Christ Is The Focus In Christian Liberty - [Romans 15]



I read this week, I suppose a true story. In 1830,
Pastor George Trask of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, preached against the vain beard of Congregant Joseph Palmer, and he demanded that Palmer shave it off.
Only in Fitchburg, right? When Trask denied Palmer communion, Palmer grabbed the chalice and drank it anyway, shouting,
I love my Jesus as well and better than any of you. After he was jailed for fighting off attackers who tried to cut off his beard,
Palmer, and the writer says, and his beard became a New England celebrity.
Beards, no beards. Courtship, dating, betrothal, gray areas, debatable things.
What do we do? How do we solve the problem? Let's turn our Bibles to Romans chapter 15, and quickly find out that the problem is found in Christ Jesus the
Lord. You look to somebody else who seems to be immature or weak in the faith, and they do things that you would never do.
You look at somebody who's strong in the faith, and they do things that you would never do. How do we solve the problem to make sure the church stays unified and together, and thinks biblically about debatable gray areas of difference?
The answer is, when you look to Lord Jesus Christ, you'll see what
He does, and you'll have now a motive, and a method, and an example.
For the first time, Paul puts Jesus Christ as an example of what to do when it comes to people who are weaker, people who don't do exactly what you do.
When I first became a Christian, I wish
I could go back to the people who were mature in the faith, who were patient with me.
I wish I could go back and just say, thank you. I've forgotten some of their names, but they were patient with me, and their goal was not initially, we need to change
Mike on all the debatable things. Their goal was, we would like to disciple him in the
Lord Jesus Christ, and have him learn and grow about Christ, His work, His person.
Now, I haven't always done this, but as the Lord is growing me, I meet new people all the time, and they come into the church, and some people come, and they're mature, and maybe they move here.
Other people are brand new Christians, and you can't expect brand new Christians to be mature. Some people come in with all kinds of crazy theological ideas and methodologies, and some of you, when
I do this, you smile, and you know you were one of them. So what do we do? Quick, just try to change them.
How do I approach them? Now, if it's on a doctrine about the deity of Christ, our substitutionary atonement, well, that goes without saying.
But all kinds of people, in the last 16 years since I've been here, and in the next 16 years until the
Lord returns, people are going to walk into the church, and they're going to be less than mature.
So, is it raining out? I think so. No place else to go?
I'm just going to preach away. I had to rush to the first service. How do we all get along when some pastors want to preach an hour and a half, and other pastors want to just preach 45 minutes?
Paul is going to say, if you keep your eye on Christ, remember those old songs, and the bouncing ball would go, follow the bouncing ball?
Your heads are going like this. When you look at chapter 15, if you were to go to a computer program, like a free one, there's an excellent one called the
Net Bible, N -E -T, online. It's from Bible .org. If you pull up the
Greek, you don't even have to know Greek, but if you put your cursor on the word Christ in Romans 15, it shows all the other times where Christ is named in Romans 15, and you'll see it's one after another, after another, after another.
The key to Christian liberty is found in who Jesus is. He is the example.
Finally, we get Romans 15. What would Jesus do? And it applies here.
It doesn't apply in the temptation of the wilderness, or other places, or walking on water, but finally, it does apply here.
WWJD, Bracelet Wears Unite. This is where it applies. How does
Jesus treat weaker people? How does Jesus treat sinners? Does Jesus bear with them, or how does
He treat them? And we'll find that out today in the book of Romans. We're going chapter by chapter, a pretty quick pace, but that's fine.
We'll go cover all of Romans 15 today. Paul has been dealing with chapter 14 now, and 15.
How do strong and weak Christians in the body of Christ stay unified? If you don't know that the unity of Christ's church is at a premium, you need to realize that, in fact, it is.
No wonder there are so many satanic attacks to try to destroy local churches' unity, and invisible warfare to try to have the unity knocked down.
