The Proper Attitude in a Day of Apostasy, Pt. 3 (01/16/2000)


Pastor David Mitchell


Bibliology | Preservation of Scripture, Pt. 4 (03/04/2001) | NOTE: Poor audio quality

A weakness that I have that I've read about some other pastors who seem to have a strength to be able to preach to every age group in the room all the time, and I don't seem to have that.
At least, I don't perceive that I have it. I tend to preach to adults, and I know that, but today
I want to talk to the young people in the room, especially the teenagers and those of you adults who are young at heart.
All right? So we want to speak to you about the effect of the mixed multitude. The reason that I'm focusing on the teenagers is because just by the nature of being a teenager, you're more susceptible to some of these things at your age, and so I think you should really pay attention this morning and listen to what the
Lord has to say. Let's pray. Father, we pray that you would take our minds now to the things of the heavenlies.
We thank you for the beautiful message we've heard already in the singing, and we pray that you would take this passage of scripture and powerfully place it within the hearts of these young people, that they might have armor against this world, and we ask it in Jesus' name.
Amen. We're going to take a look at the children of Israel a little bit. But I think we got these lights up too bright, too.
Paul, would you go fix that for me? There's about three notches, put it on the middle one.
But we're going to look at the children of Israel. Someone asked me a question within the last two or three weeks.
They were actually debating with me about another theological issue. That's good, thanks. But this question came up.
They asked me, well, is it true that Israel is God's chosen people?
And I said, yes, it is. And they said, well, are all of them going to be saved? And I felt trapped all of a sudden.
You know, you get that feeling sometimes where you feel like someone's asking you a question not to find out the answer, but to try to trap you or catch you in your own words.
And that's kind of how I felt at that point. But it's not that difficult to explain that situation.
The Bible teaches us that the nation of Israel, in fact, all the things that happened in the Old Testament are as a type of, are a symbol, or there is some teaching or example there for those of us who live in the last days.
You can look at the nation of Israel and it's a pretty good picture of the church. And you can learn a lot about the church by looking at the nation of Israel.
I remember the Apostle Paul said that not all those who claim to be Israelites are, in fact,
Israelites. He said, not all those who have been circumcised are circumcised of the heart.
And so we have the nation of Israel, which is called God's nation, but within that nation, we have some of God's children and we have some of Satan's children mixed in together.
And there are places in the Old Testament, we're going to look at a passage in Numbers chapter 11 in a few moments, where it calls this the mixed multitude.
And so Satan has always sown seeds, tears among the wheat.
And that always happens, whether it be talking about the nation of Israel or whether it's talking about the church.
It's just a fact of life. And Jesus said that the angels are going to straighten that out at his coming.
And so that's kind of the whole idea of what we're talking about this morning. Let's look at a few verses here in Hebrews chapter 3, and then we're going to go into the
Old Testament into Deuteronomy chapter 32. But Hebrews chapter 3, verse 1, wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession,
Christ Jesus, who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also
Moses was faithful in all his house. And I want to go down now to verse 7, because this begins to relate to some of the
Old Testament passages we're going to look at. Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost saith today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation, in the day of temptation, in the wilderness.
You have to understand that many times when you see sermons in the Bible, in the New Testament, or you see passages of a letter that was written to a church, that the human authors,
I shouldn't even call them authors, I prefer to call them penmen, God is the author of the Bible, but the human penmen would oftentimes speak to the church as the church really is, and not the true church, but they would be speaking to the assembly.
And the assembly includes wheat and tares, many times. Or Jesus told a story once about a net that included good fish and bad fish, teaches the same principle.
And in the Old Testament, it's called a mixed multitude. And so as many of these passages and sermons were written to the assembly,
God designed them to, of course, speak to his people, but at the same time, they would bring the tares under responsibility and towards future judgment for the truth that they heard.
Now in Hebrews chapter three, he says, harden not your hearts as in the day of provocation, when your fathers tempted me, proved me and saw my works for 40 years.
Wherefore, I was grieved with that generation. He said, they do always err in their heart and they have not known my ways.
So I swear in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.
Take heed, brethren, lest there be any of you an evil heart of unbelief.
