F4F | Brad Jones: How Attractive Are You?

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough, I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the program that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, have you ever been at church and somebody said, you know, hey I was out doing something and then
God started talking to me, and so I said to God this, and then then God said that, and then I think
God said this and that, and then I said whoa God! Yeah, if that's ever happened to you, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below, don't forget to like the video, and while you're at it ring the bell.
Yeah, that's almost 190 % proof that you're dealing with somebody who is a false teacher.
Case in point, we're gonna be heading down to C3 Church in San Diego as we listen to, his name is
Brad Jones, I had to look because this is a guy I've never reviewed before, Brad Jones. He's the youth pastor down there at C3 San Diego, at least one of their campi, he works with the youth, and we're gonna listen to roughly, you know, an eight to nine, maybe ten minute segment of a sermon titled,
How Attractive Are You? Which already, that's a problematic title for a message, but the the basic premise behind this is that, well, the
Church needs to make itself attractive to, you know, to the world, which is not at all what the
Church is supposed to be doing. And so, you know, aside from the bad theology, we've got a problem here, and that is that Brad isn't really going to be quoting any biblical texts in context.
He's gonna claim direct revelation from God, conversational revelation from God, which will form a major portion of this message, and then at the end, he's going to decree and declare and command and control thingies and stuff, and what he's engaging in is not biblical
Christianity at all. So let's whirl this up. Here is, yeah, I had to look again,
Brad Jones from C3 San Diego. Here we go. So I'm looking around, and then all sudden, this kind of feeling hit me, and I just realized, man,
I wonder what their lives are like. Now, he's regaling his audience with a personal story where he was, you know, interacting with a whole bunch of people, a group of people, wondering what they were like.
You know your PeopleWatch? I went from, like, judgy PeopleWatch back in the day to, like, now
I just wonder what their lives are like. It's kind of interesting, and it hit me, and I'm like, man, God, I don't know if they're happy.
They don't really look very happy. I wonder, like, what if they had the relationship that we have?
Like, it's an amazing thing to have a relationship with God. Like I said, I, 15 years, had nothing.
Now, note by talking about having a relationship with God as opposed to having a religion, and this is a kind of a wonky way to talk, but this this is evangelical buzzwords, and the gist of it is, if you were to think about it, you know, in Scripture there's a theme regarding those who yodea, they know
God, and this is an intimate knowledge, and there is an aspect in which you can talk about knowing
God, and knowing Him intimately, knowing Him well, knowing Him through His Word. This is most certainly true, but oftentimes when people talk about having a religion versus a relationship, it's a wonky of saying, hey listen, we're not saved by doing stuff.
You know, religious things, lighting candles, kneeling on kneelers, and earning, you know, religious brownie points with God, and then you're saved.
Instead, there's a relationship is kind of loosely synonymous with this idea that we're saved by grace, through faith, because of what
Christ has done for us. The problem is it's morphed, you know, the concept has lost its anchorage, and it's morphed into, well, if you're not, you know, if you haven't turned
Jesus into your naggy girlfriend, you know, who's always demanding, you know, quality time with you, you know, then you may not be a
Christian. Yeah, that's where it gets really strange and weird. Now, what he's gonna be doing here is claiming he has an intimate relationship with God, so much so that he and God dialogue all the time together.
That was lonely, and then I'm like, man, why can't everybody be a Christian? It might be, you know, a little bit bold statement, but I believe it, and I think tonight we're gonna all believe it, and so as clear as day just goes, they're not attracted to me.
And now begins the the dialogue with God portion of the message. I'm like, what? God?
What do you mean? Because I got an image issue. I'm like, God has an image issue.
Now, real quick, I'm gonna duplicate a tab here, and I want to go to Romans chapter 3.
God does not have an image issue. We have a sin issue, a horrible one.
Each and every one of us is born under the dominion of darkness, but listen again to Romans chapter 3, which describes every single human being that's directly descendant naturally to Adam and Eve.
Paul writes, well, what then? Are we Jews any better off? Well, no, not at all. We have already charged that all, both
Jews and Greeks, are under sin. As it is written, none is righteous, no, not one.
No one understands, no one seeks for God.