And what people don't realize is this church, every local church, it's not my church, not your church, it's
Christ's church. So the offense isn't primarily our attack isn't against leadership, it's an attack against the church.
Paul wants the church unified so that we can all together say, Jesus Christ is Lord. Now, just to show you that this is all about Christ, just quickly with me, peruse over chapter 15 and see how often the word
Christ, our Messiah, is stated. Verse 3 of Romans 15,
For Christ did not please himself. Verse 6, That with one voice you might glorify the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 7, Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you.
Verse 8, Christ became a servant to the circumcised. Verse 16,
Even Paul to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles.
Verse 17, In Christ Jesus then I have reason to be proud of my work for God.
Verse 18, What Christ has accomplished through me.
Verse 19, By the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and all the way around to Lyricum, I have fulfilled the ministry of the gospel of Christ.
Verse 20, Not where Christ has already been named. Verse 29, The blessing of Christ.
And finally verse 30, By our Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to know what
Romans chapter 15 is all about, it's about who Christ is. And when you look to him as example, it can take care of if you're weak, how do you deal with the strong?
And if you're strong, how do you take care of the weak?
Let's take a look at chapter 15 verse 1 and just work our way through this great passage.
I have to make a little pastoral confession this morning. When I started off studying this chapter this week,
I just thought, okay, I understand that I know it's part 2 of chapter 14 and it's fine and it's from the
Bible and it has some neat things in there. But as I began to study it this week, I just thought, this is unbelievable.
If you've studied the Bible, you know what I mean. Things start just flooding your mind. You just start saying, this is amazing.
I finally get it. I understand. I can't wait to preach it. I think you're going to have the same thought go through your mind.
Here we have Jesus Christ is the model. And it says in verse 1,
We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.
You notice the we? Paul is saying he is strong. Paul is not saying I'm a weak
Christian. God has matured Paul and he's a strong Christian. And Paul says, I am along with the strong.
Now, if you weren't here last week, ask yourself the question, what is a strong Christian compared to a weak
Christian? And the context today, here in Romans 14 and 15, the strong Christian is the one who says,
I remember what justification really does. I look back into Romans 3, 4 and 5 and say to myself,
I had no righteousness and God credited righteousness to my account. The righteousness of God, even of Christ Jesus put into my account.
And when God sees me, the wretched, unrighteous, sinful, guilt ridden person, instead of seeing me, he sees
Christ. Christ's perfect work because I'm covered and cloaked and robed with the righteous work of Christ by imputation, by credit.
And amazingly, Jesus then bears all my sins. So when God sees me, he sees
Christ. He doesn't see my sins because Jesus paid for my sins. And if I'm strong,
I say, God can't love me anymore. If I obey or disobey, he can't love me anymore because I'm in Christ.
When I do my studies in the morning and read my Bible and pray like I ought to, God doesn't love me anymore because I'm in Christ.
If I put food in my mouth, I worship on a certain day, or drink this or that, I'm not more loved by Christ because justification by faith is true.
And the strong absorb that into their lifestyle and theology turns into methodology and they're strong in Christ.
Weak ones though haven't figured that out yet. They still think with this kind of works righteousness thing, they're born a
Pelagian, they're born again a semi -Pelagian, they haven't really figured out everything else yet. By the way, if you don't know what those words are, write them down, look them up.
It's the best thing you can do. When you hear words you don't know, write them down and look them up. Okay, where was
I? The weak say, hmm, I kind of feel like I'm works oriented. I know
Jesus saved me, but if I do the things that he wants me to do, then maybe he's more pleased with me. They haven't really appropriated all the benefits of justification yet.
So you've got strong Christians, weak Christians, how are they to get along? By the way, how are we to get along?
We have male, female, rich, poor, different colored skins, different colored backgrounds, different culture, different ethnicities.
We hear the word tolerate all the time in the world, but really what is the truth? How do we act?
And here, Paul puts the onus on the strong. It's not, once the weak shapes up, then
I'll be okay. But the strong, since you're strong, since you're the mature one, come alongside, and look at the passage, bear with the failings of the weak.
