Book of Luke - Ch. 19, Vs. 28-44 (07/18/2004)


Pastor David Mitchell


All right, well, let's get started a little a little bit early today
If we have visitors come we'll be through by the time they get here Let's turn to Luke chapter 19
You might believe that if Otis was teaching but with me we probably still be going so No, I've tried not to go too long
Let's see I believe we were
Spend two weeks, but I believe we were in Luke 19 and we would start about verse 28 and Hope that's where we were because Well, very good very good so so we're
Luke 1928 It's always nice when I have prepared the right part
Okay That's where I thought we were well, let's pray and we'll get started
Lord we thank you for our time together so far today in the way that you speak to our hearts by your word you and you allow us to be encouraged by the faith of one another and Seeing Jesus Christ in the eyes and in the hearts of our brothers and sisters
What a wonderful gift you've given us in the fellowship that we can have And we thank you for the food that we had and that we don't take for granted your provision
And we thank you for this time and we ask you to teach us from your word as you did this morning in Jesus name
Amen Okay, Luke 19 19
Starting with verse 28 now The Key phrase that I'm looking for.
I think today that interests me the most anyway out of this passage is Gonna be all the way down in verse 42.
So just follow along with me. I'm gonna read that direction And we may stop a couple of times but that's where I'm headed and when he had thus spoken
He went before ascending up to Jerusalem And it came to pass when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany at the
Mount called the Mount of Olives He sent two of his disciples Saying go ye into the village over against you in the which at your entering you shall find a colt tied
Where on you never never a man set Lose him and bring him hither and If any man ask you why do you lose him?
Thus shall you say unto him because the Lord hath need of him
Now, do you think at this point in the life and ministry of Jesus? that He had any hesitancy to receive worship from men or to call himself the
Lord It seemed quite natural, didn't it? at this point
Now turn hold your hand there and turn back to the book of Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 now this written almost 500 years before the birth of Jesus and Look what it says
Rejoice greatly. Oh daughter of Zion shout. Oh daughter of Jerusalem Behold the
King cometh unto thee. He is just and having salvation
He is lowly and Riding upon an ass and upon a colt the foal of an ass now
The Jews did not think of Jesus as I mean, let me rephrase this They did not think of their coming
Messiah as lowly. They thought of him as a king and that's who they were looking for but God had revealed to them in certain places such as Isaiah chapters 53 and this verse in the book of Zechariah The suffering servant aspect of the
Messiah, but they chose not to look at that They chose to put it out of their minds and even the
Apostles themselves weren't as familiar with those passages as they might have been because they
Even argued among themselves who will be at his right hand when he sets up his throne. I mean, that's what they were into They were not into this suffering a servant this lowly
Aspect of Jesus But He is Fulfilling that very scripture some 500 years earlier is being fulfilled right before our eyes at this particular passage
And so they obeyed him in verse 32 they went and sent went their way and found even as he had said and To them and as they were loosing the colt the owners thereof said unto him.
Why are you loosing my colt? Can't you imagine I mean, it's like they're stealing their colt
And he said why are you taking my my colt and they just said well simply the Lord has need of him and he said
Oh, well, okay. Now, that's not normal, is it? And we read over passage like this very quickly, but this is amazing it's miraculous and So the
Lord prepared This colt that had been spoken of by the Prophet 500 years earlier and it didn't belong to The Apostle didn't belong to Jesus.
It belonged to someone else who simply said, okay take the colt if it's for the Lord That is amazing
Shouldn't be amazing when we think about the sovereignty of God and how he works in every detail every blade of grass that blows so Let's see verse 35 and they brought him to Jesus and they cast their garments upon the colt and they set
Jesus thereon and as he went they spread their clothes in the way and when he was come nigh even now at the
Descent of the Mount of Olives the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise
God with a loud voice For all the mighty works that they had seen
Saying blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord Peace in heaven and glory in the highest this is almost word for word
What the Prophet Zechariah had prophesied 500 years earlier It is word for word and Some of the
Pharisees from among the multitude said unto Jesus master rebuke your disciples.
Why were they saying that what did they want? Them to be rebuked for who can tell me
Have to let you participate a little after that fried chicken Who can tell me why they wanted them to be rebuked
There you go and Lord and the Pharisees were very sensitive to the fact that Jesus was claiming to be
God the I am They knew very clearly they some of them were there the day that he said you shall die in your sins for if you believe
Not that I am You shall die in your sins. Whoa Nowadays people say what
Jesus never claimed to be God in the Bible anywhere show me where he ever claimed Well, the Jews picked up the stones for some reason they were aware of what his claims were and Here they wanted him to rebuke his disciples because they were worshipping him and praising him
He's making himself out to be God. Your people are making you out to be God. Stop them.
