Matt Slick Bible Study - Islam




We'll take Q &A from the audience, you know, people who are watching. So I did this on the radio today, you know, because I think people need to hear it.
I don't know how many people are going to be watching and stuff, so that's fine. So it's kind of repeating some of the information.
I've done this on Islam before, but let me just start by saying Islam is a false religion and if you believe in its official doctrines, when you die, you are going to go to hell.
It denies the deity of Christ, it denies the crucifixion, it denies the resurrection, it denies the atonement, it denies the trinity, it denies salvation by grace alone through faith alone.
It denies every essential doctrine of the Christian faith and it is a manufactured false religion of a,
I'll just say, a murderer, a thief, a liar,
Mohammed. Now what I just said, if I was in a Muslim run country, they could kill me for what
I just said. And this is interesting because here in America, I can say this and I don't get killed for it.
I can have freedom of speech and I won't be killed for it, normally speaking. You might have some wacko out there who wants to pull the trigger, but the point is that Muslims, by the fact of their religious system, want to kill you.
Now when I say that, I want to make sure you understand not every Muslim wants to do this. Only 18 % of Muslims in the world are able to read
Arabic, and so most Muslims don't know what the Qur 'an really teaches. And they don't study in the
Arabic, and most of them don't study, they're just cultural Muslims, the same as many Christians are cultural
Christians, just born that way. They don't really know what the Bible teaches and are basically peaceful.
Most people just want to get along, raise their family, and hopefully they think they're good enough to make it in heaven.
It's only those Muslims who really do believe in the Qur 'an that we have to be careful about.
And unfortunately, 18 % of roughly 2 billion people is, you know, 180 million,
I guess, Muslims who believe the Qur 'an. How many of those are willing to die in order to guarantee that they get to go to heaven?
So what does Islam teach? Let's get into this, and I'll talk a little bit about the Qur 'an, and hold on a sec here.
I've got a Qur 'an. This was sent to me by a Muslim, and it's a big one.
I'm going to show you something, and I'll read it to you. This is a custodian of the two holy mosques,
King Fahd complex for the printing of the Holy Qur 'an, and this is out of Saudi Arabia.
So this is where this is printed, in Saudi Arabia, and on one side is the Arabic, and the other side is the
English. And so what I can do is go through here, and this is about as official as you can get.
And so, you know, I've got that. I may or may not reference it when I want to go to any particular verse to actually look at it.
I'll just randomly open this. The adulterer cannot have sexual relations with any but an adulteress or an idolatress.
And the adulteress, no one can have sexual relations with her but an adulterer or an idolater.
To the believer, such a thing is forbidden. That doesn't make any sense.
That's weird. That is Sur 24 .3. Huh.
Look at this, it's just, oh. The woman and the man, guilty of fornication, flog each of them with a hundred stripes.
Let not compassion move you. In their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah. Oh, look at that.
Okay. Anyway. You know,
I used to teach on Christian science, and I had a science and health with a key to the scriptures. And what I would do is just fan through it, and someone in the audience would say, stop, and I would just pick a random something and start reading.
And it was so full of baloney that I can start any place and start teaching about the idiocy that was in it.
Similarly, here, I think. Look at this. Watch this. I'm going to try this one more time, just for fun.
Okay. Someone say stop. Stop. All right. Say, spend for the cause willingly or unwillingly, not from will it you be accepted, for ye are indeed a people rebellious and wicked.
Thank you very much. All right. So what I'm going to do now, that was enjoyable.
A lot of people don't understand what Islam really teaches, and it teaches that Allah is the only
God, and that he's not a trinity, there is no plurality with God, that he is completely holy, completely so distinct and different from creation and from people, that the only way anything can be really known about him is through the
Prophet Muhammad. Now, Muhammad is supposed to be the greatest of all Muslims, and Muslims are supposed to emulate what
Muhammad did. But when he taught about God, there's a problem, because if Allah is so distinct and so separate from creation and unknowable to such a degree, then how can any
Muslim know anything about him? And this is a real philosophical issue and problem within Islam.
And there are a lot of Islamic theologians who discuss this particular issue.
And unfortunately, you know, I'd love to have a discussion with them and talk about the ontological nature of Allah and some of the ramifications of the unknowability of him.
So the Islamic God knows all things, is the creator of all things, is not a trinity, and he has 99 names revealed to him.
But what's interesting in the Quran, not a single name of Allah is love or associated with love.
People will appear before Allah on Judgment Day, and if your good deeds exceed your bad, you have a chance of going to heaven,
Surah 7, 8 through 9. Heaven is a garden with fruit, rivers, and maidens, pure and holy.
Now, I always thought that was interesting, because when a Muslim man dies, he gets 72 virgins. And heaven has pure maidens, pure and holy.
Now, I always want to ask, well, what's it for the girl? What would heaven be like for a girl?
If a girl were to invent a religion, what would it be like? You know, I'm thinking probably no housework, don't have to make sandwiches for anybody, no laundry to do, no men to put up with, and then the girls could talk and interrupt each other constantly when they're talking.
I don't know. I don't know what heaven would be like for the girls, because, you know, I mean, and kittens probably everywhere, you know, the perpetual kitten -ness that, you know,
I don't know. And they could eat bonbons and ice cream and never gain any weight. And you know, who knows?
I think that might be heaven. And if there's a guy around, it's probably to get her coffee or something.
He's got to have abs. So that's about, I'm thinking that's, am I pretty close? You think it's pretty good?
Yeah. Pretty good? Okay. So what does a guy want? Sex. And from a whole bunch of women.
And so this is obviously a man -made religion. I haven't seen any women made religion.
I don't know if there's, well, actually Christian Sciences, but she was kind of, well, we'll get into that.
Hell is eternal for those who are not Muslims, and it is of unlimited capacity and eternal torment in fire.
So there's a lot of, excuse me, Christian perspectives taught in the
Quran. And so the devil is called Iblis, and he's a bad jinn.
So we have angels and jinn, and jinn can only do the will of Allah. And so when the word jinn, we get genie.
So I dream of a genie, she's a jinn. And supposed to be anyway, but they do have free will.
