




Give me a heads up. Most people who... Oh, we got your net light on. Yeah, just switch.
Sorry. Most people right away assume just pre -trib rapture and...
Oh, we're going to pray too. I've got to pray for this because... Yeah, there we go. Thanks. All right.
Yeah. Of course you can. Yeah. Yeah. Right on. So we'll pray and then we'll talk about this stuff.
And we'll go through a lot of stuff here. Lord Jesus, thank you for the time. I ask, Lord, that you would bless it.
And I ask, Lord, for your mercy and grace in the people here and those who are listening. And that, Lord, you would grant people an open mind and heart as we look at your word.
And we ask, Lord, for your correction, your admonition, your teaching, your open heart and love. And we ask this,
Jesus, in your precious name. Amen. All right. So maybe we might have some more coming in, wandering in.
That's okay. So we've got people coming in. Good. So if any of you out there on the cloud someplace are watching, you might want to get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and take some notes.
Now, a lot of this is already on the CARM website. So if you were to go to CARM and look up the two ages in support of amillennialism, two ages in support of amillennialism.
I've got a lot of the notes from that here and some other stuff as well. But what I normally do is
I have someone take a piece of paper and I have them draw a line down the middle, and then this age and the age to come.
And you'll see why we do that, because that is the eschatological model that Paul taught.
It's the eschatological model that Jesus taught. And most people are just not aware of these issues.
I've never heard it taught in a pulpit. I've never heard it taught in Bible studies, this age and the age to come.
Where I learned it was in Southern California at some, just some people back then.
I think Kim Riddlebarger, that name might be familiar to some. He and I talked about amill before.
And then I forgot where I learned this about this. I forgot. It's just so much. And let me do this.
We don't want to have the mic rubbing on fabric. So there we go. I think that's better. And I should get my computer going too here in a little bit.
Yeah, I think I'll do that now so that I can see any comments or issues that might be coming up. And so we can go to verses and things like that as well if we need to.
So what I want to point out is that the common held position in the church today,
I believe, exists because it's what's been taught in the Schofield reference
Bible. And I also believe that the pastors and elders who teach pre -trib rapture are not exegeting scripture sufficiently or deeply enough.
And that's not to say if they disagree with me that, you know, I'm calling them names or don't think they're intelligent or have their reasons.
Of course they do. But what I'm going to show, in my opinion, cannot be refuted.
I don't believe it can be. Now, that may sound arrogant, but it's not.
I just don't think it'd be refuted. I just haven't seen anybody refute it in 15 years I've been teaching this.
I just haven't seen it yet. And so that's what I mean, you know. And people say, well, you're arrogant.
Oh, okay, whatever. But so the Bible talks about this age and the age to come.
In Mark 10, 30, Jesus says, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses, brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and farms, along with persecutions, and in the age to come, eternal life.
In Luke 18, 30, Jesus says, who will not receive many times as much at this time and the age to come, eternal life.
So there's this age, the present age, and the age to come. And this is what we would do.
We'd draw that line in this age, the age to come. In this age, the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage.
That's Luke 20, 34. The wisdom of this world is the wisdom of this age.
First Corinthians 1, 20, where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age?
Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? Now, I'm going to say that when I've done this before, a lot of times people are like,
I've never even thought about this in these terms. It's just new. Well, it's going to get newer.
First Corinthians 2, 6, yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature, a wisdom, however, not of this age, nor the rulers of this age who are passing away.
Second Corinthians 4, 4, in whose case, God of this world, and this could be this age, is blinded the minds of the unbelieving so they may not see the glory of the gospel of the
Lord of Jesus. That's Second Corinthians 4, 4. Jesus rescued us from the present evil age in Galatians 1, 4, who gave himself for our sins so that he might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of God our
Father. All right. People will receive eternal life in the age to come.
That's Mark 10, 30, Luke 18, 30, 1 Timothy 6, 9. I think it's the right verse, so I'll scratch that one.
Luke 20, 35, but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither married nor given in marriage.
We can see there's this age and the age to come. There is this age and the age to come.
We live in a present evil age. We live in an age where there's sin. In the next age, we have eternal life.
Technically, we possess it now, 1 John 5, 13, but what he's talking about here is the full resurrection, everything that belongs to the culmination of events.
We have this age and the age to come. We have two ages. Now, there are some places where we're talking about the ages, and talking about ages, that's more of a poetic frame, a poetic discussion, and the ages to come, and things like that.
It's just all the time frames, the eons, the centuries, and things like that. What we read is that in this age, we have problems, marriage, we have diseases, but in the age to come, eternal life, we're not given in marriage.
It's the culmination of things. Now, again, I have never heard anybody preach on this that I can remember.
Maybe I have, and I just don't recall, but I don't recall. When I go to some churches, and they talk about pre -trib rapture, pre -millennialism, and they talk about verses that I know contextually don't support their view, or they just do not cover the other evidence.
They just don't cover it. I'm dismayed. Like I said, it still bothers me.
I've never heard anybody preach on this age and the age to come, but yet, it's right there in Scripture.
Now, I'm not saying people haven't done it. I just haven't heard it. We have this age and the age to come, and what you can do is, as you draw that vertical line of paper, if you do that, what we're going to do is find out what the
Scripture says, what goes where. What goes where? You're going to write it on this age or the age to come, and if there's two ages, then there's the end of the age, right?
That would have to be this age. It can't be that the age to come is going to end because we have eternal life.
It just doesn't end. All right, so you're going to figure out where to put some of these things.
It'll take a bit. First Corinthians 5 .5, I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the
Lord. So the day of the Lord is a day of judgment, right?
Okay, you can make a note someplace. Day of the Lord is judgment, right? First Corinthians 5 .5. Many will say to me, on that day,
Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name, et cetera, et cetera. I've quoted this so many times over the years, Matthew 7, 22 and 23.
It's a day of judgment. In 2 Timothy 1 .18, the Lord granted him to find mercy from the
Lord on that day, and you know very well what services he rendered at Ephesus.
That's 2 Timothy 1 .18, and notice what it says. In 1 Corinthians 5 .5, the spirit may be saved on the day of the
Lord. Is the day of the Lord week long, a year long, a century long, or is it a day?
The day of the Lord. And in Matthew 7 .22, many will say to me, on that day,
Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy? 2 Timothy 1 .18, the Lord granted him to find mercy from the
Lord on that day, and you know very well, et cetera. And 2
Timothy 4 .8, in the future, there's laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will award to me on that day.
So we see there's a judgment coming on that day. So that day, we could put equals judgment, okay?
And looks like a judgment of the wicked because it says, did we do this? Get away from me, I never knew you, right?
And Paul says, you know, that we'll be judged on that day. So judgment of the good and the wicked are on that day.
On that day, that's what it says, all right? Now, it also says, the day of the
Lord will come like a thief in the night. Is the day of the
Lord the same as that day? That's a question, okay? 1 Thessalonians 5 .2, for you yourselves know full well that the day of the
Lord will come just like a thief in the night. Now, the context of that, incidentally, is the rapture. Because in 1
Thessalonians 4 .16 through chapter 5, verse 2, it says, and the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and the voice of the archangel, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
And we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet him in the air. Therefore, you have no need to worry or something like that, blah, blah, blah, for the day of the
Lord will come just like a thief in the night. So that's what he's talking about, the day of the Lord, the day of the
Lord, come like a thief in the night, and that is the rapture. That's what it says, okay?
That's 1 Thessalonians 4 .16 through chapter 5, verse 2. Don't think that the chapter break is appropriate.
It's not there in the Greek, it's just something we've added, or somebody added, I forgot his name, to do locations of scriptures.
So the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, 1 Thessalonians 5 .2, and 2 Peter 3 .10,
the day of the Lord will come just like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.
So, just so you guys know, reading these two verses, 1 Thessalonians 5 .2, actually, 1
Thessalonians 4 .16, the return of Christ, the rapture, which is the day of the
Lord will come like a thief in the night, and 2 Peter 3 .10, the day of the Lord will come like a thief, the heavens will pass away, the new heavens are new made.
Someone read these to me, or had me read them. I was in El Cajon, California, San Diego County, at this guy's apartment, and he said,
I want you to read this. I go, what's it about? He goes, I'm not telling you, just want you to read. And I was premillennial at the time.
I said, okay. And I read, and I read, I looked up, and I said, there's no millennium.
Just that fast, from these two sets of verses, I abandoned premillennialism.
I just read this. He didn't tell me what it was, he didn't tell me anything. And I remember, I said, there's no millennium.
He goes, I know, because he had done the same thing. And that's how
I converted to amillennialism. Because the day of the Lord to come like a thief is when the rapture occurs.
But it's also the new heavens and new earth are made. Well, the pre -tribulation view says that the rapture occurs at the beginning of the seven -year tribulation, and there's a thousand years, at the end of the thousand years, the new heavens and new earth are made.
But this is saying they're both on the same day. But there's no thousand -year, literal one -thousand -year reign.
We're going to get into this a lot. And it further means that the rapture can't occur until later.
And then, when we go to, if you want to look at this ahead of time, folks, Matthew 13, 30, the parable of the wheat and the tares,
Jesus says in the parable, the wheat are the Christians, the tares are the wicked people.
And the worker says, should we tear up the tares? He says, no, let you tear up the wheat also.
Allow them both to grow together. And I will say to the harvesters, first gather the tares.
So Jesus specifically states, the first ones gathered are the wicked, not the good.
He says this in Matthew 13, 30. This took me years before I finally came public and said, this is what
I teach, what I believe, because I haven't heard this before. I hadn't heard this before.
And because of it, that was a huge concern. Why is it that someone like myself would come up with this?
And I've not read it in any commentaries and heard any preachers or anybody on radio mention it. And that bothered me a great deal.
Now, as I reflect on some things, I remember now that over the years, there have been hints by different teachers about some of these things.
And I remember going, oh, there's that point, there's this point, there's that point. And I don't remember if someone put it together or I put it together.
I just don't remember. But I just, you know, I'm going, why is it that no one has focused?
Again, I've not heard, which certainly doesn't mean it hasn't been addressed, okay? I just, I've not heard it. I've not heard, and I've heard a lot of stuff.
I've not heard anybody teach that the wicked are taken first. I'm the first one that you've known.
How many, I'm the first one you knew that mentioned that, right? That's scary. That's a warning flag.
And I still consider it a warning flag. And I want to say this repeatedly, that because I came up with this, it says it right there.
