Pet Peeves (Part 3)


Listen in to Pet Peeves (Part 3)


Pet Peeves (Part 4)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2 verse 5 where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth and I am your host today.
It was good listening to that intro music from English Beat, the English Beat. First they were known as the
Beat, B -E -A -T, but there was another American band called the Beat, and so they had to be called the
English Beat, Mirror in the Bathroom. It�s probably time to change that up, but that is our liner for right now.
Always biblical, always controversial or provocative, always in that order. If you write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com.
I have three books to give away. One of the great supporters we have that sends me books is
Moody Publishing, and they sent me some extra books to hand out on the radio, Moody Publishers.
I have a book by Erwin Lutzer, When a Nation Forgets God, subtitled,
Seven Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany, and it shows a hand saluting Hitler. If you are the first, second, or third emailer,
I�ll send you this book for the first emailer. The second emailer, When a
Nation Forgets God by Lutzer, I have two of those, and then the third book, also a Moody Press book, is by Kevin DeYoung, The Good News We Almost Forgot, Rediscovering the
Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism, and so he goes to the Heidelberg Catechism.
We will give those away. The first three emailers, you need to say, this is your name, this is your last name,
I�m writing for that free book regarding the show, and we will send you these books. Give me your address, and you should be in good shape.
Today I�m going to do part three on pet peeves. It was so fun, part one and part two, that I thought
I would have to continue the series in pet peeves. It is a fun thing to do, and so we�re just going to do what
I like. After all, I�m the host, and so I like to try to figure out ways I can teach you the Bible, think about worldviews, think about history, think about life from a biblical, theological,
Christ -centered viewpoint. So that�s what we�re going to do today. I won�t give you all my other pet peeves, but you can pull them up on NoCompromisedRadio .com.
You can go to iTunes, you can go to Facebook, you can go to, I don�t know if we�re on Twitter or not. Maybe we are. I�m personally not.
I�m not on Facebook either, because if you say �like� this, there�s a �dislike� this person probably clicker, and I don�t want to be on the receiving end of that.
Pet peeves. My next pet peeve is New Testaments that are packaged like Cosmopolitan magazines.
You heard me right. New Testaments, in this particular case, we have the NCV, the
New Century version, and it�s packaged like a Cosmopolitan magazine. And so, you know,
I hate it when I have to go to the store and you see Cosmo Magazine and you see a low -cut, you know, something on a lady, and then you see on the top left it�s got some kind of sex manual type of talk to try to get you to buy it.
Here, the publishers of this particular New Century version have decided there�s a good way to sell
Bibles to teens, and this is Nelson Bibles, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
It�s called �Revolve 2, the Complete New Testament, a Nelson Bible -zine, like a magazine, but a
Bible -zine.� And so, it�s shaped just like Cosmo. It looks pretty much like Cosmo, except to give them credit, the three young ladies on the front, and of course we have white, black, and Asian on the front, and they are attractive yet they are dressed properly, so I�ll give them credit for that.
And on the top left, it doesn�t have some kind of sex secrets, I�ll give them credit for that as well.
But the whole thing is just packaged in such a way that yells something, and here�s what it yells, �The
Bible isn�t great. The Bible is not the Word of God. The Bible is not authoritative.
The Bible needs a crutch. The Bible is not sufficient, so let�s figure out some gimmick to get people to read the
Bible. Let�s give some kind of gimmick to people, so if they do bring the Bible, and their friends see it, they�ve tricked their friends in the airplane, and they�re not really reading
People, Us, Self, or Ouija Board Magazine, they�re reading the New Testament.�
That�s what they�re really doing. And on the front it says, �Guys speak out on faith, love, and much more.�
A hundred and fifty more blabs, Q�s and A�s, �Is he a player ?�
and other quizzes, beauty secrets from the inside out, �What kind of friend are you ?�
and other relationship notes. Now that�s on the front. Now on the back, remember the old, �I want my
MTV ,� and of course Dire Straits did the song as well, �I want my
NCV.� I want my NCV, if I could only do the guitar riff right now.
One of these days I�m going to have different sounds, and I�ll have a producer in here, and we�ll insert Dire Straits guitar riff right now.
