Matt Slick Q&A - 6/14/17




Okay, so we're live. I'll get rid of this right here. And so we're just like a little bit quick.
Let's see. I want to do, if I can find it on Facebook, we're on live right now, should be able to see.
If people have questions, they can type them in. I can see them. I can just start answering them really quickly. And that's the idea.
Match Slick Q &A live. There we go. Come on. And there I am sitting there. Okay, that looks good.
So we've got some Q &A coming up. Okay, I can see that. Maybe someone can type something in just as a test.
So here you go, Rob. This is that file. All right. And as far as YouTube goes, that will be right here.
And I don't see where the file is. I like the idea of just being able to read them, to see them. Well, anyway, you got a question.
Whenever you're ready. I don't see it. I don't see the
YouTube thing for it, so I can just do the feed. Yeah, Karm Videos.
And I don't see it on the homepage. You do? Okay. You can check it out where it is while I'm...
Karm Videos, Match Slick Bible Study 14. Got it. Q &A. See? Where is it? Creator Studio.
Hey, she looks better than you do, Rob. I can do the...
That's not good. And you're not looking good there. Oh, I see what you're doing. Okay, and the...
Oh, gotcha. I see. Already have a question? There? How does the
Catholic Church officially deal with charismatics? Some in the Roman Catholic Church affirm the charismatic gifts, and some really don't.
It depends on the parish, the priest, the difference of... Yeah, I see you dancing, man.
It's looking pretty bad for you. That's... Well, you know what you should do is put some stupid music to that.
Yeah, so you get like a... Yeah, it'll go viral. That's bad. Oh, man.
You should be embarrassed. Okay, what's your... What's your question? I'm not.
Yeah, I'm married up. So, in the
Catholic debate, if a Catholic says, hey, well, you got your
Bible from us, what is your response to that? No, you didn't. We got our
Bible from God. God gave us a Bible, not the Roman Catholic Church. Now, the Bible includes also the
Old Testament. Now, say, did the Roman Catholic Church give us the Old Testament? No. So, therefore, it didn't give us the
Bible. It's real simple. But I have had Roman Catholics say, well, we're the ones who told you what books are really in the
Bible. No, you didn't. God recognized or God instituted the
Old Testament canon that Jesus recognized in Matthew 24, 24, 24, 24, and Luke 11, 51.
When he... I can get into that. But in those verses, he talked about the Old Testament books. And it was already in place, and he authenticated them.
The Roman Catholic Church had nothing to do with that. So, it's just a dumb thing that they'll say. And it is. Dumb. Okay.
What about the New Testament? How do you talk? Well, they say the Bible. Right.
As far as the New Testament goes, they didn't give us a New Testament. The one who gave us the New Testament was Peter, Paul, Jude, you know.
And you start listening. It wasn't the Catholic Church that did that. They did that. And as Jesus says in Matthew 10, 27, he says, my sheep hear my voice, and they follow me.
We recognize, the sheep of God recognize the voice of God in the Scriptures. So, the
Church is the one who recognized the Scriptures, not the Roman Catholic Church. And even so, let's just say, hypothetically, just to work with their argument, let's say that the
Catholic Church can make a good case that it gave us the Bible, which I don't buy for a second. Let's just say they do that.
I would then say, uh, yeah, so? What does that mean? You know, you know,
Ford builds cars. We're the ones who gave you the car. Yeah, now what? Well, we can tell you what to do with it.
You can. It's my car, right? You know, so it just doesn't make any sense. As though they're saying, they're the ones who gave it to you.
They didn't. It's just lame. It's, uh, another thing
I do, you know, I study apostasy and things like that. Another categorization of is lameology.
I study lameo stuff. Lameology. All right, I don't see any questions on Facebook.
Let me go over to YouTube. What do you think of atheists? Why do you think atheists are illogical?
Some are illogical, some are logical, but ultimately atheism is self -refuting because it cannot account for the laws of logic and rationality.
It cannot account for universal moral laws, which they appeal to when they condemn everybody, and it cannot account for our own existence.
Atheism is a weak propositional status to hold, so ultimately it doesn't make any sense and ultimately it's self -refuting.
And so, we got somebody in as me typing in stuff, which is fine, because we have the password to give out to only a couple people,
Charlie. They have that stuff, so that's why you'll see some of the stuff in Karm videos. From Facebook user
Susan Hardy Newman, the church we left has begun blowing the shofar horn to call down protection from angels.
Can you explain where this is coming from? Is it angel worship? Where's it coming from?
I have no idea. Where are they getting that? The church has begun blowing the shofar horn?
The church has? What? What does that mean, the church? A particular denomination?
All the Christians, all the redeemed are blowing the shofar horn? Oh, the church she left.
The church? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see that part. My apologies. The church we left has begun blowing the shofar horn to call down protection from angels.
Initially, my response is negative, but, you know, I've learned enough over the years to say, well,
I haven't studied the shofar horn, and so I'm just gonna leave it at that, saying
I would like to be able to study that more, to know the Old Testament context, to know what it was, and if it's in the
Old Testament context, does it continue over to the New Testament context and the New Covenant? And, you know,
I'm pretty open about a lot of things. I will just say, what is it? Let's check it out with Scripture.
That's my, that's my view. Thanks for correcting me on that, that the church that we left. Okay. Is it angel worship?
I don't know because I don't know if they are praying to the angels. That's a form of worship.
If they're bowing before angels and asking for angels to do stuff. I never do that in any way, shape, or form.
I always ask God to do what he's doing and to send his angels to do his work.
That's, that's all I do. All right, let's see. Well, that's there.
Angels. Bethel Redding, this is on Facebook, Drew. Bethel Redding is one that blows shofar horns for angels to wake up and come down.