Am I missing something? Why is it that others haven't taught? I don't get it.
And so I'm concerned for obvious reasons still. All right, now let's go to John 6, 39 through 40.
Last one's there's a semi -Pelagian with a full preterist viewpoint that negates
Acts 1. I like to insult people kind of thing, you know, without them knowing what
I'm saying. That's kind of nice. All right, John 6, 39 through 40.
Okay. And let me close some of these things.
I'm going to be getting into the chat room because I'm going to, what I want to do is pay attention to people's comments that maybe
I can address them during this. And so if I'm is go into StreamYard and just check things out.
Or what I might do is I probably, I'll just go to Facebook. No, I won't.
I'll do this. Okay. I'm going to go into the studio this way. I can see all comments in one place.
Should they come in? All right. Just bear with me one minute.
Should have done this earlier, but that's where it is right now. Enter the studio and mute that.
There we go. And turn the sound down. There we go.
All right. And I can see people's comments like that. Now, someone says the coming of the Messiah was in two parts.
That's not in scripture. You just don't find that. Seriously, you don't find it in two parts. That is made up.
It just doesn't exist. Some people will say he comes to begin the tribulation in part, partway to get the people of the church.
And then he comes back later at the seven -year tribulation. But nothing in scripture says that.
It says the coming of the Lord, not the comings. So it's an invention by people who hold to the pre -trib stuff.
Sorry, but it is. I think Doofus McGee was the guy who,
I don't know who started it. I don't know. Okay. The resurrection occurs on the last day. Okay.
So remember the last day, the last day is a judgment, right? The last day is now the resurrection. This is the will of him who sent me, that all he's given me,
I lose none, but raise it up on the last day. Okay.
For this is the will of my father, that everyone who beholds a son and believes in him will have eternal life. And I myself will raise him up on the last day.
John 6, 44, no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day.
John 6, 54, he eats my flesh and drinks my blood as eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
And John 11, 24, Martha said to him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.
The resurrection on the last day, right? But it's also the case that the judgment occurs on the last day of the good and the bad, right?
So that's what it says, right? Okay. John 12, 48, he who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has one who judges me, judges him, excuse me, the word
I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. The wicked are going to be judged on the last day.
The good are going to be judged on the last day, right? The resurrection is on the last day.
That's what it says. As a friend of mine mocks me, that's what it says. That's what it says.
1 Corinthians 1, 8, who will also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our
Lord Jesus Christ. The judgment, blameless, the day of our Lord is the last day.
The day of the Lord now is the last day. Are you with me so far?
Okay. Now, Matthew 24, 1 through 3, and I'm going to read verse 31.
We could go through Matthew 24, maybe we'll do it later. We have a lot of time. People want to go through it. Matthew 24, 1 through 3,
Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when his disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to him and said to him,
Jesus said to them, do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.
As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us when will these things happen?
That's the reference to the destruction of the temple. And what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?
Notice what he said, the sign of your coming. It's not two part comings. It's not two comings.
It's one. What is the sign of your coming and the end of the age?
So now the sign at the end of the age is what he's going to respond to. And I can go into a lot of Matthew 24, but we're not here.
But in verse 31, he says, and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together his elect when the four winds from one day of the end of the sky to the other.
Now, that means that the elect are gathered at the end of the age, which we already know comes like a day, like a thief of the night, which is when the resurrection happens.
We'll get into that. Okay. You with me? This is not that hard, is it?
When you start putting this together, you go, what? At the end of the age. So what normally is happening here at this point is people are on the sheet, they're writing this age, and they're getting closer to that line because that's where everything's happening.
The last day. The last day is when the resurrection occurs. The last day of what? There is no last day of the age to come.
It's eternal. There has to be a last day on this age. The end of this age is when the judgment occurs, when the rapture occurs.
We'll get into all this stuff. And it's at the end of the age. Okay. Now, for those who say that he comes twice or the double kind of a way, in Acts 1, 9 -11, after he said these things, he was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received him out of their sight.
And as they were gazing intently into the sky, while he was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them.
They also said, men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come in just the same way as you have watched him go into heaven, will come in just the same way, right?
That's what they said will happen. The angels who represent the truth here said that Jesus will come back the same way he went into heaven.
He went up into the clouds. That's how he's going to come back. There's no two returns. It's come back this way.
Now, what does it say in 1 Thessalonians 4, 16? The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, the trumpet of God, the dead in Christ shall rise first.
This is how he's going to return, and when he returns, the coming, it's going to be with the trumpet of God, the voice of the archangel, and things like that, right?
Okay. Now, let's go to Revelation 8. It's interesting for the people out there in, let's see,
Facebook land and YouTube land. You guys can tell me. It takes a little bit to get through.
It's not dividing but teaching. He and I agree with you regarding salvation. They're true believers holding the various eschatologies.
That's right, Jim. Trisha says, I'm dividing. Well, the truth must be known, divisions must be occurred.
Why was it 1 Corinthians 11, 19? I think it says the truth must be known so that divisions occur.
There's actually a verse that talks about that. Truth causes divisions. Now, here's the thing. As someone's saying that I'm causing division, here's the thing.
This is what the scripture says. Why is it that the other people aren't teaching this?
Are they teaching preacher rapture? We're going to get out of here. I think it's harmful to the church. That's my official position.
I think it's harmful. They're causing division. They're causing division. They're not believing the word of God. That's right.
Revelation 8, verse 1 and 2, when the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
I saw the seven angels who stood before God and seven trumpets were given to them.
Seven angels, seven trumpets. 1 Thessalonians 4 says he'll descend with the voice of the archangel, the trumpet of God.
I think, I forgot where it is, the last trumpet says what happens. I think it might be 1 Thessalonians 4.
There's so much to study. All right. I'm going to go through this quickly. In verse 7,
Revelation 8, the first sounded and there came hail and fire, burned up trees and stuff and the grass.
The second angel sounded, a great mountain burning of fire was thrown into the sea. Ships were destroyed.
Verse 10, the third angel sounded, a great star fell from heaven like a burning torch, third of the rivers and the springs of the waters.
A fourth angel, verse 12, sounded and a third of the sun and the moon and a third of the stars were struck.
It didn't shine for a while. Chapter 9, verse 1, the fifth angel sounded,
I saw a star from heaven which had fallen from the earth and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. Smoke went up out of the pit, locusts on the earth, power was given to the scorpions on the earth to have power.
Verse 13, the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God, once saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, release the four angels who are bound at the great
Euphrates and the four angels who had been prepared for that hour and a day, the month and the year, been released so that they would kill a third of mankind.
Wow, that's going to be something. Verse 18, a third of mankind was killed by these three plagues.
In chapter 11, verse 15 to 19, then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our
Lord. Interesting. And his Christ and he will reign forever and ever and the 24 elders who sat on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped
God. So there's going to be some stuff coming. And let's see.
Remember there's seven angels with the seven trumpets, right? So this is a seventh angel. That means a seventh trumpet, right?
And loud voices, the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord is Christ will reign forever and ever.
24 elders that represents a church who sit on the thrones before God fell on their faces and worship God. And saying we thank you, oh
God almighty, who are and who were, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
And the nations were enraged and your wrath came. Now I think this verse kind of goes better with pre -millennialism myself.
I do. Because I don't think any view has all the answers, but that's what I would say. But that's another topic.
And the temple of God, which is in heaven, was opened. The dark of the covenant appeared at the temple. Okay, now the last trumpet is a seventh trumpet.
And that's when the dead in Christ will rise. So 1 Corinthians 15, 52, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and will be changed.
Now I read through very quickly in Revelation, bad stuff's coming.
It's going to get really bad. And then it says the last trumpet the dead will be raised imperishable.
This is also what is spoken of in 1 Thessalonians 4, 16, for the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout of an archangel and the dead in Christ shall rise first. And we who are alive and remain shall be cut up together and meet him in the air.
That's the rapture, which happens at the seventh trumpet, which happens after all the crap.
Pre -trib rapture is gone. Period. It's gone. Okay. Yeah, that's what it says in 1
Thessalonians 4, for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, with a trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
The trumpet, that's the last trumpet, the seventh trumpet of Revelation 11, tells us that that's when the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our
Lord. We know that this is preceded by all kinds of crap on the earth.
This is the rapture, the resurrection. We're going through it all.
I don't see any way out of this. Okay. I don't see any way out of this.
Let's see how many people are yelling at me. Someone says go suck on a blanket, doofus.
Who's that to? That's pretty good, I like that. Hey, dude, you okay? It's not warm and fuzzy.
No, not warm and fuzzy. We get taken out and all the non -believers get all this bad stuff. Right. You get to watch it from above stuff.
Well, what happens a lot of times when this kind of stuff is talked about, because a lot of people have done this, it's a bad thing.
They've identified a theological position that they identify with.
And that is all comprised of the blonde hair, blue -eyed Caucasian surfer,
Jesus, standing at the door of your heart, asking permission for you to let him in because he's so kind and gentle. He's not going to let you go through difficulties because the wrath of God is coming on the unbelievers, not for the church, we're taken out.
And that's just how it is. Because if this is the case, then that blonde hair, blue -eyed Caucasian surfer,
Jesus might not be the correct image that they have. It might not be that. It might be that he creates people for the purpose of destruction, which it says in Proverbs 16, 4 and Romans 9, 22 and 23.
All right. Now, so you guys know, and I'm going to do this for the sake of the readers, for the listeners.
I die to attend these Bible studies, Jessica Marie Ann Ott. Well, come to Idaho and you can.
All right. There's only a few of us in the room here, just a few of us. So they're dregs of society.
They fit in here really well, except you're not a dreg. You're a cop. You earned a lot of respect. I have a lot of respect for police.
I do. And then I insult everybody here. So they like it. They're all smiling. Except for now he's smiling.
Okay. They all said amen. Almost said amen. That's right. Okay. So, you know, the thing of two men in the field, one is taken, one is left.
That is the wicked who were taken. It is definitely not the good who are taken. It's the wicked who are taken.
Okay. And should I? Because they're bad. They're wicked.
They're taken for judgment. I'll read the scriptures. We'll go through it. Okay. All right. Matthew 24, 37 through 41, for the coming of the son of man will be just like the days of Noah, for as in those days before the flood, they were eating, they were drinking, they were giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark.
And they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away. Who's taken? It's the bad people.
I'm going to prove it. Because then they might say, no, the bad people were there. And Noah was taken in the ark because he was taken in the ark, wasn't he?