That's blasphemy and Here it's beginning as his triumphal entry the high point if you want to look at it humanly speaking
I'm sure as Apostles looked at this as the high point in his career The seeds are already sown for his crucifixion
Because the Pharisees are hating it. They're hating every second of this
And they're reporting it back and word is traveling here. He's claiming to be
God and he will not rebuke His own disciples now look at this answer
They said you master rebuke your disciples. Look at verse 40 Can you imagine his face turning to them and those piercing eyes?
And he turns to them probably in somewhat gentle voice but a
Voice that's authoritative nevertheless And he answered and said of them. I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones
Immediately would cry out What do you think they took off running probably don't you imagine?
Imagine if you were the Pharisee praise be to God that you weren't Because Jesus said your sons of the devil
They were children of Satan seed. They were the seed of Satan But imagine if the man said that to you
You know if I'd surprised yeah, if I rebuke them then these stones will cry out praise me Well, if you were in that crowd today you would do the same thing you would today one of two things love him or hate him
The decision is forced upon you when you face Jesus and When he was come nearer he beheld the city and wept over it now
Here's where we get into this part that interests me and I know we're all different you read through here And you some different verse would pop out and you'd say oh,
I've got to study this but this section that we're coming into demands some thought and some questions and He answered and said unto them wait
We did that one verse 41 and when he was come near he beheld the city and he wept over it
Saying if thou hadst known now notice the word if If thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day
The things which belong unto thy peace But now they are hid from thine eyes
No, we're not gonna get much further than this verse I can tell Because look what is in this verse
First of all if thou had known is very fascinating when you consider the fact that Jesus is both man and God It presents the possibility of other possibilities
Or at least the fact that God knows not only the truth of Destiny, but he knows all possibilities of every possible destiny there ever was
Now I don't claim to say that the father would think this way because the father doesn't think
Does he God you can't think of God is thinking because he just knows
However as he extends himself into time and Space into this planet and comes down into time in the form of the
Lord Jesus Christ All of a sudden he acts as in time
So all of a sudden there are possibilities of other possibilities in the mind of Jesus Christ I don't have time this afternoon, but I could prove that by reading
Luke 13 34 following and Matthew 13 11 If you want to jot those down Mark chapter 4 verse 11 and many verses where he talks about if you had done this
You know if Sodom had seen the work you saw it would exist today
He said they would have repented and it would still exist today Those are interesting passages when you consider the fact that this is the
Son of God talking about possibilities of other possible renditions of history and yet From the father's viewpoint.
There's only one because he's already been there. He's there now. He's the I am
So If thou hadst known now, let's look at another phrase here if thou hadst known
Even thou at least in this thy day The things which belong unto thy peace now that shows a positional
Possession that God's people already positionally possessed something
Which we know to be the kingdom and Yet they positionally possessed it
But they were placed in a position by the father who is sovereign So that it was hid from their eyes and they didn't know they possessed it
Because had they known it there would have been no cross. They would have set the kingdom up right here
He's entering he's entering the city that he's going to rule right now They are proclaiming him as king right now
They're willing to follow him right now and yet Satan's seed Now this brings in the idea that even
Satan is a tool in God's hand Satan does nothing that the sovereign
God of the universe does not command So we see a use of Satan right here
Satan's seed Was introduced into the world We know at the time of Cain that that happened for the first time and then there's a whole line of spiritual spiritual
Satan's seed and Here we see it in the in the audience.
We'll call it an audience Let's call it a crowd that develops as he enters the triumphal entry
Into Jerusalem and yet scattered throughout that crowd are satanically run
Satanically motivated satanically possessed people Who will never be saved?
Who can never be saved Jesus looked them in the eye and said where I go You cannot come for you are of your father the devil they cannot go and They're scattered in that crowd and the sovereign
God of the universe has them there And what is their purpose their purpose is to hate this one whose followers are proclaiming him to be king and They lead to his eventual crucifixion which was
God's will it was not God's will that the kingdom be set up at this time And so Jesus knowing all this.
Can you imagine? the man Jesus Christ The God -man, but let's think of him as the human part the human
Jesus Christ Who's made aware of this knowledge? By the
Holy Spirit in fullness. He has the Holy Spirit without measure He knows the mind of God and I believe he operated mostly in that mode when he was on this earth as a man totally in the fullness of the
Holy Spirit without measure and He knows this information, but the people around him don't know it and he knows that too now
You're in that position in some way. You can look around you yourselves in the city little city of Corsicana We can expand that on out into the whole world all the way to India and we can see people all around us
Who simply have eyes that cannot see? Now we know that some of them are lost sheep and their eyes will be open
But some of them are lost goats and they'll never see because they were not designed
To see because they're not off the father. They're not his children They're Satan's children put here for a purpose to be used as a tool to make us be who we're supposed to be when we meet
God and all that so they're mixed in together. We can't tell the difference all the time like Jesus could
So we give the gospel to them knowing that the sheep will hear the voice
And come but isn't this a remarkable thing if you had known The things that really already belong to you but now they're hidden from you for a season for the day shall come upon thee and Thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee.
