Eric Mason's "Blame It Claim It" Gospel


First some discussion of the Jerry Falwell situation at Liberty University, then interacting with Eric Mason's sermon on Reparations (22:20). Patreon: Subscribe: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Youtube: Follow Jon on Parler: Follow Jon on Twitter Follow Us on Gab: Subscribe on Minds More Ways to Listen: Mentioned in this Podcast: Slavery and Reparations: Reparations Article:


Welcome to the conversations that matter podcast. My name is John Harris. It is a late night. I am just Overloaded with some things that I know
I'll forget so I wanted to get this podcast out there And I hope you don't mind a little bit of a shorter podcast.
I know some of you won't Want to thank you before we get started just for all the the patrons for those who even just have sent me
Support and praying for me. I just want to say I appreciate that so much it did help me Especially last week with the whole
Keller piece I mean that it probably cost me about 400 bucks to get all the information I needed to buy books and in a sermon archive just to do the research for that Probably took me minimum 40 hours.
Maybe as probably 50 or 60, but I wasn't keeping track So so so what you're doing is helping me
It does count for something and and and so just want to thank you before I do anything else in this podcast
The topic for this podcast is the blame it claim it gospel Yes, not not the name it claim it gospel, which you might be familiar with but the blame it claim it gospel
And I know a lot of conservative Christians they'll fight tooth and nail to Expose the name it claim it gospel like the
Benny Hinn's the Creflo dollars but there's another gospel that is just as dangerous and Unfortunately, I don't see the pushback
Even the people who are fighting it don't seem to fight it sometimes as hard as they will the name it claim it gospel And so I'm gonna describe both of those to you
I wanted to respond real quick to a few people who reached out to me They said John why didn't you in your last podcast really go after Tim Keller harder?
And what I wanted to say to that is that Number one, I can't help who I am. I was just glad maybe my standards are low
I was just glad that Tim Keller Interacted with me even though he did accuse me essentially of forwarding a false dichotomy and he strawman to me.
That's okay I was glad that he interacted but so one of the things
I've noticed for years in studying history is that The left loves to define terms change the meanings of terms create new terms they love to take errors of history and they want to put them under the microscope and they want to you usually they nitpick and they
Emphasize certain things and leave out other things that aren't convenient for their narrative and we've seen that we saw that with the
Phil Vischer video and Eric Mason's book and Jamar Tisby, and I mean they all do pretty much the same thing and And and but they're they're not the ones doing this.
They learn this. I mean this stuff has been around. This is secular stuff This is not this is the Howard Zinn approach. This is the Eric Foner stuff
You know, this isn't new and that's part of I think From my vantage point what
I've seen because I've read a lot of historians is it's nothing new for me But for a lot of us that are not
Had not read those things. It is new. We just didn't see this in the church I don't know why this is all of a sudden a theological issue.
And so It is because it's part of it's part of the neo -marxist push that's been going on in universities
It's been alive and well there now it's in seminaries and now it's in the greater church because pastors Learn from seminary and then they go out to churches.
So So here's what I wanted to say about this and this is related to the Keller piece that I wrote
I was intending on not just I Didn't want to do it the way the leftists do it where they misrepresent
I wanted to accurately portray Tim Keller But I wanted us to understand him Well as accurately as we can as well as we can
I want us to have a grasp on who Tim Keller is his biography Where did he get these ideas from he didn't pull them out of the
Bible? That's pretty clear He didn't just you know, he was studying the Bible one day and he figured out that huh, you know
This is what justice means. No, he he got these from other places and so he admits a lot of this in a lot of his sermons and his writings and and so I was just pulling them
Out and everything is primary sourced. It is I mean, it's it's Keller's in his own words
And that's what I was intending So I think that's the first step to responding to some of this in my mind sometimes is trying to understand
Who we're dealing with and or at least it benefits us and and so that's what
I wanted to do And like I said, the leftists they do this wrong. They do this in a very disingenuous way, but this is what they do
In fact, you know, they go the extra step of ad hominem, you know, that's that's their whole argument sometimes
And and I don't want to do that. I want to understand though the the person we're dealing with and so We'll do more on Keller.
We'll respond to some of do some apologetics responding to some of his assertions Which I did in the last episode to some extent but but the question that seems to persist is well
Is he a heretic and and this is or is he a Christian some people ask and and this is what I want to say
The word heresy means schism. I mean sect it means It's a different group and I do believe
Tim Keller is part of a different group and we're seeing that different group really split Split away and form and I mean it is different Now is he a
Joseph Smith wasn't it, you know, his errors aren't as obvious as Joseph Smith But does that mean he's less of a heretic?
Not I mean not necessarily Yeah, Joseph Smith's ideas were obviously wrong.
Tim Keller's are not obviously wrong to someone who's not studying him deeply But when you really put him under the microscope in his teachings
What you'll find is his gospel is different than the one that we preach At least in some points now you'll find some statements from him that sound very orthodox, but then you'll find statements from him
It's not the same gospel and and you would expect that if he conflates mercy and justice
Then that's pretty that's part of the DNA of the gospel. You need to understand mercy God's pouring out his mercy on us through Jesus Christ because Christ took the justice we deserve for breaking
God's law You can't separate those two and call justice mercy and still have the same gospel if you're gonna be consistent
At least and hopefully Tim Keller's not as consistent, but sometimes he makes statements that it just makes me wonder
One of the statements I even included this In the piece is he said the whole purpose of the salvation is to cleanse and purify this material world and I listened to the speech
He said it in said it to some businessmen in New York City. That's a weird The whole purpose of salvation is to cleanse and purify this material world.
