Psalm 35 (Conflict is Inevitable)

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Psalm 35 (Conflict is Inevitable) Selected Psalms Jeff Kliewer


Portugal last night our worship leader Michael Stockland and his family are there and he said that the conference had about 60 people attend to learn how to lead worship and so he was very nervous but he said it went exceptionally well he was very excited about the people were very open and the mission trip is going well.
Brendan had gotten sick on the plane ride and was sick for the first couple days but now he is completely healed so all five how many kids they have now five six however many they have a bunch of kids they're all doing good and things are well on the mission field for them let's go to the
Lord in prayer. Father we are so privileged to be able to come into this house on this
Sunday morning the Lord's Day the Curia Hemera the day of the Lord the day that Jesus rose from the dead and now we can gather almost 2 ,000 years later every
Sunday morning to open this bread this food which is your word and to receive from it so we pray that you would make our hearts open and ready help us to receive to be strengthened by it
Lord God we pray that your word would go forth with power today and change the way we are in Jesus name we pray amen.
One of my primary jobs as a preacher is to fight my own tendency for comfort and to fight your tendency for comfort one of my jobs is to arouse us to work and to remind us again and again that we are in a battle
I didn't mean to do that by the way that was just underscoring the point we are in a battle and sometimes we get complacent in that battle and we tend to think that we're on a cruise ship instead of a warship but the truth is we are on a warship when
Boko Haram in Nigeria is kidnapping Christians by the hundreds and killing
Christians by the thousands reducing the overall population of Christianity in Nigeria by killing we are reminded that we are in a war war is inevitable for the
Christian I don't have a particularly fond place in my heart for strict pacifists
I understand pacifism and I respect it but strict pacifism which would say even when someone like Adolf Hitler arises on the scene were to just not fight
I'm thankful for those who are willing to go and lay down their lives on the beaches of Normandy and across the
South Pacific to defend those who are oppressed and those who are taken unjustly last night and at about six seven o 'clock in the afternoon evening a man in Fort Worth was driving by and saw an eight -year -old girl with her mother and stopped the car and ran and grabbed the eight -year -old girl and threw that girl into the car the mom fought and got into the car but then was thrown out of the car by this violent man when something like that happens it's a time to fight and my wife went to war in a different way she wasn't in Fort Worth to help with the physical fight but for hours she knelt before the
Lord praying and as Psalm 77 says we pray sometimes through the night this is what she was doing until she got a piece in the wee hours of the morning and went to bed we woke up to discover that the girl was rescued the girl is safe but sometimes as Christians we are called to war and that war doesn't look like bullets and guns and bombs in World War two it looks like knees to the ground and prayers to heaven calling on the name of the
Lord part of our war that we are in and maybe the most active part of our role is to preach on Sunday mornings that's what
I do and for the rest of the week that's what I hope that you go and do to proclaim that Christ has conquered that Christ has risen from the dead and he is alive to proclaim the risen
Savior we go out preaching and this is the substance of our war we defeat
Satan by preaching the Word of God so that hearts can be changed people can be changed from the inside out which is the only hope for this world salvation through Jesus Christ main idea today a wartime mentality is necessary given this present darkness in which we live but we do not fight using the weapons of the world let's turn now to Psalm 35 and we see
David the King David the warrior the one who slew
Goliath the one who fought many battles against the Philistines the one who ran for his life and fought enemies for the course of his life
David writes what is really a wartime Psalm we've been studying through the
Psalms and many of them have different themes in Psalm 104 we delight in the glory of God in creation
I have to say after having preached that message I think Psalm 104 was most of all for me because I had forgot forgotten to look at the glory of God in creation and since Psalm 104 penetrated my heart
I'm now seeing things that I haven't seen before I get genuinely happy when I see my raspberry bush growing that's partly because every other effort to grow something has resulted in the death of said vegetation but now
I'm seeing some success and I'm delighting in the creation of God it's fun other
Psalms like 103 are praise and worship and joy Psalm 91 was a warfare
Psalm do you remember that that my grandfather read on the battlefield after Normandy and after the
Battle of the Bulge when he saw dead bodies everywhere and he fell to his knees he read Psalm 91 the soldier
Psalm that the arrows that fly by day and the pestilence that stalks at night will not come near you and he took courage that's a soldier
Psalm right there the soldiers actually have that sometimes on the inside of their vest or sometimes in a little card that they're given the soldier
Psalm today's Psalm 35 is a soldier Psalm so get your warfare mindset because we are in a war and we need to be aware of it let's begin so the first three verses recognize that the battle belongs to the
