Potpourri Part 1 Dove Bar



The Need for Preaching (Part 2)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. We are back on the air today,
WVNE 760. Excuse me, got kind of a frog in my throat.
I don't know what that would do. I guess it would look like I'd had a goiter. I don't know how that would work, but the frog is still there.
My name is Mike Abendroth, and we like to talk about biblical subjects that stimulate, that provoke, that poke, that prod, that make you stay tuned to this radio station, 760
WVNE. You can always pick up our podcast at nocompromiseradio .com,
and you can just scroll down podcast and pick one of the 270 shows there to listen to from my review of The Shack to my interview with Michael Horton and everything in between.
Or if you'd like, the easiest thing really is if you go to iTunes Store, type in No Compromise Radio, you can pull up all the podcasts and just download those podcasts.
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We have had some visitors here at the church, Bethlehem Bible Church recently from No Compromise Radio, and if you have a good church, we want you to stay plugged in, get involved, have a ministry, and support that local church.
If you have no church, then you need to find one, and maybe that would be Bethlehem Bible Church.
Today is just a potpourri of things. I love to say the word potpourri. I don't know why I love to say it.
The problem with saying potpourri is when I type it into the iTunes upload podcast,
I don't know how to spell it, potpourri. Well, here's potpourri topic number one. I have a wrapper of a
Dove candy. It says, you know, like Dove bars. Now they have Dove chocolate, and someone gave this to me, and I just get things slipped underneath my desk, and so I have this one slipped under, underneath my door to my desk, rather, and it says
Dove. This is for little candies. It's like a little chocolate kiss is what it's like. I don't know if it was dark chocolate or not.
I prefer dark chocolate, and I just got off kind of a 30 -day sugar fast, and so this is apropos.
I'd hate to get this earlier. Here is some good Dove theology. Right, everybody has a theology.
It's just either good theology or it's bad theology, and here it says Dove, and it's got the little trademark sign there, nice cursive letters.
Live from your heart. It will never steer you wrong, and actually it tells you, this is a little bit of Dove wisdom from Sherry in Conway, Arkansas.
Live from your heart. It will never steer you wrong. Well, that's quite fascinating, isn't it?
I think Adam probably followed his heart. Eve followed her heart. I know
Jonah followed his heart when he did not want to obey God and go preach
God's saving gospel to those in Nineveh.
I knew, basically Jonah said, that God, you were going to save them because you're gracious and you're slow to anger and you're compassionate, and if I went there, you would save them through that message, and I followed my heart.
I call this Disney theology, and Disney theology is just trust your heart, intuition.
Everything's going to be fine, and usually at the end of the show, at least in Disneyland, it is fine, and it does seem to work out happily ever after.
The problem, though, is if you follow your heart, you have seen that it's not just biblically wrong.
You can see that fact quite clearly because Jeremiah says, the heart is more deceitful above all else and is desperately wicked or sick.
Who can understand it? And then the Bible goes on to say in Jeremiah chapter 17, verse 10, the
Lord, he's the only one that can understand it. We don't even know our own motives. We can't even figure out how far sin has crept into our own processes of thinking and feeling and emoting and processing mentally because we can't get outside of ourself.
And so Christianity, as I've said many times on the show, is a religion that receives its instruction and its guidance and its laws and its morals and its sanctions and its information from the outside of a person.
You have to go outside of a person and have it revealed by God. You need revelation.
You need God to uncover his thoughts and then give them to us.
And God has given them to us throughout the scriptures in many different ways. Through nature,
God speaks of his power and his wisdom, of course, in Romans chapter one, Psalm chapter 19.
He has spoken through dreams and visions and still small voices in the
Old Testament. He's spoken through prophets. He's spoken through judges. He's spoken through kings.
He has spoken through apostles. He has spoken out loud.
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And in these last days, Hebrew says how
God speaks. And so you say, well, how does God speak today? God has spoken in many times and in many different ways.
Doesn't that sound just like Hebrews? I'm turning to Hebrews now. People say, well, you know, I hear God in a still small voice.
Well, that's nice. I hope you're reading the account in the Old Testament because God doesn't speak that way today. How does
God speak today? It's not from the inside. And you don't want God to speak to you from the inside because you should not live under dove chocolate theology.
Live from your heart. It will never steer you wrong, Sherry Conway Arkansas. Well, I know
Sherry's gonna have a life full of heartbreaks because the heart is going to trick you. The heart is not going to tell you the right thing.