I�d sing it, but I can�t sing. And it says, �I want my NCV.� It�s got a girl, she�s got kind of an attitude, she�s got a little bit of her stomach, and then it says, �The
NCV rocks, where faith meets function, Nelson Bible zines, the original.�
And then you open it up, and it�s all kinds of color, all kinds of� it actually has the
Bible in it, so that�s good. That part�s good. I don�t really like the translation. And then it�s got a �check it out� thing, where it shows a girl who�s getting involved with Make -A -Wish
Foundation and relationships. And then I just turned it open, because I thought, �You know what,
I�m teaching through 1 Corinthians, I wonder what 1 Corinthians will say.� And it says, it�s got a girl with a sweater, and kind of a cute hat, and then it says, �This letter from Paul to the believers is loving correction for immature believers.�
And so, that part is correct. And then I turned the page, and of course, indicative of this kind of want -to -be
Christians. By the way, when it comes to music and theater and all kinds of other things, there are a few exceptions to this, but typically,
Christians are a day late and a dollar short. They are behind the world, and here comes the matrix, and then it has to be all the
Christian matrix stuff. And Christians aren�t innovative. Matter of fact, we�re not called to be innovative.
We�re called to preach the Word. We�re called to be faithful, not new. We�re called to rely on the
Lord and His promises in His Word, not try to be novel. The cross is not new or novel.
The cross actually is an offense to people who are perishing. It�s a stumbling block, and there�s not too much perfume, or not too many special Calvin Klein clothes that you can put on a cross to make it acceptable to the world.
It is, by definition, an offense to people who are perishing. And Jews stumble over it, and Gentiles, they think it�s stupid.
They think it is moronic. So when I opened up this faux Bible, this �I�m ashamed of the
Bible� Bible, can you imagine that? There�s a Bible for everything now. Here we have the Bible, the
NCV Teen Magazine Cosmo ripoff Bible, �Ashamed of the
Bible� Bible. Can you talk that way? This is �Ashamed of the Bible� Bible. And on here,
I�m sorry, I can�t even read what it says right next to �Paul, called by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, because that is what
God wanted, also from Sothenes, our brother in Christ, to the church of God in Corinth, to you who have been made holy in Christ Jesus.
You were called to be God�s holy people, with all people everywhere, who pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, their
Lord and ours. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
So that�s the text, and then in the blurb to the left is the unmentionable stuff.
And basically, there�s a question, answer, question, answer, question, answer. And this is supposed to help our young ladies.
This is supposed to help our teen girls as they try to navigate through life. And the first one is fantasizing and masturbation.
What about that? And I thought to myself, I just got done reading this stuff about holy, called out, grace, peace, thanking
God, Jesus Christ. Now I guess to the book�s credit, it says that fantasizing and pornography aren�t right, but I just don�t get this.
Why does this need to be in the Bible, what�s called the Bible? Second question is, my guy�s parents are going to be gone this weekend, and he wants me to spend the night.
He says we won�t go all the way, he just wants to be with me and cuddle together. I don�t want to let him down, and I really want to be with him.
What should I do? Here�s the answer.
Stay where you belong. Spending the night with him is playing with fire sexually and robbing your future husband of being the first guy you spend the night with.
It would also involve lying to your parents and deceiving his, which is an all -around bad deal.
You�ll tell him no. Well, I guess that�s good advice. But why is this even in here? Why is all this kind of garbage in here?
I am 16, I�ve slept with five guys, I am a Christian, but every time a guy wants to have sex it feels so good to be liked,
I wanted that, I just do it. How can I stop? And then the answer is given.
This is stuff that�s just feeding young ladies. This is just stuff that�s not appropriate to put in the
Bible. So I�m reading through about God and how He�s called out, how He�s made wisdom of the world foolish, and then foolish worldly ideas are put in here.
This is not what ladies need to be thinking about. Oh, I�m going to read this. And then it�s got on the next page is chapter 3 and chapter 4 of 1
Corinthians, and to the side is music reviews, DC Talk, Jesus Freak. Next page is chapter 5 of 1
Corinthians, of course, with the incest and all that. And then it�s got on the same page top 10 great fiction reads for fun.
And we�ve got different fiction reads by Frank Peretti, and we�ve got Terry Blackstock, Laurie Wick, and Robin Jones Gunn.
This is sad. This is a pet peeve of mine. I sadly have to keep this around just to show people exactly what not to do.
Get your young person a study Bible and spend some time with them. If you�ve got a young man, my son and I like to work out together with weights, and then we talk about life, and we talk about sex, and we talk about marriage, and we talk about girls.
That�s what we do. And we talk about how to approach this whole situation and the sanctity of marriage and sex and how to relate and how to care for ladies and how to stay pure.
That�s where those conversations need to be, not on the paragraph next to 1 Corinthians chapter 5 in a faux
Bible. Pet peeve next. My next pet peeve. I don�t even know what number
I�m on, but now I�m so worked up and all that, I guess
I might as well go to another thing that maybe works me up even more. Number next.
Pet peeve of mine is when pastors, evangelical pastors, who know better, recoil from praying in the name of Jesus.
That�s right. They do not pray in the name of Jesus because they want to be politically correct. Now let�s start off on Positive Encouraging, NoCo, where we say there are some people that I admire when they stand up in front of others, they will pray in Jesus� name.
