A Reasonable Latino Calmly Responds to Matt Chandler

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, thanks for joining me for another video. I was inspired to do this video about Matt Chandler's, a snippet from Matt Chandler's sermon by Edwin Ramirez.
If you don't know Edwin Ramirez, he is a fantastic person. He's been on my show before.
He has a podcast called The Proverbial Life, I believe it is. I'll link to his video in the description of this one.
You should definitely give it a watch. It's like 30 minutes. It's really good stuff. The cool part about Edwin Ramirez is that he used to be an
SJW. He actually used to be a social justice, woke church advocate.
He is no longer. He sees very clearly a lot of the problems with the entire perspective and how it contrasts with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He did a great job on this. I asked him, I said, hey man, do you want me to just send people to your video? Because he did great. He says, nah man, do your own video too.
I was like, all right, I'll do it, I'll do it. Here it is. It is a snippet from a sermon from Matt Chandler.
They're still having video church, so he's having a video sermon here like a lot of us were doing for the last few months.
I've heard people describe this as Matt lashing out and Matt kind of like getting angry and stuff like that.
There's a little bit of that, but I don't really see it that way. I see it as a man who's totally in control of himself.
He does spit a little bit of fire. I'm known to do that as well. What you can always tell when somebody is in total control and they're angry when they want to be angry and calm when they want to be calm is they'll be able to just stop it in an instant.
When people really are lashing out, they just keep going and they eventually peter out. You'll see later in this video, he raises his voice and he looks so angry.
He's really taking a clip out of old lady Robles' book, if you know what I mean. Just kidding.
But then he comes down, I'm sorry I was like that. I think he's in total control. I don't think that this is an example of him lashing out.
However, he does have some fiery things to say and I like a little spice. You know what I mean? I like a little spice.
This is a no -no though for Big Eva. Big Eva doesn't like this kind of thing unless you're in the guild, as we will see.
So let's just listen to what he has to say and we'll respond to it. And here's where I want to lean in a little bit.
Let's lean in. Where we find ourselves. If you'll study the civil rights movement in the 60s, there's a pattern that emerges.
So the predominant leader there is Martin Luther King Jr., which we really like right now because he's dead. I have to believe that a
Martin Luther King Jr. right now, he'd be a liberal Marxist socialist that everybody despises. But we'll... Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on there, Matt Chandler. And listen, I hope you don't mind if I respond directly to you. Before we get into it though, if you don't know, my most widely viewed videos are about Matt Chandler.
I don't do them very often, but by far, my most widely viewed videos are about Matt Chandler. He's kind of like the golden boy.
He's the golden goose. He can't touch the Lord's anointed. You can't criticize him without getting colossal pushback.
But what he's trying to do here says, well, we like Martin Luther King now, but if we were back then, he would be a liberal
Marxist socialist. And he's right. Dr. Martin Luther King was a socialist. He was a
Marxist. There's no question about it. People say that about him now. So he's trying to make it seem like there's some duplicity in the way we think about him.
And I just don't think that that's actually accurate. I think people often will say things like this, you know, I'm very glad that he did all these great things for civil rights, but he was actually a heretic.
He was a Marxist. He was a socialist. There was lots of problems with Martin Luther King. They were saying it then, and we say it now because it's very apparent.
It's evident. So there might be some people that are confused about who Dr. Martin Luther King really was.
He was not a Christian. There's no question about that, even though the ERLC and Southern Baptist Convention does entire conferences about how great of a
Christian he was. He clearly wasn't. So this isn't really true. Like, there isn't really any duplicity with the people on my side of this.
We recognize the good accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, while at the same time criticizing the things that are very criticizable about him, like the fact that he was a
Marxist, socialist, all those things. So that's kind of a weird kind of way to start this snippet.
But hey, that's his prerogative. Quote him now because he's not here to offend us in the now.
No, we quote him now because he did say some good things, but he also said some very terrible things. We also quote that.
So we don't have the need to whitewash Dr. Martin Luther King like the
ERLC and like, to be frank, Matt Chandler does. We can take him as a man, as an imperfect man who had some contradictions about him.
