Genesis 11 (The Tower of Babel)


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Okay, so let's turn to Genesis chapter 11, so this isn't just a little blip on the radar and we move on.
No, this is a significant chapter for several reasons. Number one, it points to events in the end times.
It also marks the beginning of what later becomes known as Babylon.
So Babel starts out as Babel and then develops into Babylon. And of course,
Babylon is the archetypical enemy of God's people, Israel. And then it becomes symbolic.
By the time you get to the book of Revelation, Babylon becomes symbolic of the corrupt world system.
So throughout history, there has been this battle, this struggle between what we say, you know, is the world
Babylon and then God's people who are called out of the world.
So Babel, Babylon starts right here in chapter 11. And then next week in chapter 12, you see that other event.
God is calling a people out of the world for his own namesake. And that starts with the calling of Abraham.
So this is a significant chapter. Let's listen along and then we'll go through more closely.
Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there.
Then they said to one another, come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.
They had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar. Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens.
Let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built.
Indeed, the people are one and they all have one language. And this is what they begin to do.
Now, nothing that they proposed to do will be withheld from them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth and they ceased building the city.
Therefore, its name is called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth.
And from there, the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
This is the genealogy of Shem. Shem was 100 years old and begot
Arphaxad two years after the flood. After he begot Arphaxad, Shem lived 500 years and begot sons and daughters.
Arphaxad lived 35 years and begot Selah. After he begot
Selah, Arphaxad lived 403 years and begot sons and daughters.
Selah lived 30 years and begot Eber. After he begot
Eber, Selah lived 403 years and begot sons and daughters.
Eber lived 34 years and begot Peleg. After he begot
Peleg, Eber lived 430 years and begot sons and daughters.
Peleg lived 30 years and begot Reu. After he begot
Reu, Peleg lived 209 years and begot sons and daughters.
Reu lived 32 years and begot Sirach. After he begot
Sirach, Reu lived 207 years and begot sons and daughters.
Sirach lived 30 years and begot Nahor. After he begot
Nahor, Sirach lived 200 years and begot sons and daughters. Nahor lived 29 years and begot
Terah. After he begot Terah, Nahor lived 119 years and begot sons and daughters.
Now Terah lived 70 years and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
This is the genealogy of Terah. Terah begot
Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran begot Lot, and Haran died before his father,
Terah, in his native land in Ur of the Chaldeans. Then Abram and Nahor took wives.
The name of Abram's wife was Serai, and the name of Nahor's wife Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.
But Serai was barren. She had no child. And Terah took his son
Abram and his grandson Lot, the son of Haran, and his daughter -in -law Serai, his son
Abram's wife. And they went out with them from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan.
And they came to Haran and dwelt there. So the days of Terah were 205 years, and Terah died in Haran.
So Genesis chapter 11, again, this is the story of the
Tower of Babel. That's verses 1 through 9. And then you see this shift starting in verse 10.
So 10 through 26 gives the descendants of Shem, and then 27 through 32 is titled
Terah's descendants. But we're going to focus mainly on this account of the Tower of Babel.
So look at verse 1. It says, now the whole earth had one language and one speech.
So this detail is significant because as of today, does anyone have a guess how many languages, dialects there are in the world today?
I looked it up, and it says 7 ,000. It sounds like a lot. It sounds like a high number.
But originally, we see there was only one. So how did mankind go from one language to over 7 ,000?
Well, Genesis 11 tells us at least the beginning of how that started to happen.
And it ties in with the word babble. When somebody isn't making sense or a little child is making noise, they don't know how to talk, but stuff is coming out of their mouth, what do we say?
Someone's not making sense. They're babbling. So babble, the word babble means confusion.
And that's like you hear someone talking in another language, usually you can tell when it's a language.
But babble is just, you can't make heads or tails of it.
So the whole thing that's happening here, if you remember at creation, there was a mandate given to Adam and Eve.
They were to reproduce, be fruitful and multiply, and then fill the earth.
So that was the commandment given to all men. And then it was repeated to Noah and his family.
So be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth. But to fill the earth, what do you have to do?
You have to spread out. So that's what God wanted for them to just go to every corner of the world, so to speak.
But here, because they have one language, they decide, man decides to come up with his own plan, to rebel against God and say, no, we're going to stay put.
We're going to stick together, band together in one place. And the whole point they say is to make a name for ourselves.