So, will be the coming of the son of man, then there'll be two men in the field, one is taken, one is left. That's the rapture, Matt. Don't you know anything?
No, I don't know anything. Now let's go to Luke 17, 26. It says, just as it happened in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the son of man.
They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.
So, Luke 17 just gives us a little bit of clarity. The destruction or the ones who are taken are obviously the wicked.
That's what it says. Okay. However, the verse 34,
I tell you that on that night, there'll be two men in one bed. This is Luke 17, 34. I tell you on that night, there'll be two men in one bed.
One will be taken, the other will be left. There'll be two women grinding at the same place. One will be taken and the other will be left.
Two men will be in the field. One will be taken, the other will be left. And answered, they said, well, where? And he said, where the body is, the vultures also will be gathered.
They're taken to a place of death and destruction. Now, for a lot of people who are listening to this, this is new.
And they're saying to themselves, that cannot possibly be right. Well, it is.
And what you have to do is go to Matthew 24, 37 and Luke 17, 26, and just start reading.
Just compare them. And you will see that the ones who were taken are the wicked. I have never, ever had anybody deny that once they've read it.
It's always been a hundred percent. They go, that's what it says. And then where are they taken? They're taken to a place of destruction.
That's what it says. Okay. All right. Okay. Now the rapture occurs, folks.
That's 1 Thessalonians 4, 16 through chapter five, verse two. Okay. But this is not about the rapture. And I got to issue my standard complaint about this.
Why is it that of all the years and the preachers I've heard who talk about the two men taken, one is left, they all say it's a pre -trib rapture.
And it clearly is not. It clearly is not. What is wrong with them that they don't figure this out on their own?
Why is it that they're not going through and reading what it says and checking it?
Because they have an agenda or they just don't care, or they just are so convinced it doesn't occur to them to double check.
I think that's what it is. They just don't, they're not just honest. I'm going to kind of a partial one. When I was saved, which was the biggest thing that ever happened in my life.
And they taught pre -tribulation rapture. They taught the whole thing.
So I related, and I know other people do the same thing. They're saved. They relate that time, that great time to what is taught around the church.
And they don't look into it. They just believe what's told them. And those people might've done the same thing.
And they, so there's that relationship of I was saved and they taught me this. So it's gotta be right. They trust people.
Yeah. And that's why I say, do not trust a guy named Slick, who's teaching you this. You need to go to the word of God and you check it out.
It makes a good point because that's the thing I believed until we heard you on the radio.
And then we went to the Deprescatology. Class I taught, Deprescatology, yes.
Still traumatized. Still traumatized. Yeah, good. Yeah.
A lot of people have been converted. And in fact, I just got a call from Eric Johnson today and he's driving to a men's retreat at their church.
And some of the guys in there were talking about me from the radio show. And he goes, oh yeah, let's call Matt. So they called me and they were talking because they saw me at the, one of the meetings
I was at their last couple weeks ago, no big deal. And they said that listening to me is what brought them to reform theology.
I've gotten that so much that they become, you know, reformed. And I also get it that their eschatology is tweaked.
And notice what I try and do. I just try and say, look, what does it say? But remember,
I also say, now, you know, maybe there's somebody with better answers out there. And I'm open and I'm serious.
I'm open to being corrected. If some expert out there says, Matt, you're very good, but not good enough, let me show you where you're making a mistake.
I would sit down and be taught. If they could convince me, not that I have a chip on my shoulder, but it's like, yeah, it's what it says.
It's what it says, you know, because I'm open because I want to be responsible before God. And sometimes
God uses people to correct, bring it on. It's what we need.
And so that's the right attitude to have anyway. Also, yes,
I'm a partial preterist, post -tribulation amillennialist. That's correct, Jessica, who also is a covenantalist, believes in infant baptism, but not for salvation as a covenant sign and also believes the wicked are taken first.
That's correct. Matthew Stevens is a metaphor for a long period of time.
Yeah, we'll get into that 1 ,000 stuff. All right. So Matthew 13, 36 to 43.
Then he left the crowds and went to a house and his disciples came to him and said, explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.
And he said, the one who sows the good seed is the son of man and the field is the world.
And as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom and the tares are, I skipped some stuff. I did.
I skipped. Let me go back. I went, I go to Matthew 13, 24 first and then go here. My bad.
I did 13, 24. Jesus presented another parable to them saying the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
But while his men were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away. But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident.
Also, the slaves of the landowner came and said to him, sir, did you not sow good seed in your field?
How then does it have tares? And he said to them, an enemy has done this. The slaves said to him, do you want us then to go and gather them up?
But he said, no, for while you're gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Verse 30, allow both to go together until the harvest.
And the time of the harvest, I'll say the reapers first gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up, but gather the wheat to my barn.
So here's the question, who's the first ones gathered at the harvest? The wicked.
That's what it says. He says, first gather up the tares to bind them, but gather the wheat into the barn.
The tares are the unbelievers. Now we're going to go to the verse about the interpretation of this. So the first ones gathered at the harvest is the wicked.
And we know from Matthew 24, Luke 17, where the body is of vultures gather. I think they're taken to a place of destruction.
That's what I believe. Now we go to Matthew 13, 36. And he left the crowds and went to the house and his disciples came to him and said, explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.
And he said, the one who sows the good seed is the son of man and the field is the world.
And as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom and the tares are the sons of the And the enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age.
And the reapers are the angels. So when is this done?
At the end of the age. So wait a minute, the wicked are taken first at the end of the age, right?
That's what it says. That's what it says. Okay. The wicked are gathered at the end of the age.
That's verse 40. The wicked are gathered at the end of the age. And I mean, that's verse 39.
Verse 40, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.
The end of the age is when a lot happens. The son of man will send forth his angels, they will gather out of his kingdom, all stumbling blocks and those who commit lawlessness and throw them into the furnace of fire.
Where are they taken? With a body as the vultures gather, the furnace of fire at the end of the age.
The wicked are taken first. That's what it says. The righteous will shine forth as a son in the kingdom of their father who has ears, let them hear.
That's what it says, right? Now this is really kind of bewildering to a lot of people.
They go, wait a minute. I know that people listening to this are saying, I have never heard this before.
It's a shame if you've never heard it before. If you've been a Christian just for a little bit, okay, we can understand that.
But if you've been a Christian for very long, then for years, you should already be aware of this stuff.
You should already know what this stuff is. You should already have heard of this. You just should have.
Now let's go to Mark 13, 24 -27. Mark 13, 24 -27.
It says this, but in those days after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
After the tribulation of those days. Hey, where's Jake? Oh, he's right there. Okay. Boy, that was good.
They missed it, didn't they? It was really great. Too bad. That was really good. Okay. Okay. So after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
Now, didn't we read in Revelation 8 -11 where it talks about the angels send forth and the sun will be blocked out, third of the stars darkened and all that stuff.
But after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
And the stars will be falling from heaven and the powers that are the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
And then he will send forth his angels and will gather together his elect from the four winds from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven.
When does the gathering of the elect occur? Before or after the tribulation? After the tribulation.
He said so. Yeah, it says the elect. Those are the
Christians. And the elect are the chosen ones before the foundation of the world, Ephesians 1 -4. He chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless.
2 Thessalonians 2 -13, he chose us from the beginning for salvation. That's what election is.
Okay, now, all right, so let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see.
So, okay, so we have this little bit of a summation. We'll go through some more stuff.
So this age and the age to come, two ages, right? With me so far?
Hope everybody there and out there on the nets listening. And if someone disagrees, do it biblically.
Don't just say I'm wrong. Now, the judgment of the wicked is at the end of the age, Matthew 13 -39.
The tares are gathered up and burned at the end of the age, Matthew 13 verses 40, 49 -50, and also
Matthew 13 -30. The resurrection of the goods at the end of the age, Mark 10 -30,
Mark, Matthew 13 -39, 40, 49. We already went through this, all right? We already went through these.
The elect are gathered at the end of the age with the sound of the trumpet, Matthew 24 -31. The harvest occurs at the same time as the judgment of the wicked,
Matthew 13 -39. The rapture occurs after the tribulation, Matthew 24 -23, 29 -31.
The resurrection of the good is on the last day, John 6 -39, 40, 44, 54, 11 -24.
The resurrection of the good is on the day of the Lord, John 6 -39 -54, and 1
Thessalonians 4. At the last trumpet, the dead are raised and the rapture occurs, okay? That's 1
Thessalonians 15 -52. Now, what I did,
I'm going to show this on the screen. I have a chart here. Okay, I have a chart here.
So what I'm going to do is show this here, and I'll hold it up for a little while, and hopefully you guys can see it, but it's on the
CARM site, all right? It's already in the CARM site, and it is on the article,
Two Ages in Support of Amillennialism. And what we just went through is where this is all put in place, okay?
So you can see we took the end of this age, we took the last day, the day of the
Lord, the last trumpet, and after tribulation. Those are the top columns, and the side columns, the judgment of the good, the wicked are gathered, the judgment of the wicked, the elect are gathered, the harvest, the resurrection,
Jesus returns, the rapture, like a thief, the rapture, new heavens, new earth. And so you can see what
I did here, and this table, table one, is on the CARM website. Maybe Charlie, if he's watching, he does this sometimes if he's in, he'll put in links, but somebody can go find it on CARM, put the link in.
Now, all right, what we're seeing here is something interesting, that when you look at all of these and put them all together, you see the judgment of the good is the day of the
Lord, and the wicked are gathered at the end of the age. But the judgment of the wicked is at the end of the age, which is also the last day, which is also the day of the
Lord. You have it all here, okay? The elect are gathered at the end of this age, and the harvest is at the end of the age, but we know the judgment of the wicked is at the end of the age, which is also the last day, which is also the day of the
Lord, so the elect are gathered, and the harvest occurs on the last day, the day of the Lord. Excuse me, okay?
Furthermore, the resurrection occurs on the last day, that's
John 6, 39, 40, 44. The day of the Lord is when the resurrection occurs, and the last trumpet is in the resurrection.
See, all of these are coming together at the same time. Jesus' return is at the end of this age, and which is also called the day of the
Lord, which is after the tribulation. The rapture occurs at the end of this age, the day of the
Lord, last trumpet, after the tribulation period, and the thief that comes like a thief in the night, or like a thief, the day of the
Lord comes like a thief, that's the day of the Lord. That's when the new heavens and new earth are made.
So this is what I'm saying here, and you guys can do this later. You can look it up on the site and go through the chart here, but there's more to that article, all right?