On the one hand, he's for justice over here, but on the other hand, he's for injustice over here. So we quote him because the things that we quote, we agree with.
But we also quote the bad things that he said in his lifetime. So, you know, we're capable of kind of holding those together in our mind.
It's not like when we see someone, we think they're either all good or all bad. I hope when you see me, you don't see me as all good all the time.
And in fact, I know you don't because I know a lot of you guys who really like my content have absolutely no problem calling me out when
I cross the line. And I really appreciate that. So, you know, adults should have the ability to kind of not have to have it be black or white.
We can we can nuance this. We can like certain things about what Martin Luther King did. And there's definitely some admirable things that he did.
But there's also some really evil things that he's that he did and promoted. And we wouldn't want to to pretend like he didn't do those things.
So this is kind of a weak place to start. But this is pretty typical of a social justice narrative.
You kind of you kind of present things in a way that really makes your opponent look like the devil.
And that's that's really disrespectful. This is what Jesus means when when he says that that you love the prophets that are no longer with us, but you don't like the prophets that are here today, but neither here.
Matt Chandler loves to do this. He likes to he likes to call Dr. Martin Luther King a literal heretic.
I know some people throw that word around a lot, but I'm talking about capital H heretic, like the things he believed about Christ put him outside of the camp of Christianity.
He did this at the Martin Luther King conference. That's actually where my YouTube channel really started taking off. That's the first kind of things that really got some traction because he said the same thing there.
He was a great prophet. Martin Luther King was not a great prophet. Martin Luther King was not a Christian. So he loves to do this.
And this is really, really disrespectful to the actual prophets of God. You know, the people that are actually speaking the words of God.
Martin Luther King did not speak the words of God in the way the prophets did, or he didn't even speak the words of God in the way that that that pastors and preachers today ought to.
So this is, again, it's a very weird way to start this snippet. I know this is the middle of his sermon, so he said a lot of other things as well.
But he chose to put out this snippet. He thought this was fire. So I'm going to take the snippet for what it is.
This is a really weak place to start, and it really just is very dishonest, very disrespectful to your opponents.
Nor there. In the 60s, the civil rights movement was born out of the church.
And so if you study Martin Luther King, like there was this pattern. They would meet, they would pray, they would worship, they would go over kind of the rules of the protest, and then they would march.
And this was a rhythm that was established by King so that it was rooted in the church, that the church let out in a very real way on the civil rights movement in the 60s.
And now one of the things that... This is a very common tactic for social justice warriors, and I'm going to, sorry to interrupt him so much, but they'll typically start with history and then connect it to the present, which of course history is connected to the present, but what they try to do is make a one -to -one comparison.
And there really is no comparison between what Martin Luther King marched for and what Black Lives Matter is marching for today.
There's no comparison really that can be made except that they're both marches and black people are participating.
Because back in Martin Luther King's day, there were very clear injustices. There was partiality in the laws that existed.
Blacks had a certain set of laws and other people, white people, had a different set of laws. And it was partial.
There was differences in how people were treated according to the law. And that's actually not the case today.
Today you can't, if you ask a social justice warrior, name one law that's partial and don't hold your breath waiting for an answer because you will die, you will never hear one.
So instead what they say is, well, it's not the laws themselves, it's just the way that implicitly people are done, this and that, and this and that.
And it's never provable, it's just provable by disparities. They say, well, there's a disparity between the amount of black people arrested for murder and the amount of white people arrested for murder.
There's a statistical proportional disparity. But as most adults can see, if they're actually committing more murders, then of course there's going to be a disparity, but that's not the law's problem.
And so there's a lot more, there's a deeper conversation here. I'm not saying that there isn't a possibility of there being partiality in the way the laws carried out.
I'm not saying that. I don't think anybody's saying that there isn't the possibility, but you have to prove it. You can't just assume it.
And so the difference is like Martin Luther King was marching for real injustices that if they were happening today,
I would be right there marching with him. No question about it. But the kind of injustices that are happening today, not only are they disputable, but the other side just expects us to believe it and just to go with it and just to join the mob.
And a Christian can't do that. A Christian needs to be impartial. A Christian needs to have two or more witnesses, establish the facts of the matter.