So God tells us to do one thing. We're going to do the opposite, make a name for ourselves.
And really, this one world system that they're starting to form, babble, like I said, babble on in the book of Revelation, when you get to that final one world government under Antichrist, they succeed.
The Antichrist succeeds when Nimrod here, he tries it, but he fails.
And if you were with us two weeks ago, we see that Nimrod was the guy behind the building of the
Tower of Babel. So it does tie into future events and even end time events.
But that's what's happening here. They're trying to develop a one world system. So verse two says, and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plane in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there.
So who knows where the land of Shinar is? Iraq. Okay. So modern day
Iraq. Some of you might remember before the first Gulf war, apparently
Saddam Hussein was in the process of trying to rebuild or restore the ruins of ancient
Babylon. So he was busy trying to reconstruct that because he viewed himself as the reincarnation.
I don't know if he thought that literally, but he viewed himself as sort of like the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar.
So he was going to rebuild Babylon the great, but the first Gulf war put an to all of that.
But of course, Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, very significant figures in Jewish history.
So this is important for Moses to record because Babel, really all that happens later on with Babylon invading
Israel, destroying the temple and all of that. You can trace it all back to Genesis chapter 11.
So this is the start. This is very important history for the Jewish people and really should be for us too.
So look at verse three. They're in the land of Mesopotamia. That's another word for it.
And it says, they said to one another, come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.
And they had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar. So that's the only material they had.
This land, this region is known for not having, you know, many rocks or boulders.
So this was their material and we see, what are they going to do? Build a city, but what's the centerpiece of this city?
Well, it's the tower and the tower. We're going to spend some time on that. What is this tower all about?
What's the purpose of the tower of Babel? Who wants to take a guess? It doesn't really explicitly tell us, but what do you think its purpose was,
Marcus? To reach heaven. Okay. To reach heaven. Well, it does say that. That's true.
Janet, where are you going to? They wanted to go into heaven to be able to God and God said no.
Okay. All right. So it says in verse four, yeah.
Come, let us build a city. Let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens.
And let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.
That kind of tells you they know what they're doing. They know what God said and they said, this is the one thing we don't want to do.
Okay. So let's do this lest we be scattered. So God says one thing, they say another.
So let's turn to Acts chapter 17 and we're going to see what God's plan is. God has a plan for this world and it's stated here in the book of Genesis, but it's also repeated in the book of Acts.
What does God want for the world? What does God want for the nations? We don't want a, we do not want a one world system.
Okay. That's the last thing we should want. That's where the world's headed right now. And the
United States is happy to lead the way. I mean, up until this point, maybe there'll be a change in direction, but right now we're sort of leading the way with the
United Nations. And I realized people could think, well, yeah, that sounds like a good idea, but it's not going to turn out well.
Okay. What God wants, he wants nation states. God does not want globalism or a one world system.
He wants individual nation States. And we see that here, Acts 17, starting in verse 24, this is the apostle
Paul preaching. And he says, God who made the world and everything in it, since he is
Lord of heaven and earth, he does not dwell in temples made with hands, nor is he worshiped with men's hands as though he needed anything since he gives to all life breath and all things he has made from one blood, every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined their pre -appointed times and their what boundaries.
That's, that's a significant word. Okay. So he has determined their pre -appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings so that they should seek the
Lord. That's the purpose in the hope that they might grope for him and find him though.
He is not far from each one of us. So in other words, God has established nations with borders.
Okay. Again, not a popular thing today among some people, but I mean, this is what, this is what
God wants. So first of all, verse 26, it says, God has made from one blood.
We see a teaching here. That's important from one blood. He has made every nation.
So every single person, every nationality ethnicity, and notice
I'm not using the term race. I'm saying every ethnicity nationality comes from Noah and his three sons.
Right? So everyone can be traced back to Adam and Eve, or it's easier, just Shem, Ham and Japheth.
So that tells us this passage tells us there is how many races? Yeah. One race.
And that's the human race. There's no such thing as the white race and the black race or the
Jewish race. There is one race, one blood. That's what you see.
So instead we have, we don't have different races. We have different ethnicities or as the
Bible calls them nations or families. So not different races.
It was people like Charles Darwin who talked about different races and how he said,
I mean, these were Darwin's words. And of course this is taught in the school system, but Darwin was the one who said that some races were more evolved than others.