Now, the Greek is front loaded with the word obligation. To emphasize, obligation is the key.
If you're a strong Christian, I know you'd give all the glory to God, but if you're a strong Christian, then you ought to bear with weak people.
It's hard to do. It's hard to bear with weak people. It's hard to bear with children sometimes in our own family, let alone spiritual children.
But we are to bear with them. You have an obligation not to please yourself, but to bear with weaker
Christians. And here's the idea. The idea is to walk alongside of the weak one, so you can help.
Not to stiff arm or to shun, but to get involved. It means to get right up in someone's face, personal space.
If I was teaching a college group, I'd say, you got to get up in their grill. But then again,
I went to college 30 -something years ago. I said to the first service, I taught a college Bible study in Santa Cruz on a
Monday a few weeks ago. And I was looking at the 20 -year -old students. I thought, I don't feel so old, but I could be your great -grandfather.
So I'm kind of out of touch with the college lingo. Bear one another's burdens.
Come alongside and compensate for their weaknesses. A true or false,
Father Flanagan came up with a slogan for Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
True or false? False. He purchased that right in 1941.
But I did find it interesting, just to change things up a little bit. His slogan that he invented in 1917 for Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska was, there are no bad boys.
Just thought I'd throw that out and we'll just keep going. I have a wife for lots of reasons and one reason is she compensates for my weaknesses.
She has strengths and I'm weak in those areas and vice versa. Why is there a plurality of elders?
Because you have strengths and weaknesses and you cover one another's strengths and weaknesses. And in the body of Christ it's the same thing.
The weak need the strong to help them in their weakness so one day they'll be strong.
We don't just tolerate the weak. We can lift more. We're stronger and so we come alongside
Paul says. We invest in the weak. So it's not, well, let's see, how am
I going to figure this out? I'm going to invite the weak to the cigar club because it doesn't matter.
Tobacco is no big deal and we'll teach them what real mature Christians do. I'm not saying cigar clubs are either good nor bad.
Here's what I am saying. Why don't you bear with them so you can teach them about who Jesus is and what
He's done and the things of Scripture so He'll grow in the faith? How do you mature in the faith?
By focusing forever on non -negotiables and focusing forever on debatable things and gray area things?
No. Not at all. The central issue is not for the strong Christian to look at the weak and say, shape up or ship out.
Look at verse 2. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good to build him up.
Not in any way the neighbor says but in a way that God says. Build up that weak person so God would be pleased for his spiritual welfare, for the spiritual good of the other person.
And now Paul gives the theological appeal. Here's what Paul likes to do. Here's what you should do.
Here's who Jesus is. Let's pray about it. Verse 3. The theological appeal.
Fixing your eyes on Jesus. For Christ, this is the key verse of all of chapter 15 and of 14 as well.
For Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the King did not please himself.
He didn't please himself. There's your model for ministry. You meet weak people. You say, well, I want to please myself and shape this person up.
But Christ didn't please himself. What a great illustration of Christ's entire life on earth.
You want to summarize his ministry on earth? He didn't please himself. My work is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish
His work. John 4. John 5.
I did not seek my own will but the will of Him who sent me. John 6.
Not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me. John 8.
I do nothing of my own initiative. I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.
Jesus Christ's life was a life of self -denial. And so when we meet other
Christians, yes, we have freedom in Christ and we're stronger to do things, but he's saying, Paul is, Jesus denied
Himself. Shouldn't we then deny ourselves? And then Paul appeals to Scripture.
Verse 3 goes on to say, but it is as it is written. The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.
Quoting this messianic psalm, Psalm 69. Quoting this psalm that talks about David, he's a type of Christ.
Same thing. And then something fascinating happens.
Verse 4. Should you read your Old Testament? Absolutely.
