Is caffeine addiction a sin?
Is caffeine addiction a sin? Is it a sin to be addicted to caffeine whether through coffee, soda, energy drinks, etc.?
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- Is Caffeine Addiction a Sin? We're going to answer that question. You can also discover more on GotQuestions .org
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- 1 Corinthians 6 .12 declares, Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial.
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- Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything. The Bible nowhere mentions caffeine, so the subject of caffeine addiction is not directly addressed in the
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- Bible. All that can be done is take Biblical principles that apply to being addicted to anything, and then apply those truths to caffeine addiction.
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- 1 Corinthians 6 .12 is likely the most applicable scripture. While the context is dealing with sexual immorality,
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- Paul's words clearly go beyond sexual immorality when he says, I will not be mastered by anything.
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- Similar to gluttony, caffeine addiction is something that Christians are often hypocritical about.
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- Christians are quick to condemn addiction to alcohol and tobacco, but tend to ignore other more socially acceptable addictions, such as overeating and caffeine.
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- Alcohol clearly can have more dangerous effects on behavior, and can be more harmful to health when abused.
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- Tobacco is harmful to health even in small quantities. In comparison, caffeine might not seem so bad, but it's not as bad as is not something
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- Christians should live by. Rather, Christians should live by, is it right? Is it honoring
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- God? Caffeine in reasonable quantities is neither overly harmful to health nor addicting.
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- Caffeine in excessive quantities is both harmful to health and addicting. Is it wrong to have a cup of coffee in the morning to help wake yourself up?
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- No, of course not. Is it wrong to be so helplessly dependent on coffee that you cannot function in the morning until you've had your cup or cups of coffee?
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- According to 1 Corinthians 6 .12, the answer has to be yes. We should not be addicted to anything.
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- We should not allow ourselves to become mastered, controlled, enslaved by anything. This surely includes caffeine.
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- When consumed in moderation, caffeine is not a sin. When one is addicted to and dependent on caffeine, that is when it becomes a spiritual issue and a sin that needs to be overcome.
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- That answers the question, is caffeine addiction a sin? On our website GotQuestions .org
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