What? Um that seems like maybe people who are obeying
God's law because they have a new heart and they love God and they've been saved are going to try to Take care of their stuff
Because they know that it matters and God, you know wants them to be a good steward as part of the Dominion Mandate But the
Dominion Mandate and the gospel aren't the same thing And Keller seems to conflate those two an awful lot in many of his writings
So all that to say is Tim Keller saved or not saved. I don't think the
The emphasis of the New Testament is on that question whether someone's going to heaven or not I mean,
I think the emphasis is on are they bringing a false teaching? Are they a false teacher?
Is Tim Keller a false teacher to some extent? I think he is I Find false teaching in his writings
So, I mean, I don't know what else to say he seems to try to diminish hell to try to diminish sin and And then he conflates mercy and justice and for me that's enough
Because when you start taking works and you start taking grace and you start You start mixing those things
Grace and works then it's not the same thing and trying to then attach the gospel to various works is
Very problematic I will say it winds you up in popeless
Catholicism Oftentimes or you know, maybe maybe maybe conservative even they're not even conservative evangelicals.
I don't even know what to call them progressive Evangelicals, I I don't even know if evangelical has a meaning anymore, but the people who follow
Keller, maybe they do have a Pope I mean, that's how some people treat him that he is like a Pope and So I don't want you treating me that way and and that's another thing
I want to address real quick some people who listened to last episode thought that I was gonna throw in a towel soon or something
No, I I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm not interested in the platform Keller has so it was gracious of him to Interact with me.
I'm a little guy. I Went to seminary and I got trained to be a pastor and someday that's what
I want to do I don't want to do this kind of thing forever. But for now, this is important So you're not getting rid of me anytime soon.
Don't worry about that And you know when I I'm sure if we still have the freedom to to do these kinds of things
Because I might be just shut down by YouTube. We'll see Then yeah, I'll try to put whatever
I can online as I can do it But but that's not this is not the goal of my life it to build a platform to get
You know book deals and people's approval. No, that's just I'm not impressed with that stuff
That's what I was trying to tell you guys And maybe I conveyed it very poorly but not throwing in the towel not yet my goal is to equip you guys as best as I can to to fight this and and so that's what
I'm doing and So with that being said How's that for an introduction?
Not quitting. Thank you for your support and wanted to show you a resource here this is a resource that I bought recently called social justice in the
Christian Church by Ronald Nash and I haven't read the whole thing yet. I've been thumbing through it and It's a little dated.
I'll be honest. It's from 19 I want to say 80 something looks like the early 80s but it really does, you know, it's it's pretty critical race theory and intersectionality, but Honestly those ideas.
I mean we make a big deal I think about them now because of the resolution 9 thing those ideas are just extension of neo -marxism
It's not in post -modernism. They're not They were around before the terms were coined okay to put it that way
They've there's been different developments and there's and there's these there's nerds who want to get into the specifics and you know
Well, that's not critical race theory because it doesn't contain this element or to me Look, the the errors are that they have histories
Ecclesiastes says there's nothing new under the Sun so yes different terminology different way things are packaged
I get it, but At the end of the day, it's it's a reconfiguration of Marxism along postmodern lines power relationships and instead of economic disparities alone
And complicated power relationship dynamics, etc So I think this is sufficient if if you understand,
I mean I tell people read the primary sources go read Rachel Delgado's critical race theory You'll understand it. You don't need really anything other than that I don't think unless you're gonna really be doing apologetics, you know with this area
Which I mean, I don't know why you would I mean, it's it's pretty basic stuff in my opinion sounds really complicated
It's it's it's not when you really start looking into it. And then I think at this book It's a good resource.
So there's some other resources I know that are coming out that I have PDFs of one I endorsed that's coming out in September and then my book which is more of a historical treatment is gonna be coming out soon
So I will announce that as we get closer Yeah, I just wanted to tell you about those resources to help you out
Want to talk about Falwell Jerry Falwell Right before we get to the main
Course here, which is the an Eric Mason sermon. I listened to that's the blame it to claim it gospel
Which we will talk about shortly, but I want to talk about Jerry Falwell Because this has been trending today.
I got into some discussions about it on on Twitter and I Think for those who are enemies of evangelical
Christianity, especially political enemies in the United States They really want to crown
Jerry Falwell the king of evangelicalism Jerry Falwell jr they Know he's got issues.
He's said things over the years that have just not been too smart sometimes and I Think that's you know, they they've wanted something like this for a long time.
They've been chomping at the bit for it and You know It's sad.
One of the verses that I kept thinking was from first Peter 315 It says for such as the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men
And there's a lot of foolish men right now who are not silenced because of The fact that Jerry Falwell jr.
Did not do what's right and He hasn't for for a while according to his own admission this morning and And so there's a few things
I wanted to say Because there's a lot being said right now, especially online And how do you deal with this?
How do you deal with when a leader falls an evangelical leader, especially and I want to point out a few things because those who are
Familiar with enough with Liberty University, they know I know these are not new allegations
Nothing has really come out that I haven't to some extent at least from what
Falwell wrote that I haven't already heard It's just that it wasn't verified that that there was a relationship between his wife and this this pool boy as they call him
And and so this isn't a shock to me You know,
I I've seen Jerry Falwell say some things over the last year especially but but not just this last year before that that have led me to wonder sometimes if he
Might have a problem with alcohol and certainly the last Picture that he posted seems to suggest that he has some kind of affinity for it
And in you know, he is head of a school that has a policy where you're not supposed to have alcohol
So it's it Does not come off. Well, it didn't come off Well when he posted the last picture that that he posted just for a few minutes and then deleted it
But this isn't something that's a shock and I don't think that a lot of evangelicals really look to Jerry Falwell jr.
For moral clarity or Political advice in general Now Twitter is definitely more of a leftist venue, but even on Twitter, you know there there's enough conservatives there that that he should be getting more traction than he usually gets and The fact is he does not get a lot of traction on Twitter he's
I don't sense that he is well, he has been well liked by evangelicals in general for a long time as far as being a moral compass and So So, I think when when you hear things like, you know
Evangelicals went for Trump because of Jerry Falwell and now that he's fallen, you know, what's gonna happen? I don't think much is gonna happen.
