Matt Slick Bible Study - Catholicism - Mary - 6/14/17




So we're live, all right. So it's June 14th, 2017, for those of you who might've been on a high -speed rocket going out to some other planet, you know, solar system coming back and a little bit of relativity issues there.
So just informing you that if that's the case. We got one person right now who's smiling about that. You think it's pretty funny, don't you?
Yeah, it is, and yeah, I'm a funny guy, right? You guys, when you say, funny -looking, and it's pretty junior high -ish, but you know.
Okay, so what we're gonna do tonight is talk about Mary and the Roman Catholic heresies, and I mean heresies, and I mean heresies of the
Roman Catholic Church. Now, I know that a lot of Protestants think that I'm too rude and mean about the
Roman Catholic Church, and to be honest, I'm not rude enough and mean enough about the demonic doctrines taught out of that whore of Babylon.
And I'm dead serious when I talk like that because of what it teaches. I know what it teaches.
I know how it violates the gospel. I know how it brings people into eternal damnation by enslaving them to the authority, and the system, and the penance, and the indulgences, and the priesthood, and all of that stuff that belongs to the
Catholic Church because they have to go to the Catholic Church for their salvation, and it teaches apostate doctrines.
I've been going over this now for a couple, three weeks, two or three weeks, and what I'm gonna do now is go through the issues of Roman Catholicism, issue of Mary, and let me just tell you, after I pray, when we get in,
I'm gonna be going from slide, to slide, to slide, kind of be going quickly because we've got about an hour to do this, and there's a lot to cover.
And then, next week, hopefully, I'll be doing stuff on the Eucharist, and the Mass, and why it's heretical as well, and their view of it, and I'll show you from Scripture why it can't be the case, and what they're doing is actually idolatrous in that context.
So, we don't have too many people here now because the radio show isn't live here, and I usually will announce what
I'm doing, and people show up because they wanna hear it, but now there's no way to communicate to them. And unfortunately, I wasn't given the opportunity to be able to set up a means by which people could contact me.
Let's cut off quickly, that's another story. And it wasn't anything I did wrong, but at any rate. So, what
I'm gonna do is pray, and we'll just jump right in. And let me just tell you before I pray, though, that this is an adaptation of a coursework that I developed a couple, three, four, five,
I don't know how many years ago. It's like 220 slides, it's got a manual on the whole bit.
And maybe one day I'll actually go through the slide, go through the manual, go through everything, slowly make a
DVD set out of it. But for now, we're doing this, put it up on YouTube, a shortened version of it. Okay, good, thank you very much for listening.
And let's pray. Lord Jesus, we thank you for this time, and I ask that you would greatly bless it, and that those who would hear it,
Roman Catholics included, would see the idolatrous nature of the exaltation of Mary, and that they would come to a place of repentance and acknowledgement that the
Roman Catholic Church is not presenting the truth. And Lord, I ask that you would open up their hearts, just as you open up Lydia's mind and heart to understand the truth of what
Paul was saying in Acts 16, 14, as you open up the minds of the people to understand scripture in Luke 24, 45.
We ask, Lord, that you would do the same thing, not only to me, but to all the listeners, all the viewers.
And we ask this, Jesus, in your precious name, amen. All right, now,
Roman Catholicism elevates Mary, the mother of Jesus, to an astonishingly high position.
She's called all holy, all powerful, co -redeemer, mediatrix, the mother of God, full of grace, the queen of heaven.
That's just to name a few of the things. Now, I've mentioned this before, and you need to understand this verse, 1
Corinthians 4, 6, which says that you are not to exceed what is written. Don't exceed what's written in the word of God.
Don't do that. They're doing that. All, she's all holy, all powerful, co -redeemer, mediatrix, mother of God, full of grace, the queen of heaven.
Now, full of grace, people are gonna say out of Luke 1, 28, that that is in scripture. It's not, and I'll show you why later on.
We'll get to that. But what they're doing is exalting
Mary to such a high level that basically it is idolatry. They're giving to Mary what belongs to God.
So let's look at what the Bible actually does say about Mary. I went through and developed this list.
Mary's not mentioned all that much. Nevertheless, she was prophesied in Isaiah 7, 14.
She was highly favored, and that's what it means in the Greek, in Luke 1, 28, not full of grace, but highly favored.
We'll get to that later. She's the mother of Jesus. Mary was told that Jesus was anointed, excuse me.
Mary fled to Egypt to escape Herod. Mary bore Jesus while she was a virgin. Mary looked for Jesus at the temple.
Mary was with Jesus at the wedding in Cana. Mary sought Jesus as he taught at a house.
Mary was present at the crucifixion. Mary was committed to the care of John. Mary was with the disciples in Jerusalem.
There you go. She's not called Mediatrix, Co -Redemptrix. She's not called
All -Holy, whatever. None of this is attributed to her in Scripture. And because the
Roman Catholic Church has gone beyond Scripture and violated the word of God, in my opinion,
God has therefore given them over to the depravity of their hearts, their minds, their souls. They appear to be
Christian, but they are not. On the outside, they look good, but on the inside, they're full of dead men's bones and unholiness.
That's the Roman Catholic Church. Now look, this is what it says, again, 1
Corinthians 4, 6. Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that in us you might learn not to exceed what is written in order that no one of you might become arrogant in behalf of one against another.
So we are told not to exceed what's written. I literally have said to Roman Catholics and others, they don't even know this verse,
I'll say, you know, I just don't think we should exceed what's written in the word of God. Of course we can. And then
I'll have them commit to it like three or four times, and then I'll quote the verse. And they still say, no, it's okay to exceed what's written.
In other words, they don't care about the truth of God's word. Now, the
Roman Catholic Church has been teaching on Mary for 1800 years. Mary is called the mother of God around AD 431.
Prayers are offered to Mary around AD 600. The immaculate conception that she had no sin nature, that means that she was conceived, not that Jesus was conceived, but her conception was that she was without sin, a sin nature.
That's in 1854. The assumption of Mary was made official in 1950, and Mary proclaimed the mother of the church in 1965.
She's the mother of the church. I mean, you know, where do you get that?
Out of the book of Hesitations. It's just not in scripture. They've gone beyond 1
Corinthians 4, 6, they've exceeded what's written. All right, now, what I wanna do next is, is look at 20 things the
Roman Catholic Church says about Mary, just 20, there's many more, but 20 should be good.
