Highlight: Kirk Cameron on Compromise
This is a highlight of Apologia Radio. In this clip the question asked to Kirk Cameron is about remaining faithful. How has Kirk not compromised with all the opposition?
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- 00:00
- You know, everywhere we look right now, it seems that all of our conservative figureheads or leaders or role models, if you will, or politicians or athletes or people in the cultural, you know, sphere or, you know, even for us, we do a lot of work in the pro -life sector.
- 00:18
- There just seems to be a lot of compromise on all fronts, you know, people backing down, people apologizing, taking a hard stance and then saying, you know what, never mind,
- 00:27
- I offended you. So therefore I have to come out and apologize. And I just want to know, I mean, the answer is probably in the question, but as a conservative
- 00:33
- Bible believing Christian, a patriot, someone that loves God's word, someone that loves this nation, how have you not been able to compromise?
- 00:44
- That's a good question. Wow, there's so many things here I want to jump in on. How have
- 00:50
- I not, how have I been able to not compromise? Well, I know who
- 00:58
- I'm talking to. And those who are listening have been fed such a steady diet of red meat.
- 01:04
- You guys are on the theological carnivore diet. And so I know that obviously it is the grace and kindness and preserving grace of God that keeps me from diving off the cliff into the ocean of sin.
- 01:22
- But I also know that I've got the best deal in the world.
- 01:28
- I've got the forgiveness of my sins. I have eternal life. I have a father who loves me and has sealed me into his covenant.
- 01:38
- He's loved me from before the foundation of the world. And he's got a purpose to advance his kingdom in some way through me.
- 01:47
- I don't want to do anything to offend my father. And I've got six children who look to me.
- 01:56
- I don't want to disappoint them. I don't want to hurt my wife.
- 02:02
- And there are millions of people out there who have been heartbroken and discouraged and disillusioned by important Christian leaders face planting in the worst possible way.
- 02:19
- I think of Ravi Zacharias, who was a friend of mine. And I still can't believe when
- 02:25
- I look at his texts on my phone, how kind, how tenderhearted, how theologically astute, how helpful he was to me.
- 02:38
- And then to see this, it like it shocked me. I should say it surprised me.
- 02:45
- No, it shocked me. But based on what I read in the
- 02:51
- Bible, it shouldn't surprise me because sin runs so deep.
- 02:58
- And I don't know Ravi's heart, but if all of this is true, and it appears to be, man,
- 03:07
- I want to have my stuff together with God. And that's why the fear of the
- 03:12
- Lord is always my priority, because I don't want to slip and fall into hypocrisy, idolatry and gross sin and disqualify myself.
- 03:23
- It's so amazing that you went to that, that right there, the fear of the Lord, that's the main thing, the foundation of the fear of the
- 03:29
- Lord. And I think that that's the thing that gets people apologizing on national television for offending particular communities.
- 03:36
- That's the thing that stops legislators from doing what they know to be right.
- 03:41
- I mean, I can't tell you how many people I've sat in front of in the last couple of years, legislators in countries who tell me with tears in their eyes,
- 03:47
- I know this is the right thing to do. I believe it. I know that it has to be done. But they'll say something like, but not now, not now.
- 03:54
- It's not time, not yet. And the answer is no, don't delay justice. God commands against that. And you have to be courageous.
- 04:00
- And I think that's the core issue, Kirk, is just that point is there's no fear of God. If you fear God, you will fight against compromise.