And departing from the living God. Now we have to go and move into the book of Hebrews now, which is a
New Testament book written to the Jewish, the early Jewish Christians in the early church.
And here again, we have a message to the assembly. This message speaks to the hearts of the born again ones, but it also brings judgment to those who are not, who are also out there in the congregation professing to be
Christians when they are not. And so it says, take heed brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief and departing from the living
God. But exhort one another daily while it is called today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.
There are some verses in this passage of scripture that have given Baptists some trouble through the years because Baptists believe in eternal security of the believer.
And so sometimes the enemies of that doctrine will bring up some of these very verses to try to point out that they don't believe that.
But we do know that the scriptures teach very clearly that God's children are saved once and for all, do we not?
And we'll see some of those verses in a few moments. So this would have to contradict a great number of verses if it's teaching that saved people can be lost.
It is not teaching that. What it is teaching is it's looking at an assembly or a congregation of people, all of whom are claiming to be
Christians by their very presence. And it is warning those who are not really
Christians that they are not going to hold out till the end. They're going to be like the seed that fell upon the rocky soil.
And the Bible says it had no root. And of course, Jesus is the root of Jesse. And it says it sprung up quickly as if happily and joyfully had a testimony and looked to be alive until the sun came out.
And when the sun came out, it scorched it and it withered away and died. And Jesus said the sun represented the tribulation and persecution that comes because of the word of God.
Well, there are people like that in almost every assembly. And that's why the word if is placed in verse 14.
You are partakers of Christ if you hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end. If you're still here with us when we go up, then that if applies to you.
But if you're still here with us through through it all, then you understand that the true born again child of God has endurance because of the
Holy Spirit, which is in him, which seals him. And because of the work of sanctification, because of the word of God and how it works to cleanse him and on and on and on, not to mention the fact that God has his path laid out, the steps of a good man are before the
Lord and so forth. And yet let's go on in verse 15. While it is said today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation.
Now look at verse 19. So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.
Now let's go into chapter four. Let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of eternity into his rest.
Any of you should seem to come short of. Isn't that interesting language? Some may seem to come short of it.
Why does it say it that way? Because God's very accurate. He's speaking to a congregation of people, all of whom are claiming to be
Christians, some of whom are not real. They are hypocrites. They're fault. They've made a false profession of faith.
They're not really born again. They're just sitting there and because they're religious.
And he says that some of them may seem to come short of the salvation.
The reason it's that they seem that way is because they never had it. And it goes on in verse two for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them.
Now isn't that interesting? And it says, but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
So the gospel was preached to everybody in the congregation. Those who claim to be
Christians and were not, and those who claim to be Christians and were. And the thing is, it says that this gospel did not do any good to those who were not really real because it was not mixed with faith in them that heard it.
In verse three, for we which have believed do enter into rest.
Notice it does not say we might enter into rest. It says we do. That's eternal security.
As he said, as I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest, although the works,
I want you to look at this phrase. The works were finished from the foundation of the world.
What does that tell you? That's what eternal security is based upon. If somebody wants to throw out the phrase once saved, always saved, he'd better understand the rock upon which that great doctrine rests.
And it is the rock of the sovereignty of God. It says the works, which were finished from the foundation of the world, the work that it took to get you saved happened a long time before you came into this place because it's the work of Jesus Christ.
And it is finished just as he said it was in his last few moments on the cross. This is an interesting passage of scripture that kind of points back to Deuteronomy chapter 32 and some other places in the
Old Testament. So turn back that way with me to Deuteronomy 32 and let's start with verse 15.
And I want you to be thinking about this while we read through this passage about real people, real historic people who were some of whom were
God's children, some of whom were Satan's children, but all of whom were mixed together and they all claimed to be
God's people. I want us to look at the effect that the tares had on the wheat.
Now, Deuteronomy 32, let's start with verse 15. But Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked, thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness.
Now that pictures ease of life and it pictures pretty much having everything going smoothly.
It pictures prosperity. It pictures a people that all of the blessings of God had come upon.
They were a blessed people. When you get in that situation, I think this warns us we'd better be careful because look what happened.
Then he forsook God which made him and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation.
They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger.
They sacrificed unto devils, not to God, to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up whom your fathers feared not.