Mary was born without sin and never committed sin. This is in paragraph 411, 493, 722, and 508 there in the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, the CCC. From the first instance of her,
Mary's conception, she was totally preserved from the stain of original sin, and she remained pure from all personal sin throughout her life.
You can, you know, offer prayer to Mary. This is paragraph 2675. The church has developed their prayer to the
Holy Mother of God. Now, I was at Corcoran Prison years ago. I used to do prison ministry from Southern California.
We'd drive to Corcoran, four and a half hour drive, do our prison ministry, then drive back. And I was there once, and actually, no, that was a different prison.
In San Diego County, sorry. And I went to this prison, because it was at night.
We wouldn't have been at Corcoran at night. And so I was in this prison, and there was a
Catholic service ahead of us. This guy and I would go, and we would preach and teach. We'd take turns preaching and teaching.
We'd go together. We had a good time. And the prisoners loved it. And before our time was a
Roman Catholic service. And so I'm not gonna cause any problems. I'm not gonna object. That's their time.
I just sit and listen, and the whole bit. And so it turned out that the way the security worked, that they had to wait while I spoke.
And I happened to speak that night. So I spoke, and I talked about various things that, you know, a touch on Roman Catholicism.
All right, on the way out, I was walking right next to this priest. And I referenced to him the prayer that he made to Mary.
He said, Mary, this is what he did. He led the group. Oh, Mother Mary, blah, blah, blah.
Would you this, would you that, would you this? And I said to him on the way out, I said, I'm just curious, why do you pray to Mary?
He goes, we don't pray to Mary. I said, but I heard you do that. You said Mary, and you were praying, and you addressed her.
That's not prayer. I was just bewildered by this. A priest was telling me this.
It's called cognitive dissonance. He just, he couldn't get it. And what, you know, and then he didn't want to talk to me anymore.
And he just separated himself from me as we were walking out of the prison. All right, let's continue on.
How about this, in paragraph 2677, by entrusting ourselves to her prayer, we abandon ourselves to the will of God together with her, that will be done.
So we're entrusting ourselves to the prayer of Mary. No, I'm not entrusting myself to the prayer of Mary.
I'm trusting myself to the work of Christ. In paragraph 972, after speaking of the church, her origin, mission, and destiny, we can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary.
Now I've used this particular one, paragraph 972, many times with Catholics. I'll ask them, is this true?
Because they can't deny it's true. They're not allowed to deny that the catechism is true. They have to affirm it's true.
So what I've done is said, is this true? And they'll say, yeah, it's true.
There's no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary. Now remember, this is after speaking of the church, her origin, mission, and destiny.
We can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary. And I ask them, well, I would think that, or don't you agree with me that looking to Jesus is better than looking to Mary?
And they don't know what to do at that point. Well, no, she points us to Jesus.
I said, you're not answering the question. But here's, that's the point. There's no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary.
Yes, there is a better way. Jesus, it's just that simple. Check this out, paragraph 2030.
From the church, he learns the example of holiness and recognizes its model and source in the all -holy
Virgin Mary. I'll read the whole thing here. It is in the church in communion with all the baptized that the
Christian fulfills his vocation. From the church, the Christian, he learns the example of holiness and recognizes its model and source in the all -holy
Virgin Mary. So the source in all of this is Mary, not Jesus. This is idolatry.
This is flat -out idolatry. Mary's worshiped.
When she, that's Mary, is a subject of preaching and worship she prompts the faithful to come to her son.
Vatican Council 2, page 420. Now, oh man,
I missed that. I usually take the numbers out for this short version, but nevertheless. So people say,
Catholics will tell me, no, no, no, that's not correct, they don't worship. I actually have the book on my shelf, Vatican Council 2, page 420, and it uses the word worship.
It's right there. In paragraph 963, she is clearly the mother of the members of Christ.
So she's our mother, our mother. No, she's not.
Oh man, so much heresy, so little time. Mary is the mother of God's seed of wisdom. Mary, the all -holy, ever -Virgin mother of God is the masterwork of the mission of the
Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time. Mary is acclaimed and represented in the liturgy as the seed of wisdom.
Can you believe this crapola? In all seriousness, Mary is the seed of wisdom.
She's the mother of God, the all -holy, ever -Virgin, the masterwork of the mission of the
Son of Jesus. Are you kidding me? Where are they getting this stuff? They're getting it up.
There's stupid, sacred tradition that has led them into darkness. And what's really sad, and this is what gets me mad, is they teach this to their followers.
And their followers are blinded by these lies, and their followers are gonna be in hell with them.
And I just came across the verse yesterday as one of the ones I wanna memorize, and for some reason I have difficulty doing it, but when a blind leads to a blind, they both fall into the pit and perish.
Matthew 24, I forget what it was. And they both fall into the pit and perish.
Anyway, check this out. Mary is the new Eve, the mother of the church. It's what it says right there, paragraph 975.
Now, look at this gigantic idol temple. The Marian Basilica of Our Lady of Aparicida, Brazil.
It is the largest church in the Americas. The largest church in the Americas is a dedication to Our Lady of Aparicida.
That always gets me, Our Lady of. Our Lady of this, Our Lady of that, the church.
This temple is, this idol location is for Our Lady of this,
Our Lady of that, Our Lady of this, Our Lady of that, Our Lady of. They're bowing down and they're praying to Mary and they're worshiping to Mary.
Now, I was on a cruise a few years ago. We went to the Mexican Riviera.
And I speak enough Spanish to get by. And so we were down in Mexico and went to Puerto Vallarta, I think it was.
And we came inside inland and we're doing tours and walking around and doing shopping and blah, blah, blah.
The girls were like, hey, look at the store over there. And so everybody spoke
English in the stores because that's where the tourists go. So they didn't need me. I said, hey, look, a
Catholic church. I'll be right back. They don't even bother. My wife doesn't even bother. Can't you stay with me?
She just goes, okay. Because she knows I'll be walking with her. Like, look at the church the whole time I wanna go.
I wanna go, get it over with, get it out of your system and come back. Okay, so I go, right?
And I go in there, it's like, you ever seen a bird behind a window? I mean, a cat behind a window inside, there's a bird outside, that's me.