I don't think a lot of evangelicals are thinking. Well, I don't know Trump or Hillary Well, Jerry Falwell jr.
Endorsed Trump. I guess I'm gonna vote for Trump. No, I don't think that that took place so I think there's there's a lot of a
Lot of hopes and dreams of progressives that are riding on this being a big deal for the election and which is probably part of the reason it's coming out, but I don't buy that so I don't that gives you any hope but For what it's worth.
I don't think that he was such a role model to evangelicals at all. And so Does that mean it's not a big deal no, it is a big deal it's sad is what it is because his father was a committed
Christian from what I know he did build Liberty University up and And and this is a story that I'm all too familiar with because I've seen it where You know the sons and daughters sometimes the children of pastors men of great faith
Sometimes will end up straying from that faith or it was never really their faith. They just grew up in the culture of it and It's very possible that Jerry Falwell does not know the
Lord. I don't know I mean, I just had this whole discussion on you know, that's not really in the New Testament That's not the emphasis. Does someone know the
Lord or not? When it comes to false teaching though, and I don't think Jerry Falwell jr.
He's not a pastor He never bought brought a false teaching That I'm aware of He he did take the convocations that were
More spiritual and he made them more political. He did things like that, but that's not a false teaching
So his emphasis was certainly not Necessarily on the gospel. I never got that impression from him
I think most of the people at Liberty University didn't get that impression from him. His emphasis was more political In fact,
I don't remember Jerry Falwell ever saying he was saved Now he probably did somewhere He would have had to make some profession probably to stand in his dad's shadow and take the reins of Liberty University But I don't remember him giving a testimony ever and so all that to say
What do you do in this situation I think you pray This isn't like the social justice debate where you have one side
Defending to the teeth that's false teachings people forwarding false teachings
You know, we're trying to make the case that these are bad these are false teachings This is something that no one's defending.
Everyone knows it's bad just about I mean, I haven't seen anyone defending it We can all see that Jerry Falwell has admitted that some of the things that he's done.
I don't take this quote -unquote pool boy What I forget his name, but what he's saying about the events
I don't necessarily know if what he's saying is accurate or not. I'm sure more will come out in time, but This is embarrassing for them.
And I know you know, I was raised in a pastor's family. I'm the oldest guy
I have some brothers and you know, we We were certainly raised in a shadow and I can't even comprehend what the shadow of a
Jerry Falwell would look like To be raised in the home of Jerry Falwell So so when you have doubts or you do something wrong, or you don't really believe
Christianity those kinds of things There's a pressure when you're raised with a man who's looked upon as a spiritual leader to toe the line to not
Not jeopardize that you don't want to embarrass him. You don't want to You want to meet other people's expectations because they think you're a great kid
Maybe Jerry Falwell jr. Is one of those guys. I've wondered that for a while whether he was just playing along and Cultural Christianity and you know, he was raised in this bubble and you know
Now here's where he is I mean this may be an opportunity that the Lord can work in his life and his wife's life and maybe this young man
Oh, he was a young man it's life and And maybe he can bring salvation if there isn't or or if there is maybe maybe this is the time for some some serious restoration and some serious repentance and And that's
I think the the tone that we should set and when the world rages against these things Don't be surprised.
They're gonna do it Anyway, this just gives them an opportunity and you can gently just say well, this isn't this isn't the example
Jesus set for us You know, but but thank God that for his grace and mercy and hey
Have you have you ever sinned? Have you ever broken God's law? You're upset that Jerry Falwell's broken God's law. Well good
I'm glad you care about God's law. So what about you? I mean, that's kind of how you can turn it back if you want to but But but I don't think that's the point
I think most of the people that are criticizing him right now are doing it for political reasons But I don't think it'll change much politically
So that's my analysis of that and and my encouragement to you to let's pray I've been praying for him today and his wife feel so bad for his wife, even though I realized they yeah
They brought this on themselves, but that's that's sin. I Brought some things on myself in my life and I I don't know what it is
I have it's it's not because of his political stance. I'll tell you that he's done some political things He endorsed a candidate.
I think it was last year. I was like, how in the world can he endorse this guy? He's a
Republican candidate, but he was performing gay weddings. And I just I was scratching my head I I wouldn't say
I could tell you more stories, but You know, I'm not in Jerry Falwell's camp.
I was very critical of Jerry Falwell actually in 2016 When he immediately endorsed
Trump and then took the picture with the playboy behind him and you know I'm like, what are you you're trying to you know represent the biggest
Christian University? And so anyway, I I'm not doing this for political reasons. I'm not defending his sin at all
I I just wanted to convey that I do have some compassion here That I want to see him
Repent and be restored Maybe not to be a president of I'm glad I've heard he stepped down.
I'm not sure. I hope he did that that's probably the wise choice at this point, but But but to be to just have his marriage restored of his family restored those kinds of things the gospel of Jesus Christ can do that and and you look at the the pages of Scripture you look at some of the men that God uses and what their pasts are like and I mean look at Paul.
He's killing Christians and holding the robes of people killing Christians and look what
God does so It wouldn't be the first time that that God has turned around someone who was quote -unquote religious but perhaps not a
Christian or if he was He was not living like one. So That is that is enough of that.
I just I felt compelled to say something let's Let's talk about this prosperity
Gospel that is instead of name it claim. It is blame it claim it. So let's talk about this
Oh, there's there's me. Yes. So this is a I'll expand this here
So if you haven't watched my video on slavery and reparations, I did put a lot of time into that That was
March 22nd of 2019 But I would suggest watching that if you're more interested in the topic We're gonna talk about only a little over a thousand people have watched it
So this was back before I had as many subscribers as I do now, but trust me the content
It's it's good stuff as far as for what I do. At least it's It's it's probably a little more than you'd expect.
