Christian SJWs Turn God's Blessings into Sins

AD Robles iconAD Robles


God's good promises become problematic in the upside down fantasy world of social justice warriors.


In this video, I'm going to show you how social justice warriors turn a blessing from God into a sin that needs to be repented for.
Yeah, it's upside down. Last night,
I did a Google Hangout with all of the Patreons that wanted to join. Everyone was invited and we just hung out for an hour and chatted about a few things.
It was a lot of fun. So if you want to do that kind of thing, we're going to probably do it every month. Please consider supporting me on Patreon for all of that.
At one point, we had listened to a video from Alexander June. He's a Presbyterian, PCA.
He was actually the moderator of the General Assembly two years ago, and he is a critical race theorist.
I'm not just saying that, you know, kind of behind his back. He presents himself as a critical race theorist, and one of my big concerns about the whole idea of institutional racism, systemic racism, systemic injustice, institutional injustice, is that it actually turns things on its head.
It's anti -biblical in the most clear sense. Everything is upside down in their universe.
And actually, what it does is it turns a blessing from God into a sin to be repented of.
And what I mean is, if you ever talk to a social justice advocate, you know, you say, well, there's this systemic injustice. And you're like, okay, what's the systemic injustice?
And they'll say things like, well, there's these disparities. There's these disparities in income. Blacks make less than whites on average.
There's this disparities in criminal justice. And then there's these disparities in wealth.
If you look at the wealth of white people on average, it's way more than blacks or Puerto Ricans and things like that.
And that's a problem to be solved. That's evidence of an injustice. An injustice has happened.
And that's actually really upside down. That's the opposite of what the Bible presents as the situation.
If you remember, the Bible talks about wealth and generational wealth as a blessing, as a blessing for obedience.
He will give his people success and prosperity, not only spiritually, but also materially.
This is something that we get from Deuteronomy 27, 28. I've talked about how Calvin talks about this, that you get blessings for obeying
God. R .C. Sproul talks about this. You get blessings for obeying God.
This is a reformed belief. There's blessings and there's curses. And part and parcel of those blessings include everyday life and wealth and things like that.
In the Bible, a lot of people will say that white people have a lot of generational wealth that they've been passing on over the years, and that's a real problem.
White people have more resources than blacks and Latinos, and so they're not starting off on equal footing.
Don't you see that? That's an advantage. That's white privilege. That's a problem that you have access to so many more resources than us minorities have access to.
That's a real problem. That's what they'll say. And the Bible doesn't actually say that. The Bible doesn't talk about generational wealth and inheritance as a problem to be solved or something to be taxed to death, like a lot of people want to have inheritance taxes and wealth taxes and things of that nature as if it's a bad thing, a problem to be solved.
No, the Bible says in Proverbs 13, verse 22, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
The wealth of a sinner is laid up for the just and a good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren. So if you are a
Christian right now and you're a man and you have a family, you should be thinking about, okay, how do
I spend my money? How do I organize my finances in such a way that I can leave an inheritance, not only to my own kids, but also to my grandchildren.
You need to be thinking multi -generationally and like that. And that's a very good thing. In fact, that's the sign of a righteous man that thinks that way.
And so white people in this country, if they've successfully been laying out treasure for their children, you know, an inheritance for their children's children and their children's children are in a better situation than they were in.
And they've been able to do that over the years. That's the sign of a good man. You know what I mean? That's the sign of God's blessing upon them.
Now you might say to yourself, well, well, hold on, Adam, what you're not taking into account is the fact that they stole from black people way back in the day, the slave trade.
It's all stolen. It's all stolen wealth. And this is of course preposterous because if, if the way to prosperity was to enslave people, then a lot more than just Europeans would be wealthy because every culture, every ethnicity has enslaved people in time.
And so if that's not the way to wealth, that's not the way to wealth and prosperity. It just isn't the way to wealth and prosperity is blessings for obedience, covenant faithfulness in other words.
But anyway, but even that is, is contradicted by the Bible. This idea that somehow if, if, if any part of your wealth is tainted as a white, as the white people, any part of your wealth is tainted, then that's not a blessing any longer.
That's we got to get revenge. We got to get that money back. That's not true. That's not true.
That's not how God sees it. We have an account in first Kings chapter nine, where Solomon has just finished building
God's temple. He's just finished building the temple. He's just finished building his palace. He's just finished building everything he's wanted to build.
And the Lord appears to Solomon and, and, and, and he blesses the, he, he blesses the building of this temple.
He says to Solomon, look, this is God speaking. Okay. Listen, I have heard your prayer and petition you have made before me.
I have consecrated this temple that you have built to put my name there forever.
My eyes and my heart will be there at all times. And then he, and then he encourages Solomon walk before me the way your father did obey me the way your father did obey my statutes, obey my ordinances.
And I will establish your throne over Israel forever. Just like I promised David, you'll never fail to have a man on the throne.