So I finally get to go in there. What do I see? A woman on her knees with a rosary, praying, taking a step with each knee as she's moving down towards the idols that are on there and she's praying.
And I could tell she was a local and I just assumed she couldn't speak
English. And I'm seeing the statues of Mary with little baby
Jesus. That's how he's presented. And there was one of Jesus on the cross. And she's, if I remember correctly, trying to be fair, she was crawling up towards the cross of Christ, Mary's on one side.
And it just broke my heart. She doesn't have freedom in Christ. So on the way out,
I approached her and I said, I talked to her and I said, you don't need to do this.
You just need Jesus, not Mary. You need Jesus. Ask Jesus to forgive you.
Go to him, he's God. Ask him. And she just acknowledged that she kept doing her thing.
And I went outside, there were two women priests, two women priests, two women priests, two women nuns, two nuns.
And get it down right. And so, you know, I was speaking to them in Spanish or talking.
And I was telling them, don't you know, you just need to read the Bible. You gotta believe what the Bible says. Well, the
Bible can only be understood if the Catholic church tells us. The bondage.
Well, what do you do? Sometimes I feel the apologetics that I do, there's a gigantic hill.
And it's a big hill, maybe a mountain, it's big. And I got these boulders. This is
Mormonism, pushing it uphill, trying to get people up in the light and see the truth. Jehovah's Witnesses, Islam, Catholicism, atheism, heresies in the church.
Okay, only got two hands. That one's rolling back down. And I feel like I'm constantly pushing boulders uphill.
The church is weak. The Roman Catholic church is apostate. But you know what?
I'm gonna serve Jesus. Okay, now, who crushed the head of the serpent?
You know about the prophecy? It was Jesus. And this is what the Catholic church says. Mary crushed the head of the serpent.
This is Pope Pius IX, inefabilis deus. All our hope do we repose in the most blessed virgin.
Check that out. All our hope is in her. That's idolatry. In the all fair and immaculate one who has crushed the poisonous head of the most cruel serpent and brought salvation to the world.
That's a load of theological crap. It's just, it's scubalon.
That's the Greek word. It's a little stronger than the word crap. I'll just start saying scubalon, because that's what it is.
So handbook for today's Catholic, page 31. This mother is waiting and preparing your home for you.
That's what Jesus is doing in the gospel of John. Mary's the, okay, paragraph 969.
Therefore, the blessed virgin is invoked in the church under the titles of advocate, helper, benefactrix, and mediatrix.
Mary, the all holy, paragraph 829. Mary, in her, the church is already the all holy, in her.
In paragraph 966, she's the queen over all things. That's what it says. Queen over all things so that she might be the more fully conformed to her son, the
Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death. You conceive the living God and by your prayers will deliver our souls from death.
She did not conceive the living God. This is wrong. She didn't conceive him.
My wife and I married. We had relations. We conceived. Actually, technically, she did,
I was gonna say we. Okay, we conceived. How? Sperm and egg come together.
That's where the conception occurred. It occurred in her and we have babies and then they take all your money, all your food, then they leave.
But I don't know if you know about that yet, so. So that means we conceived humans, right?
You conceived the living God. Wrong. When dog, within dog, they conceive dog.
When cat and cat, cat. Fish and fish, fish. Man and woman, a person, human being.
Now, unless you're Mormon, where, you know, God, a God, the
Father, another God is wife and they get together, and then you have all that, then you can conceive them.
This is idolatry. Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Father's speech for the World Congress of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities.
Let us turn our gaze to Mary, Christ's first disciple, spouse of the
Holy Spirit and mother of the church, who was with the apostles at the first Pentecost. Spouse of the
Holy Spirit. You know, that doesn't sound good.
Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Did they have a wedding ceremony? Mary is the woman of the
Eucharist. Therefore, in the footsteps of Mary, woman of the Eucharist, the Christian community lives this mystery.
Addressed by Pope, by John Paul II, altar of the Confessio of the Vatican Basilica, October 17th, 2004.
Mary delivers our souls from death, paragraph 966. By Mary's prayers, she delivers souls from death.
No, Jesus delivers souls from death. How about this one?
Mary's intercession brings us the gifts of eternal salvation. By her constant intercession, continue to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation.
Vatican II document, blah, blah, blah, there it is. By Mary's intercession, she brings us the gifts of eternal salvation.
No, Jesus brings us the gift of eternal salvation, not Mary. How about this?
Mary is the intermediary through whom it is distributed unto us this immense treasure of mercies gathered by God.
No man goeth to Christ but by his mother. So she is now the mediator between Christ and us.
You can't get to Jesus unless you go through Mary. That's the Vatican website, the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on the
Rosary, an encyclical means it's an official document, proclamation that the Pope has given that is to be read and delivered and taught in the churches around the world.
Now folks, this is heresy. It's damnable heresy. And people tell me, you know, we need to get closer to the
Roman Catholic Church. No, we don't. We need to distance ourselves from that great false church.
And check this out. This is in Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ott, page 213. Mary by her spiritual entering into the sacrifice of a divine son for men made atonement for the sins of men and they congruent merited the application of the redemptive grace of Christ.
So Mary did this. Now, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma is a book that has the neologstat and the imprimatur.
What that means is, it's official and nothing in it violates official
Roman Catholic theology and it's worthy of being disseminated among Catholics. That's what it says.
Now folks, it should be enough right here. This alone, if you hadn't heard anything else
I've said about Catholicism, this should be enough for any Christian to recognize the Roman Catholic Church is false.
You just can't say this. It's idolatrous, it's worship of Mary in varying forms. But they have an answer for this.
See, the devotion to Mary is extreme but Roman Catholic Church is quick to say that Mary only receives the honor that is due to her since she is full of grace, more on this later.
They call this honor Hyperdulia, it's only given to her. Dulia is a veneration given to the saints, those who have died in the
Roman Catholic faith and are considered very spiritual. Hyperdulia is a veneration given only to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Latria is the adoration given to God alone. What they like to do is do nuances of words, congruent merit, condign merit, strict merit.
Dulia, Hyperdulia, Latria. They define certain nuances in particular ways so that they can say, yeah, it looks like worship, it tastes like worship, it smells like worship but it's not really worship, it's just Hyperdulia.