The devil, so wait, no, the angels have free will. The jinn, from what I understand, don't. The Holy Spirit in Islam is the angel
Gabriel, who gave to Muhammad the message of the Quran, and Gabriel had 600 wings.
And what's interesting is that, now get this, this is really interesting. So right out of the Quran, Jesus was born a virgin,
Surah 19, 20 through 22. Jesus is called the breath of Allah. That's Surah 21, 91.
Now, that's interesting. He's the breath of Allah, and he's also called the word from Allah, 345 says that.
Now, wait a minute, how can you have that? Because that's what the Bible says, and that makes him divine. And so it's interesting that the
Quran says he's the breath and the word of Allah. Now, what's interesting is that the
Quran itself is supposed to be the word of Allah, and it has divine qualities. So a
Muslim, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful to any Muslims watching, because I don't believe in being needlessly disrespectful about various things.
I will say Muhammad's a false prophet. I'm sorry, that's what I believe. They will not, generally speaking, let the
Quran go very low in their body, and they don't put it on the floor. They consider it to be very, very revered.
And, you know, so the idea of burning Qurans and that pastor did that, I don't agree with that. You know, you don't get to do that kind of thing.
But so, you know, I'll talk to the Muslims about Jesus being the word, and they say it's impossible for God to be a man.
And I say, when we say that God's a man, what we're saying is that the divine nature is indwelling a human body.
I say it at that level so they understand. And I say, just as, and I'll hold the Quran, and I'll say, just as the divine word is in a physical form here.
And you have no problem with this, but you have a problem with the Christian doctrine of Jesus, the divine word, the breath of Allah, 2191, becoming a man.
So what's the problem with that, you know? And so, you know, you get some Muslims to think that way, think about it when you talk like that.
Now, but remember, they teach that Jesus was born of a virgin, the breath of Allah, 2191, the word from Allah, 345, and were to obey
Jesus, 350. Jesus performed miracles in the Quran, 349, but he called him not the son of God.
He's not divine and not crucified, but he ascended into heaven. Now, there's also,
I don't have it listed here in my notes, but the Quran says Jesus never sinned. So one of the things
I've wanted to do is debate any Muslim scholar on the debate of comparing
Jesus to Muhammad, just comparing Jesus to Muhammad. And Muslims don't want to do that.
I've offered many times, no Muslim wants to do that. Now, why is that? Because they know that Jesus never sinned,
Muhammad did. Jesus didn't have anybody killed, Muhammad did. Jesus didn't have sex with a nine -year -old girl,
Muhammad did. Jesus forgave and healed whatever violent to anybody, except when he overturned the temple tables and drove people out of the temple.
And even then, he didn't kill anybody, but he was angry at the religious leaders for the false doctrines that they were teaching.
And that's as violent as Jesus got, but violence was perpetrated upon him and he did not resist them.
He let them do it. Where he sacrificed himself, Muhammad did not. So there's quite a bit of a difference between Jesus and Muhammad.
And Muhammad is never said to have ever performed any miracle, except the writing of the
Quran. Now, I've read a lot of the Quran, and let me tell you, it's no miracle.
It's just not a miracle. In fact, when I read the Quran, in all honesty, in my opinion, it's reminiscent of the
Book of Mormon. And it is. When I read the Quran, it sounds exactly like the
Book of Mormon in the sense that it sounds like a guy trying to be spiritual and authoritative with his words, his ramblations.
Rambling, I made up the word ramblation, just rambling. I call them ramblations and stupefications and things like this for fun.
But you know about that, right, to stupefy? We have a slictionary on karma.
I'll have to read the slictionary to you guys later. Anyway, so one of the things that is really interesting is to obey
Muhammad is to obey Allah, Surah 480. Now, that's interesting.
To obey Muhammad is to obey Allah. Now, I'm not the only one who's noticed this.
As you read through the Quran, you'll see Muhammad, excuse me, Allah and his prophet, Allah and his prophet,
Allah and his prophet mentioned a lot together. Now, you know, it's interesting because obviously what
Muhammad is doing is elevating himself not to the level of Allah, but if you were to insult
Muhammad, you're insulting Allah. You serve Muhammad, you're serving Allah. So basically, he's God's representative on earth.
So basically, he's taking the place of Jesus. That's what a lot of people don't realize, that to say that to obey
Muhammad is to obey Allah is the same thing as to say, he who receives me receives the father who sent me, Jesus said.
So he's imitating the person of Christ in this, Surah 480. And yet he's a sinner.
To obey him is to obey Allah. It's just a demonic fingerprint of the copycat ideology of the satanic realm as it's manifested through Islamic theology.
And also, disobeying Allah and his apostle results in hell, Surah 72, 23.
Of course, maybe somebody, we have some Mormon experts in here, but let me see if you guys have ever heard this before.
There are political socioeconomic pressures upon the prophet. And suddenly, the prophet gets new revelations that make things easier.
This is exactly what happened with Joseph Smith, with Brigham Young. And this is what happened with Muhammad as well.
He received revelations that were convenient and changed depending on the political pressure and things like that.
So one of the greatest things that happened, the most simplest to understand and one of the most basic principles in Islam is that Saudi Arabia is here and Mecca's here,
Medina's here. It's a couple of days, I think it's a week's journey, I don't know. But it's not like a quick hop, skip and a jump.
And so when he was in Mecca, check this out, Mecca M -E -C and Medina M -E -D.
So C before D, Mecca first, Medina second. Simple mnemonic. So he was in Mecca and he got these revelations and everything was supposed to be good.
I didn't want to erase that because it's so nice there. And so he got revelations, peace, peace, peace, be peaceful, be peaceful.
And then he got kicked out of the area, went to Medina up north and there got a lot more converts.
And once he got a lot of converts and he was very strong, then he came back to Mecca and then his surahs or the chapters were now teaching things about destruction and death because, you know, it's convenience change.
This is a basic one, but it's also fundamental to the thought of Islam because Muslims will say that Islam is a religion of peace, but it's not.
And they'll quote the surahs about peace and get along, but they're Meccan surahs, not Medina surahs. And in Islam, what comes later abrogates what comes before.
