F4F | Joyce Meyer Admits Her Views on Prosperity Were Unbalanced


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever heard somebody who's been teaching and preaching false doctrine and rank heresy then turn around and give something of a really lame confession slash admission that maybe my views were a little out of balance.
I think of Michael Brown's defense of Benny Hinn.
Maybe he's off a little bit in the way he raises money.
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This is not what's called for when somebody teaches rank heresy and even worse, ingratiates themselves off of that rank heresy.
Case in point, the lady who is known for having a golden toilet, that would be
Joyce Meyer. She has recently admitted that her teachings on prosperity and faith were, quote -unquote, you know, out of balance.
Yeah, let me go ahead and whirl this up. The Christian Post recently covered this because she put a video out on Instagram and so apparently this is supposed to suffice as an admission of guilt, as well, you know, a confession of sins and I would just argue it's not even close.
From the article itself says, popular television evangelist Joyce Meyer has admitted that her beliefs in prosperity and faith were at times, quote -unquote, out of balance.
Yeah, and when bad things happen to people such as the death of a child, Meyer said that she now understands that it's not because they didn't have enough faith.
So let's go ahead and watch this Instagram video together, shall we, and note that this as far as confession of sin and admission of guilt falls woefully short of the damage that she has wrought on the body of Christ.
Here we go. Faith is something God gives you that you need to use and release in your life.
It's a power. You see, we didn't get very far. Faith is a force of something like that I have to release in my life.
Which text says that? Where on earth in the Bible does it say
I have to, you know, activate or release my faith and that it's a force? Faith, you know, just a simple concept of faith is, you know, the
Greek word is pistos in this noun form, and it means trust. And pistou, again, trust, you know.
And so the idea here is that faith is a gift given by God.
Faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins is actually given by God himself. We'll do a little bit of work, you know, from like Ephesians chapter 2.
Ephesians chapter 2. And a passage that we're all familiar with,
Ephesians 2 and 8 and 9. For by grace you have been saved through, dia, faith, pistouos, through faith.
And this is not your own doing. Now you're sitting there going, well, what isn't my own doing?
Answer, the salvation and the faith. Faith itself is a gift of God, not a result of work so that no one may boast.
For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. In fact, if you trust in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, you're a penitent sinner who believes that Jesus has bled and died for you, that trust that you have in Christ, that trust is called faith, pistou.
You know, that's what it is. It's faith. And so this is a gift given by God.
It's not something you activate. It's not something you release. It's not a force. Nowhere in scripture does it teach this.
So here in this admission video of Joyce Meyers, we already have problems because she's saying that faith is a force and we've got to somehow release it in our lives.
Yeah, no. Powerful force, but it's not just an automatic. You put your trust in God.
Well, we just read in Ephesians, you don't put your trust in God. God gives you faith as a gift.
Put your faith in him. I'm glad for what I learned about prosperity, but it got out of balance.
Out of balance. This is the woman who is infamously known for having a golden toilet.
I think the only other person I've ever heard of having a golden toilet was
Saddam Hussein. So her views on prosperity and faith were, you know, not heretical.
No, I didn't exploit people in my greed. No, it just was out of balance.
You know, I just needed to go to Walmart, you know, to the TLE, Tire Loop Express, and get my faith back in alignment and get the tires balanced on my theology.
Listen to what she says next. I'm glad for what I learned about faith, but it got out of balance.
And so every time somebody had a problem in their life, it was because they didn't have enough faith. If you got sick, you didn't have enough faith.
If your child died, you didn't have enough faith. Whoa. I mean, just notice how blasé.
She just glosses right over that. So if your child died, it's because you didn't have enough faith.
I want you to think about just how damaging that theology has been to countless hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.
So somebody, you know, has gone through the trauma of having one of their children die.
And Joyce Meyers' theology was, well, you just didn't have enough faith.
It's your fault your child is now in the grave. If you had just activated this force in your life and brought your faith up to the right level, your child would be alive today.
So it's your fault this child is dead. Consider just how devastating that theology is.
Not only is it heretical, it just obliterates somebody's belief in God and turns
God into a monster. And me, now culpable when, you know, if my child had gotten sick and died.
And she just glosses over it. Well, you know, you used to say, it's just out of balance, you know, this is sick.
Well, that's not right. You can't. There's nowhere in the Bible where we're promised that we'll never have any trouble.
I don't care. I agree. But you're admitting, not really confessing, admitting that what you were teaching was not biblical.
And not even owning, remotely owning, the damage that you have done to people. How much faith you've got, you're not going to avoid ever having trouble in your life.
Jesus said, in the world there will be tribulation. Cheer up, I have overcome the world.
All right, so there was, you know, the lady who has a golden toilet. Yeah, so, you know,
Christian poets, we're so happy she's admitted that it was, you know, out of balance. No, it was heresy.
She has absolutely shipwrecked the faith of countless numbers of people by teaching that false theology, the word of faith movement.
And she's still teaching a light version, a more in -balance version of the word of faith heresy.
Yeah, but the problem is, is that it doesn't matter how balanced the word of faith heresy is, it's still a heresy.
So, yeah. Thanks for nothing, Joyce. Thanks for nothing.
I'm sure the people out there who were led to believe by you or disciples of you that their dead child, that that child died because of their lack of faith, will find this admission to be completely inadequate.
Doesn't even recognize the magnitude of the damage you've wrought on the body of Christ with that heresy and the damage that you have done to people's lives.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.