THIS Hillsong Church Is Hosting A Catholic Mass!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Hillsong Church is a breeding ground for heresy, especially the prosperity gospel.
The leader of Hillsong, Brian Houston, is a prime example of this. He teaches it all the time. Check out any of my several videos about him for proof of that.
But in any case, most people don't actually know what Hillsong believes. Many Christians will read books written by Hillsong authors, or they'll sing songs in church written by Hillsong's worship team, but again, they really don't have a clue what
Hillsong actually believes. And that's a big problem, because how are we going to be discerning with regards to the ministries we support and listen to if we don't know what those ministries teach?
But I digress. In case you needed any more evidence that Hillsong Church is severely doctrinally compromised, it was recently reported by Reformation Charlotte, link in description, that Hillsong Church of Phoenix, Arizona, will be hosting a
Catholic Mass this coming January. You see, Hillsong Phoenix has released the schedule for their upcoming
Alpha Conference in 2022. Here's a screenshot of that very schedule, which clearly shows that on January 28th, there is a
Catholic Mass scheduled to take place at Hillsong's conference. So without further ado, let me offer you three important biblical reasons why this is completely unacceptable, and why this indicates that Hillsong has a serious lack of biblical discernment.
Number one, let me first establish to you as the base of my argument that the Catholic Church preaches dangerous false doctrine.
I can think of at least three examples of this right off the top of my head, although there are probably dozens if not hundreds more.
First, Roman Catholics believe that Mary, Jesus's mother, is a co -redeemer with him in salvation, and a co -mediator alongside him.
Here's a quote from a Catholic resource, which will be linked in the description, and it says the following, quote, The title co -redemptrix refers to Mary's unique participation with and under her divine son
Jesus Christ in the historic redemption of humanity. The prefix co - comes from the
Latin cum, which means with, end quote. In other words, when a Catholic believes in Mary being a co -redemptrix with Christ, by definition, this means that they believe she is a redeemer with Christ.
It is both Mary and Christ together who save humanity. This is absolutely unbiblical and completely untrue.
First Timothy 2, 5 -6 says this, quote, For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man
Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.
Mary's trust in God was strong, and she showed us a great example, a fantastic example, of what it's like to have faith in the
Lord despite the most difficult of circumstances. And for that, Mary should be commended greatly.
But nonetheless, the Bible clearly says that Jesus is the only mediator between God and men.
There is no exception to that rule. He is the only redeemer that saves our souls and appeases the holy wrath of God.
To suggest that Mary is a co -redeemer with Christ, it dishonors both Christ and Mary.
But most of all, it contradicts the Holy Scriptures. Another false doctrine that the Catholic Church preaches is that justification is by faith and works, rather than faith alone.
R .C. Sproul wrote an excellent article about this issue, link in description, in which he accurately summarizes the
Roman Catholic view of salvation and justification. Sproul says the following, quote, So, initially, the recipient, that is, an initiate in the
Catholic Church, must accept and cooperate in baptism, by which he receives justifying grace.
He retains that grace until he commits a mortal sin. Mortal sin is called mortal because it kills the grace of justification, end quote.
So Catholics believe that good deeds contribute to your salvation and cooperate with faith in a way that saves you, and that bad deeds can actually unsave you.
But the Reformers agreed with the Bible, instead of the Catholic Church, when it comes to this issue. And Romans 4, 5 says, quote,
And to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom
God counts righteousness, apart from works, end quote. It is faith alone that saves, and good works come as a natural consequence of that saving faith.
But the works themselves do not do any of the saving, hopefully. That much is clear. The saving is done by Christ alone, through faith.
And a third false doctrine preached by the Catholic Church is about Mass. You see, in Roman Catholicism, there is a distinct belief that you are being saved through attending
Mass, at least in part. Here's what the actual Roman Catholic Catechism teaches with regard to the
Mass, quote, These cosmic elements, human rituals, and gestures of remembrance of God become bearers of the saving and sanctifying action of Christ, end quote.
The Catholic Church believes that Mass and its rituals actively bear the saving action of Christ.