So if you want to talk about racism, I mean, I would point back to people like Darwin and then later
Margaret Sanger. And then of course, Hitler was affected by, you know, there were some ties there with that ideology.
I mean, that is what creates the problems. If people just followed the Bible and listen to what the Bible says, we wouldn't have all the prejudice.
I mean, we still would because people are people, but that type of ideology, the point is makes it worse.
But here in Acts 17, we see one race, one blood, and God made from one blood, every nation.
And then it says that God has determined basically when and where each people group, each nation would live and determine their boundaries.
In other words, borders or any questions on that. And I know that's like, okay, yeah, obvious.
That's good. That's obviously good. But it does run contrary to a lot of what we're taught and told these days.
So at Babel, they didn't want, going back to why this is applicable to the
Tower of Babel, they didn't want individual nations. What did they want? One nation or one world system.
But God wants nations. Now why does God want nations? Why does God do it like this?
Well, we're told so that people should seek the
Lord. So why is it that nation states are more likely to cause people to seek
God than a one world system? Why is that? Any ideas? Well, one thing, a one world system, once a country becomes an empire, empires tend to worship, you know, the emperor or something, you know, when you have a nation that becomes too powerful, they start to replace
God. And they start to worship, you know, the nation, they start to worship the empire or the emperor.
So that's one reason why an empire or a one world system is not conducive to people seeking
God because they want to glorify themselves. Marcus? In God's omniscience, he would have known that eventually he would have, he would have to enter the human race himself.
Yep. And I'm not exactly sure how that connects with what you're talking about.
Well, there will be, there will be a one world system that does glorify
God and that's called the millennium or the kingdom. But up until then, you know, whenever you have people trying to form this type of system, you know, you're worshiping yourselves, you're worshiping your own greatness.
The empire seeks to exalt itself, not God. Even with a situation like the
Holy Roman empire, which had the label of Christian, you still had the Pope like replacing
Jesus and it became his word and not God's word. So it always goes the other way when you have a one world system.
Marcus? Well, just to keep brainstorming, God knew that he would need to find a man that had absolute faith in him.
And of course that man ended up being Abraham and then he said he would make of Abraham a nation and it would be out of that nation that the
Messiah, the savior of the whole of human race would come.
Yep. Yep. And what did you see when Israel was established? So here was a nation that was to exalt
God and they did for certain periods in their history. What happened with Israel?
Were they friendly with all their neighbors? No, all their neighbors hated them and wanted to do away with them.
And oh yeah, that's still half, that's still the way it is right now. So, but another reason why
God wants nation states, here's the thing. If a nation goes bad, well, that's not a good thing, but you can always leave.
Like you can always be a refugee and go somewhere else. But if you have a one world system and that, if the world goes bad,
I mean, there's nothing you can do. There's nowhere to go. So, you know, it's, you're protecting yourself by having nation states because yes, nations do go bad, but people can flee, but you can't flee from a one world system, obviously.
And like I said, in the end of days, there will be that one world system. And Revelation 13 talks about, we've discussed this before, but Revelation 13 is kind of that main chapter that describes the one world government, one world economy, one world religion.
So look at verse five. So the Lord came down. So they're building a tower to reach into heaven, but the
Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built.
And the Lord said, indeed, the people are one, and they all have one language.
And this is what they began to do. Now, nothing that they proposed to do will be withheld from them.
Come, let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another's speech.
So God sees that they're on, they're making so much progress. They're going to be able to accomplish pretty much whatever they want.
If things keep going in this direction and God sees the end of that, and he decides
I'm going to put it into a right here. So, but you see this statement. Yeah, Mark.
Proverbs 1434, righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
I think that has something to do with it too. That depending on nation's leadership or whatever, or the faithfulness of the children of God within a nation, that this is why we sing,
God bless America. And God has blessed America even recently.
And it's because of Christians that pray. So it's just, it seems to always have been part of God's omniscience and his plan for mankind.
That some nations would be godly nations and some would be ungodly.
Right. And that's why there would be nation would rise against nation wars and things like that right till the end.
So this nation that's starting to develop Babel, is this a godly nation?
No. Okay. So when he makes this statement, the Lord coming down to see the city, first of all,
God, what does it mean that God was going to come down? The Lord was going to come down and see it.
