Women Must Be Silent In Church?
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- 00:03
- First Timothy 2 .11 says, Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. So according to the
- 00:09
- Bible, a woman is supposed to sit in church and be quiet, right? She's supposed to keep her mouth shut and leave the talking to the men.
- 00:15
- Yeah, good luck with that, honey. Love you, sweetie. Alright, so that's not the meaning of that verse.
- 00:20
- Rather, it goes with the full instruction that follows. I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man.
- 00:27
- Rather, she is to remain quiet. The context here is church leadership, which continues on into chapter 3.
- 00:33
- Basically, a woman can't be a pastor or an elder in a church. That's no less controversial, but it's what the
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- Bible says, and this instruction is universal to all people in all cultures at all times. It's not exclusive to the time period in which the apostle
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- Paul was writing this. How do we know that? Because Paul, exercising his authority as an apostle, goes all the way back to Adam and Eve with his explanation.
- 00:53
- For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
- 00:59
- So because Adam was formed first, and because Eve was deceived by the serpent, a woman is prohibited from being an authority in the church.
- 01:06
- She can teach children, and she can teach other women. And she can lead others to Christ. Priscilla did that for Apollos along with her husband
- 01:12
- Achilla, but she can't be a pastor. Any church that appoints a woman as a pastor would be in biblical disobedience.
- 01:18
- There are other ways a woman can find godly fulfillment that a man cannot, but the authority in the church is commanded for men to step up and lead.
- 01:26
- Was that a good explanation, love? Yes. Very good, sweetheart. Aw, thanks. And that's when we understand the text.