Why should you read the Old Testament? Well, some say the reason you read the Old Testament is so you can see the redemptive thread found throughout the
Old Testament. I say, Amen. Some say you should read the Old Testament because it was
Jesus' Bible. I say, Amen. Some say read the Old Testament because you can learn about the character and nature of God and the character and nature of man.
Yes. But let me give you another reason to read the Old Testament. Because the Old Testament is chock full of people who said,
I'll say no to now because I know glory is going to follow. I'll say no to immediate gratification because I'm hoping in the
Messiah to come. I'll say no now because there's a heavenly city for me. In this day and age we live in where it's self -gratification and instant gratification and going apoplectic in a line if it doesn't go fast enough, where is the delayed gratification?
And you know where you'll find good illustrations of the delayed gratification and hope? The Old Testament.
Look at verse 4. People just like to yank this verse out of context.
It's in the context of Christian liberty. And verse 3. 4.
Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction that through endurance, you're going to see a lot of saints endure by the grace of God in the
Old Testament. And through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
You want to see illustrations of self -denying people who say no to the world now because they're saying yes to the glories of heaven to follow?
Then read the Old Testament. Of course there's a redemptive story. Of course you could see Christ in the
Old Testament. But Paul says here, you want to see illustrations of people enduring affliction and temptation?
Read the Old Testament. Weak people, excuse me, strong people need to know that because they could say yes now but they're saying no now because there's a greater reward in heaven for the self -deniers.
These all died in faith not having received the things promised but having seen them and greeted them from afar and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. They desire a better country that is a heavenly one.
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for He has prepared for them a city. By faith
Moses when he was grown up refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.
And all these though commended through their faith did not receive what was promised since God had provided something better for us that apart from us they should not be made perfect.
Assurance of future blessing versus grab all the gusto you can now found regularly in the
Old Testament. I can call the Old Testament in light of this the book of hope which is a lot different than Churchill's supposed last words on his deathbed there's no hope.
Say no to liberty now future reward there's hope for those who say no now strong Christian.
Yeah but how could I do it? How could I ever say no to myself? I'm still enslaved not to sin but in this world system and still have sin principle dwelling in me.
Verse 5 Look what Paul does he says this is what you should do let me show you Christ and now let's give you a little prayer wish.
Prayer wishes are good because they address both the people and then the Lord. May the God of endurance what a neat name for God May the
God of encouragement what a name grant you to live in such harmony with one another in accord with Christ Jesus that together you may with one voice glorify the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. How can
I do this? How can I live strong, weak, weak, strong? Well I look at Christ and I say Lord help me help
Paul prays for that give me wisdom give me discernment help me to say no to self the
God of patience and consolation. Verse 7 gives us a summary therefore welcome one another roll out the mat as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God.
Yeah but those other people are sinful how did Christ welcome you?
Yes but those other people don't measure up how did Christ welcome you?
But those other people aren't worthy how did Christ welcome you? Those other people aren't growing fast enough
I don't know if you know this about me but Jesus didn't receive me and accept me into his heart because I was irresistible.
I know it's hard to believe I see the first service they didn't laugh so loud just as Christ received me he received me as sinful as willful as depraved as Romans 5 says as weak helpless ungodly you want to know what ungodly is?
just think of anything about God that's true of scripture and then we're the opposite ungodly holy unholy just unjust forgiving not forgiving compassionate harsh the list goes on and even to think in Romans 5
I'm called a sinner everything about me is just sin falling short one word to describe all of us before salvation sinful just didn't measure up to God's holy standards or laws and to think that we are called enemies
I'm not mad at God the unbeliever says and God says well I'm mad at you because you've defamed me and yet Jesus received us this way see the cross slays the cross levels you can't say well
I'm going to receive these weak people when they grow a little bit because that's not how Jesus received us remember the
Pharisees and scribes couldn't stand it when Jesus received sinners and ate with them
Matthew 9 also says teachers eating with the tax gatherers and sinners why is that?