Of the rock that begat thee, thou art unmindful and has forgotten
God that formed thee. And when the Lord saw it, he had abhorred them because of the provoking of his sons and his daughters.
And that's a very important verse in this passage. Verse 19, we'll come back to that.
But I want you to notice this phrase that God abhorred them because of the provoking of his sons and his daughters.
And he said, I will hide my face from them. I will see what their end shall be for they are very forward generation children in whom is no faith.
Let's look at that passage just a moment. Notice that it says they forsook God. This word means that they literally thrust him off.
They thrust God off. Now, there are a lot of people around that teach you that you can do that, that you could lose your salvation by, in fact, thrusting
God away. In fact, they teach that you're the one who accepted Jesus in the first place.
So if you accepted him, you could certainly come to a time when you reject him. And that's the teaching of the
Church of Christ. I believe that's implied in the teaching of the Methodists and many of the
Pentecostals and all the folks who don't believe that if a child of God is saved, they don't believe he stays saved.
That's their teaching. They teach that you can accept Jesus and then you can reject him. In fact, it is said of these people that they forsook
God, they thrust him off. Now, I would argue with you this morning that not every person in that congregation did that, but some of them did.
The question is, which group? Well, it says also that they lightly esteemed the rock.
To lightly esteem has been translated in other places in the Old Testament into the idea of to disgrace or to dishonor, to bring disgrace and dishonor, to despise, to fall away.
They lightly esteemed the rock. They fell away from the rock. They brought disgrace to God's people and dishonor and so forth.
And it says they provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoke they him to jealousy.
Now, let me ask you this. Do you think Satan's children could provoke God to jealousy? Think about it.
I don't think so. So apparently some of God's children got involved in the same things that Satan's people were doing in this mixed multitude.
They watched them. They assumed, well, they claim to be Christians. They're here in the congregation.
We're all God's nation. These have to be God's people. So if they're going to bring in a new God here or there, some
I've never heard of, but it looks interesting to me, I think I can take part in it too, because after all, they're my friends.
I run with them and look what happens. All of a sudden,
God is provoked and he is brought to jealousy and that's not all that happens.
It says in verse 17, they sacrificed unto devils, not to God, to gods that they knew not, to new gods and the gods that their fathers feared not.
Now these things were an abomination to God, verse 16 says, and the abomination means something disgusting to God.
Verse 18, verse 17, it says they sacrificed unto devils. In verse 18, it says of the rock that begat thou thee, you're unmindful and you've forgotten
God that formed thee. And to be unmindful of God is an interesting concept.
I want you to think about this in Romans chapter one, verse 28, it says, and even as they did not like to retain
God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which were not convenient.
They did not like to retain God in their knowledge. Now, what group of people are we talking about in Romans chapter one?
Are we talking about his children? I think not. We're talking about a bunch of homosexuals.
And the Bible says that the effeminate shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. And so we're talking about some lost people in Romans chapter one, it says they do not like to retain
God in their knowledge. Now, isn't it interesting that in Deuteronomy 32, 18 of the rock that begat thee, thou art unmindful and has forgotten the
God that formed thee. That points out something to me that not only can God, can the lost people, not only can the people of Satan put
God out of their knowledge. In fact, that's their desire is to never have to even think about him. Their conscience will sometimes remind them that he's there, but they put that aside very quickly.
They don't want to even think about him. And if God's children hang around those kind of people enough, what happens is all of a sudden they become a little bit unmindful of the rock that begat them.
Verse 19 then goes on and says, and when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them.
Now, does that mean he abhorred his own children? No, it says he abhorred those who caused his own children, sons and daughters to be provoked.
Do you remember what happened to Lot? What does the Bible say happened to Lot when he lived in Sodom? His righteous soul was vexed.
Very similar word to provoked in this passage. And so what happens is we have
Satan's children who are putting God completely out of their knowledge. They're bringing in these false gods of all manner of new things to get the attention of God's sons and daughters.
And God's sons and daughters began to be unmindful of him and God became jealous. And then those who brought this to pass,
Satan's children in the mixed multitude, God says he abhorred them. Don't ever think for a minute there aren't some people that God abhors because it says right here that he abhors anyone who provokes his own sons and daughters.