What I literally did was just copy that thing and put it on this piece of paper and printed it up, all right? Now, oh, you did?
Good. Let's see what people said. There's more. Salvation is not conditional.
I don't care how many Reformed people think it is. We don't think it's conditional. It's unconditional.
Okay. What are you doing to keep yourself acceptable? Okay, whatever. Reformed do not think salvation is...
Okay, good. Someone corrected that. I believe you are this way as it's supposed to be meant... Oh, yeah, yeah. People are arguing about other things.
All right, now. So here's a paragraph, and I'm going to read this. You won't be able to memorize and put it all together, but it's a summation, and that's this summation right here.
I'm just going to read that paragraph right there, all right? At the end of this age, the wicked are gathered, and there's the verses.
I won't go over the verses. At the end of this age, the wicked are gathered and judged. Also, that is when the elect are gathered, which is when the rapture occurs at Jesus' return.
On the last day, the wicked are judged, but that is also the day of the resurrection, which occurs at the last trumpet, which is also when the rapture occurs.
The resurrection occurs on the day of the Lord, which is also Jesus' return and rapture. All happens after the tribulation.
The day of the Lord, which is Jesus' return, the rapture, and the resurrection will come like a thief in the night, which is also when the new heavens and new earth are made.
Everything happens on the last day. Heck of a day.
It's going to be a heck of a day, and... Okay, so... Go ahead.
So, are you going to talk about whether the day is a day or if it's a thousand years day?
A day is but a thousand years, a thousand years, but a day, that's just a figurative use. Because when it talks about the day, because Jesus returns the same way, and that's the day of judgment, the day of his return, and it occurred just as you saw him go up, you know, just, you know, maybe took 20 minutes, five minutes, half hour, an hour, we don't know.
Could have been a minute. Could have been 30 seconds, but it was quick. It wasn't like a week long, okay?
So, they were standing there, they saw him go up, and the angels spoke to him. You know, it wasn't like the next day. So, he's going to return, it makes sense to say it's a single real day, okay?
Now, what I did with the next chart is I just rearranged stuff a different way, and it's a two -part chart, and this one, this one you're going to have to, you know, you should, you should look up on that article and just go through and, and just check out all this information, because it's there, okay?
It's just there, and there we go.
All right, now, so what
I've shown is that when you do the table, this age and the age to come, what you'll find on this age is when the wicked are gathered, the judgment of the wicked occurs, the elect are gathered, the harvest occurs, the return of Jesus, and the judgment of the wicked.
But the judgment of the wicked occurs on the last day, but yet the wicked are gathered at the end of the age, and the judgment of the wicked occurs on the last day.
So, that must logically imply that when the wicked are gathered to be burned, that's a judgment on the last day.
Now, someone might say, well, they're gathered seven years before, but if they do, then that blows out their pre -trib stuff, because the
Christians are taken right away next, and the wicked are taken out of his kingdom. The judgment of the good is on the day of the
Lord, and the judgment of the wicked is on the day of the Lord. And the resurrection occurs on the day of the
Lord, which is all right there at the last day. Jesus' return is the day of the
Lord. The rapture is called the day of the Lord. I got the references all right there. The new heavens and new earth come like a thief on the day of the
Lord. The last trumpet, the resurrection, that's the last trumpet when the resurrection occurs, which is when
Jesus returns at the resurrection, the rapture occurs. That's the day of the Lord, which is the last day.
That's where the last trumpet is, which is Jesus' return after tribulation, which is the rapture after the tribulation.
Case closed. Case closed. Okay, so the question that I've always wondered is if all of the
Christians are taken out before anything bad happens, then how does anybody spread the word about Jesus?
If they're all gone, then what? People just happen to pick up on people being treated, or God adopts them, and they convert.
I mean, how does that happen if we're all gone? So how it works is, what
I believe, is that things are going to get worse and worse as the Democrats and the totalitarian, fascist, pig, wacko morons become more and more in power, and the big tech censors us more and more, and our government turns against us more and more, and it happens all over the world.
I believe the persecution is coming. We're appointed to suffer. We're granted to suffer. A year is passive indicative of Philippians 1 .29.
It means that it's granted by God for us to do this. Now, you can see
I have a little disdain for what's happening and how it's going with the evil that's on the rise, but it is.
Now, so what I suspect will happen is we're going to go through the tribulation period. I don't have any problem with the tribulation period, and the antichrist will be revealed.
We're going through the whole time. Christians are going to be persecuted. They're also going to be underground movements.
I'm actually literally working on something about this, to release on carm in a while, what to do for your family, what to do for the children.
It's going to be low level because I don't have all this super knowledge about secret this and that, but the things that Christians need to do to start preparing themselves, having groups that they meet in, being willing to prioritize what you're going to be willing to go to jail for and stuff like this, and hope that it never comes to fruition, but I'm working on this.
It'll be a while before I release it because as I'm doing this, I'm realizing, well, they're going to have to know what this means, and I got to write an article on that, and that this means.
Then I got something else I got to finish up. It's called a family teaching course, or yeah, family training course, but that's another thing.
Anyway, sorry, I digress. I got way off. We're going to go through tribulation. It's going to get so bad that the unbelieving world, which will be in control, will bring itself to destruction, and Jesus is going to come back in and stop it.
Matthew 24, 22, if those days be not cut short, no flesh will be left. In fact, we should go to Matthew 24 and just start reading it, and we'll go through that.
So we go through everything, and we're not delivered from it. We go through it.
So elect according to the foreknowledge of God. Foreknowledge does not mean he looks into the future to see who'd pick him.
Foreknowledge means a knowing kind of relationship. Now, what I'm saying is that no one has been able to answer how, if all the
Christians are gone, how... The Christians aren't gone. They're aren't gone. No, but when I'm...
The Christians, the wicked are taken up, destroyed, whatever. The Christians are immediately taken, and the new heavens and new earth occurs right there.
So the Christians are here the whole time. They're not taken away. Right. You meant for the other view. Yeah. Oh. How are they able to...
They can't ever answer... Oh, I see. How the people who have read the word about Jesus and God...
I gotcha. ...are all gone, and all... Oh, no, the answer is because... They never give me an answer.
It's like, well, they just know it. Well, how do they just know it? The answer is that there are people who will become
Christians during the tribulation period. They missed the rapture opportunity. They're going to go through the tribulation, and they're going to make converts who make more converts.
Then there'll be another kind of a gathering of sorts. That was a movie. That's the answer.
Okay. So they don't know that. They don't own any... Oh, so in other words, it's the, I knew the information, but I didn't choose it, so that...
The rapture occurs. It's real. Now I believe. Now I believe. Yeah. See, no one...
They've not been able to give me that, and it's like, well, how... Okay. How do we get saints out of it then?
That's how it works. Yeah. Yep. Okay. Ready? Let's go to Matthew 24. We're going to go through it verse by verse.
Jesus came out of the temple and was going away when his disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to him.
And he said to them, Do you see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.
As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, Tell us, when will these things happen?
And what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? And Jesus answered and said to them,
See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in my name saying,
I am the Christ, and will mislead many. You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.
See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place. But that is not the end.
Now, is he talking as though it's pre -trib rapture? You'll be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.
See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place. But that is not yet the end.
For nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And in various places there'll be famines and earthquakes.
But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Oh boy.
Then they will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you. And you'll be hated by all nations because of my name.
Now that's a scary verse. Verse nine. All the nations are going to hate you.
Who's he talking to? Well, we could make the case he's Jewish disciples.
We could make the case he's talking to all Christians. And there's advantages and disadvantages to each one.
But we'll just leave it open like that. Be hated by all nations because of my name.
Let me ask you guys some questions. Hollywood movies, they portray Christians in a good light or negative light?
Negative. We're psychotic. Psychotic bigot. Okay. How about sitcoms? Christians, are they ever present?
They're idiots. They're idiots. How about commercials? They don't hear about commercials, but men are idiots.
So books, movies, magazines, Christians are hypocrites. Who are the good people?
Who are the heroes in movies and stuff like that? We have Pride Month. Pride Month.
Yeah. Who else? Non -Christians. Non -Christians. What? People of color.
People of color. Yeah. People who love the world. People of the world. You often have rebels, drug addicts.
You have murderers. You have people who are in gangs. They become the heroes, the deliverers.
A guy who's serving time for murder in the city jail in Washington, D .C. ran for a position on a neighborhood council to advise the government for that neighborhood.
Got elected. Are you serious? I gotta find that. So a guy who's in jail.
He was in jail? Yeah. He's in Washington, D .C.
They have rights now. Yeah, they have rights. So a guy who's in jail for murder was elected to office.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Wow. That's pretty good. He's gonna be coming soon.
How's he gonna be making his meetings? Right. They'll have to come. I was wondering about that.
Yeah. They'll release him. They'll do whatever they can do to help him. Zoom meetings. Zoom. Okay.
You ready? Let's go some more here. They'll deliver you over to tribulation.
So let's just say it's the believers. Okay. They'll kill you and be hated by all nations because of my name.
This is coming. Now, America is an anomaly in history because of the
Christian basis of our country. People don't know the Christian basis, but it was started.
There's some interesting stories about it, but Christian basis. And so persecution of Christians is what's normal in nations.
It's coming to us. Anyway, at that time, many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.
So that means the Christian church is going to go bad. It is. And it already has.
In 2 Thessalonians 2, 3, for the return of Christ and the arrival of the Antichrist cannot come unless the apostasy comes first.
Now, there are pastors who are doing a good job of teaching and preaching.
There are. And I know some here in the area. And there's others all over the country. I just don't know them. But for the most part, the
Christian church is failing miserably to do what it's called to do. It's not taken seriously in the world.
The world is kicking it out the back door, insulting the Christian faith. They use the
Lord's name in vain everywhere all the time. It means nothing to them. They're breaking the
Ten Commandments, flaunting it in God's face. How long will he suffer through all of this? But there's going to be a great apostasy, in part,
I believe, because a lot of people are going to be putting their faith in the Pre -Trib Rapture. I think that would be a small part of it.
But I think others are going to be saying God is supposed to be making me healthy and wealthy. Persecution?
Forget it. I won't endure the persecution. We're going to find out who's really going to be persecuted.
Now, I'm going to say something here at this point. If someone were to say to me, Matt, what would you do? Someone put a gun to your head and said, deny
Christ. I don't know what I would do. I honestly could tell you I don't know.