There's a whole slideshow with it and everything So I want to start this off by By saying first you can go there if you want more, but the discussion has ramped up since I did that video
Here's a recent headline Economist proposes slavery reparations up to 12 trillion equivalent to 800 ,000 per black household or more than half of the
American GDP and there's a lot of local municipalities and universities that are now trying to do reparations and so There was a an article that came in my inbox from the
American Spectator someone had sent it to me this week Or last week. I can't remember but it's actually also from 2019
The South has already paid reparations. The southern states have paid the price for losing the Civil War many times over and it's an interesting article
I put I put the link in the info section, but it's kind of it's an argument saying that economically
The the war itself has been paid for by that region of the country now that's a little bit of a different question than the kind of reparations that I think are being talked about right now, but But but those who would want to blame one section or region of the country
And at least I don't I don't know if that's even where people are at now, maybe in 2019. They were
It's a good article. I think to just show maybe some things that that have not been Thoroughly discussed yet.
And then there's another article. I just was poking around and found this reparations were already paid reparations were already paid it was called the
Civil War and it's just it just takes you through kind of like what what was the cost of the Civil War and then what was the
Result and one of the results was that slavery ended. And so So this this is your reparations kind of thing now
I mean, I appreciate the fact that people are trying to mount some kind of an argument But I don't know if that Necessarily addresses directly the issue that you're gonna find
Eric Mason bringing up here soon because the insinuation the accusation really is that Americans and white
Americans specifically as a group are guilty for the stealing of Africans and And then everything that's happened since then so they they really just say that it was slavery and then you know the mass incarceration and I mean they
You know because I've done the videos now we go through the whole list of all the things that they claim have stemmed from racism and slavery and I mean it gets into everything
It's it's the kind of diet that people eat in urban areas. It's medical treatment.
It's etc. Etc. Etc education, so so that's kind of the argument that that Eric Mason makes and And so he believes in reparations he wants reparations he never specifically puts a number on it
He doesn't outline his plan. Most of these guys don't and they won't but it's it's a very an emotionally appealing argument
For why we we need to do reparations and and so I address that most of that in that previous video that I just showed you a screenshot from but in this particular
Sermon that I listened to from Eric Mason He goes over a number of biblical passages and and I will say that I mean
This is where Paul David Tripp goes to church and he's under this preaching I will say if this sermon that I listened to is representative of Eric Mason's preaching
I'm shocked at how poor it was. I was expecting some exegesis I was expecting an exegetical sermon of some kind or an attempt at that.
This wasn't an attempt at an exegetical sermon This was a whole lot of opinion which really came from mostly new left critiques of American history mixed with a
Quasi biblical ethic which he which you don't even find in scripture. He's using the scripture as kind of a veneer
And underneath it is not biblical ethics It's it's the Marxist stuff and it's just so obvious to me when
I was listening to the sermon And so I was disappointed in that and maybe not all his sermons are like that But but the thought occurred to me.
I'm like this guy is not this isn't the same gospel This is not the same gospel. He uses the term gospel quite a bit, but he wants to connect it to reparations he wants to connect it to works and I'm sorry, you don't connect you don't take those categories and start mixing them so I Wanted to play for you.
I'm not gonna do it just for the sake of time. I was gonna play for you a clip of Prosperity preaching
I'm just gonna describe it though Prosperity preaching or name it to claim it type preaching is the kind of preaching that you'll hear when you turn on something like the
Trinity Broadcasting Network perhaps and you'll see Creflo dollar or Benny Hinn or TD Jake's and they're
Sometimes working up a sweat, but they're they're talking about how God wants to bless you and they'll take passages on Real passages on God blessing his people and they'll say
God wants to bless you and all you got to do You just got to give you got to sow your seed You got to believe that God's gonna bless you and so they're trying to get you to come to God and come to the gospel
Come to Christianity for the stuff the material stuff that you're gonna get and of course
We know that that's wrong because that's not the drawcard in the Bible. That's not why you come to Christianity and and so So this is called the prosperity gospel.
There's been documentaries made about it you have like American gospel right which is a documentary that was made about this and I know that's not the only one but you got guys their whole ministries like Justin Peters just about is is about this this name
It claim it prosperity gospel stuff well, the blame it to claim it to prosperity gospel is what
Eric Mason preaches and it's not any better and I'm gonna put a cap on it and kind of explain it to you at the end
But I want to take you through some clips from Eric Mason and we're gonna talk about it.
So Buckle your seatbelt Here is clip number one that I want to play for you
Got themselves into captivity because of their idolatry and sin But look they still got reparations because of the time they were in look what it says
It says let every survivor Wherever he resides be
Assisted listen to this by the men of that region with silver.
Hallelujah gold. Hallelujah Good hallelujah and livestock. I feel
God right there Along with a free will offering. It's almost tax. They give the people of God Drip coming out of there, right?
It was trip ology coming out of the ministry, right? And so it says here is it says free will offering for the house of God in Jerusalem So so so so I'll notice the free will offering is for the house of God But the silver the gold the goods and the livestock are for the people in other words
This is what they knew that when they sent them back to their land that they had nothing and so it would be Unjust to send them back to their land without anything to be able to begin to build their own independent economy
That's what I love about this is they set them up to build their own independent economy And so it's because they knew that they want to need to do that so that they wouldn't be long -term dependent on them the reason why they've been so many challenges in America is because people are talking about welfare and all that first our welfare and and and social security was created for white people, but We're quote -unquote benefiting off of it, but there's nothing that's been done in this country
Comprehensively as a system beyond the handout versus a hand up to help there to be economic independence among black people so So so you get the impression from that made he wants a hand up, right?
