Bloodguiltiness and Arsenokoites


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We continue in our studies in the book of Leviticus chapter 20 Leviticus chapter 20
Before we turn to the Word of God, let us pray together and ask his blessing upon our indeed
Our Heavenly Father once again as we seek to handle your word or right? We seek to honor you by hearing what your word would say
We confess our need of your spirit. We confess that we need your guidance your enlightenment
Your spirit to be with us Protect us from disturbance from distraction
Help this time to be a time where we are made to be better servants of Jesus Christ For it is in his name that we pray
Amen certainly over the past Number of months.
I'm not sure when we began this series We have many times wrestled with difficult texts from God's law
We have sought to do so as a people who honor God's law who?
Recognize that that law continues to have a very important function of guiding and revealing to us what it is that God would have us to do to reveal his holiness to us and As we have done so we certainly have encountered many difficult passages, and we're not done with that But as we've come here to Leviticus chapter 20 those of you who have been with us throughout this study
Recognize that we are encountering material that in some form or another
Is somewhat repetitious. There's some new material as we pointed out But is somewhat repetitious of what we had seen in Leviticus chapter 18
Last week I had mentioned that pretty much with One small exception pretty much everything here is what we had seen in Leviticus chapter 18
But in that context it had been These were the sins that were committed by the people of the land and as for this reason the land spewed them out and here in chapter 20 now we have the very specific application of providing a law and Penalties for those who would commit these sins amongst the people of Israel And so we looked especially last week.
It seemed rather providential. I would say that with the releasing of the videos that placed such a
Spotlight upon the Destruction the wanton destruction of unborn children in our land
That it was appropriate to take some time to look at one of the longest sections that talked about the horrific worship of Moloch the causing to pass through the fire of the children and the offspring and it did seem indeed appropriate to spend a little more time there than maybe we would have otherwise in light of Events within our own culture, but we also in the
Sunday evening service I continued on and we work through verse 9 and the cursing of father or mother
And the penalty attached thereto and so this morning we want to Look at verses 10 and following.
I'm not sure exactly how far we will get again There is much here that we have seen before and so I I don't want to I recognize that everyone here was here for our studies of ludicrous at chapter 18, so I do not want to in any way communicate to you that there is a
Lesson lesser importance to be attached to this chapter than there was to the 18th chapter but just to point out that we've been working through this material for a while now and and Therefore we're sort of in a position to be able to look at some broader issues based upon what we've already covered
Though we will of necessity have to spend Sometime on verse 13 for obvious reasons in light of the situation we face in our land today
But Leviticus chapter 20 beginning at verse 10 If there is a man who commits adultery with another man's wife one who commits adultery with his friend's wife
The adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death If there is a man who lies with his father's wife and has uncovered his father's nakedness
Both of them shall be surely be put to death Their blood guiltiness is upon them if there is a man who lies with his daughter -in -law
Both of them shall surely be put to death they have committed incest their blood guiltiness is upon them
If there is a man who lies the male as those who lie with a woman Both of them have committed a detestable act they shall surely be put to death
Their blood guiltiness is upon them if there is a man who marries a woman and her mother it is immorality
Both he and they shall be burned with fire So there will be no immorality in your midst if there is a man who lies the animal he shall surely be put to death
You shall also kill the animal if there is a woman who approaches any animal to mate with it You shall kill the woman and the animal they shall surely be put to death
Their blood guiltiness is upon them if there is a man who takes his sister his father's daughter or his mother's daughter
So he sees her nakedness and she sees his nakedness It is a disgrace and they shall be cut off in the sight of the sons of their people
He has uncovered his sister's nakedness He bears his guilt if there is a man who lies the menstruous woman and uncovers her nakedness
He is laid bare her flow and she has exposed the flow of her blood thus both of them shall be cut off from among their
People you shall also not uncover the nakedness of your mother's sister or of your father's sister For such a one has made naked his blood relative
They will bear their guilt if there is a man who lies his uncle's wife He has uncovered his uncle's nakedness.