To wake up? Yeah, angels can sleep, but to wake up?
I don't know if they really use that, but anyway. There wasn't 500 eyewitnesses. There was one person claiming 500 people witnessed.
This is a dishonest way to try and convince people. Can Charlie read? How do you know? How do you know it was only one person who said that?
How do you know that, how do you know that, that the one who wrote this, Paul and others, that they didn't see this?
It was conveyed to them. How do you know that? For you to just say it was just one person claiming it.
That's all it is? How do you know it's all it is? See, this is the kind of thinking that is bad.
How do you know? It's like an atheist on my radio show once called up, and we were talking, and she said that angels,
I mean, excuse me, that babies are born atheists, and that they have to learn how to be Christians. The natural state is atheist.
And I said, how do you know that? Do you know the minds and the hearts of all babies everywhere to say this kind of a thing?
And it was ludicrous. How do you know? People just assume, oh, that makes sense. How do you know they're not born hardwired to believe in God?
They have to learn how not to believe in God. How do you know that? And at that, she was quiet.
You look forward to debate me again? Evden Kalismak?
Debate me again on what? Just tell me, you know. Debate me on what?
All right, okay. Yeah, what's the first debate? Yeah, I don't know. All right, let's go back to YouTube.
Wayne Ho. Matt, how do we guard our hearts when we are infatuated with non -Christians?
How do we guard our hearts? What? Yeah, infatuated. That means you're really attracted to non -believers.
How do you guard your heart? Obey God. Just people, just think generically.
How do we guard our hearts? How do people that guard their hearts when they're, you know, attracted to or infatuated with non -believers?
Oh well. You're out of luck. Ask God to deal with you and to cause your heart to go someplace else and don't trust your feelings.
And that's it. Don't mess with it. If I were single, not that I want to,
I love my wife, you know, it's just that if I were single, there's no possible way I would allow myself to be involved with any unbeliever in any romantic way at all.
Period. It's not happening. I don't care how good -looking or rich or whatever.
Off. That's what should be in your head to begin with. Okay, not a
Christian, nothing to do with it. I don't care. I don't care if she's like, okay, so what?
All right. From Facebook user Thiago Fuzaro. That's a cool, oh wait, Thiago Fuzaro Seguera.
That's a cool name. How do you explain 1 Corinthians 3 .15 and 1 Corinthians 5 .5? Okay, 1
Corinthians 3 .15. How to explain? Let me get into the bio, into this. 1 Corinthians. I wish they'd put the verses in.
That way I have to sit here and look for them and mess up like I just did. 1
Corinthians. Just put the verses in. Okay, 3 .15.
If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet as through fire. That is not talking about salvation being by works, but he will save through fire.
He is saved by the work of Christ. He will be saved through it, not because of it, and he was, you know, through the judgment that's to come.
If any man's work is burned up, he'll suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet as through fire. In other words, his works are going to be judged.
All right? And the fire is what purifies those works. That's what's talked about here earlier. The dross and things like that would become evident on the day of judgment.
So he's just using the analogy of that be saved, yet as through fire. That's it.
And 1 Corinthians, what was it? 5 .5, I think you said. Okay, come on. I can't get this thing to...
Let's do this. First, it does help, folks.
If you have a scripture you want me to look at, just put it in there. It just saves a lot of time, obviously.
Okay? Sometimes I know the scriptures, but a lot of times I don't. I've decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit might be saved on the day of the
Lord Jesus. That's an interesting verse, and I've thought about that over the years a lot. Some people would say, well, that implies you can lose your salvation.
But not necessarily, because if you're delivered over to Satan, so your soul won't be lost, then you can't lose your salvation, because that's what would happen to you.
You'd be delivered and judged so that that doesn't happen. It could be easily used as a verse for eternal security.
And the Bible says they've been out from us because they never were of us. If they had been of us, they would have remained. 1 John 2 .19.
So we can't lose our salvation, and Jesus says so in other verses. I've gone over many times before. Drew, read what
I asked. You see, you've got to understand, guys, I'm going back and forth between stuff.
Sometimes things scroll down. Read what I asked. Read what? You know, so sorry,
I just don't see it. She sent me on where? Facebook? On YouTube?
Oh, good. Oh, awesome. Thank you. Drew's question is, then how do we know there were 12 disciples?
Do we have all 12 testimonies? This is relating back to the 500 witnesses.
We know we have 12 disciples because that's what the Bible says. And he's trying to relate that to the 500 witnesses, where how do we know it wasn't one person saying there were 500 witnesses instead of 500 actually?
How do we know? What does he mean by how do we know? I don't know. How do we know there were 12 disciples is what he asked.
What do you mean by how do we know? See, the reason I'm asking is because with these kinds of questions, what they're going to do is, how do we know this?
How do we know that? How do we know this? How do you know that it wasn't just written? How do you know that? They just ask these questions, it goes on and on and on.
It's like a child going, why, why, why? And so what do you mean by how do we know? Do you mean how do we know as logical proof?
We don't have logical proof in that. Do we have, how do we know as in, this is what the scripture says, we would know it then by reading.
So questions like this generally reveal that the person is just trying to be difficult.
Generally, not always. So I'm automatically a little bit suspicious now. Okay, let me say sorry to Drew, and he was kind of on your side when he was telling this
Charlie guy is a comeback. When to argue the 500 witnesses, well, how do we know there were 12 disciples then?
Of course, we accept that there were 12 to argue against his, the 500 witnesses guy.
If he's a Christian, ask him because he wants the information. It would really help if I know who the source of it is.
If an atheist asking, they're just being hostile. If it's a Christian asking, they want to know, and I can give them something, but it doesn't mean that the atheist is going to believe.
He made the mistake of not responding to the Facebook user in arguing against the 500 witnesses, so I thought he was asking you a question.