Jesus said it is not those who are healthy who need a physician but those who are sick go and learn what this means
I desire compassion and not sacrifice for I did not come to call the righteous but sinners
Jesus receives us we are to receive others and now here's an interesting thing that Paul does
Paul now is going to say Jesus received not just Jew but Gentile well we are going to see in the rest of the book basically the
Jew Gentile combining the people of God yes it's one thing for God to receive
Israelites but for him to open up his arm and welcome Gentiles that's why I think the real problem here was
Jew and Gentiles are both in the church at Rome and they're having problems the Jew says I'm now converted
I'm a Christian and so feast days don't matter what about Torah? it doesn't matter for Mosaic law anymore
I still kind of have a hang up on that how do I really work it? I can drink alcohol it's fine but now these poor
Gentiles over here they were drunken orgiastic bacchanalian licentious people and they don't want to touch alcohol at all and they don't want to eat any meats because it's been offered to idols and so what do we do with these people?
Jew and Gentile how do they get along? and then Paul says you know what? Jesus received them both Jesus received
Jew and Gentile look at the example of Christ verse 8 for I tell you that Christ the
Messiah became a servant to the Jews the circumcised to show God's truthfulness in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs
Jesus becomes a servant to the Jews so you say to yourself Old Testament is true great is my faithfulness the prophecies of the
Old Testament are completed yes and amen in Christ Jesus but for the Gentiles why did he include the
Gentiles? in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy for the Jew he needed to be accepted because the
Abrahamic covenant talked about it and God keeps his word unilaterally for the Gentile he is included so people praise
God not for his faithfulness not for his truth but for his mercy oh I'm in by mercy the promises weren't primarily for me the primary promises were made to the fathers of the covenant but I'm gladly included as a beneficiary of the new covenant as Lewis Johnson said the
Gentile had no direct covenantal promises from God but they were included in the promises of the covenant made with Israel Genesis 12 and 22 and then
Paul gives some proof from the Old Testament look at these verses you probably in your study bible have the cross references over in your margin four verses from a scattering of the
Old Testament from the law, from the prophets, from the writings and from the great Jewish prophets
Moses and David and Isaiah and so Paul is just going to give this list of Gentile inclusion so we realize if God includes the
Gentiles we ought to include the Gentiles and then by inference we ought to include other people weak people who welcome them verse 9b therefore
I will praise you among the Gentiles and sing to your name Psalm 18 here we have praising
God among the Gentiles it narrows in the second bible verse quoted in Romans 15, 10
Gentiles praise the Lord with Israel who could think of that? and again it is said
Deuteronomy 32 rejoice oh Gentiles what's the next word? with his people you mean
Jew and Gentile are going to get together circumcise and uncircumcise and worship the same God? yes how about Gentiles just praising
God without Israel found in Psalm 117 Romans 15, 11 and again praise the
Lord all you Gentiles and let all the peoples extol him and this is all possible because this fourth verse given in verse 12 of Romans 15 and again
Isaiah says the root of Jesse the Messiah will come even he who arises to rule the
Gentiles and in him this Jewish Messiah will the Gentiles hope how can
I let Jew and Gentile in? how can I deal with the weak? how can I deal with the strong? Paul prays again here is another prayer wish verse 13 may the
God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the
Holy Spirit you may abound in hope the
God of hope for those who are depressed and dejected and discouraged and can't do it here is the great
God of hope well you know Paul says
I think you can do it I think you are equipped verse 14 I myself am satisfied about you my brothers that you yourselves are full of goodness see these are
Christian people dwelt by the Spirit of God filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another
Paul said I know you and you have the Old Testament you have this word and I think you can tell each other about how to actually live this life you are able to put sense into each other's mind that's where we get the word to instruct to put something in one's mind
I know you can do it I know you have been taught and I know you have the Spirit of God and when it comes to debatable things
I know you can figure it out the church can figure it out he says verse 15 but on some points
I have written you very boldly by way of reminder because of the grace given me by God and now
Paul expands it look at the minister of Jesus Christ who does he go to? who does Paul go to?
