Melchizedek, the King of Peace


Preacher: Ross Macdonald Scripture: Genesis 14:18-20


Well this morning, we continue on in chapter 14. We look to complete chapter 14 today and Then next week.
We'll begin chapter 15 and with 15. We'll be spending quite some time considering not just the covenant that God makes with Abram, but The covenantal structure not only of Genesis, but in fact all of Scripture, so we will spend some time
Beginning next week looking at God's covenant of grace his administration of grace
Which really launches forth in a profound way with the covenant? He makes with Abram, and so I hope that you'll be thoughtful and maybe even
This this coming week spend some time considering What do we mean when we talk about covenant theology?
How would you describe that or define that to someone who might ask? The more you think about these things the more you try to fill out a definition
Hopefully over the coming weeks the more you'll be able to draw out of the time. We'll have together
The last week we began chapter 14 and we saw this war between the nine kingdoms five against four and We saw a lot taken captive as a result of Keter lay
Omer and his forces sweeping back up the Jordan Toward the Dead Sea toward Zoar and then we saw
Abram taking his 318 trained men those born in his house as we said that ancient
Near Eastern SWAT team armed with swords and clubs and bows launch a night assault dividing their forces and actually routing the forces of Keter lay
Omer so Abram was victorious and To the victor the spoils all that Keter lay
Omer had got not only from the king of Sodom but from the other three kings as well as everything they got from the campaign which was all over that region and So Abram was not just the victor of some spoil
But of much spoil the spoil Would have been not just what was in Sodom all the goods of the city all the people who were captive From the city would have been by right
Abrams captives But whatever the four kings had brought or seized in their campaign not only their supplies
But their plunder as well. All of this is fair game for Abram in verse 17
We saw the king of Sodom goes out to meet in the valley of Shava we have in the text.
That is the Kings Valley After his return from the defeat of Keter lay
Omer and the Kings who were with him But in verse 17 the king of Sodom doesn't actually get a chance to talk to Abram until verse 21
So the king of Sodom begins to make his way toward Abram But he doesn't actually talk to Abram until verse 21 and when he talks to Abram he says
Give me the people take the goods for yourself Well this morning we're going to see why the king of Sodom was interrupted in verses 18 through 20
And he was interrupted by a mysterious figure named Melchizedek and we read this beginning in verse 18
Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine he was the priest of God Most High and He blessed him and said blessed be
Abram of God Most High possessor of heaven and earth and Blessed be
God Most High Who has delivered your enemies into your hand? and He gave him a tithe of all that is
Abram gave Melchizedek a tithe of all Who is Melchizedek?
Where did he come from? Where does he go? We cannot answer these questions in any great detail.
In fact, we can only answer who? Based on what we have in verses 18 through 20. We cannot answer where he comes from We cannot answer where he goes
We can only answer who he is based on what I just read that's all of the information we have about Melchizedek in the scriptures
Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine He was the priest of God Most High and he blessed
Abram and he blessed the God of Abram. That's it that's all we know about this man as We've said
Abram is in this time of triumph His ambush his night assault was completely successful so there's this glory of the victory and all of that adrenaline as The night became the dawn and the victory was clear the corpses of the enemies
You can picture some of these men as well as the men of Asher and Eshgol and Mamre going around and running through any of the survivors
Plundering taking what they could off of the bodies Gathering up the train of prisoners that were from Sodom of new prisoners from the forces of all of the goods between them there was this glory of this victory the
Adrenaline finally beginning to settle down the realization that God had prospered him
He had not only saved a lot, but he had gained all of this plunder from Keter Laomer and then verse 17
Here's this serpent of a man the king of Sodom And he makes his way toward this meek conqueror
Abram and it's another moment of testing in Abram's life Another moment of testing.
We've seen several already as Christians. We come to expect these moments of testing don't we? Circumstances don't fall into our lap as though the universe
Unfolded at random as though our days Cycled through at a whim we realize that every day is appointed by God every season appointed whether for blessing or trial
We recognize that when good things come our way gifts Break down upon our head or when trials come even a trial that we've been just praying about now
God brings both blessing and trial to expose our hearts before him Reveal idols we have in our lives to clarify our faith or lack of faith
To strengthen our devotion and dependence upon him we remember that God always promises his people in any given trial or temptation that he will provide a way of escape when that burden of The temptation is pressing upon them and as this serpent like king of Sodom makes his way toward Abram Here is this burden of temptation.
What is Abram going to do? Is he going to to run back to Egypt so to speak?
Is he going to put his heart in the arm of flesh or and what he could gain? Is he going to make himself a king in the place of Kerala Yom or is he gonna take up shop in Sodom?
notice that God provides a way of escape and That way of escape is Melchizedek Abram needs a deliverer and he finds it in this priest king from Salem Six things six details that we have in verses 18 through 20.
The first is the name Melchizedek Melchizedek It's a combination of two
Hebrew words Melech and Sadiq Melech for King Sadiq for righteousness. This is the king of Righteousness.