You just think about relationships and you think about how your heart wants to go for some guy if you're a girl or a girl if you're a guy or maybe guy if you're a guy these days and girl if you're a girl.
You might have certain feelings and tendencies and predispositions to say, you know what? I'd like to,
I think that guy is attractive. I think that a woman is pretty and I'd like to be with her.
I'd like to marry her. I'd like to date her. I'd like to court her. I'd like to, what does the heart say?
The heart says, I'd like to go to bed with her. I mean, there's a lot of things that the heart says, but it tricks and is tainted by sin.
And the heart is not just deceitful, but it's pridefully deceitful. And so if you just want to follow your heart, you are going to be in big trouble throughout time.
And so we have to go for not mysticism, information that comes from the inside.
We need to hear from outside of ourselves, from the infinite God who is not tainted with sin, rather than listening to ourselves, the creature tainted with sin, finite.
And so God in his mercy and his grace has spoken to us. And that's why you need to know the Bible. I find that people say,
I'm going to trust my heart are the same people that are basically biblically illiterate. They know John 3 .16.
They know Philippians 4 .13. They know Genesis 1 .1. And they know a couple of verses in Revelation 3, but they don't know their
Bibles. God, after he spoke long ago to the fathers and the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days, that's what the days we're in now, between the first coming, between the resurrection and the second coming, in these last days has spoken to us in his son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the world.
And he is the radiance of his glory and the exact representation of his nature and uphold all things by the word of his power.
When he had made purification of sins, he sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high. God these days speaks to us with finality in his son and his son's apostolic messengers.
We have the Bible. We have the canon. It's closed. We're not adding anything to it. God doesn't speak to you and you quick write down in between Revelation and the book of maps, a bunch of stuff that he said.
So don't follow your heart. If you have a decision to make about a new job, girlfriend, husband, wife, don't follow your heart.
That's why you need external counsel from God's word, from other godly people, godly people who don't trust themselves.
And so you need to not go around and say to your friends, you know, what do you think of this situation? And then you finally find out from someone who will tell you the same advice that you want to hear.
So you say, yep, it's confirmed. There's wisdom in a bunch of counselors and I got what
I need and then I'll do it. No, scripture, wisdom, and then finally at the end, desire.
But we don't start with our desire. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
You delight yourself in him and then he'll reward you with these things. So, potpourri number one,
Dove Bar Theology is quite contrary to scripture. Potpourri number two on No Compromise Radio, Better Homes and Gardens magazine.
I don't read it. I don't even think my wife really, I don't think she subscribes to it. I think we get the free copies at the library when someone else has already done with them.
And so this comes from Better Homes and Gardens and it has a variety of different things there about how to make your homes better and how to do some gardening.
I mean, I can't even figure that out, but it has other things too.
And so I would say it's probably written to women, moms, probably from 25 to 35 age group and they usually have children.
And so here's what the ad says in Better Homes and Gardens. His math homework is two days late.
It's in his backpack, which he left on the bus. Again, it feels like everyone is giving up on him.
I need a way to help him, but all I have is tears. Signed, Dove Bar Theology.
No, signed, Laura, comma, Kyle's mom. And then it shows at sunset a school, just kind of a bleak school, bleak pavement, dark, no people.
And then that's it. I need a way to help him, but all I have is tears.
Well, what do you think the next four letters are in this ad? The next four letters of this ad are,
A, that's the first letter, D, that's the second letter, H, that's the third letter.
And any guesses what that last letter might be? A -D -H -D,
A -D -H -D. Can be a lonely experience for both child and the parent, but Laura is not alone and neither are you.
Got a little, I got my mother's little helper, as Mick Jagger would say with the Rolling Stones. Learn why moms just like you have made the decision to talk to their child's doctor about Concerta, a treatment with nine years of proven safety and results in treating
ADHD symptoms. Oh, it's not gonna treat ADHD. It will treat the symptoms.
It must be a root cause. If it can't treat the root and it can treat the symptoms, I wonder what could treat the root problem.
It is also the only brand proven effective in treating ADHD symptoms in children who have
ADHD with learning disabilities. Come find answers, help and hope at First Baptist Church.
No, no, no, come find answers, help and hope at Concerta .net
slash help14. Or you could text them if you'd like. Concerta is a prescription product approved for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
ADHD, as part of a total treatment program that may include counseling or other therapies.
Friends, I'm not going to go on record and saying I'm a medical doctor.
I am not. I'm not trying to tell you to stop taking your prescriptions. I am not,
I will not. You have to talk to your doctor about your medical things. But I am here to say this.