They will bear their sin They will die a childless if there is a man who takes his brother's wife. It is abhorrent
He has uncovered his brother's nakedness They will be childless you are therefore to keep all my statutes and all my ordinances and do them
So the land to which I am bringing you to live will not spew you out Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation
Which I will drive out before you for they did all these things and therefore I abhorred them Hence I have said to you you are to possess their land and I myself will give it to you to possess it a land
Flowing with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God who has separated you from the people's
You are therefore to make a distinction between the clean animal and the unclean Between the unclean bird and the clean you shall not make yourselves
Detestable by animal or by bird or by anything that creeps on the ground which I have separated for you as unclean
Thus you are to be holy to me for I Yahweh am holy and I have set you apart from the people's to be mine
I know there's another verse but it goes along with other materials. So we will stop our reading there in chapter 20 now there are a couple things that we need to get to obviously if we want to and again my my purpose my my primary purpose in this particular study is to seek to make sure that the members of the
Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church are Prepared to give a meaningful
Solid consistent knowledgeable answer for why we believe the things we believe in regards to sexual morality the function of God's law the righteousness of God's dealings with his people and Obviously in our day we live amongst a lawless people
We live amongst two people who Detest the rule of law in Toto I mean we live in a day where what the law says and what it means can be
Overthrown by a single Supreme Court decision for example the words don't mean anything anymore
And we live amongst two people that in particular are in full -scale open knowledgeable rebellion against God's law the
Honor that was given to scripture and to the law of God in decades past and generations past itself has passed away and instead there is not just in Those in the land who would normally be considered at the fringes or to be rebellious themselves
But in the very highest offices in the very Leaders of our country from the top whether it be the executive branch or the legislative branch or the judicial branch
It does not matter you have individuals in the highest offices and all of these branches who openly and with with unabashed zeal proclaim ungodliness and Seek to cause ungodliness to flourish in the land that is the situation that we face today
I do not know how anyone can argue against that who at least believes that The Christian scriptures the
Old and New Testaments that these are in fact the word of God and of course we know that Very few people really do believe that any longer with that in mind
There will be many who will ask us why? we would take the positions that we do and so we've been trying to do is to demonstrate that there is a
Consistent methodology that we can utilize to handle the word of God That those who would say that you are just picking here and picking there, and you're ignoring this and you're ignoring that well
We're not ignoring anything. We're working through these texts, and we are seeking to Understand and make application and at the same time to be wise to be prepared
Because there are particular Arguments and there are particular Subjects that will be brought up over and over and over again.
You can't say homosexuality is wrong if you reach shellfish You can't say homosexuality is wrong if you wear polyester all these kinds of arguments
Are there they are being repeated over and over again?
I Doubt there's almost anyone in this room that has not already heard that very kind of argument being used
And instead of frustration or instead of simply condemning the person's ignorance
What we need to be able to do is to explain this person in the prayerful
Hope that God will use the application of his word to bring repentance and faith we need to explain
What the word of God is actually saying and to be able to do that each one of us knows? That we cannot simply have studied one verse in a chapter
But we need to know how that verse functions in the chapter We need to understand the flow of the text, and I do not believe that that is too difficult for any
Believer in Jesus Christ who is indwelt by the Spirit of God that is not just something that well
Preceding generations may have left that to the elders and the professors and so on and so forth that is no longer an option for any of us in our day
Each and every one of us must understand these things and so we have We've been working through some difficult material
And it's it doesn't make for easy flowing sermons or anything of the like and in fact
Let me just mention before we begin looking at verse 10 that I came very very close this morning to completely changing our subject when
I went to bed last evening, I thought I was going to and it was Not until this morning that I really said no.
