King Charles is Hiding Something | John MacArthur
I was shocked to hear about John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Grim Reaper Figure at King Charles' Coronation, Joel Osteen, Oprah Winfrey, TD Jakes, Mike Todd, Calvin Robinson's "homosexual marriage" speech, Brandan Robertson debates Apologia Studios, James White, and Church of England.
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- 00:05
- King of kings, and Lord of lords, bless we beseech thee this crown, and so sanctify thy servant
- 00:14
- Charles. There are a lot of things I would have done differently, but one thing
- 00:20
- I would not have done differently is build the entire ministry from day one on the word of God.
- 00:27
- And honestly, the commitment I have to scripture, the understanding the authority and inerrancy, efficiency of scripture, and realizing that all ministry derives from the spirit of God working through the revelation of God.
- 00:46
- The Church of England is now woke, or however Fox News would wanna talk about it. And this because the church is considering using gender neutral terms for God, which as it turns out is actually more consistent with its long held belief that God is neither male nor female.
- 00:57
- And some priests have already changed prayers to switch he to God or they, and have started the Lord's prayer to our father and mother. But this isn't even the biggest progressive step the
- 01:04
- Church of England has recently taken because it just voted to allow blessings to same sex couples. So notably the church isn't fully changing its position on gay marriage.
- 01:10
- They still can't marry in the church, they can just receive God's blessing after a civil marriage or partnership. And clergy members can opt out of using the prayers.
- 01:16
- But many still see this as a moment of hope for progress for the church's future. The Lord bless you and keep you.
- 01:23
- The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
- 01:30
- The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace.
- 01:38
- I'm really pleased it's changing. For my, you know, gay friends,
- 01:44
- I'm really pleased. And no, it's not enough for some. And I'm really sorry it's not enough.
- 01:50
- You know, we've spent so much time listening and working with people across a whole range of diversities.
- 01:57
- It has brought us to a new knowledge and a new place of humility before God, before church, before the world, where we can say, yes, we got it wrong.
- 02:07
- And we're not saying, by the way, we think we've got it right now, but we are saying this is a good place to be.
- 02:14
- And I wasn't expecting to get emotional, but I am, because I think it puts the
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- Church of England in a better place. And I really hope that we can hold together our unity.
- 02:27
- And I cry out for those who hate what we're doing and say, we want to hold you together in this, but this is the fullest pastoral provision that we can offer at the moment without changing legislation, which would take years anyway, years and years.
- 02:43
- The Lord protect you in all your ways and prosper all your work in his name.
- 02:50
- 2 ,000 years of Christian doctrine cannot be altered at the whim of a few liberal bishops. What is
- 02:56
- God ordained cannot be adjusted to suit our new liberal progressive views.
- 03:01
- Marriage is heterosexual and monogamous and should be open to the possibility of children. The Bible backs all of this up.
- 03:08
- It's very clear throughout on this matter. The Lord give you hope and happiness that you may inspire all your people in the imitation of his unchanging love.
- 03:21
- We cannot redefine marriage. And I know what you're saying here, right?
- 03:29
- You say we can't redefine marriage, but haven't we redefined marriage? No, no, no, we haven't redefined marriage.
- 03:37
- We've blasphemed the God who created marriage, but we haven't redefined it.
- 03:43
- And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be with you and remain with you always.
- 03:53
- Amen. The coronation of King Charles III is particularly significant to Christians because of its emphasis upon the relationship that King Charles has to the
- 04:06
- Church of England, which is the official church of the country. As monarch, King Charles is supposed to be the defender of the faith, but he presides over a church that has pretty much completely compromised concerning what the
- 04:19
- Bible clearly teaches. In an open letter, we together apologize for the pain, hostility, exclusion, and rejection that LGBTQI people have experienced within the church.
- 04:32
- We realize that this behavior has not reflected the universal love of God for all people.
- 04:38
- We know that we need to change. Reverend Calvin Robinson is a deacon in the Free Church of England who has been calling out the hypocrisy and heresy of the
- 04:48
- Church of England concerning LGBTQ issues. So my question to the bishops would be, do we not believe in the authority of scriptures anymore?
- 04:57
- Can we pick and choose which parts of the gospel we adhere to? The church, after all, is
- 05:02
- Christ's bride, as we heard earlier. Jesus is described as the bridegroom so that we may know how he relates to us.
- 05:10
- Two grooms would be pointless. Christ is already in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. It's us he's inviting in.
- 05:17
- Two brides is what we're looking at here. The church is attempting to marry itself and to leave Christ out of the picture.
- 05:24
- We are directly talking about undermining God's plan as he has revealed it to us. We're replacing his authority with our own.
