Didnt Intend To Rant - But Here We Go - Saddleback Pastor

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All right, friends, let's do a video today. I wanted to do a video on this tweet that I saw here from Eric Reid.
And he's responding or retweeting a video of two pastors.
And I use that term very loosely because one of these individuals is a woman. So she's obviously not a pastor.
She likes to pretend that she's a pastor. But it's two pastors from Saddleback Church.
And they're asked a question about gay guys if they get married and then they come to Christ. Should they get divorced, right?
Because, you know, God hates divorce. And so they, you know, I guess they can't be gay anymore because they're
Christians. But should they divorce because God hates divorce? And that's the question that they're asked. Now, this is a question that you need to be ready for.
You know, it's a stupid question, and it's a very easily answered question. But these are the kinds of stupid gotchas that unbelievers like to use to try to make
God seem like he doesn't know what he's talking about. Or at least you because they don't like you.
That's what they like to do. They use these stupid gotcha questions. And they're really not that hard to answer. But if you're not ready for them, you can be caught off guard.
And you can be hemming and hawing and then ultimately end up on the wrong answer. Listen, if this happens to you and you end up with the wrong answer, it happens, man.
It's happened to me before. I remember somebody asked me on a livestream.
So this was, like, live. I don't know what was going on in my brain, but I totally whiffed on this one, right?
And the question was, if your girlfriend is a feminist, like, what should you do?
Should you marry her? Like, you're going to get married or you're engaged to get married, but you find out she's, like, a raging feminist. It was something like that.
I don't remember the exact question. And I hemmed and hawed and hemmed and hawed. And really, the answer is very simple.
It's no. Run like your life depends on it because it does. Don't marry a feminist.
That's insane. That's what the answer should have been. But I hemmed and hawed, and I think I even got the answer completely wrong.
I said, you know, something like talk to your pastor or something. I don't know. And that's not terrible, right?
That's usually a good fallback, you know, talk to your pastor. But I whiffed on it, right? I whiffed on it.
So this has happened to me before. I was put on the spot, and it's online, so someone could use it to kind of give me a gotcha, right?
But here's what you do. When something like that happens, you address it. You address it, and you say, guys,
I whiffed. And if I'm not mistaken, I don't remember if it was the very next live stream or the very next video that I did.
But very quickly, I addressed it. I said, guys, I was dead wrong about that. And there were some people in the comments calling me out like, what are you talking about?
And they were right. And I was like, you know what? They were right. I don't know what I was thinking. That would be a huge mistake.
Don't marry a feminist. You'd have to be insane to marry a feminist. I was wrong. I was caught off guard.
I'm not sure how to explain it. That's what it is, right? I addressed it head on right away.
But in Big Evil land, that's never how things are done. It's unbelievable. It's like, let's play the video.
And we'll talk about this. And you'll see how terrible this answer is. And then we're going to address this
Eric Reid tweet. So let's dive in. I saw one on divorce. Can I take that one?
Okay. Yeah. Okay. This is from Erica. It says, I have gay friends who came to Jesus after they were married and adopted children.
God hates divorce. How would you approach the situation? So what's interesting about this is in my example,
I was kind of, it was like a live stream and all that. And someone just asked a question off the cuff.
This one, they had planned this. And he's like, I want to answer this. I can't. Can I take this one? So you would think he'd have some real like, like, like, like zingers here.
And I don't mean zingers to make fun of the person who asked. I mean, like something to really, you know, get you, get you thinking.
But here's what his answer is. He's chomping at the bit to give you his wisdom. I don't know.
It's really hard. I don't know if there's a, I don't know if there's a black and white answer.
Why did he want this question if he doesn't know the answer? Like, can I answer this one?
He gets the question. I don't know. What? I think
I would sit with them in it. And I would pray with them.
And I would try to wrestle through that decision. And I think it's such a life.
It is such a massive, massive decision that I would probably say, read the
Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. And I will journey with you with it, with it, in it.
And as you journey through it with them, I would have an ongoing conversation to ask them how the
Holy Spirit is leading and guiding them. I think is how I would handle it. Because I don't, I don't know. There, there are, okay.
