Start of Something New | Sermon 10/09/2022

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John 2:1-11 Six days in total have passed since Jesus began His public ministry as John announced Him as the “Lamb of God.” On the seventh day, which is indicative of creation, Jesus performs His first miracle. Jesus, His disciples, and His own mother are attending a wedding in the town of Cana north of Nazareth and Mary approaches Him to report they have ran out of wine. Jesus answers in a way to put distance between Himself and the will of others. He now has to be about His Father’s work. His mission has begun as Jesus has transitioned in a sense from the son of Mary to the Unique Son of God. His hour, which is the climax of His mission, cannot take place now in its fullest measure but He will show through this miracle something deeper than turning water into wine. Six stone waterpots that were used for purification rites and uncleanness were filled with water. Jesus turns the water into wine pointing to the fact that the True Bridegroom is here and He will have the ultimate wedding feast. The change of the wine and the abundance of it points to the messianic age that is arriving. What was once for purification is now for celebration because Christ will purify people with His own blood. Jesus not only provides the solution for this wedding feast but also the solution for sinners to be purified so as to be invited to the divine wedding feast of the holy Bridegroom. The head steward and the bridegroom were responsible for the feast supplies but did not know where this highly superior wine came from. And even so, the servants knew what truly happened and the others didn’t. There is a reversal taking place. Jesus becomes the Head Steward and the Bridegroom, who actually provides and His supply never runs dry. And lowly servants will get to see glorious things take place, they will be exalted while the others humbled. This sign is the first to show a re-creation is taking place. The inauguration of grace is upon them. Things start with a wedding feast and in the Revelation we see it ends with a wedding feast. Just as Jesus promised, they will see the glories of God from heaven coming upon Him and through Him. The glory wasn’t in the miracle, it was in Him. And for that reason, “they believed in Him.”


Please turn with me in your Bibles to the gospel according to John chapter 2
Chapter 2 We're going to be looking at verses 1 through 11 today in the gospel according to John chapter 2 and the title of this sermon today church is the start of something new the start of something new and beginning in verse 1
The gospel according to John chapter 2 here now the inerrant and infallible words of the living and true
God On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there and Both Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding
When the wine ran out the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine and Jesus said to her woman
What does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come His mother said to the servants
Whatever he says to you do it Now there were six stone water pots set there for the
Jewish custom of purification containing 20 or 30 gallons each Jesus said to them fill the water pots with water
So they filled them up to the brim and he said to them draw some out now and take it to the head waiter
So they took it to him When the head waiter tasted the water which had become wine and did not know where it came from But the servants who had drawn the water knew the head waiter called the bridegroom and said to him
Every man serves the good wine first and when the people have drunk freely Then he deserves then he serves the poorer wine, excuse me
But you have kept the good wine until now This beginning of his signs
Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and Manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him thus ending the reading of God's holy and inspired word
Let's pray church real quick Father, would you please? Illumine the scriptures today by your
Holy Spirit the same Holy Spirit Whom inspired this very word
Lord, would you edify your people today? Would you speak through me dear Lord? God, would you allow me to get out of the way and for your truth to be brought forth
Lord? Please help me to speak in a way that is helpful and clear and let it always be true
I pray this in Jesus name. Amen So church one of the highest
Privileges you can have as being a pastor is actually officiating weddings
I Myself have gotten to officiate a wedding and done some vow renewals
Truly is a blessing there is something very special about a wedding a
Union between a man and a woman cannot help but point to the Creator Even if a couple is not married
I'm sorry If they're not believing and they get married, they don't realize it, but they're appealing to the biblical worldview
They're they're showing the biblical worldview and their desire to be married That is something that God has instituted from the very beginning and you can see it all the way down into Genesis chapter 2
Where it says a man shall leave his father and his mother and he shall be joined to his wife and the two
Will become one flesh Covenant is made in that moment
And as the officiating pastor in many ways your hands are off of the big event
There's so many people invested in how well it's going to go the bride the mother of the bride the families
They hope the wedding goes exactly as planned, of course and When it comes to the ceremony itself
They're typically looking to you as the officiating pastor to do this, right this better go right they think
I remember when I did that wedding I Announced the new bride and groom with their new official titles and names
Introduced them to the rest of the people assembled there And as they walked away and people turned their faces towards them walking down the aisle away from me
I breathed a sigh of relief. It went well, okay, praise God it went well and yet It's not over at that moment
In many ways after those that 20 minute 25 minute ceremony.
There's much more to come How could we not celebrate what God has brought together?