Lord but we must also prepare for battle Psalm 35 1 to 3 contend
O Lord with those who contend with me fight against those who fight against me take hold of shield and buckler and rise for my help draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers say to my soul
I am your salvation the prayer is that God would be fighting for David now in practice what does that look like does that mean that David takes his weaponry off and asked that God would supernaturally pick up that sword to fight
Goliath not at all there is a preparation for battle remember when
David went to fight Goliath he first of all saw King Saul who stood a head taller than everyone else he was the king of Israel he should have led the troops into battle he should have faced
Goliath instead he was cowering unwilling to face the giant David came in willing to fight but Saul said to David put on my armor put on my armor and David tried it on but then said
I can't go into battle first Samuel 1739 he tried in vain to go for he had not tested them he had not tested
Saul's armor he wasn't used to it didn't fit right it didn't feel right David was prepared to face
Goliath when he was a shepherd in the field fighting bears and lions his weapon was a slingshot and when a bear had tried to steal a sheep he had slung that stone and killed the bear he had fought off a lion and a bear using the slingshot the thing that he was prepared to fight with so when the time to fight the giant came he didn't just lay down his slingshot he took up the weapon of his warfare and yet he prays this kind of prayer contend
O Lord with those who contend with me in first Samuel 1747 David reminds us of these famous words it's very important for all of us who are in a battle the battle is the
Lord's the battle is the Lord's so there is a both -and happening here
David is praying that God would fight his battles and yet he takes up the slingshot he goes into war we have an active part in spiritual warfare and sometimes in physical warfare to rescue the those who are taken unjustly the battle is the
Lord's and he will give you into our hand that's what David says to Goliath so continue on in Psalm 35 verse 4 through 8 now notice that David turns violently against the oppressor and this is what's called an imprecatory
Psalm he's asking for God to bring judgment on an enemy he's harsh he doesn't want the person to go scot -free in fact he wants judgment think about that we saw that earlier and so I think it was
Psalm 42 when we studied the cry for God to bring justice on those who oppress others but after we read it
I want to take this out of the physical realm which is where David was operating into the spiritual realm realm which is where the
New Testament directs us we are not to pray imprecatory
Psalms against our physical enemies but we sure can desire the crushing of Satan's head and the destruction of demons and the binding of demons and throwing them to hell so as you read this as you hear these words begin to think we're not just talking about flesh and blood our struggle is not ultimately against flesh and blood but against angels and powers of this dark present world so four through eight let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life let them be turned back and disappointed who devise evil against me let them be like chaff before the wind in other words blow them away
Lord with the angel of the Lord driving them away one of my favorite verses here let their way be dark and slippery with the angel of the
Lord pursuing them for without cause they hid their net for me without cause they dug a pit for my life let destruction come upon him when he does not know it and let the net that he hid and snare him let him fall into it to his destruction he prays an imprecatory curse upon the enemies that are pursuing him the last verse verse 8 reminds me of Haman's gallows when
Haman had laid a plot to destroy all the Jews and this has happened time and again in the history of the world hasn't it 1940s was probably the most notorious but it happened in 1492 with the
Spanish the the Russians did a similar thing under Stalin and throughout the history of the world in the book of Esther we read about the plot to destroy the
Jewish people Haman built a gallow to kill Mordecai but the pit that he dug for Mordecai became his own noose didn't it he was hung on his own gallows in verse 8 let the destruction come upon him when he does not know it and let the net that he hid and snare him back at this time when lions and bears and different vicious animals were terrorizing a village what they would do is they would dig a deep pit and they would lay a net across the pit and cover it with leaves with rope so when that lion came along it fall into the pit and get grabbed by the net and that's how they could defeat a lion the pit but sometimes people would dig a pit for their enemies for their foes and David says let this pit that they dug ensnare them he prays an imprecatory
Psalm against them Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 to 20 is crucial for us in the
New Covenant because in the New Covenant our enemies are not first of all flesh and blood
Israel's enemies were real people with soldiers and with with spears and javelins and they were coming against them our enemies listen to this church our three biggest enemies in our lives are the world the flesh and the devil and I was thinking about that the other day our enemies according to Ephesians 2 the world the flesh the devil that is a formidable foe when you think about it the world that means the entire world the systems of government and entertainment and art and media and nations they are twisted in some way to oppose us and to bring temptation into our lives the entire world is built this way the entire world but if that were not enough there's also an unseen world spirits called demons that are bent to destroy us and their leader called the devil exists and seeks to do us harm he prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour and you pause there and say okay that's a tough enemy this enemy is strong read