Instead of a handout. So maybe maybe he's reading Thomas Sowell Maybe he's thinking we should get rid of minimum wage and get rid of welfare and start
I don't know getting the government out of the the welfare business and try to get the church back into the charity business and Like they did at the turn of the century men would chop wood women would quilt and then they'd get their food
I don't know. I don't think he's doing that. I don't think that's that's where he's going here He wants to use some some passages to forward his idea of reparations and you could you could hear it in that He sounds like a prosperity preacher, you know, he's interjecting his amens, you know
With I'm gonna read you the passage here. But you know, they're this is what they were given They're given the silver. Amen. They're given a gold.
Amen Let me ask you if this sounds like reparations to you this is the passage he's reading this is from Ezra Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia Ezra chapter 1 by the way verse 1 the first year of Cyrus king of Persia in order to fulfill the word of the
Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia So that he sent a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing saying
Thus says Cyrus king of Persia the Lord the God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth
And he has appointed me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah Whoever there is among you of all his people may his
God be with him Let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the
Lord the God of Israel He is the God who is in Jerusalem every survivor at Whatever place he may live let the men of that place support him with silver and gold with goods and cattle together with a free will offering for the house of God, which is in Jerusalem and Okay, so Do you see reparations in any of that as being the motivation?
That be because they were mistreated somehow they were owed this or is the reason in here given that it was to fulfill the word of the
Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah and That this was a command of the king of Persia To complete an objective building
God a house in Jerusalem and This is really his way of taxing, you know to support this project
This there's nothing in here that would make you think reparations But Eric Mason is imposing this on the text.
Why is he doing that? Why why where where does it say that? He uses the word justice where I don't even see that in here
Words not there. There's no mishpat. I don't see justice What are you talking about?
Pastor Mason? He talks about how the welfare system was
You know created for white people I'd like to see the primary source on that Because I'm pretty sure that everyone
Benefited from that. In fact, there's something called affirmative action, which is specifically against white people.
It's not for them Conveniently he did he didn't talk about that.
I've actually seen some articles or I saw an article once I can I Something I didn't have time to really search for it.
But it was someone who tried to make a calculation of Reparations and say that reparations have been paid because of affirmative action and welfare and these kinds of things
I don't know. I haven't crunched all those numbers and I Don't think you can and that was part of if you watch the video
I did on reparations That's part of my point is that there's no way to actually do this.
There's the pot the populations That have come here since slavery the percent of the population who actually owned slaves
But they weren't even the ones who went and got the slaves and the ones who got the slaves Were buying them from tribes in Africa So it's not it's so so really it should be if you really want to get to the root of it
It should be asking for reparations from People that reside in the Ivory Coast at the
Ivory Coast, I guess I don't know In fact, there's there's I was reading this recently.
There's a movie which I don't write necessarily recommend the movie It's not historically accurate, but it's called Amistad and the main character in the movie who's kind of like the victim
It doesn't show this in the movie but what actually happened the post script if they made a sequel was this slave who
Who's kind of the hero or the he's you know, he's a main figure in the movie He is kind of a victim
But what happens after that story ends is he actually goes back to Africa and he becomes a slave trader himself
I mean this was it was a profession in that part of the world and And so there's there's no way you had black slave owners in the
United States You had some white people who came over here as indentured servants you had white people who are victims of other things and fled because of religious persecution and There's just you want to really try to get every single injustice and put it in this calculation machine
You you would never be able to do it And that's why I think the wisdom of Scripture wisdom of the Bible is just so much better That what
Ezekiel says the fathers and the sons, right? They don't share they don't they're not blamed and held accountable for each other's sin
And it just makes so much more sense. And that's why Eric Mason can't put a number on this
No one can no one can do that calculation. It's impossible. How far back do you want to go?
Right, it's it's impractical. That's not the only reason it's immoral But that's one of the reasons that you you know, this is just an emotional talking point
There there's no real that you can't you can't physically do this
But you certainly don't get reparations from Ezra and Eric Mason seems to think that you do and and so that's a real problem.
Now. There's a bunch of clips here I haven't even watched I listened to the whole sermon, but I this is a guy on Twitter Who's the guy that posed these woke preacher clips?
So let's uh, let's see what this one says Here well, we'll watch a few of these
I'm gonna read you some quotes, too Because I don't want to go too long on this So here's another one
Next to the 1235 it says the Israelites. I Did this one of my favorite passages on restitution right here.
I love this joint right here. It says the Israelites acted on Moses his word and asked the
Egyptians For silver, so they said hey, so is it wrong to ask for reparations?
I heard a preacher last week say you shouldn't be asking for nothing You should just stay in your state that you're in you shouldn't do it
But but they said Moses told him y 'all go ask them for some money Go ahead. I ain't prosperity gospel.
But but but but but but I do believe but that doesn't take money out the Bible It's in there. Amen Go ask for silver and gold items and for clothing hallelujah
He want them to look good to look at that. They got clothing gear outfits You don't know saying fabrics and things right and it says and the
Lord gave The people such favor with the Egyptians that they gave them what they requested
Now I want to give you that I'm gonna let you I'm going to give you something this for free Now some people don't believe Christians to protest
Do you know that this reparations was prayed because God initiated Moses and the
Israelites to protest Pharaoh and Egypt? How did they protest Talk about presentism.
I mean look where he's standing and in what time period I mean what's going on right now Where is it last night?
There? There was a big commotion and there's all sorts of protests I can't even keep track because the protests are going on all the time everywhere
It seems like and I can't keep track of all the events, but there's protests. I mean, he knows what he's saying
Every the ten plagues with protests When Moses with this and let my people go that was the sign that was the protest they sign and So with that in mind, that's beautiful to me that we see that this reparations here in this passage is a result
It's a direct result. Listen of protests of a vehement protest what
God used the protest and God anointed the Protest to break down the leadership to open their hearts to do what he called him to do because he turned the hearts of the
King wherever he wants to don't you think that's extremely confusing for someone who's sitting in that church?