But just as the ceremony was vitally important in some ways the reception Can be even more so especially
To some particular individuals in their mind. I of course think the ceremony and the covenant being established is
Very important but to sometimes the bride and the groom they they want the reception to go so well
Okay Here is where two different families will interact
Right The family of the bride the family of the groom You'll finally have those who are estranged from each other for some time now having a dialogue after many years
What's gonna happen is aunt so -and -so gonna talk with this person is? Crazy cousin
Wiley gonna be there. I just made that up You know What's gonna happen?
Not to mention the social pressure to live up to all the fairy tale and Hollywood weddings people have seen there's this pressure everyone is
Typically comparing your wedding to everyone else's Somehow we all become wedding experts.
Yeah, I wouldn't have done it this way, but it's pretty good You know we do that sometimes when we go into weddings we shouldn't
And so our text begins at the at the time of wedding celebration and with much of the same pressure
I just shared with you so starting in verses 1 & 2 It says on the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee and The mother of Jesus was there and both
Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding Verse 1 2 & 1 & 2 there so essentially
Jesus's public ministry has now begun we've been Leading up to it.
There's been much hype and it has begun from here in John 2
All the way to John 12. We will see Jesus's ministry of signs and wonders chapter 2 to chapter 12
In fact some scholars call chapter 2 to chapter 12 they call it the book of signs as It reveals his glory it shows his glory to people and people believe on him and what's interesting is
Then chapters 13 through 21 in the gospel according to John are called the book of glory the book of signs and then the book of glory as during that time is
When he receives glory for all that he does especially in the crucifixion
Now I want to keep you in the mindset of the theme that we've been establishing from the prologue Until now
I want to remind you of this John has already alluded to Jesus being the divine creator of all things if you remember he said
That nothing not anything that was made was a mate was made apart from him That all things agonetto came through Jesus as the one who is
God Then we saw how the word became flesh and tabernacled among us and he has come to make all things new
Including as we saw in chapter 1 verse 12 and 13 new creations out of people
Not people born of blood or of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God So he's recreating we've been
Going over and if you recall a few sermons ago, I spoke about the creation symbolism in the days that are intentionally listed
Day one was the delegation From Jerusalem Questioning John the
Baptist day two was John announcing Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
Day three was the two disciples of John Decided to follow
Jesus as he is pointed out day four Andrew introduces
Jesus to Peter day five Jesus tells
Philip to follow him and Nathanael sees that Jesus is the Christ. That's what we went over last week so for chapter 2 verse 1 it says on the third day and what that means in Aramaic and Greek is
It's meant to be two days later therefore the wedding in Cana is on the seventh day the pinnacle so to speak of creation you see the
Creation fulfillment language there Christ performs his very first miracle on that day
He is going to bring eternal Sabbath and it starts here
The theme of recreation will continue here and largely into chapter 4 as we continue
From in the rest of chapter 2 chapter 3 and into chapter 4 keep that mindset
Recreation Jesus creating again. That's what we're gonna see the old things are passing away
New things are coming We will see old purification rites replaced with heavenly wine for celebrating
We will see Jesus going to the temple and cleanse it preparing the way for a new temple we will see in John chapter 3 natural birth compared to Spiritual new birth
We will see Jacob's well Opposed to the living waters that Christ offers.
And of course with the woman at the well, we see That the worship of God is no longer going to be in specific places in temples anymore
But he says the worship of God is going to occur in spirit and in truth So all these new things are going to take place
And some have interpreted this whole passage water into wine as more allegorical
Some even say it's a parable of Jesus But remember
John thus far has carefully chosen what goes into his gospel account
Everything has been chosen Intentionally and with purpose Everything from the prologue until now nothing isn't just another story
Okay, he's not he's not looking well the synoptic Gospels didn't have this story so I'm going to include it everything that John Intends to share with you and with me is going to lead us to a specific end a purpose
Okay If you remember I went over this in the first sermon
He says at the end of this gospel He says that there was more things that Jesus had done signs
Wonders and miracles and if they were written down the whole books all the books in the world couldn't contain all that Jesus had did that he performed and so It makes you wonder.
Why is John choosing this story water into wine? And sometimes we could just start reading chapter 2 and go, okay, that's interesting
Okay water into wine and then we move on but there's there's something more here that I think we need to see
This is not random John also also sought to show us witnesses a witness of John the
Baptist a witness of the Holy Spirit and the Father when Jesus was baptized and of course even a
Witness of the disciples we saw that in our last sermon that they had witnessed the Christ Jesus of Nazareth they had seen that he is the king of Israel as Nathaniel said
Now this scene acts as an additional witness to Jesus Christ in his divine power
That's what these accounts will show the signs and wonders are witnesses as well
Just as John just as the Father and the Spirit just as the disciples are witnesses.