We're just venerating her, we're not worshiping her. And what I'll say to them is, God is prayed to, you pray to Mary.
God is loved, you love Mary. God knows all things, apparently Mary does too. God is all places, apparently
Mary is too. And they'll say, no, she's not. Can she hear all your prayers simultaneously all over the world, whether you think them or speak them in different languages?
And they'll say, yes. So now you're attributing to Mary that which belongs to God.
Basically, omniscience, a form of omniscience and omnipresence. Can any of us, you know,
I'm not stupid. I can have one conversation pretty well. Two conversations,
I'll struggle with but I can probably get by. Three, basically I'm done. Now women can have 50, okay.
And somehow they somehow make sense of that but I don't think that's possible. I've heard this, but I don't buy it. Now millions all at once in different languages spoken and silently prayed all at the same time.
Where's that in scripture? And I've had Roman Catholics tell me, well, we don't know what it's like in heaven.
That's how we can trust that. We don't know what it's really like in heaven and we don't know what they've done with Mary, what
God has done in the work of Mary in heaven, what state she's in. Oh, so that's your answer.
We don't know what it is. So that excuses it. I mean, it's just, they need
Jesus. But it's hard to give up the devotion to Mary. You can see this kissing the statue, kissing.
This is idolatrous. So let's just say that I somehow am in an official meeting with the
Pope with a bunch of other people. And he's got his ring on, his papal hat and his papal robe.
And he's a pretty nice guy from what I understand. And he holds out a ring for everybody to kiss and they're kissing it. I'm not kissing it.
I'm not kissing it. We're showing him disrespect. I'd rather show him disrespect than disrespect my
Lord and my God. Well, call him father. I'm not calling him father. The Bible says don't call any man father in the context of the way it does with God.
I'm not doing that. It's against what I believe. So I was at an Eastern Orthodox church in Twin Falls a couple of years ago talking to the priest, right?
And he said, you know, I asked him, what do you want me to call you? I can't call you father.
I don't believe it's biblical. And he said, well, call me father. So I said, you don't understand. I don't believe it's biblical. I can't do that.
And cause Eastern Orthodox and Catholicists are very similar in a lot of ways. And he said, well,
I'm father so -and -so. I said, well, I can't call you that. I don't believe it's right.
And he said, you can just call me father. And I said, look, got into his face. I said, look, dude,
I'm not calling you that. What's your name? Oh, he did not like me addressing him or talking to him like that.
But he was the one who was rude. He was the one after I said, it's against my conscience of what
I believe about God. And he wanted me to violate that. And he made me mad, sorry.
I said, look, dude, oh, he didn't like that. And he avoided me the rest of the evening.
I'm like, you know what? If you can't handle it, you know, somebody comes up and says, I can't do that. I can't.
By saying that Mary is worthy of hyperdulia, but not the worship and adoration that belongs to God alone, they are then enabled to bow before her images, pray to her, ask for her intercession, ask for her protection and protection.
They do the very same things they would do to God and yet deny it's worship equal to God.
You see, see how clever they are? You do the exact same things to Mary they would do with God. And yet they call it hyperdulia so it's not worshiping like God.
They just define it that way and that makes it okay. All right, let's compare
Mary to God. Okay, according to what Roman Catholicism says. Atonement.
Now on the left is scripture where it says, Jesus having made peace through the blood of his cross. Now notice this,
Mary. Mary made atonement for the sins of man. Now I'm not gonna read everything. We've got a lot to go over here still.
Wait till we get to the apparitions. Who she was, yeah. So who crushed the serpent's head?
Look at this, Genesis 3 .15. He shall bruise, the Hebrew shuf, bruise, crush you on the head.
The prophecy is that he, Jesus will do it. And I already read earlier, all our hope do we repose in the most blessed virgin in the all fair and immaculate one who has crushed the poisonous head of the most cruel serpent.
I could never teach that because I know it violates scripture.
Genesis 3 .15 says Jesus will do this, not Mary. Mary, and yet this
Pope said, Mary's the one who did this. Who delivers us from death?
2 Corinthians 1 .10, God who delivered us from so great a peril of death. And here, Mary conceived by a living
God and by your prayers will deliver your souls from death. Are they comparing Mary to God? Are they saying the same things that go from Mary to go to God?
Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, devotion to the Lord out of 1 Corinthians 7 .35.
And yet in paragraph 971, you're supposed to express this devotion to the
Virgin Mary in liturgical feast, the mother of God, Mary in prayer, the rosary and all this stuff.
Who's the helper? The helper, and I will ask the father, he will give you another helper that he may be with you forever.
That is the spirit of truth. Another in Greek, there's another of the same kind. Talking about the
Holy Spirit, Jesus is a helper, another helper. But here, Mary is considered the helper.
Now this is the Holy Spirit who's the helper, God. So Mary is now called the helper. Who's holy?
1 Peter 1 .16, God's holy. Who's holy? Paragraph 26 .77, the mother of mercy, the all holy one.
Who's the intercessor? Jesus, the high priest, Hebrews 7 .25, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
Paragraph 969, by her manifold intercession, continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation.
Her intercession, keep going. Who's the mediator? 1
Timothy 2 .5, Jesus. And she's called Mediatrix in paragraph 969.
You pray to God, 2 Corinthians 13 .7, and when we pray to her, we are adhering with her to the plan of the father, paragraph 26 .79.
Who's sinless? God, that's Jesus. 1 Peter 2 .22, who committed no sin.
Look what it says about Mary, the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Immaculate Conception. The formal, active essence of the original sin was not removed from her soul.
It was excluded. It never was in her soul. The state of original sanctity, innocence, and justice as opposed to original sin was conferred upon her.
In other words, without sin, conceived without sin, just like Jesus. You shall worship the
Lord your God and serve him only, Matthew 4 .10. And of course, Mary is a subject of worship, preaching and worship,
Vatican Council 2, page 420. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a different book now that changed the word worship here.
Now, this should be enough to concern anybody who believes the word of God, who knows the word of God, should concern anybody enough that you realize the
Roman Catholic Church is flaming apostate, teaching idolatry.
Catholics say to me, oh, Matt, you're gonna become a Catholic. Are you insane?