You know, Laurie and Jason, our friends are on the line. They were missionaries and overseas. And they would see people come to faith who had in polygamous cultures and they had five spouses.
And so what do they do? Do they divorce four of the spouses and keep one of them? Or I don't, I don't know.
So I think read the Bible, pray, ask the Holy Spirit to speak.
That would be my encouragement. And then journey with them through it. Yeah. I think that people that draw hard, strong lines, and it gets really difficult.
It doesn't take into account how complicated the individual situation can be.
And it has to be navigated with nuance and a lot of wisdom and grace. Yeah.
And I think that part of, part of what the enemy does in our minds is that there are some situations that are black and white, and there are some that are gray.
And I think that just situations that are more black and white call for a decision and situations that are more gray call for more discernment, prayer and scripture.
I mean, processing and talking through it. So there's so much there and I can't go into all of it because that's not what this video is about.
But my goodness, it's just a mess of confusion. It's, it's completely nonsensical.
It's, it's, it's shocking to me that he wanted to answer this question because presumably he wanted to, he had something for you.
And, and, and, and, and this is just awful. It's awful. Gay people, you can't marry another dude.
If you're a dude, you can't marry another woman. If you're a woman, that's not what marriage is. God defines what marriage is.
He brings them together, male and female. And then he can, you know, one flash and you create children and you have offsprings and he wants godly offsprings.
That's why he brought male and female together. That's what marriage is. Two dudes can't accomplish that.
Two women can't accomplish that together. And so there is no divorce because there is no marriage.
You can't pretend like you're married anymore. You can't live together. You can't do that. You can't do the things that a husband and wife would do because you're a dude and you're a dude.
That's just, that's not how it is. Now, there is some complication here because, because in, in, in a horrible twist of, of, of, of fate, you adopted children together and that needs to be sorted out.
So there's some complications here. But one thing that's not complicated is you're not married. And so you got to stop pretending that you're married.
It's just that simple. It's just that simple. And you need to reverse the damage that you've done to those children because you've done so much damage to those children by pretending that you're married.
And so now you got to reverse it as, as effectively and as efficiently as humanly possible.
And you got to pray to God to bless your efforts. And you got to pray to God for mercy for your children and for yourself and all of these things.
That is, there's no question about that. These are black and white issues. And by the way, this, this, this, this showcases why a woman should not be a pastor because a woman is not going to like those hard lines.
She even said that you take a hard line on, that's not good. You gotta, you gotta soften it.
And that's not the, that's not the case. Women do that. Women like that. They like to nuance things.
They like to be a little softer. They don't want to be hard, hard, hard line people because that's just how they're wired.
They're wired to be that way. And that's beautiful because you need a mother that can be that way with you sometimes, but you also need a father who could sometimes take a hard line with you and say, look, this is what it is.
And it's not this. And that's that. And if you're going to live under my roof, you don't like that kind of thing. You need a father to take the hard lines and to be a, you know, and you need a mother who can be, you know, of course, she needs to be involved in discipline too.
But of course the father is much more of a hard line version of the discipline. Right? But here, both of these people are playing the woman.
He's acting like a woman pastor, and she actually is a woman pastor. And that's bad. That's not good.
That's not good. Women are beautiful. Women are great. Their personalities are great. The way God wired them is great.
The way God made them to be mothers is great. That's all great. But they need fathers too.
And right here, we've got two women, quite frankly, in this video. That's not what this video is about. I could say so much more about that answer.
It's horrible. I think we all agree. In this audience, we all agree. And so this came out, and I think it came out on Protestia because these two are, again, pastors at Saddleback Church, and they don't know their right hand from their left in this video.
Right? Okay. I know nothing about these people. So maybe they're, like, awesome now. I find that very hard to believe because they're pastors at Saddleback Church.
Well, he is a pastor, and she's pretending to be a pastor at Saddleback Church. So I find it very hard to believe that they're, like, awesome stalwart conservatives, but maybe they are.
Okay? Maybe. Maybe. I'm not stupid enough to say it's completely impossible. So here we go.
So this is the thing. So this video is out there now. And remember, for my little story, right, what did
I do? I addressed it. I whiffed. I whiffed on that. I addressed it the very next week.
I don't remember if it was the very next video or the very next week. I don't remember. Very quickly, I addressed it. And I said, I was wrong.