He's taught. He's looking out only 70 years into the future Not even that long maybe 40 years 40 or 50 years into the future when the
Roman legions would come and literally annihilate this city and its temple and the religion of Judaism and the children and the old ladies and the old men and they all be totally destroyed
Jesus already sees this and that's why he was weeping at the beginning of this passage So He shows us the heart we should have
We know not everybody's going to be saved but the ship still should not keep us from weeping about it
We know there are some out there lost right now who will be saved But if we lose the tears then we lose the zeal to give the message that we're supposed to be giving to everyone and When he was come nigh he must held the city
He tells them the day shall come upon thee that your enemies will cast a trench about thee and compass thee round And keep thee in on every side exactly how it happened.
If you read the story of Titus and the Roman legions, they encompassed the city and besieged it and Shall let it got so bad that the people were eating their own children if you can even imagine that And shall lay thee even with the ground and thy children within thee
Leveled your city and gonna level the people in thee and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another because thou knowest not the time of Thy you down newest not the time of that visitation now, let's stop there.
But let's think about this a minute What is the word because me? Okay, because It said that this city will be leveled and the children within the city because You did not know the time of your visitation
Who did the responsibility fall upon for the destruction of that city? the sovereign
God Did it say the city shall fall and the children within because God's gonna make it happen
Or did it say because you didn't see the visitation you were not aware that your
Messiah is right here and Since you missed that you're gonna be destroyed.
So where's the responsibility on God or man? man That is exactly the way it will be in the
Judgment Day There won't be one person that stands before the Lord at the great white throne judgment who says well
I wouldn't be here if he'd elected me I mean if you had elected me and chose me like you did this guy over here brother
Otis and I'd be with him in Heaven, it's your fault. Not one. There won't be one person
Now you might ask yourselves as thinking people. How can that be? Would it not have crossed their mind
If we understood everything about this doctrine of election and the doctrine responsibility and how they fit together
If we understood all that Then we can understand why it is that they will never question it
But they won't because they will know with all of their being that it's their own fault not
God's fault that they went to hell Now how do you explain that in the light of the fact that God knows whose children are and It only his children can go to heaven
You can't totally explain it, but it's there. It's all right in the same verse The sovereignty of God meets the responsibility of man in many places in the
Bible most verses that speak of one will have the other in the same verse in This place is one of those
Here we see that God has ordained before the foundation of the world that Jesus is gonna go on the cross
Not gonna be set up as the king that day He is also ordained who his children are.
He doesn't have to ordain it. He knows them. They're part of him They're just his family
You see God doesn't save people because they do good things. He saves them because they're his children and were before they were lost
Reconciled has a little prefix re read in front of it You know
God knew you before you were lost and then you were lost and then he comes and he saves you back
Bad grammar, but that's pretty good doctrine and So God knows all that and even in the light of all that yet the world stands before him perfectly responsible
Every single man woman boy and girl that ever hits this planet has the opportunity to know
God They know about him. They know exists by looking around creation.
They can look at science to see that They can know about him more if they hear this word preached or any part of it or even a sentence from it
You said you heard some things on the radio There are very few people in the world today left that can't hear something somewhere
It's all there and man is gonna stand fully responsible. And when the final because happens
And they're cast into the lake of fire. It's going to be because You didn't receive my son
Jesus You rejected him you hated him And no one's gonna come back say no, it's because you didn't choose me.
That's not where the because goes Strange phenomenon we can't understand it all because we're not in the same dimension
God's in he's much higher dimension than we are But at least he told us about it so we can contemplate it
But when you watch Jesus come into that place that day a lot of things were going on right there
Jesus is foreseeing the whole situation He sees the lost he sees the sheep
He sees the disciples wanting to be king right now so they can sit by him, but he knows God's plan
And he even sees Satan seed and the crowd says rebuke them and he says well, you know
I would but if I did these rocks would shout out and worship me and He knew right there he said he set in motion the cross
It could not be stopped anyway, but even from the human viewpoint at that point It was set in motion long before that it really was they hated him and they were going to crucify
All God's plan and yet the city falls down and the children die
Because they didn't understand who was in their presence that day So let's not be caught that way he is coming again he is coming again, there are many events that surround that and Jesus one of the main things he taught before he left this world is don't be asleep
Be ready be ready when I come Let's pray together father
We thank you for this beautiful passage for allowing us to walk down that road with that crowd today
And to see some of the things that happened we thank you that we can see both your sovereign hand and We take comfort in peace in that but we also see the responsibility of the men around us and of our own selves and Lord may we stand ready at all times.
We thank you for the blood of Jesus We thank you for your word which cleanses us as water would cleanse our feet
We thank you Lord that you keep us in a right relationship with you when we stray you would chasten us and When we're with you, you give us great peace
And so let us leave this place with that peace and joy today and we ask it in Jesus name.