That's what Hebrew 7 2 says first being translated king of righteousness and he's the king of Salem Melchizedek the king of Salem where we get the idea of God's Salem or Shalom peace the king of peace again
Hebrew 7 2 Also king of Salem meaning king of peace So Hebrew 7 2 defines for us his name and his position.
He is the king of righteousness and the king of peace He comes from nowhere we don't read the king whose father was or the son of or and he lived this many days in a book that's filled with genealogy
That's given very specific amounts of time and length of days and in certain
Lineage, we don't have that with Melchizedek He appears on the scene with no genealogy and then he disappears
You know nothing of his birth nothing nothing of his death Nothing of his parentage and that point as we'll see later this morning is what the writer of Hebrews seizes upon Now the writer of Hebrews seizes upon this as many
Christians that seized upon it because we have to identify Who Melchizedek is some have said he's simply a priest king a
Canaanite priest king from Salem and He's a royal priest as many
Kings would have been not only in ancient Near East But throughout much of ancient history even the
Roman Emperors were were priests pontifex Maximus of the Empire and so there's this priest king and he's nothing more than a priest king some would say
Others and this goes back to The early church and it was picked up by some of the Reformers others identify him as Shem the son of Noah Who by their account was still alive in these days?
some have gone to identify him as a Preincarnate appearance of Christ's what we would say is a
Christophany notice not a theophany as in the burning bush
But a Christophany that is a specific manifestation of Christ Example would be with Adrach Meshach and Abednego in the furnace the fourth figure
That would be a Christophany a pre -incarnate appearance of the Sun. So we're going to review
This later when we consider what Hebrews has to say Though let me be clear
I I don't take a firm stance on on any and I play it relatively safe Because I think that's the safest thing to do
AW pink himself said of this Two things are here affirmed of Melchizedek.
He was king and he was priest Endless conjectures have been made as to his identity questions have been raised about what order of beings he belongs to But as the
Holy Spirit has not seen fit to give us any information on these points We deem it irreverence to indulge in any speculation
So we're going to be less Less irreverent than we could be perhaps this morning
So the first thing is his name Melchizedek king of righteousness king of Salem that is king of peace
Secondly the significance of that place Salem not just the king of peace as a quality of this kingdom but the place of Salem which would have been identified in this day as a stronghold of the
Jebusites and that later becomes Jerusalem psalm 76 verse 2 records
Jerusalem simply as Salem in Salem also is his tabernacle in his dwelling place is in Zion Now bookmark here.
This becomes very important when we get to Psalm 110 And we have again a mention of Melchizedek in the lineage of David Who's the first to occupy this throne in the city of Jerusalem?
It was not taken until David became the king Third we read that he's priest of God most high
That is he's the priest of El Elion Notice that Abram sees
Melchizedek as the priest of the God most high of Yahweh There's no confusion between the
God of Abram and the God of Melchizedek They both know that they serve the same God and the same God is being invoked
Both men understand that they follow and trust the God who is the most high
God Because he is the God who possesses the heavens and the earth Melchizedek's mighty
God is Identified by Abram as the God who had called him out of her of the Chaldeans Who had promised him a blessing that he would be a blessing to the families of the earth
And so when Abram hears Melchizedek this priest king coming in the name of the most high
God and saying Blessed be Abram of God most high Abram automatically understands you serve the same
God that I serve You are a priest of my God Your blessing comes the name of the
God who I name and the God who I serve and So taking a step back from this
We would have almost assumed That Abram was the sole follower of the
Lord God at this point in Genesis it would seem that even after the flood and even after the descendants of Shem go their way that that there's
Ignorance and superstition and idolatry and we don't read of God's worship being restored
We don't read of God's worship being continued until we come to Melchizedek and in Melchizedek We realize
God has not left himself without a witness Not only had
Abram been called by God, but Melchizedek He was a worshiper in the line of Seth In the line of Enoch in the line of Noah He was a follower of God a priest of God One who worships and made known the way of God here in this hill country here in the very place where Jerusalem and its temple will be erected
Melchizedek rules and worships the true and living God Now as a priest forth as a priest he brings an ordinance bread and wine
Often it is said from from men like Gil and Calvin It said these are communion elements to us today, but there were simply refreshments that he brought
Or they might say this is a banquet that the king puts before Abram He allows him to to have this banquet with him and I I don't see that as being entirely accurate
This is not simply a refreshment The whole context of Melchizedek being a priest of God Bringing bread and wine with him says there's something related to the blessing of God here.
There's something Ritualistic something functional about this bread and this wine something related to the blessing and his priesthood
After all, we've already seen that the men of Abram had eaten from the spoil He says
I don't want anything from you except what's already been eaten what the young men have eaten So they've had plenty of food from the supplies and plenty of food from the spoil
They don't need more food from this priest King I think this is significant because it's a prophetic detail as I hope we'll connect between Psalm 110 in Hebrews 7 as A priest not only does he come with an ordinance?