The Bible is sufficient. The Bible is complete. The Bible gives us everything we need to live our lives.
And to live them righteously before God in a way that pleases our God. The Bible is clear.
Everything pertaining to life and godliness. If there's something not pertaining to life and not pertaining to godliness, that is not in the
Bible, then the Bible by definition is a liar because 2 Peter chapter one does say, we've got everything we need.
We have everything we need as a savior, mediator, redeemer and friend Christ Jesus. The creator knows how we were created and how sin has affected us.
And the answers and the hope we have are found in God himself, revealed through nature, more specifically through his word.
And so if you've got ADHD or your children have ADHD, the hope that the medical community is going to give you is medicine to solve the symptoms.
It says it right here in this ad, to solve the symptoms. And the symptoms can be solved, but it will not take away.
Symptoms can be dealt with, but that doesn't take care of the root problem.
You can be like me and fall through a pane of nine foot glass and have the glass go through your calf at the
University of Nebraska when I was a sophomore, freshman, I don't know what
I was. And I didn't go to the doctor, I just drank a bunch of Jack Daniels and my symptoms were gone.
But when I woke up in the morning, I had two problems. Number one, my legs still had a huge gash in it.
And number two, I felt dehydrated and I had a headache from drinking too much Jack Daniels. There's hope found for any problem that is a spiritual problem.
And it's spiritual problems that was what the Bible deals with. And you say, well, you know, this is a chemical imbalance.
Really? I think you should do some research on the internet to find out just what kind of empirical data they have for chemical imbalance.
You mean like the imbalance where they have to give you poison lithium to balance out what? It's a good theory, chemical imbalance.
But I'd like to have some proof on it before I put my kid on a drug. It says here, talk to your healthcare professional about proper diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.
Well, just get the physician's desk reference and go to ADHD drug manufacturers and find out what they need to put your kids on there.
And I've got everything that they need. I've got ADHD according to them on most days.
It says contact your healthcare professional immediately if you or your child develops abnormal thinking or hallucinations, abnormal or extreme moods and or excessive activity, aggressive behavior, et cetera.
And then it goes on to list things that you need to know. And it says for most of the time, you just have just some cramps or you don't feel that good, but you could have sudden death in patients who have heart problems, stroke, heart attack in adults, increased blood pressure and heart rate, could have new or worse behavior and thought problems, new or worse bipolar illness, new or worse aggressive behavior or hostility, new psychotic symptoms such as hearing voices, believing things that are not true or suspicious or new manic symptoms.
Then down here it says, I'm glad they have to do the full disclosure bit. Concerta may help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD.
It may, it just might. Well, I might wanna be careful because the feds say this could lead to dependence.
It could be abused. And then it says, you know, it's just minor side effects, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, dizziness, stomach ache, increased sweating, headache, nausea, anxiety, weight loss, irritability.
Friends, there's a little rule that I have here at No Compromise Radio. And that is don't drop your glasses.
No, my rule today is, if something seems too good to be true, you know what?
It probably is. And things that appeal to our laziness, are usually not the right things to do.
Whether that's the lottery, you don't wanna work and you're greedy and you say, hmm,
I think I'll just give some money to the state and I'll have a 1 % chance out of 1 billion to win.
And, oh, you know what? I think I need some spiritual blessings too. And so I'll give some money to a word faith heretic.
Those kinds of things will steer you the wrong way. And it is very difficult to be a parent.
I have the spirit of God, I have a godly wife, I have the Bible, I have four kids, and it's still hard to be a good parent.
And so what's the easy way out? The easy way out is a pill. If you already got your kids on pills, well,
I can't tell you by law, are in good conscience to stop it. I can tell you to go talk to your doctor and find out if there's a way to wean a kid off and meet with your pastor at the same time.
If you got a bunch of unbelieving kids, then maybe it's better for them to be all doped up so they're not going to have problems with society.
But I can tell you this, if you think the solution to your child's restlessness, and for boys, isn't that just a description of a boy, a young boy?
He's growing up, hard to sit still, hard to sit in a classroom, forgets a backpack. Welcome to boyhood.
And so I guess if you want to turn your boys into girls, give them drugs. I guess if you're giving your girls drugs,
I don't know what you're trying to turn them into, doped up girls, probably. But if you're like me, you want the easy way.
I'm by default, sadly, because of the fall and my own nature, lazy. So why give kids drugs when it's your problem and all the potential side effects, all the money, all the issues, mask behavior, why don't you just deal with the root of it?