So are the signs This first miracle takes place at a wedding in Cana Jesus's mother is referenced as in attendance, but not named.
Do you notice that? It says the mother of Jesus. It doesn't say Mary. I think that's for a specific reason.
We'll get into that shortly here It's possible this was a wedding of a relative or a close family friend as It seems even in verse 3
That Mary has a role in helping of the catering of the event She she realizes the wine is out and if she was just a simple guest
Why would she be concerned about wine being out in the reception? So it's possible but that this was someone that was close to them that they knew very well and they of course lived near Cana and The disciples accompanying
Jesus are likely the five from the other day The five that we went over Andrew Peter Philip Nathanael and the anonymous disciple who was following John and then now follows
Jesus and I for one Continue to keep leaning towards the fact that this was possibly
John the Apostle the son of Zebedee was the anonymous disciple. We talked about that last time.
There's no evidence for that, but This is his gospel. He's writing it and he writes it was such detail
And of course he could have gotten that from another witness, but it seems possible that John was maybe there again
We don't know that for sure but of course those five Disciples we see they were invited to the wedding as well
And at this time we don't have any reason to believe Jesus and the disciples were invited due to some rabbinical status that Jesus had
It was very common during that time For well -known rabbis or teachers to be invited to events like these because of their status
But we just we just don't really see that Because the fact is again most of them grew up in Cana Philip grew up in Cana Three of the
Andrew Peter Nathaniel are from Bethsaida, which is very close to Cana as well So it seems that they were all invited irrespective of their connection to Jesus But now we're going to come into the current conflict of the scene go to verses 3 through 5
This is the conflict now at this wedding When the wine ran out the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine
Jesus said to her woman. What does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come
His mother said to the servants, whatever he says to you do it So wedding feasts always took place along with the ceremony in Jewish culture and These wedding ceremonies could last guess what up to seven days up to seven days a
Jewish wedding ceremony and celebration could last Sounds like a great time sounds very fun
Now there was much social pressure to come to a wedding even if you hated the family that it
That wasn't uncommon to them. That was very common Sometimes whole villages and towns would be invited to these weddings and and celebrations and Jewish weddings weren't just about two individuals getting married
It was very much about two separate families coming together often the the marriages can be arranged and decided by the elders or decided by the
The the parents and so it was very much important that these two families
Got along and they came together in such a fashion With the wedding celebration sometimes lasting as long as a whole week
The groom was the one who had to pay for it all and the groom
Had to make sure there was ample supplies for the whole week. It was on the groom in our in our culture, of course,
I don't know how that got established I should have looked that up, but the The the father of the bride and the bride's family takes care of it seems like traditionally mostly the cost of the wedding
But historically that's not always been so the groom had to have it all together
Have you ever been to a wedding where they've ran out of supplies? Anyone ever been to something like that?
I remember once being invited to a wedding and They realized they didn't order enough food so they put like this the smallest like Chicken slices on each person's plate.
They were very concerned So I have seen it and you can see people sweating and they are concerned about what they did
So you could imagine the very same thing is Happening here and just as much as it would be a big no -no for us today
It was a big deal back then to run out of food. Okay? Because of course in this in this
Culture, there was a big factor of shame and honor. Okay, so if the groom were to run out of supplies and food for the wedding celebration it was even possible that the
The the parents of the bride Could sue him they could they could take him for money
They could sue him for not giving the kind of wedding that their daughter deserved
Very interesting So wine was of course an important part of Israel's economy as They were an agrarian society, which means of course they they grew
With vineyards, they they grew all of trees made olive oil. They were an agrarian society
In many places throughout Israel vineyards would be covering the hills that was very common and Over and over again in the
Bible. We see that wine is a sign of blessing and abundance in Fact some of you might remember last year.
I posted my findings I did a large data analysis from from cover to cover on the
Word of God on the Bible going over specifically References to wine new wine strong drink fruit of the vine
Drunkard drunk and other words pointing to alcohol or inebriation.
I did a whole fully exhaustive Comprehensive data analysis on those things and it was determined that 59 % of the time those terms are used in the
Bible They're used in conjunction with good things or blessings 59 % of the time 4 % of the time there was a sort of neutral description of the item and Then only 37 % of the time those words had negative connotations or warnings against drunkenness so 59 % versus 37 % positive versus negative ultimately throughout scripture it shows that In many descriptions of blessing and times of abundance
That word wine came out that they would have many wine that they would grow many grapes and have wonderful harvests and they would they would have great wine and that's really the
What we see throughout even the Lord's Supper is a big aspect of that Now some scholars believe wine was often diluted in water
Okay, but it was still Determined after that dilution of water to be as strong as a five five percent
Alcohol, which would be kind of like a beer that we have today Okay Then undiluted wine was much higher in alcohol content and possibly could be considered strong Drink the more it fermented
Okay All that to say of course this sermon is not going to be about alcohol or the liberty liberties that we have
You can of course use your own conscience and the Word of God To decide if you will partake in the fruit of the vine.