So if there is a surah, a chapter where something is said and a later chapter discusses something about that, the later chapter takes precedence over the earlier chapter.
So it's called abrogation. It's kind of like the New Testament takes precedence over the Old Testament. Now, I like this.
I like this. I don't like this. I mean, I like it in a way. Muhammad married
Aisha when she was six years old and then consummated the marriage when
Aisha was nine years old. We have a name for that here in this country, pedophilia.
Now, I've talked to some Muslims and they say, no, that was normal in that culture and he was the prophet of God.
It was normal in that culture to have sex with nine -year -old girls? That's normal?
What are they going to say? And this is the prophet? Now, wait a minute. Aren't you supposed to emulate
Muhammad? How many six -year -old girls have you married? How many nine -year -old girls have you had sex with that you're supposed to be married to?
Yeah. Are you going to follow your prophet? That's when they get upset with you.
In Islam, the Quran is the most holy book. It's like our Bible and the
Hadith is the deeds and the sayings of Muhammad. So in a sense,
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are our Hadith in the sense because they're the deeds and the sayings of Jesus.
Okay, so we could say that to a Muslim. Well, we have a Hadith called the Gospels, the four Gospels, the deeds and the sayings of Jesus.
But because he's God, therefore, it's automatically inspired. Now, in the Hadith, however, the
Hadith are the words of Muhammad as he's teaching. And they're called
Qudsi. Qudsi Hadiths. And those are the Hadiths where Muhammad has the very words of Allah quoted directly.
And there's about 40 of them, I think. And they're called Qudsi Hadith. And they have a high priority and a high place.
All right, so Muhammad received his revelations over a 23 -year period. And the
Quran contains, and I don't believe he ever got his revelations. Well, let me put it this way. He may have received revelations from demonic sources.
Now, what I always look for when I hear people, stories like this,
I always look for what are called doors. Doors are, I call them occult doors.
So I've been over people's houses. They've wanted me to go in and pray over their houses and stuff. And I always sit down with the family and I ask questions.
Were you in the occult? Was your husband in the occult? Was your wife in the occult? Your children in the occult? Your parents in the occult?
Were any of them into drug usage? Let's go back. And we need to do a survey. Have any of the people in occult that you know of sent you any presents?
And a lot of people don't think of that, but objects can have demonic connection with them. And I was recently talking to somebody about this, as a matter of fact, and I was diagnosing the situation.
And I said, because this person was having dreams and waking up and seeing manifestations.
And this person was very level -headed and loved the Lord. And so I was diagnosing.
And this person has received many gifts from Mormons, physical objects.
And I said, well, I'm not saying that's what it is, but you need to be careful. And stuff.
We would look for doors. Now, what are the doors that might have been in the case with Muhammad? Well, the kind of doors that he would have been involved with is simply the
Kaaba. Now, the Kaaba is that black cube that the Muslims walk around and they kiss the stone and everything.
The Kaaba used to have 360 idols in it. And so Muhammad destroyed all of them except for one, the moon idol, the moon goddess.
He said, this is the true God, Allah. Now, that explains why the crescent moon is a symbol in Islam.
Now, you'll notice, I want to be careful, I don't want to mess this up. This is really good stuff. They have classes here. Usually I'll erase everything.
When you have a, if you can see this, oh, you can't, yeah, you can't.
See, that's an Islamic moon, not very good. And this is also an Islamic moon, all right?
But you'll notice the gap between here and here. This is smaller, this is larger. You'll see this on flags in various Islamic countries.
The closer this gap is, the more Islamic the nation, the country. So their goal is to take over the world and force everybody to worship the demon god,
Allah. And that's what it is, the demon god.
And I know that a lot of Muslims, if they hear this, are going to want to kill me for it. So, well, if your god's not big enough to take care of himself, not that I'm inviting any demonic activity, but I'll tell you, my
Lord and my Savior is Jesus Christ. And if he allows anything to happen to me, it's by his grace, by his sovereignty.
But I'm going to tell you something, the god of Islam is a false god. And Muhammad represented that false god.
You are like the god you follow. Now, my Jesus is forgiving and patient and loving, and I am forgiving, patient, and loving.
But my Jesus also said, sell your cloak and buy a sword. That's Luke 22, 36.
And that was in the issue of self -defense and sending people out. And I believe in self -defense.
So I'm like my Jesus. When it comes to calling people whitewashed supplicants, you're your father the devil,
I'm going to do the same thing because that's what Jesus did. Muhammad, his father was a devil in the spiritual sense.
And he taught false doctrines. So I'm emulating my Lord and my Savior. But did Jesus go out killing anybody?
No. Did he go out lying to anybody? No. In Surah 354, Allah is said to be the greatest of deceivers.
And the Arabic is makher, which means deceive. But the Arab, the translators into English was translated as planner.
But there are other places where we can talk about the deception of Allah. And Muhammad is supposed to be the greatest representation of a
Muslim. And yet, he married a six -year -old girl, had sex with her at nine years old, magic worked on him.
And he said that if each seven ajwa dates, that magic won't work on you. He said, drink camel urine for medicine.
He had people killed. He had his men raped and pillaged.
This is what God is? What God is that? It's obviously not the
God of Scripture. And so when Muslims, we'll get to that later.
So the Hadith is the book of the deeds and the sayings of Muhammad.
And like I said, the Gospels are, in a sense, the Hadith, the deeds and the sayings of Jesus. So we have that.
But like I said, the Quran is the most holy book. Well, do you know what the Quran says?
It's not good to enter a house from the back. Surah 2, 189, don't do that.
The sun set in a pool of murky water, that's Surah 1886. Shooting stars are for driving away evil spirits,
Surah 67, 5. I wonder if there's a lot of evil spirits in Saudi Arabia.
It is okay to beat your wife, Surah 434, if you suspect her of things that are wrong.
You admonish her and then finally end up beating her. And there's a book called Infidel. I forgot the name of the author.
She was raised in, I want to say Sudan, but I don't remember exactly. I read it years ago.
She's now an atheist woman. She was a Muslim. And I remember this one thing she wrote. I read the whole book, it was really interesting.
This one thing she said was really interesting. At night, she would sit and listen to the various women in the village or the township being beaten by their husbands at night.
