Utah Christian is Sick of Lawmakers Inconsistencies

Apologia Utah iconApologia Utah


A local Christian bravely voices his concerns on behalf of the pre-born citizens of Utah.


House Bill 467 just became public this afternoon. Fox 15 News reporter
Chris Arnold spoke with anti -abortion and pro -choice advocates who let their voices be heard on this extremely emotional issue.
My name is Steve Sorwide. I come to speak to you today as a follower of Christ. Prepared, as Ephesians 6 explains, with the full armor of God, that you may stand against the schemes of the devil.
And let me be clear, despite these revisions, babies will still be killed. These are schemes of the devil.
I do want to point out how it's interesting that Republicans and Democrats of Utah seem to have found common ground regarding this moral wickedness.
Our esteemed he -him governor likes to use a catchphrase, disagree better. Cox's version of disagreeing better is essentially just turning a blind eye so that we can feel better about being nice to our neighbor, meanwhile allowing the devil to advance his evil plans through a feckless populace.
The best way to disagree better is to tell somebody the objective truth, despite how it will make them feel.
And the Bible clearly states in Psalm 139 that actual life begins at conception. For you formed my inmost being, you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
Your eyes saw my unformed body, all my days written in your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be.
It thus follows that since the Bible also says you shall not murder, murdering a pre -born child must therefore be considered murder and highly offensive to our
God. This bill and all that do not completely abolish abortion, completely abolish abortion, deeply offends myself, my family, my children, my community, and most of all, my
God. Most importantly, I come to ask you today, by what standard do your beliefs and actions stem from?
Do your standards come from objective biblical truth? Do they come from your feelings?
Do they come from your desire to conform to society? Do they come from Joseph Smith? Do they come from a living apostle?