Doesn't he already know? Why does he need to come down? Now it could be what he's saying.
He could be saying, I'm going to send angels down to come back and give me a report.
God didn't do that with Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember the three visitors coming to Abraham and two went to the city of Sodom.
So maybe something like that is happening here. Obviously God doesn't need to do that. He does know, but that's the way he works sometimes.
So maybe that's happening, but to me more, I'm caught or this grabs my attention.
Verse seven, come, let us go down. You know, the, the plural form doesn't say
I will go down. Let us. So the biblical translators, I think you probably see this in most
Bible translations. They capitalize the word us who sees that. Okay.
So us is capitalized that I believe is another veiled old Testament veiled reference for the triune nature of God.
Like in chapter one, when God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, right?
Genesis one, 26, when we studied that, we thought this was a little hint at the
Trinity, father, son, and Holy spirit. So that's the way I see this. And even the term
God and Hebrew Elohim, that is plural. So the best explanation for that I think is, is the triune nature of God, but either way,
God sees the direction mankind is headed. He isn't going to allow it to continue.
So God desires to be worshiped and they essentially are on track to, you know, they're worshiping themselves, worshiping their own greatness.
I think that's part of what the tower of Babel is. It's a monument to their own greatness.
So let's go back to verse four for a moment, because I want to just spend a couple minutes on this tower.
So let us build a city. Okay. Let, let us come build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens.
Let us make a name for ourselves. So that's what the King James, new King James version says, whose top is in the heavens.
Does anybody have something else? Okay. Either reaches the heavens or top is in the heavens.
That's the idea. So we know the tower is very, very tall, right?
There's a few different theories on what's going on here. One theory, and I don't think this is really what's happening, but some people have read this, a tower reaching heaven.
So they thought they were going to build a tower so high they could, you know, step off the top of it into the pearly gates of heaven.
Well, I don't think that's what they're thinking. I mean, that's a crass reading of it. Remember they're rebelling against God.
I don't think this is a, an attempt to reach like the third heaven or something like that.
So in my opinion, that's almost certainly not what is meant, but I guess that's a possibility.
Sometimes we think people, people back then were so dumb. They thought they could really reach heaven with a tower.
I don't, I don't think they were that stupid. I mean, let's say it looked, I don't know if it looked like this, but these people were intelligent enough.
They had skills to build this tower with, without modern machinery. So these were not foolish people,
Larry. Well, let us make a name for ourselves that speaks of pride.
And I mean, what did Satan want? I will, I will be like God, you know?
So perhaps they were considering themselves, Hey, we're going to be so great. We're going to be like God.
Yeah. Look at what we did. Right. Yeah. And that's another idea. It's like symbolic of their own religion, their own pride, their own greatness.
Um, maybe like a workspace system. Look at what we can do. I don't know. That's possible.
Did you have a theory? Yeah. A silly one. It wasn't just people way back then that were, that were, you know, mistaken, but like nowadays
Led Zeppelin, one of their famous songs is stairway to heaven. So this, this goes on and some of these bizarre world systems,
I'm sure that use psychedelics and things like that.
Sure. I think that they're going to reach heaven. Yeah. You can tap into the spiritual world by using
LSD, right? People in the sixties thought that, I guess, I guess that's what they thought.
Janet, do you think that maybe they were trying to reach heaven because they wanted to be near God and just going about the wrong way?
You know, I mean, that's one possibility. I don't think so, but I want to be like God.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't see good motives here, but I could be wrong.
Um, severely misguided at the very least. Another theory is that because it's top is in the heavens,
I've heard this, that maybe this was a little hint that they were worshiping the sun, the moon, and the stars like the
Zodiac or something like an early form of astrology. I mean, that's possible people back then.
And still today look to the stars for wisdom and worship the heavenly host.
So that's another possibility. This one is new. I just read this in a commentary.
Uh, some believe they built this high tower in case God tried to destroy mankind again with a flood.
So if God sent another flood, people could just, at least the leaders could go to the top of the tower and escape
God's judgment. I mean, that's, I'd never heard that before, but you know, that makes sense.
But the way I, the way I see it, this is yeah. More again, a monument to human achievement.
It's just, it's a symbol of our own greatness. Look at us, look at what we can do.
And part of that might be, you know, waving their fist, you know, at God, because God says, do one thing we're doing another and look how much we can accomplish without God.