God doesn't have an image issue. The issue is that the devastation of sin wrought on humanity as a result of our fall through our first parents
Adam and Eve have made it so that no one seeks for God. All have turned aside.
Together they have become worthless. No one does good, not even one. Their throat is an open grave.
They use their tongues to deceive. The venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood, and in their paths are ruin and misery. In the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
And just a little bit of a note there, the Apostle Paul is citing, I mean, these words don't appear once in Scripture.
They don't appear twice in Scripture. They appear twice in the Old Testament, in Psalm 14 verses 1 through 3, as well as Psalm 53 verses 1 through 3, and then the third time they appear, it's in Romans chapter 3.
So, you know, the fact that these words, that they're non -righteous, appears three times in Scripture ought to kind of make the point that the issue isn't that God has an image problem or the people aren't attracted to Him because we haven't made
Him attractive. The issue is we're dead in trespasses and sins, and none of us seeks for God, but God seeks for us.
Christ has, He says, I came to seek and save the lost.
See, Jesus is the seeker. We're not. But I digress. Let's come back to Brad here.
What do you mean, God? You know, I'm like, of anybody that has an image issue, it shouldn't be you.
You talk that way to God. You go, yeah, and you live to tell about it?
Like, you created everything. You created beauty. Your face, like the sun, eyes, lightning, fire.
His body, it says that it's like glimmering metal. And you had to remind God of this, really. Fire on the inside.
I don't even know how you can see it, but you can. His legs. Literally, it says, I think in Ezekiel, that there's a rainbow constantly around His throne.
Like, He is beauty. I'm like, God, what are you talking about? And He goes, yeah, I know, and you forgot
I never age. I'm like, duh, yes, my point. He said,
Brad, am I a liar? And I said, no, your Bible says not. Has this guy had a mental evaluation?
I mean, he's hearing voices that are clearly not God. So, who did
I say holds my image? And I said, I don't like this conversation anymore.
Yeah, man was originally created in the image of God. That image is marred and destroyed and shattered as a result of man's fall into sin.
Now, let me show you another passage that bears that out so that you don't think I'm speaking out of turn. Ephesians chapter 2, which has verses 8, 9, and 10, which everybody, you know, many
Christians know by heart. Here's what it says in the opening part of chapter 2, which describes our state prior to becoming
Christians. As for you, you were dead, dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience, among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind.
And watch this, and we were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Yeah, that's after the fall. After the fall, every single human being is born dead in trespasses and sins, and by nature is a child of wrath.
Yeah, so don't underestimate the effects of sin. Adam and Eve sinned upon the entire race.
It's blown us out, you know, completely decimated us, made us dead in trespasses and sins, and objects of God's wrath by nature.
Me? And he goes, exactly. And I go, it's not that they're not attracted to you, they're not attracted to me.
And so then, I believe in wisdom. Is this kind of some kind of a weird, you know, double entendre that he, that Brad wants people attracted to him?
So we're gonna talk about three things that make a Christian attractive that he showed me, and I said, you know what, fine.
So notice, three things that make a Christian attractive that God showed him. We're not gonna find this in the
Scripture. No. This is what God showed him. Game on. Game on.
I'm gonna become as attractive as I can. Marry a cute blonde. Have her dress me.
No, I'm just kidding. Listen, what we're gonna talk about tonight, and if, you know, if, again, like I said, if I offended you, you do not need to have the face of Brad Pitt, the muscles of Pastor John, or a body like a supermodel to become attractive.
You guys want to become attractive, though? Let's do this. Yeah, for me, that, that, that cow left the barn a long time ago.
Point number one, to become more attractive, you must know who you are.
You got it. Yeah, I'm Chris Rose, bro. Says it on my passport, birth certificate and stuff, yeah.
Know who you are. True for the natural, true for the supernatural, actually. So this is a big one in youth ministry, in youth, right now.
I don't know why. I'd say probably the last 50 years, the church has backed off on telling teenagers who they are, and so culture has swept them away in the sea.
And now there's an identity crisis that, you know, I'm no historian, but I believe is one of the greatest in human history.
We have no idea who we are. The devil is... Yeah, that might have something to do with humanity's fall into sin.
You know, just saying. Selling kids a lie, and so, but before we jump into that, let's define it.
When I say attractive, I mean magnetic, drawing, desirable, wanting.