He also comes with a blessing a twofold blessing blessed be Abram of God most high
Possessor of heaven and earth blessed be God most high who has delivered your enemies into your hands
Melchizedek blesses Abram Melchizedek blesses the God of Abram What does it mean to bless
God? It simply means to praise God To bless God is to enhance his his reputation his knowledge or glory in the earth
That's how we bless the Lord God So blessing here is is a worship you could almost translate it
I praise the God Most High who has delivered your enemies into your hand blessed be this
Lord blessing as We have it here in Melchizedek paints a beautifully simple portrait in Contrast to the treasures of the world that the king of Sodom is slithering forward to offer to Abram The Melchizedek priest comes and says the only lasting
Blessings in this life the blessings that ought to order your life are blessings that come from the
Living God Not from earthly kings not from earthly kingdoms Not from what rust can destroy and moss will consume but treasure from God blessing from God This is a gift of the
God Most High The one who created all the things that will perish the one who created all the things that will not perish
Melchizedek steals the resolve of Abram by pointing him to God as creator
He's the possessor of heaven and earth How could he possess it unless he made it?
Yes rights to it. It is his and So in this way beginning at the the largest scale possible
He zeroes all the way into the deliverance of Abram the one who possesses heaven and earth
Even delivered you from the hand of your enemy This sets us up toward Genesis 15 when
God himself comes to Abram and says I am your shield Your great reward so already the idea of God's deliverance
God being as it were the protector the provider the warrior on Abram's behalf is made clear
In fact, that's emphatic in the Hebrew here The the verb delivered in Hebrew is
Megan where its shield is Magan It's just it's just a different pointing of the vowels, but it's the same consonants
And so it's meant to connect Genesis 15 one with the idea of deliverance here. I am your shield.
I'm the one who delivered you Notice that this priest's ministry is to reveal
LL young He is to come in the name of the Most High God the one who possesses heaven and earth and From that pronounce a blessing upon him just like Paul In a very different role
Says my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory that's a
That's a somewhat removed similar way of saying the same thing The God Most High possesses heaven and earth blessed be he and blessed be you from him
He will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory. He is your shield. He is your great reward
So notice that God sends Melchizedek to intercept the king of Sodom's Temptation and because of this encounter
Abram gets all of his priorities straight immediately and because he has his priorities, right?
In his view of the blessing set on high he can deflect the temptation of the king of Sodom with ease
Abram would have never passed the subtle trap unscathed unless Melchizedek had met him first Unless he had had an opportunity to hear the
Word of God from the priest of God and receive the blessing of God It's as though Abram from this encounter can turn to the king of Sodom almost in disgust
Take your perishing possessions run back to Sodom.
I don't even want a sandal strap from you. I Won't give you the chance to say that you've made Abram rich.
I'm pursuing the blessing of God the reward of God He alone possesses all things in reality king of Sodom.
You possess nothing notice again what Melchizedek says
Blessed be Abram of God Most High Possessor of heaven and earth and what does Abram say to the king of Sodom?
I have raised my hand to the Lord God Most High the possessor of heaven and earth.
He's repeating the exact same sentence to the king of Sodom This is new revelation that now
Abram has received and he's asserting it against the king of Sodom He's mimicking the blessing and worship of Melchizedek Melchizedek gives a revelation and Abram mimics it.
He repeats it. In other words His faith is resolved in what has been revealed and notice the response
He gives him a tithe of all Abram is the father of all who believe and As the father of all who believes he reverently approaches this priest of God and of everything he has he gives him a tent a time
Everything for us is clarified in Hebrews Hebrews 7 2 to whom also
Abraham gave a tenth part of all Hebrews 7 4
Consider how great this man was To whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils
So you have this Everything that's somewhat broad in verse 2 and then it's clarified in verse 4 of Hebrews 7
He gives him a tenth of all of the plunder a tenth of all the spoils So here we already understand
Abram knows. This is his to give his by right. He is the conqueror and Yet when he encounters this priest of God, he tithes to him.
He gives a tenth to him and then when the king of Sodom says Give me back the people you can have all the possessions to yourself.
He says you can have it all now That's not tithing all it's not as though the king of Sodom gets 90 %
That that's sort of an anti tithe. I don't even want to be stained by it Here's what is mine and I tithe to you out of reverence as an act of obedience and thankfulness to God for his deliverance
When the king of Sodom says you can at least have the people he says you can have all of this I don't want any of this.
It's a very different contrast The king of Sodom receives no tithe from Abram. His possessions are returned almost as if they're defiled
And all of this confirms the faith of Abram Derek Kidner says this so well
What a profound contrast between these two Kings Melchizedek offers him in token a simple sufficiency from God All he does is pronounce a blessing upon Abram and in pronouncing that blessing
He tells Abram to focus on the giver and not on the gift Abram Accepts this in paste tribute
All of this is meaningful only with faith The king of Sodom on the other hand makes a very handsome and businesslike offer
Its only disadvantage can be seen again by faith
Faith causes Abram to see God as his great reward Faith also see helps
Abram to see The treachery and the potential trap in the king of Sodom's offer
Well, let's consider Melchizedek in more detail I'll begin by talking about Melchizedek as a type of Christ And I know you've probably all come across this language of type or typology
Maybe without really understanding what's being communicated in that when we talk about type. We also have to talk about Anti -type the anti -type so type and anti -type type comes from the
Greek to pause Simply means a symbol or a figure or a representation
That's a type that representation when it's fulfilled that symbol when it's realized
That which is a picture when it becomes concrete or substantive. We call that the anti -type.