Gotcha, Drew. He's a minister, so he knows. You're not a wiper with a rhythm, that's for sure.
Okay, next one. Yes, the Evan guy from Facebook who said something about debating you.
He asks, did anyone else worship Jesus as God, and why no one worshipped
Jesus as God in his 30 to 40 years of ministry of disciples?
Matthew 2 .2, 2 .11, 14 .33, 28 .9, John 9, 35 -38, they worshipped
Jesus. Now, Matthew 2 .2 is before he was at the age of 30, he was quite young, so Matthew 2 .2,
2 .11, 14 .33, 28 .9, John 9, 35 -38, they did worship him, the
Greek proskuneo, and you can go through, look at my website, it's about that, about the word proskuneo and what it means in the context of Christ, to adore and to worship.
Also, the church is called to worship him in 1 Corinthians 1, verses 1 and 2. You can also go to Hebrews 1, verse,
I believe it's 6, no, 8, let all the angels of God worship him, and so we're commanded to do that, the angels are at the very least there too.
So, it's a Muslim probably asking that question, because Muslims don't study, they don't study what
Christian faith is. They tell you what they think the Christian faith is, you say, that's not it, they say, yes it is. They don't study, they don't listen.
Generally, that's the kind of question we get from a Muslim. I think that is right on, he said that the worship of Jesus was only in reverence, in the verses that you quoted, from the verses that you quoted, as in Daniel 2 .46.
As in Daniel 2 .46. Okay, notice, this is a good example of what not to do.
Okay, I give the references, Matthew 2 .2, 2 .11, 14 .33, 28 .9, John 9, 35 -38.
I also said, go to my website and look up the word proskuneo, and I say, with the
Jehovah's Witnesses, because they take the word proskuneo, which is to worship, and then they render it as worship whenever it's of God, and then they change it to worship, or to adoration or obeisance, when it's in reference to Jesus, demonstrating their prejudice.
And so, if you go in there, you can see the pattern of how I've done my homework, and looked at the word proskuneo, in the
Greek, to see what it says. And this guy doesn't know what the context of those are, because I just quoted it to him.
And so he can't say, those don't mean that, and he goes to Daniel, as if Daniel is the thing that interprets the stuff out of Matthew.
This is the kind of thing that you don't want to do in a debate, because you'll get your clock cleaned.
You want to say, in these verses, in these contexts, not over there it says something differently, that's how it means over there.
Give me a break. Okay? Come on, Muslims, if you're Muslim. It sounds like you are.
Do some thinking. Do some research. Do some homework. Okay, go ahead.
When Jesus returns, is he still the Son of Man? Yeah. When he returns, he's still the
Son of Man. There's debate on what that means, the Son of Man, the Son of God. The Son of God means he's, what?
He's clarified. Not as God, because he's not on God's throne, but next to God's throne.
And he's known as the mediator between man and God, the man, Jesus. In the doctrine of the Trinity, there are three persons in the
Trinity, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. They comprise the one being who is God. The second person of the
Trinity became flesh and dwelt among us, Philippians 2, 5 through 11. And he is the one who mediates between us and God the
Father, 1 Timothy 2, 5. So that's the biblical doctrine. And so when we say
Jesus is God, we have to be careful of equivocation, where the word meaning changes, and the meaning of the word changes in its usage.
When we say God is a Trinity, we say God is a Trinity. We're talking about the totality of God.
When we say Jesus is God, we're not saying Jesus is a Trinity. We're saying Jesus is divine, and the word God means divinity in that context.
So this is why I like to say things like Jesus is divine, or he has two natures, both human and divine,
God and man, in the doctrine as it relates to the doctrine of the Trinity. And that's what they should be doing, too, when they ask the questions.
They should understand the Christian theology they're asking about, if they can. And if not, go to QARM and read up.
Yes. They'll be held accountable.
Different judgments, because each person gets judgment according to their works. I don't know if Duplantis and Osteen are saved.
I'm not saying they're not. I believe the Pope is not saved, but I don't know the status of them.
I can't judge, but it's not my place. In this case, because they've not denied essential doctrines, so you can't make a judgment.
They seem to affirm Christ, but they teach other things which are bad. So it puts their place in question.
But at the very least, they will be held in judgment for the false doctrines that they've been teaching. Of course not.
It would not be biblical. Notice what he said. A children's church that prevents them from hearing the
Word of God. That's not biblical. What about a children's church that gets them to understand that?
That would be biblical. Now, I know that there are those who say they don't like the idea of children's church.
I don't see it being biblical or not biblical. The early church, the children were in the church.
But the children were well -behaved, and parents took care of their children. They don't do that here.
And the children here are out of control. Christian parents don't know what they're doing in a lot of cases.
And I know, because we've done a lot of children's church over the years, and a lot of times the children are just out of control.
And then we see the parents pick them up, and we see rudeness from the children. We see the parents encouraging this rudeness, and the whole bit.
And it's a problem. And so they go into churches.
I have not gone to churches, stopped going, or won't go when they have children in the congregation during the sermon when those children are whining and crying.
And I've seen them play with toys, be rude. They're not listening.
The parents don't even have them do that. So I have no problem with children's church. If I'm preaching and children are out of control, it's very distracting.
I want to say, can you get your kid under control? If you can't, there's another room where you can go do that. We'll hold a class on how you can learn to do that because you need to do that.
Of course, that would offend them. Yeah, it would offend them.
No, but instead what they do is let their children go run amok and ruin it for everybody else. That's the parents' fault.
Now some children are obstreperous, I understand. I know I'm really offending people.
I need to do a thing on child rearing sometime. People might like that. Some things you can do and patterns and stuff like that.
Biblically. We all pretty much know the answer, but someone wants to ask you, do all
Catholics worship Mary? Do what? Do all Catholics worship Mary? Depending on how you mean worship.