This question was asked of Rod Rosenblatt in my Lutheran college I went to, in our theology class, a well -respected teacher.
And someone asked him that question. And he paused. And he gave the most perfect response
I'd ever heard. He said, I can only hope I would never deny him. But if I do, it's because of my sin.
And if I don't, it's because of his grace. I went, that's it.
It's perfect. And I never forgot that. And that was what
I learned. If I deny
Christ, it's because of my sin. But if I don't, it's because of God's grace. And that was what
I learned. That was the one thing, the single one sentence phrase, truth,
I got out of college. And the one I got out of seminary, the one that sticks in my mind, when a professor went up to the board and said, guys,
I'm going to teach you one of the important things you'll ever learn here. Oh, good. And he wrote two sentences, there is a
God, you are not him. And we talked. And over the years, yeah,
I was right. So anyway, let me continue. Many will fall away, betray one another.
Verse 11, many false prophets will arise and will mislead many because lawlessness is increased.
Most people's love will grow cold. Now notice this, because lawlessness is increased. What do we see?
Lawlessness is increasing. Who's responsible for that? The defund, the police, moron,
BLM, burn, loot, murder, wackos, the leftist jerks who are
Marxist. These are the ones. What's the Christian church doing? A lot of them are embracing it.
Yeah, look at Southern Baptists and their new president, guys, a woke idiot. Yeah, a woke idiot.
You're right. Many false prophets will arise and mislead many.
We know that's a fact. Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold, but the one who endures to the end will be saved.
It doesn't mean salvation. If you endure through it, you'll be saved through all this. The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
So wait a minute. During this persecution, the gospel's going to be preached? Yep. Let me ask you.
Look at this house I've got here. I've got two cars and a wonderful computer setup.
Oh, I love it. And because I've got these things, I have to kind of guard them.
But what if something happened and all of it's gone, and I just have the bare necessities?
Well, there's something about being free to be able to go anywhere, do anything. You know, if I had a van or something, a nice van that I could live, you know, van down by the river.
Chris Farley, you guys don't know that one? Saturday Night Live, years ago, Chris Farley, he's a motivational speaker, and he's talking about blah, blah, blah.
And otherwise, you end up like me and living in a van down by the river. And he would say it that way, and it was, and the actors are trying not to smile and crack up.
And he said it like so many times, but he's fat, and he would pull up his pants, break the tail.
Oh, he was, it's funny. You got to see it. Did you see the one where he does that on a bicycle?
Yep. On the exercise bicycle, and he did a motivational speech. Yeah, he was so good.
Down by the river. Yeah. So anyway, boy, was that an aggression.
So, you know, if I had something and I was living in a van, down by the river, living in a van, whatever,
I'd be free to go anywhere or flee. In fact, I know people who are looking for land to be able to flee to, to build stuff on.
People are starting to prep. Yeah. I mean, you can't find ammo anymore.
It's gone. You have to order it weeks in advance. Nighthawk. I just bought some. Nighthawk?
Nine? Across from R .C. Willie and Boise. Well, not now. I had a lot of nine millimeters.
Oh, over there. That's where I got, never mind. Yeah. 20 bucks a box. For how many? 20?
50. 50 for 20 bucks of nine? 20, 21. Yeah. I bought three boxes. That doesn't sound right.
Oh, I'm going to go. Yeah. Okay. And everybody else listening online. Yeah. They're going to, they're going to fly in and grab some.
The viewers are leaving. Leave it at it. The numbers are going down. Okay. Nighthawk. Okay. They're listening in.
Here's the NSA for you. It's off of Eagle. Of Eagle.
As you go north on Eagle, it's on the left side. It'll be on the west side. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world. Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation, which is spoken of through Daniel, the prophet standing in the holy place, let the reader understand that those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.
Oh, it looks like he's talking to the Jews. Okay. Come on. They did.
60, 64 with Nero. So this was fulfilled largely in the first century.
And, and, well, we'll get into some stuff. So, uh, they desecrated the temple. They went, they burned it down.
The reason the stones were torn down one by one is because the gold for the various instruments that they had that were sacred melted in the fire, went into the cracks.
And so they tore everything down to get to the melted gold and the cracks between the rocks. And so when those are in Judea must flee to the mountains, whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out of the, they're in the house.
Whoever's in the field must not turn back to get his cloak, but woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days.
Oh, wait a minute. The blonde hair, black, Caucasian surfer, Jesus wouldn't let pregnant ladies have to suffer like that.
And they're nursing babes. Apparently so. But pray that your flight will not be in the winter or on the
Sabbath. That'd be tough here in Idaho in the winter for then there will be a great tribulation such as not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.
So all this stuff happens. And then the tribulation, then it's going to be even worse.
When I talk about this, I'm just thinking people are going, I don't want to hear this. Okay. You know, that's fine.
But it's what it says, what it says. Okay. Go home early.
Yeah. This is called depressed catology. But woe to those who are pregnant and nursing and flight on the winter verse 21, the great tribulation such as not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be.
See, that's when it's going to get really bad. But then, okay.
And in verse 22, unless those days had been cut short, no life would be saved. And with the word life there in the
Greek is, is sarx, which means flesh. Okay. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
Let me take a little tangent on what I believe about this. This is my opinion. You can disagree. I believe my opinion is that in Genesis 2, 17, when
God said to Adam, the day that you eat of the fruit, you're going to die. Now death is spiritual separation from God as well as physical death.
So physical death is a manifestation of spiritual death. True death is the first death, the spiritual death.
That's true death. And in Adam all die, 1
Corinthians 15, 22. So I believe that when God said the day that you eat of this, you're going to die, that he was speaking to Adam.
I also suspect he was speaking to all mankind. And the wages in his death, they're going to, the unbelievers are going to be in control.
They're going to be pursuing the Christians who are going to be fleeing and preaching at the same time. And if those days hadn't been cut short, no life would be left.
No flesh. That's seems to imply a major world destruction.
What could, what, what could justify that? What do we have any knowledge of how that might occur?
Nuclear. You ever heard of the neutron bomb? You heard about how, I forget where it is in the old
Testament, the plague comes out of heaven, their eyes dry up, their tongue dries up. And they die.
That's what the neutron bomb does. They exploded, I think four or five miles up in the atmosphere and it covers 10 miles or whatever it does.
And you just, nothing's damaged, but you slowly decay over a period of days.
Your organs, your sight goes, you start falling. That maybe that falling apart, oozing apart.
It's bad. No, I get it. Yeah. That's why
I joke a lot, make up for all the tragedy that I know is coming. So that's what
I suspect. Then if anyone says to you, behold, here is the Christ or there he is, do not believe him for false
Christ and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to mislead if possible, even the elect.
Great signs and wonders. The miraculous is coming. And there's going to be such an apostasy, such a falling away from the church.
There's going to be such a falling away of just truth, even by the unbelievers.
They're going to believe demonic stuff. Now we can go to other places about the antichrist, where it talks about him receiving a wound on his right eye in his right arm or withered.
And it looks like he comes back to life signs and wonders. What's going to probably happen.
What I suspect is going to happen is the world's going to become convinced that the antichrist is a savior of the world.
All these tribulations, all these problems are bad, and he's going to start blaming the Christians and we
Christians are going to say, no, he's bad. And they are going to turn on us. I would not be surprised if in that situation, there weren't bands of people with guns going around looking for Christians to kill.
I'm not kidding. It says, behold,
I've told you in advance. So if I, if they say to you, behold, he's in the wilderness, do not go out or behold, he's in the inner room.
Do not believe them for just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the son of man be.
Wherever the corpse is, the vultures will gather. This is what Jesus is teaching. But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall in the sky.
The powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the son of man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.
Is there any mention here of a secret coming to get people out of it? Nothing.
It's just not there. And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from the, uh, from one end of the sky to the other.
So he's saying this is when the rapture occurs after the tribulation. This is too easy.
It's too easy. What? Um, so going back to verse 15.
15 of Matthew 24. Yes. Where abomination of desolation.
The account switched back to the future. It's all future. But when does it switch from?
That's what partial preterism would say is that now I'm a partial preterist because of this, uh, this section of scripture.
Uh, partial preterist. Okay. So full preterism says that all of what was spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24 was fulfilled by AD 70.
All of it occurred. Everything. Full preterist, but that just denies scripture. Partial preterist says he's speaking here of those people.
Watch out and run. And also of the generation later, because he says, uh, and I was looking at this a while back.
Where was it? Oh man. I just went too far.
I had it. Oh man. Boy, I just keeps going.
Um, where is it?
I'm trying to find it. I remember seeing, it looks like a break when, uh,
I can't remember where it is, where it looks like a break at a point where it seemed to imply those of the generation then.
Uh, Matthew 24, 34 says, truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all of these things take place.
I think it was that, or was it something else? I think that might've been it. Right. Yeah.
Cause that's what he says. It will not pass away until these things take place. Well, that's also the return of Christ and the, and the rapture.
So it has to be the future. This is why we call it partial preterism. And obviously they was talking to the
Jews then. And when Nero became a Caesar or whatever, yeah, he was just a murderous, evil person and people fled so that it was fulfilled there.
But it seems to also be fulfilled later because you'll see the son of man coming. But the full preterists say the son of man was, he returned in the armies of Jerusalem, but that's refuted by acts one, uh, nine to 11.
This man whom you have seen go up into the clouds will return in just the same way. Period. That refutes full preterism.
So hence partial preterism is left over. That is a, it's a, it's partially fulfilled.
Then it'll be partially fulfilled and more fully fulfilled now or soon. That's called partial preterism, which it's within orthodoxy.
Okay. So that's what I hold to. And this is why, all right. And, um, that same, he's looking at, uh, 24 and 30.
We'll see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Um, I've heard the argument from those that are post mill that this is him coming in judgment and they draw from a couple of different prophecies from the
Old Testament that speak of judgment coming on the clouds, uh, the temple, um, in 80, 70.
Do you believe that part is future? I hold a partial preterism and I reject respectfully, lovingly with my brothers who hold to that reject post millennialism.
We're going through it. It's going to get bad if, because post millennialism says, it says basically, uh, that things are going to get better and better.
And by the conversion of the world, the kingdom of God will be brought in completely or manifested completely.
There's variations. But Jesus says in verse 22, if those days be not cut short, no flesh will be left.
It doesn't sound like post millennialism to me, unless they want to say, uh, well, no, that's just for that period of time.
