Todd White: “God Watches PORN With You!”

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Todd White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity Church in Texas, and he's also a prosperity gospel teacher.
He initially gained his fame as a result of his fake YouTube healing videos, which have largely been exposed as fraudulent.
I'll link a video in the description made by Mike Winger to demonstrate this fact. But Todd's fake healings are a topic for another video, because in this one,
I want to show you a clip of Todd White's teaching about pornography. Just a heads up, some of this is going to get a little graphic, so proceed with caution.
Watch this. Your whole pornography thing, you think like no one knows it? God's watching it with you. He waits till you reach climax.
God, if he only knew me. If he only knew me. If he only desired to know me,
I would be his climax. He's not mad.
He just sees it. He sees it. There is so much wrong with this clip, it's honestly hard to know where to begin.
So let's just respond to this using three separate biblical points, shall we? Number one, let's go ahead and watch the first part of the clip again.
Watch this. Your whole pornography thing, you think like no one knows it? God's watching it with you. So he says that when someone watches porn,
God is there watching it with them. And he says this based on the fact that God is omnipresent and that he sees everything.
So this is true in one sense, but totally false and dangerous in another. Proverbs 15, 3 says, quote, the eyes of the
Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the good and the evil, end quote. So it is true that the Lord can see everything that happens everywhere, even the things that are evil.
He's omnipresent. That truly is a testament to God's power and authority, and we should be humbled by that.
So if Todd White had said that God sees the porn you watch, that would have been a biblically accurate statement in the technical sense.
The problem is that that's not what Todd says. Instead of saying that God sees the porn you watch, he says that God, quote, watches the porn with you, end quote.
And that is a very different statement entirely. As human beings, when we say someone is watching something with us, we mean to say that they are devoting their attention to the same thing that we're watching in a specific and intentional way.
So just to be clear, the word watching in this context means looking at something specifically and intentionally.
And there's a problem when you suggest that God is looking specifically and intentionally at pornography for long periods of time.
That goes way far beyond simply acknowledging that God sees everything and will hold everyone accountable for what he sees.
To say that God is intently watching pornography is very irreverent and foolish, and it's a horrible statement to make, and there's no precedent for that kind of thing in Scripture.
There are plenty of verses that talk about God seeing everything. Hebrews 14, 3 says that, quote, no creature is hidden from his sight, end quote.
But there is no verse that would justify the statement of, God is watching porn alongside you.
That kind of statement is at best irresponsible, and at worst, it's downright blasphemy against God.
No matter how you slice this, no one who calls themself a pastor should ever be saying something as reckless as this about the
God of the universe. And this brings me to point number two. Todd White continues his sermon saying something even more concerning.
Watch this. He waits till you reach climax. God, if he only knew me, if he only knew me, if he only desired to know me,
I would be his climax. Again, I warned you that this video gets a little graphic, so please proceed with caution.
But the problem with this statement, ultimately, is that he again makes God sound very, well, creepy.
He says that God is sitting there patiently, waiting until a person watching porn reaches their climax.
But what on earth is he talking about? What verse in the Bible led him to believe this? Well, as usual,
Todd White offers no scripture to support his unbiblical position, because after all, if he did look into scripture, he might actually see how wrong he is.
And therefore, he continues to make a purely emotional appeal. Very typical. Again, we know that God sees everything and is omnipresent, but there is no passage of scripture that says that God is waiting for a person who masturbates to reach climax.
This undoubtedly paints God in a negative light and attributes actions to him which he has never claimed to take part in.
But then it gets even worse when Todd White quotes God, saying, quote, If he only desired to know me,
I would be his climax, end quote. Now this comment is absolutely unacceptable. God does not personally provide people with sexual climaxes.
To suggest that God can be people's climax is absolutely disgusting and blasphemous. It may have been accurate to say that relationship with God is more ultimately joyous than any sexual experience can be, and that is absolutely true.
But that is not the same as saying that God wants to be your sexual climax. That's a disgusting and unbiblical statement, and it has no place in anything that calls itself a church.
Ephesians 5, 4, it says this, quote, Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place.
But instead let there be thanksgiving, end quote. Now Todd White isn't joking here. He's being very serious.
So we can't accuse him of crude joking. But saying that God is, quote, waiting for you to climax, or that God, quote, wants to be your climax, well those statements could definitely qualify as filthy or foolish talk in the passage, which are out of place among Christians, especially those who claim to be teachers.
And this brings me to point number three. Here's the last thing that Todd White says in the clip, and it's probably the worst part yet.
Watch this. He's not mad. He just sees it.
He sees it. So then Todd White says that God is not mad when someone watches porn.
He just sees it. This is yet another dangerously unbiblical comment that needs to be rebuked.
It is more than possible that God is mad when people watch pornography, especially those who claim to follow Him and represent
Him. Psalm 711 says, quote, God is a righteous judge and a God who feels indignation every day, end quote.
You see, God is entirely holy, and therefore sin can and does make Him angry. You'd be surprised how many passages in the
Old Testament talk about how God is angry with Israel when they persistently disobey Him. Why should the same not be true in our day and age?
Well, the reason modern pastors like Todd White want you to believe that God isn't mad is because it's really not popular to suggest otherwise.
It's really hard to get people to listen to your sermons when you say that God is mad. So you simply lie and tell people that God isn't mad at sin.
That's the playbook of the modern false teacher. And the fact is, Todd White's preaching is absolutely unbiblical in just about every sense of the word.
He makes things up that are false, and he ignores things that are true. So in summary, Todd White said that God watches porn with you.
He also said that God wants to be your climax, and finally, he makes the case that there's no way God is mad at you if you watch pornography.
All of these statements are demonstrably false and contrary to the Word of God. So please, stay away from the false teaching of Todd White.
And Todd, if you happen to be watching this, please know that I did not make this video to attack you. I made this video to warn the
Church about false teaching. So let's all pray that Todd White would repent and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.