Isaiah 14 or Ezekiel 28 to get a picture of how gloriously powerful this invisible being really is but they're the least of our worries because according to James chapter 1 the biggest of our concerns is our own flesh that's where sin is conceived and through temptation by the devil and from the temptations of this world it gives birth to sin but our greatest enemy is within ourselves we're born in Adam's sin and we're bent toward sin we're lawbreakers and our hearts are constantly going astray our own righteousness is filthy rags compared to the holiness of God so these three enemies the world the flesh and the devil they're profound how can we defeat our three enemies
Ephesians 6 10 to 20 it says that our weapons and our battle is not against flesh and blood we're not fighting each other we're not fighting the people of this world although sometimes they are filled with Satan and they are filled with demonic spirits and do horrible things our real battle is against these spiritual foes and so we must take on the whole armor of God the helmet of salvation unless you are born again unless you have been saved that salve that healing that comes from God that deliverance unless you have the helmet of salvation you have no defense against your enemies you must be born again apart from salvation you have no defense against your enemies the belt of truth the breastplate of righteousness the sword of the
Spirit the shield of faith these weapons of our warfare they're not carnal they're spiritual even in that weaponry we would stand and fall to the enemies we have a champion whose name is
Jesus we have a victor whose name is Christ and the the enemies that we face are all conquered foes because of what he has done on the cross so we're facing the world did not
Jesus say take heart I have overcome the world we're facing the devil does not first John tell us that the
Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil we are facing a battle against our own flesh and yet we're told in Colossians 1 that he nailed the list of our sins to the cross triumphing over them on that tree
Christ is the champion he is the victor he is the
David in our spiritual battle we can't face these giants we need a
Savior and thanks be to God he provided one the victory through Christ Jesus the Lord Romans 8 we are more than conquerors through him who loved us and so we must set our eyes on Jesus and that's how we overcome the world the flesh and the devil so now returning to Psalm 35 we see this imprecation come from David where he's asking for God to do what he can't do conquer these foes he's calling to God in prayer that's how we begin to pray against our spiritual foes we pray against the demons that are tempting us we call on our champion we call on God to do what we can't do verse 9 and 10 answers the question of why
God is allowing all this evil in the world one of the reasons is to glorify himself by providing the rescue for his people verse 9 and 10 then my soul will rejoice in the
Lord exulting in his salvation all my bones shall say oh
Lord who is like you delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him the poor and needy from him who robs him warfare is included in God's plan to glorify himself there was a tree in the
Garden of Eden and mankind fell into sin and all of us are born into that sin and there are foes that are fighting us all the time but the great plan of God in the unfolding of history is that it would be shown that he is our rescuer he is our salvation look at verse 3
I am your salvation Jesus Yeshua Yahweh saves
Augustine loved Psalm 34 Psalm 35 verse 3 one of his life verses say to my soul
I am your salvation it glorifies God to be the one who rescues needy sinners he is our rescue in our salvation so look now at verses 11 through 16 how then do we live in this world and I'll say we must not be like the vicious the malicious instead we repay evil with good
David will notice in this section that he was giving nothing but good to these people who turned on him they repaid evil to his good but we must be willing to repay good to the evil of others verses 11 through 16 malicious witnesses rise up they ask me of things that I do not know they repay me evil for good my soul is bereft but I when they were sick
I wore sackcloth I afflicted myself with fasting I prayed with head bowed on my chest
I went about as though I grieved for my friend or my brother as one who laments his mother
I bowed down in the morning in mourning verse 15 but at my stumbling they rejoiced and gathered they gathered together against me wretches whom
I did not know tore at me without ceasing like profane mockers at a feast they gnash at me with their teeth do you see these were
Judas's in David's life people that he had given to and loved and how did
Judas repay Jesus he betrayed him with a kiss David's friends when they were hurting he went about mourning and blessing them
Romans 12 14 bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse them each of us in the course of our