Just know that that's what the word says not to be a drunkard but to participate freely
And if I could point out one more thing Some say the wine of the Old Testament wasn't enough to get one drunk
Then it begs the question. Why would there be so many warnings against drunkenness if that makes sense, okay?
Because that is a huge thing. Oh, it was all grape juice back then It was never anything that could actually get you drunk
But there is so many verses especially in my analysis that say they're staggering
They are vomiting things like that. And of course that is rejected against God God hates that sort of that sort of drinking but then again
He talks about wine in a good way in many blessings of ways. So I digress at This point in our scene they have run out of wine
And the mother of Jesus reports it to him. We're out We're out of wine
This could create big problems for the groom Especially if they are only a few days into the wedding feast if they're only day two into out of days seven days
What is he gonna? What is he gonna do? They're out of wine Now some speculate as to what
Mary expected when she told this to Jesus Why did Mary report this to Jesus?
And some say she was expressing her dismay at them running out of wine and it was simply just that They've run out.
Oh boy, isn't this terrible sort of thing? others say that she's been used to seeing the small miracles that Jesus had performed throughout his life and So she wants him to flex some of that power.
Come on Jesus. I know you can just do something. Okay? right, and that's kind of the the heart of these
Gnostic Gospels that we see that Jesus as a teenager or a boy was always doing these
These different miracles, but that's of course not in the Bible. Okay?
It doesn't seem likely that that's the case of why Mary is bringing this up to him What is possible is
Since the last time we heard of Joseph Mary's husband That was when
Jesus was 12 and they found Jesus at the temple when they were Looking for him when they thought him he was to be lost and the possibility is that since that's the last time we hear of Joseph in that way in the age of Jesus's life
That it's possible now at this point Joseph is dead We just don't know we simply don't know that seems plausible
She is a widow and she looks to her oldest son as she is used to coming to him as some sort of assumed head of household
Because again, you don't see Joseph throughout the Gospels You don't see him Coming to the cross as well as his mother you don't see
When it says there are your mother and your brothers and your sisters Joseph isn't present there some some speculate
That at this point she was relying upon her oldest son Jesus That is definitely possible when you see at the end of this gospel when
Jesus is on the cross. He points to John And he points to Mary his mother and he says behold woman your son and behold
Your mother to the disciple and so Jesus is concerned about the welfare of his mother after he is on the cross and goes into the grave to be raised again
So I'm going to say it again. We don't know for sure the point is
Jesus is now involved Jesus has been reported to about what has happened.
The problem is before him and Jesus says woman, what does that have to do with us?
And So I want to provide some context Woman here in this language is neither disrespectful nor is it very endearing?
Okay? Some have said it's akin to saying ma 'am But maybe not even so much saying ma 'am, okay, it's
I think there's a specific purpose here. He's saying woman like this and This by the way is gune
Which is where we get the word gyna gune. It's how it said in the Greek and so he says woman and Then he then he says a common
Jewish idiom that is throughout the rest of the New Testament. He says Woman what does this have to do with us?
Which is to say what is common to you and me with this what do you and I have to do with this and It is not a rebuke or a rejection
But neither is it a welcoming statement? Once again, it's not very endearing and it's not extremely
Rebuking it is somewhere in the middle Jesus is patient He is gracious and kind and that is what we ought to believe here
Some have taken these verses and said how could Jesus speak to his mother this way?
We've got to understand their culture cultural context and What is ultimately happening here?
There is no there is not to be a negative or hostile tone inferred here
I just want to make that clear Ultimately, this is it The will of God is to prevail in Jesus and Mary's relationship now in a more profound way
He's got to be about his father's Business she had given birth to him.