That's the fulfillment of the type That's what the type is always pointing forward. So throughout the scriptures we talk about the many different types of Christ We have an example of Paul Speaking of this very way in 1st
Corinthians 10 He says the rock was a type of Christ that rock which followed them in the wilderness
And so we're given sort of the apostolic Encouragement to understand the scriptures in this way
Because all of the scriptures are ultimately about the revelation of Christ Jesus God's work in him by the
Spirit right all of God's work is triune The work of God outside of himself cannot be divided and so it's the revelation of God, but God has revealed
Uniquely in Christ and he's revealed to do us as Christ by the
Spirit And so we have typology Melchizedek is a type There's no debate on this point
Melchizedek is a type If you debate this point, you're just you're outside of scripture.
You're far beyond it. Melchizedek is given to us as a type Whether he's more than that is what is debated.
He's not least in that Melchizedek as Alan Ross points out Melchizedek stands as a type of Jesus Christ Uniting his offices of priest and King We could also say in the way that he comes forth to declare the
Word of God he's also a prophet a prophet being the one who declares the Word of God and that Word of God can be a blessing or a curse and here that blessing is not just a priestly function but a prophetic function and so really
I might maybe elaborate a little bit more on Ross's comment here we see Melchizedek as a type of Christ in his threefold office prophet priest in King But the image of priest in the image of King are are put forth
He's called a priest and he's called a king in the text when the book of Hebrews says that he's without father and without mother
It means that there's no Genealogical record he appears on the scene without notice and in that sense.
The text is saying there's a figure here There's a type here He's a priest, but we don't have a record of his succession as we do with the
Levitical priesthood We'll see that later this morning. And so he's not a Levitical priest
He's before there was such a thing as a Levitical priest and there's no order There's no succession because he's without beginning in the text and he's without end
We don't know when he became and when he turns over. He simply revealed as the priest of God when
David the Israelite King Sits on Melchizedek's throne as we'll see in just a second
He himself prophesies about the nature of this priesthood and He prophesies based on his position as the king
Sitting on the throne in Salem in Jerusalem. So Psalm 110 There's only three places in Scripture where we have
Melchizedek discussed. That's Genesis 14 8 through 18 through 20 Psalm 110 and Then Hebrews 5 6 and 7 these are the only places in Scripture where we have any discussion of Melchizedek and Psalm 110 bridges
Genesis 14 to the writer of Hebrews Psalm 110 not only does the heavy lifting here for Melchizedek it is
The most quoted Old Testament text in the New Testament Psalm 110 is the most quoted most often referenced
Scripture in the New Testament And so if you want a window into how the early
Christians thought about the fulfillment of Christ What it means that he is
Lord What was at the very heart of their preaching in their message? What was at the very center of what they confessed from the beginning?
You have to pay close attention to Psalm 110 and then maybe ask the question Why is it that the
Apostles turned so often to Psalm 110? Why is it that the early Christian faith orbited around Psalm 110 and maybe not other places in Scripture that we might assume it would
Orbit around or we would assume would become central. Why is it Psalm 110? Hopefully that colors the way we think about the central message of the gospel
Psalm 110 The Lord said to my lord You remember
Jesus Confounding his enemies by quoting this. Have you not read the
Lord said to my lord if David says the Lord to my lord. How can he then be
David's son yet David's Lord? The Lord it's already there's something prophetic.
Jesus is highlighting about Psalm 110 The Lord said to my lord sit at my right hand Does that sound familiar it ought to?
Psalm 2 the enthronement psalm Where the nations are called to to tremble before the one who's been enthroned by God Kissing his feet as he holds the rod of iron that smashes them into pieces
Confounding all of their plotting in vain Sit at my right hand Until I make your enemies your footstool
The Lord shall send the rod of your strength out of Zion rule in the midst of your enemies again
This is what the early Christians often preached This was central to their understanding of the gospel
How central would Psalm 110 be to most explanations of the gospel today? Would it ever even enter into the conversation?
If you took 50 of the leading evangelicals and you asked them to give a summary of the gospel
How many of them would even come close to Psalm 110? Interesting, isn't it?
rule in the midst of your enemies your people Shall be made willing in the day of your power in the beauties of holiness
From the womb of the morning you have the dew of your youth The Lord has sworn and he will not relent you are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek Several elements that Hebrews is going to draw on from Psalm 110.
The Lord has sworn That you Who is being addressed here?
Who is the you in Psalm 110? Go back to verse 1 the Lord said to my
Lord David's writing this as a king Who is the
Lord of the king but the Lord the Lord said to my Lord? you are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek Now we have this in quotation marks, but we don't have any reference to what it's quoting
We have this as direct speech we have this as prophecy this is
David prophesying of his Lord being a priest forever
After the order of Melchizedek the Lord had said to my Lord and this is what the
Lord has sworn You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek Notice that David does not claim this for himself.
He does not claim to be a priest after the order of Melchizedek He's a king.