And she would be able to identify which ones they were by the screams.
She knew their voices and knew who had been beaten. And it was every night someone would get beaten.
And the next day, they might meet that woman in her hijab.
And the eyes wouldn't be blackened, but you could tell.
And the women sometimes knew that they were heard in their screams. And she said, would she be beaten next?
It was disturbing. She said, it was just horrible. You'd never know when it's going to happen to you and your husband won't like something you do because the
Quran actually says to beat her. If you suspect inappropriate behavior or attitudes, you warn her first, if she doesn't do exactly what you want, you can beat her.
You know, I'm thinking of my wife. And because she beats me though.
That's true. You know, I'll sneak up behind her in the kitchen, kind of sneaky.
And I'll stand behind her and she turns around and then I scare the crud out of her, I don't know why. Then she gives me an arm hit.
I get hit a lot by her, arm hits. And she rubs her forehead a lot around me a lot, you know, like this and shakes her head a lot.
But usually when I'm around and stuff, but that's different.
I guess that's okay. But in Islam, you beat your wife. I could not imagine beating my wife.
How could you do that? How could you beat your wife?
You talk to her, you disagree with her, you talk to her. You know, man, you talk, you have a problem, you just talk, you work it out.
Come on in. Another one. It's brother, okay.
Come on in. And we're talking about dogs back there. Hey, boy,
I heard that. You're growing man, dude, you're getting tall. Can you say that again? Gosh, you're getting taller.
That's right. Okay. So voluptuous women await men for sexual gratification in paradise.
Now, you know, this is Islam. Voluptuous women wait for men for sex.
That's heaven to them. You know why that's heaven to them? Because that's the best they got with their false god, their sensuality.
Look, I don't need that in heaven. I'm not interested in heaven. I wanna be with my Lord and my Savior, Jesus.
I won't be married anymore anyway. That's gonna be weird in heaven. You think about that? You go up to your wife and you're in heaven, both of you are in heaven, a rapture, whatever happens, you know.
You die of old age, you meet her in heaven. But my wife, I'm gonna go, hey, how are you doing, honey? That's fine,
I'm good. And was it something I said? Yeah, we're in a whole tournament. And then she's gonna give me an arm hit.
That's, you know, oh, we're on. And so, you know, it's just, it's ridiculous.
Sexual gratification in paradise, that's what they want forever. Well, who's Jesus? Who's God to them?
The very presence of God is not the greatest good, but their own sexual gratification.
That's the greatest good in heaven for Islam. It's so foolish, so childish.
It is so teenage boy -ish, you know, that instead of 72 virgins tucked under your bed, you got a magazine tucked under your bed.
This is the mentality of a child who doesn't know the true living God. Boy, Muslims, they're gonna find me and wanna kill me for this.
All right, so let me go through some of the stuff that's in the Hadith, the Deeds and the Sayings of Muhammad. Now, this is out of Sahih Bukhari, which is the most accurate, highest level of sayings.
Angels stop asking Allah to forgive people when they pass wind. You're praying and you let one loose.
That's it, angels don't listen anymore, not gonna take your prayers to Allah anymore. Why? You passed wind.
Yeah, I could just see, you know, how the hell is this? It just doesn't make any sense to me, you know? I see
Allah's listening. Yeah, yeah. Oh, whoa, yeah, that's it. Oh, out of bounds. Man.
Well, Jesus did say, it's not what goes into the man that defiles him, but what comes out. A man stood up to prayer, actually, a man fell asleep during prayer time and the devil peed in his ear.
Magic worked on Muhammad. Magic won't affect you if you eat seven ajwa dates each morning, then magic won't affect you.
I like this one, Allah made Adam 90 feet tall, which is just physically impossible.
There's certain limitations, genetic limitations, and you can't pump blood in a human artery setup that high up into the air.
People don't understand valves and pressure to have something go up 90 feet takes a tremendous amount of pressure.
And it's just physiologically impossible. People say, well, God can do anything. Well, he can't do the impossible.
You know, he can't lie, can't not be God, but this is just a restriction, doesn't work. One wing of a house fly has a disease, the other has the cure, okay?
Angels don't enter houses with dogs in them. The moon was cut into pieces. And if you're sick, drink camel urine.
So I can just see being stuck in a Muslim hospital. Give them two cc's of morphine and a liter of camel urine and put a catheter in there because, you know, they don't ever do that, do they?
So here's something about the Quran a lot of people don't know. Muhammad wrote, not wrote, but he recited these things.
He recited these simple statements he got from angel Gabriel in the darkness of a cave and other places.
And he would say them and then people would write them down. They'd write them down on parchment. They'd write them down on leather.
They'd write them down on stones. They'd write them down on pieces of bark, of wood, of trees, whatever they could write something down.
Well, that is really interesting because what if we had someone with a bunch of, who had been saying things for 20 years and the people would write them down on anything and everything they could find.
Leaves, leaves would disappear after a while. You might not have a saying. Pieces of paper, toilet paper.
You could have it on the cushion of a chair. You could have it on underside of a table. You could have it under napkins.
You could have it under basketballs, all kinds of stuff. And what if, you know, this guy dies and you want to get all his sayings together.
So you have everybody bring whatever it is that Muhammad said that anybody wrote anything on.
How are you going to know what's what? How are you going to know what is the true saying?
Because they didn't all match. Now that's a problem. If they don't all match, you get someone who has a saying and, you know, and that sheepskin over there and that tree bark over here, the same saying, and they don't match exactly, what do you do?
So what Uthman did is after Muhammad died, he had all this stuff collected and then he decided which ones were the right ones and then had everything else destroyed.
Why do you do that? Because it's not matching. You destroy the evidence.
And so if everything had been the same, he would have kept everything. It just would have happened.
So this is just a problem. Also in Bukhari 52, let's see, this says 52, 57, there were
Quranic verses that were canceled. Now what that means is that Muhammad got some
Quranic verses that were not really from Allah and they put them in the Quran and later found out they weren't really true and took them out.
Anything else that you got wrong there, Muhammad? Anything else you got going on? I love this one.
This is out of Surah 86, five through seven.