For my differences, my minor differences with Franklin Graham on soteriology, some might not think they�re minor.
I respect Franklin Graham, and I especially respect him because he will stand up when he prays, and if he�s in front of secularists,
Muslims, Jews, or anybody else, he will talk about the exclusivity of Christ, and he will pray,
I think even has a name of a book called In Jesus� Name, and he will say in Jesus� name.
If you are a pastor and you get called, I get called, actually they don�t ask me here, come do the baccalaureate at the local school.
Come talk and pray at the Memorial Day Parade. If you ask me to come and speak, if the
President of the United States asked me to come and speak, I would say I would love to, thank you for the honor, I am a representative of Jesus Christ and the glorious gospel of forgiveness found in Christ� perfect atonement and resurrection, and I will be a minister of the gospel when
I come and minister to you. If I get asked by an unbeliever to do a funeral, I�ve been asked by people,
I�ve been asked by a gay man to do a funeral of his partner, I say thank you for the offer, I really appreciate it, and I�m a minister of the gospel, and I will talk about forgiveness of sins found in Christ Jesus alone.
I�m a minister of the gospel. God has called me into the gospel ministry, and I understand that there is a hint of shame that comes along with the gospel.
Paul says in Romans chapter 116, I�m not ashamed of the gospel, implying in a sense that there could be shame if you�re not careful.
He has to exhort Timothy not to be timid, after all, we are weak, we are men, we are frail, we make mistakes, our perfection is found in the life of another who never was ashamed of his father, that is, who is
Christ Jesus the Lord. But people know better, and they get asked to go do the
National Day of Prayer, and of course it is a government -sponsored event, a
United States -sponsored event, but if you get asked as a pastor to go speak and pray and you don�t say in Jesus� name,
I have absolutely no tolerance for that. If they edit your words and then on replay take them out, well, that�s one thing.
But when you pray without Jesus� name, you are a compromiser, and I don�t want to compromise.
Of course we all compromise. No Compromise Radio is really about Jesus Christ, the one who never compromises.
But let me read you a prayer for the 2008 National Day of Prayer, and this is by the honorary chairman who prayed this prayer, and you tell me if you like this or you think it�s no compromise, then
I�ll tell you who said it, and then you can write me the hate letters. But I�m going to do it in this way because you�re going to agree with me, then
I�m going to tell you the name, and then you�re going to make excuses for the person. But if I do it this way, then
I�m basically setting you up. This is the wise way to do it. Holy Father, in a world where so many are hungry, you have given us food in abundance.
In a world where there are so many hurting, you offer to bind up our wounds. In a world where so many are lonely, you offer friendship to every heart.
In a world longing for peace, you offer hope. Yet we are so stubborn in resistance, have mercy upon us all.
Our nation is at a crossroads this year. We look to you to be our strength and shield. Please give us guidance to elect one who will honor you to respond to the wisdom from above so that our hope may be renewed and our blessings be treasured.
In God�s holy name. That�s the prayer. Now if you were given one shot to pray at the national day of prayer, what would you do?
What would you say? Would you respect a Franklin Graham who said, �In Jesus� name�?
Well, first of all, I�d respect that a lot. Second of all, I would also respect it if this prayer would also include, �In a world where so many are transgressing, we are thankful that you offer forgiveness by your grace, your sovereign, distinguishing grace in Christ Jesus alone.�
Shouldn�t you pray that? When it�s Thanksgiving, you have a bunch of family members over who aren�t believers, don�t you go into kind of preach -pray mode where you�re preaching a little bit more than you normally would in a prayer because you want them to realize to whom you�re praying?
Of course. So first of all, these felt needs things. By the way, you can have your stomach full and go to hell.
You can be emotionally stable and go to hell. You can have more friends than you know what to do with and you can go to hell.
And there can be world peace and you can go to hell. The biggest issue people have, the biggest need that anyone has, if you�re listening today, is forgiveness.
That is the biggest need. That is what you need the most. You don�t need to live a moral life. You don�t need to have money.
You don�t need to have your hurts salved. You need to have forgiveness.
What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? So my problem is,
A, it�s a generic, dopey, basically Unitarian prayer, world peace.
Secondly, it doesn�t even have in Jesus� name. And Ravi Zacharias should know better.
2008 Prayer for Our Nation, Ravi Zacharias, 2008 Honorary Chairman, National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Does that mean everything he says is bad? No. Does that mean on this particular occasion he caved in and does that make it a pet peeve?
Yes. Here�s what his website said. Let me offer you some clarification on behalf of Ravi Zacharias.
First the National Day of Prayer, and by the way this is just all bluster and all compromise and all spin and all this is why we justified what we shamefully did.
