, it's free. For 900 years, according to Finley, 650 through 1550, many church leaders were saying that Muhammad was the
Antichrist, not against Christ, but the one who took his place for millions of people as an anticlimax follows a climax.
Robert Finley says that they had it right, even though Martin Luther and the other reformers said the
Pope was the Antichrist. This caused them to ignore Islam temporarily, but over 14 centuries, Muhammad's cumulative influence has been greater than that of any man who ever lived, except Christ himself.
There will be no future Antichrist comparable to Muhammad. I guess that's a free highlight if you want the book.
All right, let's talk about Rob Bell just for a moment. Why? Because we're really down here.
Oh, you know what? Let's do this instead. Theological Isms. I don't know if you can get this book anymore, but you used to be able to get it.
I think it's self -published. Theological Isms, I -S -M, Isms, A Layman's Reference Guide to Selected Theological Terms by Randy Smith.
Theological Isms. And so, here's the cool thing. Cool thing is this. Randy was a layman, he probably still is, and when he heard his pastor say a word that he didn't know, then he complained to the deacon board.
No, he wrote it down and then looked it up and did some research and then wrote a small little paragraph definition and accumulated them all and then put them in a book.
And so, if you want to default to what Randy says, then you can order the book,
Theological Isms, Randy Smith. Didn't Randy Smith used to play for Buffalo when Buffalo had an
NBA team? The Buffalo something, what were they called? Not the Sabres, not the
Clippers. Maybe it was the Buffalo Clippers. No, that's before they moved to LA Clippers, San Diego Clippers.
I don't know, maybe he played for San Diego Clippers. Randy Smith. He had a good jump shot. I think there's another Randy Smith who played for UNLV, Running Rebels.
So anyway, this is a different Randy Smith. And so, when you hear a pastor say something you don't know it, well, maybe the pastor's trying to be so erudite and make you think he knows things.
He's got the special inside Gnostic knowledge. That might be one thing. But pastors, hopefully, if they're doing the right thing, if they say propitiation, they should probably go on to say, that is to say, and then explain
God's wrath, being a swage, mercy seat, you know, that kind of thing.
So, what Randy did is he wrote down all these definitions. And I like it that he was trying, because it takes your mind some engagement, doesn't it?
You need to have your mind engaged when the pastor's preaching. So you get some sleep ahead of time.
You study the passage ahead of time. You read it a little bit. You see if there's any key words. You look in the references to see if there's an
Old Testament reference to this New Testament passage your pastor might be preaching. You pray that God would make the pastor clear and biblical.
You've got pencil, paper, little notebook type of thing.
You've got sermon notes. You've got your Bible there, and you're ready. And if he says a word that you don't know, then you go look it up, and then you'll remember it if you look it up.
Yeah, you might remember it if Randy looks it up. So I'm just gonna open up the book randomly and see what we find.
Pre -millennial. Now, that was just luck. That was just, oh, okay.
It's got predestination. Let me open up another one. Reprobation, the passing by of the non -elect.
And then he quotes Lorraine Bettner. Retributive justice, supralapsarianism, from the
Latin word supra, above, and lapsus, fall. God decreed election and reprobation before the fall.
Talmud, systematic theology. Let's do some others.
Demonology, dichotomy, dispensation. Dispensationalism.
I don't like to be called a dispensationalist, but I guess sometimes people call me that.
Modalism, I really don't like to be called a modalist. There's only one thing worse than being called a dispensationalist.
Where's that Hal Lindsey book of mine? I can't find it. Monachism, or monasticism, two different ways to write about this.
Monism, monophysicism. Physicism, do you know what?
I have to say his pastor was a pretty smart guy, if these are the words that the pastor used. Now see, quicken,
I get that. Redemption, okay. Sacerdotalism, you know what?
That's one of my favorite all -time words, so let me give you Randy Smith's definition. So the point here is, either study on your own, or you can get
Randy Smith's book, Theological Isms, Randy Smith. Sacerdotalism is a doctrine of salvation that claims
God does not save men by immediate operations of his grace upon their souls, but instead acts upon them only through the persons or events established for that purpose.
Chief among believers of this doctrine is, chief among is, among believers chiefly are, which believes that outside the church and its ordinances, salvation is not supposed to be found, unless you're the new pope, and now you can even be a sincere atheist and get to heaven.