Let man but think from what he has created. He has created from a drop proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs.
Let man but think from what he's created. It's created from a drop, proceeded, emitted, proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs.
Now, that means a man's seed comes from his chest. Hence, we call that chesticles, okay.
And not good. When I had my vasectomy, they didn't go to my chest. I remember very clearly.
So what's the answer that Muslims will say? They'll say, you stupid man, you know nothing about biology.
The Quran is a miracle. Let's say this, okay. And they say that during the fetal development, the testes are in the lower abdominal area of the male, and then they descend at some point as they emerge.
And so he has between the backbone and the ribs. Well, no, that's not between the backbone and the ribs. And notice the
Surah says, let man but think from what he has created. He's created from a drop.
What's a drop? A drop is a smaller body of liquid separated from a larger body of liquid.
What does it have to do with? Coitus. And ejaculation, sorry. Only too many kids going, mom, what's that?
But that's what's going on. And so we know exactly what Muhammad was saying. And the
Quran teaches that Mary was a sister of Aaron. You know,
Moses' brother, Aaron. That's Surah 19, 27 through 28. Allah does not forgive idolatry. That's okay.
In Surah 4, 48. But he does forgive idolatry in Surah 4, 133. None can change
Allah's words, Surah 18, 27. But the Quran confirms the
Torah, the Psalms and the Gospels, Surah 5, 48. And the Quran says Christians should judge by what's in the
Gospel, Surah 5, 47. And Muslims are instructed to ask
Christians about spiritual things, Surah 10, 40, or excuse me, 10, 94. I'm just going through quickly.
I could take an hour on each kind of a basic thing and really expand on things. But is
Islam a mess? Obviously. It's a huge mess. Salvation is tied to faith and Muhammad, Surah 4, 13 through 14, as well as sincerity and repentance and a scale of works.
The Bible says that salvation is without works. So one of the things I'll do with Muslims, I have an analogy
I give to them to try and show them that the fallacy, the badness of their ways, their position.
Excuse me. So what I'll say is, does
Allah, does he accept your sincere repentance?
Yes. Okay. I say, do you think in Christianity, God accepts our sincere repentance for salvation?
Well, of course he would. I said, no, he doesn't. In Christianity, God rejects our sincere repentance as a basis of salvation.
The basis of salvation is faith in Christ's work, not the good condition of our heart. Not in our works, our sincerity, but on God's work, his sacrifice.
And I'll ask them, is the God of Islam righteous? And they say, of course,
Allah is righteous. I said, let me give you an example of something. You guys are familiar with this, a lot of you are. I'll say, so let me ask you, let's say there's a judge and there's a very bad man.
And this very bad man has been found guilty and rightfully so, murdering over a hundred people, raping a hundred women, killing children, stealing, thieving, burning down buildings, just evil man.
It's on film. He admits all of it. Witnesses everywhere. There's no doubt from anybody's mind, he's guilty.
And so they're gonna sentence him according to the law. I'm talking to the Muslim. I say, you with me so far?
He says, yes. And so this man obviously deserves great punishment. And so it comes time for the punishment.
The judge says, eh, forget about it. You're free, go on. I asked him, is that judge a righteous judge or a bad judge?
And they say, oh, he's a bad judge. I said, well, why is he a bad judge? Because he lets the guilty man go free. I agree with you.
Because he didn't do what was required according to the law. So in Islam then, how is Allah not the same thing as the unrighteous judge?
Because the Muslim will commit all kinds of atrocities, all kinds of sins against Allah. But on the day of judgment, all
Allah says is, okay, go ahead, you're free. What's the difference between your God and that unrighteous judge?
And they'll say, well, Allah is the judge. He gets to do what he wants. So he gets to ignore his own law, right?
Because doesn't the law require punishment? Yes. So he just ignores it. I said, that's the problem with your salvation system is that your
God has to contradict himself and ignore his own law in order to forgive you. And then in Arabic, inshallah, if Allah wills, then maybe you might make it.
You don't even know. And so what's happening is you have, as a judge, an unrighteous judge who arbitrarily set somebody free or not on his whim and ignores his own law to do it.
And this is who you serve. So, you know, the
God of Allah, of Islam is unrighteous. Now, I mentioned earlier that Allah in Surah 354, it's the greatest of deceivers.
And they'll say in the English, it means planners. No, it means deceiver. I actually have phone numbers on my phone from guys who speak
Arabic and they go around speaking against Islam. And they speak it, it's their native language.
And I can call them and say, hey, speak your phone. What does that word mean in Arabic? They'll give the whole lesson. And they weren't busy teaching right now, but you know, they could do that.
And I've sat at ABN Satellite TV out in Minnesota on the set with various Muslim, ex -Muslim
Christians talking about this stuff. And during the breaks, asking them questions and everyone, yeah, that's what it means. So Surah 354,
Maher, if I'm pronouncing it right in Arabic, probably not, means deceiver. But they translated it as planner.
Well, can we prove that Allah is a deceiver? Yes, we can, Surah 4, 157. In Surah 4, 157, if anybody were to know what that is,
I'm gonna go to it. Let's see, I'm gonna read it. I should get my computer thing ready for it. But Surah 4, 157, what you're gonna find is, let's see, here we go.
4, 1, 5, 7. They said in boast, we killed
Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the apostle of Allah, but they killed him not, nor crucified him.
But so it was made to appear to them and those who differed therein are full of doubts with no uncertain knowledge, but only conjecture to follow for of a surety, they killed him not.
And Allah raised him to himself and Allah's exalted power and wise, blah, blah, blah. So they did not kill him.
It only made to appear that they killed him. What does that mean? I'm curious to actually know what this is gonna say because there's commentary at the bottom of this, in Surah 4, 157.
I'm gonna go there really fast and let's see if I can find it quickly and read what it says as commentary.
I'm gonna find it backwards. Here we go. Okay. Okay, sorry.
We had this ready. Well, I didn't know I was gonna go here. It's no big deal. Surah 4, all right.
I know the suspense is really killing you guys. You're like, hurry up. Last one there's a Mormon. All right.
What can Allah gain by your punishment? Come on, this is right. Surah 4, 157, sorry.