Your Christianity is magnetic. Who says? Jesus promises
His followers persecution and suffering. So where in the
Bible can I go to find the admonition to make my
Christianity attractive? Magnetic, you know, if you would. If that were the case, there wouldn't be an empty seat in this room.
You see, it's your fault that there are empty seats in your church, because you just haven't made your Christianity magnetic and attractive enough.
There wouldn't. How should we speak? So I oversee youth ministry here, and it breaks my heart seeing these young girls and the identity issue.
You know, whatever happened, you're a child of God, a princess, beauty and wonder. You're incredible.
You're not nothing. Stop acting that way. The reason why human beings, including female teenagers and female and male teenagers, is just kind of throw it out, the reason why we all struggle with sin is not because we don't think of ourselves as princes and princesses.
In fact, in my experience, the person who thinks they're a princess or a prince, it generally is a narcissistic person with a ginormous ego and a spoiled child's boot.
Generally, they do not exemplify the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control,
Seferuka salt, Charlie and the chocolate factor, if you're not sure what I'm talking about here.
So the solution to our problem is to recognize the impact of sin, and that sin causes us to be like the devil, to be bent in on ourselves.
Christ says the one who humbles himself, he will exalt. Not the one who exalts himself.
So we got to be real careful here, because yeah, my problem with sin has nothing to do with the fact that I failed to recognize that I'm a prince.
Yeah. Your royalty, the devil's selling them a lie, and it's time for the church to get attractive, so that we can start speaking life into these teenagers.
I need to get attractive. Biblical text, please, on me getting attractive.
So tonight, a couple quick things as we go. I truly believe we're gonna tear down this idea of unworthiness.
We're gonna tear it down tonight. You guys ready? Okay, let's see what we can do here with another text, because, you know,
I'm not sure what he's talking about. Let me show you what the Apostle Paul, writing under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, tells us in Romans chapter 5. And listen to this.
While we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.
If you ain't one of them, Jesus didn't die for you.
In fact, if you ain't ungodly—bad grammar, I understand—but if you ain't ungodly, you don't need
Jesus, the crucified and risen Savior of the world. You see, Christ died for the ungodly.
I would argue that being ungodly has something to do with being unworthy, especially when it comes to things like life, eternal life, and stuff like that.
And then Paul goes on. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person, though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die.
But God shows or demonstrates his love for us in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. You see, God demonstrates his love for us while we're sinners.
Since therefore we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God?
That's the very thing we're being saved from, the wrath of God. Hell, have you heard of these concepts? For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his
Son, how much more now that we are reconciled shall we be saved by his life? And so you'll note,
Christ saves us while we're enemies of God. Enemies are worthy of death, you know, punishment, you know, all the things that go along with being an enemy of God.
Yeah, so I'm not exactly worthy in and of myself. It's funny though, that in the book of Deuteronomy, that God himself also makes it very clear as to why he chose his people.
And now remember, Christians are grafted into Israel. You know, we don't replace
Israel, we're grafted in. So here's what it says in Deuteronomy chapter 7, starting in verse 7, it was not because you were more in number than any other people that the
Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples.
But it is because Yahweh loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers, that Yahweh has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeem you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh the king of Egypt.
Know therefore that Yahweh your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generation, and repays to the face, to their face those who hate him by destroying them.
So yeah, you'll note that Israel wasn't saved because they were worthy, they were saved because of God's great love.
We aren't saved because we're worthy, we were enemies of God. But Christ dies for us even while we're ungodly, while we're sinners, while we're enemies of God.
We weren't worthy of our salvation, God had mercy on us.
Big difference. And notice we're not hearing this. So Brad is, well, sounds to me like he's filling people's heads with nonsense, he's scratching itching ears, and what he's saying doesn't square with the written
Word of God, yet he claims to have verbal dialogue with God directly.
Hmm. Because he's contradicting the Word of God, I'm 100 % certain, 110, maybe 120 % certain he ain't hearing
God's voice at all. Whatever he's talking to, it's either himself, or he's lying, or he's talking to a demon, but he ain't talking to God the
Holy Spirit. So this is, maybe it's just me,
I'm in youth ministry so I think, kind of, I don't know, maybe like a kid, but I believe that we've got a gross misunderstanding of our identity, who we are.