If they mean adoration equal to God, no. If you mean adoration that you're supposed to have because the
Catholic church says so and that's how you become a Catholic, then yes. Jesus also said all
Catholics. Every individual, everywhere. We can't say that. But for the most part, yeah, they do.
Nick Vatalaro asks, oh, he says, Hey Matt, keep up the good work. Could you expound upon eternal security of the believer?
I believe scripture supports it, but obviously there is some debate. Well, there's obvious debate because people don't believe what
Jesus said. And I will now show you eternal security from the words of Christ.
All right. So I sure am arrogant, aren't I? I will show you what Jesus said. Yeah, you're an arrogant person,
Matt. That is true. I'm arrogant, prideful, stubborn, recalcitrant, obstreperous, and other pejoratives.
Obstreperous means boisterously recalcitrant. It means really irritable and you don't get along, play well with others.
This is John 6 .35. I'm the bread of life. He who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst.
That applies to everybody. Verse 36, but I said to you that you have seen me, and yet you do not believe.
All that the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will certainly not cast out.
So all that come to Christ will never be cast out by Christ. Now people say, oh, you can cast yourself out, which is stupid, but we'll get to that.
For I've come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. This is the will of him who sent me, that of all he's given me
I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. So the will that Jesus has, the will of the
Father, is that Jesus lose none. That's what it says. Now, so that means the
Father has given a group called the all, all that the Father has given me will come to me. He's given the all to Jesus and said basically keep them.
Now, that means he, Jesus, can't fail to do the will of the Father. He always does what's pleasing to the
Father, John 8, 29. So if anybody's lost, the Father's going to ask
Jesus, I said, you're supposed to keep them. Well, I lost one. He lost it himself. Oh, okay, he lost himself.
Okay, that's not what it's about. All that the Father gives me I will lose none.
That's between the Father and the Son. And who's the all? The elect that can't be lost.
That's one way of looking at it. And I can go on to some other areas to demonstrate it out of the nature of the atoning work.
So I guess we've got no more questions on that? What? YouTube questions are what?
Piling up? Okay, let's see. How about this?
Which one do you want to get to? There's a lot. Could you infer that because God said it's
His will that none of the elect should perish, if Jesus is incapable of doing that, could you infer that by saying that, you're saying that Christ sinned?
Yes. Remember, people will say it's the will of the
Father that people could say, but the will of the Father is not always done. That's one of the ways they try and get out of this argument.
And I'll say, the will of the Father is that Jesus lose none. So the will of the
Father is that Jesus not lose any. Can Jesus lose any? No.
It's just real simple. You have more? I can jump in on some of them. Are you going to do it?
No? Okay. Julio Rodriguez wants to know, can you give me some tips on memorizing scripture?
For $9 .95, if you send me $9 .95, what I will do is, for free,
I will tell you how to do this for $9 .95. And I will send you some anointing oil for your brain.
You have to put it, actually you got to get a baseball cap, you put it around the brim on the inside, you put it on your head, and then you sit there and stare in a mirror with no facial expression movement for five minutes.
That gets the brain ready. Then you write a check to me. You're about to be rich.
I'm about to be rich, that's right. Yeah, there you go. Oh, wouldn't that be something. Yeah.
Okay, this is how I do it. All right, you got to train your brain a little bit. At first it's hard, but after a while it becomes easy.
When I was younger, and I found myself doing this a lot, talking to people, I found that I needed to memorize scripture.
So what I did was I got a piece of paper, 8 1⁄2 by 11 piece of paper, and I drew on the left -hand column, it was just lined paper.
I would put a verse like 1 Peter 2 .24, which I needed to know. Let's see here, Rob. And I would say,
I'd write out the whole verse. He himself bore our sin in his body on the cross that we might die to sin and live to righteousness for by his stripes we are healed.
So I'd write the whole thing out, and I kept that. Now, I didn't do it in a particular order, except the order that I needed them.
And I'd come to talk to a Mormon, oh, I need this verse about Isaiah 43 .10, you know, about God, there's only one
God. See ya. God bless. All right, you too. And so what I'd do is as I would need them,
I would write down the ones I need, and then I kept that with me. I think I still have one of my first or second, third ones from 30 years ago, 30, 35 years ago.
And you open it up, and it's just almost ready to fall apart because I would fold it up and kept it in my back pocket.
I'd be someplace, and maybe in a line waiting for something, and I'd open it up, and I'd just review my scriptures.
And sometimes I'd be talking to a Mormon, and I would, hold on, and I'd pull this thing out, and I found the verses
I needed because you know where you put stuff, and you can find it quickly. And that's how I first started.
But when I tell people about that, and I developed a little bit more easier way to do stuff,
I started realizing that what I could do is just memorize stuff by seeing numbers.
So I've memorized lately John 5 .19 and John 14 .10 because I'm doing a study on Molinism, and that's part of the verses
I'm going to use to demonstrate compatibilism is true. And though I don't have all the verses memorized, all the words in those,
I've got the location memorized so I can go to that. So John 5 .19 and John 14 .10
deal with the issue of the initiation. Christ not doing anything by His own initiative.
Very interesting set of verses, but nevertheless. And also with that set is
John 6 .38. So what I'll do is I'll memorize the location first. That's always the first thing. So here you go.
Always remember the address first, not the verse. Always memorize the address first, not the verse.
Why? Because you can go look it up if you've got the address memorized. But if you don't have the address memorized, you're not sure where it is, you tend to kind of forget where it is.
So, you know, and then do it this way. 1 Peter 2 .24. You want to say 1 Peter 2 .24 like it's one word.
Sescopedillion is one word. Antidisestablishmentarianism. Pentacontemporaneous.