It says this. And they said in both, we killed
Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, et cetera. Now, do they have a note? This is, nor crucified him made him look.
That's note 663. And, okay. So they don't talk about this.
Okay. They don't mention in the commentary. I wanna see what they were saying, but they don't mention really anything about it.
They talk about Jesus crucifixion as a Christian doctrine. So who is the one who made somebody look like Jesus?
Because that's what Islam teaches. That basically what they say is it was Judas that was made to look like Jesus was crucified.
That would mean that God himself perpetrated a deception upon people.
That's Surah 4, 157, right? So he was made to appear to them.
Wait a minute. Who did this? Well, Muslims. Muslims will say, it was
Allah did this. Well, if Allah is the one who did this,
Allah is the one who did this, then Allah is the one responsible for the development of Christianity and the doctrine of the
Trinity that he would then condemn people for believing in and call it shirk, the unforgivable sin.
So Allah deceived people in order to believe a big lie that Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.
Now we could talk about this because what the Quran is actually saying is someone was crucified and looked like Jesus, but he just wasn't
Jesus. So they're admitting essentially Jesus was crucified. But in order to get around this, they say, well, it really wasn't him.
He just looked like him. In other words, we can see the evidence that it really was him, but they just deny so they have to say that.
All right. Now, taqiyyah is the practice in Islam of using deception in order to gain ground, to gain ability, to gain power, to advance
Islam, taqiyyah. And you gotta be careful about that because it's something that they will do. It's used for battle, reconciliation of people.
They can lie to reconcile people. Now, you know, when I do marriage counseling, we have a husband and a wife there, and there's a problem.
I generally don't try and get them to lie to each other to make things better. I generally would say, well, lying is what we call a sin.
And I don't think that introducing sin into your relationship is going to improve the relationship.
You see, we're Christians. We follow God. We don't want to sin. So tell the truth, even if the truth hurts.
But they say it's for reconciliation of people, reconciliation of spouses. Okay, right there.
Battle can be defined in different ways to suit the Muslim's needs. And this often happens with the Imam who will then define what jihad is in a particular context at a particular time.
Now, when I was in Turkey, we went to the seven churches of Revelation and we also saw some other sites.
And it wasn't later to see it, but we went up to, we took a tram up a hill, those cable car things, up, you know, suspended from the thin, fraying, rusty cable that it would just fall down the side of the hill and tumble down and just body parts flying every direction.
I don't like them. And so we got up to this hill,
I could barely make it. I'm like, and we get up this thing and get out of this. And we're looking at all these really cool
Roman style ruins and stuff were crawling all over. It's really interesting.
And we are up on this hill. I'm going to say, I'm just going to say a thousand feet from the basic floor area, you know,
I don't know. And then they started their prayers. And I was talking to somebody and I heard the sound.
And I, what does that sound? And it was just coming from like around.
And so I started, I stopped my conversation. I had to find out what that sound is. And I walked to the edge of the hill.
And so I realized it was coming from down to the town. It was the Muslim called prayer. And I sat looking down a thousand feet or however far it was into this town and listened.
And I can still hear it. And what it sounded like to me, I don't know how, why
I said this, but it just said, I said, that sounds like demons. I don't know what demons sound like.
I don't know. It just, but it's what it sounded like. It sounded like a form of screaming that was sung.
And it was just thousands of people doing this, you know, or however it was done with these speakers.
And it sounded creepy to me. And I've talked to other Christians who heard it and they say the same thing.
It is creepy. Now, what Muslims want is to have that here at five or six o 'clock in the morning, five times a day.
Where's a good 30 -06 and a bazooka when you need it? That's what I would say. Not that I would ever do that, but can you imagine going into a place and imposing your noise upon everybody and waking them up?
I think a lot of people are very upset. Make me upset. I wouldn't want anything to do with it.
But that's Islam for you. All right. So I think what
I'm going to do, let's see. I've got some stuff here. We're about ready for a break, aren't we? Just giving you a big overview of Islam.
Let me just read some statistics first and then we'll close with this.
And then we'll take a break and then you guys can call in whatever you want to do with it, any questions you got. So, I did a lot of research.
I need to update it. I did this a couple, three years ago, I guess. I just spend time going all over the internet looking at different websites, researching what they're saying about Islam.
And I have on my website, these pages are all documented from the links. And hopefully those links are still active.
I try and get them usually from news sites because they'll keep those links active for years and years and years.
58 % of Muslims in America say that criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected under free speech.
58 % of Muslims here in America, it's not my right to say Muhammad's a false prophet is not protected under free speech.
In Britain, it's 60, excuse me, 62%. An Al Jazeera poll, 81 % of the respondents approved of the behavior of ISIS.
81 % approved of what ISIS is doing. You know what ISIS is doing?
Killing people, destroying archeological sites. They are raping, they are pillaging, they're destroying.
Um, yeah, we got that. In Saudi Arabia, 92 % of Saudis say
ISIS conforms to Islamic law. 38 % of American Muslims say
ISIS beliefs are correct. In Britain, about half of Muslims support ISIS. Now these statistics are a little bit old.
They may have changed now. Denmark, crime rapes, rapes, that's what it is.
Crime rates broken down by nationality in Denmark. The rapes have gone up.
All convicted rapists in Denmark have an immigrant background. No, that's not right. It says, let me get this right.
In addition, 2012 figures show that Somalis were sentenced for crimes including innumerable sexual assaults, almost 10 times more than those with Danish citizenship.
Indeed, more than half of all convicted rapists in Denmark have an immigrant background, according to official statistics, despite the fact that immigrants and descendants account for less than 10 % of the population.
I remember seeing a film, a girl at a high school or something, she just had on a,
I wouldn't want my daughter to wear it, a little bit too short of a skirt, a little bit too much cleavage, but Muslim boys were beating her up for that and punching her in the face.
And she was just trying to protect herself. Nobody came in to help her stop it. And I mean, they were just punching her.
And because of what she was wearing. Yeah, you're dressed like a whore. You're just like this. Physical assaults on somebody who's not related to you, which even if it's related doesn't mean it's okay.
A stranger where a gang of these cowards, frigging cowards, they get little groups and they start beating up girls, a group of these so -called
Islamic men. They're frigging cowards. They get in a group and they beat up people.