In other words, salvation comes at least in part through attending Mass. Again, to refute this biblically,
I would refer you to Romans 4 -5, which we read earlier, and which says that works do not obtain salvation.
In summary, these three false doctrines regarding Mary, faith plus works, and the Catholic Mass, they provide three good reasons to avoid the
Catholic Church and its teaching. But this brings me to point number two. Despite the false teaching of the
Catholic Church, Hillsong Church has decided to host a Catholic Mass in their church conference and at their church's own facility.
This is absolutely unacceptable when compared with Scripture. Romans 16 -17 says, quote,
I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught.
Avoid them. Teaching that Mary is a co -redeemer, teaching that faith plus works save you, and teaching that you are saved by attending
Mass, all of these are obstacles created which are contrary to sound biblical doctrine.
And therefore, according to the passage we just read, Hillsong Church is not just recommended, but commanded to avoid the
Catholic Church and not support their practices in any way. But against the clear command of Scripture, Hillsong has both committed to hosting and promoting a
Catholic Mass. And therefore, they are directly responsible for spreading the false teaching of the
Catholic Church themselves. They're not guilty by association, no, they're just plain guilty. Hillsong has no discernment at all, and as a result,
Christians who consume Hillsong's content are in imminent danger of being led into false teaching.
That is a fact which cannot be disputed. And this brings me to point number three. Let me deal with some potential concerns and disagreements that people may have with this video.
I can think of at least three objections that may arise. One, some might say, but Colin, maybe the people at Hillsong don't know what
Catholics actually believe. Well, that's entirely possible. However, it is not an acceptable excuse. The Catholic Church has published all of their views in several books that are readily available to the public for hundreds of years.
Some are even free. If Hillsong Church and the members of the Church who are organizing this conference in particular are unaware of the basic differences between the
Catholic Church and Protestant Christianity, then these people clearly lack the competence and or spiritual discernment that are necessary when organizing an event that thousands of Christians are going to attend.
Acts 2028 tells Church leaders to, quote, pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock.
Part of paying careful attention to the flock is guarding them against false teaching, especially the dangerous false teaching of the
Catholic Church today. So the fact is, no argument from ignorance is going to excuse Hillsong's irresponsible actions in this situation.
Two, some may say, but Colin, maybe Hillsong Phoenix, who are hosting the conference, have done this against the overarching beliefs and desires of the leaders of the central
Hillsong denomination in Australia. Perhaps Hillsong at large disagrees with Hillsong Phoenix in this matter, but they simply can't stop them.
Well, this argument is also a bad one, if I may say so. If Hillsong Church disagrees with Hillsong Phoenix about all this, all they have to do is withdraw funding to the
Church. All they have to do is withdraw any support that they're offering. And if they can't do that for whatever reason, then at the very least, at the very bare minimum, all they have to do is publicly refute this wayward
Church if they disagree with their decision and think it's a bad one. However, there's a reason they're not going to do this, because Hillsong at large, not just Hillsong Phoenix, has always been very ecumenical in its approach.
In other words, there is no evidence to demonstrate that Hillsong Church disagrees with Hillsong Phoenix in this in any way, and there's actually a lot of evidence to the contrary that suggests that they agree with it entirely.
3. Finally, some might say, but Colin, I understand that Catholics believe some bad things, that's fair, that's a given, but are you seriously saying that all
Catholics are unsaved heretics who are going to hell? No, that is not what I'm saying. Rather, I'm saying that the
Catholic Church preaches many false and dangerous things, and there may be many Catholics who are actually saved.
But they will not be saved because of the Catholic Church's teaching, but rather despite the Catholic Church's teaching.
So in conclusion, the Catholic Church preaches dangerous false doctrine, and Hillsong Church is perfectly willing to partner with them in spreading it.
This is why I don't support Hillsong preachers or listen to Hillsong music at all. Hillsong is an undiscerning merry band of fools who are leading many people astray.
So with that said, let's pray for Hillsong and for the Catholic Church, that both of these movements would repent of their false teaching and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.