And it's talking about those people there and then it's cut short and then things get better overall that they could say,
I'd say, well, then show me that. But when you look at this age and age to come and everything happens at the end of this age,
I still see it highly problematic. I know it's,
I'm not trying to derail. No sweat. Um, Matthew 12, 28. But if it is by the spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God is not the
Davidic kingdom. Oh, what is the Davidic kingdom?
Is it fulfilled in Christ? Is he the son of David? He's called. Then that's the case because then the kingdom of God is among you.
If he's casting out demons, which he's done, which means that the kingdom of God is there and Satan is bound, which is what it says later in that very pericope, which also, if you'll note, he says in Matthew 13, 30 or 40, 41, when the wicked are taken, he says the wicked are taken out of his kingdom.
So the implication is his kingdom is here and the wicked are in it and they're being taken out, which if you think about it is a severe rebuke to the church, because if we're in the kingdom of God now here, then why aren't we acting like it?
So that's, that's it. I can't remember where it was, but Jesus says we are in the kingdom now because he's here.
Because he's here. Yeah. Yeah. That's another, another. Yeah. Yeah, I know
I'm kind of jumping. It's all right. But it says, um, 52, uh, 25, 25, 24.
And then a little bit on from there, um, cause we see, uh, it's talking about the resurrection in verse 20.
But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. The first groups of those who have fallen asleep for is by a man came death by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead for as an
Adam all die. So also in Christ shall all be in life, but each in his own order. Christ, the first groups then is coming.
So we know it's speaking of the second coming there. Those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end. When he delivers the kingdom to God, the father, destroying every rule of every authority and power where the question is for, he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For God has put all things in subjection under his feet.
But when it says things are, but in subjection to put all things in subjection under.
Um, so if he brought that kingdom and has all ruled authority, great commission says, um, that which is on earth and that which in heaven, therefore go and make disciples of the nations is
Christ actively putting all enemies under his feet through his bride of church. I would say that he's doing it through the preaching of the gospel, the proclamation of the truth of the cross of what he has done.
And then with the fact that he is king, he's doing this. But we are the subjects of the king and we're not doing our job.
And that's why we're having a problem. See, I, my position with this is that we have far more rule and authority as Christians.
Then we are, uh, actualizing. That's what
I believe. I believe the church is extremely powerful, but I believe that it has, as Jesus says, our house divided against itself will not stand.
So we have Calvinists against our minions, against Wesleyans, against the Methodists, against the whatever. And it goes on and on and on.
I'm sorry, but you believe in pre -trib rapture. Well, I can't be fellowshipping with you. You believe in the charismatic gifts. We can't fellowship. And we have these divisions and what they're doing is taking their eyes off of the essentials of the faith and putting them on audiophore.
And we have divisions and we don't want to work with each other. So the reason I'm bringing this part out, because I think that what this is dealing with is the reality of what we have now, that we have this.
Christ is the King. We are Kings and priests with Christ. We are reigning with him now. I forgot what the scriptures is that says that, and that we have that authority and that power in this world right now.
Now you think about it. How much is one? I'm not trying to look at me, look at me, but think about it. What's one person done and only by the grace of God, only by the power of God, only by God, God's grace, but radio, net books, teaching, what can one person do?
And I'm defective. What if we got good people out there who really knew stuff, who were really going for God, could really do stuff that God can raise up anybody and he can use anybody.
And I think what people need to do is start saying, use me, use me, use me in the kingdom. That's already here because the wicked are taken out of his kingdom and he's all,
I believe he's reigning. I believe it's necessary. I believe it's going to happen. He's going to clean it all up and say, this is mine.
You're out of here. That's what I think. And because we're being apathetic about the reign of Christ and the truth of his
Lordship in our lives and in this world that we Christians have sat down and because we're going to get out of here by the rapture, no one believes that stuff.
And so they act like we're going to get out of here because it could get so bad. We got to leave. I think that's sinful.
That's my position. Yeah, that's what I say.
Yeah. Okay. I just believe we have the ability.
I believe we can do so much. All we got to do is do it. All we got to do is decide.
What if a church, let's say we had a church of like -minded people who were saying, we say, look, they say we are going to tithe for the purpose of evangelism and raising up ministers and pastors in order to train up people to plant more churches all over the world.
Whoever wants to go to the world, you want to go to seminary, we're going to support you in seminary, whatever it might be to do.
And this is what the churches would want to do instead of going to church and say, can we have some good songs to make me feel good?
I know what we can do as Christians. One person can affect the world.
Look at Biden. Yeah. One person can change the world.
One person can affect the world. That's right, change the world. All right. You guys got any questions or comments down there? I'm looking in the room here.
Can you talk with a thousand years in the reign of Christ? Yeah. Randall. Okay. If I have to, let's go to first Thessalonians, I mean,
Revelation 20. 20 what?
One. 21st one. Now I'm going to admit here that I don't have all the answers to this.
That's it. I don't leave now. And so I do believe that the position
I've taught has more support and answers more questions, but I don't have all the answers.
And I don't study this all the time. Verse one, then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, literal or figurative?
Literal. Holding the key of the abyss, literal or figurative? Figurative. And a great chain in his hand, literal or figurative?
And they'd hold the dragon, literal or figurative? Figurative. The serpent of old. Literal and figurative.
I'd say literal. Who's a devil? Literal. And bound him for a thousand years, literal or figurative?
That's the question. And because it's the question we have to ask, you know, he bound him for a thousand years.
Well, we don't know if a thousand is a literal one thousand year reign. It might be, but it might not be.
Because the context of this is that, you know, it's in the figurative context in verse three.
And threw him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him so that he would not deceive the nations any longer until the thousand years were completed.
So he wouldn't be deceived. He is bound because he's put in the abyss, right?
That's a good question. What do you mean bound? Let's go to Matthew 12, 22.
Then a demon -possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and he healed him so that the mute man spoke and saw.
All the crowds were amazed and were saying, this man cannot be the son of David, can he? But when the
Pharisees heard this, they said, this man casts out demons only by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.
And knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.
If Satan casts out Satan, now Jesus is saying, you know, if Satan's doing it by Satan, right?
He's divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out?
For this reason, they'll be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Or how can anyone, verse 29, enter the strong man's house and carry off his property unless he first binds the strong man and he'll plunder his house?
Who's the strong man? The devil. And was
Jesus casting out demons? Yes. Therefore, that means the strong man's bound.
That's the logic, right? Now, that's the right question.
What's the meaning of bound? And that's a fair question. Some say, well, if he's bound, then that means that he can't do anything bad anymore.
We don't know that. We're bound because someone who's bound by chains in a jail cell can still yell out and scream and do things and is not, you know, incapacitated.
And there's still a demonic realm. It doesn't say that all the demons are bound. And so some amillennialists say that he was bound at the time of Christ, but he's been let loose because he couldn't deceive the nations during that time.
But I would say the 1900s is when, if we're going to say any time in history when nations were deceived,
I would say that World War I, World War II is definitely a sign of that.
Is it proof? I wouldn't say it's proof. But some amillennialists will say we think that's what happened and that he's raising the nations to war, rumors of war, to go against each other more and more.
Vaccine, the mark of the beast? No. The vaccine, the mark of the beast?
No, it's not the mark of the beast. It might be the mark of the leftist. You can tell
I don't like the leftists. I started to do research on COVID today, and it's slow going, but I found some sites that are,
I'm looking for statistics and stuff, and they found 4 ,000 people who've been vaccinated, who have
COVID, they got it again. The vaccine is hard inflammations, pregnancy problems.
They said it would keep you from getting it. They said it would keep you out of the hospital, so you wouldn't get it.
Right, right. But you still get it and still give it. And so I don't trust the vaccine because there are too many people having problems.
And I'm in my 60s. And so the elderly, I guess technically I could say I'm elderly, are more susceptible to certain things.
Well, I had COVID earlier, last year, whatever it was, and was sick for a day.
And OK, so I've got natural immunity. So here's a question. If I've already had
COVID and have natural immunities, why do I need a vaccine? And if you've been vaccinated, why are you wearing a mask?
You know, it's just control crap. But at any rate, no, it's not the mark of the beast, because the mark of the beast deals with buying and selling.
Now, this could be interesting. If it turns into something, if you don't have your vaccination card, you can't buy or sell.
That would be time to get out your ammo. Sorry, but it would be.
Remember the Declaration of Independence, what it says? It says basically when the government becomes a president, you're under obligation to throw it off.
All right, so what else? Vaccine could be a precursor to the mark.
It could be, chaos theory. Nancy, Nancy, question, Matt. What is it that you, no.
Is the vaccine of the mark? You read it from Nancy, no. Okay, so what'd you guys think of this study?
I need counseling, Matt. How much do you charge? Counseling? Cookies. I should charge cookies. Is Revelation 12
Satan's original fall or a future fall? Let's see.
Revelation 12. Let me see. Yeah, that's what
I was thinking. Revelation 12, what? But it still wouldn't be the mark of the beast, because the son of perdition has not been revealed according to 2
Thessalonians 2, 3, 4. That's correct. Just kidding, Gavin. I lost none past,
I have lost none past tense. So we've got 74 people who are watching.
If anybody has any comments or questions, please ask. Please feel free to type it in.
I'll see it, and I can try and respond quickly. Now, I got questions for people out there who are listening.
And I want you to type things in if you could. How many have never heard what I've said before? Never heard it.
You could say, never heard any of it, never heard some of it, that kind of thing. I want to know what people say, because when you guys first heard this, it blew you away, right?
And this is the first time you've heard this, right? So what do you think? He just said he's blown away.
And you've heard me teach this before, right? You've got bits and pieces. You missed it.
Boy, it was so good before you came in late. Oh, wasn't it one of the best? It was incredible. I was?
What about it? No one said Revelation 12 what and what about it? No one said.
Revelation 12, 7 through 17. If you guys ask me any questions, get as specific as you can.
Complete sentences, okay? Okay, so it says.
The war in heaven. Michael, the dragon, they were not strong enough. There was no longer a place found for them in heaven.
Great dragon was thrown down the serpent of old, who's called devil and Satan. Yeah, some think it might be that it's a reflection of what happened before.
But some might, some also think that it might be that it's going to happen in the future again. I don't,
I'm just saying, I don't know. Okay, but it goes on to say. That the great dragon was cast out.
That old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceived the whole world.
He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. So that already happened, right?
Some say that some use this because it says verse 13, when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
Well, who's that? Some might say
Mary, but it doesn't seem to be, but it might be. That's what I thought. Some say it might be
Israel. So that gets into some tough stuff.
