Joel Osteen’s BASELESS Doctrine Of Healing!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.
Specifically, in today's video, we'll be investigating Joel's doctrine of healing, or really, lack thereof.
Of all the videos we've done covering Osteen's subpar and dangerous theology, this video will be one of the clearest examples of how contradictory his preaching truly is.
One moment you'll hear him saying one thing, the next moment you'll hear him saying the complete opposite. Ultimately, the teaching of Osteen is not just confusing, though, but also dangerously unbiblical.
And that is precisely what this video is about. So without further ado, let's watch his sermon and compare it to the
Bible. Watch this. You're going to know it was the hand of God. I talked to a lady that had been healthy her whole life, very strong, energetic, vibrant.
She noticed she wasn't feeling well. She had some digestive issues. She went to get checked out.
After many tests, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Didn't look good at all.
The doctors told her that the demise would happen quickly. So here Joel is telling a story, and you have to understand this story if you're going to get a grip on his doctrine of healing.
As he said, there was a woman who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and she was told by her doctors that things weren't looking good.
To put a finer point on it, she was going to die. But next comes the turning point in her story, that is, the part of the narrative that alters all the events that come after it.
Let's have Joel tell us what happens next, and pay attention because it's very important. Watch this.
The first several weeks, she was so upset and so overwhelmed. She couldn't sleep at night, could hardly function.
She flipped on our Sirius XM radio channel. She heard me talking about how God has the final say, how
He can do what medicine cannot do, how when we put our trust in Him, He can make ways where we don't see a way.
So this woman is in despair. She's having a rough time, but in the midst of all of this, things turn around.
She turns on Joel Osteen's Sirius XM radio program wherein he was preaching his typical message.
Specifically, he would talk about how God can make a way when there is no way, that God can do things that medicine can't do.
And that is certainly true. God can indeed do anything that He wills. As we have often noted on this channel,
Psalm 115 verse 3 says, "...our God is in the heavens. He does all that He pleases."
And yet, after recognizing this truth, Joel says something curious. He says, "...God
has the final say." And this statement is interesting because it is an actual declaration of God's sovereign authority.
In other words, this is not usually something that Joel Osteen talks about. So let's pay attention here. Joel recognizes that God has the authority to make the final judgment and to have the final say.
This too is entirely biblical. Proverbs 16, 33 says, "...the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the
Lord." Yet in the fashion of most false teachers, Joel uses these actual biblical truths as a springboard for his false teaching.
Make no mistake about it, these things are indeed accurate and biblical on the surface if taken at face value.
But do not let this cause you to lower your guard. That's exactly what he seems to want. And with that, let's watch
Joel in the next clip where things get serious. Watch this. Instead of dwelling on all the negative, playing the medical report over and over, she started playing another report, what
God said about her. I will live and not die. God is restoring health back into me.
Despite this diagnosis, I'm still going to get well. So there you have it. Again, everything that was said beforehand was there to prepare you for what was said in that clip.
Instead of thinking about the medical report, think about what God's report is, according to Joel Osteen.
That you are going to be healed in this life and that things will turn around as long as you have enough faith.
Does this sound familiar? If it does, that's because it's identical to what Joel Osteen preaches every single week at his church, like clockwork.
But notice something important here. Notice specifically that there is a subtle yet important change in Joel Osteen's message in this clip compared to the previous clip.
This will demonstrate the contradictory nature of his message as we mentioned at the beginning of the video.
If you recall, Joel said earlier that, quote, God has the final say. If this statement is used accurately, it means that God can heal you if He wants to.
He has the ability to remove any disease and infirmity in His sovereign power. If this is true, that means that God may heal you if He wishes it.
If you recall, that's the first clip, the one that we watched before. But in this next clip, the one that we just watched, he said something fundamentally different.
Now he says that God's report over your life is that He will heal you.
In other words, it's gone from God can heal you to God must heal you.
It started out as a possibility and it ended as a guarantee, a promise. That is the essential problem here.