He's not of the Levite tribe The one who he references prophetically is the one who is a priest forever and that brings us to Hebrews to Melchizedek Melchizedek appears as we've noticed without any record and that's what
Hebrews is reacting to there's no genealogy He's a type of this abiding priesthood a priesthood forever an eternal priesthood that Jesus fulfills
And it's simply being drawn on the fact that he has no beginning no end He takes from that missing detail in Genesis 14 this type this picture of one whose days is without beginning and without end the one who had no parentage because he is the
Word of God and he lives Everlastingly to make intercession for all those who come to God by him.
So let's begin with Hebrews 5 I'll just highlight some things as we work through Hebrews 5 6 & 7.
I'm not going to read all of them but Hebrews 5 beginning in verse 5 the whole the whole sort of Trajectory of Hebrews is talking about how
Christ is superior to the Old Covenant at every level He's superior to all of creation superior to the angels
He's superior to the Old Covenant superior to Aaron superior to the Levitical priests superior to the law the covenant
He brings about is superior in every way. It's all about the superiority of Christ and Christ's work and the
Context of Hebrews is Jewish Christians who are facing a furnace of persecution And they're being tempted to go back to the old way back to the shadows back to the types
Can't we just go back to the synagogues and and get away from this heat if we're Jews will be tolerated
But as Christ believing Jews were being persecuted. Can't we go back? Are there two ways of salvation and the right of Hebrews is saying no you cannot go back to the types to the shadows
You cannot go back to the ministry which condemned you the ministry of death Hebrews 5 beginning in verse 5 so also
Christ did not glorify himself to become high priest But it was he who said to him
He being God he who said to him You're my son Today I have begotten you sound familiar
Psalm 2 Psalm 110 2nd Samuel 7 The enthronement of the king the king who sits upon the throne
You are my son This is adoption language given to an earthly king and it it projects or it portrays
God enthroning his son You are my son today. I have begotten you as he also says in another place
You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek Who in the days of his flesh?
When he had offered up prayers and supplications with vehement cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death
He was heard because of his godly fear though he was a son yet, he learned obedience through what he suffered and Having been perfected.
He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him called by God as high priest according to the order of Melchizedek of whom we have much to say and hard to explain since you've become dull of hearing
Now that right there is such an encouragement I was Debating whether I should open up the sermon with Hebrews 5 11
We have a lot to talk about Melchizedek and it's really hard to explain and you've become dull of hearing Maybe you've become dull of hearing by the by the end.
Hopefully not now the superiority of this priesthood Hebrews 6 notice again the effect of understanding
Christ in Fulfillment of Melchizedek this hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast
Hebrews 6 beginning in 19 Which enters the presence behind the veil, right? Here's the high priest who goes behind the veil where the forerunner has entered for us even
Jesus having become high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek Psalm 110 again
And now Hebrews 7 beginning in verse 1 for this Melchizedek King of Salem priest of the
Most High God direct quotation from Genesis 14 Who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the
Kings and blessed him? Well there you have an answer about the fate of the Kings right there were slaughtered the slaughter of the
Kings and blessed him To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all
First being translated king of righteousness and then also king of Salem meaning king of peace without father
Without mother without genealogy having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the
Son of God Remains a priest continually, right? There's no death There's no record of his priesthood having ended
So in some literal sense in some sense in the text he remains a priest forever and David is picking up on this
You are a priest forever in this order of Melchizedek Verse 4 now consider how great this man was
Notice perhaps significant verse 4 notice how great this man was If we're saying
Melchizedek is strictly a type that would make a lot of sense If it's a pre -incarnate manifestation of Christ Pre -incarnate meaning he could not be man.
He could not be flesh because it's pre flesh pre incarnate very hard to get around verse 4 Unless you view it strictly as a type
Consider how great this man was to whom even the patriarch
Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils and Indeed those who are of the sons of Levi who received the priesthood.
Remember what he said in Hebrews 5 He did not make himself a priest Have a commandment to receive tithes from the people according to the law that is from their brethren
Though they have come from the loins of Abraham Let me read that again, it's easy to read past Indeed verse 5 those who are of the sons of Levi who received the priesthood have a commandment to receive tithes from the people
According to the law that is from their brethren though they have come from the loins of Abraham But he whose genealogy is not derived from them received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises
See Abraham shouldn't be in this position He's tithing rather than receiving tithes, that's what the writer of Hebrews is reacting to Now beyond all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the better now
Kesedet Being superior to Abram as even Abram recognizes
Here mortal men receive tithes But there he receives them of whom it is witnessed that he lives
Verse 9 even Levi Beginning of the
Aaronic priesthood Levitical priesthood even Levi who receives tithes paid tithes through Abram so to speak typology so to speak
For he was still in the loins of his father When Melchizedek met him you understand what's being said in verses 9 and 10
Abram is the father of all those of faith including the father of all ethnic
Israel and In a sense then all of Israel was in the loins of Abram right the children the offspring of Abram They were all in Abram even when he was tithing to Melchizedek So here you have the order of the
Levite priests who normally receive tithes from the people to show how great the Levitical priesthood is a tenth of all that belongs to God is
Given over to Levitical priesthood. They receive it as a position of honor But they are in Abrams loins and Abram is not receiving tithes
He's giving them so in a sense Levitical priests are giving tithes to Melchizedek.