The facts actually matter for a Christian. So it's very different, but social justice warriors like to pretend like it's the same thing.
It's not the same thing at all. And most reasonable people can understand that it's at least something that needs a little bit more discussion, a little bit more evidence than we have currently.
What happened is the church by and large has refused to participate, which means that we have turned over,
God help us, we have turned over what is our inheritance to dark ideologies.
Like when you say, hey, we're not going to get involved, let's just preach the gospel to that. Oh, a couple of things.
So the first thing is he's saying that we've turned over our inheritance of justice to dark ideologies.
I think he's probably referring to Black Lives Matter, Marxism and stuff like that. But there's no, like, he doesn't leave any room for, you know, maybe it's just all a dark ideology.
Maybe the whole idea of these statistical disparities equaling oppression and injustice, maybe that itself is a dark ideology.
In fact, that's what I'm alleging. That's my claim. My claim is to say that a statistical disparity proves oppression is in fact a dark ideology.
The Bible doesn't say anything about that. The Bible doesn't say anything about that. In fact, the Bible seems to affirm the goodness and the and the rightness and the inevitability of statistical disparities, income disparities, wealth disparities to each is given a certain amount.
You know, God doesn't give the same to every person. God blesses certain people over others. God blesses and gives resources to certain people over and against others.
There's just so many Bible verses we could point to where God does that. And we wouldn't want to say that that's actually an injustice because that's what
God does for his people. He blesses his people. He blesses them spiritually, yes, but also materially.
So what we have to do is to say, you know, Matt, I hear what you're saying here, but the church actually isn't abandoning its mission.
That's not what's going on. What's happening is that there is a dark organization, a dark ideology that's pretending and offering a counterfeit justice.
And the church is resisting going with that counterfeit version of justice. And that's not the same thing as abandoning your inheritance.
In fact, that's keeping your inheritance. That's insisting that all things must be demonstrated by the word of God.
That's insisting that God's standards are more important than your standards. That's exactly what we should be doing.
There's no abandonment here. In fact, this is the very mission of God's people. We ought to be a people of justice.
We ought to be a people who care about justice. And it's not just any version of justice. It's actually God's justice.
And so that's what I claim that we're doing. Now what we have to do, though, is have a
Bible study to discuss this. So you can show me in the Bible where statistical disparities equal oppression, and I'll show you in the
Bible where partiality is a sin, and we can talk about the pros and cons of that and see who's right.
That's what I offer. That's what I suggest. Matt, I'd be glad to do it with you privately or publicly anytime.
Which by the way, I find so hypocritical. You don't just preach the gospel of sex trafficking.
You don't just preach the gospel on the issue of life and abortion. No, you act. And so it's why—
So this is very interesting. This is another one of those straw men that we were talking about. He's obviously getting very animated.
This is the gospel -centered guy. He likes to tout himself as the gospel -centered guy. He says, well, you don't just preach the gospel of sex trafficking.
And you can see he's getting very animated about this. And the thing is, though, that sex trafficking is already illegal, right?
And so you're right. You don't just preach the gospel to sex trafficking. You also enforce the law, which is a very consistent law with the law of God.
I think sex traffickers should be given the death penalty. I hope Matt Chandler would agree with that, that sex traffickers, people who rape others, people who kill others, murder others, should be given the death penalty, because that's
God's standard of justice. We've got to go with God's standard over ours. So I completely agree.
But that's already illegal. And so, you know, we can't ever hope to stamp out sex trafficking through the law.
We can do what we can to arrest sex traffickers. We can do what we can to eradicate them from the face of the earth and execute them swiftly when they're caught and convicted on the evidence of two or more witnesses.
We can do all of that because all of that is required for a people who loves the Lord and loves justice. The civil governing authority is
God's avenger, okay? That's a tool of God's justice. But that's not going to ever eradicate sex trafficking from the earth.
Actually, the gospel is the only thing that can do that, because as long as there are sinners out there, there are people that are going to risk the death penalty in order to commit sex trafficking, because people are freaking twisted.
You know what I mean? So that's always going to exist. So yeah, you don't just preach the gospel, you also establish justice in your borders.