Yeah, they're cowards. Yeah, they get a van, they get a truck and they drive through crowds of unsuspecting people who are out just for leisure time.
You're cowards. And they hide and they try to, and seek injury to others because they don't have the guts to face somebody one -on -one.
Oh, but there are a few who will do that with a knife. They walk up when you're not ready and stab you and try and kill as many people as possible.
Cowards. In Norway, recent police studies show that in the capital of Oslo, 100 % of assault rapes between strangers were committed by immigrant non -Western males.
Nine out of 10 of their victims were native Norwegian women. In Sweden, Sweden now has, actually this has changed.
Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, it's since changed. It's now the number one rape capital country in the world.
After South Africa, which at 53 .2%, or per, excuse me, let's do this again, 53 .2
per 100 ,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that one of every four
Swedish women will be raped. Could you just imagine here in Idaho if something like this was going on, how long it would last?
Not long. Not last long. Everyone's got guns. Yeah, it wouldn't last long.
You could have a woman screaming, 50 guys are gonna be running towards that woman to rescue her and the perpetrator will be needing some nursing back to health.
In fact, we have a town here that I was told by a guy that his wife is a nurse at one of the hospitals in this one town and Muslim immigrants are there and the
Muslim immigrants demanded, demanded that women be sent to their homes when they got out for surgery, demanding that the women serve them and clean up.
Yeah. Yeah, I go over there, I'll dress up. It's the only time I ever dress up in a dress.
Okay, yeah, I'll be out. I would never dress up in a dress, I couldn't do that.
This was a kilt. Maybe I'd do a kilt, I could do that enough. In 2012, it emerged that over 1 ,000 mostly in United Kingdom, mostly white young girls in the
Northern England town of Rotherham were systematically groomed, trafficked, beaten and sexually abused by rape gangs consisting of mainly
Pakistani Muslim men. Sharia, 51 % of Muslims want choice of Sharia in the
United States. A fifth of Muslims in the US approve of violence in order to institute Sharia.
300 ,000 US Muslims want to impose Sharia worldwide. 19 % of US Muslims may say violence is justified.
It's the same thing as to impose Sharia. In Canada, 62 % of Muslims want
Sharia in Canada. 15 % say make it mandatory. In Denmark, 46 % of Muslims feel
Danish law must be based on Sharia. Pew Research 2013, according to an interpretation of this study, approximately 45 % of Sharia supporters survey disagreed with the idea that Islamic law should apply only to Muslims.
Terrorism, 61 % of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans. 32 % of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans.
41 % of Pakistanis, 38 % of Moroccans, 83 % of Palestinians, 62 % of Jordanians, 42 % of Turks.
Let's see, 34 % in Egypt, Indonesia is 45%.
Percentage of Muslims worldwide who approve of terrorism. Yeah, I got that. Percentage of United States Muslims that approve of suicidal bombings, 8 % in America.
25 % of Muslims say violence against the
US is justified. I think it should be 100 % of Muslims who believe in suicide bombings.
They just need to practice. Practice, get it right first. I'm for it,
I don't wanna do that. Exercise your religious rights, go out in the field, practice suicide bombing. I don't have any problem with that.
Belgium, 16 % of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is acceptable. Indonesia and Nigeria, 15 % of Indonesians believe suicide bombings are often sometimes justified.
34 % of Nigerian Muslims believe it's okay. Violence in defense of Islam.
I just gotta get a whole bunch of that stuff. Let me try this. I'll do the violence next.
I'll do welfare first and finish off with some of this and we'll be done. Welfare, USA statistics of Muslims and welfare according to the
Office of Refugee Resettlement. 82%,
Chairman of the Subcommittee, blah, blah, blah. I can't understand the statistics. Oh yeah, 73 % were on Medicaid or refugee medical assistance and 68 .3
% were on cash welfare of Muslims. Middle Eastern refugees. Now, I don't have any problem with people coming here.
They wanna get on their feet. We help them out a little. Get a job, learn the language, learn our culture, assimilate, get in.
But they don't, they stay in groups. They want things to be catered for them and they stay on the dole.
Canada, hundreds of Muslim men in polygamous marriages, some have a harem of wives, are receiving welfare and social benefits for each other's spouses thanks to the city and province
Muslim leaders say. I heard a thing that it's illegal now in Canada to criticize
Islam. You can't criticize Islam. You can criticize
Christianity, but you can't criticize Islam. Netherlands, 50 to 70 % of Muslim asylum seekers permanently are on welfare.
Norway, according to blah, blah, blah, non -Western immigrants are 10 times as likely to get social assistance as native
Norwegians. Now, some might say, that's because they don't speak the language, but they've been there for years. You know, if I went to say
Germany, I don't speak German. Say I had to move to Germany for something for the rest of my life. Let's just say something. My wife's the only place we have to go to Germany and they can save her medical conditions and basically save, you know, we had to go to Germany.
First thing I would do, is sign up for German classes. And I would take the German classes.
I'd have a German dictionary. I'd have German stuff. I would hang around with, I'd make German friends and say, teach me
German. In one year, I would expect to be fluent. And I would learn their culture,
I'd learn their ways and I would assimilate into their culture. That's what I would do. And I'd get off the dole, if I was on the dole,
I'd get off it as soon as I could and see if I could get a job. And if I had to stay there for the rest of my life, I'd see if I could get
German citizenship as well and do what's necessary. I mean, I would do what I had to do. Immigration costs
Sweden at least 40 to 50 billion Swedish kroner. That's approximately $7 billion every year and has greatly contributed to bringing the
Swedish welfare state to the brink of bankruptcy. This is
Islam. Now, I'm gonna read some more statistics here. But when I went to Israel, four years ago,
I was there and we were gonna go over to Palestine and go to Bethlehem and do some shopping and stuff.
We're safe. And I can still remember the big wall and guys there with guns and a sign saying, no
Jews allowed. And when we got to the wall, everybody in the bus stopped talking.
And we paid attention. And I remember being a little bit nervous about going in there, but I trusted the people around me.
And they said, we do it all the time. It's safe. Okay, they watch our business. All right.