She nursed him She taught Jesus how to do small things as a child and now
She has come to rely upon him possibly as the leader of the home as Joseph is dead
But his public ministry has started something different has happened something has shifted
The purpose of his coming wasn't simply to be her son, but it was to show that he is the
Son of God And carry out his mission of redemption for his people
The prologue I We look together we saw that he is the unique Son of God and he is working for his father
Not for his earthly mother So her name isn't mentioned here for that reason
I believe and he doesn't call her mother here He calls her
Gune. He calls her woman One commentator states it is a remarkable fact
That everywhere Mary appears during the course of Jesus's ministry Jesus is at pains to establish distance between them
If you look at all their interactions, there's some level of distance he's creating between his mother and this is not callousness on Jesus's part as Of course we saw and I stated he makes provisions for her when he's on the cross
But she like every other person must come to him as the promised Messiah now
He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and that's how she has to approach him now
No one will be able to sidetrack Jesus now To the very end his face is set like flint
Towards his mission and Even his mother has to come to grips with that Everything now is viewed inside of the coming cross
He says his hour has not yet come What does he mean by that The hour is not yet That phrase is said multiple times all the way up until chapter 12 then something happens and After chapter 12 moving forward.
It says that his time has come So What is he saying
She tells him they've run out of wine and he's essentially saying my time of crucifixion
Resurrection and exaltation has not yet come And it's not that he's not able to act
When he says my hour has not yet come. It's that he cannot act in the fullest measure
In maybe the way that she's expecting That is not yet.
It is reserved for later His making water into wine isn't at the obligation of his mother, but his desire to act must now
Only come from the prerogatives and will of his father He will act now, but he won't act because she told him he'll act because him and his father's will is aligned at this point
She tells the servants Whatever he says to you do it. She's not offended by his words
She knows She receives it. Okay. It's I get it
She turns to the servants You better do all that he says She knows now
You get what I'm getting you get what I'm saying There's been a transition here for her so She tells the servants
She repositions and even Carson says in verse 3
Mary approaches Jesus as his mother but in verse 5 she now responds as a believer
As a believer she has submitted the situation to him. It's in his hands now
And although they didn't want any shame to occur at this wedding feast due to the lack of supplies
Jesus knows that the ultimate shame and spectacle making must occur at the cross before the divine
Wedding feast can take place Go to verses 6 through 8.
Let's move on It says now there were six stone water pots set there for the
Jewish custom of purification containing 20 or 30 gallons each
Jesus said to them fill the water pots with water So they filled them up to the brim
And he said to them Draw some out now and take it to the head waiter.
So they took it to him. Excuse me
It literally says In the Greek Each pot held two to three measures.
That's what it says Some have calculated that to be 20 or 30 gallons
But some even consider two to three measures to be possibly 60 to 90 gallons.
These were Whether they're 20 to 30 gallons or 60 to 90. These were huge pots.
These were large pots These vessels could hold a lot of liquid now, here's the thing stone pots
Didn't become unclean like earthenware vessels And in this case, they were preferred over earthenware for that very reason if you go to Leviticus 11 verse 33
It says and if any unclean thing falls into any earthenware vessel
All that is in in it shall be unclean and you must break the earthenware vessel
But it was determined that stone wouldn't be like that Earthenware would get unclean and dirty you'd have to break it
Stone could be reused for cleansing ritual and That's what these pots were used for.
These pots were previously filled with water for cleansing. Okay Each guest likely had water poured over their hands or they came as they came into the wedding ceremony
They went they went to the pots and they maybe they put their hands in or water was poured over We're not completely sure before they ate
Any food before they touched any food they must have ritual cleansing That's what occurring.
What is occurring here? and We saw that even in the synoptic Gospels mark 7 says
For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they're they wash their hands properly holding to the tradition of the elders remember when the disciples of Jesus pick grain heads in the field and they're eating
There's the Pharisees and the Jews saying your disciples haven't washed their hands They're not doing the law of the elders and it's so it's that sort of thing here
Now we're coming to the point of the miracle These pots church represent the state of the people at this wedding feast.
I Told you John has a specific reason for sharing this account and this is part of it
The pots represent the state of the people at this wedding feast. In fact, they represent the state of all people
We are unclean we need cleansing and We need something longer lasting than just water we need something that is permanent and The water pots are the old ways of Jewish religious custom
But Jesus is going to replace the purification water with something newer and far better So an imperative is made to the servants fill the water pots with water
And the immense amount of water turned into wine points to Something very specific it points to the rich and abundant messianic age
The wine points to the messianic age and it's all throughout the prophets the major and minor prophets
Here's just a few to show that According to the prophets. This is the age where there will be a time when wine flows freely and plentifully.