Boys are lazy. God says work, tend the garden, Adam. And Adam fell, and he's doing the opposite.
He's doing the opposite. And by default, generally, the girls are not the lazy ones.
They're the industrious ones. They have other problems, like trying to take over leadership when they ought not to, because they're doing the opposite of what they're supposed to based on the fall.
So don't go for just the easy way out. Oh, let's just take a drug and everything will be fine.
Most times, I think it's attention dad disorder, ADD, where dads aren't involved, and dads aren't leading, and dads aren't guiding, and dads aren't the ones involved.
I think secondly, it's just kids are kids. You don't discipline kids for being childish. You discipline them for foolishness.
And so if you leave your backpack on the bus a couple times, I think it's just childishness. And then after that, you're going to have to have some consequences.
But if you have a generation that's so psychoanalyzed, everything's got to be turned into something that we're not the problem.
The problem is, yes, the kid's a sinner, so deal with the kid as a sinner. The parents are sinners, so parents, deal with your children knowing that you're fallen through the resources you have, the
Spirit of God, the local church, the Word of God, et cetera. But if we just default to laziness, you're going to have your kids all doped up for how long?
So here's my question, parents. If your kids are on these kind of drugs, Prozac, and Ritalin, and Concert, and all these other things, is that going to be forever?
Why don't you just start now and say, we're going to have to do the hard things now to get my kids off these drugs. So meet with your doctor, meet with your pastor, have a concerted effort to say, you know what?
I just don't want my kids on drugs for the rest of their life. I want them to try to manage their life without the use of drugs.
And this is not some kind of organic issue. This is not like my thyroid's not putting enough, whatever thyroid does, some kind of organic issue.
It's causing me to be depressed. This is an issue of behavior. Behavior that's related to the mind, related to the person's soul.
Loving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. If you've got a little sinner in your house, and if you've got kids, you do.
Well, why don't you start reading the Proverbs so you know how to deal with little sinners instead of defaulting to the lazy way out?
Because what you sow, what you reap, you're going to sow later, and you're gonna have to deal with it eventually, and it's just going to be a bigger problem then.
So why don't you just do that today? Why don't you just say, Lord, give me strength. I'm weak. I can't do these things. I know there's hope in doing
God's way, God's business, God's way, and I just need some help. And there's all kinds of resources you can look to that just don't find themselves in a little pill.
And people say, well, I've got ADHD. Really, I just watched you play video games for 19 hours without going to the bathroom and without eating.
I think you have plenty of attention focused on whatever you want. And so it's selective.
And so if you've got selective attention, then, and you can pay attention to a computer game all day long.
I don't want to put my kid on a drug to just kind of numb him up a little bit because he can pay attention to what he wants to pay attention to.
And get rid of some of those games. How about Friday night is electronic game night, and the other nights, it's probably homework.
Go play in the sandbox or with some rocks, or maybe this. How about go play with dad? How about go lift some weights with dad?
How about take a bike ride with dad and get out of the house? How about go climb trees and do those kind of things?
I don't know what's happened with the society, but it's basically, oh, my finger's hurt now because I'm the
Game Boy. I've been playing too much, or whatever the boy it is now, iBox boy, PlayStation 3 boy,
Xbox. It's not iBox, it's Xbox. So it's a we. I guess we maybe is the best of all because you can at least kind of get a little workout with your arms doing the tennis game or something.
So Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio Ministry. If you've got a kid on ADHD drugs,
I'm just trying to tell you, I think there's another way to go about it. I wouldn't want my kids on drugs the whole time.
You're gonna have to get them off sooner or later unless you want your kids doped up the rest of their lives. So why default to the easy?
Why don't you say, you know, I think I could really deal with this problem if I got the right kind of help.
Let me go talk to my doctor and see what else we might be able to do. And I wanna make sure I just don't, you know, go cold turkey and just say stop and have some kind of problems.
I can't tell you to do that by conscience and probably by law. I'm not a medical doctor. And then say, you know,
I'm gonna meet with my pastor too. What do we need to do for this kid who acts sometimes foolishly and sometimes like a child?
Well, I didn't get much too far in my potpourri today, did I? Dove bars and concerta, that's all I got.
Maybe they'll start selling dove bars with a little concerta laced in there. And then that way you can have some nice comfort food in two different ways.
Well, write me at nocompromiseradio .com, info at No Compromise Radio. And I hope to hear from you soon regarding dove bars, concerta, and the word of God.
Jesus Christ is your hope. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.