I've got a I've got to stay the course here and I have decided to address a very important issue
But I just I'll be honest with you. I'm sure pastor Fry could do it Maybe some of the rest of you could even do it
But I'm just not smart enough to figure out how to address one particular subject in the form of sermons and So what
I'm going to do is I'm going to address one of the particular subjects that we will
Encounter especially as we move over to the book of Deuteronomy for the rest of our study of the of the law
I'm going to address it in the Sunday morning Sunday schools And what we will do is we will when they are posted on sermon audio
We'll simply make them a part of the holiness code series So we'll link them that way
So that if someone wants to listen to that, they'll still be able to find that material It's just that this material will be in Sunday school that's what we do before the morning service for just a few who might not know what that is and You'd be invited to come
And to join us for that particular gathering and that subject
I'm not sure what I'm gonna be able to get to it. Most of you know that The end of this month I will be gone most of September I will be living overseas
Basically, I have an 18 -day trip to teach in Zurich Switzerland and in Kiev Ukraine I'm home for exactly 14 days and then
I'm gone for about the equal amount of time to Johannesburg Durban, South Africa To teach and debate there
So I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to this But we are going to have to and I will encourage those of you who have found this series to be useful
To come to the Sunday school. It's one thing to listen online. It's another thing to actually be there. It really is
We will be addressing the issue of slavery in the Bible now that is
Not an easy topic. That's why I said I could not possibly figure out how to make it sermonic
Because you have to draw together so many streams of material there are so many different texts to look at and there's so much background material as to all the different kinds of slavery that have existed in human history and What Hebrew slavery was and the fact that the
Hebrew slave was treated differently than a foreign slave and what was the year of Jubilee and it was just there was just there's just so many things
We have to address it for two reasons first of all, there's a tremendous amount of ignorance on the subject there's a tremendous amount of ignorance on the subject and that is exacerbated by the fact that in our own land
We have a history with slavery and people just assume that the
American experience of slavery was identical to the ancient Hebrew experience, which of course it was not the
Hebrew form of slavery Roman form of slavery the American form of slavery all had fundamental differences between them and Those are all issues that will have to be addressed
The second reason is is that everybody knows or should know that one of the primary?
Arguments being used today as well. The church has come to have a better understanding of certain issues and Therefore should continue to and here's this wonderful terms being used they evolve in its understanding on sexual morality the nature of marriage
Etc. Etc. Etc as well. And so I think it's vitally important almost did it this morning said no
It just I I'm not prepared for that It would have to be too brief too short, and I don't want to leave you with a with a major hole in That presentation that might cause you issues as you seek
To address these things in the future in your own Yes Your own ministry to those around you whether it be your ministry to your family as a father answering your children's questions
Neighbors friends relatives, whatever else it might be And so we will do that in the
Sunday school hour, and I will try to let you know when that will be now again beginning of verse 10 of Leviticus chapter 20 we see pretty much the same list of sexual sins that we saw in Leviticus chapter 18 and so I want to focus upon the seriousness of these sins
The land spewed the for the previous nations out which is repeated here in Leviticus chapter 20 the land spewed these nations out
For not just once in a while committing these sins But for the fact that these sins became definitional and descriptive of their very lives and their very culture and Therefore when you have these sins appearing amongst those who are to be called by the name of Yahweh They are the covenant people of God There is no provision provided Within this context for anything other than the death penalty for these individuals
We know in a story that I Would say it was not original, but very very popular in the gospel of John as we've discussed before in other contexts
The story that ends up in all the Jesus movies in various forms whether it belongs there or not but certainly that it was a popular story about the woman taken in adultery and The background anyways of that story would be this text right here
That the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death and of course has been mentioned many times
That even in the story as it appears in later manuscripts Someone was missing that is the adulterer only the adulteress appears in that particular story but one of the
Concepts that I want to make sure we understand is did you notice the repetition of a particular phrase?
now you have Different ways of saying it they shall bear their guilt is one way, but then there is a phrase that I'm afraid especially in our modern day where a lot of us don't read a lot of older books
As we probably should the phrase blood guiltiness appears
So for example in verse 11 if there is a man who lies his father's wife He has uncovered his father's nakedness both of them shall surely be put to death their blood guiltiness is upon them verse 12 where you have when it says they have
Committed incest the actual Hebrew term there is The same term it was used back in Leviticus 18 in talking about bestiality.