It says Amos Amos 9 13 through 15 says behold days are coming declares the
Lord When the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed
The mountains shall drip sweet wine The mountains shall drip sweet wine and all the hills shall flow with it
I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them
They shall plant vineyards and drink their wine and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit
I will plant them on their land and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them
Says the Lord your God and so even Jesus in the
Gospels has these moments Where he gives
Symbolic reference to the messianic age and wedding feast especially in Matthew 22 and Matthew 25 those are
Moments where we see the bride and bridegroom But these servants had drawn water from a place
From a well, I'm sorry from a well to place it into ceremonial cleansing pots
In a sense, this is what has been done for centuries But now that the
Messiah has come they will draw from the cleansing pots something new They put water into the pots, but now they will draw something different out
Now they draw for the messianic banquet and this wedding celebration
Symbolizes the wedding feast we the bride of Christ will have with him The supreme and holy bridegroom is
Jesus And the pots are filled to the very brim it says
And it's I believe that it's filled to the brim to show that there's no more need for ceremonial cleansing
There's no no more room. They're overflowing They're used now for something different The act is complete
One has come who will cleanse all unclean things and purify them by his blood
The wine symbolizes two things in this way they symbolizes the messianic banquets and Christ cleansing blood
That is what we are to see with these these pots Will never need to be filled with water for purification again never
Never again will they need to be filled that way what was once for purification is now for celebration
Jesus has come Jesus provides a solution To the conflict in this historical context he immediately provides wine for the groom true
But ultimately he does it as well in a cosmological context the same way
So he makes another imperative For the servants to draw some out now and take you to the head steward
The head over the banquet, that's who this would have been Head waiter is probably not the best translation.
It would have been Rk Rk is like some Archetype, you know, he is he's the highest steward in this wedding ceremony.
He is Over the whole thing in a sense so He takes it to him
The servants and the word now Shows a change has been made
Draw some out now Now because something has happened It's pointing to a greater
Transformation that is occurring the wine comes out of the stone pot This indicates that purification won't simply be external anymore
It won't just be on the outside It'll take place within There needs to be internal cleansing in each person and only
Christ can do that It's not the law or tradition of the elders nor is this
Change of blood flesh or of man, but of God This is a heavenly change
That's what Jesus is pointing to and making the water into wine
That we need transformation We need change We need cleansing and he can perform that cleansing and he can make us into something new something better.
And that's What we're seeing Excuse me
This even gives us some context to the bread of life passages that we'll see later in John 6 when he says whoever
Feeds on my flesh and drinks. My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day there will be context to that when
Jesus says that and this kind of points to that transformative aspects of what
Jesus Does in his work on the cross? But let's move on to verses 9 and 10
It says when the head waiter tasted the water which had become wine and did not know where it came from But the servants who had drawn the water knew the head waiter called the bridegroom and said to him every man serves the good wine first and When the people have drunk freely then he serves the poorer wine, but you have the kept the good wine until now
So the head steward tastes the wine and he is perplexed What is this
How is this Where did this come from? Where was this found? This is great wine.
He did not know where the wine came from Because it was of such high quality
Where did this come from And so the head steward approaches the bridegroom is again
The bridegroom was the one responsible for all the supplies food and drink for the wedding ceremony and approaches the bridegroom
And some try to argue that it was still just water and the head steward was making a joke believe it or not
Some liberal theologians will say that he was just making a joke to the bridegroom that it's still just water and there was no
Miracle that actually took place It's just ridiculous And you know why we know that that's not true because the root word become
Where it says when the head waiter tasted the water which had become wine that word has the root you know, my
You know, my is the same root for the word agonetto Which I taught you guys especially in the prologue of John that agonet agonetto means
Recreation means creation of something and so this is this is water that had completely changed
Into wine. This is something new something was created afresh and we continue to see this work of recreation by the
Son of God and This is by no means a difficult task for Jesus. This is easy
This is fine This is not a problem for him turning water into wine
Jesus can change the properties of material items because he made them
He can manipulate creation as the Creator It says that he sustains all things by the word of his power.
And so by his word he can change them as well He can tell a fig tree to wither away all at once and it will wither at his word
He can tell the the the storm and the rain to calm and the sea to calm and it will obey him
He can multiply bread and fish by his word He can heal people he can clear the
The flesh from wounds he can clear the flesh from leprosy He can make dead and lifeless hearts beat again
He's Jesus He can do all this He is the Creator Elisha needed
God to multiply the oil But Jesus is God and is able to do those things not on a borrowed power but on his in his own omnipotent nature and it is ironic to me that the head steward in the in The bridegroom himself those in charge of such things as food and drink don't know where it came from They're supposed to know but they don't the two most important people
In a wedding ceremony who should know about supplies who should know about These things don't know where this has come from such is the reversal of the kingdom of God the exalted become humbled and the humbled become exalted and Ultimately what we're supposed to see here.