I whiffed. I don't know what I was thinking. So here's what happens in Big Eva, though, right?
And, again, this might not apply to this video because this is still pretty new. So maybe Andy Wood will address this.
And if he does, that would be awesome. And I would love to hear him repudiate his own words from previously.
That would be great. That would be very helpful to the body of Jesus Christ. That kind of humility, that kind of clarity, that kind of integrity would be awesome to see because you rarely ever see this in Big Eva.
Here's what you do see a lot of in Big Eva. Here's Eric Reid. And I'm not mad at Eric Reid for defending his friend because that's what you defend your friends.
I get it. Here's what Eric Reid says. He says, I've seen this circulating. It's bad.
But I'm friends with someone who knows Andy well. They said, one, Andy is 100 % solid on woke issues.
Two, it's old, and he was a young church planter in San Francisco. And, three, he hadn't clearly thought it through.
Again, a bad answer, but I'd bet he'd agree it was bad. Now, all the excuses notwithstanding,
I mean, obviously, it's hard to believe he's 100 % solid on woke issues. But, okay, let's just say he is.
He was young. He was a church planter in San Francisco. Well, if you were a church planter in San Francisco of all places, gay kingdom come.
You need to have thought these things through. It's like, what were you doing planting a church if you didn't know that gays can't get married to each other?
But anyway, that's all irrelevant. Let's just give him all of it. He's solid on woke issues.
He was a young guy. He didn't know what he was talking about. And he just whiffed on this one, right? Eric is saying, but now
I bet you he'd agree that this was a bad answer. And this is what happens in Big Eva.
It's like, okay, okay, I'm with you. You have a friend of a friend that knows him, that says he actually doesn't agree with this anymore.
That was an old video. Let him address it, though. This is what happens. Big Eva is classic at this.
They course correct, right? They change what their messaging is. They change their style, their message, their words.
They change their positions. But they never address the fact that they held the previous position. This is why we get
Al Mohler. I'm a Christian nationalist now. Yep, I'm a Christian nationalist now.
As if he wasn't woke five minutes ago. And nobody holds it to account.
It's like, I mean, I guess he's awesome now. He's a conservative stalwart. Dude, you're woke. What about the fact when you were woke?
What happened? And it's like, it's okay. People can change. And I'm not saying Andy can't change here.
Maybe Andy's awesome. I'm giving him it. I'm giving him all. This is turning into a rant. But that's just what I feel. This is how
I feel. Maybe Andy changed. That's the thing. Maybe Andy has changed his opinion.
Because I've changed my opinion on certain things. In fact, I've addressed them on the channel. Immigration was one of those things.
I was a little bit more libertarian on immigration. Now I understand the whole picture of it.
I'm not libertarian on immigration anymore. But here's the thing. Let him address it.
If he thinks this is a terrible answer, like he says, I bet he'd agree, let him address it.
Don't just do the course -correct thing and pretend that what happened before never happened. Because there's only one reason to do that.
And that's to try to save some kind of face. Like, you're some kind of genius that never has to change his mind. And the problem is, it's very selfish to do it this way.
To not actually address the change. Because it would be very helpful to people that are under Andy's charge to know how it was that he had that answer.
He wasn't thinking. He didn't quite think it through. And why he was wrong. Because this is an issue that's...
It would be different if the issue's not relevant today anymore. Like, we're not really... Gay marriage is not a thing anymore.
No one's trying to soft -pedal homosexuality anymore. It'd be different. But this is happening now. This is an issue now.
So Andy, if he cares about people, he'll take the L on this one. Look, I take L's all the time.
I get it. And I acknowledge it. Look, I took the L on that one. I whiffed. Yeah, you shouldn't marry a feminist.
What was I thinking? So take the L and take it and then give us the helpful information.
You don't have to resign when you give a bad answer to something. You don't have to sit in sackcloth and ashes forever.
But you have to address it. Help your people. Look, help them think it through now. Because chances are, there are legions of people in Saddleback Church that don't know how to answer this question right now.
It will be very helpful for you to answer. Say, you know what? Back in whatever time, I was a church planner in San Francisco.