What's going on with that? The Roman Catholic Church believes that God's grace is communicated by and through the ministrations of the church, otherwise not.
Sacerdotalists believe two maxims are therefore in force. Now this is from B .B. Warfield, so this is probably gonna be better than Randy.
Sorry, no offense, Randy. Where the church is, there's the spirit. Outside the church, there's no salvation, unless you don't believe in salvation, the church, the
God, but you're really a nice Brazilian, Argentinian. Where is the new pope from?
I don't even know. Maybe that would be, I wonder what it says under pope here. Let's find Randy Smith's pope here.
We have pre -wrath rapture, we have pneumatology, we have post -millennialism, and there's nothing here about the pope, because I think maybe most people know the pope.
My, let's see, positivism, polytheism, okay.
So I like the idea, Randy Smith. That's an excellent idea. Now what's in front of me here?
Ellen G. White. There's a new article in the paper. It says, as they turn 150,
Adventists still pray for the apocalypse. Small band of believers has mushroomed to more than 17 million baptized members, including 1 .2
million in the US. Nearly 8 ,000 Adventist schools dot dozens of countries.
Now that's a lot, and I live in Lancaster, Massachusetts, not Lancaster PA like Jeff Waddington and all the
Steve Nichols and the big shots. But Lancaster, Massachusetts is home of the
New England, home of the New England headquarters of the Seventh -day Adventists.
You might expect the article goes on to say Adventists to celebrate their success while marking their church's 150th anniversary this
May. There's just one problem, the church wasn't supposed to last this long. Oh, isn't that amazing?
So they don't know what to do. Michael Ryan, vice president at the church's general conference, the top governing body of the
Seventh -day Adventists. In one kind of way, Mike said, it is really a sad event. We're a church that by its name believes in the second coming of Christ and we have been hopeful that long ago
Christ would have come and taken the righteous to heaven and this world would have ended. Oh, man.
Yeah, but here's the problem, Ellen G. White. What does Ellen G. White say about end times?
What does Ellen G. White say? Well, she endorsed the prophecy, a false prophecy by a false prophet,
William Miller, that Christ would return first in 1843. So Jesus is gonna come back 1843, then that didn't really work.
And then 1844, maybe that'll work. No, he didn't really show up.
Miller repents. Ellen doesn't wanna be seen as a false prophetess for endorsing his views.
Let's see, how can we figure this out? The date was right, but the event was wrong. There's a special way that Jesus didn't come visibly.
He came invisibly and he changed compartments, kind of like he slid down the bat pool.
Now he's got all his Batman gear on, plus his utility belt. And then he's come to the most holy in 1844 and began the work of the investigative judgment.
And Ellen G. White goes on to say in Testimonies 5 .1, page 131 and 132, that people alive in 1856 would be translated at the second coming of Jesus.
Yeah, we're embarrassed to be around still. We thought Jesus would come back. And maybe we could be a little bit more technical.
We're embarrassed by Ellen G. White's false teaching because she was a lying heretic and we have disowned her.
Some people still like her, but we have disowned her because she says things like this in Spiritual Gifts, page 189. Satan has taken full possession of the churches.
And if you're not a Seventh -day Adventist, that your prayers are an abomination to God. Spiritual Gifts, page 190.
She says, okay, Jesus was revealed to them as the angel of Jehovah, the captain of the
Lord's most high, Michael the archangel. She wrote that in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 761.
She, like I said before, is crazy. She did say that Sunday keepers are doomed to receive the mark of the beast,
Spirit of Prophecy, page 505, volume 5 .4. And what she says lastly here at The Faith I Live By, page 211, at the time appointed for the judgment, the close of the 2 ,300 days in 1844 began the work of the investigating and blotting out of sins.
Both the living and the dead are to be judged out of those things which are written in the books according to their words. Ellen G.
White is a false teacher and you ought to know that by now. And so I think it's kind of interesting, sad.
We need to pray for our Seventh -day Adventist friends and family members because they're looking for, looking at the wrong bit of information.
What'd you say? Well, my name's Mike Abendroth, nocompromiseradio .com. Just cleaned some things off my desk today. And you can write us at info at No Compromise.
You can go to noco90 on the YouTube site if you'd like to see some videos there and respond via email.
All right, Mike Abendroth, nocompromiseradio .com. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.