And because it says, who gave birth to the male child, but the two wings of the great eagle, that's obviously
America, were given to the woman so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent.
So this looks like it's during the tribulation period, time, time and half a time. So I don't know what it means.
Just don't know. You're let down again?
That's good. I lost that, huh? I was looking forward to meeting
Yuli again. I was going to talk about Albania, do some research on Albania. I did.
Yeah, maybe. Yeah, that's right. We'll see what happens. Oh, it'll be bad, though.
Yeah. And the dragon was. If you are
O .T. Was worth what? With the women and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
So is that still? What does that mean? I would say it again.
You're reading verse seven. I went down to verse 17. Because I kept reading about the women.
Yeah. Enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children who keep the commandments of God and hold of it.
Yes, it might be Israel. It could be us. But I just don't know.
See, some people might say, well, obviously, it means this. I've learned to be very cautious about being so obvious about something.
And this is very, very clear, particularly in the book of Revelation. So I plead a lot of ignorance when it comes to some things in Revelation.
What about Revelation seven? Verse four, where it talks about the 144 ,000.
Revelation seven? What about them? It's for the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 male virgin
Jews go out and preach forth, probably during the tribulation period. Now, since we're in Revelation, go to,
I think it's Revelation 16. Or let's go to 14 first. I think it's. 14. Let's see.
14. Maybe it's 16. The three unclean spirits like frogs.
Come on. I thought it was 14, though. Go back.
Okay, hold on. Where is it? The frogs.
Okay, I could do this. Do a search. Thank you.
There you go. All right. So. Revelation 16.
Thank you. 13. I saw it coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs, and they are spirits of demons performing signs which go out to the kings of the whole world to gather them together for the war, the great day of God Almighty.
Behold, I'm coming like a thief. It's interesting. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes.
I think I know what that means. So that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame. And they gather them together to the place which in Hebrews called
Armageddon. Now. What do frogs do? One taken, one left.
That's quite a stretch. But it's a fun stretch. Now. One taken, one's left.
One taken, one's left. And they're taken to a place of destruction. The three unclean spirits like frogs gathered for Armageddon.
Just to let out for fun. Slick teaches that the frogs are the hopping ones from 1829.
You know, just having fun. And, you know, as soon as you guys think of that. Interesting.
What does it mean? Is it true? I don't know. But it's fun. Revelation 11, three, the two witnesses.
Two witnesses. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I never thought of that.
I never occurred to me to use that in that way. The two witnesses prophesying.
That's a good point. What's that? I thought of that. Yeah, they're prophesying to get the prophecy cessations.
Then they can. The cessations would probably say something like. Well, this is special, you know, a special dispensation.
Yeah, special occurrence. What's that? J .D.
Hall. Yeah, that's a good point. Anyway, they think there might be Moses and, or excuse me,
Elijah and Enoch. Representing the law and the prophets.
And so some think that. Some think it might have been. Who's the other two? Elijah and Enoch.
And some say Moses and Enoch, but I don't think that's gonna be the case. Moses and Elijah in Matthew 17, the transfiguration.
So some think the two witnesses might be Moses and Elijah, I've heard. But might be Enoch and Elijah because those two never died.
They never died. That's an interesting. That would be another interesting study prophesying.
Is that the gift of prophecy or the office of prophet? If it's the office and it was the.
I'm gonna have to study that because it looks like they have the office of prophet because they're prophesying to specifically.
They're called two witnesses. I wonder what the Greek word is for that. Can you find it? I can do it too, but I'm going to answer a question.
I've had posts I pegged. Matt, what are their oppositions against pre -tribulation, pre -millennialism?
That's the whole study we just did. So if you gotta, I'd just review this.
What? What are your oppositions against? My oppositions against.
Well, my oppositions to pre -tribulation, pre -millennialism. They're not biblical. And is the day of the
Lord and the day of Christ different? It's either the same thing. The day of Christ only occurs three times in the book of Philippians.
So. Okay. Enoch and Elijah. What? Marcus?
Martus from, uh, root for martyr. Is that what it might be?
Okay. So anybody have any questions?
Let me know. You can ask other questions. What about post -millennial?
What's your objections to that? It doesn't fit this model. And, uh, um, post -millennialism says everything's going to get better.
But Matthew 24, 22 says at those days to be not cut short, no flesh will be left. And I haven't listened to, uh,
Jeff Durbin. He did one, I think. Yeah, I'd listen to what Jeff has to say. And it'd be good for him and I to have a discussion about it, you know, go back and forth.
A podcast where you have, um, with that, they do like a three hour podcast on, um, post -millennialism.
It was a couple of months back, but I forget the guy's name, but he's yeah. Greg Bonson's friend. Yeah. Was it good?
Was it convincing? He's really convincing with his post -mill questions.
I was asking her because I have been listening to them and he's done. Hours on post -millennialism at this point.
Yeah. Did you listen to, there's like a three hour podcast that he had with, uh, man,
I can't believe I can't remember the guy's name with that, but he went, no, not Joe. Gary something.
Gary DeMar. Yeah. That's it. Gary DeMar. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Gary DeMar on, um, earlier this year,
I think. In their post -mill. So they had some good arguments for post -mill. Convincing.
Just came out. He's post -mill. Yeah. Well, it'd be better.
I think if post -mill were true, I mean, who wants to depress catology?
I guess one of the arguments was on your viewpoint. I mean, for us and our viewpoint, glory to God, it gets better.
So it depends on, I think that's one of the arguments they make. Yeah. He's always, he's always pushing the argument.
He's like, if you look, there's never been a time where the gospel can go out from a single person.
They, since the printing press, um, the gospel from one person can be spread to so many places in the nations.
The gospel is going. And that's. There are more Christians now on the earth than ever in the history of.
Yeah. Yeah. But that's, those are not good logic arguments. And the reason they're not is because the gospel being preached doesn't mean that they're being converted and the world is going forth because of Matthew 24,
Jesus says, uh, we'll go back to that when he says that in the gospel be preached, let's go back to it and take a look.
I mean, so far, I'm not just looking for something to refute. It's just, well, there's a problem with it. I'm seeing right away.
And, uh, yeah, so let's go into that.
Um, the gospel, as I said, the gospel will be preached 24, 14.
Thank you. The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world. So that would be a post -millennial verse, right?
As a testimony of the nations and the end will come. So they would say that's way down the line, right?
Way down the line, wherever. Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolations, but it says. Many false
Christ, false prophets will arise to see many lawlessness will increase. People's love will go cold. The one who endures at the end will be saved.
The gospel will be preached to the whole world. It's in the context of, of a bad stuff occurring, not getting better and better.
So I just, I'm not convinced by that. I don't find it a very convincing argument. I find it one of implication instead of logical necessity.
And I don't like that kind of argumentation. What was the other part that they said? More Christians alive now.
Yeah. That's that's nice. So what's that got to do with. Okay, but I'm sorry,
I'm totally interrupting you. My son considers himself a Christian, but he is not.
Yeah, but that's a different topic because we're talking about this issue of there are more Christians alive now.
And I've, I've said that many times and there are, but let's just look at it. Logically, if there's a thousand people on the earth and one person's a
Christian. Then that's one in a hundred people and one's a Christian. That's 1%, all right.
And so if that's one person out of a hundred, but what if you have a thousand people, but only two
Christians exist out of a thousand, you could say there's more Christians alive now than there ever have been, but it doesn't mean the proportion is logically necessary.
And it's getting better. That's why that argument has a flaw in it. So if it were to say, well, the proportion is increasing, then, okay, that's good.
And even if it were, why does it mean that Post -Middle is true?
Within the context, as far as I understand, within the context of saying the world is getting better to the people who say that just because things look better in America, that the whole world is getting worse.
Where they would say there's Gospels going out into countries, it's never been in the past.
Christians are being persecuted, but sanctifies the church and there's more
Christians as a result worldwide. There are, and I think that's a good thing.
Yeah, I think it supports Amillennialism just fine. And it could support Premillennialism just fine.
So if I'm going to believe in Post -Trib, I need something more than an inference. More Christians are alive now, and that's why more people are going to be saying, that's why it's going to happen like that.
I can't represent their arguments in the text very well. I got to check them out. I got to check it out and see. Yeah, I can check it out too, but when
I look at the text, I get a little lost. Would it be possible to maybe do two studies where we listen to part of it?
Yeah, that's fine. I'd say if Matt and Jeff could do a dialogue or a debate.
A really friendly debate. A friendly discussion, yeah. Especially like in the question and answers, you know, like the cross -sectional nature, it would be really cool to see the reasoning on it.
Yeah, I've never really studied Post -Mill, but to be honest, I would like it if it was true.
I would. Oh, I would like it if Pre -Trib Rapture was true and Post -Mill was true, and there's going to be a mass conversion of all the wacko, leftist, moron,
Marxist jerkfaces. I'd love that. What about the pan -Trib? It'll all pan out, right?
Pro -Trib, I'm for it. No, I'm not for it. But if Post -Mill is true, then how do they handle this age, the age to come, and all this stuff happening at the end of the age?
Now, they might say, well, that's just down the line. They push it out further. I think there's a couple of things that we believe were fulfilled in the 70s and 80s that you wouldn't believe ever were fulfilled.
I'll listen to it again. Yeah, you'd have to listen to it again. It better not be The Return of Christ. No, they're not
Post -Mill. Okay, good. Because I view Post -Millennialism as a pleasant
Amillennialist view, as Amillennialism -lite or Amill -lite.
Nice. It sounds a bit more pleasant when you describe it. When I listen to them about it, it sounds more pleasant than when you talk about it.
Oh, yeah, I teach crap. I teach deprescantology. Jerry DeMara goes on for about three, three and a half hours.
They make some good arguments. I don't think they have an answer for Matthew, though, where it says that it's worse with that.
It sure looks like it's going to get worse. Revelation talks about things getting worse.
And I don't think they address that. But if someone isn't from Amillennialism, they do make a powerful argument for you.
Good. And they make a powerful argument against pre -Millennialism. Oh, yeah. Well, that's easy.
That's the problem with Revelation. Whoever's talking to him, if they're good, they can convince you. Yeah. The one that blew my mind with that is, isn't
John MacArthur pre -Millennialism? Pre -Mill? Yeah, I think so. That's surprising.
Yeah, that blew my mind when he said that. But he's great for everything else. So that's OK. Right. We don't got to divide.