I was trying to be winsome. And I just whiffed. I shouldn't have said this. Here's the real answer.
And then give us your reasoning. No one's going to hold it against you anymore. In fact, we know how this goes.
We know how this goes. Because Christians are very forgiving people. I know the TV tells you that Christians are not forgiving, but that's what the
TV says. That's what the pagan idiots that make TV says. Christians are very forgiving. I have a perfect example.
Do you remember Costi Hinn? Do you remember Costi Hinn, man? On this channel, I laughed at Costi because he went on this weird tirade, if you remember, randomly against Doug Wilson and Michael O 'Fallon and all that kind of stuff.
And he just went on this tirade seemingly out of nowhere. It was crazy. And so we were all having a good time laughing, joking on him and stuff like that and saying, this is just ridiculous, right?
But then Costi came out very quickly. And he said, look,
I shouldn't have said that stuff. You know, I talked to him. I should have talked to him first. I should have done this. I should have done that. I should have handled this privately.
And, you know, I'm sorry, man. He didn't just pretend it never happened because that's what Big Eva does.
Big Eva pretends it never happened. They move on. They course correct. And then it's like, well, I'm never wrong.
I've never been wrong. If they do the Al Mohler thing, Costi didn't do that. He drew attention to it.
He said, look, I'm going to delete these tweets, and here's why I shouldn't have done this. And you know what happened after Costi?
Did people say, I've lost respect for Costi permanently. I cannot abide by it. No, they said,
Costi, man, what a blessing to see that, man. What a blessing. How good it is for brothers to dwell in harmony.
This is a beautiful sight, man. And I might not agree with you on everything, Costi, but, man, I respect that like you wouldn't believe.
And I remember I had a video that I was about to launch against Costi and all that kind of stuff.
And I was ready to click send. My finger was heading to the send button, dude. And then
I saw Costi repent and draw attention to it. Didn't sweep it under the rug. Didn't pretend.
Didn't do the old Al Mohler like, what are you talking about, woke? I've never been woke. He didn't do that. He drew attention to it.
He apologized. He said, I'm going to handle this a different way. I was wrong. I'm a pastor.
I need to be an example. I'm going to handle this a different way. And you know what? I didn't send the video because it no longer applied.
Because Costi came to his senses. And we didn't hold it against him. We're like, Costi, you've got to resign.
This is conduct unbecoming of a pastor. No, we're forgiving people. Christians, I know the
TV tells you Christians aren't forgiving. The TV is wrong. I know a lot of Big Eva people believe the
TV. They believe whatever the TV person tells them. The TV person tells them that Christians are the worst people around. They believe that.
That's not the case, though. That's not the case. Christians are forgiving people. Andy Wood, man, if you see this video, address this.
Address this video. You don't have to like me. You don't have to talk to me. You don't have to address that.
But address this video. This is awful. You confuse people. You hurt people. You damage people.
You were in San Francisco. There were so many people in that area where you lived that are in these situations that were damaged by you soft -pedaling your answer against an abominable sin that God himself says is an abomination.
It's not my opinion. It's God who says that. You hurt people, man. You hurt people.
And so you need to acknowledge that. Look, it's not the unforgivable sin, pastor. It's not. But it is something that you should address.
It's still relevant today. Don't do the Al Mohler and pretend it never happened because it did happen, and we remember it, and it does nobody any good.
I know you think you're doing yourself good by not addressing it, but you're not. You're the big evil people who kind of sweep things under the rug, pretend it never happened.
They're the ones that we never see the same way again. It's like, dude, that guy's shady, man.
Al Mohler is shady as all get out. He's shady. And until he starts addressing this stuff,
I simply do not look at him the way I would look at a guy like Costi Hinn. I disagree with Costi Hinn on a lot of things, but I got respect for that man.
I do because he handled himself like a man. He handled himself respectably, like a
Christian. Can't say the same for guys like Al Mohler. So this whole thing where Big Eva, someone else will come to defend him, and I know he would.
I bet you he wouldn't agree with that anymore. Okay, great. Thanks for defending your friend. I have nothing against you,
Eric. But let him address it because they're his words and his congregation and the people who followed him and watch this video are now confused.
Let him unconfuse them. That's how you handle this like a man. In any case,