Like, really, I think we're gonna get to heaven just like, pfft, dang it. But I believe this is what you'll be like, right?
So say you just die, right? And you go to heaven. Now notice this next part is not in scripture, this is just him making stuff up.
Yeah. And preaching it during a sermon. Walking around streets made of gold,
God's rainbow, like epicness, right? It's utopian. You're just, and you keep hearing this like, you walk, you just, what the?
And there's a little, little baby angel right here, like a little training angel. And he just goes like this,
Wow, you're a human. You're so special.
And you're like, what? Back off, dude. I'm like trying to do this thing in heaven now. And he's like, what was earth like?
And you're like, what? I don't know. It was kind of boring, I guess. What did you do on earth?
You're so special. And you're like, Oh, he has them entertained. I mean, they're rolling on the floor laughing because it's so funny.
This is abhorrent. The job of a pastor is to preach the word. That's what scripture says.
I don't see him doing that at all. I was an accountant.
A special accountant. And you're like, all right. And he goes, you're so special.
And you're like, listen, dude, you're kind of annoying. Why do you keep calling me special? Like back off. I'm not special.
Like I didn't really do much on earth. I just kind of. All right, let's take a look at another biblical text just to remind us of the warning that the four.
I'll back up just to the very tail end of chapter three, because it points us to the written word of God and then get into four.
And so Paul writing to young Pastor Timothy, he says in verse 14 of Second Timothy three, as for you, continue in what you've learned and firmly believe knowing from whom you learned it, how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings.
Sacred writings would be the scripture, the gramata in Greek, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
All scripture is theanoustos. It is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
Notice Paul is pointing Timothy to the scripture. Paul is getting ready to die. He's about to be beheaded.
He's not that far away from being beheaded after he writes this letter. So note, he's pointing him right to the scriptures.
They're going to equip you for every good work. And then he says this, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who's to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing in his kingdom, preach the word and watch what stands out in contradistinction.
Let him finish his thought. Preach the word. Be ready in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine or sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.
And passions here is talking about the passions of your sinful flesh. And they will turn away from listening to the truth, and they'll wander off into myths.
Yeah, I think there's some wandering off into mythos. Mythos? Yes. Myths. In this particular sermon, he went to live, went to work.
Like, what do you mean I'm special? And he goes, what do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean?
It's like, kind of like, I think angels have attitude in heaven. What do you mean? All of a sudden he turns from sweet to just mean.
And then he just looks over, and he goes, the king has never left, ever. And then one day he gathered all the angels, and he said,
I'm leaving. And we're like, why? And he's like, I'm going to earth. And we're like, why? And he goes, because the humans need help.
And we're like, why? You mean the angels aren't aware of why
Christ would be incarnate? And he goes, because I love them.
And they're so special to me. You see, I think we have a really gross understanding of our identity.
Perspective is everything, especially with youth. When you look at something like this, you don't see, like, if I'm looking at our church this way, it's pretty attractive.
If I'm looking at it this way, it's a whole new set of people. I'm not going to tell you which side was more attractive.
But you see, we constantly are looking up to find our identity. But have we ever thought, what does it look like from up there down?
Yeah, this is pseudo profundity. Do you have a biblical text that you're supposed to be preaching from?
I'd like to hear or see that. Because I'm looking at your podium there, and your Bible is unopened.
It's sitting on the podium right over there, and it's not open.
How do you preach a sermon with an unopened Bible? Well, the Bible here says, First Peter.
So he's looking at his notes now. First Peter, all right. Even the angels. This is regarding your salvation.
This is regarding you. Now, I'm going to back this up, because I want you to hear this. We'll fact check it in a minute by checking it in context.
But notice he's been talking about how special you are, and the angel going, you're a human, you're special.
You know, the claw, it has chosen me. Anyway, you get the idea. But let me back this up.
I want you to hear it again in context. Now, the
Bible here says, First Peter, and even the angels.
This is regarding your salvation. This is regarding you. Regarding your salvation, not regarding you.
We'll talk about that in a second. Look into you. What? They look into me?
No, no, no, no, not at all. Okay, let's see here.
I'm going to have to cut this down. First Peter, it's in chapter one, thankfully.