First of all, the National Day of Prayer is a United States government -sponsored event. As such, prayers made at the event must reflect the congregational declaration that this is to be a day of prayer for the nation by people of faith.
As Christian believers who participate in this event, we do not seek to homogenize faith or creed, but we participate with all who seek to pray for our nation.
So you can pray to God without the mediator. So you can pray with other people who have no mediator.
You can pray with other people to a God who does not listen to them because without faith in Christ Jesus it�s impossible to please them.
What is this? This is 2 Corinthians 6 gone wrong. Talk about unequally yoked. An unequally yoked passage in 2
Corinthians 6 has nothing to do with marriage primarily or business partnerships primarily. It has primarily to do with exactly things like this.
I go back to the website. There are forces at work at our country that would seek to ban events like these if they appear partisan or biased in any way, end quote.
So for the sake of expediency, so the sake of situational ethics, so the sake of we'll compromise before God for the sake that we'll get to pray these dopey prayers again later.
How about sorry, thanks for the offer, but since we can't pray to the Jesus who made the world and will judge the world and will offer as the only one who can offer salvation for those in the world, we cannot accept your offer today to pray to some
God who's like George Burns, the grandpa God, who doesn't hear anything anyway because he's a false
God made up in your imagination. But thank you anyway. I go back to the website.
Second the prayer that Dr. Zacharias wrote, see because they were getting letters. People are smart enough.
They know this is not right. Second the prayer that Dr. Zacharias wrote is based on the
Judeo -Christian principles found in Scripture. What does that mean? I guess we read the
Old Testament not in light of the cross anymore and Dr. Zacharias will have the privilege of speaking at the
National Day of Prayer event in which he will present a biblical message with clarity and power. I would love to hear that by the way.
In addition, Dr. Zacharias addresses his prayer specifically to our Holy Father, which is distinctly
Judeo -Christian way to address God and not easily confused with other religious faith traditions. The parameters for the prayer are in accordance with the
National Day of Prayer Task Force and as an invited guest, Dr. Zacharias seeks to honor the guidelines he was given by the
Organizing Committee and then slap God the Father and the Son and the Spirit in the face because he bows to someone he ought not to.
That is compromise and compromise leads to no compromise. Don't you agree that Judaism is a damning doctrine?
Don't you agree that they have missed the Messiah and they're putting their hope in the
Mosaic Law? Don't you remember that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law in the
Old Testament? How about you say, I know that this is what you want, but I'm a minister of the gospel.
If you'd like me to come and pray a Christian prayer in Jesus' name, I will come. If you want me to come and reject
Jesus, reject the cross, reject the New Testament, reject the hope of salvation, reject forgiveness, then
I'm going to have to say no. 1 Corinthians 16 is clear, if anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed.
O Lord, come. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus, amen.
People don't want to use the word Jesus because the Jews will be offended, because the
Muslims will be offended. Well, I'm sorry. This is what
God has said, and 1 Corinthians 1 makes it clear that this cross is offensive. I like the second chapter of Philippians, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of the things in heaven and the things in earth and the things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God the Father. Aren't you zealous for Jesus Christ in his name? Don't you want to stand up and talk about him?
Isn't that why we exist, to honor the Father by worshiping the Son? Don't you want that?
Don't you say to yourself, you know, I want to stand up for Christ Jesus after all he's done for me, the kindness and goodness and long -suffering of Christ Jesus, that he would accept gladly, that he would gladly accept the
Father's wrath, and the Father in this love plan would send the Son and punish his
Son instead of us, for all that God has done for me. He's regenerated me, he's justified me, he's washed me, he's sanctified me, he's forgiven me, he's redeemed me, he's reconciled me, he's made propitiation on his
Son for me, he's been raised from the dead, and in light of all that, I'm going to, by the strength that the
Spirit gives me, talk about Jesus Christ. I'm not going to say, well, I don't want to offend certain people, and if they want to pray in Jesus' name, they can, but I don't want to do that.
John 14, and I do whatever you ask in my name so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it, as he said to the apostles.
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ephesians 5 .20.
If you live long enough, friends, and you have an opportunity to pray, you need to pray in Jesus' name.
For a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise. The glories of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace, singing and extolling the great name of Jesus.
John Newton, how sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear. It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, and drives away his fear.
I have plenty of pet peeves, and here, a pet peeve is those who go against Jesus, my shepherd, husband, friend, prophet, priest, and king,
Lord, life, way, and end, except the praise I bring, John Newton. My name is
Mike Abendroth, this is No Compromise Radio Ministry, and today we're talking about things that should rub you the wrong way.
Why? Because Jesus Christ is great, and he should deserve all the praise and honor and glory.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.