I'd have to give up the word of God to do that. So is
Mary full of grace? Because that's what they'll say. Matt, you don't understand, Mary's full of grace. And the church has recognized that since she's full of grace, all of these things come with her.
She's full of grace. You're gonna like this. Catholics recite the
Hail Mary, which is part of the rosary. The rosary is a string of beads used to count the set number of repetitive prayers to God and to Mary.
This prayer is often used in penance as a means to regain grace lost due to sin.
So hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, amen. You say it over and over and over and over.
And by saying this paragraph over and over and over and over, you get more grace infused into you.
We call this sorcery, where you say sentences, you say words as an incantation and spiritual benefit occurs because of it.
Repetitive stuff, the same thing happens each time, that's sorcery. That's not saying when you pray to God for mercy and he's merciful to you, that's not sorcery.
It's sorcery when you say the same thing over and over and you want the exact same result. And so you manipulate the spiritual world by saying this thing, it's sorcery.
Hail Mary, prayer's another form of exaltation of Mary. But the phrase full of grace in Greek is plaras caritas and it occurs in only two places in the
New Testament and neither one is in reference to Mary. John 1 .14, oh,
I got a type of extra quote in there. Now, it says, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the
Father, full of grace, plaras caritas in the Greek. And Stephen, full of grace and power was performing great wonders and signs among the people.
That's Acts 6 .8. The phrase occurs in the Bible, once in reference to Jesus, once in reference to Stephen.
That's it. It does not occur in reference to Mary. All right, that's, all right.
So the first verse, John 1 .14 refers to Jesus who's obviously full of grace and he's sinless.
The second citation is dealing with Stephen who's full of grace, but he was a sinner. So the phrase full of grace does not necessitate that you're sinless.
Done. This is simple. So where's the
Catholic Church get its version of Luke 1 .28? It gets it from the Latin Vulgate translation, which says, ave gratia plena, which is
Latin for full of grace. It's in the Latin, not the Greek. But the New Testament was not written in Latin.
It was written in Greek and it says, caritamine. That's what it says, caritamine, oh, there it is.
Caritamine, which means one having been favored. The Catholic Church is wrong about this issue.
One having been favored or highly favored one. Caritamine, which is full of grace, but the single word, caritamine, which means one having been favored.
We translate it into the English, having highly favored one. So to justify their profound series of heresies, they drive a heresy truckload, a truckload of heresy through this one verse,
Luke 1 .28. And they say she's full of grace, which is not in the
Greek. And so because she's full of grace, she's now sinless. Because she's sinless, she's her advocate because of that.
Boom, all of this opens up on something that's not even scriptural that they say is. This is obviously deceptive.
This is obviously distorted. This is what the Catholic Church teaches. Now, lies build upon lies.
And the longer you are a liar, the more complex it becomes. And the
Catholic Church has been lying for centuries. It has brilliant people in it, many of them aided by demonic forces.
That has enabled them to cleverly word things in such ways as to deceive even more people.
This is Catholicism. Now, is it the great whore of Babylon spoken of in Revelation?
I don't know, but it certainly is a strong candidate for it. But to justify his exaltation, they use the
Latin Vulgate. Okay, that's why they can teach things as her immaculate conception, her sinlessness, her virginity, redemption, her assumption.
Now, this gets me, her virginity. So she's full of grace, so she has to stay a virgin, as though having sex with your wife is somehow impure.
Now, you think about that. If a woman is a virgin and she gets married to her husband, and then they have sex on their honeymoon, is she now no longer holy?
Because now she's been violated? What? Obviously not. It's just, some of this stuff is so ridiculous.
And the way they treat sexuality, and think about this.
God made a man and a woman and told them to come together, and the two shall become one flesh, right?
How does one flesh lose its virginity? It doesn't.
One flesh doesn't. Now, obviously, two people come together, they lose their virginity, obviously.
But notice the kind of poetic wording. They become one flesh.
I like to say, they don't lose their virginity. Of course they do. But there's a symbol of purity there.
And you know, if you're a man, and you wanna go to bed with some woman, you're listening to this, you better understand that sexuality belongs in the marriage bed.
And you can only have that before God, legitimately, if you're married and you've made a covenant with her, privately, not privately, publicly, before people and before God.
Then you have that right. And it's not bad that Mary had sex with Joseph because she did.
He kept her virgin until Joseph was born, Matthew 1 .25. Now, I've had people tell me that, that, you know, that until means something else.
Because, you know, they take it to another place in scripture where until means continuously. Yeah, over there, it means that.
In 1 Corinthians 15, it means that. But here, what does it mean when you're getting married, that your wife kept her virgin until her wedding night?
What does that mean? Pretty obvious. But no,
Roman Catholics have to just, okay, none of these teachers are found in the
Bible. Again, 1 Corinthians 4 .6, that in us, you might learn not to exceed what is written.
What happens when you exceed what's written? You can become Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness.
Now, Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 509, Mary is truly the mother of God. All right, the term applies, a highly exalted and venerated position, it implies that.
But Mary is not the mother of God in the sense that she's the originator of God, the
Trinity, the way a woman would be the originator of her child. Because God is a
Trinity. Mary is the mother of Jesus. More specifically, Mary is the mother of the physical nature of Jesus, not the divine nature.
The divine nature is eternal and can have no mother. So when I say this, they're playing with words.
Now, Joseph was the adoptive father of Jesus. Should we then say that Joseph is a father of God by adopting
God? How come they don't call Joseph the father of God? He adopted God, didn't he? Same kind of thinking.
All right, there's so much to go through. As Christ's mother, the
Catholic Church says, and you can read the citations here in Vatican II, by her maternal charity, she cares for the brethren of her son.
Pope Leo XIII said, no one can approach Christ except through his mother. That's a load of crap.
This is stuff, it does, it makes me mad because I just know millions upon millions are going to hell because of this.
How about this? Pope Paul II said, after her son's departure, her motherhood remains in the church as maternal mediation.
Interceding for all her children, the mother cooperates in the saving work of her son, the redeemer of the world. Okay. Now, as you may notice, my tone is not real pleasant when
I'm doing this. And the reason it's not real pleasant when I'm doing this is because I do not approve of and can't stand those things that pretend to be
Christian and essentially are demonic. And that people will wholeheartedly follow them into the pit and perish.
And that makes me mad. It made Jesus mad. I'm not comparing myself to Jesus, but I'm following his example.