I mean, are you endorsing the protests that are going on right now? It sounds like you're creating a connection because you don't find the word protest in your translation of Exodus That that's that's not the same thing
It's not equivalent to what's going on right now in the United States at all the destruction of property
I mean he's saying this the night that property is being destroyed I saw on the news today was flashing.
It was a whole Used car he was car dealership of some kind the cars are just like on fire and exploding all over the place because of a protest if you're gonna
I mean, I Don't even know what to say to that The Lord also and I mean the
Lord endorses other things to he endorses There times when when you should do violence but if there's you know violence going on in your context and you're gonna
Impose inject violence into a text and make it sound like the kind of violence that's going on around you
You better make sure you're distancing yourself from the lawlessness and the it's anti -christian lawlessness
That's going on Eric Mason seems excited by it and he seems really pumped of all the stuff
That were given to the Israelites, I mean Moses I guess was you know raising raising his fist starting the
The protest of Pharaoh, let's let's read this a little bit Let's let's look at this passage too because he brings up Exodus 12, right?
Just a plain reading of Scripture We don't have to go that deep here start at chapter 12 and Where do we want to start here?
Let's go to Verse 30. This is right after the firstborn are killed
Pharaoh rose in the night He and all his servants and all of the Egyptians and there was a great cry in Egypt for there was no home
Where there was not someone dead So this was God doing this this wasn't children of Israel killing people
Then he called for Moses and Aaron at night and said rise up get out from among my people
Both you and the sons of Israel and go worship the Lord as you have said Take both your flocks and your herds as you have said and go and bless me also
The Egyptians urged the people to send them out of the land in haste for they said we will all be dead
So there's fear the Egyptians are afraid of these people because of not because of them but because of what their
God is doing That's key to all of this So the people took their dough before it was leavened with their kneading bowls bound up in cloths
On their shoulders now the sons of Israel had done according to the word of Moses for they had requested from the Egyptians articles of silver and articles of gold and clothing
So they asked Yeah, they're not running in there and taking like what's trying what people are trying to do outside of Portland right now
They're they're asking for silver and gold and the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the
Egyptians Hmm so the Egyptians are giving it because the Lord gave favor so that they
Let them have their requests thus they plundered the Egyptians now the sons of Israel journeyed from So it goes into what happened.
So yeah, this is the kind of plundering where you didn't burn anything down you didn't There wasn't even it wasn't even forced
It was the Lord behind this whole thing the whole time and it doesn't say in the text.
It was for reparations Now This certainly helped them get to where they needed to go there's no doubt about that But you got it
You can't go farther than the text is letting you go and I do want to note here real quick If you keep reading just a few verses down on the ordinance of the
Passover in the same chapter Go to verse 44 43 will start the
Lord said to Moses and Aaron. This is the ordinance of the Passover No foreigner is to eat of it. It sounds kind of bigoted of the
Lord, right? But every man slave hmm purchased with money after you have circumcised sin, then he may eat of it
A sojourner or a hired servant shall not eat of it So I just I noticed that when
I was reading through this and I was I was thinking hmm That is definitely not inclusive and well, they're supposed to be being freed from slavery, right?
That's the whole point And then yeah a few verses later. God is telling them how to Administer Passover to their slaves or he's commanding them to do that which is actually a form of mercy that they're included in the
Covenant, but Yeah, that that's not not probably something that Eric Mason would would
I don't know how he would get around that or talk about that but we're not we're not seeing the kind of reparations that Eric Mason is talking about so Let's continue let's see what else
Eric Mason has to say. Let's see if he can find it and maybe another verse Know what? I like about this is that Jesus in verse 9 of Luke 19 connects
Zacchaeus his willingness to pay reparations as a sign that he had been changed by the gospel
How many of you watching under the sound of my voice? Saying that racism doesn't exist
How many you under the sound of my voice talking about I It wasn't me and I don't need to pay reparate and all of this type of stuff
If you're under the sound of my voice and you're resisting restitution
For black people because of what's happened into this country. You may want to check your your justification
Monitor, I know because some of y 'all call me a heretic because I deal with racial injustice Well, I'm still preaching the gospel.
Matter of fact, we hit the block out here we However, we believe that the gospel has outworkings that impact the way we relate to one another
God and one another So see how he connects it to the gospel there
There's the law of God. Let's listen the law of God applies whether you believe the gospel or not now there are certain things when once you become a
Christian within the context of the church and There's a new expectation that You have to use your spiritual gifts and that kind of thing.
You have a new capacity that you did not have before But the law the basic law of God, of course in a civil sense that applies to Christians and non -christians alike they're both expected to meet that qualifications that does that standard and It's not an outworking of the gospel.
It's part of the character of God and Someone who believes the gospel should want to follow
God's law. Sure. The motive has changed It's not for fear as much as it is because you love
God But Eric Mason's conflating these things And so in this in the same clip, he's saying you call me a heretic because I talk about racial justice
That's like what Tim Keller said, you know, you call me a Marxist because I talk about poverty No, nope
That has nothing to do with why you're called a Marxist by some people Nothing to do with why
Eric Mason's called a heretic you can tell yourself that but it's because you're conflating categories of long grace that's really the main reason there's other reasons to with with depending on the person we're talking about but Let's read
Luke 19 See if this passage, you know, the other two passages didn't give
Eric Mason the justification he needed This is the only other passage. I believe he brought up as I listened to it
This was the passage passage by the way, he was preaching out of Zacchaeus the story of Zacchaeus So Jesus came and Zacchaeus and he looked up and said to Zacchaeus hurry up come down for today
I must stay at your house verse 6 and he hurried and came down and received him gladly When he saw it, they all began to grumble saying he is gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.