I think, I think that's more of the point. Well, you mentioned that they had to make bricks because there wasn't any rocks.
And so we know that if you're building a building and the foundation is on sand, even if there was another flood, it would have washed out.
Good point. In God's word that he had said that they never would, he would never destroy the world again.
Right. Right. And because God did make a promise, he wouldn't do that. So assuming they knew that, then that would be them not believing
God. Sure. Yep. And you mentioned when God created mankind, he said, let us make man in our image.
And that is, I think, part of what is entailed in the fact that we are created in God's image and that we are creative too.
And they were probably just saying, well, let's see how, how, you know, how magnificent an edifice we can create.
Right. Yeah. Okay, good. So this is sort of like the first skyscraper,
I guess, but we know what they're doing. So what's the punishment? It says, so the
Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth. That's the one thing they didn't want.
So that's how God punished them. And they ceased building the city verse nine.
Therefore, its name is called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth.
And from there, the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. Okay. So now just in a moment, miraculously, they don't understand each other and they're confused.
They can't communicate. Now they're forced to separate and do what God said to do originally.
Now, before we move on, there's one connection that I want to touch on. When it comes to the day of Pentecost, you hear the word babble babbling, and I'm not saying this to make a point against what some people call tongues, where it sounds like babble and you don't understand it.
But there is a connection, I think, to the day of Pentecost when God gave the apostles the true gift of tongues, right?
A lot of people see that the true gift of tongues as a reverse or reversal of the curse of Babel.
So I just want to read this. This article says it better than I could. So I just want to read this briefly.
It says with the division of human languages into different tongues and dialects at the
Tower of Babel, the opportunities for disagreement and strife among the peoples of the world were greatly exacerbated.
However, the Lord's judgment of the human race so long ago was not his last word for man.
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out equally upon all flesh.
That's Acts 2, 1 through 4. The miracle of tongues, where everyone heard the gospel in his own language, provided evidence
God was breaking down the cultural and ethnic division imposed at Babel, revealing that God's people are defined not by tongue or culture, but by common faith in the
Messiah. Linguistic and cultural differences remain, but the power of the
Spirit enables us to break through them for the sake of the gospel. The reversal of Babel has begun, as one day the elect from every nation will gather before the
Lord's throne to worship him. And that's described in Revelation 7, 9 through 12.
So yeah, God confuses the languages there as a judgment the day of Pentecost.
Here's the thing, the tongues at understand. So at least that moment was a reversal of the curse at Babel.
Yes? Nowadays with artificial intelligence that has facial recognition and voice recognition and Google Translate and things like that, it is absolutely astonishing what can happen.
It is possible for someone to take your image and your voice and translate it through artificial intelligence to be speaking
Chinese. So be careful and keep reviewing your podcasts.
I've heard this through the years that, you know, this is speculation, but people think, remember when cloning, they cloned that sheep?
And then there is, okay, now we need to clone people. I remember some Christian leaders saying, you know, just like God at the
Tower of Babel was not going to allow man to go beyond a certain point. If we ever get to the point where we start cloning people or something like that, you know,
God is going to bring judgment upon the earth to not allow us to do certain things.
Again, speculation, but I think there are certain boundaries that God will not allow mankind to go.
He has a plan and he's going to keep us in the box here. Well, we're seeing those boundaries stretch beyond my recognition here too and what
God is allowing to happen through science or so -called science.
With all the scientific discoveries, thinking of how they can be used for evil, it's pretty scary.
Okay. Any questions before we move on from the story of Babel? All right.
Just to spend a few minutes on this next section. So verses 10 through 26 is titled
Shem's Descendants. So I think we can tie this into the overall narrative of Genesis 11 and 12, how there will be, remember this divide,
Genesis 11 and 12, there's going to be a divide between the world system and then God's people who are called out of the world.
So that's going to start with Abraham again in the next chapter. So now we're going to find out, okay, who is this man,
Abraham? How did he come about? Who are his descendants? So Moses is recording the genealogy now that leads to Abram.
So verse 10 gives the genealogy of Shem. Remember Shem is the father of the
Semitic people. So the Semites from this line comes
Eber. That's the end of verse 14. So Eber is the father of the
Hebrews, verses 15 through 24. Then it goes to Eber to Peleg and on and on until you get to this man,
Terah in verse 24. Now look at verse 26. It says Terah lived 70 years and begot
Abram, Nahor and Haran. And these are names that we see that are familiar.