Christian lives will have times in it where people that we trusted people that we loved will betray us if it happens to Jesus what makes us think it wouldn't happen to us in the case where you are betrayed when you're hurt by people that you did nothing to you love them when you're cursed you bless them and so you show yourself to be like Jesus who when reviled did not revile when cursed did not curse he gave his life he gave his body his flesh and blood for those who hated him while we were yet enemies
Christ died for us Romans 5 8 he did not just give his love to those who deserved it if he waited to do that none of us would be redeemed but he gave his love to those who hated him and spit upon him and put a crown of thorns upon him and a spear in his side and so we can be like him by loving those who tear at us notice in verse 13 he says but I when they were sick
I wore sackcloth I afflicted myself with fasting I prayed with head bowed on my chest sometimes fasting can be a way to strengthen the prayers that we offer to show
God that we're serious about what we're praying in the New Testament there are no imperatives to fast zero in fact fasting in the
New Testament is only mentioned three times in the synoptics you have three references in mark 915
Luke 535 mark 220 all the same reference where Jesus makes a comment that under the new covenant with the new wine skin the new wine my disciples will fast it's not a command it's just an observation they will fast and then you see in Acts 13 verses 1 to 3 that when the first missionaries were sent out the church came together the leadership fasted and prayed about who would be sent to the mission field and turned out to be of course
Paul and Barnabas you see a third place in the New Testament in Acts 1423 where fasting is included in the form of prayer after that the
New Testament is silent something that second Corinthians 6 5 and 1127 are about fastings where Paul is listing his afflictions he says often without food some translations say often in fastings but given the list of the afflictions that were coming upon him it's probably just that he was shipwrecked and he was all night in the water and so he was without food it wasn't a deliberate fast what is the role of fasting in our spiritual war there comes a time when you can fast you're not commanded to it's not an imperative but it is an indicative in these three places where fasting can be used as a form of prayer in a spiritual warfare situation to take ground as missionaries being sent out to the ends of the earth to fast as the bridegroom has gone back to heaven the disciples are called to do that there is a church movement that began in 1884 in Korea before that there were pretty much zero
Christians in Korea in 1884 the first protestant church was established they were
Presbyterians so so much for the frozen chosen they can actually be very aggressive evangelistically they went and planted the church in Korea very little growth then within the last 50 years after the
Korean War was fought the church grew to 33 percent of the
South Korean population which is where it stands today per capita maybe the largest in the world 33 %
I worked with some Koreans and some Vietnamese and some different groups and one of the things that I've learned is that their devotion to prayer puts us to shame these are people that wake up early in the morning before the
Sun and pray to seek God's face it said that in that movement over the last 50 years in Korea 20 ,000
Koreans have completed a 40 -day fast now what was the point of that fast for the advancement of the gospel in Korea these are people that were praying in the
Holy Spirit and had reached a place of maturity in their Christian walk where fasting was what
God called them to do for a time not commanded but something that they did and God blessed it
Martin Luther said this about fasting of fasting I say this it is right to fast frequently in order to subdue and control the body for when the stomach is full the body does not serve for preaching for praying or studying or for doing anything else that is good under such circumstances
God's Word cannot remain but one should not fast with the view to meriting something of it as by a good work
Martin Luther is sounding a very important note of caution fasting cannot merit anything from God Luther himself tried this for a period of time for four hours a day groveling before God when he was a monk and merited nothing and got nowhere in his spiritual life but learning
Habakkuk 2 4 and Romans 1 16 and 17 the just shall live by faith coming to God in faith trusting nothing of his works no fasting no work whatsoever he came humbly and received the forgiveness of sin and thus began the
Protestant Reformation from that place of faith and victory he would occasionally fast to strengthen his prayers to help him in preaching and in praying
David prayed and fasted for his friends in Psalm 35 verse 13 he says he afflicted himself with fasting prayed with head bowed on my chest this was a form of mourning it was a form of mourning because his friend was sick and perhaps dying maybe he was grieving with someone who lost a loved one and that was the purpose of fasting in the
Old Testament it was always a form of mourning but in the indicative of Matthew 9 when
Jesus says after I go my disciples were fast will fast the context is a new wineskin and a new wine those who receive the
Holy Spirit and are justified by faith now fast not to earn anything from God not as a sign of mourning but as a form of prayer to set apart missionaries to advance the kingdom to strengthen prayer to turn away from not necessarily food it could be worldly entertainment stop watching
TV at night and devote that time to studying
God's Word that's what Luther said to do and he was right because that's the new wineskin of Matthew 9 of Acts 13 of Acts 14 and so the larger point remains we are in a spiritual war so continue now in Psalm 35 17 and 18 we'll move quickly now how long