I wasn't expecting that as soon as we drove through the gate, the wall and the wall, as soon as we were on the other side, how filthy it was.
We're talking feet. Israel, clean, green, painted, look good.
You went right over there, trash, things broken, broken curbs, broken this, broken that.
Trash. I never forgot that. I wasn't the only one who noticed.
And you walk around in different areas, broken this, broken that, they didn't care. Now you say, well, wait a minute.
Some Muslim countries are very, very clean. Yeah, the ones with Western influence and Western money. Westerners don't want to go abide in places like that that are dirty.
All right, now, we'll do this a little bit. We'll be done. Sorry. I know we're going a lot. Statistics on CARM.
You can see the documentation. When a Muslim, several studies,
I've got three studies that say basically the same thing. Numbers aren't exactly identical, but very close.
When 1 % of the population in a country is Muslim, they're peaceful. When it's 2 % to 3%, they proselytize the disaffected and ethnic minorities.
They recruit from jails and street gangs. At 5 % of the population, they exercise an inordinate amount of influence upon a society in relationship to their population.
That's like homosexuality. Same thing. But anyway, they will insist on Islamic standard food preparation and increased pressure on food supply chains to adapt to Muslim rules.
When they're 10 % of the population, they increase in lawlessness as a means of getting what they want in harmony with Islamic teaching.
When they're 20 % of the population, there's rioting, sporadic killings with church and synagogue burnings.
At 40%, widespread massacres with chronic terror attacks. 60%, widespread persecution of unbelievers from different religions with sporadic ethnic cleansing.
At 80%, state -run ethnic cleansing occurs. 100%, complete domination with the oppression of religious and ethnic minorities not in harmony with Islam.
So in other words, the more Muslims are in a country, the worse it is for the natural inhabitants and the more violent they become in every situation.
So this man drove a truck through people on bicycles in Manhattan, just enjoying their day, getting some air.
Children, adults, and killed people. Coward. And this is because Islam says in Surah 9, which is the second to last
Surah written in the Quran, in Surah 9 .5, Surah 9 .29,
it talks about killing infidels, seeking them out and destroying them. Surah 1 .10
is the last Surah written. Now it doesn't make sense to those who don't know, but it's not chronological.
It doesn't go 9, 10, 11, 12. Nine is the second to last, 10 is, 1 .10
is the last. And there's nothing in 1 .10 that has any value about what we're talking about.
And so Surah 9 is the final word of Allah and how Muslims are to treat non -Muslims.
And let me just go there and I'll end with this. So 9 .5,
but when forbidden months are passed, then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem.
But if they repent and establish regular prayers and practices or practice regular charity, then open the way for them.
What that means is they pay the jizya tax. When they're oppressed and under control of the Islamic state, then the,
I'd say for example, if we were Christians in an Islamic state, once we've been subdued, we're not, they're not supposed to kill us, but 80 % of your income goes to their state.
You cannot, a Christian cannot be in a job of any authority over any Muslim, period. If your church gets burned down, you're just out of luck, you can't build a new one.
It's just, it's, and I talked to a guy who I was waiting in a doctor's office and he and his family came in, sat down, they were obviously ethnically challenged, different country.
And I started talking to the man who had, his English was broken, but it was good enough. He'd been here for a year.
And I said, well, where are you from? And I forgot which country he said, I think he said Egypt, but I don't remember for sure anymore.
And he said that they were Coptic Christians and they had to flee that country because twice they'd be home with the family and they had to pay the jizya tax, which means 80 % of what they make goes to the state, which means they don't have much.
Took them a long time to get even meager possessions. They would have to spend what they had for food and, you know, and suddenly the door is knocked down and Muslims come in and say, everything you own belongs to Allah and they'd steal from them, just swap them out.
And they can't go to the police and complain. As he said, this happened twice.
They just did whatever they could to get out of there. I remember reading a story about women,
Muslim women and Christian women on a bus going to a factory to work in one of these semi -tolerant, if you want to call it a semi -tolerant,
Islamic states where Christians are allowed to exist. And some bad guys stopped them off the bus, told the women to get off the bus.
Says, which ones are Christians? Which ones are Muslims? Muslims. Separated them, raped the
Christian women, put them all back in the bus. The Christian women went to the police to complain, file a complaint and they all lost their jobs for complaining.
This is what it's like for Christians under Sharia. Islam is an evil religion.
Muhammad's a false prophet and right now he's in hell. And all Muslims who die believing in Islam are on their way to hell and join him.
And the gospel is this. You don't have to be good to please God because Jesus was good enough.
When you trusted what Christ did and not what you did, and you trusted what he's done alone and not what you can do, then you could be saved.
You have your sins forgiven. It's not how good you are, it's how good Jesus is. Once you've trusted in Christ and he lives in you,
John 16, 23, he lives in you and you want to serve him. You want to do good, but we do good not to be saved, not to keep ourselves saved.
Simply because we love God, we obey him. This is the difference between Islamic teaching of salvation and Christian.
In Christianity, Jesus, who is God in flesh, who never sinned, took our sin, took it upon himself and died with it on the cross that we might live.
And then Islam comes around and says, that's a false thing, Surah 4, 157. It said it was a deception that Allah perpetrated.
Muslims have no hope. Inshallah isn't any comfort. If Allah wills, no comfort.
And because a Muslim doesn't even know if his works are good enough, he never has assurance unless he kills someone else or dies killing someone else in jihad.
In Christianity, it's the opposite. One who gave the law fulfilled the law.
The one who gave the law fulfilled the law for the ones who break that law and died in their place lovingly and rose from the dead three days later.
If you're a Muslim and you want to escape the pressure and the weight of trying to please your
God, turn to Christ who never sinned, who was born of a virgin.
Muhammad was not born of a virgin. Muhammad sinned and magic worked on him. And you can read the deeds and the sayings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
And you can see what he was like. And who do you want to trust? Muhammad who married a six -year -old girl and had sex with her at nine or Jesus?
Or Jesus who died on the cross and rose from the dead three days later? Salvation is found only in him and no one else.
Trust in Christ, ask him to forgive you for sin, and he will. Amen. Amen.