Where in Scripture has God promised total and complete physical healing in this life to every single
Christian? I have not seen such a passage. But Joel did quote a Scripture in his sermon, one that he thinks adds credibility to his position.
So let's investigate that. If you recall, he said, quote, you shall live and not die.
This was apparently God's report about this woman. And I believe this comes from Psalm 118 verse 17, which says, quote,
I shall not die, but I shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord, end quote. At first glance, this may seem to be positive evidence in favor of Joel's statement.
But I assure you, it is not. This is yet another case where Joel Osteen's blatantly false exegesis is getting in the way of letting
God's Word speak for itself. For starters, this passage is not a promise to all Christians. At least, it's almost impossible to see how someone could come to that conclusion on the basis of the text.
The passage is in the first -person perspective. It's not, you all shall live and not die, but rather instead it is,
I shall live and I shall not die. And secondly, in context, the passage does not make any explicit or implicit attempt to talk about human sickness.
The very next verse, verse 18, says this, quote, The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death, end quote.
In other words, this seems to be about the discipline of the Lord, not about all human sickness.
So how this passage could be used as a guarantee that this particular woman would be healed of her cancer is beyond me.
How could the text possibly mean that when there is absolutely no evidence in the passage that would indicate it?
So let's put this another way. All one has to do in response to Joel offering virtually any text of Scripture is to open their
Bible and actually read it. And once you've done that, you'll see very quickly that most of the time, in fact the grand majority of the time, the passage has nothing to do with what
Joel's talking about. And the same can be said, again, about virtually every Scripture that has the misfortune of being twisted by Joel Osteen.
But in any case, Joel goes on to talk about how the woman's cancer goes away, and there's sort of a happily ever after situation that follows.
But we won't get into that. Instead, let's watch the next clip where Joel answers the ever so important question.
Why doesn't this miraculous healing happen for everyone? Watch this. They had no explanation.
These were some of the leading experts, one of the most renowned hospitals in the world. That was
God doing what only He can do. And I realize it doesn't happen that way for everyone, but how do you know you're not going to be one of the ones that it does happen for?
Why not be a believer and not a doubter? So Joel's answer to the question of why everyone is not healed in the same way, to put it lightly, is really not an answer at all.
Instead, he uses a sort of play on words. He asks, quote, How do you know that this isn't going to happen for you?
End quote. But notice that he has moved the goalposts yet again. Remember, in the previous clip, he said that healing is guaranteed by God.
That's God's report about you, he said. But now, he ever so conveniently changes his perspective yet again.
Now he says not that it will happen to you, but that it might happen to you. He said that you know for a fact that you will live and not die.
But now he says, quote, How can you know that you will be healed? As a result, the viewer of the sermon is simply left scratching their head in confusion.
He effectively said, I know for a fact that you're going to be healed. And in the very same breath, he says, well, you never know if you're going to be healed.
It's incredible. But how then do we make sense of all this? Well, let's think about it in context.
When he made this comment, he was trying to deal with a difficult question of why healing doesn't happen for everyone if his health and wealth gospel is true.
And Joel's answer to the question is riddled with confusing and self -contradictory statements.
Why? Well, quite simply, it's because Joel's worldview is unbiblical. And because it is unbiblical, at its very core, it lacks the ability to offer consistent, biblical answers to even the most basic questions.
So instead, like any good politician, Joel sidesteps the question, even if it means utterly contradicting everything he just said.
But of course, also like any seasoned politician, he does this while smiling and maintaining a confident, positive demeanor.
But don't let basic parlor tricks like this fool you. Focus on what we've proven in the video.
Joel Osteen made statements from the pulpit that he considers to be biblical, but they do not find any support in Scripture.
And that fact alone is enough to disregard his conclusion entirely. The fact is, Joel's teaching is slippery and deceptive time and time again.
So please, stay far away from the faulty teaching of Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church.
It is dangerous and unbiblical. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video is not meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
Please, pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the
Teaching Ministries and Church Networks that we've linked in the description. And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word.
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