No, Martus or Martus. What? Martus or Martus, the... Marxist or Mark Two?
That's what I'm hearing. The Greek word you have. Oh, the Greek. Oh. Either way, you can pronounce it.
In that specific verse, it's the historical sense of being a witness. OK. It just says the faithful interpreters of God's counsel.
How do you spell it? Mu, Alpha, Rho, Tau, Upsilon, Sigma.
OK, Martus. OK. Yeah. All right. OK, good. Anybody else have any questions?
He should be dialoguing with these people. He should not be dialoguing with these people, he should be teaching them going to the original Greek to find words in their parts of speech.
That's right, Alexander. The church is also called Jewish by Paul in Romans Two. The church is now the elect of God, not on an individual basis.
That's incorrect, contemplate. That's incorrect. We are... You go to Romans, excuse me, go to Acts 9, 15, and you'll see that Paul was an individual who was elected and chosen.
It's not groups who are chosen. Individuals are chosen because that's comprised of the groups. Groups are comprised of individuals.
You don't have to do... When I have some fair time, I'm going to do some post -mill studies. Well, next study, you guys wanted to do eternal security, but...
Oh, yeah. No. Do you want to do that? Eternal security? We can make that case. OK. If we can do that, we can go through post -mill and...
What? I have a lot of bobsleds, like boats and everything, but... Was he post -mill? Yeah.
He was? He was. Whoa, if he's post -mill, that carries weight with me.
Are you a theonomist also? Yeah, not so fond of theonomy.
Neither of you are kind of different in what... I'm a soft theonomist. Apology has been doing a lot on theonomy as well, pushing...
Because they're releasing Bonson University and Bonson wrote theonomy and...
I haven't read it. I haven't read it either, but... I have it, but I haven't... But I kind of go for that.
I've been collecting any Bonson book I can get my hands on with it. So, yeah, that's pretty good.
Did you hear his debate with the atheist guy? Yeah. Oh, Gordon Stein? Yeah. My favorite part is where the atheist asked him to use something that's immaterial, but he can't use
God. He goes, laws of logic, and then laughter.
I like it when he said, well, we do have Bible studies from time to time, but I can teach you about that. It was a response.
Yeah, it's a great debate. Let's see. Cameron says, yes, Bonson is definitely...
Oh, Cameron's watching? How come Cameron's not here? Okay, let's see. Matt, have you spoke on how we serve a covenantal
God? Yes. Just say, yeah, we had covenant last week or two weeks ago.
It was three weeks ago we did covenant. Yeah. So the answer is yes. I love answering questions just with one word.
Yes. My wife will ask me questions, you know, how women are. I want to hear about all of it.
You know, tell me the color. Like you and Dave Brock went out. Yeah. Well, did you talk about his family?
No. No. What are you talking about? I don't know. Talked about theology.
Did you ask about the kids? No. Did you... Well, you know, we asked about one kid.
I said, how's he doing? Good. Well, how old is he? I don't know. What was he wearing? I don't know. What kind of haircut is it?
I don't know. Now I say to my wife, it's all I know. In fact, I sent a picture of something yesterday to her.
Oh, that's right. Because Joe, his daughter, his wife had a baby yesterday. Congratulations. So he just sent me a picture.
I forwarded it to Neek, right? And she goes, how much did it weigh? How long? How this?
And I wrote, all I have is the picture. It's just all
I have. I mean, that's it, you know. Yeah. That's what I say. That's all
I know. I've actually, I've actually, I've actually said it to her a few times.
I know nothing else. And if you ask me any more questions, I'm going to say, I don't know.
And she looked at me and goes, what about... I don't know. I know nothing.
What? That's it. That's all I have.
I don't know. Women are just different, you know.
They want all those details. Or, or why didn't you ask? Oh. Because I didn't want to know.
Yeah. I don't want to, I don't care about that. Why would I care about it?
Yeah, that's right. I care about important stuff, hon. So every time
I would go in, how's your mom, how's your dad, how's your family, they'd ask twice. So you get greeted outside.
The house? Yeah, you get greeted outside the house. Oh boy, that would be... And then you come in and then they greet you again.
And that's your husband, mom, how's your dad. What do you say? Fine, fine, fine, fine? You just say it in the end. I just want a shirt that's with the word fine.
Yeah, and just at this point. Matt, you do know what fine means, right? It means you're in trouble to a woman.
Everything's fine? Fine. That means you're in trouble. F, freaked out.
I, insecure. N, neurotic. E, emotional. Fine, freaked out, insecure, neurotic, emotional.
Boy, I'm not going to touch that one. Man, that is, that's a garage door.
That's not just an open door. Okay, let's see if anybody's got any comments. So contemplate who could...
No one can contemplate the Father who sent me. Drozim, John 6, 44. Look to be saved by those who Jesus died for.
That's right. Adamah for the sheep, that's John 17. Yeah, John 17.
Not looking for the church to conquer, but for the conquering... Did John 17? John 20, 20...
John 10, 28, sorry, 10. No one in Israel could go to Jesus at that time. They were given a spirit of stupor.
No, that's not true. Many people in Israel did go to Jesus. Look at John 3. Let's see, John 5,
Joanne. Therefore the apostles needed to be chosen. Yes, they could. Paul was a Jew. Contemplate that, ha ha, the disciples were
Jewish. And many others, good. You guys enjoyed the study? Yeah. Did you enjoy it? You guys,
I'm asking them in the room too. You guys enjoyed this? Different. Mike's going, I don't want to come back to Idaho anymore.
Can I have your notes? Yeah. Yeah. Paul was chosen out of due season.
Out of due season. All right.
He's also an apostle. Yeah, 1 Corinthians 9, 1. Nobody has any questions? Good study, Marlene Ritzenthaler.
Always had this cool name, Ritzenthaler, you know? You know, we have the... On Fridays, we have the people from all over the world come into our meeting, staff meeting.
And we have sometimes new Africans come in, and I make fun of their names, you know? One of them is
Jumbe. Jumbe. And it sounds like, you know, a soft drink, you know?
And we have another one, Mwamba, you know? And I'll say, that's a cure for like Alzheimer's or something.
You know? And they all get it, you know? They laugh. And so I make fun of... And I like their names and stuff.
The first 3 ,000 converts were Jews. And Randall, where were they baptized? In the upper room?
3 ,000 people. I've been to an upper room in Israel. Went to an upper room. No joke.
It was actually... We went to this place. It's about as big as these two rooms, and maybe a little bit wider. And it was called an upper room.
And it was the kind that you would have in a building that was back in that time. Interesting. God has no respect for persons.
That's Romans 2 .11. But also don't forget James 2, 2 -4, which explains that.
And not respect your persons as far as God would choose one and not another. That's not what it means. But choose you based on what's in you.
That's what it means by not respect her. Yeah. Matt, can you touch on how it was not only the apostles predestined?
Yeah, go to John 6, 37 -40. As many as the ones
Father has given me will come to me. They had to be given. You were chosen because you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world.
That's Ephesians 1 -4. And you can go to 2 Thessalonians 2 .13 that he chose us from the beginning for salvation.
And if you go to Romans 9, 9 -23, it's individuals who are chosen by God that God loved and hardened.
Okay. In my opinion, those who hold to the other view aren't having very deep theological examinations of scripture.
God told Israel he would make them angry and jealous by a foolish nation. Thanks, brother Gavin Hill. Paul in the early church referred to new
Christians being the elect of God. That's right. The elect, it's the chosen ones.
In fact, the three main Greek words for elect of choosing and stuff like that is eklegai, eklektos, eklegamai.
And the word for church is eklesia. We're the chosen ones by God from the foundation of the world in Christ. Isn't that cool?
That's what's surprising. Well, I'm glad, you know, I've said, I'm glad God predestined me from the foundation of the world because if he'd look at me now, he wouldn't pick me.
Well, that's the whole thing is that he loved us, predestined us, even though he knew everything about us.
It does. Oh. No. Still gonna.
Okay, sounds good. All right. No sweat. Thank you so much, Matt. We'll set it up.
Maybe. Probably. Because tomorrow, a week from tomorrow, well, when's, what day is, wait,
Friday 2nd. On the 2nd, I've got something to do. And the 3rd, on the 4th, I've got something to do. And the 3rd.
Oh my goodness. Oh, it's quick coming up fast. Okay, we need to meet soon.
Okay, we're gonna arrange it. So call me tomorrow. We'll figure it out. Okay. Yeah, we'll just get together and go over to your place, something like that.
So. Yeah, maybe Saturday or Sunday or something like that, or something on Monday.
I got a guy coming in Monday, but yeah. And then, after all that, so the panel with that, I also need to sit down with the population.
I would ask them questions. About? With the sink. Okay. Yeah, I'm an expert at that.
Yeah, well, at Tireframe, we're making slow progress.
I have the answers. I just don't know how to position it. I have to take things kind of slow.
Okay. Okay, we can talk about it. All right. Okay.
More than daily show. I can wait for the internal security study. I wanted to share with my Armenian church sister. Okay, Randall.
You guys. Yeah, I was gonna stay here. You're taking off too? See you, brother. God bless.
Where'd Dave go? Okay. What? You got raptured?
It works out on post -trip anyway. Oh, the third is Laura's birthday. All right.
So the second, I gotta. Yes. We gotta do a rehearsal and stuff.
Yeah, I'm meeting with the club board tomorrow. In the morning. I think we'll probably do the rehearsal
Saturday. What day is that? Okay.
Okay, because I'm supposed to go to. I'm going to cancel it. We're supposed to go boating, Anik and I, on the second.
But we'll just move it back a week. It's so big.
We'll figure it out. I have a meeting tomorrow at 11 in the morning. So I think, can I call you tomorrow?
Yeah. No, it's no big deal. We can just move it back a week.
But I got tomorrow morning. I got a meeting at 11. And it usually goes for an hour to an hour and a half.
One -ish, two -ish is fine. All right, big man. Thank you. God bless. Okay. Happy birthday.
Hey, Laura Anderson's birthday on the third. How old is she going to be? Maybe we could all guess. Whatever it is, subtract 30.
What's that? Whatever. Boy, I'll tell you. I'm not going to say anything.
Yeah, maybe. Let's just look. Thanks for your time. No sweat. Jeff Koons.
All right, guys. I think I'll just shut it down, okay? We're going to sit here and blab. You guys have more questions? Because maybe, you know, whatever.
All right. Hey, everybody. See ya. All right. God bless. We'll see you guys.