Some Caution for Fellow Contrarians

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, all right. Well, let me just jump right into it today a couple different topics The first thing that I wanted to to just I don't know maybe maybe be as a warning to you
I'm not really sure if this is a warning or if this is just me Rambling about myself.
I don't know but you may have noticed that I Could be sometimes a little bit of a contrarian
That might sound like a stupid comment because it's maybe it's obvious to some of you But if everyone's hating on Bitcoin, then
I'm you know, potentially a little bit interested in Bitcoin if everyone's into Bitcoin I'm gonna buy some gold like, you know a little bit of a contrarian and I'm not always that way and I'm not
Just like a hard and fast contrarian like I try to look at fundamentals and principles and history and all that kind of stuff and that's important because You know
The world is upside down right now We're in this really twisted upside down part of the the the
You know cycle of our Empire in the United States and so being a contrarian Will actually be very beneficial to you a lot of the time
You know what? I mean? Like like I'll just give you an example. This is a tweet that Andrew Torba Tweet I got to stop saying that I got to get rid of the lingo of the old universe the old matrix
This is a gab that Andrew Torba re reposted and it's just basically about like, you know
Removing yourself from Twitter and how that makes you feel like a really good like it's actually you feel like mentally a lot.
I Don't know just more focused when you're off of Twitter and Facebook and all their normal stuff.
I Agree, I I got myself off of Twitter be primarily because it's just you know
Like what everyone is doing and and it would just they started getting ridiculous with the with the bannings and stuff like that And so my contrarian mindset, you know with that Kind of helped me, you know what
I mean? And so that's gonna happen very often in the upside down that we're currently living in being a contrarian when everyone else is
Saying up is down, but you're like nah. Nah, that's up like that's gonna serve you well, but it's not automatically gonna serve you
Well, so I just I just want to caution you like if you're like me and a little bit of a contrarian To be honest like when with my investments
I'm a little bit of a contrarian as well, and it's I think it's going to serve me well in the coming years
But being a contrarian isn't automatically good. In fact, I would argue that it's probably not a good thing it's something that I I know it about myself and I have to temper that somehow and for me what
I try to do with as far as tempering my contrary nature is It's having you know friends and people that I that I know people that care about me
That have the ability and the willingness to kind of step in and be like a
D. I don't know about that one Yeah, you know what I mean? you know and and to be honest, my wife is very helpful in this regard because She'll disagree with me with some things and say she doesn't quite agree with that reasoning or whatever and that's a good thing that's a very valuable asset for any man because Again, like I do think my contrarian kind of mindset is going to serve me
Well in the upside down, but it's not an automatic thing. I have to temper that I have to be careful to just be like am
I taking the opposite view? Because I actually believe it or is it just because I'm a contrarian, you know what
I mean? I have to keep an eye on that I think it's very helpful, you know to think about yourself and to know what your weaknesses are, you know, there's um,
There's some information out there that that's very very Cancellable if you mention it, so I'll mention it the contrarian, you know,
I mean, there's some information there out there about IQs and average IQs based on race and stuff like that and I remember hearing about this information and I'm in one of the ethnic groups where the
IQs tend to be lower according to this data And I remember, you know thinking like, you know, why why are people getting cancelled for talking about this, right?
Like it's not like they they are happy about it It's not like they're you know I mean like they're just saying this is the case like there are certain ethnicities that have higher
IQs on average and this and that And they get cancelled over like people freak out and and hate them for it.
But for me, it's like well If I'm if I'm in one of those ethnicities that on average has a lower
IQ than others. I Think that's actually quite helpful to know that because if it's true,
I mean again, I'm not an expert on these things I'd have no idea if it's true or not But what I'm saying is if it's true, right?
Wouldn't I want to know like shouldn't you want to know? Where your limitations are and I think this is important Like if you know where your limitations are if you have a general sense of where your limitations are
Maybe you don't know exactly You can go out and you can get the help you need to kind of make up for it
So like for example, I my father is a nuclear engineer. So he's just like a science and math
Wizard strong believer as well, but he's a math and science wizard. I didn't get that gene from him
I'm terrible at numbers and math and things like that. There's just no bone that I make no bones about it, right?
I'm not good at it. I don't enjoy it and all of that kind of thing And so I get help when it comes to my finances and my accounting and stuff like that I I buy services to help me out with some of that stuff because I don't enjoy it and because I think there's a high likelihood of me
Making a mistake when it comes to that kind of thing And so it's like wouldn't you want to know what you're good at and what you're not good at?
in fact I pay a decent amount for someone to take care of a lot of the back office stuff regarding my my business
I pay a decent amount for that because I it's valuable to me and somebody else might see what I pay for that some of that Stuff and be like, well, what are you wasting your money for?
Why don't you just do it? And it's like well because I'm not good at it You know what? I mean? Like I don't want to make a mistake and so I pay for that expertise and so I don't know like I just you know, like like The whole reason
I bring it up because I have a feeling that some people that watch this channel mate may Be contrarians as well, and that's fine
I'm not saying you're bad or anything like that, but just know that that's not automatically a strength
You know what? I mean it I feel like it is a strength, especially in our time and day and age
But it's not automatically a strength and so know that there are some Bad things that come with being a contrarian that you need to mitigate somehow and so get that help
I think the body of Christ is great for this because where I'm strong I can help others out where I'm weak
They can help me out and I can't say, you know to the if I'm a hand I can't say to the foot
I don't need you. No. No the hand needs the foot right a hand can't walk. Well, unless you're one of those acrobats
But you see that you see my point. I think the body of Christ is great for this If you're a contrarian like me, you know
Understand that and and do something about it. So anyway, so there's that that's the first thing and Then I did want to comment about You know a lot of people so by now you've probably heard that that Paul Maxwell has left the faith and You know,
I I first noticed this somebody had sent me a link to something I'm off. Like I said, I'm off Twitter.