It's is the term tevil which means confusion It is a sort of a sub term of the term to a va abomination but that has an emphasis upon the idea of the the violation of proper and appropriate
Nash natural categories and so it says they have committed an act of Confusion an act of violating boundaries or in this case
It is then translated in some translations as incest and what comes immediately thereafter
Their blood guiltiness is upon them and even in verse 13 but we're going to have to spend some time on for the obvious reason that it is
If we're not quoting it it may be being quoted to us these days in speaking of Homosexuality after saying they shall surely be put to death their blood guiltiness is upon them
Now that term is not exactly a term that we utilize in everyday conversation with one another and so we need to be careful that Especially as we're addressing this subject if we quote a verse or if they even quote a verse to us
Do they understand what the background of that term is? We may be somewhat more comfortable using the terminology, but do we even understand what it means when it says?
Their blood guiltiness is upon them. What is blood guilt? well
You may recall that last Lord's Day in the Old Testament reading
There was a discussion of the Sanctuary cities, and it's it's comes up in a couple of different places in the
Old Testament reading and if you've read through if you've been
Listening on Sunday evenings as we read through the Old Testament you start getting the idea that there is this person called an avenger and He was to avenge the death of a member of the family or of the clan or of the tribe and Certainly in our day the idea of the connectedness of family clan tribe is completely gone
I mean I Suppose there are some sports analogies in certain cities
If if you live in Green Bay, Wisconsin There is almost a tribe there, okay
If you if you live in Auburn there is a tribe there, okay?
It's it's only exists during college. It's college football season, but it exists trust me
Dallas Texas whatever else it might be here in Phoenix this is the farthest thing from our understanding of things because Most people in Phoenix.
Just you know there's there's so much transition You know maybe you live in a neighborhood where there's a little more stability, but I certainly don't
I? People go in and out of houses so fast that you you hardly even know who's who?
anymore and so the idea of And now today our families are so spread out people you know move away from home.
There's so much more mobility You have to remember that for the vast majority of human experience
People did not move more than Seven to fifteen miles during the medieval period is only about seven miles any one direction for where they were born their entire life their whole world was circumscribed by that that relatively small circle and So that meant you knew your family you knew everybody in your family, and there would be very strong family ties and especially in the ancient world in the
Semitic world amongst you would have these tribes and These tribes had fierce loyalty to one another and and these tremendously tight connections
So that if one of them was killed There was a debt on The part of the the members of their tribe of their clan to avenge the death
It was considered part of the justice system when there were not strong Centralized governmental systems that would have courts of law and things like that It was just it was just a it was considered absolutely necessary to to act as a restraint upon the evil of man
Now we don't live in that context anymore and it's and it's real easy for us to just sort of stick our noses in the air and and look at those folks as as Savages but of course
They would look at us as Savages they really would They would wonder where's your sense of honor?
Where is your sense of duty? Where is the sense of human connectedness?
Why do you not honor your father and your mother? Why do you not honor those who've come before you?
they truly would look at us as if we are the savages and So when you keep that in mind blood guiltiness was initially the idea that a sin has been committed that would that would
Draw be derived from the sickness the initial sin was that the shedding of blood which would then
Bring this guiltiness upon someone that they're bearing blood guiltiness and the
Avenger would have the right To bring vengeance upon that person now it
Expands beyond that to a whole realm of sins That are so grievous that they they require the penalty of death and that the person having committed it knows this and Therefore they bear their own blood guiltiness that is when the penalty of the law is brought to bear against them
Those that bring that penalty to bear There there's no vengeance against them
The blood guiltiness is born by the person who committed the act that was so heinous
That they in essence are bringing about their own death. They bear their own blood guiltiness
It does not go upon those who would bring that penalty to bear upon them So it became a phrase that in essence says their condemnation is just and when
When the penalty for their heinous deeds is brought to bear against them
Justice will be done because they are the ones who bear their own blood guiltiness and so there was a there is an essence a statement being made
That those who commit these things recognize the grave penalty
That must be brought to bear for this kind of activity and hence the statement is being made they know and when judgment is brought to bear this is a just thing and So that leads us to consideration of verse 13.
It's not the first time we've read it And in fact on a Sunday evening,
I remember discussing the importance of this text in our understanding of the
New Testament and our understanding of what a certain term in The New Testament means and I'm not obviously on a
Sunday morning going to ask you to tell me what that is But I hope if you've been taking good notes as I'm certain that certain people in the second row always
If you've been taking good notes That you know, I'm talking about the term arson a coitus and that that term is found in 1st
Timothy and in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and that the background of Paul's use of that term which people will tell you today.