O Lord will you look on rescue me from their destruction my precious life from the lions
I will thank you in the great congregation in the mighty throng I will praise you
David recognizes that very often the deliverance that we hope for from God doesn't seem to be coming and brothers and sisters
I would sound this note of caution in this church age we will not see utopia we will not usher in the kingdom 2nd
Thessalonians chapter 2 tells us that there will be an apostasy a great falling away before the end times and the way
I read the book of Revelation you guys should spend a little time reading it the way I read it it doesn't look like the last seven years of this world ends very well does it it's an understatement things go from bad to worse pre -millennial ism is a part of our theology which understands that there is yet to come so we're pre -millennium pre -millennial ism says that there is coming a thousand year reign of Christ on this earth and in that time the lion will lay down next to the lamb and a little child will play with the snake and not be bit that coming of Christ will make all things right in this world and so until Christ comes the church labors the church fights the church advances the gospel we leave it all on the field we do everything that we can but we have a realistic expectation that the church will not usher in the kingdom post -millennial think that the church will first take over the world and then
Christ will come post the Millennium and the Millennium is this peaceful thousand years it's not happening the world will go from bad to worse and we will pray like David how long
Oh Lord will you look on we'll see this injustice everywhere we'll see Boko Haram and and what's happening in Syria and North Korea the most oppressive of all the nations on earth
Christians probably 20 ,000 Christians in prison for their faith in North Korea as we sit here in the freedom of this country and as we speak how long
Oh Lord will you look on rescue me from their destruction there is coming a day of rescue the catching up of Christians in the rapture and the return of Christ to earth to judge this is real this is coming read about it second
Thessalonians 4 first Thessalonians 4 Matthew 24 verses 19 and following and now we're coming to a crescendo here guys this is where I call you to become prayer warriors and to remember that there is a clash of worldviews going on verse 19 let not those rejoice over me who are wrongfully my foes and let not those wink the eye who hate me without cause for they do not speak peace but against those who are quiet in the land they devise words of deceit they open wide their mouths against me they say aha aha our eyes have seen it brothers and sisters we will be accused of things we haven't done aha aha you racist you bigot aha aha the world will turn against Christians in the last days just this week the
Congress of this country passed the so -called Equality Act well it was only the house and I think the
Senate will knock it down and if not the president will most likely but there's coming a time where something like this will pass and be signed into law the
Equality Act according to Nancy Pelosi says tolerance is a condescending word to me this is not about tolerance this is about respect for our
LGBTQ communities this is about taking pride while there was a minority of people with the leftist viewpoint it was all about tolerance but now that the majority is shifting away from a conservative evangelical biblical understanding of truth now it's openly and admittedly not about tolerance the left as they take more and more of a majority will become more and more totalitarian and the
Equality Act silences Christians making it illegal to preach exactly what the
Word of God says it's already happening in many of your workplaces it's already happening in your schools and the question is will you be silent when the totalitarians tell you what you're not allowed to say they'll wave their fingers they'll wag their heads aha aha our eyes have seen it
John Adams was right in 1798 when he said because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion avarice ambition revenge gallantry would break the strongest cords of our
Constitution as a whale goes through a net our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other
I love the Constitution but it cannot protect us we are in a war and we need a wartime mentality we need a wartime mentality because unless we realize that Psalm 35 19 to 21 is the expected norm as it has been throughout the history of the world we'll be surprised when oppression comes verse 22 to 26 but look at David's answer the answer is prayer to pray and stand strong so our enemies have no boast because although we know the end doesn't look good for seven years we know that Christ comes back and sets up his kingdom for a thousand years we don't know what happens between today in May of 2019 and the return of Christ it could very well be that God will grant us repentance he could grant this nation a revival he could grant this area a revival and so we need to pray like we're at war so look he says verse 22 you have seen
Oh Lord and see the parallel there with what they say uh -huh uh -huh our eyes have seen it verse 22
David says you have seen you have seen Oh Lord be not silent
Oh Lord be not far from me awake and rouse yourself for my vindication for my cause my
God and my Lord vindicate me Oh Lord my God according to your righteousness and let them not rejoice over me let them not say in their hearts aha our hearts desire let them not say we have swallowed them up verse 26 let them be put to shame and disappointed altogether who rejoice at my calamity let them be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves against me