Hmm and Zacchaeus stopped and said to the Lord behold
Lord half of my possessions I will give to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone or any of anything,
I will give back four times as much and Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house because he too is a son of Abraham For the
Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost So Zacchaeus had a heart change immediately
He went from this tax collector Who's ripping people off and now he wants to give to the poor and notice in verse 8 what he says here
He says, you know Lord and and this is you know, this is this is Jesus coming over to his house and You can tell there's probably a sense of unworthiness there but you know
Jesus, you know, I want you to know I This this is this is my heart now
I'm going to give half of my possessions to the poor give It's not a reparations
Just giving it's charity, right it's gonna give them to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone
Oh separate category if I have defrauded anyone or of anything, I will give back four times as much.
That's his personal choice He's not even required to do that But he wants to show his heart that he he is going to make it right now in this context
He's talking about himself defrauding other people Not a group of people that happen to share a skin tone with another group of people that had a similar skin tone
Defrauding a Supposedly a group of people that share a skin tone to a modern group of people.
That's that's not even close to what's going on here He's not You know
Jesus doesn't have Romans coming to him and Saying I'm just gonna give up everything to the
Jews because of what my people have done here You don't see that. You don't see it commanded. You don't see it happen You don't see
I mean any of the cross -cultural Passages the Good Samaritan the woman at the well
You don't see anything like that Even you know the Good Samaritan some of the social justice preachers want to use that one
But really the Good Samaritan is about charity It's it's not about when my group my people did this and so therefore
I have to do this I'm compelled because it's justice that you don't see that anyway So Eric Mason fails again that passage does not teach what he says.
It's teaching So let's look. There's a few more clips here This Eric Mason's thoughts on Philadelphia real estate.
I'd rather not Psychological reparations you need to pay for counseling for us.
We need help Yeah, I I did hear that clip when I was going through it, and I'm not gonna play it just for the sake of time
Another clip Descendants of slaves not paying for college for 200 years
And canceling every black person's student loan debt and repaying blacks who paid for student loans, so that's part of his his dreams here
Of what needs to happen I'll tell you if you really want to wreck the black community or any community any demographic do that Do that Just make it easy make them expect it give them entitlement.
They don't have to work for anything that as it'll ruin them That's actually a cruel thing to do to be honest with you reparations in telling the history properly in other words
So here's here's where the narrative history has to change one of the reparations that will be helpful for this country is for it
Telling the real American story that's huge reparations if you because people won't look crazy when we bring up our racial past Like this has already happened.
This is look. I'm familiar enough with the historical field to know pretty much every major historian now it
Just about the all the up -and -coming historians at Ivy League schools, etc.
They are they're woke man They're woke and so So this is already happening and calling that a reparation
I mean this is what is this like a Foucault driven kind of you know, because you have to now
Repay, I don't know you have to let them tell their story and that's part of truth is power and power is money
I don't know. I mean it this isn't we're getting so far away from any biblical understanding of restitution, which is biblical that He says
I'm not saying reparations is gonna bring peace on earth. Jesus will bring peace on earth However, while we're on earth, we got to make most of our time make the most of our
Then he trails off to whom was given more and more will be given to him so I Don't know.
I don't know how we get to To this and apparently this is I don't know how we can categorize.
This is anything but a prosperity gospel and Dr. Eric Mason says I stand on everything no matter what
I say on justice from the slightest thing to what? Some see it tough all receive the same response as it relates to oppressors to Opposers, but for the most part there is affirmation or encouragement if I responded to everything nothing would get done
So he's saying he stands by this sermon and and that's that so I wanted to To go over a few of the notes real quick that I took when
I was just listening to this earlier today A few things that stood out to me He calls reparations the outworking of salvation so then you again
This is really problematic language You can try to say it's part of the law
But I was we've just seen the three passages that he brought up doesn't come close to Even justifying the kind of reparations he's trying to forward here
But but to claim that it's the outworking of salvation He says that Correcting sins is the fruit of conversion and reparations as part of correcting sins
It doesn't I mean this is a ministry of if it's really a ministry of justice that should be something that like real justice
It could be I mean because we're as Christians were supposed to be following the law we're supposed to be
Treating everyone in an equitable fashion not the modern re -interpretation of equity but equality before the law
But it doesn't have to be He also says that Zacchaeus is trying to show people who have a negative view of him that he's authentically converted
You don't see that motivation in the passage He just makes it up and this goes back to I hear this all the time that if Christians get on board with social justice the world's gonna see us the world's gonna know that we're with them and it's gonna give
Us where they're gonna want to be Christians now. It's not true. And the end you don't find that in this passage he says blacks have been extorted and And then this is actually this is funny to me as I listen to he goes he says we've been extorted blacks have been extorted in this country and He and then he has to go and explain what sharecropping was to his audience because he's because they may not know
So he this is this is part of the the the crack in this narrative
You have to convince your audience that they're oppressed. It's something conditioned
You have to condition them into it for them to believe it so you have to educate them on what sharecropping was and as he was describing and I'm like, yeah, you know, my
Ancestors on my dad's side who come from extreme poverty in the Deep South They were they weren't black and they also had to do sharecropping and they did sharecropping with black people
And but I mean it was out in the country there. It was I mean things weren't as segregated as urban areas.
They it was you're trying to fight for your next meal and and so Does that mean that I'm oppressed too and I need reparations because my ancestors were part of sharecropping
But I I know about that his audience apparently they all didn't know about that So they had to be told that they were had been oppressed because of what happened to their ancestors.
You can't make this up He even says that he starts to say african -americans at what point at one point and then he says well
Africans actually, you know He corrects himself and and this just goes to show you, you know, are we supposed to do that with Chinese Irish Japanese?
German like where? Any group that came to the United States. They just retain wherever they came from One of the things that I wish was it was in those woke sermon clips because this was one of the
Most interesting things he said he goes what would he says? This is what reparations is right reparations is asking yourself the question and this is the quote
What would their life have been without my interference? Right. So and of course my means the whole group of white people going back hundreds of years
So what would have been it been like for blacks without my white person's interference?
The answer to that question is they would have been in Africa Somewhere right sub sub -saharan
Africa maybe along the Ivory Coast somewhere Or maybe they would have been sold to Muslim slave traders.