He overturned the temple tables. He called people whitewashed sepulchers. You have your father, the devil. And he was speaking to the religious leaders who had put traditions above the word of God and were enslaving people who followed those traditions.
I'll be glad to go into the Vatican and overturn the temple tables. I'd love to go in there with a whip made of cords and drive them out.
They are whitewashed sepulchers full of dead men's bones. They've exalted
Mary to the place of goddesshood. And then said, no, it's hyperdulia, not
Latria. That's how they justify it. All right, now, my anger is a righteous anger.
Anger is not sinful. God himself even gets angry. And the reason
I get angry at this is because it's damnable. And these poor people who believe it are lost.
They get on their knees and they crawl up to statues. They talk to Mary and the
Catholic church says, go to Mary, go to Mary, go to Mary, go to Mary. Satan doesn't want you to come to Christ.
He wants you to go to anything and everything besides him. Hence, we have Joseph Smith, starting a false church, false
Christ. Job's Witnesses started by Charles Taze Russell, teaching a false church, a false
Christ. Islam, the false prophet Muhammad, false religion of Islam.
And people follow and they're on their way to hell. Who am
I to judge? Scripture teaches what it teaches. You take it up with Jesus.
You take it up with what he said. I'm just telling you what he said. You know how many people through history have been killed for what
I've just said? Have been killed, tortured, burned alive, beheaded, skin flayed off because they've taught the same stuff that I'm teaching about Catholicism.
Let's look at the apparitions of Mary, that occurred all over the world. There are nine approved apparitions out of 2010.
Now, this is a couple, three years old. So maybe they've approved some more. You'd always do some more research. Guadalupe, Rudabach, La Salette, Lourdes, Pontmain, Knokke, Fatima, Buren, Banukes, and Amsterdam.
I don't think I'd have every day on all of them. I'm just gonna go through a few of them. Now, an apparition, this is official.
They are approved by the Roman Catholic Church, which means the Roman Catholic Church has investigated them. Roman Catholic Church is saying, that's really
Mary. It's really her. And you can trust us.
We have the authority. We're the true church. We're telling you it's truly her. Let's go through some of the things that these apparitions that are supposed to be
Mary have actually said. And you tell me, are they really Mary? Or are they demonic things impersonating
Mary? Guadalupe is near Mexico City.
On December 9th, that's my birthday, December 9th and 12th of 1531, a peasant named
Juan Diego claims to have seen a vision of a young girl who was surrounded by light that claimed to be the Virgin Mary.
A bunch of people gathered together. Okay. And so now people are going there all the time.
I don't have enough time to get into all this. We need to get going. So this is what the apparition claims.
No, K -N -O -W, no, for sure my dearest, littlest and youngest son, that I am the perfect and ever
Virgin Holy Mary. So the apparition now is saying it's the Virgin Mary. Now the
Bible tells us how to test the spirits. 1 John 4, every spirit does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is not of God.
So I don't care. I don't care if you have the best feeling in the world. I don't care if you get, you know, heaven's open up and Mary in the glowing orb right there, looks like an ancient
Mary, whatever. I'm gonna say, tell me who Jesus is. Is he
God in flesh, your Lord and your savior? Now, takes off.
Gotcha. Okay. Simple. The apparition says it wants to exalt the
God of truth through whom every thing lives and says to Juan, I am truly your merciful mother, yours and all the people who have lived in this land and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me.
Here, I will hear their weeping, their complaints and heal all their sorrows, hardships and sufferings.
Now, the scriptures bear witness of Jesus. John 5, 39. The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus.
John 14, 26, John 15, 26. The prophets bear witness of Jesus. Acts 10, 43.
I forgot the rest of the locations. Jesus bears witness of himself. The father bears witness of Jesus. Actually, he said, here is my beloved son in whom
I am well pleased. Hear him. And Matthew four, at the baptism, everything points to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus, okay? Those who trust in me, those who trust in me, those who seek me,
I will hear them. Look what it says. Those who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me.
If I ever, could you imagine if I said that? Look, those who seek me,
Matt. Those who love me, Matt. I mean, hopefully, it's not just smack.
Beat the crap out of me, you know? I'd deserve it, wouldn't I? I deserve it now, thanks a lot.
Yes, that's true. That is true. I would deserve it even more then. How about that? Even more, okay.
So, the apparition claims a high position for itself and proclaims that it is to be sought and trusted in and that it, the apparition, will heal all the sorrows.
It's a first warning. Those who seek me, those who need me, those who need me. What? You guys know,
I mean, I'll joke around. Hey, I'm humble, I'm this, I'm that. I'm joking around. But what do I always do? People say,
Matt, you really help me. Praise God, okay? Give glory to the Lord. That's what it's supposed to be.
We're supposed to point to Jesus, not to ourselves. The apparition continues.
Am I not here? I, who am your mother, are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy?
Are you not in the hollow of my mantle and the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more?
Obviously demonic. Do we need anything more? We need Jesus. Now, why is it the
Roman Catholics can't recognize this error? Because they don't believe the word of God. Why? Because the Roman Catholic Church is keeping them away from the word of God and teaching them, we will give you salvation through the sacraments, through penance, and through indulgences, and our baptism, and our authority.
We'll tell you what it means. So they can't recognize this.
They're superstitious. Just because something appears doesn't mean it's real. Doesn't mean it's true.
Now, there have been films of people having apparitions, Catholics seeing apparitions, where film people can't see anything.
And they're filming these people who say they can see it. And there's nothing in the sky behind them.
And they'll track all their heads are going the same way, looking the same thing. They're seeing something.
Now, I always like to ask, and I wanna do research. I'd love to go interview them. Thank you very much for the interview.
I really appreciate this. Get some questions. Do you ever pray to the saints? Yes, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You ever done tarot cards? Ouija boards? Ever had seances?
Of course not, of course not. I would just amp it down to more occultic things to see what occultic things they're involved in because they're opening demonic doors.
And you can't recognize the truth. So do you keep your salvation by your works? I wouldn't word it that way.
You keep your salvation by your goodness? Of course, we have to obey. And the grace that comes from Mary? Of course, that's the demonic door.
And so there she is. Oh, she's wonderful. And Satan prowls around and he can appear as an angel of light.