So let's apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
That's right. You just look at these things in context. And we're going to look to see if angels look into you, or look into me, if that's what
Peter was saying. So Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, let me skip to verse three.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to his great mercy. He has caused us to be born again.
Notice who's the active agent in our rebirth, our being born again. It's Jesus. Yeah.
He caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Let me fast forward just a little bit. Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith.
And what is the outcome of our faith? It is the salvation of our souls. Now concerning this salvation and salvation of your soul, right?
The prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours, they searched and they inquired carefully, inquiring what person or time the spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.
It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves, but you in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preach the good news to you by the
Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which the angels long to look.
Notice it doesn't say who the angels want to look into, it says things into which the angels long to look.
And this is talking about the mystery of our salvation, the mystery that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, the mystery that the
Son of God would be incarnate of the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, you know, and there would be made man.
But this is what we're talking about here. So this good news, the gospel that Christ died for our sins, even the angels long to look into that.
That's what this text is talking about. But that's not what Brad said.
Let me back this up again. First Peter, and even the angels, this is regarding your salvation, it's regarding you, look into you.
No, they don't. And that ain't what Peter said in first Peter. Even the angels look into those things.
In Psalms, this is David speaking, he says, he's looking at the heavens, the stars, and the moon. He says, what your finger has done, what is man?
It's incredible. Yeah, what is man that you are mindful of him? This isn't,
I'm not denying at all that God has saved us because of his great love for us.
That the creation that he has made, that has rebelled against him and fallen into sin. In his great love, he has had mercy.
He's pitied us. And it's absolutely mind -boggling that God would even consider us rather than just throw us all into hell like we all deserve.
This is most certainly true, but that doesn't make me a princess. I mean a prince. But you get the idea.
What is man that you're mindful of him? Deuteronomy says that to the Lord, to the
Lord, the heavens and the earth belong to him. Yeah. To the Lord, that the heavens and the earth are him, are his, and yet he set his affection on us.
Yeah, indeed. I wish I could put it up right now, but those of you who like, look at nebulas and stars and galaxies.
Is it because we are worthy? No. It's because of his great love and his mercy and his kindness.
Not because we are worthy. We're not. It's unreal, like absolutely jaw -dropping what
God created with his finger. We are one, I don't know if there's a scientist who could tell us, but we're like 100 billion, we're one of 100 billion galaxies in the known universe, and it says that he set his affection on us.
You're so special. Jeremiah 29 11. You guys know this one, but it doesn't say that God just thinks thoughts.
He thinks thoughts towards you. Yeah, Jeremiah 29 11. Go read it in context. It's not a letter written to you.
It's a letter written to the exiles in Babylon. To prosper you, to give you hope.
And the you there in the Hebrew is plural. It's y 'all. All y 'all.
It isn't you singular. This is David again. You knitted me in my mother's womb.
I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. Most certainly true. Fearfully and wonderfully made. Also sinner and born dead in trespasses and sins and by nature an object of God's wrath.
That's what Ephesians 2 said. I mean, how many of us are going, man, I wake up in the morning,
I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. This is like breeding narcissism here rather than repentance.
It's breeding and exalting of self rather than a humbling of self. And then my favorite.
I spoke of this one before. Genesis 1 27. That you're made in the image and likeness of the creator.
Yeah, Adam and Eve were, and that image has been decimated by sin. You have no idea how special you are.
Stop thinking you're a nobody. Just stop it. Come on.
Actually, I said we're going to tear down some some walls of unworthiness. Okay, so apparently we've got a problem here with major unworthiness thinking and talk and stuff.
Oh, we got to tear down the walls of unworthiness. All right, Brad, how do you suppose that you're going to tear down the walls of unworthiness?
Can you show me an example of how that's done from the written word of God? You guys,
I do deliverance. You guys mind if we do a little bit of a little sneak peek into deliverance training? Deliverance training, which means he believes that Christians are possessed by demons.
You guys want to do it? I want you to close your eyes right now. No. Here's the thing.
Anybody, and maybe you don't deal with this, but if you do, you know who I'm talking to.
What happens in the spiritual realm is we make agreements, legal binding agreements.
Yeah, and where in the Bible does it say that in the spiritual realm we make legal binding agreements with the devil?