But when it comes to the race issue, murder is already illegal, whether it's a murder based on race or otherwise.
Discrimination is already illegal, even though that's really not in the law of God either. But it is already illegal.
I mean, we've gone kind of above and beyond there and all of that kind of thing. Partiality for a Christian is already a sin as well.
It's already illegal. And so we, of course, we preach the gospel to people who are partial, but also we excommunicate people that are partial from our churches.
The law, the civil governing authority, if anyone were to commit murder against a black or otherwise, the full force of the law should be against that person.
That's God's avenger. So yes, it's not just the gospel, but the gospel is the only way to actually solve the real root problem.
So yeah, you can execute murderers all day and people will still murder because they're sinners. But the gospel is the thing that cures them from being, you know, after their own sin and in the flesh and all that kind of thing.
The gospel is the only thing that can change a heart. That's what people mean when they say just preach the gospel. They don't mean just preach the gospel and ignore justice.
But what they do mean is that preach the gospel and yes, of course, establish justice according to God's standard.
It's like, you know, you, we should outlaw abortion and people who commit abortion should be given the death penalty.
But at the end of the day, we, we, we must preach the gospel to eradicate abortion. The death penalty is not going to do it.
And so he's getting all angry about this. And again, I think this is a controlled anger. He strikes me as a very effective communicator.
I do this on my channel. You see me getting really angry. Most of the time I'm in complete control of myself and you'll see me bring it down really quick.
That's what he does here. That's a sign that he's in complete control. But this is just really untrue.
It's very disrespectful again to his brothers in Christ. It's like this brain broke disjoint that's got us acting obscene,
I mean absurd, and then critiquing this movement as being evil and dark when we have given up our inheritance.
See the thing is like he's trying to say, don't criticize black lives matter because you've given up justice. No, we're just not going with pagan justice.
And so we'll continue to criticize black lives matter because that's required because we're supposed to expose the darkness and black lives matter as an organization is darkness,
Marxism and socialism and liberalism and progressivism. These are dark ideologies and we are a people that should love justice and so we have to expose them.
And so yeah, somebody's brain is broke here. But it's not us. We're actually being consistent.
We're doing all the things that God requires us to do. We talk about loving your neighbor. Yes, we have to love our neighbor
George Floyd, but we also have to love our neighbor Derek Chauvin as much as we don't want to. We still have to go with God's standard in that situation.
We can't join the lynch mob. We just can't. That's not how a Christian ought to behave. A Christian needs to be in control of themselves.
And to be honest, it's so easy to see where you're compromising yourself here.
You're compromising yourself because you don't even allow the option that a
Christian can criticize the darkness if they're not doing things exactly the way you would. That's preposterous.
I would never say something like that. I'm not that egotistical. You know what I mean? You don't have to do things the way I would do them.
And yes, even my enemies in the social justice debate, when they occasionally criticize abortion,
I'm like, right on. They very rarely do it. But when they do do it, I'm like, right on.
I'm not going to say, well, you can't criticize abortion because you've given up your inheritance over here.
It's like, that's just a very weird take. It's kind of manipulative. It's trying to manipulate you into agreeing with him so that you can,
I don't know, get your inheritance to criticize back. I mean, what does that even come from in the Bible? You cannot point out all the flaws in this current movement while you have abandoned the place that we were meant to play.
You cannot point out all the, well, this means this and this believes this and that's this and that's this.
What he's talking about is where Black Lives Matter says that LGBT, you know, transgendered black people, you know, we should love the
LGBT. They should be allowed to do whatever sexual perversion they want. We want to destroy the nuclear family.
He's saying you can't point that stuff out if you're not part of the Black Lives Matter movement. That's what he's saying here.
So if you're not, if you don't agree with the Black Lives Matter version of justice, then you don't have the right to criticize the sexual perversion and the destruction of the nuclear family and the
Marxism. You don't have that right because you've given up your inheritance. What inheritance? That seems like a satanic inheritance.
I don't want anything to do with that. Um, so this is a weird take. This is a weird strategy.
And I got to be honest, like the, the amount of, uh, of, of, of, of fire here, the, the passion here, it's, it is a reason why it doesn't really land is because it's just based on lies.