These are all single words. Pentacontemporaneous. Eight syllables, right?
1 Peter 2 .24. Seven syllables. You see, pentacontemporaneous means happening at almost the same time.
Well, it's a word, the definition. I gave you the word, I gave you the definition. 1 Peter 2 .24, that's the word.
The definition is, He bore our sin in His body on the cross. That's all you've got to memorize. That's all you've got to know.
Then do this. 1 Peter 2 .24 says, He bore our sin in His body on the cross.
Where does it say He bore our sin in His body on the cross? 1 Peter 2 .24. What does 1 Peter 2 .24
say? He bore our sin in His body on the cross. Where does it say He bore our sin in His body on the cross?
1 Peter 2 .24. Go back and forth in your head. What happens is, you need to memorize both locations.
Both things. This way and that way. The reason is because, someone will say, well, where does it say
He bore our sin? 1 Peter 2 .24. boom. That's what happens. This triggers that and that triggers this.
That's why on the radio and doing things like this I will quote those references so quickly because I've done this over and over for years and years and it becomes easier after a while.
And so you can learn things that way and you can get verses memorized in locations. So hope that helps.
I actually have an article on this on CARM, how to memorize scripture. And you got to use them too.
You don't use them, you lose them. That's the thing. So I'm constantly remembering scripture and to remember means to bring to remembrance, to do an active thing.
I'm constantly remembering them because I have to use them because that's my line of work so to speak. And that's why
I'm able to do more than the average bearer. Not boasting, it's just, you know, you just do it all the time, you just have more.
That's all. So you just, you know, get a piece of paper, put those verses there, memorize what you can and ask
God to use you. Be fine. And your set will be different than my set. Okay, I'm gonna jump ahead of a few questions already because there is a person named
Christopher on YouTube arguing with some of your regular followers and he is claiming faith without works is dead.
Joseph Smith never said that he was better than Jesus Christ. The Bible has always been translated into all these different versions so I think we need to set
Christopher straight. All these affidavits and all these indictments that is all the devil, all corruption, you false swears, all hell boil over, you burning mountains rolled down, your lava for I will come out on the top at last.
I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I've done more to keep a church together since the days of Adam. I boast no man has ever done such a work as I.
Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus has ever done such a work.
The followers of Jesus ran away from him but the Latter -day Saints have never run away from me yet. All right,
History of the Church, volume 6, page 408 -409. That's what Joseph Smith said. Now he boasted he did more than even
Jesus to keep a church together. Now that's not claiming to have superiority over Jesus. Of course it is.
And one month later, or was it one or two months later, he was dead. Now he was murdered. That's a fact.
Okay, they shouldn't have killed him. But pride goes before a fall. And he did, incidentally, kill two people when he was attacked.
I don't mind, I mean, you get right off self -defense. But I don't have a problem with that. The thing is that the
Mormons see him as a great martyr who laid his life down. Now he went down swinging, he went down fighting, he killed people. You know, well that's okay to do.
Well, was he a martyr then? Yeah, you know. But he did boast. You go to CARM and read up on that, all right.
Joseph Smith boasted. And he boasted he did more than even Jesus to keep a church together. Even Jesus who died, who shed his blood for us, who gave us the
Holy Spirit who indwells us. But no, Joseph Smith did more than even Jesus. Give me a break.
It was that quote that Charlie Spine, and you can type his name in there, read to me back in around 1979, 1980 at a
Bible study. It enraged me. And I started studying Mormonism because of it. Seriously, that's what got me started in apologetics, was that quote.
That's the very quote that got me going. And I can still remember Charlie reading it, a piece of paper, and he's, I'm like,
I didn't even know who the guy was. And he read this to me, I just ripped it out of his head, who said this?
That's how, that was my introduction to apologetics, was Joseph Smith. And now look where we are.
Oh, Faith Without Works is dead, James 224. You've got to go to the whole context.
And he started John, excuse me, James 214. If a man says he has faith, but he has no works, can that faith save him?
That's what he says in John 214. If you say that, you know, you see your brother in need and you don't give him what is need, that faith is useless.
Faith Without Works is dead in that context. That's what he's saying. He says, I can show you your faith, you can show me your faith.
That's James 218. He's saying, I will show you my faith by my works.
What he is saying is that he will demonstrate who he believes in and what he believes by his actions.
And then he says in John 219, even the devil believes in God, the demons believe and they tremble.
What he is doing is justifying himself before people. You show me mine, I will show you your faith.
That's what he's talking about in James 218. That's what he says when Faith Without Works is dead. So if I say
I'm a Christian and I have no works that back it up, then I'm not justified before men as being a true
Christian. However, when you go to Romans chapter 4, what shall we say then? That Abraham our forefather according to the flesh is found.
For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the scripture say?
And Abraham believed God and it was credited him as righteousness. Now to the one who does not work but believes, no, one who works, his faith is not credited as a, his wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due.
Verse 5, but to the one who does not work but believes, his faith is credited as righteousness. So Romans 4, 1 through 5 is talking about justification before God.
This is vertical. And James 2, 14 through 26 is talking about justification before people. That's what's going on.
And you know that from James 218. Read the context. I will show you your faith, you show me my, excuse me,
I will, you say you have faith, I will show you my faith by my works. That's on the horizontal between people.
That's when he says faith without works is dead. That's before people, not before God. You get that right.
And leave Mormonism. Moroni 10, 32. If you deny yourself of all ungodliness, then is
God's grace sufficient for you? Have you denied yourself of all ungodliness? Have you?
I've had Mormons say to me, yes, I've denied myself of all ungodliness. Wow. How about arrogance?
How about pride? That's ungodly. To say you've denied yourself of all ungodliness.
Wow, how good you must be. That's what Mormonism teaches.