There's a superior priesthood here verse 11 therefore if Perfection were through the
Levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law. Oh, where are we going with this?
What further need was there that another priest should rise According to the order of Melchizedek and not be called according to the order of Aaron We have
Levitical priesthood. Why would why did this all take place? Don't we have the priesthood that we need isn't this the only valid priesthood given of God?
for the priesthood being changed of Necessity there is also a change of the law right new administration
For he of whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe From which no man has officiated at the altar
There's no genealogy. He's not of Israel because Abram is the progenitor of Israel 14 for it is evident that our
Lord arose from Judah of Which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood and yet and it is yet far more evident if in the likeness of Melchizedek Please notice that again for typology in the likeness of Melchizedek the likeness of That's typological language
There arises another priest who has come not according to the law of a fleshly commandment
But according to the power of an endless life That's what Christ is fulfilling days without beginning days without end for he testifies
Psalm 110 you are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek, this is the writer of Hebrews interpretation of David's prophecy verse 18 for on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and Unprofitable miss for the law made nothing perfect on the other hand.
There is the bringing in of a better Hope through which we draw near to God What is this better?
Hope? What is this better priest? What is this better covenant this better administration? Son the son of David in Psalm 110 verse 20 and as much as he was not made priest without an oath
For they have become priests without an oath but he with an oath by him who said to him by God who said to him by David's Lord that said to the
Lord the Lord has sworn He will not relent you are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek by so much more
Jesus has become surety of a better covenant. This is the whole emphasis of these chapters
If not the whole emphasis of the book of Hebrews Psalm 110 the fulfilled prophecy of Christ as the great high priest the fulfillment of the type which back in Genesis 14 was
Melchizedek verse 23 Also, there were many priests
Because they were prevented by death from continuing right a priest has a lifespan
When that priest dies and other priests come But he because he continues forever again forever being simply because When Melchizedek is presented in Genesis 14, there's no beginning and there's no end
And in this we have the likeness of the priesthood of Christ Confirmed by the prophecy of David in Psalm 110
But he because he continues forever has an unchangeable priesthood. There's no succession
There's no end. So there's no need for a replacing priest Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always
Lives to make intercession for them his priesthood never ends For such a high priest was fitting for us who is holy harmless undefiled
Separate from sinners and has become higher than the heavens has become higher than the heavens a result of his exaltation
Who does not need daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifices? First for his own sins and then for his people
For this he did once for all when he offered up himself The priest is the sacrifice
The law appoints his high priest men who have weakness but the word of the oath someone 10
Which came after the law? Appoints the Son who has been perfected forever
This once -for -all sacrifice is the great high priest offering himself up on the cross
This means that his priesthood is a once -for -all priesthood. He ever lives
There is no beginning and no end to his function as the intercessor and priest and mediator between God and man
This is why? Frankly brothers and sisters. This is why men and women went to be burnt at the stake during the
Reformation Because they were so inflamed and disgusted at the claims of Rome that there would be any other intermediaries between God and man other than Christ himself
Because Christ is of a different order and just like we no longer need
Levitical priests. We don't need the priests of Rome We don't need the priests of the Pope. There is no greater mediator.
No other mediator between God and man, but Christ Jesus so in summary of Hebrews 5 6 & 7 using
Psalm 110 notice the significance of Melchizedek in Genesis 14 Simply the fact that he appears on the scene without beginning and without end is shown to have been purposed by God as the beginning picture of the gospel of Christ Which is confirmed by David in Psalm 110 to give a more full prophecy of this promise that began all the way in Genesis 3 15 the question for us is whether Melchizedek is an actual manifestation of Christ or a figurative
Representation of Christ in other words, is he a type or is he a
Christophany again? If the description in Hebrews is taken
Non -figuratively, in other words, we don't read it as a type It's very difficult to understand it as anyone less than the
Lord Jesus because he remains a priest forever He's without father or mother Abram ties all to him.
He's honored in this way. He manifests Reveals God and gives blessing from God however
Hebrews 6 20 as we saw Jesus entered as a forerunner for us having become a high priest
According to the order of Melchizedek he became a high priest There we don't have the idea of this one single line of continuity
And so if we understand Melchizedek as a type of Christ as a representation that was always pointing toward him
And we understand that's why in Genesis 14. God allows him no genealogy. No beginning.
No end That's why God moves David to prophesy of the Lord saying to David's Lord David's greater son
That the one who God would cause to rule in the midst of his enemies would be nothing less than a priest
A priest king after the order of Melchizedek We understand here that I think
Melchizedek was a type of Christ a type of Christ Now, let me be very clear
Typology does not mean that we force a text to fit what we want it to fit We don't read
Genesis 14 8 through to 20 and shoehorn it into later Revelation and try to make it fit and just chop off whatever doesn't fit.