Like when I get passionate about things, I mean, God willing, it's about truth. Um, but this guy's just spitting lies right here and getting super passionate about it.
It's easy to see why someone would say this is lashing out. I think he's in complete control. This is a very strategic video clip that he's pulled from his sermon and ignore the sorrow and lament of 12 to 13 million image bearers in our country.
You can't. Yeah. So, so this is, this is another thing too, that, that he often does.
He's, he's a very, he's very partial and unintentionally racist. I brought this up many times about the unintentional racism that Matt Chandler has.
And the reality is, is he, he's basically saying here that, you know, 13 million blacks, the entire population of blacks, um, they're lamenting right now and that's just not the case.
Um, that's not the case at all. Um, I think that the media has skewed everything to make you think that everyone's in lockstep on this and it's just not the case at all.
I'm a Puerto Rican. I've got slave ancestors, um, in my, um, in my, uh, in my family tree and, uh,
I'm not lamenting right now. Okay. I'm, I'm sad that George, I feel bad for George Floyd's family.
Um, but I don't, I'm not lamenting this oppression, this, whatever you want to call it.
I'm not because I don't think it's, it's actually real and there are plenty of black people that don't think it's real. And so this
Matt Chandler just thinks that all those black guys, they think the same. And so if you're not thinking with them, then you're not loving them.
Furthermore, um, I did a video, I think you should definitely give it a watch. It's called, I will not mourn with you. I will not lament with you.
And it explains why this, this whole idea of mourning with those who mourn is totally abused because, um, it's, it's, it's always deployed in a partial way.
Matt Chandler, this is, you're being partial here because if I were to take the rest of that verse and say, rejoice with those who rejoice, therefore, when
Donald Trump wins the next election, you better rejoice with me. And if you don't, you're a sinner. You would instantly see the problem with that, right?
Instantly. But for some reason you deploy this kind of a verse in a very manipulative and very partial way where it applies to black people, but not whites.
It applies to certain families, but not others. And that's a very disrespectful way to do this.
I have said disrespect so many times in this video, and that's really ultimately what I think is the big problem with this little snippet.
It's super disrespectful to all of his brothers and sisters in Christ who disagree with him. It paints them in the least, the most negative possible light, and it projects on them positions that they just simply don't have.
And so Matt, I would urge you to stop this kind of thing. And if you'd like to talk again anytime,
I'll give you my office number, my cell phone number, my email address, whatever, however you want to talk. I'd be available at any time because this kind of thing isn't helping anybody.
It is, it is making everyone think that everyone on your side think you're a great guy. But I'm pretty sure you don't think that that's the reward you're going for.
I'm pretty sure. We do that. We mourn with those who mourn.
And yes, there are demonic and evil ideologies at play, but that's where the people of God are meant to run with light and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And that's what we're doing. And that's what we're doing. We're, we're exposing the ideology for what it is.
We're saying that view of justice actually isn't biblical. And we always come with Bible verses in context and scripture and biblical worldview to say that this ideology is incorrect.
But you just got done saying, I can't do that unless I'm accepting the inheritance that comes from their false view of justice.
That's not how this works, Matt Chandler. You know what I mean? That's not how this works at all. We actually have to take the entire worldview, the view of justice, the view of everything.
All of it has to come from the Bible. It can't come from Robin D 'Angelo's book on white fragility. It can't come from the white awake book.
It can't come from all of these other pagan sources. You understand what I'm saying? I'm not saying you can't use pagan sources, but so much of this ideology that you've accepted white privilege and all this stuff,
I've done videos about Matt Chandler's views on white privilege and all of that. This doesn't come from the scripture and I'm sure you have enough integrity to know that you didn't learn about white privilege from the scripture.
You learned about it from pagan sources. It's completely pagan to the core. And so I will accept what you've said there.
It's true. The Christian should bring light to all this dark stuff, but I do not accept your terms. I'm not going to join the mob in order to do that.
I have an inheritance from the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't need it from you. You understand what I'm saying?
I don't need it from you. You're not my master. The Lord is. Not to sit back and snipe via social media.