Peter might be an apostle to the Jews but Paul is an apostle to not just God's people Israel but God's chosen ones in the
Gentiles to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God so that the offering of the
Gentiles may be acceptable sanctified by the Holy Spirit and so what does
Paul say now? if you just tunnel back for a little bit and say to yourself why is Paul talking now about the Gentiles in his ministry?
because Jesus also included Gentiles in his ministry Gentiles and Jews neither both together in the church the one new man get along weak and strong and if God sends his men out to be apostles to the
Gentiles they're included now listen how particularly
Paul says these next two verses to make sure that any boasting is going to go to the
Lord in Christ Jesus then in Christ Jesus I have reason to be proud of my work for God for I will not venture to speak of anything except what
Christ has accomplished through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience by word and by deed legitimate boasting by the way if you don't have a ministry you're missing out on something let me tell you what you're missing out on if you're a
Christian without a ministry you're missing out on having the God of the universe work through a sinful person like you to redound to his glory to have people's lives changed so you can look back and go you know what
I'm a nobody I can't really do anything I have nothing to offer I'm sinful I'm rebellious but God saved me and God used me and look at how
God has used me look at these people look at the ministry look what's going on behind the scenes I praise God he could use me if you don't have a ministry you can't say that here's a legitimate boasting get a ministry and glorify
Christ in it Jesus did it all boy doesn't this language here verses 17 and 18 smack against how many people are at the church attendance, buildings and cash what you're running how many you got what's the budget he's not talking about himself but the things wrought through him by Christ and Paul was an apostle and therefore he had apostolic signs and wonders, gifts verse 19 by the power of signs and wonders by the power of the spirit of God so that from Jerusalem and all the way around to if you want to know how to pronounce that word just look for the little word lyric inside Illyricum makes it a lot easier
I failed a lot of times trying to pronounce that word until you see that little word lyric in there then you're set
Illyricum I have fulfilled the ministry of the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum not 500 miles not 1000 miles 1400 miles here's
Paul from Jerusalem to Illyricum the power of God through me Paul a sinner
Paul who one man said started off as a wolf destroying the church of God God saved him and made him a sheep and then
God equipped him and made him a shepherd 1400 miles now this morning
I said that's like from here to Des Moines and somebody said to me you know what
I just looked on my computer and from Worcester town center to Omaha town center it's exactly 1400 miles now
I'm from Omaha so I'm taking that as a sign that's a sign right there I've driven from Omaha to Worcester before got two flat tires too on the
U -Haul two separate times 1400 miles now who could do that on their own?
Paul couldn't do that on his own so he's praising the Lord this is fulfilling the ministry that God did for him just like Ephesians chapter 2 works prepared beforehand that I might what?
walk in them R. Kent Hughes talked about somebody who would brag in a different way trying to put the focus on him instead of how
God uses people especially when Paul had only sandals to go those 1400 miles
R. Kent Hughes says tongue in cheek if Paul had been someone else he could have been insufferable did
I tell you about my Iconium escapade? let me tell you I was being stoned in Iconium because I stood tall for Jesus I was always getting the stones
Barnabas managed always to save his pretty face well I was really taking it but I stood my ground and didn't flinch finally this guy threw a stone and put me down would have killed most men but not me so there
I was lying on the rubbish pile outside the city Barnabas and all the saints had all gone to pieces but I was awake and I got to laughing what's a little stoning?