So long as you keep this covenant, obey me, follow the commandments, follow the statutes, follow the ordinances.
That's what he says. And then he gives him an example. He says, look, even though I've consecrated this temple, even though I've done that, if you go and serve other gods, if you do that,
I'm going to reject this whole deal. Okay. I'm going to reject the temple that I've sanctified in my name, but right now
I'm consecrating it. You know what I mean? So it's, it's a warning. It's a, it's a, it's, it's, it's a, it's a blessing.
It's all of that stuff. And then the rest of this chapter goes on to talk about Solomon's wealth.
Basically, Solomon's wealth. He's got a bunch of stuff, a bunch of gold, a bunch of stuff. God prospers him and all of that kind of thing.
And there's an interesting little, little verse here. Listen to this one. This is
Kings nine 15. This is the account of the forced labor that King Solomon had imposed to build the
Lord's temple. Did you know that Solomon used slave labor to build the temple of God that God consecrates?
And then further goes on to bless Solomon with prosperity and wealth and promises and all of that.
Did you know that? And so no God's God's from God's perspective, the fact that some of your, of your, uh, you know, wealth might've been tainted in the past does not have anything to do with the generational blessings that you, that, that, that, that he gives you, uh, for being one of his people.
Right? That the inheritance isn't like tainted somehow anymore. You still Solomon still, if he was going to be a good man, would should have left an inheritance to his children's children.
But here's the problem with Solomon. Solomon actually does break this covenant. And it, and in chapter 11, it says
King Solomon loved many foreign women. In addition to Pharaoh's daughter, Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidionite, Hittite from all the nations from the, which the
Lord had told the Israelites, you must not intermarry with them because they will turn your heart away and follow their gods.
Do you see what he's doing? So, so, so God, God is angry with Solomon because he goes and follows other gods because he's intermarried with these women and he goes and serves their gods.
He builds high places and all of that kind of stuff. There is no mention of God saying that he's angry with Solomon because he built the temple with slave labor.
There's nothing like that. It's about him serving other gods. And so this whole idea here that somehow generational wealth is a problem to be solved is an injustice in and of itself.
Generational wealth disparities are injustices in our country today is the exact opposite of what
God calls that. God calls that a blessing. God calls that the activity of a good man.
If your grandparents left you an inheritance, he might, Mike, listen, I'm a Puerto Rican. So statistically speaking,
I, I have, my family has less wealth than a white family, right? And to me, it's very obvious why this is not an injustice.
Because think about it. Europeans have been here for a lot longer than Puerto Ricans have. And so they've been doing this generational wealth and inheritance game for a lot longer.
So it would stand to reason that they would own more stuff. They would have more properties. They would have more wealth.
And so when my grandfather came over to the United States, he was starting with less.
He came over here with very little. And God, God blessed him because he was a, he was a believer.
He was trying to be faithful to God. And so he was thinking about his sons and he was thinking about his grandchildren.
So my father has done better than my grandfather did, much better. And God willing,
I will do better than my father did. And so on and so on and so on. And my plans, the way the plans
I make now are keeping in mind that I want to be leaving an inheritance to my children's children.
Now, does that mean that there might be a wealth disparity between me and somebody else? Well, you better believe there might be a wealth disparity.
And you know what? The Bible says that the sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
That sure sounds like a wealth disparity to me. And God says that that's the result of a good man leaving an inheritance to his children's children, wealth, income, wealth disparities and income disparities.
This is not an injustice to be solved. That's not how God says it is. So why is it that we've got people running around trying to turn that on its head and say, you know, that's racism, wealth and power disparities and income disparities?
Well, that's a problem that the church needs to solve. I don't know why they're doing it, but they're not doing it for the
Lord. They might pepper in gospel language in there. They might call it gospel diversity. They might call it gospel equality.
They might call it gospel equity, whatever they want to call it. But it's not because of the scripture. It's not because of the scripture.
They've got another agenda at play. And if you're a critical race theorist, I'm going to submit to you that the agenda that they have that they want to push forward is an ideological and economic agenda.
They're pushing socialism. They're pushing literal Marxism if they're critical race theorists.
Anyway, I hope this video was helpful. God bless. It's about power, friends.
It's about political power. So when we talk about reverse racism, racism is defined as having power in a systemic and structural way, as opposed to say, oh, you're just, what's the term?
You're discriminatory, right? I would make the distinction that racism has everything to do with systemic power, right?
It's the laws that are created and the structures that are in place. Systemic power, systemic wealth, institutional wealth, all of these things.
He calls it here a problem. He calls it here a sin. And I'm here to tell you that it's not income and wealth disparities and things like that.
Property disparities. These are not institutional injustices to be solved. These are institutional blessings to be received.
It's just that simple. Social justice warriors are upside down. They are anti -biblical in the most direct sense.