Oh, it's a disputed term Scholars aren't really certain what it means. No scholars are absolutely certain
What arson a coitus means in the New Testament at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 to 11
They're absolutely certain what it means when Paul uses it in writing to Timothy but there are politics even amongst biblical scholars these days believe it or not and So there has been a full -scale attempt to insert confusion
Into an issue where there is no confusion at all When you look at the
Greek Translation called the Greek Septuagint of Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 you find the two key
Elements of that term arson oz and coitin you find them right next to each other right there in the
Greek Septuagint Paul or a rabbi before him has drawn directly from the biblical text
That they were using in teaching in the Diaspora outside of Israel itself outside of those who would be able to read
Hebrew or Aramaic or something like that Who are dependent upon that Greek translation?
they've drawn drawn directly from the language of that text these terms to describe a male who goes to bed with another male as What would normally be done with a female the act of sexual intercourse it is clear what it's in reference to and You can stand on your head and say but they didn't have all the terminology we have today and they hadn't made up categories of gender confusion or gender dysphoria or Sexual orientation it said you can you can fill the air with your verbiage all you want to any
Honest person who wants to ask the question Does the Bible address this this issue the only possible answer to the honest person is?
Yes, and with clarity Yes, and with clarity because that's what we have and so that's the background of Paul's terminology in 1st
Corinthians chapter 6 where he says and such were some of you, but You were washed you were cleansed you were justified so on and so forth and so it's interesting to me and Remember I'll just remind you of this just so you can circle it in your notes or make remembrance of this
That's section 1st Corinthians chapter 6 where Paul lists these sins Sounds very much like he had
Leviticus 18 and 20 open in his copy of the Greek Septuagint and It comes it's a continuing discussion from 1st
Corinthians chapter 5 and what's 1st Corinthians chapter 5 about I bet you most of us Don't know simply because it's not a pleasant chapter
We know 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 because there's all sorts of neat verses in there that we want to memorize How many people want to memorize the texts in 1st
Corinthians chapter 5 where Paul is talking about incest amongst the Corinthians Not too many of us it's not exactly our favorite subject and Yet when you think about if you just step back for a moment
Paul is saying to the Corinthians It's it's it's reported to me that there is sin amongst you like that even the the pagans would blush at and it's incest well
Hmm where is that discussed in God's law because it's plainly and it's painfully obvious That Paul says the
Corinthians you should have known this You should put this evildoer out from you
Hmm where would they have gotten that instruction? Well some might theorize that well
Paul had had a special sermon on that particular subject sometime when he was with the Corinthians No, the reason they should have known that is because they had
Leviticus 18 and and it says you shall be a holy people unto the
Lord and it defines what sin is and they should know and so it's interesting that having just derived from Leviticus 18 and 20 this clear condemnation of An incestuous relationship that right after that is he then puts this list of sins together.
What does he mention? He mentions homosexuality and so many other things all of which take us back to the reality
That's when you have so many evangelicals running around who functionally only have 27 books left in their
Bible Because if it appears Before Matthew, we're not in the law.
We're under grace Well, that's a wonderful phrase as long as you keep in its right context
As a result many will go I you know, not too worried about what's over there in Leviticus Well, those folks are not really going to be in a strong position to be able to explain
Biblical ethics and morality even as practiced by the Apostle Paul And we're attempting to avoid all the excesses on both sides in regards to that particular issue.
So We've talked about verse 13 we've Mentioned its relationship
Leviticus 18 22 But it's not identical
It's not identical. Let's let's look at it briefly here in the few minutes we have left so we can
Make sure that we hear what's being said if Well, literally
Literally a Man Which and then it's the the Hebrew term for bed
Which was a metaphor for sexual intercourse? so if a man
Who Beds a man as those plural
He shot a woman to Eva Abomination Notice what it says both of them to do
Now why do I emphasize those things? Well all of the excuses that have been offered and there are a plethora of them
Well, this is only talking about temple cultic prostitution. This is only talking about this thing or that thing or the other
Very rarely when you find people immediately trying to find a way out of the text by means of Transporting us to some other text you'll never hear a meaningful discussion of the words themselves
Because It seems very clear that first of all this is without a question identifying a
Homosexual relationship it is a sexual relationship It is specifically
Speaking of males as I said I I think probably the only the only text that I would feel comfortable defending in debate as specifically and Clearly referring to female homosexuality or as it's frequently called in our day lesbianism is in Romans chapter 1 this uses the term ish for the man and Esha for woman and specifically refers to sexual activity between two men as those plural if a man there is a man who lies male as those who lie with a woman and So the direct parallel is being drawn so it is the it is the breaking of the natural sexual union and the substitution of that with a
Homosexual Union and I don't care when the term homosexual was created.