the Lord needs more men I guess see that's the exact opposite way
Paul is super careful to try to guard the glory of God super careful to guard the church
Christ church super careful not to go preaching where somebody else is preaching verse 20 and thus
I make it my ambition to preach the gospel not where Christ has already been named lest I build on someone else's foundation it's not my territory if it's
Paul's church get people whatever way you can if it's the Lord's church honor the
Lord verse 21 but as it is written those who have never been told of Him will see those who have never heard will understand right from Isaiah chapter 52 the worldwide effects of preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus and the
Messiah goes out yes, even to Gentiles and then the rest of the book we're going to go through quickly verses 22 through 23
Paul is going to tell us about his plan to come to Rome and tucked in here is something else that you've got to get for Christian liberty
Paul is going to say tucked in this section by the way, the Gentiles have an offering for the
Jews in Jerusalem what's the big deal there? well, if the big picture is
Jews and Gentiles at Rome were rubbing each other the wrong way and strong and weak in both camps listen,
Jesus denied Himself listen, Jesus included
Gentiles and Gentiles even come together and pick up an offering for the
Jews all for the sake of Christ's church verse 22 this sometimes this refers to what's in the future verse the current verse or what's behind here it's what he's already talking about this evangelistic 1400 mile journey is the reason why
I've been so hindered from coming to you I've been evangelizing I've been doing the
Lord's work of course I want to see you but something else is more important but now since I no longer have any room for work in these regions covered it got ran out since I've longed for many years to come to you
I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain Spain was on the western outer limits as it were of the civilized world but there were a lot of thinkers there the poet
Lucian Seneca I think I need to get to Spain and to be helped on my journey there by you once I have enjoyed your company for a while at present however
I'm going verse 25 to Jerusalem bringing aid to the saints for Macedonia that part of Greece, Gentiles and Achaia that part of Greece, Gentiles have been pleased to make some contribution for the poor among the saints of Jerusalem all the
Jews getting run out of their jobs and persecuted for their faith in Christ for they were pleased to do it and indeed they owe it to them for the
Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings they had also to be of service to them in material blessings when therefore
I have completed this and have delivered to them what has been collected I will leave for Spain by way of you
I know that I when I come to you I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ I appeal to you brothers by our
Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit I mean your family, aren't you brothers? strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in Judea and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints so that by God's will
I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company I need your help,
I need your prayers I need both Jew and Gentiles to get together on their knees and pray for me may the
God of peace be with you all what do you do with the church when there are so many different people?
we act differently, we are different but we have the same Lord, how do we all get along?
sometimes I say to myself besides praying for policemen and chiropractors to get saved and come to the church
I want some people coming through that door who have all kinds of metal sticking out of their head tongues and ears and arms tattoos everywhere they just look like they don't belong in West Boylston and I want them to come because I want everybody to come whether you've got metal in your head or not but I want to see what you would do and you know here's what
I think almost every one of you would do you'd open up your arms to them say welcome to Bethlehem Bible Church we're glad you're here
I hope you wouldn't say could I have a moment with you please we don't do that kind of tongue thing that you've got there what are we going to do when people who start putting horns underneath their skin literally get saved and want to come to the church and they look like gargoyles what do we do?
there are people out there who look like that I guess they're unsavable though right? I can tell you this,
I promise you this wasn't in the first sermon by the way I promise you when I meet gargoyle man and he's had his tongue cut in half because it looks cool when he was a pagan and he was doing
Dungeons and Dragons stuff like that I'm not going to pull him aside and say you know what the first thing we're going to talk about is getting that tongue of yours stitched up I'm going to say welcome to Bethlehem Bible Church I know
I'm kind of tougher in the pulpit but we've got some kind of cookie ministry here I hope you can eat cookies with a tongue like that no
I won't say that and that's going to be the last thing I talk about because whatever that person is on the outside I was 50 times worse on the inside and God said welcome to the person and work of Christ Jesus let's pray
Father thank you for our time and your word how could we say Father no to the weak no to people who aren't like us when you have received us all because of Christ's work we weren't better, we weren't pleasing to you we didn't have anything that would merit your favor we merited your frown when the
Old Testament prays about receiving us with a face that's open
Father because of our sin it was a closed face but because of Christ Jesus you have received us with open arms we are your friends we are your children we with one another are now our brothers and sisters and Father help us to receive sinners unbelievers, weak
Christians, strong Christians for one reason and one reason only that Jesus Christ may be praised in whose name we pray,