So starting in verse 27, this is titled the descendants of Terah. It says, this is the genealogy of Terah.
Terah begot Abram, Nahor and Haran. Haran begot Lot. So most everyone knows who
Lot is. And it says Haran died before his father Terah in his native land,
Ur of the Chaldeans. Then Abram and Nahor took wives. The name of Abram's wife was
Sarai. Okay, so this sets up the chapter or the next chapter and the story going forward.
So we know him as Abraham, but originally his name was, we see
Abram. Who knows what Abram means? But first, what does
Abraham mean? Father of many nations.
So that's Abraham. So what does Abram mean? Just means father or exalted father or father.
And then it switched to Abraham, father of many nations. So Lot's father, we see Lot's father dies.
So because his father died, Abraham sort of becomes like a father figure to Lot. That's why you see the two of them together in future chapters.
So Lot is going to be part of the story up until chapter 19. And then Abraham is the main figure in Genesis up until chapter 25, where he dies.
So chapter 12 through 25, Abraham is the main figure. Now, before I close,
I want to touch on the application of all of this. So when you're talking about the main point of chapter 11 is the
Tower of Babel. And the Tower of Babel, we said is the beginning of Babylon, the corrupt world system or the one world system.
This is a relevant issue right now, because like I said, this is where the world is headed.
We're all being indoctrinated into this mindset, whether we know it or not. Kids are being indoctrinated into accepting that this is what you want, everybody, a one world system, even if they don't use that exact terminology.
Although since 2020, like I've talked about this before, before 2020, if you use the term
New World Order, you are considered some fringe conspiracy theorist.
But since 2020, world leaders have been using this term, the
New Liberal Order or the New World Order. So now it's starting to become accepted even among the world's elites.
But that's the direction we're headed. And in the end times, that's what you're going to get, a one world government.
So it all is traced back, I believe, to Genesis chapter 11. So there's that, the one world system.
And what's our posture to that? What are we supposed to do with that?
We are to remain separate from that, right? So the one world system in Genesis 11, chapter 12,
God is calling a man out of the world system. So in the both
Old and New Testaments, God commands his people to be what? To be just like him.
He says, be holy for I am holy. And the term holy means separate, be different, be set apart from everyone else.
So again, we need to kind of resist or at least recognize the propaganda or the programming and then resist it.
I'm not saying fight against it, but just be separate, be set apart from that.
So God rejects a one world system, but it sounds good to most people.
In fact, this is just because it said they were one here in this chapter. I remember seeing on New Year's Eve, if you want, if any of you watch the ball drop, see if you spot this, okay?
Here's what I've noticed. And I checked this out. This happens not just in the U .S., but in Europe and around the world.
John Lennon's song Imagine is played every New Year's Eve as sort of the, someone recommended it to be like the new anthem of the one,
I forget exactly how they, I think they recommended swapping it with the national anthem.
But anyways, that's not going to happen anytime soon. But John Lennon's song Imagine, what is it?
That we all come together as one, right? Oh, a wonderful interfaith service.
Imagine how amazing that could be if everyone came together as one. Well, how do you do that?
Well, he told you in the song, no religion, no God, you know, no, what is it?
No hell below us, above us only sky. So in order to get that one, you know, coming together as one,
God and Christianity have to go. I mean, that's understood. So the people of this world in just a few weeks are going to come together.
And that's the night where people celebrate and they, you know, get all, they get drunk and they sing and think about world peace and the possibilities, but in order to do that, but that's what the antichrist is going to try to do.
Get a one world system, but you got to get rid of Christianity, which if you got to get rid of Christianity, you first have to get rid of Christians.
So that's either going to happen. We believe with the rapture, but you know, they would, they would persecute us in our different places in the world.
Anyways, this is, this is the point we have the one world system here, and you have the command to be holy here.
So I'll just close Romans 12. Remember what Paul said? Do not be conformed to this world.
Babel Babylon is the corrupt world system. Do not be conformed to it rather be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
So next week we'll look at the call of Abraham. We'll end with verse 31.
And it says, and Tara took his son, Abram and his grandson, lot, the son of Heron and his daughter -in -law
Sarah, his son, Abram's wife. And they went out with them from Ur of the
Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. And they came to Heron and dwelt there.