Isn't that amazing? Well, it goes on and says that he, in verse 20, and he said,
I will hide my face from them. I will seek what their end shall be, for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
What a stinger there. Children in whom there is no faith.
Well, it obviously points out two kinds of children that are in the world. I want you to think about this verse in 2
Peter 2, verse 14. It says there are some people who having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin.
This is an habitual lifestyle of sin. They got the same sin this year they had last year and the year before, and yet they're claiming to be
Christians. And they cannot cease from sin. Sin has absolute power over their life.
They're a slave to sin. There's not a sin in their life that they can quit.
And yet they claim to be a Christian and they cannot cease from sin. Now look what they do.
Beguiling unstable souls. They get in mixed among God's children and some of God's babies who are a bit unstable because they're not in the word.
All of a sudden, they're beguiled by these other people. A heart they have exercised with covetous practices.
Now look what God calls these kind of children. Cursed children. So there are some people who are cursed children.
Which have forsaken the right way and gone astray following the way of Balaam, etc.
Who love the wages of unrighteousness. Isn't it interesting that God says that these children will in a sense love not having to be in heaven someday?
That's an amazing thought, isn't it? Because what would it mean to them to be in heaven? They would be right in the very presence of the
God that they tried to keep out of their knowledge. These are wells without water.
Now what is a well without water? What if you're walking around dry and thirsty and you saw a well?
A water well. Would you start getting excited about it? Yeah. And you ran over to it.
And you lowered the bucket down in there and you heard this at the bottom. Instead of a splash.
How would you feel? Just a hole in the ground. A dry well.
It's not a good word to an oil man. But you would be very disappointed.
But what did the well look like on the outside when you first approached it? It looked like a well with water.
You just assumed it had water. Young people, let me tell you something. Everybody who claims to be a Christian and who goes to church or to Christian school.
All over the place. They don't all have water in them. They look like they do.
But they don't all have water. Be very careful. Because what happens is you have here wells that look like they have water.
Clouds that are carried with a tempest. To whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.
Does that mention the fact that there is a group of people. That God has ordained a place where they're going to go.
And you know what's frightening about it? Is they're all around us. I don't want you to look at each other now. I told you to spread out this morning, didn't
I? But when you get around a group of folks who call themselves
Christians. You might as well understand. There are going to be some dry wells in there. Now Ephesians 5 .5.
Well that passage talked about a group of children called cursed children. Now Ephesians 5 .5 may talk about another kind of children.
For this we know that no whoremonger nor unclean person. Now isn't it interesting that this passage starts with the word whoremonger.
And 2nd Peter chapter 2 starts with having eyes full of adultery. There are just certain sins out there in the world.
That Satan's children cannot keep away from. Satan and his demons just bring them towards it.
Homosexuality is like that. It's so totally and utterly unnatural that it has to be demoniacal.
It has to be demon originated. And so these children of Satan, they have no power over these things.
They're just slaves to it and they run to it. And we have so many today who call themselves
Christians. We have whole churches today for homosexuals. Anytime you see a church that has the word metropolitan after it.
You better check it twice before you go to it. Because they like to choose that name for some reason.
But they call themselves Christians. They'll have a homosexual pastor who's preaching to them from the word of God.
Why what they're doing is okay. And they don't think for one moment that they're lost. And they're just as good as you are.
They just have a different lifestyle. But they're just very faithful to one another and so forth.
They say. But you know what the Bible says. For this we know that no whoremonger nor unclean person.
Nor covetous man who is an idolater. Hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Let no man deceive you. I don't care if he stands behind a pulpit. Of course he's probably wearing a skirt or something.
But don't let any man deceive you with the vain words. For because of these things come the wrath of God on thee.
Now look at this children. These children. What are they called? The children of disobedience.
Cursed children. Children of disobedience. But ye be not ye therefore partakers with them.
Why would God say that if it weren't possible? Why would God warn his children not to partake of things with the other children.
If it weren't possible for them to do it. The mixed multitude will always bring things down to its level.
You can't bring them up to yours. It is absolutely impossible for you to do that. You cannot bring them up to your level.
All that can happen is if you allow it is they can bring you down to their level. But be not partakers with them.