And they don't recognize. Catherine Laborde, a 24 -year -old novice sister in the
Catholic church saw an apparition in a convent in Paris, July 18th of that year in 1830. The apparition told of how
Paris would soon be the place of religious persecution, which happened one week later. See, prophecy, therefore it's true, right?
It's true. Gotta be God. We're gonna be true. The apparition appeared again in November, dressed in white, standing in a globe, holding a golden ball, which represented the world, with rings on her fingers, flashing with light, which represented graces for individuals, the apparition told
Catherine this. The ball which you see represents the whole world, especially France, and each person in particular.
These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The gems from which the rays do not fall, which rays do not fall, are the graces for which souls forget to ask.
Mystical Crapola. Now, the apparition had made a prophecy and it came to pass.
Matthew 7, 22, 23. "'Many will say to me on that day, "'Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name? "'In your name, cast out demons.
"'In your name, perform many miracles. "'Get away from me, I never knew you,' he says." There can be prophecies that come to pass.
Certainly the demonic horde knows what successes it's having in a city to bring around, bring about into reality persecution and then say, let's make a prophecy.
It's like Joseph Smith prophesying certain things and Brigham Young of Mormonism making prophecies about the
North and the South having problems. They've been having problems for decades. Well, there's gonna be a problem. The prophecy came true.
You know, I could say, I could prophesy. Nathan's gonna say something stupid in the next three days, all right?
At that, I mean, it's already happened. There he goes, right there. It's right there.
See, it didn't even take but 10 seconds, all right? So am I a true prophet now? Of course not, okay?
It's, hey. This is why
I do what I do. I get aggravated by this kind of stuff. It irritates me. I don't like heresy, but I have to confess,
I don't like heresy. There's something about it that's appealing to me. It's like, oh yeah, heresy, oh.
I'm kind of a theological masochist, I think. You got any heresy
I can read? Made me feel good. So stupid.
Oh, sorry. All right, Rudabach, France, 1830. Heavy metal struck after this model.
All who wear it will receive great graces. They should wear it around the neck.
Graces will abound for the persons who wear it in confidence. So she was canonized in 1947.
So if you wear this, graces will abound on you. We call this a talisman.
Now in Mormonism, your secret underwear. But I mean, think about it.
I have to get this special metal, and if I wear it around my neck, says this apparition, special graces come to me.
I'd rather go like this on the thing. Into the garbage dump.
See how fast I can make it fly, and then just zing it that way. Oh man, you're so disrespectful.
That's what truth is sometimes about the lies of the devil. How about this?
Lourdes, France, in 1858, a young girl named Bernadette, whatever her name is. She was told to dig in the ground and drink the water that was muddy, but became clean.
The apparition said the water symbolized the cleansing of the human heart, wounded by sin, yet healed through prayer and penance.
Healed through penance, what's your works? It also said, go tell the priest to come here in procession and build a chapel here.
I am the immaculate conception. Go tell your priest to come and build a little temple of worship for the false god that I'm presenting.
And that's what it is. Very few words were recorded as being spoken by the apparition at Lourdes.
Here are just a few more. Penance, penance, penance. Kiss the ground as a penance for sinners.
And Lourdes is visited by millions of dedicated Roman Catholics every year. This is where they seek healing and spiritual connection with Mary, and seek to obtain grace through their penance.
Can you imagine me being there? In fact, when
I was in the Philippines three years ago, four years ago, I was a passenger,
I was riding shotgun that night. And basically everybody in the Philippines speaks
English. And Tagalog, and other languages. And everything's, it's really weird.
You go there, everything's in English. The signs are in English. It really surprised me. And basically everyone you spoke to spoke
English. That's just how it works. They're taught it from way up. All right, that's why
I was able to talk to them. Big Catholic church. And Catholic boys and girls, you can tell they're dressed in their
Catholic style stuff, coming out of this church, going across the street. And we had to kind of stop because there's so many of them.
Yeah, that's what happens. And I'll tell you, driving in Filipino traffic, whoa. That's an experience.
It's cathartic. It'll cleanse you of all kinds of stuff. You won't have to go to the bathroom for a week. So we were stopped, and a herd of Catholics comes across.
My window's down, and I just started not yelling. You could speak loudly.
I said, are you Catholics? And a whole group within the earshot stopped. Yes, we're stopped, waiting for the clergy to go.
And I said, the Catholic church is not teaching you the truth. You need to read your
Bibles and believe what the Bible says. You don't need Mary, you need Jesus. Jesus is God. He has all the authority.
I started preaching the gospel to them. And they're smiling. And then it was time for us to go on.
I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, you need Jesus. You need Jesus, not Mary. You need Jesus.
Read the Bible, read the Bible. That's what I'd be doing at Lourdes.
Read the Bible. I don't speak French. Well, of course, there's other languages out there, but Fatima, 1917, three children,
Jacinto Marto, Lucia Santos, and Francisco Marto, saw an apparition.
All right. The apparition said on May 13th, which I think is interesting, are you willing to offer yourselves to God to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which he's offended and for the conversion of sinners?
So you have to suffer in order to make things right with God because of your sin. This is false doctrine.
Christ did this. The apparition is false. It's simple.
Another one, June 13th, the apparition said, yes, I will take Jacinto and Francisco soon. And they did die.
But you, Lucy, are to stay here for some time longer. Jesus wishes to make use of you in order to make me known and loved.
He wishes to establish in the world devotion to my immaculate heart.
To whoever embraces this devotion, I promise salvation. Those souls will be cherished by God as flowers placed by me to adorn his throne.
Of this, obviously, is demonic. Wishes to establish devotion to my immaculate heart.
This is not of God. The immaculate heart of Mary refers to Mary's character, hidden graces, perfection, joys, sorrows, love for God, and love for all people.
Devotion to Mary's character, Mary's hidden graces, Mary's perfection, Mary's joys,
Mary's sorrows, Mary's love for God, and Mary's love for all people. Devotion to that. Her devotion.
Her work. Her. And notice that the apparition says it'll even bring salvation.
Yeah. The apparition said on July 13th, sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially whenever you make a sacrifice, oh
Jesus, it is for the love of thee for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for sins committed against the immaculate heart of Mary.
Now, they have to make reparation for sins against Mary? Do you see the escalation of heresies as it goes on?
