Thabiti Was Right - Repent of Whiteness?

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Broken clocks and all of that.


So I recorded a video earlier about this topic. It was a longer form video and I decided not to post it because not because of the tone or anything like that because Sometimes I don't post videos because of the tone but you know, it was a longer form thing and honestly, you know
The just thinking podcast did a way better episode about whiteness and these concepts of whiteness and blackness and all this ridiculous
Racist nonsense that's being talked about these days but anyway so so I figured
I'd let if you want to know more about the topic of whiteness and blackness go to the just thinking podcast And listen to them because they have a really good
Long form sort of review of this kind of stuff, but I just had a few thoughts I wanted to add to the mix a little bit here because it just occurred to me that this is let me read this
So this is a tweet from Cody Liebold. He has a screenshot of two Thabiti Anyabwili tweets
Thabiti is if you remember he's famous for that Thabiti two -step anyway So here's two tweets.
He's responding to people so you don't have all the context here and keep that in mind That's gonna come into play in a minute. Here's what he says.
He says. Yep. The consequence is disproportionate We suffer far more when whiteness goes unrepented
Always have not trying to create false equivalency just to say we can only get our logs We can all we can only get our logs first and then help those with the specs
Okay, so Whiteness needs to be repented of all right Then the next tweet is he's again responding to someone else
So you again, you don't have the whole context and again that will come into play here He says I was it was the first church listed.
I don't know how I can be more explicit than quote repent of whiteness But we can't afford to keep playing you first when it comes to repentance in my opinion again logs and specs so whiteness needs to be repented of and You know
You got to repent of whiteness before anyone else can repent of anything because that's the logs and the specs, right?
So so this is pretty stupid. I mean you read this and you're like, wow, that's race beating and it is I mean Thabiti's well known for his race
Racial tension increasing tactics I guess I'll say that and Cody says here never go full
Thabiti and that's a good advice. You shouldn't do that But you know normally when people get caught saying something dumb, they'll say like oh you took me out of context
You're misunderstanding me. You're miss you're misrepresenting me. That's the biggest one. You're misrepresenting me Even if you're not it's just a kind of a throwaway sort of rebuttal
You know out of context out of context people talk about that kind of stuff all the time and here somebody is
Defending Thabiti and says you took him out of context, but he actually has a point here We kind of did take him out of context a little bit.
Let's let's let's let's look at this Here's what this is. I don't know if this is the same thread, but it's it's definitely that in the same vein
It's the same day. So it's talking about the same topic. Here's what Thabiti says. He says this will require repentance deep repentance at the level of foundational identity
Repenting of whiteness repenting of blackness repenting of Asianness Repenting of any identity that exalts itself against the knowledge of God That's very true because if there are people running around that that you know
They interpret things through their ethnic identity more so than their Christian identity.
That's very true that those people do exist and There are definitely white people that that think that way.
I don't really know any There are there and actually that's not sure. I do know some
I do know some but they're there pariahs You know, they're they're cast into the netherworld that we toss them to the outer darkness
You know what? I mean that they're not taken seriously. Imagine if somebody were to do this publicly
I mean they'd be pariahs and mean and and then actually people who do do it publicly are pariahs But the reality is that there are plenty of blacks
Latinos other ethnic minorities that do this every single day and they aren't repenting and They're tolerated.
They're platformed. I mean what so a repenting of any identity that exalts itself against the knowledge of God What is black theology?
What is Forming a distinctly black theology. What in the world could that possibly mean?
Let me tell you something right now black theology is And would be no matter how you formulate it in the future terrible
All right. How do you like that black theology is already terrible and no matter how you change it in the future will continue to be terrible and you know how
I know that because Because Anytime you try to make a theology that is interpreted based on your ethnic identity what you are doing is exalting an ethnic identity against the knowledge of God Because that's not how
God reveals himself God doesn't reveal himself differently to to black people and Asians people and thing.
No, no, he has one revelation It's a scripture we can look at it and we have the capability to understand what it means
God speaks clearly and there might be things that you have to work harder at understanding him because of our sin
But there is one revelation It's not like there's it's not like he's revealed the scripture to Asians and then there's a different scripture for whites and there's a different Scripture for blacks.
This is not how it is. It's not how it is at all So yeah, the whole project of black theology is doomed from the start.
It's something that needs to be repented of I agree with the beauty just like if there was a project of white theology where we were to self -consciously
Create a distinctly white theology. That would be something that should be repented of That would be an identity exalting itself against the knowledge of God.
I mean people do this all the time, right? I mean Eric Mason is proudly saying how his church used to be an evangelical church or a diverse church
But now it's a black church with African diaspora. It's a black church So, I mean according to the
BD Eric Mason should repent right Eric Mason should repent because that would be exalting
It's not that it's not Jesus Christ Church. No, it's a black church. That's exalting an ethnic identity
Against the knowledge of God. I mean, we wouldn't tolerate it if a white person did that. Oh, this is a white church That's a white church.
We have white leadership here. No one would ever tolerate that because we'd see that for what it is Why can't we see it for blacks and Latinos and things like that?
Now am I saying that it's wrong to have a church that's that that's majority Latino or ethnic Any ethnicity white black whatever?
No, I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm not saying that's wrong But but but but the reality is some churches are self -consciously saying we are catering to this ethnicity not this one and Some churches even segregate self -consciously.
You can't come here if you have a shirt certain skates shade of skin Some people do that gospel coalition did that at their fellowship event?
So so so yeah, he's right about this, but he's got it twisted He thinks that white people have it just all of this like there are all kinds of white people out there
Just running around Elevating their ethnicity above the knowledge of God. I don't know hardly any But I can name a litany of ethnic minorities doing it
So, you know if you take the beauty at his word, I mean the logs and specs are kind of reversed So here would be the challenge for people that agree with the beauty in this way that whiteness is some kind of thing that needs
To be repented of show me the people the people right now who think that White culture and white people are
Are like the standard by people need by which people need to be judged Show me the people that are having white churches loudly and proudly and self -consciously
Show me the people that are formulating white theology and saying hey, we're gonna have a white ethnic theology
Because I think a lot of these people would say well all theology is white theology all history is white history
I mean to be to you yourself have a daily tweet that you do is called this day in black history
Show me the white people doing that show me the white people doing that because I'm not saying that that's wrong It's a fine fee if you want to talk about black history, that's up to you
Personally, I just talk about history because black people doing things in history is just history.
I mean That's how I see things but but you know, you want to talk about that? That's fine but show me the people that have this this this concept of their whiteness that's so important to them that they have to tweet out stuff
Like white greatness and white history and white Excellence and all of these things if you can show me people like that that have huge platforms that are accepted by many people
In the Christian Church, then I'll I'll say sorry, but I don't think you can I don't think you can I can show you
Tons of people that have an inappropriate Elevation elevation of their own ethnic identity over and against biblical truth and their identity in Christ I can show you lots of ethnic minorities that do that I can
I mean I know of some whites that do it, but they're all Rejected they're all pariahs and maybe based on what you're saying here.