For ye were sometimes darkness. But now are ye light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Now there's another kind of children. So we have cursed children. And we have children for whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.
And then we have these children who are called the children of light. In Ephesians 5 .1
it says be ye therefore followers of God as dear children. That's a completely different kind of child.
Now let me remind you in the assembly everybody calls himself as a Christian. But we've got some who are cursed children.
We have some who are dear children. This word dear children comes from the word agapetos.
Which comes from agape. Which means the beloved ones. So you have some children who are cursed.
To whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever. And you have some children who were beloved from before time began.
From eternity past. And those two kind of children don't mix real well.
But Satan is always in the business of trying to force that mix. Kind of like trying to force oil and water to go right there and just mix together.
And the sad thing is some of God's children who are weak in the faith. Don't recognize these things.
And they do find themselves worshiping some of these same gods that these others worship. Now back in the
Deuteronomy passage in 32. Verse 21 says this. They have moved me to jealousy.
With that which is not God. They have provoked me to anger with their vanities.
Where did they pick these up from? Now these listen. Satan's children cannot provoke
God. Satan's children can't make God jealous. So it has to be talking about his own children.
When he says they have provoked me to anger with their vanities. Where did they get these vanities? Where did they pick them up from?
The mixed multitude that were right in there with them. That brought these gods into their presence. And got them interested in them.
Got their curiosity up. Kind of like Eve's curiosity when she was looking at that fruit just wondering. I wonder if that's really so bad.
I mean there's one that just came and told me that it can't be too bad. Because it's good to the eyes. It tastes good and it brings wisdom.
God would want me to be wise wouldn't he? I think maybe I'll just try that. And Satan's children are always bringing that same cycle to pass.
And it says. I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people.
I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. For a fire is kindled in my anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell.
And shall consume the earth with her increase. And set on fire the foundations of the mountain.
So we see in this passage there are two kinds of children. Hebrews 10 39 is a very comforting verse to me.
It says this. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition. You know what perdition means?
Utter annihilation. Hell. We are not of them that draw back. Did you notice that these passages are talking about people who withdraw from God?
It says they withdraw from the God. They forsook God. They lightly esteemed him which meant they fell away from him.
They drew back from him. In Hebrews 10 39 says. But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition.
But of them that believe unto the saving of the soul. So now we get into an interesting aspect of this.
Not only are there two kinds of children. But there are two kinds of belief. It's implied very clearly in 10 39 of Hebrews.
That there are those who believe in a sense a human belief.
A belief that's worked up from within. A kind of a pep rally type belief.
I believe, I believe, I believe. Just shake my hand and believe. Say these words and believe.
Pray this little prayer and believe. Shake my hand brother. You're my brother now. That's how we get mixed multitudes in churches isn't it?
Pray this little prayer after me and we'll baptize you and here you are. That kind of belief doesn't save anybody.
It takes them to perdition. But the Bible says that we are of them who believe to the saving of the soul.
So there is a different kind of belief. A saving faith that the
Bible speaks of. In 2nd Timothy 1 12. We see very clearly that God's children cannot fall back into perdition.
For which cause I also suffer these things. Nevertheless I am not ashamed. But I know whom
I have believed. And am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him.
Against that day. Psalm 37 23 says the steps of a good man are ordered by the
Lord. And he delighteth in his way. And though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down.
Psalm 37 28 says the Lord loveth judgment. And forsaketh not his saints.
He will not forsake his people. They are preserved. Don't you like that word? Any of you ever make preserves?
They are preserved forever. But the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.
Psalm 37 40 and the Lord shall help them and deliver them. He shall deliver them from the wicked.
And save them because they trust in him. Where did that trust come from?
That is a different kind of trust than the belief that those had that fell away.
John 6 39 says and this is the father's will which hath sent me. That of all which he hath given me
I should lose nothing. But should raise it up again the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me.
That of everyone which seeth. And that word means beholdeth the son. Everyone that looks up like the apostle
Paul did. When he used to be Saul. And he was going down that road to destroy and to kill Christians.
He was not trying to find Jesus. He wasn't looking for Jesus. And all of a sudden that light came on.
And he looked up and he beheld him. The Bible says everyone that beholdeth the son.