That's not been our approach at all We understand that God is the author of salvation from the very beginning
We expect to see things like Genesis 14 8 through 20 for that very reason This is not just some historical count being cobbled together by Moses.
This is part of God's unfolding drama of redemption We've been chiseling away at it
I've been one of the things I read about the other day was the The expense and the effort at mining black opal come across weird things and you can have these massive fields where some have been found and there's these massive cavernous mines that are dug out and Men are there with pickaxes and you could spend 40 years chipping away at that stone and not find anything and then a
Tourist comes and he goes down a hole and he takes off another inch and he finds a $50 ,000 gem
So it's it's a thrill -seekers chase I suppose because it costs a lot of money to run those mine But in the article it said from this miner
He said what you look for is trace amounts and when you find that trace amount you often will find a vein it will run all the way through and so you have to Very carefully and deliberately keep chipping away to keep your eye on that vein to try to follow it through That's what we're doing when we're following the promise of the serpent crushing seed through Genesis What we're chipping away at the details and the stones and the wars of the nine kingdoms and the barrenness of Sarah We're we're chipping away at all these things following this this opal like thread of God's unending purpose to save a people for himself through Christ and So FF Bruce a great one of the great scholars of the last generation of a
British man FF Bruce and his commentary on Hebrews says this so well
In the silences as well as in the statements Melchizedek is a fitting type of Christ.
In Fact the record by the things that says of him and by the things it does not say Presents to us the
Son of God It is the eternal being of the Son of God that is here in view not as human life in his eternal being the
Son of God has really as Melchizedek has typically neither beginning of days nor end of life
And more especially now he's exalted at the right hand of God and he abides as a priest forever Melchizedek remains a priest continually for the duration of his appearance in the biblical story
But as the anti type as the fulfillment Christ remains a priest continually with no qualification now listen
It is not the type That determines the anti type It is the anti type that determines the type
God Doesn't send Melchizedek Or send
Abram or send Moses or create a priesthood and build a temple and create a sacrificial system
And create the slaughter of lambs and their blood being splashed upon the mercy seat so that we can shoehorn in some meaning upon that later
The fulfillment was always in view from the beginning Christ was always being proclaimed The type never determines the fulfillment the fulfillment determines the type
Jesus is not portrayed after the pattern of Melchizedek Melchizedek is portrayed after the pattern of Jesus.
That's the significant thing This is a fundamental revelation of the priesthood of Christ and I love what
John Owen has to say and I spent some time breaking it down because he's a lot to say In his seven volume commentary on Hebrews as you can imagine.
I tried to boil it down to just nine quick points Well, the first thing he says even before I get to those points is this and I think it's so significant the first personal type of Christ We've talked about how different figures have qualities that are
Christlike But we haven't really had something we could properly call it type someone whose whole person is a type of Christ with without Qualification we don't have to say
Melchizedek was like Christ in this way But then in chapter 15, he kind of goes south and he's not like Christ in that way
No, he's just fully in every respect like Christ The first personal instituted type of Christ was a priest.
It's not interesting Melchizedek Before there were real types of his work
Sacrifices there were types of his moral qualities in Adam and Abel and Noah These represented him in many different ways, but the first Person who was designed to teach and represent him by everything.
He did was a priest and So God was teaching us herein
That the foundation of all that the Lord Christ has to do with the church is found in his priestly office
What's the first thing that God wants us to know about the person and work of Christ it's that he's a priest unto
God He mediates sinners to God he brings blessings to God and Blessings from God he makes atonement for sin.
He reconciles sinners this is the first pronouncement of the person and work of Christ in Scripture and now
Owen continues first He was said to be and he really was and he only the first king of righteousness the first king of peace
Remember the whole context of chapter 14 has been warfare and violence and depraved kingdoms it's just lust and depravity and abomination and bloodshed and sorrow and misery and Here comes a king of righteousness.
Here comes a king of peace And his kingdom alone are these things found?
Secondly, he really was and truly was the priest of the Most High God he alone
He offered that sacrifice he made that atonement which was signified by every sacrifice
Even before the foundation of the world in this way. He's like Christ third He's like Christ for this he blesses all the faithful Even as he blesses
Abram who is the father of the faithful in him. They're all blessed in him.
We are blessed Fourth he received all the homage of his people all the grateful acknowledgement of the love and favor of God that's what's shown in that tithe in that tenth of the spoil a
Gratitude a recognition. Yes, you have saved me you have delivered me Fifth he really was without progenitors without big beginning and with without end
He was without a father as to his human nature without a mother as to his divine Six No, cuz it was like Christ and that he was a priest
With no succession no no genealogy no derivation from the loins of Aaron He alone was a priest unto
God in this way seventh He had in his divine person as the high priest of his church no beginning and no end of life the death that he underwent and the discharge of his office as priest
Being not the death of his whole person But of his human nature only and so his office was never interrupted
Although the person of the Son of God died when God is said to redeem his church with his own blood acts 20
Yet he died not in his whole person His divine nature was still alive eighth he was really the
Son of God as Melchizedek is said in Hebrews to be made like the Son of God ninth and last
He alone abides as a priest forever He alone abides as a priest forever
Melchizedek a type of Christ the king of righteousness the king of peace the great high priest
The intercessor that pronounces blessing upon the faithful The one who's worthy of not just ties, but all glory and honor and praise
Melchizedek Henry Law writes how mighty is this name? Whoever utters it says king of righteousness who can claim that title and it's fullness, but Jesus What other person what other work?