This should be disturbing to true Christians. People, you know, people have told me that I don't have the right to judge about Roman Catholicism.
Recently I had a discussion like that with someone. And I said
I'm gonna continue to say that the Roman Catholic Church is antichrist because it is.
Official Roman Catholic theology is antichrist. Doesn't mean there's not Christians in the
Catholic Church. But official Roman Catholic theology is antichrist and I will continue to say so.
Let me say it again. Official Roman Catholic theology is antichrist. Pray, pray, yeah, this is
August 19th. Pray, yeah, okay. Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners for many souls go to hell because they have no one to make sacrifices and pray for them.
Now it's just, you don't need Jesus. Now it's just the reason they go to hell, they don't have people to make sacrifices and pray for them.
What would we say? They're going to hell because they don't trust in Jesus. Roman Catholicism exalts
Mary to an exceedingly high degree. She's called advocate, helper, benefactrix, mediatrix.
She is said to have been conceived without sin and that she never committed sin. It says that she can hear our prayers as well as answer them.
That she crushed the head of the serpent. That she can be worshiped. That she delivers our souls from death.
That she made atonement for our sins. She is exalted almost to the level of God himself.
And instead of guarding the people under it, the Roman Catholic Church even promotes the adoration of Marian apparitions.
It clearly violates scripture. These apparitions request adoration and chapels be built to them.
Guadalupe, Mexico, wearing medallions to obtain grace, doing penance to save sinners and making sacrifices to repair the sins committed against the sacred heart of Mary.
Folks, this is so obviously bad. And not just a little bad, it is really bad.
The Roman Catholic Church is wrong about Mary. Instead of promoting superstition, works righteousness, adoration to her and statues, praying to her, putting trust in her, it should do what
Mary said in her last recorded words found in the Bible. Whatever he,
Jesus, says to you, do it. That's the last thing she said. She said, do that.
And what did Jesus say? You come to me and I'll give you rest, Matthew 11, 28. According to Roman Catholicism, Mary is, we're gonna review in the way done.
Mary is highly exalted. She's called the all holy, all powerful, co -redeemer, mediatrix, the mother of God, full of grace and queen of heaven.
Special worship is given to Mary that is called hyperdulia, which is adoration. It is just below the adoration given to God.
Catholicism says that Mary had no sin nature, that she could be prayed to, that she is a seat of wisdom, that she crushed the head of the serpent, that she delivers our souls from death, that she atoned for our sins.
She's called the mother of God and very often statues of her with Jesus show
Christ to be as a child in her arms. The Roman Catholic Church has officially recognized many
Marian apparitions as being authentic, such as Guadalupe, Rue du Bac, La Salette, Lourdes, Pontmain, Noc, Fatima, Bering, Baruch, Banuks, and Amsterdam.
Come on. The apparitions teach such things as she is the perfect and ever virgin holy
Mary, that she will heal sorrows, that she is a source of joy, that a medal instructed to be made by an apparition in Rue du
Bac, France, will bring graces to all who wear it, that chapels are to be built on the sites of the apparitions, that people were to kiss the ground as the penance for sinners, that people were to suffer as an act of reparation for sins, that salvation was promised by the apparition to those who embrace the devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart, and that sacrificing was to be done for conversion of sinners and that the reparation for sins committed against the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. According to Roman Catholicism, the mass, oh,
I'm on a roll. That's for next week, okay? That's for next week.
Sorry, I got going. I got carried away. I know it's been a long one here tonight, but we had to get through this with Mary.
Now, I'm gonna just say this. Obviously, the Roman Catholic Church is false. Obviously, these apparitions are false.
Obviously, this exaltation of Mary is idolatrous. Obviously, obviously. How do we know?
Because the scriptures don't teach what the Roman Catholic Church says about Mary. It cannot be found in scripture.
They go way beyond what the scripture says. And when that's done, error, lies, deception come in place of it.
If you don't believe the word of God, you're open to lies. Read that word, trust that word.
And even what I say, you better be checking against the word of God. I don't have any problem when someone says,
Matt, I have a problem with what you said, what I say. It doesn't bother me. Well, you said, blah, blah, blah, and I'm comparing it to the word of God.
Let's see what you got. I'm not assuming I'm right and you're wrong. I'm gonna say, look, maybe you're right.
Because maybe you're right. I wanna check it with the word of God. I'm not infallible. The word of God is the final authority.
And these things from Catholicism are inspired not from God, but from something else.
That's why I say the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church is anti -Christ, because it is.
And all who trust in it are gonna be lost. You need to leave that great false church.
Just drop to your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you and just put trust in him. That's the good news of what
Jesus did, not what Mary did, not what your priest can do for you, not what the Roman Catholic Church teaches, not its authority, not its tradition, not its penance, not its sacraments, not its baptism, not its
Eucharist. And all of that, it keeps you in bondage, keeps the
Roman Catholic in bondage. All you gotta do is just trust in Jesus, who has all authority in heaven and earth,
Matthew 28, 18. And ask him to forgive you of your sins. If he says, ask me anything in my name and I will do it.
John 14, 14. And he forgives sins. Luke 5, 20, 7, 48.
Just trust in what he does. He says, and I'll give you rest all who come to me, Matthew 11, 28.
That's what the Bible says. Satan will put obstacles between you and Jesus.
In this case, the obstacle is the Roman Catholic Church. It's false.
All right, we're done. Take a break, get questions, get ready.
I'll answer them best I can. And I'm not gonna back down from the statements of the falseness of the
Roman Catholic Church, because it is false. Amen? All right, we're done. We're out?
Oh, pray out. Oh, that's right, pray. Lord Jesus, thank you for this time, thank you. Thank you,
Lord, I've been reminded to pray, to thank you that you've given us truth and you're worried by which we can know what is true.
It's not rocket science, not difficult. We don't need special authority. We just read your word.
It says, don't exceed what's written, just read it. Jesus says, come to me, let's go to him.
We don't have to go to Mary, don't have to go to anybody. Lord, just ask that you'd open up people's hearts to receive you, that they would just turn to you and trust in you.
In you alone, what you've done, not what they can do. Not what Mary's done, not what anybody's done, just you.
We just point to you, Lord Jesus, and we thank you. We ask all of this, your precious name.