And believeth on him may have everlasting life. And I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6 37 all that the father giveth me shall come to me. That's irresistible grace.
All that the father shall give me shall come to me. And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6 35 and Jesus saith unto them I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never hunger.
And he that believeth on me shall never thirst. That's a well with water in it. John 10 26 listen to this very carefully.
But ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep. As I said unto you ye believe not because you are not of my sheep.
My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. Young people let me ask you a question.
If you see another young person who is not following Jesus. But they claim to be a
Christian. What are you to do about it? Do you believe everyone who claims to be a
Christian? What about those of you who are young at heart? You have some folks maybe come into the church.
If our church continues to grow we'll have more people coming in. Some folks come in and boy we're happy.
We give them a right hand of fellowship. And all of a sudden six months ago by a year goes by.
And the life is not that which seems to be what a Christian should be. Are we to believe that they're
Christians? Now I'm not I'm not talking about it on the negative side. I'm talking about on the positive side.
Do we just make the assumption that they are saved? Because they said they were. The Bible says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.
Doesn't say they might. Doesn't say they might hear me. Doesn't say they might know me. And it doesn't say they might follow me.
Jesus says they do follow me. And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish.
That's pretty good eternal security isn't it? How long is never? They shall never perish.
Neither shall anything pluck them out of my hand. My father which gave them to me is greater than everything in the universe.
And nothing is able to pluck them out of my father's hand. And I and my father are one.
Ephesians 2 5 and 6. Even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ.
By grace you are saved and hath raised us up together. And made us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ.
That's present tense. If you are seated together in heavenly places with Christ right now. How could you ever lose your salvation?
Because you have the position of a saved one. It is impossible for a child of God to lose his salvation.
1 Thessalonians 5 9 says for God hath not appointed us to wrath. Did you hear that?
Hallelujah. God has not appointed us to wrath. What does that imply? That's a great possibility isn't it?
But to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us.
Who? Those who were not appointed unto wrath. That seems fairly clear. For God hath not appointed us to wrath.
But to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us. That whether we sleep we shall live.
Or whether we wake or sleep we shall live together with him. You're already living eternal life if you're his.
Isn't that wonderful? 2 Timothy 1 9 who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling.
The ones that are saved are the same ones that God called. Not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace.
Which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. It is absolutely impossible to have the beautiful, marvelous, historic
Baptist Bible doctrine of eternal security. If we don't tie it to the very things that the
Bible ties it to. Who had saved us and called us with a holy calling. Not according to our works but according to his purpose.
And grace which was given. It's a gift given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
How could it have anything to do with works if it happened before the world began? God set his love upon you before anything was made.
If you're his this morning. 2 Timothy 1 12 for the which cause I also suffer these things.
Nevertheless I am not ashamed. For I know whom I have believed. And am persuaded that he is able to keep that which
I have committed unto him. Against that day. And I can't do this without reading
Charlotte's favorite verse. 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again.
Unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. To an inheritance incorruptible.
Undefiled that fadeth not away. Reserved in heaven with your name on it. Who are kept by the power of God through faith.
Now if that faith comes from the power of God. You didn't work it up from inside did you? Through faith unto salvation.
Ready to be revealed in the last day. But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition.
But of them that believe unto the saving of the soul. I want to close this morning by having you look at another passage.
Look at Numbers chapter 11. And this message is not finished.
Because what we need to go on to do at another time. Perhaps next Sunday morning. Is to talk about where our faith does come from.
But I want us to focus on this mixed multitude this morning. And I just bring in these things.
Two points we've made. There are two kinds of children. And there are two kinds of faith. Or I should say two kinds of belief.
There are Satan's children and there are God's children. There are cursed children and beloved children.
There is a belief that is worked up from inside the person. That cannot take him to hell to heaven.
Because it leads him to fall away and to perdition someday. But then on the other hand there is a belief.
That is unto the saving of the soul. And it is impossible to fall away from that belief. Because it wasn't your belief.
It came from up there. And we'll look at that next Sunday morning. But let's look at this.
Numbers chapter 11 verse 1. And when the people complained.
Isn't that something? It displeased the Lord. Now remember you have a group of people here.
They're all claiming to be God's people. But we have what mixed in with this people?