And in Doctrine and Covenants 82 .7, if you sin after you've repented and all the former sins come back upon you, if you commit the same sin again, you have no hope in Mormonism.
It's called the impossible gospel. You will never be able to be saved because you have a false God, a false
Christ, and a false gospel. God is not an exalted man from another planet. Jesus is not the product of sexual union between God and his goddess wife.
You cannot earn your own salvation in any way, shape, or form. Salvation in the sense of forgiveness of sins.
Romans and 2nd Nephi 25, 23. You're saved by grace through faith after all you can do? That's a lie.
After all you can do? You're doing all you can do? Of course not. Jesus did everything. That's why we have a righteousness that's not our own.
Philippians 3 .9. Having therefore been justified by faith. Romans 5 .1. You need to abandon Mormonism because if you die in it, you're gonna go to hell.
Because Joseph Smith was a false prophet. He said he saw God the Father. The Bible says you can't.
Jesus said in John 6 .46, not that any man has seen the Father except the one from God.
He has, past tense, seen the Father. Talking about himself. 1st Timothy 6 .16.
It says that speaking of the Father in the context, who dwells in unapproachable light whom no man has seen nor can see.
People say yeah but they saw God. Yes they did in the Old Testament. Genesis 17 .1, Genesis 18 .1,
Exodus 24, 9 -11, Numbers 12, 6 -8, and in Exodus 6, 2, and 3.
Where God spoke further to Moses and said to him, I am Yahweh, I am Jehovah, and I appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty.
They were not seeing God the Father in the Old Testament, they were seeing the pre -incarnate Christ. Joseph Smith lied when he said he saw the
Father in the first vision because he contradicted scripture. Mormonism is a false religion, a false
God, false Christ, false gospel. When you die in it, you will go to eternal damnation.
I don't want that. I want you to believe in the true and living God. 3 Nephi 19 .18, they did pray to Jesus calling him their
Lord and their God. In the Bible, they pray to Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1 .2, Acts 7 .55
-60, John 14 .14. So you can pray to Jesus, the Jesus who saves you from your sins, who has all authority in heaven and earth,
Matthew 28 .18. What you need to do is trust in Christ and pray and ask Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins.
False groups never do that because they have a false God and a false gospel.
You pray to Christ and ask him to forgive you of all of your sins and reveal the truth to you and you'll find out how quickly you leave
Mormonism. Or you can stay in it and you can bow at the feet of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and you can try and keep your salvation by your goodness and become a
God if you keep celestial law. You'll never be able to do it. The Bible says in Isaiah 43 .10,
44 .6, 45 .5, no God created before me, there will be no
God created after me, and God says he doesn't even know of any other God. You're gonna become gods? Mormonism is not true.
Next. Nick Vatalaro asks, could you please speak about the verses in Hebrews about those who fall away for those who say that you can lose your salvation?
Yeah, once they've been enlightened, they tasted the heavenly gift. Was Judas enlightened? Yes. Was Judas, did he taste the heavenly gift?
Yes. Then they fall away. They can never be renewed again to repentance. What they're saying there is they are not trusting in the true
Christ and they have been enlightened just as many of the people who followed Christ at that time participated in the works of the
Holy Spirit were enlightened and everything, but they were never believers to begin with. That's why they left, and that's all that that's talking about.
That's all that's going on. It's not about people losing their salvation. Okay. Samuel 7.
I've heard some Catholics defend transubstantiation with a reference to John 6 .55.
What would be a good response to them? This is my body, John 6 .65.
Make sure I'm getting that reference right. 6 .55, which says, whoops, went too far.
Oh man, it was right there. John 6 .55.
Sorry about that. It says this, for my flesh is true food, my blood is true drink.
Okay. What does that mean? Okay. The communion supper.
All right. So look, there are problems with the idea of transubstantiation, and what that is is that the bread and the wine actually became, in their essence and in their nature, the actual sacrificed body and sacrificed blood of Christ.
That's what the Eucharist is supposed to be in the Mass. That's what it's supposed to be. By the authority of the priest, he elevates the wafer, and it becomes, it's transformed, it becomes the sacrificed body and blood of Christ, which they say was instituted by Christ, and that's what he was talking about.
All right. When Jesus did this, he was under the Old Covenant. This is important, and we'll go over this next week about the
Eucharist, and how it's a repetition of the sacrifice, which is unbiblical. But nevertheless, what they're going to say is, what they'll say is that Jesus, and I forget the verse about this, he says,
I will never again drink from the fruit of the vine. He didn't call the blood that he was drinking, but the fruit of the vine after he instituted the supper.
So he's referred to the wine as wine, not his own blood. That's what he said.
That's one point. Another point is a man can only be one place at a time. The physical body can only be one place at a time.
That's just the way it is. If you want to deny that, you're into some weird stuff. So Jesus could not have taken, as this bread said, this is my actual body right here.
It's a part of it right here. Here it is. Because then that would have denied his true incarnation where he was.
Remember, he hadn't even been crucified or resurrected yet. Some people might want to argue out of the resurrected body, and say it was different and glorified, and this and that.
Well, it hadn't happened yet. This is his pre -crucified resurrected body.
So how then could it be his crucified resurrected body? Because that's what they say, that the
Eucharist is the crucified body and blood of Christ. Well, he wasn't crucified yet.
Plus, now he's given his body out in different places. And so now his body is no longer in one place as the incarnation necessitates.
These are problems. Furthermore, in Leviticus 1711, in the Old Covenant, because the
New Covenant wasn't established until Jesus died, Hebrews 9, 15 through 16. So the
Old Covenant, you can't say that Jesus would have them violate
Old Testament law. Leviticus 1711 says, you shall not drink the blood of any, any blood, period.
So now what you're saying is, not only they can't drink of any animal blood, but it's okay to drink of human blood.