but the glory of the Redeemer Since Adam fell on earth. There's never been another righteousness
Apart from his and yet his kingdom is full of righteousness and peace
Last thing that I'd like us to consider brothers and sisters Is how this blessing from this priest comes about here you have this type of Christ in Melchizedek a picture of Christ our great high priest and He blesses the faithful He blesses believing
Abraham So, how does that blessing come? Can a high priest simply pronounce a blessing and expect that God must be held to that blessing when that blessing comes?
to wayward sinners When that blessing comes to a filthy people double -minded and unstable in all their ways
How can that blessing be secured? How can that blessing be eternally bound to the people over which he is priest?
And here I think is why I talk about the details of the text being part of the prophecy
No wonder David cannot read this in any other way, but prophetically Because even in verse 17
We read that it's this valley outside of the city Where the king of Salem comes out and it's it's known as the
Kings Valley That Kings Valley we understand later is what's called the
Kidron Valley right outside the city of Jerusalem and there's a little brook that runs down along the eastern slope from the
Mount of Olives and And here this type of Christ this great high priest he comes
And he brings bread and he brings wine and he comes to the faithful and he pronounces blessing
Because as a type There comes a greater high priest Who comes to the
Mount of Olives and he overlooks Golgotha And he understands that he has no bread or wine to give as he cries out through the night in agony of heart -sweating blood on the
Mount of Olives But his own broken body and his own poured -out blood and this is how he will bless the faithful He will secure the blessing
By the very elements that were always projecting him the bread his broken body the wine his blood
Here in Genesis 14 we have a type of our priest king So, how does the blessing come?
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us as it's written
Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abram might come to us in Christ this
Melchizedek is a type of the high priest who blesses not by arbitrary will but by bloodshed and That that is why he can live
Evermore to make intercession for his people. That is why his people can go boldly to the throne of grace
Because by his own blood he's entered behind the veil. He's made a way for us. He's open to the
Holy of Holies He looks upon his church and he counts it a joy set before him to pour out his blood for them now
Kazak is It's hardly a picture of the glory and a mercy and the beauty of Christ Are you a wayward sinner?
Are you double -minded and unstable is your heart infinitely deceitful?
Are you coarse and abrupt and selfish and all these ways that show nothing of the grace?
You've received from God. What a faithful high priest you have What a faithful high priest you have this morning
Christ meets us in his mercy. He meets us in his grace Spurgeon says
Christ meets us brethren As a priest and as a king and all of our battles, isn't it beautiful that he's the priest's king
When you pray to him as a priest you're praying to a king Isn't that what Newton says in his hymn?
Thou art coming to a king large petitions with thee bring For his grace and power such none can ever ask too much when you pray to the priest you pray to a king who has all power
Christ meets us as a priest and as a king in all of our battles What mercy is it that Christ visits us as a priest?
We never fight against sin without being in some measure partakers of it. I Don't believe there ever was a controversy for truth upon which any gracious man
Even on the right side could look back without some tears. I believe Martin Luther and John Knox went on their deathbeds
Regretted that though they had contended earnestly for the faith They felt that they were in the flesh and something of the flesh mingled with everything they did
And so it will be to the end Even when we confront our own sins and lusts beloved our very repentance even has something to be repented of Our very flying to the cross always has within it some lingering away from the cross
How much more do we need this high priest? Don't you feel that need of him too? Do you not look upon Calvary and confess that you need to meet this high priest brothers and sisters?
This hope we have as an anchor to our souls Sure steadfast
Whose presence enters behind the veil the forerunner entering for us even
Jesus Who's become our great? high priest after the order of Melchizedek Let's pray father.
We thank you for The sending of your son Lord, which you proclaimed from the very beginning as we understand even gaze even
Abraham heard the gospel before him even he rejoiced to see your day from afar and We Lord on the side of fulfillment how we ought to look back with even greater joy even greater rejoicing
Seeing the story and all of its fullness not by shadow and type but by reality Lord You are the one to whom
God has sworn you are a priest forever After this order of Melchizedek Lord, you are our priest forever our great high priest forever
You continually live to make intercession for us Why would we stay
Distant from you then Lord Why would we hold back from confessing any of those sins that we find within ourselves that we cling to or that cling to us?
Why Lord will we allow? The king of Sodom or the treasures of this world slither their way into our focus and draw our gaze away from your promise
Let us draw ever close To this great high priest that we might be found in him
That he might make that intercession felt experienced Lord realized in our lives
That the accomplishment of his salvation that that the purchase of his blood's redemption
Might be shown might be displayed in us to this lost and dying world or do this work
Help us to draw near to him even now where we pray if there's one in this room who has no high priest
Who has no? Reconciliation no forgiveness Lord might you draw them to hear this word draw them to this great high priest