We have two kinds of children. And two kinds of belief. Remember that as we read this. And when the people complained it displeased the
Lord. And the Lord heard it. And his anger was kindled. And the fire of the
Lord burnt among them. And consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.
And the people cried unto Moses. And when Moses prayed unto the Lord the fire was quenched.
And he called the name of the place Tibera. Because the fire of the
Lord burnt among them. And look at verse 4. And the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting.
And the children of Israel also wept again. Isn't it amazing the tendency that God's children have?
To pay so much attention to Satan's children. Isn't it amazing how
God's children always think it's Satan's children. Who have the cool things. They have the neat things to offer.
They wear the interesting clothes. They listen to this kind of music and it's great.
They do this. They go there. This is in. And they never stop to think that Satan has planted them.
And they're right beside them for a purpose. An evil purpose. Because Satan's purpose is this.
He cannot really hurt God can he? But let me ask you ladies this.
Would it hurt you more to have yourself harmed or your little child harmed? Tell me which.
That's right. So indirectly Satan attacks does he not? And where does he attack God's children?
How does he do it? He puts a mixed multitude right in there beside them. And the mixed multitude falls a lusting.
But the children of Israel weep. Why? Because sorrow has been brought into their lives. Because they followed along with Satan's children.
Who they were shoulder to shoulder with. And they did not have the discernment to see the difference. And the children of Israel also wept again and said.
Who shall give us flesh to eat? Now now the very habits of the mixed multitude. Have come on into the minds and hearts of God's children.
And now they're complaining. I mean you're going to know Satan's children going to complain. Now look what they're complaining about.
And they've listened to it day in and day out. And now God's children are complaining with them. It's like Satan's children begin to sing.
And God's children listen for a while. And all of a sudden they harmonize. And the mixed multitude fell a lusting.
The children of Israel wept. Who shall give us flesh to eat? Now what are they complaining about?
They're complaining because God gave them manna. Manna from heaven. You ever been in a church where people complained.
Because all there was just Bible teaching. Didn't have any of that rock music and electric guitars and drums.
And and uh flashy evangelists coming in. A bunch of programs for everybody going every which way.
To keep you away from home every night of the week. So you can't know your husband or wife or your children. You ever hear anybody complain about that?
All you got there just Bible teaching. Oh we remember the flesh the fish.
Which we did eat in Egypt. That's the world. We freely had fish. We had cucumbers.
Now you know I could go without those things. I don't know maybe if I got out there and didn't have them for a long time.
And Satan's children started griping about it. And the melons. I'm thinking of something funny but I'm not going to say it.
And the leeks. And the onions. And the garlic.
Boy we remember those things. Egypt had some good things.
Did you know the mixed multitude is always going to point out to what the world has to offer. It's always going to make
God's things seem insufficient for our flesh. But now our soul is dried away.
Now who's saying this? Well Satan's seeds have already been burnt off the face of the earth.
The fire came down from heaven and burned them to a crisp. They fell a lusting. These are
God's people left. God's people are saying oh my soul is dried away. All my friends just got killed.
They're best friends. They were running with lost people. And liking it.
There is nothing at all beside this manna. It's all
I've got. Bread from God's hand. That's all I've got. It's all
I have before my eyes. And the manna was as coriander seed. And the color thereof was as the color of dillium.
And the people went about and gathered it. Grounded in mills and beat it in the mortar and baked it in the pans.
And made cakes of it. And the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night the manna fell upon it.
And then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families. Every man in the door of his tent.
Now you got the men crying. That's a pathetic scene isn't it? And the anger of the
Lord was kindled greatly. Now the first anger was kindled by whom? The mixed multitude.
And now who kindles this anger? The Lord was kindled greatly.
The anger of the Lord Moses also was displeased. Now we're in trouble. Even Moses is upset.
And Moses said to the Lord, Wherefore hast thou afflicted my servants by putting me here with these people? And wherefore have
I not found favor in your sight because you put me here with these people? Do you know sometimes the pastor feels that way too?
He says, Lord why can't people see these traps that are being set?
Why can't they see them? Why do you tell them? You know you tell them there's a trap being set and they smile and just go right into it.
And then it's the pastor's fault because he's meddling. Have I conceived all this people?