It doesn't matter when the English word was created We're talking here about Hebrew words describing something we all can recognize from thousands of years before that both of them so this is the ish and then the
Zakar the second term for male that is used there Both of them have committed to Eva a detestable act an abomination
So there isn't anything here because a lot of people say well, you know, there were a lot of There were a lot of people who would use this type of sexual activity as a means of shaming someone
It was a shame and honor society. And so the the aggressor would be shaming the other and the text refers to sex and It specifically says they both have committed to Eva.
So there is a mutuality here It's the same mutuality seen in Romans chapter 1 there is no way to get around it
Honestly, anyways, I mean if you're just desperate If you if you want to know what the text is actually saying it's very very straightforward and It specifically refers to I guess what you would call the the natural
Sexual orientation because notice it says those not as one But as those who lie with a woman the natural
Sexual union that results in children and the propagation of life and so on and so forth
That is being put aside Instead there is this
Circularity this this mirror imagedness both of them have committed to Eva and The law is that they shall surely be put to death.
Why because the last Two words in the Hebrew text their blood guiltiness is upon them
It's not upon the one who brings the penalty to bear it is upon them for engaging in this type of activity now the rest of the chapter contains other sins
That are called immorality There is one that Results in being burned with fire the very next verse if there is a man who marries a woman and her mother it is immorality
Both he and they shall be burned with fire Obviously they purposefully entered into this
So there will be no immorality in your midst Then just as in Leviticus 18 starting verse 15 you have the discussion of bestiality
The violation of the natural boundaries created by God himself in regards to our own created being and of course, what is the
Statement they shall surely be put to death their blood guiltiness is upon them It's repeated over and over again for the covenant people of God.
This kind of behavior is Not to be coddled It is not to be said to be just some other way of viewing things if these people are to be holy in the sight
Of God this kind of impurity. It's not said well he or he can offer seven rams a
Whole flock if he can somehow come up with it there there is nothing provided in that way
The ultimate penalty is brought to bear Because of the context in which these sins are committed
Amongst the covenant people of God who have received clear and unquestionable revelation as to the nature of these things
But even in the midst of all these things, isn't it interesting that verse 13 is
Described that Homosexual act is described as toeva. Oh, yeah of immorality
You have other terminology that is used Tevill is used as I mentioned confusion in the incestuous relationship but there is a specific utilization of a strong term of of detestation on God's part specifically in verse 13 in regards to homosexuality
Now what are we told well, we all know what we're told if we dare to Cite a text like this well
They just didn't know back then what we know now This is about people who are naturally heterosexual
Engaging in homosexual behavior has nothing to do with people who are naturally homosexual
Now, how do you answer something like that? Other than just simply going no uh -uh
That really doesn't lead to the most popular and most most most helpful conversations to go now.
Uh -huh. Yeah Unfortunately, that is the level of some of the conversations that take place. The question would be
Are you seeking to justify a behavior or are you seeking to understand what
God says about a behavior? That's the question If you're simply seeking to justify behavior and you have no concern about whether God has spoken about it or not
Looking to the Word of God isn't going to help you much because you're not looking at the right place You've already made up your mind and now you're just seeking some means of justification
But if you truly want to know what God says about the subject is there anything
Anywhere in Scripture Where God says anything positively about any form of Homosexual behavior anything at all and honest
Scholars and honest representatives of this position will all tell you the same thing. And so the only way around that Well, there's two ways around it
The one way that many have taken is simply to reject the authority of the Bible and we're told that's a terrible thing
Well, you don't want people you don't want people rejecting the Bible. Well, if they're not going to believe it They're already doing it.