I'm off Facebook I've never had an Instagram, you know, like so I didn't know until until people sent me this stuff and then
I noticed like a bunch of people commenting on my old video that I did about one of his videos and The comments were just so bizarre.
It's like this didn't age Well, like, you know, obviously gloating that that Paul Maxwell was an unbeliever
And it's not I didn't say anything in it that didn't age well I mean and what Paul was saying in the video was true so it's like I don't understand why people think that like the truth of what you say depends on like Your status as a believer like unbelievers can say true things
We all understand that a lot of times they get them right by accident, but they can definitely say true things
But anyway, that's not really what I wanted to talk about I just found it very weird that people felt like they had the need to say say that didn't that didn't age
Well, like what do you mean? It didn't age? Well, I don't understand. Anyway, I watched a couple of John Harris's videos on his apostasy and Yeah, it's it's it's it's sad to see no question about it it's sad to see and I think that a lot of John's commentary was right on the money as far as The whole idea of people making these videos and talking about how happy they are
And all that kind of stuff where that comes from why they feel happy. I think he's right about that I don't think there's any question about it
But the the bizarre thing and I do want to comment on this is dr.
Anthony Bradley's Weird bizarre tweet with him embracing, you know,
Paul Maxwell and saying hey, he's doing great He's really happy this
I can feel your questions about him and stuff like that and I just can't help but I've thought about it and I just felt like I just had to say this like I can't help but see the stark contrast between Anthony's reaction and What you see in the scripture, you know what
I mean? And and it's just very very interesting. It's just like like There's like like I just don't get the impulse to celebrate it
You know what? I mean? Like I you know, you don't nobody has to lament publicly or make a post about how they disavow
Whatever. I'm not saying that but what I am saying is I just don't get the celebration I don't get the the buying into the lie that this is the this is the best choice for his mental health
Like I just can't imagine doing that you see in the scripture. It says if anyone has no love for the
Lord God damn that guy Let him be a curse. Let him be anathema.
That's God damning him, right? That's a serious like very severe way to look at People who have no love for the
Lord and I think we're meant to feel the weight of that of those words
That's not it's not like a game. You know what I mean? It's not something to be trifled with It's not something to be playing around with like, you know
Anthony Bradley's posting selfies of a guy who just recently committed apostasy and Like can you ever see the
Apostle Paul doing such a thing? I Just don't understand it. Like it's just so it's such
It's such a weird weird thing I just don't get it I can understand Someone apostasizing right like I can understand someone who's an unbeliever feeling the need to publicly and and and and just kind of Bombastically leaving the faith because when you're suppressing the truth for so long, right?
You're you're you don't believe in Christ. You have no love for the Lord. You're suppressing the truth but at the same time you're
Pretending like you're not suppressing the truth That is probably building up and building up and building up and then when you finally stop
Lying to yourself and to everybody else. It's it is something that I feel like you want to draw attention to you want to maybe not get accolades for but like The pressure release valve there is is tremendous.
And so there's gonna be some oomph behind it. I get that You know what? I mean? I get that but from a believing perspective,
I can't imagine Celebrating that or feeling the need to post a selfie or to show solidarity with that because that's not how the scripture
Teaches us to behave with those who leave the faith, right? That's not how it teaches us to behave and you might think that sounds harsh and that's fine
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna argue with you about that. You know what I mean? It's just it's just so clear, right?
You know like the scripture takes this and it's very solemn and severe about the consequences
I just can't imagine the Apostle or any of the Apostles, you know
Posting selfies about how genuine their happiness is once they leave Christ You know what?
I mean? I just can't accept that as A person who's an actual believer who actually believes is
I think the reason that you see that kind of reaction from dr Anthony Bradley, this is my opinion is that he's on that same path
He's on that same road to apostasy And I think it's an encouraging sort of happy thing to see someone who's a little further on that path have success
Along that path. I think that Anthony Bradley is very inspired by Paul Maxwell and I think that that's a very sad thing
It gives me no pleasure It's not surprising to see it knowing what I know about Anthony Bradley and his interactions and the way he has these conversations
It's a very sad thing and it's a very severe thing And so when the scripture says if anyone has no love for the
Lord, let him be accursed We should feel that the weight of that like saying for God to damn someone
Because they have no love for the Lord should weigh heavy on us It should weigh heavy on us and and it should weigh heavier on me than it does
I'll be honest. And so I don't know if you found that helpful or if you know, that's that's all
I'm gonna say about this I'm not gonna do a video At length about Paul or anything like that.
You know, I I pray that God has mercy on Paul I do I pray that God has mercy on Anthony Bradley as well.
Dr. Anthony Bradley. I guess it's dr. Paul Maxwell as well and That's all
I'll say about it. I just can't I can't Imagine the the the joyous reaction that that dr.
Anthony Brad's very shameful very shameful Someone friend of his ought to reach out to him because that's it's not a good sign
It's not a good sign to instead of feeling the weight of someone's apostasy instead of doing that posting
Selfies about how genuinely happy the apostate is I Don't get it, but it certainly seems to be something that Is an indicator over the person's playing for the wrong team is on the the same path
As as dr. Paul Maxwell is as well. Anyway, that's all I'll say. I hope that you found this video helpful