There's no way the Jews would ever do that. Would Jesus be asking them, now drink this blood, in violation of the
Old Testament law? Of course not. So when he says, who eats my flesh and drinks my blood is eternal life, and I'll raise him up on the last day, and my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him. He's talking metaphorically, a participation of those covenant elements, of what this
New Covenant sign is, which was instituted by Christ, the sign of the New Covenant. And so, if this is my covenant sign of marriage, if I were to reject the covenant by taking it off and throwing it away,
I'm rejecting my marriage vows. The covenant was associated with the symbol and the symbol with the covenant.
To reject the symbols, reject the covenant. He's talking about the nature of the covenant, and by taking these symbols, you're taking him into you by faith.
It's not a literal eating of his literal body, because that would violate Levitical law. It's just metaphoric, that's all that's going on.
Jordan Maynard from Kentucky asks, what is the difference in the ministry of the
Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the New Testament? Oh, that's a good question. The difference in the Old Testament and the
New Testament, it seems to be that the Old Testament ministry is creation out of Genesis 1 verses 1 through 3, 1 through 4, and to indwell, and also create, right, was it
Job 33 .4? The Spirit of God who made me. In Psalm 51, don't take your spirit from me,
David says, so it looks like the spirit can be removed, but we don't know for sure, but it looks like it.
And that's about what I remember. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit now has been sent specifically by the
Father as an advocate, John 1426, John 1526, and he works to bear witness of Christ, and to to indwell, and to empower, and to convict, and to reveal, and do all kinds of stuff.
So we would say that generically speaking, the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament is described as being more subdued, but in the
New Testament, far more involved. Because the blood of Christ had come, and had cleansed us so that we could be fully indwelt, and now the
Spirit works through us, because we've been sanctified by the blood of Christ. And then hence we see more manifestation.
That's a really good question, and that'd be worth doing a couple days study of research of the
Spirit in the Old Testament, New Testament, categorize them, compare them. That's a good question. Okay, we have
Brayden and Emily. The Brayden and Emily. It's about time.
I heard you got married. He said, I'm one lucky husband. Married life is good, by the way. Yeah. They hope everyone are doing well, and Brayden wants to know, what is your all -time favorite
Bible verse? Romans 6 21. Let me explain it.
What benefit were you then deriving of the things of which you're now ashamed, for the outcome of those things is death?
That's mine, because it reminds me of my days of sin. What benefit were you then deriving of the things of which you're now ashamed?
I'm so ashamed of my past, and yet I'm redeemed by Jesus. That verse for me, it's an odd one to be a favorite verse of people, but that's the one that sticks out as one of the most powerful for me, because it demonstrates my sinfulness, the redemptive work of Christ, all of it.
My next favorite, it's kind of like Colossians 2 14, which I use a lot, but Romans 6 21.
Plus it sounds cool. What benefit were you then deriving of the things of which you're now ashamed, for the outcome of those things is death?
Sounds kind of Shakespearean. Very motivating. I even had that on a ring, a ring full of card memorization verses on my knob in my car, years and years ago, and my one of my brothers, my younger brother, got in the car, and we're just blabbing, and he wasn't walking with Christ, and he picks it up and starts flipping through, and that's the verse he stopped at.
He goes, whoa, that is cool. Yeah, I remember that.
You need to take a look at the quote on, or the question on YouTube. I'm not going to read that one. You want me to look on there?
The most recent one. What's that? Which one?
I can't hear you. What? Matt, what type of sex can a person do when they married as Christian believers?
Anything that doesn't harm each other, anything that doesn't involve a third person in any way, shape, or form, by imagination.
Anal intercourse is not biblical. I think it's about it. Now, on my website,
I have a section on sexuality, and so you can go through there and read, and I'm pretty gracious about things, let's just say, and I've had a lot of people thank me for writing those things and deal with the issues.
Masturbation, porn, lust, pride, well, lust, getting rid of things, struggling, and things like that.
And various things, coitus, cunningliness, and counterparts, and things like that.
I had a song of Solomon address a lot of this stuff. I've had people take umbrage with some of the things I've concluded, but again, what does it say?
I'm just going for what it says, but best interpretation of what it says. Oh, and bestiality, of course, is forbidden, and sex outside of marriage is forbidden, period.
But you can get chandeliers, mirrors, radios, and, you know, inner tubes, and you can have all the fun you want.
Yeah, okay, I'll help expanding it. I don't know, I just, and don't forget the jumping jack with the pool.
Okay. Basketball, of course, good. But anyway, go ahead. Okay, we have a nine -year -old listener, so let's be careful.
A what? Oh, a nine -year -old? John Welsh says, hey Matt, my son Isaac is nine, and he loves listening to you with me.
Okay. He didn't hear that last part, he commented, don't worry. Okay, sorry.
He wants to know who your favorite character in Scripture is. Jesus, and that sounds so kind of hokey to say, but it's true.
He's my favorite. Yeah. Next favorite, Paul. Second to Jesus, Paul.
I like Paul. He's my kind of guy. We'd have hung out. Maybe not.
I don't want to hung out with him, but he probably wouldn't want to hung out with me. He probably would have written, if I'd have been back there, he probably would have written
Second Matthew, or the letter to the book of, the book of Slick, you know.
And it would not have been pretty, probably. It would have been pretty bad. There's an example of, and then he would have just, probably been lengthy.
Here's a trivia question for you guys out there. Who wrote most of the New Testament? Don't answer if you know.
Don't answer. Who, who do you think? I'm gonna say the question for a little bit, and I'll give you the answer a little bit.
Who wrote most of the New Testament? Okay, you say Paul. Okay, we'll see who else who it says. We'll see. Paul.
