What does persevering in Christ look like? | Clip from Perseverance of the Saints

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How can you know if you are pursuing Christ and actually persevering? We often think of perseverance of the saints as only a doctrine pertaining the end of our lives. But it is a doctrine we can hope and rest in throughout our Christian walk.


When can we be said to be walking in Christ? And I think we both feel that this is really where his sermon excels
I'm gonna read the the little headings that he gives the subheadings and then Chuck we can talk about it
So when persons may be said to walk so as to comply with the design of the
Apostle in our text And he describes well What does it look like when you are persevering?
He gives these Different points number one this they may be said to do
When they walk in the way of god's commandments with diligence and activity making religion their chief business and employment number two
This they may be said to do to persevere when they go on in the duties of piety or holiness with freedom and cheerfulness number three
Persons may be said to comply with the exhortation When they act in religion deliberately
That is when their religious progress is the effect of due consideration and choice number four
Such as walk in christ are constant in their religious performances The general tenor of their lives being spent this way and finally number five
We know that we're persevering in christ he says When we walk in christ and our walk is progressive
We go forward in our journey zion word so with all those things
Chuck, what do you feel are some of the you know More important things that he points out there The second one that he mentions about happily doing
Put your doing in the christian walk So Not just a list of duties that you're checking off.
I think about uh when I was a kid in Discipleship training or training union. I think they called it Yeah, they would come around and ask who read your bible every day this week and I don't remember other questions
But I do remember that one, you know and I mean certainly there were people surely there were people who read their bible happily, but i'm sure
As a kid there were times when I raised my hand and I was very happy to raise my hand And I hadn't read it to know the lord
Um, but I read it because I wanted to be able to raise my hand and say I read my bible every day, you know
So it was a duty, but it was there was no love to christ in it um So what he describes as as walking in him
Is not just a duty to check off and say, okay i've done that you can imagine doing that You know in a relationship with your wife uh
Check off the list of duties as a husband Um, well, that's there's not much love in that and you're not going to really honor her by doing that But for love of her there are things that you do for love of christ we walk in him
Yeah, so we cannot really call ourselves persevering
Uh in faith persevering in our walk in the lord if there is no love to christ In our duties just doing the duties is not enough to be thought of as a christian who's walking or running the race
I like the first point that he makes when he says there has to there has to be done with diligence
You know and and really he presses that through all of these sub points there there ought to be an intentionality
And an earnestness and let me read you a quote when he talks about how Really walking with the lord and really moving forward in that You know really pursuing the christian life with earnestness how that ought to make every other pursuit in life pale by comparison
Here's what he writes all earthly things Ought to be sought after with indifference
When compared with the pains used in seeking christ So the apostle advises us to buy
As though they possessed not first corinthians 7 30, but alas he writes this is ordinarily practiced the backward way
They pray as if they prayed not they hear As if they heard not a spirit of indifference runs through all the veins of their religious performances
Yes, while they are burning hot In pursuit of the world they are as cold as stone in the service of god, so Merely going to church as you mentioned
Merely going through the duties with no love. That's not perseverance Merely going through these things with a lackadaisical kind of indifference
Level of energy that's not what the bible calls perseverance In his first major point that we we've already covered but he mentioned in that about uh how we come to christ desperate
You know, there's no other cure. There's no other place to go. There's no other hope and so we come As beggars to him
And maybe one of the reasons that we fail in Continuing happily is because we lose something of that desperation or we think that The cure that christ has provided is one that leaves us not no longer dependent upon him
When the truth is he has changed us and made us a new person, but we continue to be dependent upon him
And we never really graduate from that The difference might be illustrated in in thinking about going to the doctor with some sickness
Maybe you have strep throat and they give you a shot and It takes care of the strep throat and you don't have that anymore
And you don't have to keep going back to the doctor and keep getting a prescription filled. The strep throat is gone but um
You could then think about a different situation where like we have in our family I'm a family member with a heart transplant
And with the heart transplant, there's been a radical change in this person's health And so radical that that like there are new antibodies that exist within this body that weren't there previously and yet still dependent upon Medicine so that your body doesn't reject that heart
Uh, so not a perfect illustration, but the dependency, you know, there's not been a graduation from dependency upon medicine
There's an ongoing need even though So much better Than she was before and Really kind of a new lease on life, but still there's an ongoing dependence
We don't graduate we don't we don't we're not cured in a way that leaves us free of christ.
We're cured so that we are Happily dependent upon christ the rest of our lives and into eternity.
Yeah Well, thank you for watching the clip.