They would have been in the Middle East and They would have died there it's it's
I Don't know why he asked this question because the answer to it is obviously in probably a banana
Republic or Some kind of really not so good situation instead. They're in one of the freest most prosperous countries in the world
So if that's your standard Eric Mason for reparations, what would their life have been without my interference?
Then you you just made a great argument for If this is the way you think about it white people should be owed something
I don't believe that for a second, but you're setting the argument up that way whether you realize it or not So so tabulate what the average income is in in whatever take your richest
African country and then tabulate your poorest state in the United States and And then compare the two and then you know,
I mean That was that that one probably should be kept in your back pocket
He says As Ezra so Ezra one uses Ezra one and now
I already went over that but I don't want to point out one more thing I noted that Ezra is Descriptive not prescriptive.
In fact, every text he brought up was descriptive It's telling a story.
It's a narrative. It's not God commanding you to do reparations He acts like it's all prescriptive and he says because there's poverty.
It's proof. There hasn't been restitution. So because there's a Disparity between certain ethnic groups.
It means there must not have been restitution Well, that's that's terrible that so if a rich son
Squanders all his father's money. His father never gave him anything. I mean, that's the kind of logic that it makes no sense
He calls this gospel centered principles rep reparations He says
I'm still teaching the gospel reparations fit into the gospel is a quote of his So very us versus them language very
I would say hateful rhetoric towards one class of people and It this has no place in the pulpit this has no place in the church
This is terrible exegesis the only thing that it seems like is worse than the exegesis is his understanding of history his one -sided narrative and In and what does it actually produce in the long run?
What are you supposed to walk away from encouragement that Wow, you know Amazement at what the
Lord has done for you. I Mean, it's supposed to be about the gospel Right isn't shouldn't shouldn't you have a conviction of sin and then a an amazement and I'm just a
Gratitude to God for what he did you don't sense any of that from this message go listen to it It just stirs up anger and strife
Guys I I don't know what to tell you other than We have some people claiming to be evangelicals that are saying things
It's not an awful lot like false teachers and this is the blame it claim it gospel He wants to attach just this to the gospel so much.
He is blaming a group of people and then claiming their stuff It all belongs to us.
We need psychological or not What does he say counseling services and education paid for for 200 years and and money and just give us we need
No gold. Amen, and we need silver. Amen, and we need you know, all this stuff. And this is what the gospel teaches
And you get it from those people over there because they took it from us where would we have been if it wasn't for them
It's hateful stuff. This isn't the kind of this isn't the Communion table and the kind of bond that we're supposed to have as Christians Serious stuff guys, but that's what's being preached out there and it's going more and more
Mainstream evangelicalism and it is the off -ramp into the world. It won't be evangelical for long if we go at this pace
So on that depressing note And now we've gone I think over an hour for my short episode.
That's that's how it works with me I hope you enjoyed that and I will be trying to put a few other things out this week if possible and Maybe some shorter ones.
We'll see. We'll see if I can reign it in but God bless you all and thank you for your continued support and I Feel like I should say something positive before I close
The the show I will say one thing positive So I I have been greatly encouraged by some of your messages and and there are a number of guys on the layman level who are really starting to fight this and You're producing stuff and I'm seeing
I think this fall you're gonna see a bunch more resources come out on this But but keep fighting keep fighting even if it means that you have to Leave your church eventually or there's gonna be a church split fight for the truth do it in the most respectful way you you possibly can but but make sure that that you're letting the truth get out there and you're not just sitting by and letting lies take hold and and and and I think the
Lord will bless that the Lord look the Holy Spirit hasn't gone away and That is an encouragement that we need to we need to cling to that in these times
That there really is a true church. There really is a real Holy Spirit There really is a
God who says that he's gonna take care of us He does exist and and he he is close he's close to each of us
He's close to each of us And if we draw near to him, he will draw near to us.
We have that promise and And so as as believers, I just want to encourage you with that word.
Don't give up hope There's still many who have not bowed to bail There's still many who are still trying to figure this whole thing out be part of the solution be part of educating be part of Comparing this false gospel with the true gospel
Parents with your kids, you know teach them teach them to love people not like what Eric Mason just did
Teach them to love people who are different from them. I Mean, it's weird, you know, I'm the one that's not supposed to say that in the woke people's minds, right?
You know, I'm not supposed to like diversity But I love it because that's that's that's what the Church of God is
Even if you live in an area that everyone's the same culture and everything. That's great There's a lot of variance with people in the same culture because everyone's got different abilities
Right for the woke guys, they just see culture and they see race, you know, there's so many other issues
There's people with different diseases. There's people with different personalities. There's people with different interests there's people that are shorter and and taller and have different professions and like different foods and The list goes on and on And it
God's the one that sets up the boundaries and of the people's just love the people where you're at It's I've said this before but it's hard if your kids
Know a rich white guy and he's the one that discipled them and loves them and cares for them He goes to the same church.
It's hard for them to hate that guy And if they know a poor black person or a rich black person or a poor white guy or whoever, right?
It's hard for them to start hating that demographic when they can look and say oh Yeah, you know, that's just you know that that that person that that I know who's in this
Quote -unquote social category. I'm hearing about now in college well, you know, they were the ones that prayed for me when
I was going through a hard time and And that's the beauty of the church. That's the communion table guys.
That's that's what I grew up knowing about and And I'm sad guys. I'm sad to see people like Eric Mason ripping apart
The the community of God like this and that is exactly what he's doing make no mistake about it so Reject the blame it claim it gospel
Embrace the true gospel of his grace for sinners, which is the only equality
Well, we're all equally in the image of God as well But it's it is another type of equality that we all have we're equally guilty before a holy and just God yet He has been so faithful in providing
Jesus Christ to forgive us for our sins because of what he did in taking the justice and the wrath of God Simple as that guys