Is that Jesus is the master of the ceremony? Jesus is the star of the show even if they don't recognize it.
That's what John is showing us but The man goes to the bridegroom
The head steward indicates what is commonplace at a wedding feast This is very typical.
This is how it goes. He says When the people are drunk or inebriated from the good wine you bring out the inferior wine and By the way, that's what the
Greek literally says here the NASB and other translations add a lot of words
The italics are gone here But really what exactly is being said here is not when the people have drunk freely
It literally says when the people are inebriated Then you bring out the inferior wine
Now the fact is We don't know if these people were drunk
The text doesn't say if these people were currently drunk nor does it say what level of inebriation?
They are at the point John is making and relaying this part of the account. Is that Jesus's wine is far superior than to the others
That's the point That's what we should get out of this By now the head stewards palate is probably a little weak if he's been drinking some of this wine, too
When one drinks alcohol Sometimes they are numb to to a good palate their taste buds become weaker, right?
and so even this Master steward can taste this wine and know that it is far superior
That it is much better That Jesus's wine tastes incredible to him.
These men are caught unaware with this wine But who isn't caught unaware
Jesus He is the true bridegroom who makes sure the wine of the kingdom never runs dry
John the Baptist Identifies Jesus as such in John 3. It says the one who has the bride is the bridegroom
The friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice
Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. This is John the Baptist talking about his association with Jesus calling
Jesus the bridegroom and You see that all throughout the
Gospels and even in some of the epistles and especially in the Revelation that Jesus is the bridegroom
Jesus Says that he is the bridegroom. He says when the when the bridegroom is here, then my disciples will fast
I'm sorry when the bridegroom leaves then then my disciples will fast but the bridegroom is here if you remember that so he he identifies himself as such and The honor of this great wine belongs to Jesus not to the groom who is at this wedding in Cana the glory and the honor of this fantastic wine belongs to the
Lord Jesus and The fact is the messianic age has arrived and it's being fulfilled before their very eyes.
That's that's really what we're supposed to see Isaiah 25 verse 6 the Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain a banquet of aged wine choice pieces with marrow and refined aged wine
That's Isaiah 25 Joel chapter 2 verse 19 The Lord will answer and say to his people behold
I am going to send you grain new wine and oil and you will be satisfied in full with them
And I will never again make you a reproach among the nations So from the moment
Jesus steps into this wedding, they may not know it, but he eclipses everyone else
It is about Jesus He is the main character of this scene
He is the one who gets all the glory John's point is that even though the head steward honored the bridegroom.
It is Jesus who receives the honor It is Jesus who is to be celebrated and there of course at weddings are
Speeches honoring the groom and the bride there are award shows to display Honor and prestige to people with high achievements
Most of those of course are concerned with self -promotion but not
Jesus and Maybe that's what he meant when he says my time is not yet Jesus didn't walk out with the wine and say the
Messiah is here because he says my time is not yet What did Jesus do he stayed in the background and lowly servants saw that he made water into wine
That's what we're seeing That reversal, but he's so humble
His exaltation is not yet. It's coming so behind the scenes
He does this The bride the church will give praise to no one else save him
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and the whole world will know his name
That is coming Revelation 19 verse 7 through 9 says let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory
For the marriage of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready
And it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen bright and pure and the angel said to me write this
Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb And he said to me these are the true words of God we're going from wedding to wedding
We're going from garden to garden we're going from wedding banquets celebration to Celebration That's the point of the messianic age it hasn't been inaugurated and it's going to consummate at one point
So let's finish up in verse 11 This beginning of his signs
Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him
John uses this last verse To package the whole thing up He even restates some of verse 1 here it says this arcane sign or miracle arcane is in the
Anarthurus So it doesn't mean first sign The word beginning is arcane
Okay There's something significant here This is the first of many signs wonders and miracles, but it is also chief among The others in that it is the inauguration of grace
The kingdom of God is now going to be established upon the earth. It starts with this
It starts with the wedding feast. And like I said, it ends with a wedding feast And although this is the first of his signs
Jesus simply calls them his works These are my works he says and so these weren't things he did for his own amusement
These weren't this wasn't something where Jesus really just wanted to help them out and and Make sure this groom wasn't shamed which that was of course a byproduct
That is an example of grace But everything was purposeful every single sign and wonder and miracle is calculated and purposeful
Each one has more results and fruit to it than the immediate Supernatural witness the disciples may have thought in the moment that the sign was just about water turning into wine, but soon the disciples would find out that there's more to this act and So according to John two things came as a result of this number one
It manifested his glory to make water into wine Of course, he's been trying to tell us
This that the glory goes beyond this moment it indicates a transformative force has entered into the world and then number two
His disciples and believed in him at the witness of this miracle It manifested his glory and they believed
Carson says the glory was not visible to all who had seen the miracle The glory cannot be identified with the miraculous display the servants saw the sign but not the glory
The disciples by faith perceived Jesus's glory behind the sign and they put their faith in him
Now we hope that the servants saw and did repent and turn to Jesus, but it doesn't say that and the point is
Many many throughout Jesus's public ministry are gonna see signs and wonders and miracles
They're gonna even see him raise people from the dead But they're not going to be able to see the glory
They won't see it they can see those things and still not believe
This points of course back to the prologue and verse 14.