- 05:32
- And because Robinson has been fighting to defend scripture, he has been punished by the
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- Church of England. A good friend of mine, the GB News presenter, writer, and political commentator
- 05:42
- Calvin Robinson, a man of deep religious faith, intellect, and integrity, has had his proposed ordination to become a priest canceled by the
- 05:53
- Church of England. How are you doing emotionally and spiritually? It's been a whirlwind, let's just say that.
- 06:02
- On the one hand, it's been heartbreaking and soul -destroying because I haven't applied for a job.
- 06:07
- I haven't gone for a position. I've been discerning and praying through a long process of months and years to a calling, something that I feel called to by God and that the church acknowledged that calling.
- 06:20
- So to be denied it at the last minute after I've just finished my training is hard. But at the same time, it's like a weight off my shoulders.
- 06:27
- I feel liberated from the stifling establishment and I can now get on with my ministry without having to battle the wokeness within the church every day on issues of gender, race, sexuality, and get back to Scripture, get back to the
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- Bible, and get back to teaching what we're supposed to be teaching. Similar to Vodie Bauckham, whom we heard from earlier,
- 06:46
- Calvin Robinson refuses to accept the Church of England's compromise concerning LGBTQ issues, recognizing this compromise to be concerning non -negotiable issues that go to the heart of the gospel since marriage is supposed to be an illustration of the gospel.
- 07:04
- We see in Ephesians chapter five, for example, that marriage is not just for procreation and also for sanctification, this righteous outlet for human sexual desires, but it's also for illustration, this beautiful picture of the relationship between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church.
- 07:23
- Jesus Christ, who gives us a picture of what real male headship and marriage is supposed to look like when
- 07:30
- He lays down His life for His bride, when He takes upon Himself the sins of His people and suffers the punishment due to their sins so that their righteousness being imputed or their sinfulness being imputed to Him, His righteousness can be imputed to them so that in this double imputation,
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- He can atone for their sins and save them from their sins and grant them entree into eternity with the triune
- 08:01
- God and His perfect unity. Christ died for sin, once for all, but just for the unjust in order that He may bring us back to God.
- 08:10
- God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
- 08:16
- This is what marriage is a picture of, which means that when we go to war against Genesis 2, we go to war against the gospel.
- 08:25
- As Christians, we need to ask ourselves, do we care enough about what
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- Scripture teaches to stand against the compromises of some of the most powerful, supposedly
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- Christian leaders in the world today? Because it's not just the Church of England that has compromised concerning this issue.
- 08:45
- The reason why pastors such as Joel Osteen, T .D. Jakes, and Mike Todd are pretty much completely accepted by elites in the culture, such as Oprah Winfrey, is because they, too, are not willing to stand firm upon what
- 09:00
- Scripture clearly teaches about these issues. Will a gay person be accepted into heaven as you see it?
- 09:06
- Well, I believe they will. And trust me, I've talked to enough LGBT, they are not all the same.
- 09:11
- Oh, for sure, any way that all Christians are the same. No, no. But how do we, first of all, has your thinking evolved on this?
- 09:19
- Evolved and evolving, evolved and evolving. No, I'm serious! As a pastor, like, so what do you think about gay men?
- 09:26
- I don't know! As Christians, will we stand with churches and people, such as the
- 09:32
- Church of England, Joel Osteen, T .D. Jakes, and Mike Todd, or will we stand firm upon the clear teachings of Scripture?
- 09:42
- If Jesus was God, he knew they were there. He knew they were there, right? Yes, I absolutely do believe he knows he's there.
- 09:47
- And yet he never said a word to overturn the unanimous understanding, because I don't think you could show me anyone before Jesus or for hundreds of years after Jesus in Judaism that understood anything about monogamous, loving, same -sex relationships.
- 10:09
- They all went back to Leviticus 18. They all went back to Leviticus 20. They all looked at these things in the same way.
- 10:15
- So why didn't Jesus set them free? Because he knew they were there. We have been given the keys to the kingdom of God.
- 10:23
- Jesus declared that to his apostles. I give you the keys to the kingdom of God. Our responsibility is to tell people about the kingdom of God and who can be in the kingdom of God and who is excluded from the kingdom of God.
- 10:37
- That's the ministry of the church. That's what we do. That's what every preacher must do. And I'm not the one who makes the terms.
- 10:44
- I am only the one responsible to God to proclaim what God has revealed. And I'm here to tell you that if you advocate a life of sexual sin, adultery, fornication, effeminateness, or homosexuality, you will not inherit the kingdom of God.
- 11:04
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