Jesus said and will not
God vindicate his elect who cry to him day and night Elizabeth Elliott said to pray thy will be done
I must be willing if the answer requires it that my will be undone prayer prayer is a wartime walkie -talkie to our commander -in -chief it's not an intercom system at our luxury hotel prayer is when we're in the thick of the battle preaching the gospel making
Christ known we call on God to help us Gregory of Nyssa from the fourth century described prayer this way we're winding down I want you to let these words sink in because this is a call to pray the effect of prayer is union with God and if someone is with God he is separated from the enemy through prayer we guard our chastity control our temper rid ourselves of vanity prayer makes us forget injuries overcome envy defeat injustice make amends for sin through prayer we obtain physical well -being a happy home a strong well -ordered society prayer is the seal of virginity and a pledge of faithfulness in marriage it shields the wayfarer protects the sleeper gives courage to those who keep vigil prayer will refresh you when you are weary and comfort you when you are sorrowful prayer is the delight of the joyful as well as the solace of the afflicted prayer is intimacy with God and contemplation of the invisible prayer is the enjoyment of things present and the substance of things to come and so this psalm ends in verse 27 and 28 with victory because that is assured let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore great is the
Lord who delights in the welfare of his servant then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long our righteousness is nothing but the righteousness of Christ it's his righteousness given to us and the victory is ours the victory belongs to us in the end when
Steve st. the son of fallen missionary hero Nate st. who along with Roger you
Darian and Jim Elliot those five missionaries were killed on the banks of the curre river in Ecuador this little boy grew up without a dad and as he reflects back on that here's how he describes it he says the killing on the
Palm Beach on the curre river of Ecuador the circumstances around that are beyond description except that God intervened think about that God intervened and that's why his dad died and thousands of missionaries were sent out from America to the ends of the earth
Piper adds to that statement saying in our deepest pain
God is hiding his explosives behind enemy lines the death of those missionaries was the hiding of explosives behind enemy lines how many missionaries went to the ends of the earth inspired by the story that they heard these are men of warfare these are men who are willing to die for the sake of their
King for the advancement of the kingdom so how do we apply all this it's in your notes I'll read it to you expect both human and spiritual opposition to your walk with God expect greater opposition when you step out in faith expect the world to oppose the church with increasing hostility in the years to come but hear this do not succumb to a spirit of fear we need not fear persecution if it comes it will have a certain refining quality first Peter 1 7 that only increases our joy you see the end of Psalm 35 there's joy and rejoicing it only increases our joy in God so let's fearlessly prepare for suffering make preparation for suffering by being built up in the stature of your inner man
Ephesians 3 16 therefore as you receive Christ Jesus the
Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught abounding in Thanksgiving instead of fear or anxiety which is a lighter form of fear pray like we're in a war not on vacation prayer is a walkie -talkie not a room service intercom be vindicated and glorify
God by having a positive attitude towards your life and toward the future when you delight in God and say great is the
Lord who delights in the welfare of his servant when you tell of Christ's Christ's righteousness and praise all the day long you win this inevitable conflict so let's go take the land
Charles Spurgeon said Christ offends men because his gospel is intolerant of sin the more we go out preaching the gospel the more people paradoxically will hate you for it you are bringing good news but they'll hate you for it because part of that news is that we are sinful their self -righteousness will well up inside of them and they will hate you for what you have to say unless God convert them by the power of his spirit so the bolder you are with the gospel the more you'll experience this spiritual warfare but recognize the warfare is here and it's coming so let's go with courage and let's preach the gospel every one of you this week share the good news about Jesus Christ with someone whether or not they want to hear it that's how we fight and in the quietness of your own prayer closet where nobody can see not making a show of it you pray first of all for your own building up in the stature of your inner man and then for you to walk as a fellow soldier for the sake of the gospel we're at war but the victory is
Christ so let's go enjoy let's pray worship team come on up we'll close with the song after this prayer
God you have overheard the words that were spoken from this pulpit and I pray in Jesus name that Psalm 35 would change us from the inside out make us strong I pray that we would stop cowering before the enemy and rise up with boldness you say and Isaiah 40 fear not for I am with you be not afraid for I am your
God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand take away our fear this morning