It says we saw his glory glory as of the monogamous of the father full of grace and truth and Jesus told them remember
He said you will see the heavens open. You're going to see the glory You're going to see the angels of God ascend and descend upon the
Son of Man He promised them they would see Beyond what he told Nathanael they would see greater things
So the glory isn't in the signs themselves but in the one who performs them and They didn't believe in the sign or saw the glory of the sign
They believed in Jesus and saw his glory manifested in the sign That's the key
You and I weren't there But just as John said in chapter 20 he says these things have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the
Christ and Believing in him you may have life in his name. That is the ultimate
Point of this story and the ones that will come after That you and I would believe that Jesus is the
Christ just as the disciples did And that we would have life in his name
So I'm gonna wrap this up now in church what we see here is that Jesus takes what is common and Makes things that are exceptional
He takes things that are used for uncleanness
And he makes them into vessels of celebration He demonstrates his grace on a people undeserving as he replenishes their wine
He didn't have to do what he did He could have left them looking like fools, but it is a demonstration even of his grace
There is no longer the wedding at Cana, but the wedding of God And this shows us
Christ came for his bride the father Chooses his bride brings
Jesus his bride he draws on to Jesus Exodus 22 says this a
Dowry must be paid for the bride and You know what Jesus obeys that law
Jesus will pay a dowry for the bride. He will give his life for the bride
That is his payment To the father and he paid it in full He gives his bride new life and life eternal they start new
Jesus says he goes to prepare a place for us. This is marriage language
He is adding on to his father's house as we speak. He promises that Have your oil ready for your lamp have your adornments ready as the bridegroom is one day to be expected and Whatever is his
He will share with you Paul says we are co -heirs with Christ that we will share in the inheritance from the father
Jesus says at the Last Supper as they're of course drinking wine Jesus says truly
I say to you I Will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God So as psalm 34 bids us to taste and see that the
Lord is good We are to partake in the wine of the Messiah He points to the wine and says this cup is the new covenant in my blood drink
And that is eternal life the wine the blood is
The cleansing that we've received freely enjoy that grace freely drink in that grace church
That's what's been given. You've been transformed. You've been changed Enjoy that as you've turned to Christ and he has rescued you and so for now
We are like the disciples We've seen miracles
We have seen the things Jesus did while everyone else around us is seemingly unaware
Does it ever feel like that? it's like you have been granted to see the miracles of God in the
Bible and People can read them and look on the miracles and it's like they're blind.
It's like they can't see It's been appointed to you to see You have seen the miracles and you believe that is the difference
We the church the bride of Christ must now tell everyone what the groom has done
We must go to the farthest corners of the earth to tell people the wedding supper of the
Lamb is fast approaching and He wants complete fidelity
The bridegroom will not take the adulterous bride We are not to commit adultery with the world.
We are to stay steadfast and holy for the Lord And he will do it
He will not receive one who has other grooms The call is to repent be faithful as we wait for the
Lord as a bride for her groom and For those who do it promises this in Ephesians 5.
This is the promise of Christ We are prone to wander But Jesus is going to make a bride for himself and this is what he will do
Ephesians 5 says this Christ also has loved the church and gave himself up for her so that he might sanctify her
Having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word that he might present to himself
The church in all her glory Having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she would be holy and blameless.
He's gonna do it He's gonna make it so He's gonna preserve his bride and that brothers and sisters is
Ultimately what this count this account is truly about so Let's pray
Enjoy actually some wine Father in heaven we bless your name
Lord, please use this message that went out God it is always Seems to be a story an account that we can almost just read past and just go
Wow, yeah, he made water into wine and yet as we've seen today, this is so much more
Magnificent than we could have ever imagined that this is pointing to the Cleansing that we have received.
This is pointing to the messianic age that you have inaugurated and That will come into full realization at your coming
So Lord, please preserve us as your bride Spotless and unblemished
Help us God to be ready for your arrival or Jesus We pray this all in your mighty name.