Let's just live an honest world here. I mean, I Don't have
I would rather have an honest pagan that says it's all a bunch of mythology than a rebellious person
Who wants to pretend they're actually still believing that the Bible is the Word of God It's easier to deal with the with the full -blown rebel pagan.
That is with the hypocrite. It really is But the other way around it other than just throwing the
Bible out The other way around it is to say well Sure, there's there's nothing positively said because the writers of Scripture just didn't know that there were these people who wanted to engage in lifelong monogamous loving
Relationships with another person of the same gender now you and I both know that that kind of argument
Fundamentally Undercuts the authority of Scripture and must of necessity in short order lead to the rejection of A belief in the
Bible is Word of God. Why? Well, it's rather simple reason who wrote these words
Well, they'd like to tell you we don't know well, I thought God spoke to Moses well and You'll pretty quickly find out what their real view of inspiration the history of the
Bible is a lot of them will immediately grab hold of everything out of the Graf Wellhausen documentary hypothesis and everything else is a well
Really know there is someone named Moses and so on and so forth that they'll generally run there pretty quickly
But even if they don't go there The idea will be well, but Moses was a man of the ancient world
He didn't know what we know today and it all takes you back then to what? Scripture is the word of Moses and it is crippled in what it should have said by his ignorance
What it should have said what Jesus should have said in Matthew 19 what Paul said should have said in first Corinthians 6
It's all crippled. It's all made to be something that can be used to abuse and to hurt
All because why because in its essential nature, it's only human
It's only human. I do not believe for a second that the quote -unquote gay
Christian movement that exists today Can last for any period of time
Without becoming full -blown Heretical on every issue of the
Christian faith whether it's the Trinity deity of Christ resurrection atonement justification Doesn't matter they have no foundation
To claim that they're Orthodox. It's impossible Absolutely impossible and you watch every one of them
Watch the names James Brownson Matthew Vine David Gushy Watch them watch the churches that have come out by name give them five years and they will be fully heretical formally on numerous issues
Absolutely necessary absolutely necessary so When we look at Leviticus 2013 we are not trying to just simply pull a text out and Use it as a weapon it is right here in The Holiness Code it's we're only one chapter away from Jesus identifying a verse in Leviticus 19 as the second greatest commandment and We find the
Apostle Paul pulling from this very same text of Scripture and saying the Corinthians you should have known this
We're not playing games to try to hurt so could someone do that I've never been people who don't even have even bother to read
Leviticus 20 But found verse 13 and use it as a means of expressing their bigotry or something of course Of course there have may we never be guilty of that, but the
Other side of that is what we're being told is you cannot continue to see the central place this law
Has in biblical revelation how it's vitally important in defining the very role of Jesus Christ as a sin -bearer
You can't continue to do that because five attorneys Back east say so that's what we're being told
Well, I've got news those five attorneys someday they're going to stand before the God who wrote these words and answer for their words and so will we and Therefore we must choose what our ultimate authority is going to be
Sorry started preaching there toward the end, but I hope if you ever have these texts cited to you
That you will be one who will be able to turn to them without fear And without that feeling of going.
Oh, man. I I really don't know this text. I don't know what's around it Not us not us
Let us be people who truly handle the Word of God a right so that when we speak we can do so with confidence that We're representing our
Lord and Savior properly Let's close the word of prayer and eat our
Heavenly Father once again. We have handled your law and we are We are people who recognize you're our maker
You designed us you have the right over us You give us life
You give us everything and you have the right to define where we will find life and where we will find death
Lord we would ask That as we have opportunity that we would not speak without grace but that we would speak as those who've been saved by grace who have found the very source of life and Recognize that there are so many in our society who've been deceived.
They've been deceived by the culture of death They've been led upon pathways that will only lead them to destruction
We desire to be used by you To be instruments to lead them to a knowledge of the truth.
May we speak your truth with grace? May you bless it or?
May you bring revival to our land? We know that is the only way that we can in any way expect
Anything other than your judgment upon this land in its fullest measure Be merciful