I got a little hot there, I apologize. You see how he comes down right away? I'm not criticizing that.
I do this all the time where I'm like, I'm hot, I'm hot. And then I'm instantly cool again.
You know, that's not something to be criticized, I don't think, for Matt Chandler. That's a man who's in control.
I appreciate that because you don't want to fly off the handle. That's something you want to avoid.
You want to be able to control yourself and to control your tone and all that kind of stuff. I practice that every single day.
But can we please stop having the Gospel Coalition think pieces about how tone is more important than the content?
I mean, you guys see, your own people do this. This is why I don't take you seriously, because you never hold yourselves to the same standard you would hold a guy like me to.
Now, that whole thing about social media sniping, if you're new here, that's a tactic that they use to shut you down.
It's trying to insulate them from ever taking criticism in a public way. I reject that.
I reject it completely. It's not a biblical standard. It's not a Christian standard in any way. I totally reject that.
You're not a priest. You know what I mean? You're not a special person that I can't ...
It's not the Catholic church, right? You're not the Pope. I have to treat you like a brother, but I am totally within my rights to publicly criticize your public words like I'm doing right now.
That's not social media sniping. This kind of tactic, it's really kind of pathetic. Hate the player, not the game.
Hate the game, not the player. You know what I mean? If you don't want to engage in social media anymore, then don't.
You know what I mean? As long as you're going to, I'm going to do the same thing. You can call it sniping all day long, impervious to that kind of a criticism, unless you can point to something specific.
People have done this to me before. I will absolutely apologize if I cross the line. I've done it many times before, and I promise you
I'll do it in the future. This is a tactic. He doesn't want to be criticized, and he wants to paint it so that if he is criticized, well,
I'm just being attacked. It's kind of sad, bro. That's kind of a weak tactic.
Weasley. We must grow in the hope that God will heal the wounds of racism and that what we're watching on our
TV unfold again will one day cease. Look at me. This is our inheritance.
This is mine. This is yours. What you're seeing play out right now in violent riot and in murder and in what you're seeing play out, that is a robbing of our inheritance.
I'm talking to the church. I'm talking to followers of Jesus Christ. It's mine, bought by the blood of Jesus Christ.
We are to grow in hope that this is possible. They're not robbing my inheritance.
They're not robbing my inheritance. They're engaging in the inheritance that they've got from their father,
Adam. This is a satanic movement, and so violence and mayhem and rioting, they're just doing what they do.
You know what I mean? They're doing what their father has done, and they're working and serving their father.
It's just that simple. So they're not robbing my inheritance. Absolutely not. So I don't go with them with the ideology.
I don't go with them with the violence. I don't have to, and there's nothing that you can say that would make me do it. This is a very weird take, guys.
I'll close with this. What other instance would you try to act like you're being prophetic and being light and salt and light in the world by adopting the entirety of the pagan view of justice, with the exception of the violence?
So thankfully, Matt Chandler's not in the streets looting and stuff like that. Thankfully, he's not.
But he's bought in the whole lie up to a certain point. What other topic would that be, something that could sound plausible?
You're not prophetic by doing exactly what the people on CNN are saying you should do. You know what
I mean? That's not how you're prophetic. I mean, the word of God comes into conflict with the Zeitgeist. It doesn't go along with it.
They don't have our inheritance. We've got our own thing going on. We can be consistent. We don't have to be partial.
We don't have to buy any of the nonsense. Even if it's nonsense that'll get you a few attaboys and a few pats on the back, even if it's nonsense that'll make you look like a good person,
I'm not worried about looking like a good person. I'm worried about being one.
And so if I criticize the LGBT movements, or the Black Lives Matter movement stances on LGBT and transgenderism, if I criticize the
Black Lives Matter movement opinions on the nuclear family and socialism and liberalism and all that kind of stuff,
I'm not going to look like a good person to the world. But Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. If you are friends with Matt Chandler, please share it with him. Matt, I'm glad to talk to you anytime.
I would love it. And to maybe offer a perspective that you haven't heard from before.
I'm a descendant of slaves. I'm a descendant of slaves. I don't see things the way you do, and I'd love to talk to you about the biblical foundations for why