Okay, keep going. What's the next question? And then remind me in a bit, I'll give you the answer. This question is from user
JesusSavesFromHell. Matt, what does it mean when God spoke to Moses face -to -face?
He spoke to Moses face -to -face, Exodus 33, 11. Yet in verse 20, you cannot see my face for no man can see me and live.
Face -to -face is an expression of, of congruity, of proximity, of intimacy, and of closeness.
All right? And so that's what that would mean. Okay. See if there's any answers here.
Who wrote most of the New Testament? Come on. What? No answers yet. Chicken.
Okay, here's another question for you. Why would I be asking such a question like that? I feel like it's a trick question.
Because it should be obviously Paul, and so that means...
You have to ask questions. What is meant by most? Who?
Yeah. Who wrote most of the New Testament? No. Who wrote most of the
New Testament? It's a person who wrote most of the New Testament. Huh? Luke.
Luke. Luke wrote the book of Luke and the book of Acts, which word for word is more words than what
Paul wrote. I'm slick. He's a researcher, a doctor, but yeah, he wrote, there's more volume given to him in those two books because Luke is big and Acts is big and Paul wrote a lot.
He wrote more books, but not more in volume. That's all.
It's a bit of a trick question. Castor Rodent. Castor?
Castor Rodent. What was his favorite oil? These usernames are strange. Castor Oil.
Castor Oil. Castor Rodent. Castor Rodent. Castor Rodent Oil. That's how he is. Okay. He went on and on and on with a lot of different comments slash questions, but the initial question is, would you agree if I state that it is important to try and understand why
Scripture was written and then try to see if it still works for us today?
Why Scripture was written so that God would let us understand and know the history and the work of redemption that points to Christ as well as instruction of the church for how to behave and do and what.
Now, does it work for us today? That's a problem because I actually have got a survey going on CARM.
And if you're an atheist, I want you to go there and look on the homepage on the right hand side down a little bit.
It'll say survey for atheists. Why do you lose your faith? Only for atheists. Don't answer it if you're a
Christian because you'd be lying. And I put a whole bunch of things in there and I'm going to be doing some research and some writing based on this later on and maybe develop a course out of it.
I don't know. And in there, one of the things I put is prayer doesn't work. And you know, prayer doesn't work.
What does it mean to have Scripture work? Do you think it's a formula? Do you think it's you say these words and you get this result?
Don't you think? You turn the key in the car, it turns on. If it doesn't turn on, something's wrong.
It's broken. You can't trust it. What do you mean by the Scripture? Does it work?
See, God gave stuff to us and he wants us to learn from it and apply it and it will work for you if you do that and submit to him.
But sometimes what people want to do is take a single verse and then apply it to themselves.
They didn't work, so Jesus can't be real. I remember to some extent I did that once when
I was in college. And I was in my dorm, going to sleep, praying. And outside the dorm room, a thousand feet away or so, was a hill.
Quite big. But you know, a hill, you could climb it in five minutes. Which one night, we got up in the middle of the night, put a cross up, and then the city didn't like that.
But anyway, and it was on Easter we did it. And so I, you know, the
Bible says, pray that the mountain will be cast into the sea and it will be done. You have perfect faith. So I prayed it.
That thing was still there when I got up the next morning. So it didn't work. Does that mean the
Bible's not true? No. How are we to understand that?
What's going on? And I believe it is true. If you have true faith, it'll happen.
We all have our doubts. See, if I'd have said, it didn't work. See, it's not true. See what
I'm saying? What do you mean by, does it work? It's a serious question to ask yourself.
Okay, this YouTube user has been wanting to ask a question and receive some guidance from you for a long time.
And Honey asks, I have been a believer for 10 years. I'm very much fluent in apologetics.
I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is the word of God and Jesus is God in flesh. But for 10 years,
I've been struggling with my flesh. I fight it, but it's always the same runaround. Welcome to the club.
So when you go to the cross next time, and you're praying and you're asking Jesus to forgive you of that thing again, or those things again, you might want to just lift your head up and look a little bit.
You'll see me there praying something very similar. See, in Romans, Romans 7, 18 through 25,
Paul struggles with his own flesh. The things I want to do, I don't. The things I do want to do,
I don't want to do, I do. The things I don't do want to do, I don't. And so he's struggling.
And we all struggle. And if you're young, the struggles are, particularly for males, a little bit more difficult.
I'm 60 now. A lot of struggles aren't as big as they used to be. But I understand what different kinds of struggles can entail.
Well, you might want to go to Carm and look up at the devotion section.
To the cross again I go. To the cross again I go.
It's devotion. Go read it. You're always going to be going to the cross.
Now, dead men don't struggle against their sin. Only those alive in Christ struggle.
And in that struggle, we bring glory to God because we're constantly relying on Him to cleanse us yet again, yet again, yet again, yet again.
And He knows our struggle, yet He chose to save us and to love us. He's not surprised by our sins.
But you need to trust Him and go to the cross as often as possible. And continually rely on Him.
He'll glorify Him. In the process, gradually, you'll come closer and closer to real victory in these things.
Maybe not in everything, but you will. I hope that helps.
Do you have any more? Is that a good ending? We're done? Oh my, it's a quarter to ten.
Okay, we're done. So, next week, Roman Catholicism, the
Eucharist. We'll do some more Q &A. Now, I've got a question for you guys. You can email me.
Go to the Carm website and email me. Do you like this question and answer format where you fire questions at me from Facebook and YouTube?
And the reason I'm asking is because I'm thinking about doing something. We're setting up one of the rooms in the house to put monitors on the walls, computers there, and camera where I do just that.
And release discussions and topics, doing it that way. People seem to like that, firing the questions rapidly.
So, I'd like some feedback on that, if you'd like that idea or not. That's all. Not a big deal. So, may the Lord bless you.