I'd like to see that. Which text says that? Even though God has set his affection upon you, even though he loves you, even though you're made in his likeness and image, that if you make an agreement with the enemy, then he honors your will.
Yeah, again, I need a biblical text for that. You got one? No, you don't, because no biblical text like this even exists.
It's a powerful thing. Your will, I'd say it comes close to rivaling his will.
What? My will comes close to rivaling the will of God.
Are you kidding me? It's one of the most powerful things, and so when you make an agreement that you're not worthy, the devil comes in and signs it, and so this is what we do.
Signed, sealed, delivered. I'm yours. Yeah, right. Where does it say that in the
Bible? We're going to do. We're going to break it right now. Oh, okay.
You know, I think this part about you signing, you saying and coming in a verbal agreement, and then the devil signing it, it's in the
Bible. It's in the same passage, I think, that says that you need to pray to the
Virgin Mary. Yeah, yeah. And it's also in that same passage of scripture that talks about purgatory.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure it's right next to that.
So I want you to think of that agreement that you've made that you're unworthy, and I want you to repeat this after me. Say this, by the power of the blood of Jesus, I tear the agreement
I made saying I'm unworthy. Wow, this guy's just making stuff up.
So apparently a binding contract. So correct me if I'm wrong here, but let me just say that I feel terrible about the agreement that I made with my mortgage company, and I have to keep sending them money month after month after month after month.
Darn you, mortgage company. And so I'm upset that you signed the agreement that we had.
And so I know I'm just going to tear up the mortgage docks. I torn them up.
Yeah. And so I'm going to let you have it, mortgage people.
I'm sticking it to the banker, man. I just tore this up. Yeah, I don't have to pay my mortgage anymore.
It doesn't work that way. You're still going to have money that's due at the beginning of the month, and you better pay it or you're going to lose your house.
So if you sign an agreement with the devil, do you think tearing it up is going to somehow make it void?
This is just, this is pretend theology. This isn't pretend doctrine. This guy's just making stuff up.
He hears voices in his head, and now he's making things up. I want you to literally think of tearing that agreement up.
Oh yeah, that'll do it. Yeah, just think of it. You don't even have to physically tear up your mortgage now. You just kind of mentally go, yeah.
I make a new agreement that states I am worthy, because he is worthy.
What a complete and utter waste of time. You could use this time to actually disciple them in something the Bible actually teaches, and that Scripture really says.
That's it. So you now have broken the agreement. Now I'm going to pray for you. So Father, right?
Yeah, there's no way to rescue that thing. It's, uh, yeah, that's just a stinking, burning, dumpster fire.
I should have made that a dumpster fire. Wow, what a mess. So now remember what
Paul said. The job of a pastor is to preach the Word. And so Brad Jones, for all his talk of having a relationship with God, apparently it's not tight enough of a relationship to where he would actually obey what
God has commanded him to do in the written Word of God, you know, in the Bible. So he makes stuff up, invents dialogue that he has with God, and God's theology is all wackerdoodle in his, you know, supposed conversations.
And then he comes up with a problem that is the exact opposite of the problem we really have, and the solution he comes up with is just, you know, make up some...
I do deliverance, so you came into an agreement with the devil, so just take that and tear it up and make a new agreement.
Yeah, and even use legalese kind of language to make it sound official and stuff.
But what he's done is nothing. He hasn't called anyone to repent of their sins, to recognize their unworthiness before God, and to recognize that we each need a crucified and risen
Savior in Jesus Christ. He is the one who makes us worthy by taking our sin upon himself and bleeding in my place and in yours.
You see, God made him to be sin who knew no sin. And as it says in Isaiah, God laid on him the iniquity of us all.
You see, we are worthy, made worthy, because Christ has taken all of our sinful unworthiness, and he's bled and died for it on the cross and risen from the grave.
And so he calls us to repent of our sins, to humble ourselves, and to recognize that we are, well, by nature, objects of God's wrath so that he can make us alive in Christ and give us eternal life as a gift.
Yeah. Anyway, I don't want to bug you and bore you with all that biblical stuff because, you know,
C3 San Diego, they're super relevant, and they don't need any Bible stuff. They can just make up their own stuff and call it
Christianity and Christian doctrine. And that's the problem. And there's far too many churches that do this.
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